Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Leasko on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi All
    Tried hard yesterday and did better than I have done all week. Trying to ensure that I get back on track, rereading the book!

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning Linda, sounds like you’re going great guns ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ. It’s amazing how much easier walking has become, don’t you think? Yes, the little fitness bracelets and apps help by nagging is to get up off our a**es but it must also be down to the removal of horrid sludgy carbs in our systems. I’ve NEVER been able to ‘willingly’ walk this way before. I even volunteered to walk back up the steep hill to fetch the car for the rest of the (flagging) family while we were on holiday last week.. Unheard of!!! ๐Ÿ˜†

  • posted by  c0sie on How much carbohydrate?
    on in Fast 800

    I started the 800 calorie diet using my old weight lifting macros of 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. That equated to 80g carbs per day, 80g protein per day and 18g fat per day.

    For those who may not be aware: 1g carbohydrates is equal to 4 calories, 1g protein is also equal to 4 calories, whereas 1g fat equals 9 calories.

    I have stuck to these macros for just under 2 weeks now and feel drained, and pretty crap tbh. Having read through the posts here I am definitely going to up my fat intake whilst restricting my carbs to 50g.

    My new macros look something like this: 50g carbs, 60g protein, 40g fat. That works out at a split of 30% protein, 25% carbs, 45% fat.

    I love almonds (fat), I love omelettes (fat/protein), I love quark (protein) and I love quinoa (carbs). The rest I can fill with lots of green stuff (salad, veg) and hopefully I’ll notice some mood changes soon!

  • posted by  Arcanarose on 4 week results
    on in Fast 800

    WEIGHT START POINT: 70.4 kilos
    Week 1: 68.4
    Week 2: 67.3
    Week 3: 65.9
    Week 4: 64.1
    TOTAL LOSS: 6.3 Kilos

    BMI START POINT: 34.4%
    Week 1: 33.2
    Week 2: 32.9
    Week 3: 32.4
    Week 4: 31.7
    TOTAL LOSS: 2.7%

    The BMI results above are from my BMI weighing scales. On the NHS BMI Calculator the results are much lower. My BMI start point is calculated as 29.3 [Overweight]. My current BMI is calculated as 26.7% [Overweight] but the total BMI loss is 2.6%. So at least my scales calculated the loss almost correctly at 2.7% ๐Ÿ™‚

    If anyone knows if BMI calculating scales are more correct than online calculators let me know.

    WAIST START POINT: 37 Inches
    Week 1: 35
    Week 2: 33.5
    Week 3: 33.7
    Week 4: 33.4
    TOTAL LOSS: 3.6 Inches

    BLOOD SUGAR START POINT: Prediabetic 90-107 mg/dL Range
    Week 1: 86-103 mg/dL Range
    Week 2: 87-103 mg/dL Range
    Week 3: 82-90 mg/dL Range
    Week 4: 71-90 mg/dL Range [only one 90]

    On this diet, being a vegetarian my daily carbs were between the 45-55g range. However when I analysed Dr Mosely’s meals they were in the 25-35g carbs daily range. So I removed the beans and replaced them with low-carb Quorn, Tofu, eggs and dairy from next week. I will let you know if it made a big difference.

    Overall I am happy with the results, most especially the blood sugar dropping to the 70’s range which never ever happened before. I look forward to the next 4 weeks left!

  • posted by  c0sie on Hi, from the newest overweight veggie here :)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all,

    I am a 36 year bloke from Cheltenham, always been “podgy” from my teenage years onwards, but over the last few years I’ve struggled with depression that has seen me turn to ordering takeaway pizza, or eating cheese like its going out of fashion, as some sort of pleasure mechanism in my life.

    In June 2014 I weighed 28 stone and started a 1500 calorie lifestyle change that saw me down to 19 stone by Christmas that year.

