Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by Izzy

    I’ve been re-reading our bible (the BSD book lol) and as happens with books you find bits you missed and forgotten about. One of the snippets I came across today was MM suggesting that at the end of every day to think of 3 good things that happened today. So things that went well, things that made you happy or proud, any positive thought. In order to focus on the positive rather than a negative. So I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we could all share our 3 good thoughts, and cheer each other up on bad days.

    Here are my 3 for today.

    I avoided the bacon rolls at the safety brief this morning.

    It is Thursday- No more work until Monday 🙂

    I met a really nice Lady today.

  • posted by Imogen

    I laughed out loud (very loudly) three times today! …The fact that I noticed that makes me realise I probably need to laugh more 😄 (could count as 3)

    The ladies at the nhs physio unit who were really supportive and kind to each other – warms my heart.😇

    The Sun shining on the flowers, and birds singing in my garden while I drank my early morning coffee 🌻

  • posted by Imogen

    Great way to re-member (make whole/complete)
    to gather together all the good…wrap a big ribbon round it and gift it to each other 💜
    Thanks izzy!

  • posted by lab

    Hi Izzy, just reading the forum, my positive three things for today

    1 went to the local garden centre with my hubby and grandson and resisted the cheese scones! I love them.
    2 saw myself in the mirror and did not hide
    3found I can eat hummous and chick peas did the veg frittata and really enjoyed it!


  • posted by Switzerland

    1. Discovering the positive thoughts thread and its contribution to our collective well-being.
    2. Acknowledging the kindness of others (with special thanks to a local shop employee who always shines)
    3. Enjoying all of the BSD friendly food.

  • posted by Wishbone

    Watched the willie wagtails dancing on the fence. Was greeted by an adoring golden retriever – think he actually smiled at me! Enjoyed my morning coffee while thinking happy thoughts ❤️

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    I walked straight past the table filled with cakes and biscuits in the staff room at work and didn’t succumb.
    I am wearing a new pair of size 18 trousers and starting to (almost) worry about them not fitting for long. They were a lot tighter a couple of days ago.
    Renamed the BSD diet in my head as the clotted cream diet, after the realisation that as long as I count it I can eat it. This really is my dream diet, lol. I just need to perfect the low carb scones. The jam is easy, just a little stewed strawberries, nothing added. Proper jam is too sweet anyway now.

  • posted by AnnaandAlfie

    Love this idea!
    1. Saw a beautiful flower outside my window at work and realised I could actually take a couple of minutes to have a closer look to appreciate it fully!
    2. Loving the fact that my clothes today were baggy – thank you bsd.
    3. Enjoyed a piece of toast and butter, because I can😀.

  • posted by Timmy

    1. Didn’t get in until 10pm ’cause a bloke at the rugby club coaches meeting didn’t know when to shut the f…. sorry, wrong thread…..

    1. Woke up before the alarm feeling fresh and up for the day
    2. Trousers are feeling a lot looser
    3. Just realised that I haven’t eaten meat for over 48 hours! (that is amazing for me)

  • posted by JK88

    1. I yesterday had the sardine dip, not a fan of fish, but i thought ‘in for a penny in for a pound’ it was vile, so just ate the veg, and nothing else, this is a positive you see, as it would have been easy to go to the shop, but i resisted, realised that i would be hungry for the afternoon, but gritted through it, until dinner!!
    2. Watched the football and didnt grab a beer and crisps
    3. Made the almond butter for todays breakfast and halloumi salad for lunch whilst chatting to my little boy sitting in his high chair watching me – admittedly he doesnt chat, so much as shout at me, but it is funny!


  • posted by Izzy

    loving everyones positives 🙂 lets keep it going. Even on bad days if we can’t manage 3 1 or 2 would do.

