2025 – Time to Come Alive!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello and welcome! This thread is for anyone who wants to achieve weight loss or other health goals during 2025. It will run for the whole year. You are welcome to dip in and out whenever it works for you. It is the continuation of various previous threads – the most recent being The One Hundred Day Challenge – but anyone and everyone is welcome to join in.

    We have viewed previous threads affectionately as a bus journey (for reasons which I can no longer remember!). And this journey will continue throughout 2025 to provide a supportive community for you, wherever you are at. Some of our number may have already achieved their goals and want some company as they maintain. Others may be doing regular or occasional challenges to lose a few pounds or hit other targets, and need bit of encouragement along the way. And others may be completely new to all this and needing some tips to get going.

    Whoever you are, wherever you are at, you are welcome to join our 2025 challenge. We are a friendly and honest bunch who do our best, and have fun along the way. I hope that by joining us you will achieve whatever you have set your heart on in 2025.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thanks so much DCT,you are a ⭐️ xx here we go,gang,grab your seats – and good luck! Merry 2025! XX
    I will be aiming on maintaining,but a few more pounds off wont go amiss should that happen.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Happy new year everyone! I intend to be a regular here as I want 2025 to be a full return to health after a difficult few years. Looking forward to reading more success stories and maintenance news, with positive thoughts, interesting low carb recipes and hints and tips.
    I think this should be a cruise ship rather than a bus, I can’t imagine how uncomfortable a year long bus journey would be 😁

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone and a Happy New Year to you all
    Thanks DCT for setting the new thread up and the title is inspiring! I’m in my seat and buckled in, the last few years have not been good for me healthy eating wise (or not in a consistent manner anyway) so I’m determined that 2025 will change that.
    Good luck everyone.
    Dawn X

  • posted by arcticfox

    Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for the thread, DCT!
    A full return to health and consistency sound like good goals for me too. I think the thread name is very appropriate! I’m starting out with ensuring that I’m cooking and eating healthy meals on a regular basis that are consistent with my new food list, getting regular exercise, and hopefully down a size or two by the 20th of Jan when I have my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon.
    I don’t weigh anymore, as my fluid weight can be so variable with the lipedema, but I know that I have lost quite a bit of water weight over the last week as I have been peeing lots and lots! And I wouldn’t say that I have been that low carb either, just more low carb than what I had been before Christmas. So it’s a good start. The carb flu seems to have gone into remission too for now.
    Good to see everyone determined to have a good 2025!

  • posted by Pootle

    Thank you DCT.

    As a relative newbie, (6 months in) I achieved my goal of weight loss (5st) and lowering my BS numbers to normal (40) from diabetic (50) in December!
    So I am now looking to maintain this result … and will need advice and support to do so! Thank you all!!!
    Happy New Year… here’s to a happy , healthy 2025!

  • posted by SueBlue

    Thanks for setting this thread up DCT 🙂
    Happy New Year everyone!
    MIxnmatch – LOVE the idea of a cruise ship and yes agree that it’s more comfortable than a bus 🙂
    Pootle – well done on your 5st loss, you and Yowzer are an inspiration.

    I’m jumping aboard, I need to lose about 8-10kg to get back to the low weight I achieved 2 years ago, so focusing on that first up. Then ideally I’d love to shed another 5kg after that, but first things first.
    I’m currently on leave from work and go back on 14 Jan, so using this next 10 days to get back into some healthier habits. Today is off to a good start – I went for a walk with OH this morning, we managed 5.000 steps quite easily, so will gradually build this up.