    I cycled 7 miles a day to work and back 5 days a week, went to the gym 3 days a week (spin classes/weight lifting in the evenings, and swimming in the mornings), I “learnt” to jog, then started doing Parkruns each Saturday morning and life was great! I even completed a local offroad duathlon, as well as my first ever mud run (still so proud of that).

    Then Christmas came along and I wasn’t ready for how much bad food would be put in front of my over that week and I buckled and feel off the wagon big time. I’ve never managed to get the buzz back that I had for all the exercise I used to do, and 2 years later I am typing this out at 24.5 stone.

    My Mum bought me the BSD book as a desperate attempt to reignite the passion I used to have for fitness, nutrition and weight loss, and I have been struggling to complete a full week for the last 2 weeks.

    I started the 800 calorie diet 2 weeks ago….well….I started if off on the Sunday (7th) but was still eating takeaway pizzas every night until the Thursday morning. I fasted until my Friday evening meal, fasted all day Saturday in a desperate attempt to fool the weighing scales, weighed myself on the Sunday morning and had gone down from 25st 2lb to 24st 6lb! The joys of initial water weight loss ๐Ÿ™‚

    Today is “partial” week 2. I’ve only had 2 hiccups this week so hopefully can report back a few more pounds down off my current weight.

    My depression has only really affected my weight since 2014. I don’t mention it for sympathy, I’m just a very open and honest person. It causes me to eat around my emotions and for that I have been going to a local Overeaters Anonymous meeting for the past 4 weeks to see if I can find ways of dealing with the more emotional side of me and my food.

    Next weekend is payday and I will be joining a local gym then. No swimming this time as I’m going to join one of the cheaper gyms, but lots of spin classes, pilates and resistance training ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am a vegetarian and have been since I was 3. I love Quorn and get my protein from that as well as quark (love that stuff!) and unflavoured protein powder (which helps at the gym too).

    When I went though this a few years ago I researched long and hard about nutrition, gym workout science, and intermittent fasting. I am very passionate about proper understanding of nutrition and Michael’s book hit so many happy notes with me. I am also very passionate about intermittent fasting and have followed a 16 hour fasting routine everyday since (eating from 12:30pm till 8:30pm).

    Sorry for the essay but it helps me when I type out about my situation, it makes me process it and understand where I am rather than attempting to ignore it blindly.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Good to meet you GemGem – I’ve only just started (week 3) so I’ll be interested to follow your progress! I haven’t been hungry and it is truly amazing how you just lose interest in potatoes and bread etc. If you feel like cheating get on here and read or post – it will help you focus. There are some lovely folks on here ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  LindaA on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi greenjanet
    Sorry for the delayed reply, I can’t seem to keep up with all the activity on this page! Not if I want to get out and do my walking anyway๐Ÿ˜€

    Last Wednesday was weigh in day and the start of week 18 and I hit 65kg, just 2 kilos away from my goal weight. At 5’6″ my BMI is already in the normal range at 23, but I’m just going to push it that bit further so I can fluctuate between 63kg and 65kg and not feel like I’m going over my goal.

    I intend to keep added sugar and simple carbs out of my diet forever and simply increase my calories to a level where I can maintain this weight.

    I still weigh and record everything every day and I will continue to read the posts as it really helps to keep my head in the right place.

    It’s wonderful having all that extra energy isn’t it? I find doing a 2 hour walk no trouble at all now and I’m not at all sore afterwards ๐Ÿ˜Š

    How’s your week going?

  • posted by  Dianeworthy on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Recently diagnosed t2, 55 years old and want to lose 9 STONE.
    I have been following the diet for 10 days so far and I have lost 10lbs! Absolutely over the moon!