  • posted by Epspecially

    1. It’s Friday – weekend soon !! :-)))
    2. My cat sat on my lap today while I was eating my breakfast and just sat there happilly – didn’t do that weird kneading thing on my knees with his claws that I hate :-)))) (The fact that he voluntarily jumped up to sit on my lap is a rare thing – he’s friendly but on his own terms)
    3. Getting so into making my lunches to work – I’m saving a fortune I’d say! Made my partner a healthy lunch last night with BSD principles to bring to his work and it felt nice to make for him too 🙂

  • posted by Epspecially

    heee heee – Timmy – funny re meeting :-))))

    Also JK88 I probably shouldn’t laugh but visions of your face after tasting sardine dip heee heee :-))))) (Those crunchy bones uuuuughhh) (sorry to anyone who likes sardine dip!)

  • posted by barby

    Great thread idea – a very good friend of mine has some sudden bad health problems, and it’s certainly brought me up short and made me count my blessings.
    1. No 2 son has just said unexpectedly he’ll be coming to stay tonight for the weekend, don’t often see him, so will be lovely
    2. I keep feeling my tummy which is quite a bit smaller, and my jeans are so baggy, in early April they were too tight to wear
    3. We are getting some foster kittens tomorrow (our first) I’ll be in there all day playing with them!

  • posted by ay caramba

    Great idea….love positive thoughts.
    1. Son coming round for lunch today. Will be great to see him.
    2. Finished knitted bunny for my friends son’s newborn baby. It is really cute. (The baby and the bunny)!!!
    3. Plan to wear my new leather jacket this afternoon. Feel like a ‘Rock Chick’ in it. Never would have bought anything like this before BSD.

  • posted by Izzy

    My positives for the day.

    1. Whilst waiting for my daughters prescription at the pharmacy chatting to a lady who lives a street away… You’ve lost weight she told me 🙂 nice to be noticed!

    2. We went to get my daughters glasses. It’s a slightly materialistic thing as she could have got perfectly good glasses for free, but we paid a bit extra for her to get ones that she really liked. I’m grateful that together with my husband we have what we need and a bit more and are able to give our kids plenty. Not everything, but it is enough for a comfortable life.

    3. I finished off my pecan brittle tonight by way of a treat. It was yummy 🙂 so today I’m a little over calories but still good on carbs. I feel in control.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Izzy, investing in glasses that your daughter likes, and therefore will wear when needed, is such a positive thing. We did the same thing with our daughter when we realised she wasn’t wearing her previous glasses because she didn’t like them. Money well spent.
    Shall post my positives this evening (it’s 09:11 local time here).

  • posted by lab

    Positives for today:
    Getting on the scales and seeing that I have lost 10lb in a fortnight!!!!!!!!!
    Realising that I don’t need all those carbs, haven’t really missed them
    Went shopping without a list and didn’t buy unhealthy food – ie, pastries!

    Negative for today – on nights for three nights and want to eat, so had my salad bits – turned into a positive!

  • posted by Frog

    It’s sunny!

  • posted by Switzerland

    1.Visited by neighbor’s 14 year old border collie because he wanted a lengthy pat (his Dad had gone out). Dog and me more relaxed now.
    2. Stayed at home all day (so grateful that the world did not demand anything of me).
    3. So grateful (I want to type greatful – ?) that BSDers have such a brilliant sense of humour (yes, you, Timmy and your rugby club coaches meeting)

  • posted by Izzy

    Now I want to pat a dog!

    Our neighbours have cats, I’ll make do.

    Loving all these so nice to read 🙂

  • posted by Bissell

    1) beautiful coastal walk with the dog, listening to the sky larks

    2) New baby grandson had his first bath

    3) shorts fell down because they are too big!

  • posted by Echo Hotel

    1) long chats with 2 good friends I hadn’t spoken to in a while; great to reconnect.
    2) coffee with a girlfriend
    3) registering for this website after finishing reading the BSD!