    I have quite a big year this year – turning 60 in September, and planning to retire at the end of 2025, plus continuing the ‘sadmin’ following my MIL’s passing. We also really want to travel overseas this year, so definitely want to be fit and well for that 🙂

    So here’s to success for all of us in 2025! 🥂

  • posted by Mariet

    Thanks again, DCT, for again setting up the thread. Looking forward to the year ahead and I also love the idea of a cruise!
    My goal is to lose 10kg. That would hopefully get rid of a lot of the excess me around my midriff and belly and reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.
    Wishing you all strength and resolution for the year ahead.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone and thank you DCT for setting up this thread for us all.
    Well done to Pootle and Yowser on your results. What an amazing weight loss you both achieved last year and so inspiring for those of us who struggled for a variety if reasons.
    I have decided to take things slowly. Slow and steady wins the race. I have enjoyed the festive period. I have gained 4lb but that will come off when i make sensible choices. I know what I need to do. I am committed to fasting every Monday starting next week. I am going to aim to lose 14 lbs initially and then make another plan. For me it’s going to be small steps. It is 8 years since I started out on my BSD journey and i am still lighter than when i started in 2017 but due to a variety of ups and downs and challenges i am still not where I want to be. My niece gets married in June and I have a lovely dress for her wedding. I’m having my second cataract operation in Feb so it will be lovely to have good vision again. The epiretinal membrane peel has improved my left eye vision. I am having both big toes fused this year so I won’t be able to walk for a while so I plan to try and get some weight off in advance of the ops to give me a head start. I’m feeling optimistic that 2025 could be the year that I come alive!
    Let’s do our best to make it happen.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone and welcome all joiners so far. And a big shout out to SUEBLUE who came up with the idea for the title!

    YOWZER and POOTLE you are both amazing! Very well done for achieving so much weight loss in 2024 and I hope that this thread will help you to stay on track and have some company in the process. It sounds like the rest of us have specific and achievable goals we want to work on, and I feel optimistic and confident that we can do this together.

    CATHY it’s great to have an event to work towards, and I’m sure your slow and steady approach will win through, especially as you are incorporating your medical issues into the plan too. And I hope that all of your procedures go well, ARCTICFOX it sounds as if you are now on top of your diet and know with confidence what you can and can’t eat. I’m sure you’ll be in the best place by your appointment on the 20th. MIXnMATCH and DAWN I am with you on getting back to healthy eating as its so easy to drift into bad habits. I think I need to follow the book recipes slavishly for a couple of weeks until my brain kicks into gear on that one!

    SUEBLUE and MARIET I think we’re all in a similar place in many ways. Mariet if I remember rightly you have recently retired? How’s that going? I retire from my school job in April and Sue you are gearing up for the end of the year. New phases of life for us all! But the other thing we have in common is still having some weight to lose, and for me particularly – as you say Mariet – it’s round the belly. That is my goal for this year. I could do with being 10-12lb lighter but am more concerned about. belly fat. Not just the health implications but also appearance-wise. I’m not that tall so the belly fat makes me look instantly dumpy, and also limits the clothes that fit me properly. So above an beyond the numbers, this year for me is all about the belly!

    Hello to anyone else reading this – do jump on board and let’s achieve our goals together in 2025!

  • posted by Nokie

    Happy new year everyone!
    It’s a bit late as I have only just found you all thanks dct for setting up the new thread it’s been very hectic as we moved house 1 week before Christmas 🎄
    I haven’t been getting any messages through on my phone but at last I haven’t remembered the name so here I am ready to go and thanks for saving me a 💺 on the bus 🚌 it’s a great idea to do it for a year I am determined to stay in my seat
    Goodluck everyone here’s to a good and healthy new year
    Be in touch soon
    Lv nokie x❤️