  • Hi GemGem well done on getting started! I have found that I’m not too hungry in the mornings so I tend to stick to strawberries and raspberries with yogurt for breakfast and then eggs for lunch. I find a cheesy omelette with salad will fill me up for hours but I have to stop myself reaching for something sweet afterwards. Not because I’m really hungry but just that old habit of feeling like I need something sweet at the end of every meal…or snack…I’m glad I started the BSD whilst I have a couple of weeks off work to get in to the swing of it as I know I’ll hit a bump in the road when my son returns to school in 2 weeks and I’m confined to a desk at work for 8hours a day again. I saw lots of positive reviews for the Jawbone Up2 fitness band thingy on some other posts so I ordered one and tested it out yesterday. Good news is I slept well according to the app, bad news is I only managed 2316 steps in a whole day! What a shocker that is…but I will make sure that I do at least 3000 today (easing myself in to it of course!) Also just done ten mins on my exercise bike trying out the HIIT suggested in the book. Good job my other half is at work or I think he’d have been laughing his head off at that sight, although I’m sure my little lad will be telling him that mummy tried to break the bike when he does get home haha!

    Lucyjane I too know what you mean about being unable to enjoy the beach. On my last few holidays I refused to put on a swimming costume as I felt so self conscious and then just felt awful when my other half moaned about being on pool duty with my son all day. I’m off on holiday again at the end of October so although I have about 70lbs to lose I’d really like to see about 20lb go before that so I can brave the pool for a change.

    I’m really glad to have such a helpful bunch to chat with on these forums to keep me going – we can all do this! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Smudgie21 on Type 1 Diabetic
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hey. Sadly not yet. I’m going through a cancer scare at the moment so will get that sorted before anything else. What a week!!! Hope you’re going well. X

  • posted by  Antigone on BSD 8 Week Log
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    You’re sure to reach your goal Middleage1 – job well done. It’s really useful to see how your weeks have gone.

  • posted by  Antigone on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    BUtterlover – Brilliant! and a good new goal too – how many weeks have you done?
    Gavin – you’re doing great so get over yourself!
    Frog – glad you’ve managed to control yourself around regular folks! I didn’t do so well – meal out with friends on Friday AND Saturday!
    Monday is weigh day but I might skip it – wasn’t losing last week (week 3 – lost a half stone in first 2 weeks) and after the weekend it won’t be good. Have to say my scales are a bit rubbish – if I move about I can change the reading by more than a kilo – they were cheap in a sale! Have resolved to be REALLY strict with the calories from now on! Wonder how Lucky will get on with all that lovely food around her?

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on What's your next mini goal?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Verano, it was cheating, such a small amount, but I had a big hiccup as I was nearly there 10 days ago and went UP. So I am pleased

    Butterlover, great work. Lainey you will be there soon

  • posted by  Verano on What's your next mini goal?
    on in Welcome to the BSD


    Our first poster to reach a mini goal ….. well done ruthdownunder. I know it was only a small goal but it was a goal. Best of luck with the next one.

    Butterlover … great to get to your goal. If I had a ยฃ for every pound I’ve lost, regained and lost again I’d be very wealthy!!!! I think that there are many people here who have, at one time or another, been in that same place. Here’s to the next 5.

    Hi Lainey …. good luck. Hope it’s down into the 90’s soon.

  • posted by  Verano on Need support to get back in line
    on in Fast 800


    Fage yogurt is also known as ‘Total’. It’s very creamy in fact it is almost like ‘cream’, very yummy. I’ve not tried the Aldi one but I will give it a go.

