Hi, I have ordered some ‘elle belle’ low carb shakes from amazon as regular slim fast shakes are pretty high carb (25 – 40g per serving depending on flavour) and 2 shakes would mean approx 500 kcals where the low carb ones are half that for 2 shakes. They cost me £20 for 2 flavours which is meant to be for a 20 day supply (10 days per flavour, though the pouches look pretty small now they’ve arrived but only use 4 tsps for a shake so we’ll see) – will let you know how they taste as I am starting tomorrow too. Good luck! ☺

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Hi, my busy lifestyle, full time job and 3 kids to feed will mean I may have to resort to shakes too so I have ordered some ‘elle belle’ low carb shakes from amazon as regular slim fast shakes are pretty high carb (25 – 40g per serving depending on flavour) and 2 shakes would mean approx 500 kcals where the low carb ones are half that for 2 shakes. I am starting tomorrow so wish me luck! My figures are prediabetic, my Mum is type 2 on insulin and I am scared the same will happen to me and as a nurse who advises diabetics, I know I should know what to eat but I have been stuck at 2 stone overweight for years, I have tried all sorts of different plans and diets but my compulsive eating when stressed is the problem so I am trying this in the hope to break the cycle of years of bad habits. Good luck to you all ☺
Hi all
I’ve just got to the end of week 2 on fast 800. The first week went very well but for the past 4 days I’ve felt awful: I’m absolutely exhausted and every muscle hurts. I’ve got stomach problems, wind, alternating diarrhoea and constipation. I’ve not lost hardly any weight either.
Any ideas??
Cheryl. -
I was intending to do the Newcastle diet but the thought of all those shakes had me dithering then I saw Dr MMs book and thought no time like the present. So I started last Tuesday and I have lost 4lbs but even better BS is down from 11.7 on Tuesday to 8.7 this morning. 2 hours after dinner last night it was 7.2. After third day the hunger pangs abated and I feel fine – the occasional wistful thought of toast and peanut butter – but then I think about fitting into those jeans that have been unworn for the last 5 years and finally being able to get new glasses (I have an optician with a conscience she won’t give me new glasses till BS is settled) and I work through it. I know it will get harder but I think as long as I keep checking my BS that will motivate me to carry on.
Thanks for that Floradora
Thanks to everyone for the advice, Just weighed myself and I am 12 stone 13 pounds, but my circumference is not too good it is 8 inches more than my height, I seem to be able to lose weight pretty quick but my stomach does not change in it shape. Does anyone have any tips on how to reduce stomach size; I know about exercise and have started walking more rather than take the lift I take the stairs and all the usual stuff. Is it a case that my waist will follow my weight and reduce on its own in time?
Any thought greatly appreciated. -
posted by Casey76 on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 31 Jan 2016 at 09:13 in Fast 800After three days you are still going through “carb withdrawal” it does get better! Keep drinking plenty – my tea (fruit as well as normal black with milk) consumption has gone up considerably as plain water in winter is not an exciting prospect!
I had a grotty day yesterday (day 6) but I was exercising rather intensively. Other than that all I can say – it does get better 🙂
Hi NiKe,
I’ve been on the diet for a week, and I’ve discovered that simply by cutting out starchy carbs and things with added sugar, my daily carbs have levelled out to around 50-55g. I’m not eating any fruit though.
Hope this helps 🙂
Yes I would like to know the Maximum gram of carbs allowed ? I am starting this diet today. Can someone help ?
Hi Bordercol – what a great idea to make a prebiotic soup! it could include leeks, onions and jerusalem artichokes. Sounds tasty. Perhaps add a bit of milk or cream. We might try making it. Will upload to the recipe section when we do..
Clare (Michael’s wife) -
posted by kbskylady on Anxiety and cortisol stress – any Asperger Syndrome folks here?
on 31 Jan 2016 at 08:21 in Welcome to the BSDI’m new here and wonder if there are any others on the forums who have Asperger Syndrome? It’s a very significant condition with regards to diabetes/pre-diabetes due to the cortisol constantly being pumped out in response to anxiety (I am hyper sensitive to noise and have the neighbours from hell). I was only diagnosed last year after a lifetime (56 years) of high anxiety and all the problems that brings. I’m convinced, after reading the book, that the almost constant anxiety I suffer has contributed in a very big way to my weight gain, high levels of cholesterol, high BP, and pre-diabetic state, so naturally I’m concerned that my success will be directly affected by the over production of cortisol, and will mean I’m not going to be as successful as less stressed folk. I’m determined that this new regime will work for me because I don’t want to end up sick and dying early, as my mother did. But since reducing stress is a big part of this diet, I wonder how other Aspies manage? Thanks for reading this, and please don’t ask me to ‘just chill’ – my brain’s programmed differently from the majority so it’s largely out of my control!
