Marvellous May and Joyful June!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello and welcome! This is the latest 2 month thread, following on from Marching on through 2024. Anyone is very welcome to join in. It will run from Wednesday 1st May until Sunday 30th June.

    The aim is to set one or more goals that you would like to achieve by then. Whether it’s a target weight, fitting into certain clothes again, or seeing an improvement in medical conditions and tests, you will find us a friendly, understanding and supportive bunch.

    We sometimes refer to the thread as a bus journey – the idea being we are all travelling together to our particular destination, and also having a lot of fun along the way. Come and join us, and here’s hoping we all have a Marvellous May and Joyful June!

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello DCT🤗
    Thankyou for setting up the new thread love the name !!
    I am sitting on my seat 💺 in the bus 🚌 not getting off until end of June!!🤣
    Good luck 🤞 everyone on our next journey
    Lv nokie xx☺️

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone and thank you DCT for setting up this new thread, perfect name😀I’m pleased you had a lovely birthday.To get to what I think will be my goal weight(it’s so many years since I’ve been anywhere near it I won’t know until I get there!) I need to lose 33lbs.If I could lose half of that on this journey I would be happy.I’m hoping to have some non scale victories (NSVs)along the way which I will post on that thread if its still active.There are various items of clothing I would like to either fit into or which I can squeeze into now but wouldn’t wear until they fit properly, I would love my knee pain to ease and I would like to have more energy.Wishing everyone the best of luck, I’m strapped into my seat and raring to go……….🚌……… Dawn XX

  • posted by Mariet

    Thanks for setting up the thread, DCT! I’ll be following along and joining in as soon as I get home.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thanks DCT for setting up new thread. I love the cheerful positive name. Good luck everyone,toot toot,hold on tight! XX

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Thank you for setting up our new thread DCT! I love the name you’ve chosen for this leg of the journey. My aim for Marvellous May is to get to 149 lbs. Today at “fat club” I had lost 900g. Todays topic was food and mood! I’m slowly heading in the right direction. I’m ultra low carb as I’m trying to keep my blood sugar in the healthy range so my HbA1c is normal when they check me again. I think this is having an impact on the weight slowly coming off along with the cardio work i am doing climbing up the huge stone steps in my local hilly park. My toe injections were cancelled yesterday as there was a problem in theatre but I’ve been rescheduled for two weeks. I’m seeing podiatry on Friday for my plantar fasciitis so hopefully during this leg of the journey I can walk without pain. Would it be unreasonable of me to want to get to 145 lb by the end of June? I am going to aim high and go for it!
    For the UK bus travellers we are coming into hopefully warmer times so those pesky tight summer clothes will be making an appearance. Let’s get some weight off ready!
    Here’s to a Marvellous May and a Joyful June for us all.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Spent the morning trying on my summer clothes. I’m so glad I made a serious start to lose the excess in January. I reckon at the end of marvellous May and Joyful June I will be fitting comfortably in my size 12’s. I’ve lost about 10lb since January. Slow but steady downward movement onthe scale. I’m off to Abersoch next week with my book club for three nights. It will be a booze and carb fest but not for me. I’ve worked out i can have G&T and a glass of red wine which shouldn’t send my blood glucose soaring but there will be no crisps (my favourite snack) and I am going to be sticking rigidly to my low carb diet and hopefully without anyone noticing! I’ve not eaten any crisps for two whole weeks! The scales read 153 this morning so slowly and surely creeping towards my first goal of 149!! Not been in the 140s for a very long time.
    Keep going everyone!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    CATHY that’s a brilliant loss since January! Well done. I know there have been a lot of glitches along the way but slow and steady wins the race. I’m sure you’ll soon be fitting into those clothes again, and hope you have a fab time away next week.

    Big hello to all our other travellers too – YOWZER, DAWN, MARIET, NOKIE and anyone else reading this. 8 weeks to go which gives us all time for significant change.

    My aim this time is to re-lose the weight I regained last journey, plus at least a couple more pounds besides. But more importantly I want to really target my belly fat, to be able to get into some of the clothes I love. Which will involve me being disciplined about keeping up the regular exercising as well as laying off specific temptations such as wine and snacks! Will report back in due course . . .