  • posted by  Butterlover on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Everyone ,Thanks for all the support. I’m doing happy dances today, I finally cracked 85Kg .Today 84.7kg I think its because I’m using my S Health app to track everything and I took my BGL 4 times a day for a couple of days. I realize that a few nuts for a snack is not 3 handfuls of cashews.I also experimented with control of my afternoon eating, option 1 eat a big meal at 4pm and small dinner. did not work. Option 2 eat a bigger lunch did not work I went over my 800.Currently missing breakfast or eating very little,then a normal lunch. If feeling very hungry I check BGL to discover BGL is OK its a craving .Drink several cups of green tea and eat a few veggie sticks.I have set some new goals. to loose 5Kg by October when my youngest son comes home to visit he lives on the other side of Australia so its a big event. I celebrated by buying a spiralizer gadget and Im going out to buy the cook book .
    Gavin, I hope you are feeling better,try to review what you have been doing to see if there is any small things that you can change , it wont take much to get things moving again.
    Someone was saying that they love and miss pizza, google PaleoPal, there is a recipe for cauliflour pizza that looks interesting. ‘Im using a few recipes from Paleo cook books by Pete Evans and another by Daniel Green.I tried this diet along with hundreds of others but did not stick to it.
    cheers to all

  • posted by  Bissell on Need help!!!
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Just to add to the above, as a nurse on a post surgical ward we would often see people’s blood sugars going hay wire. Don’t worry, if you stick to the principles it will stabilise and no harm will have been done.

    Good luck!

  • posted by  Butterlover on Need help!!!
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    I see that no one has replied. First don’t panic, believe it will work . Do as much exercise as you can,drink water .I prefer green tea but whatever fluids.Some say extra protein and healthy fats helps. Start to track your food and be very strict,don’t guess.If you do this for a week you should be Ok . I have found that if I treat myself with food it will prevent progress and takes a while to get things back to progress. good luck.

  • posted by  Middleage1 on BSD 8 Week Log
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It’s the end of week 6. I have decided only to log results after each pound I lose. The weight loss has slowed so there isn’t the need to log the results on a daily basis. The total loss so far is 2st 3lbs. (10+5+5+4+4+3).
    There are 2 official weeks to go and my target would be to reach a total loss of 2 and a half stone after the 8 weeks.
    I am still very happy with the overall weight loss and still feel confident that I will eventually reach 15st 7 lb and then push on to 14st 7 lb over a lengthier period of time.
    I have 10lb to lose to hit my first goal and I am sure this could be achieved over a period of 4 weeks at present rates of weight loss.
    Good luck to everybody.

  • Hi all, Ive been on this journey since May with a great start and then a bad slump. Now back to progress. here ‘s few ideas of things that I have done. Buy a good scale.I weigh daily. I take my BGL every morning before anything. If I feel ravenous, I take it again ,then I know if its low that I need to eat or ,if its Ok I know its a craving. I’m pre diabetic so I don’t need to take it at all but I really find this helps.
    I bought the Michelle Bridges food scale from BIG W.Its a great help to calculate calories and carbs .Track everything app on my phone has been a great help to get me over the last difficult patch.The fellow dieters on these forums have made a real difference, As I don’t have a person the buddy with.I wish you all a great journey .Cheers

  • posted by  Butterlover on What's your next mini goal?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi All, I’m celebrating today my goal was to be below 85 kgs and I finally did it 84.7 today .The last month has been miserable as I gained and lost the same 1kg several times.Thanks to all the positive support from these forums. I have been more determined. I increased my tracking using S health app on my phone Also more water and steps.My next goal is to get my fasting BGL down to under 5.I did get it down the first 4 weeks but as I took a holiday ,Its back up above 6 .Also want to loose another 5kg by October and another 5 kg by christmas.When I do it I will be lowest in 20 years and hopefully the healthiest.I’m determined not to be a fat diabetic old lady.cheers all

  • Hi there,
    I did this diet in April and lost 5 kilos. I then had 3 months off and put it back on! Whoops. I am 42 years old, about 100 kilos and 175cm so a bit to lose. My goal is to be 85 kilos which for me feels good. I am starting tomorrow so perhaps we can be diet buddies (along with everyone else on this forum:-) I have young kids and also want to enjoy being at the beach this summer not uncomfortable. I also want to fit back into my wardrobe. My biggest downfall is wine so I am going to cut this out for 8 weeks. Best of luck to us!

  • Goodness, thank you So much for your lovely replies and encouragement!