  • posted by Heidi24

    Thanks for the shout-out, DCT, on the 100day thread. I am still here and shall be joining you on this one too. Probably mostly in lurking mode, but cheering you on. The 100 day challenge worked for me in that I didn’t put any further weight on. And that is my main goal for the moment in the very difficult circumstances I am in. So time to come alive/ time to survive here comes 2025! Good luck to us all. xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oooh yes MIXMATCH i love the idea of relaxing on a cruise ship for a year and our dear old bus could enjoy a well earned rest!X
    POOTLE! well done on your weight loss! I too am looking at maintenance plans. I know I need to be careful,its so easy for the weight to go back on. X
    NOKIE new year new home,hope you settle in and have happy times there.X
    Hi and good luck to everyone else embarking on our new and long adventure.What will the year hold!? Will anyone get seasick? By the end of the journey,will we all have a sailor’s rolling gait? I hope I dont fall overboard – I cant swim!
    At the moment Im finding it difficult to totally stop the festive eating! Ive given some crimbo fare to a friend who never gains weight( grrrr…) but its so cold out and still so festive in with the twinkly lights and cards and presents still around that I find Im wanting and having a few snacksidents and drinkies here and there,as if it really is still Xmas …hmm,think tomorrow I better take all the crimbo trimmings down and put them away,otherwise I’ll be needing to get the wet lettuces out again…
    How about a singsong… all join in..
    🎸🎶🎵🎸… A life on the ocean waves,a home on the rolling seas….. 🎸🎶🎵🎸

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Absolutely loving the cruise ship idea for our journey- we all deserve the luxury of a cruise. I loved my cruise in September and as i am not planning a holiday this year until after my toe surgery i will enjoy cruising with you all as we sail off on our 2025 adventure. There is plenty of walking on a cruise ship so I’ll be trying to get my steps in every day. There will be some stormy seas along the way for sure but hang on everyone because we can do this and there will be calm waters too.
    It’s good that we are all at different stages on the cruise. Some maintaining, some losing and some struggling a little but there will be lots of opportunity to help and advise each other along the way. We can swap ideas, recipes, top tips and motivate each other. I’m definitely on board in my cabin – see you on deck!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATHY wdnt it be lovely if we really were all on a cruise together! But i guess it wd be very hard to resist all the on board goodies to eat. Maybe our fantasy cruise is for the best X😄

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello Everyone
    As i will be fasting from Sunday PM to Tuesday AM every week I need to start to eliminate the Christmas carbs from my diet this weekend to give me any chance of success. Going cold turkey won’t be easy so today and tomorrow in preparation for my fast I am being extra vigilant and cutting out all the bad things I’ve been eating during the festive season. My carb monster is already growling at me to feed him but I am determined to get back in control. I have a plan to drink plenty of water, peppermint tea and eat plenty of protein this weekend with eggs, cottage cheese and nuts at the ready. My body is swollen and sluggish as a result of my recent poor choices. Ive enjoyed the festive season but I can’t continue to eat this way. I’ve checked my blood sugar this morning and it is in the normal range so my plan is to keep my blood sugar low. I read a great quote which said it’s not what you eat between Christmas and New Year it’s what you eat between New Year and Christmas so today is Day 1 for me and im ready! This next few days will be the hardest whilst im ridding myself of the carbs but after a few days my carb monster will be back in his cage and the key will be thrown overboard!
    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    I will be attempting my first 7-10 day water fast starting Monday as a means to put the excesses of the holiday behind me! Wish me luck! Slight modifications to the classic water only fast, one multivitamin and one omega 3 oil supplement per day, one marmite or miso soup a day (probably lunch) and unlimited herb/green tea or rooibos without milk.

    Hoping to deal firmly with any carb monster antics and get ready for another attack on excess weight in January and February. Final target by the end of 2025 is a further 4 stone from my current overweight status. Will keep you informed how it is going.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    You don’t have to be perfect to be good enough with the BSD. If you just start again, you don’t even have to do hard and long fasts, which are very hard on the body.
    Just start again. 800 calories (more or less) and as few carbs as you can manage (and those veggies) and it will quickly come right. It is easier to just stay the course than to try to atone for the holiday.
    Just start again. It will come right.