    Have a great weekend everyone X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Got to share this- just made the cauliflower and broccoli rice dish from the keto cookbook and it’s absolutely delicious! Can’t believe I’ve not made it before.

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for the new thread, DCT. Please count me in.
    I’m going to be focusing on reducing carbs and increasing protein. I will do 3 yoga sessions a week and then the local pool opens at the end of May, so will try to get to aquafit 2 times per week.
    Great idea about the broccoli and cauliflower rice, Cathy. I’m going to see what I can do along those lines myself.
    Best of luck to everyone on this journey!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Hope you’re all enjoying marvellous May. I’m sticking to low carb and trying to keep active. It turns out I don’t have plantar fasciitis but fat pad atrophy on my heels which is why they’re so painful when I walk. I’ve got belly fat but no fat padding on my heels! The podiatrist has made some insoles for me but they’re putting pressure on my toes! Nothing is simple. I’ve got a non scale victory to report. I got into my smaller sized jeans today and they’re comfy! I’ve lost about 10lb since January but was pleased when I tried on my jeans and they fit. I’m chipping away slowly. Hoping to get to 149 during this month but it might e too much of an ask to lose 4 lb before the end of the month.
    Have a good week everyone .

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    I am also sticking to mostly low carb this week, and also fasting at least 15-17 hours each day. It hasn’t been perfect, but much better than I’ve been lately. I’m still allowing myself some fruit with yogurt every other day. My NSV today is that I am noticing less pain in my legs. I’ve been pretty good about wearing my compression as well. I may have to ditch it later this week though as we may hit 30 C by the weekend. I had a bit of carb flu on Monday and I’ve been craving weird things like croissants and cakes – things that I don’t normally eat in any case. But I feel that I may have broken through it a bit this evening as I wasn’t very hungry. I ended up having some bell peppers, courgette and a chopped kale salad mix stirfried with paneer and curry powder. It was very satisfying. I’ve got lots of salad ingredients in and will have salad with sardines for lunch tomorrow as that is easy for when I come back from the office over the noon hour.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    Keep going Cathy, you sound on the right track!

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi everyone 💕
    Well done Cathy keep going!! And Artic fox I have lost 2 pds this week so am feeling happy 😊 I have cut down on my carbs as well strange I fancy doughnuts 🍩 and I don’t usually like them 🤣
    I am away at the weekend seeing my grandchildren we normally have a Chinese meal as I don’t see them very often and they love it I hope I don’t regain my weight!!
    Keep going every one I have a feeling this 🚌 journey is going to be good 👍
    Have a nice weekend
    Lv nokie x🥰

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. The sun is shining here in the UK (finally!). Here’s hoping we all have a wonderful weekend wherever we are in the world.

    CATHY I’m so proud of you losing 10lb since January. That’s brilliant! Well done. And even better about the jeans too. That’s my main aim for this journey – to slim down (whatever the scales are telling me) and get into some of the clothes I love. I hope the foot improves soon too : at least you now have a proper diagnosis.

    NOKIE I’m so pleased you’ve seen a loss too. That’s great news and I hope will continue. Have a lovely time with the family this weekend, and I’m sure if you eat moderately you won’t regain the weight.

    ARCTIC FOX you sound very determined and I’m sure will soon see results. Your meals sound lovely : I love it when we put together some kind of combination of food we have around and it turns out to be a delicious – and nutritious – meal. I think when we are eating reduced portions and low carb, the more interest / flavour / colour / texture we can put into a meal, the better. I hope that your legs remain comfortable as the heat rises.