    Verano I’ve been clicking around the boards a bit and all I can say is, I am SO glad I decided to join the forum instead of just, you know, buying the food and following the book on my own!

    Captainlynne you have inspired me so much! Last night I created what I think is a realistic ‘road map’ chart with all my measurements, bmi, waist to hip ratio, all of it, and of course weight, in Excel, filled with tricky little formulas to show me the numbers and track how i’m going. I have mapped it out that it will take approx 36 weeks for me to reach my goal, that is if fingers crossed I lose 1kg a week every week. Not sure if that’s realistic, maybe it will be faster, maybe slower…I can adjust as I go so long as the overall trend is Losing weight!

    So by May, or at least by mid-next year, I should be bouncing around a light and breezy 65kg!

    Sunshine-girl, I really like that idea of meditating/being mindful and visualisation. Its not something I’ve attempted before although of course I read the chapter in the book… hmm I’ll give it a try. I don’t know much about mindfulness and meditating, but I’m looking forward to giving it a go later today as a friend sent me a bunch of suggestions for guided meditations available on YouTube. I like your attitude too, its about feeling healthier and going at your own pace, not about “I must rush and get to the number on my goal chart.” It comes back to the motivation.. its not to reach a number, its to be healthier and Feel better! So rushing might not be what feels best.

    Apple thanks for your nice message! I’m glad to hear the appetite decreases.. this morning when I woke up I was SOOO conflicted because – well its supposed to be Day One today, but I felt soo Hungry and craved a big breakfast – I wanted to have the breakfast roll from a cafe near me, of eggs and bacon and basil mayonnaise with a large latte with one sugar… BUT I had promised myself to start this Today!!! I seriously almost gave in and reasoned with myself, bargaining, “its Sunday, its the weekend, would it matter if I start tomorrow not today…?” But truth be told, although my craving was so strong I knew i’d be disappointed in myself and feel i’d failed even on Day One! So I quickly whipped up the Green Tea and Blueberries smoothie and – surprisingly!! It did the job and filled me up!!!

    I actually felt a wave of joyfulness that I overcame the cravings and Actually Started!!! I didn’t give in, on the first day! Ha.

    PrincetonianStud thank you for your message also! Now as for exercise… hmm I gotta admit, I”m not, er, a natural when it comes to exercise. I wish I was, it looks so fun to run around and be active, but I get tired so quickly! so thank you for this idea! Begin gently is probably the wise choice.

    Another friend gave me advice last night which is, go buy some really Nice, pretty, attractive exercise clothes, so you Feel nicer when you exercise. Now this isn’t an option if you don’t have much money, but still, I like the idea of it, rather than my usual ‘whatever old, big, floppy’ ancient tshirts I can find that hide my body.

    So that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I’m going to do today! Go buy something nice to exercise in. This time i’m Excited to go shopping and not miserable! Yay! Go me!!!

    Thanks again for your lovely comments and I’ll be following all of you!

  • posted by  Arty1 on Starting today on the 8 week Diet 20/08/2016
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks KrysiaD. Early days yet and a long way to go. I am keen to continue and have the support of my family and the videos I have watched from BSD have been really encouraging , I would love to reverse my Diabetes. That is my goal.

  • Hi everyone and welcome newbies!

    Just checking in to say that Im still stalled weight wise but for reasons I know of. Im not keeping to 800 and my exercise habits have not changed much except for this week I started jogging to work instead of cycling every day. I had been thinking about jogging to work for a few months before I lost the 1st so its great to finally do it. Im using the couch to 5k app so that takes up about 30 mins and then for another 7-8 mins Im walking the rest to the office or home depending on where Im coming from, its about 4.7km total distance from my house to work. I started this week with cycling in and bringing in a bunch of clothes so I can travel light when Im joggin in or out. These late winter mornings have been gloriously crisp and I am mostly in suburban areas with creeks and paths so its a lovely way to start the day. I found a decent shower in work so its been working out well.