  • posted by Mariet

    Wow Mixnmatch, that’s a long fast. I’m in awe of anyone who can fast so long. The longest I ever did was 36hrs which I used to do as teenager as a means of keeping my weight down (lifelong obsession….) I hope you and CC both get the results you’re hoping for.
    I have been keeping low carb (with one glass of dry sparkling wine, 0.8 g carb) but sadly no result on the scales as yet. I am sure it will come, early days yet. It’s high summer here and we are having a very hot few days so possibly retaining some fluid.
    It’s so hot I have had an influx of little (8-9inch) water lizards invading the house where it’s a bit cooler. They hide under the fridge and when they’re cool again they take themselves outside again, through the dog flap in the screen door. I don’t mind them, they are regular summer visitors each year, but my little dog regards them as a source of sport and I live in fear she’ll catch one someday. Neither she nor I would know what to do with them!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    I am just going to say something less than perfect here, WHY WHY WHY would a week long fast be something good or something to be in awe of? It is dangerous and stupid and would require careful eating after it is over to avoid the danger that comes from eating at the end of a long fast.
    This is NOT the BSD!!! This does not reflect BSD values.
    This is really stupid and no one should support this. It is not healthful or helpful.
    If you ate too much over the holiday, get yourself back on the straight and narrow, but don’t punish yourself with a seven to ten day fast.This is just disgusting.

  • posted by Mariet

    California Girl, I wouldn’t do it myself but there are reputable sources that do recommend fasting and even BSD recommends intermittent fasting (short term). Jason Fung recommends no longer than 14 days.

    I agree regarding the risks of refeeding syndrome afterwards.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Let me be clear, I am trying this only as I have seen sources that suggest this length of fast has potential extreme health benefits as an occasional tool and as I am very good now at listening to my body I will of course stop if it feels no good. I am very fat adapted after years of BSD style diet so I feel almost no discomfort during my more regular 36 hour fasts and the occasional 5 day fasting mimicking diets which this one is replacing as I enter this new year and I do believe that this will benefit me along with subsequent careful eating using BSD WOE principles back to a suitable weight this year. This fast is not for weight loss per se. It is also in no way intended to be a punishment, or advice or a challenge for anyone else. This is my way of recommitting to my healthy future in the midst of the worlds own challenges as they are thrown at me.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,let’s not rock our peace boat!
    We are all adults,individuals,but have the same aim in mind,to feel better,look better and to live better,pursuing this in whatever way we feel works best for us.
    This particular group has always been one of support and encouragement,not cricitism,so let’s keep it that way.
    Peace and love 🩷xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone and good to see all the recent posts.

    Fasting is not something I tend to do personally, but I know others on various forums have used it for specific purposes along the way – I’m thinking for example of our old friend JGwen who has done a lot of research on using fasting to create autophagy, to help renew the body’s cells. And MIXnMATCH is giving it a careful try for the reasons she describes, and is not encouraging others to do likewise. So let us know how you get on!

    Above all I agree with YOWZER that this thread is supposed to be a supportive and encouraging environment and let’s keep it that way. And yes, if one of our number declared they were going to fast for an indefinite period with no particular purpose in mind and no thought or care as to their general health and wellbeing I’m sure there would be many of us who would kindly suggest that would not be a good idea. But kindness is the key, and I personally don’t think words like “disgusting” have any place here.

    On a happier note, MARIET I was fascinated to hear about your water lizards. And hope the dog doesn’t get one! I spent some time in Mexico last summer and it was lovely to see the iguanas basking in the sun without a care in the world. And we did see smaller specimens inside too. At the time I assumed they were newts, but maybe they were water lizards too? Must Google it!

    Anyway, sadly no sun here now and I’m about to tog up to take my dog out in the pouring rain. Can’t put it off any longer so here goes.

    Love and best wishes to everyone on here, and hope that you all have a productive week in every day. DCT xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi again

    Back from dog walk now, just drying off! I meant to say earlier hello to NOKIE and HEIDI. Welcome on board!!

    NOKIE I’m so pleased you finally managed to move house! What a relief, and I hope it works out really well for you. And HEIDI you are very welcome to lurk, but I also hope you’ll pop in to say hello now and again 😀. I really hope that there is some positive breakthrough in your circumstances whatever they are.