    Friday is my day of reckoning. I’ve not made my target weight of 140 this week, though was nearly there mid-week. But overall I’m maintaining, with a very slow downward trajectory. But I’m doing more exercise than before and, as I said earlier, my main goal is to trim down, firm up, and fit into my summer clothes again! Here’s hoping 🤞

    Have a great weekend everyone X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Hello all I’m joining this bus trip very late – but better late than never 🙂
    I have no idea what I currently weigh as haven’t been on the scales for a few weeks. Things have been very hectic at work and I’ve been working extra hours, in addition to that we’ve been preparing my MILs house for sale and dealing with agents, buyers, solicitors etc, hopefully we’ll be able to sell it in the next few weeks, as it’s a lot of work keeping her garden maintained as well as ours.
    I have been fairly active and eating reasonably well, and my clothes fit so I know I haven’t put on weight which is something I guess! I will weigh myself in the next few days so I can set a goal.
    My goal at the moment is to get back into meal planning and setting goals.
    We are in Autumn here now, with winter beginning in 2 weeks, although you wouldn’t have known it today, it was a warm 22 deg C and sunny, perfect drying weather as we’ve just been through about 10 days of rain – it felt a lot like the English weather I remember as a child!
    Well done Cathy on your 10lb loss and I’m glad your ‘fat club’ is going well.
    I need to catch up on everyone’s posts – take care all 🙂

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Welcome aboard SueBlue. Sounds like you’ve got a lot on at the moment but it’s impressive that your clothes are still comfortable. The scales don’t really give us the full picture. You’ll soon be back to meal prepping and back on plan.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oh flippin heck,i just realised i hadnt ticked the notification box,so im playing catch up now,reading the posts!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATH you are doing soooo well,despite all the obstacles youve had to navigate!
    Im sorry to hear about the heel atrophy x how was yr book club trip?X
    Well done too NOKIE! X You and ARCTIC and DCT sound so motivated and you are inspiring me ( i was doing well until the last few days when i fell off the bus,got a bug and feeling sorry for myself led to mindless eating..but heyho,tomorrow is a new day)
    Hiii SUEBLUE sounds like youre super busy but have stayed sensible foodwise. I didnt realise you grew up in England! When did you move to Oz?
    Calling in DAWN and MARIET! Yoohoo girlies! how are you doing? XX
    Love to all and keep moving onwards and downwards 🌻🤞🏻🙏🌻🥰😜🙂🙃

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone, I’m home!
    Cathy, I am so glad to see you’ve been having some happy results, you deserve it after all your hard work! Glad your ‘Fat group’ is helping- so hard for me to write that!
    I weighed myself a week after getting home from the cruise and was 2kg more than when I left. I thought it would go quickly but it really isn’t 🙁
    So I must work harder.
    To be fair I had three birthday parties in the last week, one at my place for 3yo GS and the others big O-birthdays, as in Oh Dear am I really this old. Time to knuckle under now and get some solid results in while this challenge lasts. Good to soo so many on the bust and best wishes for the weeks ahead!

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    I’ve had a busy, stressful, but otherwise decent week life-wise. Food-wise, not so much. But not beating myself up about it as I know it was to deal with the stress. I’ve come off an enforced fast this evening due to a gastroscopy today. Being used to IF certainly makes fasting for a medical procedure a piece of cake! Luckily no physical signs of anything wrong, but they did take a couple of biopsies and I won’t hear back about that for a couple of weeks.
    I also had an interview on Wednesday for that job competition I was in. I wasn’t really sure how it went, but they called back on Thursday and wanted to check my references, so that’s positive. I think I’ll be quite disappointed if I end up not getting it now after having got this far. I was sobbing in the shower last night, but that was just a release of all the pent up emotion from the week.
    Therapist at my last session was expressing concern over my lack of support network. So, I reached out to one of my friends in Norway and had an online catch-up chat which was nice. I haven’t made any friends locally other than some work acquaintances since I moved here though. I suddenly remembered that a person I used to compete in sport with and whose company I enjoyed was from this area, and looked her up on social media. Turns out she had moved away but is back in the area now. I reached out and she has said she would love to meet up. We haven’t seen each other in over 30 years! So, slowly trying to improve and heal. Of course, all of you have been great support as well!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    Not a lot to report at the moment from here. Book club weekend in Abersoch was good and I gained 4lb which is now off! It was water weight. I was careful what I ate and drank. Had my toes injected last week and hoping to get some steps in from this week. My heel is feeling better too so onwards and upwards steps wise hopefully
    I am fasting today and I am hoping that before the end of the month I can dip under 150lb. That is my goal for 1st June. It’s a slow process losing weight but I do feel better in myself and I can see my face is beginning to look slimmer.
    My cat Monty had to have five teeth out this week! His face is looking slimmer too!
    Have a good week everyone. Keep strong and keep trying. I’m eating whole food and trying to eat only healthy food and unprocessed food and I do feel better!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. This journey is flying by! Just catching up on recent posts.