    Im thinking this is not a bad way to start training for a mini triathlon if I threw in a bit of swimming, which is not my strength. Before that maybe some toning exercise which Im yet to get around to!

    Meanwhile I will try to get a better handle on the diet part because that is really at the end of the day the important part.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • posted by  PrincetonianStud on Instant success
    on in Starting the BSD

    You are 75 years YOUNG! Never too late for a change! A song comes to mind when you are looking at the young man in the mirror:

    Oh Brother! I am so stuck in the 80’s! 35 and I am the Kool Aid Guy for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

    But, I look like Mr. Peanut when I wear my tophat though! I look like Kool Aid at 310 pounds. About time I started too. Starting my 5th week on Wednesday!

    Good luck and 4 words of wisdom:

    Live Long And Prosper!


  • Congrads! You got pissed off and agitated. That is the only way to make a change! I am no skinny wimp at 310 pounds either.
    I just thought I would share a few exercises in this video over obese people can do even when mobility is hard.

    Bunjee Chord strength training one can do sitting down. Only a few bux to buy them and I use them all the time.

    Live Long And Prosper!


  • posted by  PrincetonianStud on Food substitutes suggestions please
    on in Starting the BSD

    Well Annie, I have only one thing to say to you about using this diet or actually lifestyle:

    Yeh, it is a hard knocked life for us…… us life changers! But, Spock helps us out with his:


    You can not live long without healthful habits.

    And if I catch you eating a custard donut, I will send you to the moon! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • posted by  PrincetonianStud on Daniel's 8 Week Dieting Diary
    on in Starting the BSD

    Day 32
    Saturday August 20 2016

    Breakfast: 3 Ounces of hard Cheddar

    Lunch: Cream Cheese on 3 Celery Stalks

    Dinner: Chicken Stir Fry with Lentils

    Another day of feeling some constipation. I tried to stay away from eggs for a couple of days. I feel like a old fart because of my constipation! I am still young…for now! A decade goes fast since graduating college!

    I am drinking milk of magnesia for easing the aches. I seem to eat too bulky of foods. Lentils tonight do not help because they are bulky too. It is getting annoying trying to find the right eating habits daily. I might as well go on a cabbage soup diet! You only lose water weight in that diet.

    Well, tomorrow is another day!

    Stud, Princetonian Stud

  • posted by  Annie007 on Food substitutes suggestions please
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi wanting to start the BSD with no excuses or obstacles in my way … with the weekly plane can some give me substitute any thing ‘fishy’ (but like prawns – I know this is odd), or pork (but like bacon). Thanks on advance for your guidance ๐Ÿ˜€.

  • posted by  LindaA on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Veronika
    Welcome and keep it up, it real does work๐Ÿ˜€
    You may have some hiccups along the way and you may have weeks where you’ve done everything right but you don’t lose weight, but don’t lose heart as it will work.
    I’m now 65kg and only 2kg off my goal weight after having lost 24.9kg in 18 weeks. I’m loving the eating regime and I have no intention of ever going back to added sugars or simple carbs again.
    I find the best way of keeping on track is to weigh everything and log it in a food diary app, I use MyDietDiary, but others seem happy with My Fitness Pal.
    Keep it up, report your losses every week and enjoy this new way of life๐Ÿ˜€
    I’m in Sydney, where are you?
    Good luck

  • posted by  Switzerland on First meal…
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Langerhans,
    ….remember the fluids….hope you’ve sorted out your headache/fog.
    You’re doing well – anyone that can get through the efforts of a sabotaging ex and not ‘fold under the pressure’ has the BSD principles at heart – it’s only a matter of them becoming absolute habit and you’ve nailed it!
    It’s great news about your course on mindfulness – getting your head sorted (yes, we all need to) really helps – mindful eating helps us to stay focused on the BSD.
    Remember if walking is difficult, doing some ‘weights’ (you can use anything if you don’t have the proper ones, just be safe) while sitting will also help.
    Best wishes.

