4 week results

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  • posted by Arcanarose

    WEIGHT START POINT: 70.4 kilos
    Week 1: 68.4
    Week 2: 67.3
    Week 3: 65.9
    Week 4: 64.1
    TOTAL LOSS: 6.3 Kilos

    BMI START POINT: 34.4%
    Week 1: 33.2
    Week 2: 32.9
    Week 3: 32.4
    Week 4: 31.7
    TOTAL LOSS: 2.7%

    The BMI results above are from my BMI weighing scales. On the NHS BMI Calculator the results are much lower. My BMI start point is calculated as 29.3 [Overweight]. My current BMI is calculated as 26.7% [Overweight] but the total BMI loss is 2.6%. So at least my scales calculated the loss almost correctly at 2.7% ๐Ÿ™‚

    If anyone knows if BMI calculating scales are more correct than online calculators let me know.

    WAIST START POINT: 37 Inches
    Week 1: 35
    Week 2: 33.5
    Week 3: 33.7
    Week 4: 33.4
    TOTAL LOSS: 3.6 Inches

    BLOOD SUGAR START POINT: Prediabetic 90-107 mg/dL Range
    Week 1: 86-103 mg/dL Range
    Week 2: 87-103 mg/dL Range
    Week 3: 82-90 mg/dL Range
    Week 4: 71-90 mg/dL Range [only one 90]

    On this diet, being a vegetarian my daily carbs were between the 45-55g range. However when I analysed Dr Mosely’s meals they were in the 25-35g carbs daily range. So I removed the beans and replaced them with low-carb Quorn, Tofu, eggs and dairy from next week. I will let you know if it made a big difference.

    Overall I am happy with the results, most especially the blood sugar dropping to the 70’s range which never ever happened before. I look forward to the next 4 weeks left!

  • posted by Flo55

    That’s a great weight loss, 3.6 kilos in 4 weeks and great to see a drop in your blood sugars keep at it!…I’m on my second week and have started from 68 kilo or 10 stone 10, I do not have diabetes (I’m just trying to lose weight and eat less sugar) , thanks for posting it’s so motivating to read others doing well.

  • posted by karenv

    Fantastic results Arcanarose! What a great loss in weight and fantastic waist measurement too…and blood sugars going down…well done you ๐Ÿ™‚ So pleased for you! And very heartening to read about such a good result ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great day!! Karen

  • posted by Arcanarose

    Thanks guys. I was amazed myself! I could never lose weight once I got to 70 kilos even on the 5:2 diet. But this diet is great on all counts. Most especially for blood sugars. Also, the diet is quite easy once you are in fat burning mode because you feel full with no physical cravings.

  • posted by ruthdownunder

    Arcanarose Your scale bmi sounds very suss to me unless you are incredibly short. I checked mine on the NHS and it is quite correct. I think you are much slimmer than you think you are.

    Congratulations – especially the blood sugars

  • posted by Nursebean

    WEll done ARCANAROSE!! Great results there – and I love the fact that you are still tweaking your carbs and things. Brilliant stuff!!
    Here’s to your next 4 weeks ๐Ÿ™‚
    Bean xx

  • posted by Arcanarose

    Ruthdownunder I am quite short, 5ft 1. Now that I remember I always weighed a bit less at the docs office than my scales at home. I will weigh myself at the docs office when i get my blood test after the diet and work out my BMI on the NHS BMI calculator ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nursebean, I am on lower carbs now and I don’t feel any hungrier. I like this diet ๐Ÿ™‚

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