    Here’s to a good week for us all! X

  • posted by Nokie

    Thanks DCT for your kind words it was a very hectic move but we are getting there slowly!! I am glad to be back on bus and will do my best this year🤣
    I read all the posts this morning I was surprised to see some of the comments this is such a lovely group I agree don’t rock this boat and peace is what we all need😘
    Anyway I will carry on unpacking it’s snowing outside
    Happy new year to you all will be in touch soon
    Lv nokie x💞

  • posted by Pootle

    Dr Michael Mosley in feature on Morning Live this morning, with an interview with Dr Clare Bailey.

  • posted by Verano

    Oh a cruise!!! My favourite! I’d love to join you on the high seas, as long as they aren’t too rough!

    2025 is my year for getting serious again. My plan is still being formulated but I think I’ll be building ‘good habits’ bit by bit. I have my water filter jug, my meditation app, my chair yoga YouTube videos and after all these years I think I know about ‘diet’!

    Anyway, I’d love to join your journey and hopefully take inspiration from Yowzer … no pressure!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    welcome on board Verano! Good to have you cruising with us. We have crossed paths for many years on the forum. I fasted for 24 hours today. Was aiming for 36 but i felt cold and hungry so bailed out at 24 hours. I knew it would be difficult after Christmas. I have cut out the carbs so next Mondays fast might be easier. Tomorrow I’ll be eating less than usual and being mindful of portion size and sticking to BSD friendly choices. It occurred to me in bed this morning that I don’t want to be trying to lose my excess weight forever! I need to get it done this year and maintain. Therefore it am hoping to knuckle down and get the job done. Yowser and Pootle you proved it can be done in a few months. I’m on it x

  • posted by SueBlue

    Welcome Verano! Like Cathy, our paths have crossed on these forums before, as I have been following BSD on and off since Jan 2017 🙂

    Cathy it sounds like you are off to a good start. I know what you mean about not wanting to always be trying to lose excess weight! I feel like this has been my life always, at least since I was in my young teens anyway (when I wasn’t even overweight – far from it!).

    I’m starting slowly as am on leave and still have some meals out and outings planned while I’m off work. I am making healthier choices though and building more exercise into my day.

    Yesterday my OH and I had some business to take care of in the city. We left early (as it was going to be a hot and sunny 36 degrees – totally opposite to the snow you are getting in the UK!), anyway we went for a walk around part of Sydney Harbour and the Opera House before walking all over the city for the various things we had to do – total steps ended up being 18,500 🙂 I was happy with that! I did have 1 or 2 glasses of wine in the evening, but I made spritzers with sparkling water – very refreshing on a hot summers evening 🙂

    Food wise I’ve been eating more salads and fresh fruit. Although I dislike summer here (too hot!) I do enjoy the lovely summer fruits – cherries and mango especially.

    I’m planning on starting each day with a brisk walk for the rest of this week. I’m awake early anyway and it makes sense to beat the heat. I find that if I walk for 30-40 minutes in the morning I have more energy during the day.

    Hope everyone else is off to a good start too this week 🙂

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi VERANO and welcome aboard! I’m in a similar place to you in that I need to get serious again. I have let things slide, made worse by a bad bout of flu over the festive season during which I either had no appetite at all or wanted to eat all the wrong things! So it’s great to have your company on this journey which I hope will be a successful one for all of us.

    CATHY I hear you about not wanting the weight loss journey to drag on forever. I did so well the first time round with BSD, and have kept a lot of the weight off, it’s just these last ten pounds or so – and, more importantly, the belly fat – that doesn’t want to go. I really want to be shot of it as I feel like a broken record spouting the same old aspirations every journey we do. So for me I really feel THIS IS IT. I’ve got to win my battle this year or just admit to myself it’s not going to happen. And, given the latter is not an option I even want to consider, I’d better get on with it!!