  • posted by  Babs on Big thanks to Michael Mosley
    on in Fast 800

    Just four weeks in and have lost 8.5 k – am 64 and generally find it hard to lose but have combined the 800 plan with timed eating (all food consumed between 730am and 230pm ) and HIIT exercise.
    Can’t believe how good I feel!
    Special thanks to MM for debunking so many dieting myths and introducing so many good weight loss options.
    A breath of fresh air.
    Keep up the good work MM!

  • posted by  Veronika on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hello all, am loving all these posts, ideas, struggles, successes — I’m in good company ๐Ÿ™‚ Today is day 2 for me, and l’ve already lost 1.3kg (3 lbs). Water, air or fat I don’t care, it’s gone, for good. No headaches yesterday as I followed all the good advice here, thank youse. Am on meal replacements for breakfast and lunch, then cooking from the BSD book recipes for dinner. My OH is doing the 2:5 diet and “all in” on the BSD evening meal – so yay! I even have a diet buddy now. Early days I know, but I feel very positive and excited about this change for good. Last October I stopped drinking alcohol for good, and now this seems like the logical next step for me, and a liberating one after a tough 18 months health-wise. Spring and Summer is heading our way in the Southern Hemisphere… I might need to get a new cossie ๐Ÿ™‚ Wishing everyone a successful BSD day, we can do this !!

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on Need support to get back in line
    on in Fast 800

    Sunshine-girl – great with the BS. I will get off but I just wanted to tell you that fage yogurt is just good Greek yogurt . I googled it weeks ago when everyone was mentioning it (UK) Delice plain greek sounds fine. I buy Aldi greek yogurt but I can get good greek style plain yogurt in any OZ supermarket and they are all pretty yummy

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on What's your next mini goal?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Happy dance! I have done it with a day to spare. Now for the 10% goal.

    Sunshine-girl lacy knickers – way to go. i found this beautiful French lace bra in my drawer which I had not thrown out – almost sad that (hopefully) it will fairly soon be too big.

    Keep it up, or should I say ‘down’ , girls and boys

  • posted by  Langerhans on First meal…
    on in Starting the BSD

    Day 6. Breakfast was miso soup with spinach. Lunch was tomato and avocado with salad leaves and capers. I added some “Tesco Red Slaw” (pickled red cabbage and beetroot) – somewhat higher in calories than expected. Snack was some Greek yoghurt. This evening I had cauliflower with tinned chopped tomatoes and feta cheese. 840kcals, so slightly over, but the average has been slightly under 800kcals.
    Fuzzy-headed and headachey today (but my migraine treatment is overdue) and peeing an awful lot!

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on Back to basics!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Christine congratulations on your 49th. Quite and achievement in this day and age. You must have been a child bride!

    You are doing well to get back on the wagon as well

    capainmarvel Re salad leaves. You have probably just had too many undressed in your youth. You must have them with oil and vinegar (and the tiniest bit of ground sea salt) like the French and now fortunately most of us, because Dr Oz tells us that we need the little bit of fat to get the goodies out of the leaves. It has taken me nearly 50 years, but OH (ex Pom) now does not complain about a little French dressing, although he still cannot come at mayonnaise!

    It is interesting is it not this Med based diet? The more I study food, the more you find out how traditional foods were so good in many parts of the world, For example sesame seeds while yummy go straight through you, but if you make them into tahini the goodness will be absorbed. And what about sorrel and dandelions? Wonderful stuff

  • posted by  KrysiaD on Starting today on the 8 week Diet 20/08/2016
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Arty1, that’s great that your blood sugar has started dropping so quickly. You are right that we will need to keep off the bad carbs to stay healthy. What has amazed me is that this way of eating now feels so normal and enjoyable and i don’t feel as though I could go back to the bad carbs. This has never happened before when I have been on other diets.