    SUE welcome on board. I can empathise with all the “sadmin” you are having to do to sell MILs home, and I hope there is a good buyer very soon. That will really ease the pressure. it sounds like you are still on top of things though, weight-wise. And I’m sure once you get back into your legendary food planning you will soon get to your next mini target. Like Yowzer said, I hadn’t realised you hailed from the UK. When did you emigrate to Oz?

    YOWZER I hope you are over your bug now and are feeling a bit better? You always inspire me with the way you can get back on board again with a big smile on your face, even if you’ve had to step off for a little while. Good luck, and I hope this week goes well for you.

    MARIET welcome back! I’m sure you’ve had a fabulous time and your gain is not too bad. It will soon come off again now the party week has gone. We still have almost 6 weeks to go.

    ARCTIC FOX it sounds like there is a lot going on in your life at the moment. I hope the biopsy test results are reassuring, and also wish you every success with the job application. From what you’ve said previously, a change would be really good for you. It’ll be great to meet up with your old friend again too, and I hope that you are able to build a stronger support network around you. And, as you say, this motley crew is here for you too : even though we are dotted around the globe and are names rather than faces, we have become a bit of a tribe over the months and years, and are here to support each other.

    CATHY I’m so glad you had a good trip with your book club, and have reversed the water damage 😊 It’s also good news about your heel treatment and that you can start doing steps again. Most importantly I’m glad that you are feeling better overall. You are losing weight and seeing visible changes which is all really positive. I’m sure you will make your end of June goal. And I hope that Monty is better soon.

    I’m doing ok – up and down (literally!). I’m not really losing this journey as yet, but am managing to maintain. I’ve been feeling very hungry which I’m blaming on some new drugs I’m taking for a long term medical condition (though could be pure greed!). I’m an early riser and whereas I used to skip breakfast and start the day with brunch around 11ish, I now feel weak and hungry much earlier. So am back to three meals a day and having to get back into healthy meal planning so I don’t just snaffle any old thing down! I’m away for a few days next week – tying up loose ends up north – so there’s danger potential there too as I will be out of my normal routine (whatever that is right now!). At least I’m managing to keep up my regular exercise which hopefully helps. But am aware I need to rein things in food-wise to start seeing any further loss.

    A big hello to NOKIE, DAWN and anyone else reading this! Do come and join us even if you’ve never posted before. Hopefully we will all keep moving forward – at our own pace and in our own way – towards our respective goals.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone and sorry I haven’t posted for a few weeks.We are in the Scottish Highlands at the minute but I will catch up on posts once we are back at the weekend.I didn’t weigh myself before we came away as hadn’t had the best week food wise and I’m more or less eating what I fancy whilst we are here, not good!!!!We’ve been very lucky with the weather so far, sunshine every day, but it’s due to rain today, we are off to Glencoe for breakfast, hopefully before the showers come!Dawn X

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi everyone

    Hope you are enjoying your trip to Scotland Dawn 🥰
    And hope everyone else is doing well on our bus journey
    I am doing ok bit bumpy road last week but I am trying really hard to put that right this week
    Let’s hope sunny weather returns soon
    Will be in touch after weekend
    Lv nokie 💕x

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    Not too much else to report, other than a great find at the supermarket across from the counselling office. After my last appointment on Friday, I went in there to pick up a few things for dinner and I came across soy-free tofu! It’s made with broad beans. I haven’t been able to eat tofu since I became allergic to soy back in 2006. This has 0g of carbs and 16g of protein in each serving. So nice to have a low carb vegetarian protein option! I used 1/2 the block in a tofu scramble with eggs, red pepper and Mexican spices. I’ll have the other 1/2 in a Chinese stirfry.
    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • posted by Ricci