    SUE your Sydney walk sounds wonderful; the stuff of dreams! Mind you, I’ve lived in or near London for the best part of 45 years now and there are still many parts of the city I have not been to. I think we all do that – not appreciate what is on our doorstep, or do the things we would do if we were visiting as a tourist. But I hope to remedy some of that when I retire in April. It sounds like 2025 has got off to a good start for you Sue and I look forward to following your progress this year.

    POOTLE thanks for the heads up on that TV interview. I couldn’t see it in real time as was working all day yesterday but will see if I can find it on catch up anywhere. I always found Michael to be so inspiring whenever he appeared on TV, and Claire made all the meal planning and preparation side of things seem so simple – and also delicious. I could definitely do with a bit of that energy and motivation right now to really get going again.

    Hope everyone else Is ok and having a good week so far? X

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Fast day one completed, I remembered I hadn’t yet made the pea and ham soup with the leftover Christmas gammon so had the interesting experience of making 2 1/2 litres of lovely soup without the prospect of eating any anytime soon, but have frozen some bags for after the fast. I did have to taste the soup but hopefully that will be nutritionally insignificant so the fast isn’t affected. No bad effects at all so far, and still firing on all cylinders so pressing on today for day 2. Welcome aboard Verano, glad to have you with us on our lovely cruise ship. Cathy, well done on listening to your body and cutting the planned fast short. I will be doing the same if any similar effects happen to me. I am with you on getting rid of the excess weight this year rather than it dragging on forever, but as I have done it before once (8 stone in two years) I know the weight can come off that quickly and be safe. SueBlue that walk sounds lovely! We had a day of hailstones and wind yesterday so didn’t go out, but will be trying to get some steps in myself this week.

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks for the ‘welcomes’. I’ve chosen my cabin mid ships so I can stay on an even keel. Goodness knows I need it. Time to stop all the ups and downs. I will weigh on Friday but not sure when I should have my weigh-in day. For as long as I can remember, even in the WW days of eating can after can of tuna, my day was Tuesday. Wondering if I should have a total break and have a new weigh day too. Maybe Friday can be my new day.

    Anyway, hope all the illnesses are on their way out and everyone will soon be back to 100%.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Verano as it’s a brand new start and time to come alive I think it would be good to change your weigh day. I think Friday is a great day to weigh. I weighed yesterday before my fast but i think I’ll join you with a Friday weigh and re-weigh on Friday. I am sad that yet again I’ve not kept my weight down long term . I got down to 144 before my cruise in September and let myself go again. I’m determined to get 140 lbs on this cruise! 🚢. There is no delicious buffet, free drinks , afternoon tea or huge ice cream desserts to tempt me. I think this cruise is going to be the cruise for me! However, I am planning another cruise for 2026 when I am hopefully a new woman with my new eyes and my new fused big toes! A whole new me and at goal weight!

  • posted by Verano

    Ok Cathy! Friday it is! It probably is a good day being at the end of the week. Anyway, they say a change is as good as a rest and I’ve been doing that for far too long!
    So here’s to the first weigh-in of the year (for me ) on Friday.

    Cathy no point in looking backwards time to march forwards to the new you!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks …brrrr…its snowy,icy and slushy out there..good job we are snug on our boat! 🥰
    Ooh i wonder if Eat Smart – Secrets of the Glucose Goddess will be any good? Worth a watch to find out I guess…ch 4 at 8 pm xx

  • posted by Nokie

    Thanks yowzer
    I will tape it and watch it tomorrow as busy tonight I think programme might be worth a look.
    I am also going to start weighing on a Friday I have decided to do 5.2 I hope this will work for me just trying to do something different to say on this cruise 🚢
    Good luck everyone
    Lv nokie x

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks for the reminder Yowzer, I’m going to watch it now. Nokie I think I may have a look in my books at the 5:2 as I haven’t tried it before and it may just give me the boost I need. Dawn X