  • posted by  Frog on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh, and since I had the oven on for the fish, I decided to make the toasted oats to add to yoghurt that I decided on the other day. Added lots of cinnamon, and some nutmeg.
    I enjoyed the cod so much I forgot all about the oats and set the smoke alarm off. Burnt offerings, and a nasty black mark on the baking sheet.
    Another time!

  • posted by  Frog on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi everyone – busy couple of days – sorry if I’ve missed any posts – catching up!

    congratulations on the wedding outfit fitting Jan, that’s brilliant. two weeks away – it’ll be too loose by the time the day arrives!
    Gavin – congratulations on staying stable, even though it was a grotty week

    Yesterday I went to a restaurant that I used to love a few years ago – not sure why we stopped going!
    Food and service were amazing – and pretty BSD friendly – my starter was salted beetroot with ricotta, and I had hake with aubergine caviar and a tomato salady thing for my main course. AND a tiny glass of wine! With coffee they served teeny Madeleine type cakes, about the size of a 1p piece. Ate it!!
    My pedometer was pretty high – but I think quite a lot of it was from shuffling round an exhibition, although we did get to the restaurant then I realised I’d left a bag in the cloakroom at the gallery, so that probably added about a mile!

    I had a really nice meal this evening too – Mediterranean cod with green beans – and I really fancied rice with it, so had some.
    I have the tilda microwave stuff – a third of a pack is only 15 carbs, so still under 50g for the day.
    Scary thing is that I used to think they were one portion pouches – a serving is supposed to be half a pack, but I debated between a quarter and a third; had a third in the end.

    I bought lots more sugar free jelly in the supermarket – did you make yours up yet Lucky?

  • posted by  Trev on Take 2 – Daily Diary
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Date 21/8/2016

    Weight (89.4kg (up 0.1kg but down 1.7kg so far)

    Dialled back in the calories yesterday and stayed just over 800 calories for the day. But didn’t monitor the carbs closely enough and got well beyond the target range. Hence the stagnation weight wise.

    Will try to be very clean today and dial back the carbs in favour of protein/fat.

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    LUCKY i hope the gel thingies help.. I found they helped me a little then helped more as i got more used to having them stuck in my shoes..dont make the mistake I made tho..i put them in my sandals foolishly thinking my enormous weight wd be enough to keep them in place..! But i must have somehow walked outa them and arrived back home without them!
    Here’s a joke for a sat night chuckle..

    Smile Time
    There I was, sitting at the bar, staring at my drink, when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.

    “Well, whatcha gonna do about it ?” he says menacingly, as I burst into tears.

    “Come on, man,” the biker says, “I didn’t think you’d CRY. I can’t stand to see a man crying.”

    “This is the worst day of my life,” I say. “I’m a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don’t have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with another man… and then my dog bit me.
    So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all, I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve; and then
    you show up and drink the whole damn thing !!
    But Hell, enough about me, how are you doing ?” ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • Was in Cambridge today and went in to a bookshop there to the wildlife and nature section and found an amazing book linking how if we switch to lower carb diets and went to grass-fed livestock and more vegetables again the landscape would also be aided. This interested me as an Environmentalist and I thought I’d share!

  • Hi GemGem
    I read your post and just wanted so say I am right there with you lady! I need to lose at least 70lbs and even at 35 my joints are struggling! I know I desperately need to increase my exercise but it’s hard when you feel massive and break in to a sweat walking alone, but I am convinced by everyone’s posts that it will get easier as the weight starts to shift. I am now on day 5 and have checked the scales daily hoping to see a nice big loss as I’ve seen on some other people’s posts – I’m still waiting for it but you know what, I do believe this will work. My appetite already seems to be shrinking and it’s only day 5, that’s a bonus whatever the scales want to say ๐Ÿ™‚