    Doing well now that I’m back on this WOE after some time off. Nearly winter here in Australia so I’m looking forward to more soups. Had the french bean bowl last night. From the keto book I think. Delicious. Haloumi skewers tonight. DH is working with me. He has to get his T2D under control. Its a great help. Bought a new spiraliser. Better than the old hand held one which is tough on my arthritic hands. Just need to turn the handle.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Am still trying hard – my weight doesn’t seem to change in a week, it takes 10 to 14 days for the scales to move downwards. I was hoping to be 150 lb by 1st June but I don’t think it’s going to happen.i was 152 this morning when I weighed. I am determined to get into the 140s by end of June. I am desperately trying to reverse my pre diabetes so avoiding any starchy or sugary food and am walking every day. As soon as the scales hit 149 I will be jumping for joy and will post my success! It will be a personal massive achievement and it will have taken me six months to lose one stone. I don’t know why it’s so much harder and incredibly slow. I lost 17.5 lbs in 8 weeks when I first started BSD in 2017. I think our bodies get used to eating less. Anyway, I’m still chipping away and doing my best and one day soon I know I will be in the 140s!!! Hope you are all doing well and looking forward to a little milestone along the way. It’s been a much harder journey than I anticipated. I still beat myself up about not keeping control of things when I achieved my goal weight in 2017. Note to self- stay in control of any weight loss achievement as it’s virtually impossible to gain and then lose time after time .

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. Just a quick hello as I’m away at the moment. Will catch up properly after the weekend. But just wanted to check in and hope everyone is doing ok.

    RICCI welcome on board and it sounds like you are doing really well with meal planning and prep. I hope you soon start to see the results you want to.

    ARCTIC FOX that tofu is a real find for you, and your food combinations sound great. Hope work situation is going ok too.

    CATHY I can’t wait to read your post about 149. And we’ll all jump for joy with you! You are losing weight – albeit slower than you’d like – so you WILL get there!

    Hello to everyone else too, and I’ll report back in more detail early next week X

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    I had a pretty big setback mentally this week as I found out that I didn’t get the job. Beyond that, the way it was handled was pretty atrocious, both by the hiring manager and by my supervisor that I had to use as a reference and then he broke confidentiality, so the rest of my team now knows that I was looking for a new job. Anyway, it seems like it may have been a lucky escape, although I’m still stuck in the same position for a while. I had a counselling appointment last evening, so was able to work through things and feeling a bit better in myself today. Not my fault that people can’t figure out how to behave like adults at work.
    I didn’t go too far off track with my eating even as a result of everything that happened. I had made the soy-free tofu stirfry at the beginning of the week and it lasted me 3 days, so that really helped. I picked up two more blocks of tofu yesterday, and am looking forward to making even more meals with it this week. I made some salmon patties last night after my appointment and had them with veggies.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi Arcticfox
    I am sorry to read you’ve had a difficult week and so sorry that you didn’t get the job. Things often happen for a reason and hopefully your team will show some compassion and understanding. It’s good that you can offload at your counselling sessions and get some advice on handling these difficult situations. Well done on keeping strong food wise, it’s easy to go off track and want a “treat” when things get tough. Onwards and upwards and hopefully something will come up soon job wise.
    I was hoping to weigh 150 lbs today but weighed in at 151.6. Hopefully in the next week I will dip into uncharted territory! I went for an ultrasound scan of my heel this morning and have had it confirmed that I do have plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis. I was told by my Podiatrist that it might be heel pad atrophy so at least I’ve had the diagnosis confirmed. My heel is actually a lot better and I can walk without having to wear my trainers all day now so hopefully it’s on the mend. My toes are feeling better since my steroid injections and I went for a lovely long walk today and enjoyed it. I’ve bought some amazingly comfortable trainers and it feels like I’ve got springs in my step.
    Looking forward to working hard this week with some nice walks and hoping to lose some fat. I am trying to get out every day for an hour this week and also am going to do some Joe Wicks for Seniors workouts on YouTube.
    Hate a good week everyone. I can’t believe it’s June already. Looking forward to some sunshine and looking forward to Wearing some nice summer clothes.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,
    meant to post last week but didn’t get round to it.Had lovely time in Scotland Nokie thanks.Did weigh myself when I got home and it wasn’t good but I’ve weighed this morning and have lost 4lbs so I’m heading in the right direction.I need to lose 6lbs to get under the 12 stone mark again so am aiming to do that in the next 2 weeks as feel that mentally that will be a big milestone for me as I haven’t often been over 12 stone but now that I am it seems really hard to get under it again😩
    I’ve been trying to catch up on posts, Cathy I’m pleased that your heel is feeling much better and am keeping everything crossed for your 149lbs. Articfox it sounds like you’ve had a difficult week, I hope things get better and, as Cathy says, well done for managing to stick to healthy eating during it all.
    I hope that everyone has a good week coming up, if I could be 3lbs lighter this time next week I will be pleased with that so I’m strapped into my seat and raring to go🚌….
    Dawn XX