  • posted by SueBlue

    I’m going with Friday as a weigh in day too, as it has worked well for me in the past. I tend to follow a 5:2 approach with BSD anyway, eating approx 800-1000 calories each day Monday to Friday, then a bit more relaxed on the weekend – still lower carb but probably more like 1200-1300 calories to be honest. This is what works for me anyway.
    I started today off with a walk again – not as scenic as Monday’s Sydney Harbour one though! I did laps around a local sporting oval which is bounded by a railway line, industrial estate and power plant! It’s a grey, drizzly morning but I’m relishing this break from the latest heatwave!
    I had made overnight oats with chia seeds yesterday so had those for breakfast, today is off to a good start anyway!
    I’m breaking my weight loss goal down into smaller chunks so first mini goal is to lose 3.5kg, which I plan to do by Valentines Day 🙂

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi DAWN,what did you think of it? It made me realise how much we’ve learnt after so many years low carbing and fasting, but I think the info given will be a revelation to many people and a very useful help for them in losing excess weight,and I dont mind hearing it all again, I find a refresher now and again very helpful. All three people featured looked so much better after six weeks,it really helped me feel how worthwhile it all is. I liked how the “GG” said to focus on the health aspects and the weight loss as just a happy side effect.
    Hope youve got your sparkly chart on the go! X
    NOKIE hope you’ll enjoy watching tomoz.I too am going to use some 5:2 weeks in the plan to maintain my weight. I wont weigh every week,just sometimes. I’m more likely just to take notice of how I feel and how my clothes feel. Ive learnt the hard way that losing the weight and then thinking I can just return to bad habits does not work,so I won’t ever let it happen again.
    SUEBLUE,I like your plan. In such a long challenge,I think it makes good sense to break it into manageable chunks.👍X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowzer,
    Like you, watching it made me realise how much we already know but I now just need to put it into practice!!!! I’ve had a quick look at my original Fast800 book again at the section talking about the 5:2 which Michael suggested maybe trying after a few weeks of Fast800 but this time I’m going to do the 5:2 for a couple of weeks now to ease myself in and see how I get on then maybe a few weeks of the Fast800 and then continue with that if it still works which I’m sure it will. I will do my two 800 days tomorrow and Thursday and weigh myself on Friday. For the last week I’ve definitely eaten less than I have for a while but haven’t stuck to a food plan. I’m going to get back into TRE, probably 16:8 on my fast days and 14:10/15:9 on my other days and eat as low carb as I can all through the week. I also really need to start drinking water again as that has fallen by the wayside over the last few months. So I’m off to bed now, full of good intentions for tomorrow so hopefully I will wake up in the same frame of mind! I do have my sparkly chart ready:) We may not need wet lettuces on this cruise🤞 Will say night night now, hope you have a lovely sleep😴😴😴
    Dawn X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone

    I enjoyed watching the Glucose Goddess programme last night. I used her hacks last year when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and managed to reverse my numbers to get a normal HbA1c level. I found her on YouTube. I love her style and enthusiasm. I am slowly weaning myself off the carbs this week and already feel much better. I’ll weigh on Friday, I will bite the bullet and post my weight. I am back up into the high 150’s and aim to get to 140 lb. I know it will be slow and steady but I am prepared to stay on the cruise and enjoy the journey. The icy weather has postponed my walking as I am nervous of falling and breaking something due to my osteoporosis so I am staying in whilst it’s so icy but as soon as possible I will be out getting in some steps. I did previously enjoy the walking at home videos on YouTube so that is a plan! Just having a cup of coffee this morning and then am planning on having some cheese and nuts for lunch with an apple and some Kefir. I’ll eat the apple last as per the advice last night.
    Hope you’re OK Mixnmatch doing your extended fast during the cold spell!
    Have a good day everyone. One day at a time. Slow and steady wins the race, this is our year everyone,

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Hi Cathy, I actually feel somewhat more energised than normal this morning! I slept well, had a MM style 30 second cold shower to round off my regular warm one and have started my ‘breakfast’ herb tea and feel great. Of course that could also be the effect of not having had an alcoholic drink since Sunday. I woke up this morning with a mild caffeine withdrawal headache but that went away with the shower. I will probably be lighting the wood burner soon as the house is quite cold, but here in Cornwall we are not as icy as the rest of the country. I think to date I have been ‘burning’ glycogen stores as my weight has dropped very fast the first couple of days, so I will see how it goes over the next few days when they run out and the fat burning kicks in. That is when issues may occur if my fat burning adaptation isn’t as advanced as I think it is. I am interested to hear about the Glucose Goddess programme, is it available on catch up do you know?