  • posted by Izzy

    yesterdays positives

    1. I stuck to 800, even after giving myself permission to eat more calories.
    2. I found a new cracker recipe (cheesy) that’s good.
    3. Had a lovely walk in the woods with my kids + little girl from next door.
    4. (I’m allowed more!) I have lovely neighbours.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Welcome to the forums Echo Hotel.
    Had a nice chat with my neighbour (the one that has the border collie) Good to catch up as we hadn’t for a while.
    Slept in this morning and woke to the sound of rain on the roof.

  • posted by Izzy

    todays positives.

    1. I’m very lucky to still have my Dad, and extra lucky that he’s always been a brilliant one.
    2. I avoided the biscuits at my parents house… every last one.
    3. I worked out how to use the oven programmer and we came home to a lovey cooked chicken 🙂

  • posted by Sandie

    That sounds like success Izzy. High five

  • posted by Rubbu

    Fantastic idea for a thread Izzy!
    1. Missed seeing my 88 yr old dad on Father’s Day but had a good chat (shout, he is hard of hearing) via phone and will see him next weekend and will cook him his favourite …. Broccoli and Stilton soup!
    2. Caught up with sister for drinks but low carb snacks at the pub whilst making plans for my nephews wedding
    3. Had a peaceful moment reflecting on the good times, appreciating my “lot” in life, and smile.

  • posted by Timmy

    Hmm, struggling to muster up the positive vibes today with the minging weather outside, but here goes…

    1) booked up the family skiing holiday for next Feb (woooohooooooooo)
    2) in exactly 7 weeks I’ll be on the ferry to France for our hols
    3) managed to go the whole weekend without eating anything naughty (note, that says eating, not drinking!)

  • posted by Izzy

    OOOh holiday plans – jealous!

    well todays positives…

    1. daughter had a great time on her 1st day visit to her secondary school. I’m grateful we have such a great facility here and she is automatically entitled to go. None of the bidding for places that seems to happen in other places.

    2. I had a difficult day with things going wrong and plans changing (including dinner) and I DID not fall off the wagon.

    3. I’m currently tucked up in bed watching a movie with my fan on. luxury. I love my fan!

  • posted by Frog

    I saw pandas (well one panda, the other was in hiding)
    Koala bears – very cute
    A Scottish Wildcat – I worked for a charity that was involved in a conservation project with them a few years ago, but hadn’t seen one before.

    & home tomorrow, see my own cat again!

  • posted by Izzy

    much animal cuteness Frog!

    Todays positives

    I wanted to paint and started a painting, My creativity is returning after having vacationed elsewhere!

    All my jobs at work went well today

    I forgot to defrost the pork tonight but we had chicken instead and I stayed on track

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Positives for today:

    Walked to the polling station to vote in the sunshine (just over two miles round trip) for my highest number of steps since my Withings arrived. Celebrating with glass of wine. (Counted).

    Having put on two pounds after a ‘weekend off’ and a curry and several beers, today’s weigh-in showed me back down to my lowest in recent history.

    Ordered a birthday cake for my 50th party, with lots of completely frivolous decoration, and have the confidence that I will be able to have a small slice and not weaken and eat a load more.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Saw a double rainbow while driving home from the railway station – such an awesome sight.
    The joy of listening to my son doing music practice (university level).
    Looking at the fairy lights in the pear tree to help me through the winter nights.

  • posted by Izzy

    I forgot to do this yesterday.

    I have some lovely new pans.

    I don’t work on Fridays 🙂

    I have an awesome niece.

  • posted by Izzy

    I’ve had a great day – a really great day. I’m grateful for so much.

    I’m grateful for the best friend EVER in the history of friends.

    I’m grateful to my niece who babysat my son.

    I’m grateful to my son for being so adaptable.

    I’m grateful to the cast of Footloose for putting on a great show.

    I’m grateful that Hobbycraft exists! and that I had money to spend in it!

    I’m grateful to the rain. For not starting when we were walking so we stayed dry – but moreso for falling now, suddenly, copiously, deliciously noisily so i can sit here with my back door open breathing in the damp smell of rain and enjoying the beautifully relaxing sound of it falling.