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    How is everyone doing? I am plodding on but my weight isn’t dropping. I am getting some walking in every day but seem to be maintaining rather than losing at the moment I feel I am eating healthily so don’t really know how to progress. Just keep on going I reckon. It’s such a slow process. I’m mindful of my pre diabetes so that is keeping me on track carb wise. I would love to lose 10lb more before September but I’ve been the same weight now for three weeks.
    How is everyone else doing and any tips would be gratefully received. I might have to resort to a 36 hour fast to get things moving again.

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi clarinet Cathy and all bus pals
    Sorry you have not lost 😞 I am the same trying so hard to eat less carbs and also get my blood sugars down I only have 3 weeks until my yearly blood test but i think i will still be pre diabetic!! Its so hard isn’t it I eat well but just can’t seem to loose at the moment I did try having a spoonful of apple 🍎 cider vinegar in water per day as people say that might help 🤣but who knows!!
    How’s everyone else doing I am firmly sat on my 🚌 💺 but hope my weight will go down soon
    We have come away to Weymouth for 3 days before my husband’s op so I must try not to over do the food
    Have a good weekend all
    Lv nokie xxx💕

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    Cathy, sorry to hear that you’re not losing at the moment. I’m sure it will come. Could you be building a bit of muscle with all the walking? That might be contributing and if so, it will pay off eventually. I’m thinking of getting back into fasting as well. I tried to go 24 hours today, but only managed 16 as my stomach was hurting. I really need to do something to start shifting a lot of the fluid my body is hanging onto, and I think the autophagy will be useful for getting rid of the lipedema tissue. Not much research on that yet, but it would seem to make sense. When I was on the fasting method facebook group before it became a closed group, there were people with Dercum’s disease there who were making progress on deflating their lipomas through fasting for autophagy, so that is what gives me hope. With regard to your plantar fascitis, what worked for me was 3 things: 1) fill a plastic bottle with knobbly ends and put it in the freezer and then use it for ice massage a couple of times a day 2) use a small jax ball or similar to really get into the crinkly scar tissue and start remodelling it. This is quite painful to start, but feels better as it starts to work. 3) massage your foot in the morning before you get out of bed in the morning. This loosens and lengthens the tissue that has shortened up overnight so that you don’t re-injure it every time you first put weight on it in the morning. This has helped me overcome this tricky injury 3x in the past.
    Unfortunately, issues at work have continued. My team is not gracious at all and have resorted to emotional blackmail to try to get me to not apply for any other jobs, questioning me about my retirement plans (what?!? I hardly even have any grey hair yet!), and being overly nosy about why I applied for a new job (like I’m going to tell them it is because of them and the other aspects of our toxic workplace!). To top it off, one of our newer team members got really stroppy with me today when I was just trying to mentor them through something. My counsellor is encouraging me to broaden my horizons though, and who knows, I may eventually just decide to work for myself.
    Thanks for the reminder, Nokie, about the cider vinegar. I know JGwen said to use it or lemon in water to help with GERD when fasting. I’ll give that a go when I next feel ready to try another fast.
    So all in all, it’s still been frustrating this week, but at least I’m starting to realize a bit more what throws me off track and starting to come up with strategies to combat it.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. Just a quick post. I’ve just heard on BBC News that Michael Mosley has gone missing in Greece!! Not been seen since yesterday apparently. Let’s hope and pray he’s found safe and well.
    Will post properly soon xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi DCT,yes afriend told me about DrM. His family mustbe very worried,hope he is found safe and well🙏
    Hope all here are doing well xx i need to come back and catch up on everyones news.
    Im trying to cut down dramatically on online time and be more active! 🥰