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi MixnMatch
    The programme was on Channel 4 and is available on catch up . I think it was called Eat Smart. Well done on your resolve and your cold shower this morning! You’re made of strong stuff. I found my first fast so difficult and managed 24 hours. I’ve only ever fasted for 42 hours. Im doing time restricted eating during the week and fasting on a Monday. I like to mix things up and try different approaches to weight loss and I think it keeps my body guessing!

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    That is exactly why I chose my name! I have been mixing up diet ideas and working out what works for me for what seems like forever, but there is always room for more in the mix.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Days 3 and 4 still fine, feeling great in fact. I’d almost forgotten what it was like to not have my ankles swelling up at times, but not at all since I started the fast. Watched the Eat Smart programme last night, as you say, not much we didn’t know already, but some of the ‘hacks’ I have been less than observant of have been noted and will be dragged into my next phase of this years ‘project healthy me’.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,
    Weighed this morning and I’m 2lb down, I’ve just been easing myself in this 1st week so happy I’ve lost some, even though it’s just a little.Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Dawn X

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Hi Dawn, great to hear about your weigh in. I am not even looking at the weight coming off during my fast, as I think most will just be glycogen stores after Christmas carbs.

    I have now decided what the immediate period post fast will look like and will be doing a (slightly shortened) reverse diet period back to over my basal metabolic rate for a week before even thinking about losing any weight through my 8 weeks plan. So Day 11 (or 8) I will do 300 calories for a couple of days, then 600 for a couple then 900 for the remaining three days of the week. 1200 for a week, then 1500 for a week, then 1800 (nominally my basal metabolic rate) for a week before taking it up to 2100 for a week, which may result in some weight regain. After than the next part of the plan is to do 900 a day except Monday which will be a 36 hour fast like CC 😀 This should help avoid any re-feed syndrome problems going forwards. It will be 5 weeks before I do any more fasting. Day 5 at the moment and still going great, but 5 days has been my previous longest fast so a little into the unknown after that.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done DAWN! Youre 2 lb down,and if you hadnt eased yrself into the first week,you could have been another one or two pound up👍 i think its always worth remembering that.X
    And well done MIXY on reaching Day 5 of your plan! X👏👏 you made me smile in earlier post mentioning ‘ carb monster antics’..I always imagine my monster as a little gorilla wearing a frilly dress always waiting round corners to try to jump out at me and trip me up!

  • posted by SueBlue

    Well said Yowzer, that is so true! And well done Mixnmatch and Dawn 🙂
    Dawn I’ve also spent the last week just preparing/easing myself back into it, as I’ve been on holidays from work. I basically just wanted to focus on healthier habits. I weighed myself this morning and have lost 500g (about a pound), so happy with that at this stage.
    I have notched up almost 50,000 steps too, my daily average for the past week has been over 7,000 as I’ve gone for a walk most days.
    Have also made some healthy meals – overnight oats, lentil curry, beef and veggie stir fry, and lots of salads as it was so hot earlier in the week.
    I’m going to be adding to the step count today as I’m going into the city again with my husband and he has a route planned that includes a park with hills and steps and some lovely views, so looking forward to that even though there is more rain forecast.
    Sunday I’m cooking a healthy turkey roast for lunch, then doing some meal prepping for the week as I go back to work on Tuesday. I’m planning a 16:8 approach and 800-1000 calories each day as this is what has worked for me in the past.
    Then hopefully at weigh in on Friday I will have shed another couple of pounds at least!
    Have a great weekend everyone!

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