    Did I mention I’d had a great day 🙂

  • posted by Switzerland

    1. I’m grateful to the talented teenagers of 8 local high schools for putting on their collective plays.
    2. I’m grateful that the snow didn’t come down to 700 metres on a night I had to go out.
    3. I’m grateful that vegetable soups are so nutritious and warming.

  • posted by Imogen

    time with good friend, sharing, laughing, setting the world to rights – priceless!😄

    walking on the beach under a wide blue sky watching the skylarks perform 🎵🎶

    eating a BSD friendly salad in a lovely restaurant… with a basket full of bread and butter sitting next to me on the table…and not being tempted. Then saying ‘ no thanks ‘ to all the sweet cakes and sticky puddings on menu only to be offered a bowl of berries and cream (not on the menu) bliss 😇

    Coming home to find no dirty dishes waiting for me…thanks son😊

    A very good day🌻

  • posted by Switzerland

    A day to relax.
    Not feeling hungry anymore.
    Sitting and knitting.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    This morning I am grateful for…

    A wonderful ten hour sleep (which I needed to catch up after staying awake through the night watching the referendum result…)

    A great day out ahead of me watching the rugby league team I support, with my family. And I promise not to buy fries at the stadium.

    Uncovering my long buried knitting box while I did a mass clear and sort yesterday. This will keep my hands busy at night, when I am tempted to snack.

  • posted by Izzy

    Today my main positive is a realisation that I think I am taking strides forward now in depression recovery.

    I’m wearing a size 12 skirt I haven’t worn in years.

    I like how I look and feel today.

    I’m feeling more like my old self. Confident, able, strong!

  • posted by Switzerland

    1. Reading that Izzy’s feeling better.
    2. Being in control of what I eat.
    3. Waking and listening to the rain on the roof.

  • posted by Jess J

    1. Relishing this new way of eating and how healthy I’m starting to feel
    2. My nieces laughter as they play in the sunshine
    3. Having the day off tomorrow

  • posted by Izzy

    Thankyou Switzerland 🙂

    Really love reading everyones positives!

  • posted by SunnyB

    1. How easy it is to get back to the Fast 800 regime after being away for weeks.
    2. Only putting on 2.8lb in the ten weeks I was away, just relying on ketosticks to tell me if I was doing okay or not.
    3. Having proper running water again after a mains leak in the garden, which took three days to fix.

  • posted by Izzy

    Monday is over (not that it was bad but still, it’s over!)

    I had energy after work to come home and play with my son in the garden and do some work that needed doing out there. Lots more where that came from but it was great to have the energy to start!

    I just spoke to my sister on the phone. love her lots.

  • posted by Switzerland

    1. I made a positive major life decision today that I’ve been pondering for months – right decision – no regrets.
    2. At 14:22 today my beautiful son has been part of my life for 19 years – Happy Birthday.
    3. I found a sunny spot out of the wind and ate my salad for lunch.

  • posted by ay caramba

    BSD 800
    1. I can do this diet.
    2. I am doing this diet.
    3. I will continue to do this diet.

    As long as it takes to get to my healthy BMI and then carry on with the essential principles of a Mediterranean diet for life.
    I will not be one of the statistics who has put all their weight back on in 2 years time……simples!!!!

  • posted by sydneygirl

    BSD 800
    1. 3 days in and feeling pretty good and under control
    2. I listened to a podcast yesterday which really touched me about a young girl who was paralysed by a horse riding incident so today I am grateful for the ability to walk
    3. For having a mentor who helps me figure out the best direction to take in my job and professional life

  • posted by SunnyB

    Today’s positives are:
    1. Already lost half of the weight gained while I was away, in just two days.
    2. Happy all my friends in Turkey are safe and well and weren’t near Istanbul airport.
    3. Looking forward to a romantic BSD friendly meal with my OH tomorrow evening.

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