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi everyone
    It really upset me when I heard on the news that Dr Moseley is missing after a walk whilst on holiday. I hope he is found safe and well. It must be absolutely agonising for his family. What a terribly sad story. I can’t stop thinking about him.

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi everyone
    What horrible news I can’t stop thinking of him his poor family let’s pray he is found safe and well 🙏
    Love nokie 💕

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,
    I feel the same way, can’t stop thinking about Dr M and hoping he is found soon and is safe and well.
    Dawn X

  • posted by Mariet

    Terrible news, can hardly believe it. I don’t like to think of the scenarios I am reading in the news. Feeling so much for his wife and children.

  • posted by SueBlue

    It is such awful news – first thing I read when I got up this morning and it’s terrible to think that now at the end of the day here he is still missing. Thinking of his family and hoping and praying for some positive news soon.

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi sue blue and fellow bus friend s we are away at the moment and it’s such sad news I can’t stop thinking about it his poor family there must be millions of us praying 🙏 today that he is found safe and well
    Lv nokie x💕🙏

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    Very upsetting to hear the awful news about Dr. M. I was feeling quite down today and couldn’t stop thinking about it as I was weeding the garden.
    However, a few things happened to eventually cause me to have to think of other things. I was making sure the horses had food and water before heading to my counselling appointment, and something seemed off with one of them. Decided he might be colicking, so called the vet. Vet agreed he wasn’t quite right, and so we ended up treating him, and I have to keep checking on him throughout the night tonight. The vet left just before my counselling appointment was due to start so I couldn’t make it into town in time, but we were able to do it online which was nice as we were able to talk through the work incident that I had earlier this week.
    Back out to check on my horse again, then came in to discover that my biopsy results had come in. Esophagus is normal, but my stomach lining is showing chronic inflammation. Not sure exactly what might be causing that (was negative for H. pylori), but perhaps it does explain the GERD. Also not sure if it is something that might warrant further investigation or not.
    Back out to check on the poor horse again. Hope everyone is doing okay.

  • posted by Mariet

    Have just heard a body has been found in the area they are looking for Dr Moseley. So dreadful.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Just reading the news now. So very sad. I can’t believe it. I think we all feel we knew him personally, and he’s made such a difference to all our lives. Dreadful.

    Going to regroup and will post later.

    Love to you all xx

  • posted by Nokie

    I can’t stop crying as you say we all felt we knew mm personally 🙏 prayers for his lovely family xx

  • posted by SueBlue

    I’ve been hoping and praying for a positive outcome, this is such awful news, I can’t stop thinking about his poor family and what they’re going through.
    Dr Mosely has made such a huge difference to so many lives, including ours. Through reading his books and watching his shows, and of course this forum I did feel like I knew him. It’s such a huge loss.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Im really sad. What a terrible loss. What a lovely man he was and so inspiring to so many of us. We all felt we knew him. He was a big part of our lives. He helped so many of us. Rest in peace Michael and thank you for what you gave us. So sad for his wife and children. Life can be so cruel.

  • posted by caronl

    This is such sad news. He was a lovely man, a fantastic communicator and, indeed, an inspiration to so many. Sincere condolences to his family, friends and everyone here in our community.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Such very sad news, as a lot of you have said, I really felt as if I knew Michael personally, he was such a brilliant communicator.Sending love and condolences to his family and friends.

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