Hi Maggs. I’m starting out too, and want to follow the veggy option – but there isn’t one. I was wondering about Quorn, as I use it quite a lot anyway.
posted by burgledad on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 31 Jan 2016 at 05:02 in Fast 800Three days in to 800 diet and waking up with headaches and feel like I have been poisoned. Awful taste in my mouth. Wake in the night feeling rough. It is like a hangover and getting worse. I am drinking plenty.
Explanations or tips? -
posted by burgledad on High Cholesterol and the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet..
on 31 Jan 2016 at 04:55 in Fast 800My LDL reading has been increasing yearly since starting tests 3 years ago and now sits at 5.9. I have been resisting starting statins while I researched them and what the LDL and other blood readings mean. Cholesterol is at 7.7.
Mosley’s book is informative but is too light on details to properly understand things so I have been reading deeper. Headlines:LDL is sub-classified as small and large, and the small ones are the harmful ones. You need to get this tested to find out if you have a real problem that may require medication.
Usual blood tests only approximate total LDL anyway. There is a more direct test that can be done.
Most GPs do not understand this topic (my wife is a biochemist with PhD research in the area of blood lipids) so it is difficult to sort with them. My GP is good
Cholesterol readings are not much use.
Fatty liver, pancreas etc. is thought to underly many of my symptoms. I have not had this checked directly (involves MRI scan). Instead I am just starting the 800kCal diet, which is worth a try.The book “Wheat Belly” by Dr William Davis has more detailed explanations of LDL etc.
posted by makeachange007 on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
on 31 Jan 2016 at 00:27 in Fast 800I have done the meal replacement program (shakes) before as advised by my doctor. The meal replacements to use are Optifast or Optislim. Optifast is more expensive. I am in Australia so not sure if these are available in other countries. My doctor told me to avoid most other shakes as they are full of sugar and do not provide the correct nutrition.
Good luck GettingSerious. The shakes do work really well but I got sick of the sweet taste so only lasted 3 weeks on the program. It’s a good idea to introduce real food after a few weeks. -
Hi again diabetes.co.UK has info on original study at newcastle university they used optifast meal replacement sachets 3 per day plus meal of vegetables but not cheap!
Be careful read what’s in the shakes slimfast is full of sugar! Personal trainer friend recommended my protein.com
posted by gateofheaven on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 30 Jan 2016 at 22:42 in Fast 800That’s a good point. My sleep has been negatively affected by the diet. But since i am home bound without a schedule, i make up for it with 2 hour naps until i feel well rested. It’s an old cycle started when i developed pituitary insufficiency (and now resurrected again) and stopped producing most hormones. I’m working at it, but will be even more diligent now thanks to your comment.
posted by jmjski on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 30 Jan 2016 at 22:39 in Fast 800Have you been getting enough sleep? Having too little sleep can affect your hormones, which can then affect your weight loss.
Oh Lesleyp I must have missed it. Can you tell me what page it was on please?
posted by GettingSerious on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
on 30 Jan 2016 at 19:31 in Fast 800Starting a new thread to hopefully keep it narrowly focused on the subject: simple indications or examples of meal replacement diet shakes for the BSD (600+200 kcal)
First, thanks Dr. Mosley for this excellent book! I received it a few days ago.
I’m starting my 8 week BSD (the “800 kcal” variant, not the “5:2” one) on Monday 01/02.
On pages 128/129 you say the last thing before beginning is to choose between MR diet shakes (600 kcal, to be supplemented with 200 kcal of non-starchy vegetables) or real food.
I’ll go with the shakes for various reasons, including: convenience, that I’ve never tried any, and that’s what the original Dr. Taylor’s study used. You also report an excellent success story with them at page 59 (the only other reference in the index). After a few weeks maybe, as you suggest, I’ll change to the real food with the book’s recipes for the entire meals and not just for the 200 kcal vegetables integration.The problem is, I have no idea what to choose, and most importantly how to ensure they’ll provide me all the required nutrients in the right amounts for their 600 kcal: in other words, the same that the real food recipes in the book would provide.
There’s no indication of any kind in the book or in this site (where you do indicate, however, other products). I’m not asking for a recommendation or endorsement of any specific product of course, just some examples or at least the composition (proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates (!), other nutrients: types and quantities) we should generally be aiming for.
A quick search in a shop was terribly confusing: unclear what some things are for, some woman-specific products (while the entire book and all the recipes make no such distinction, correctly I think), wildly varying compositions (including up to 10% carbohydrates in some)…
A famous retailer has exactly 8 products on its website that qualify as MR diet shakes: 4 PHD ones “for woman”, 4 Forza ones non-gender orientated. If the recipes are not “qualified”, since what matters are the calories and nutrients, so the shakes also shouldn’t need to be.We’re left in a right pickle by an otherwise excellent book on this aspect, can you please help?
Just 3 or 4 examples (as done for the glucose monitors on this same site, for instance), or a reference to the exact products used by Dr. Taylor’s study, or equivalent ones, would all be extremely helpful.
posted by gateofheaven on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 30 Jan 2016 at 18:56 in Fast 800I plateaued for 4 days. Decided to carefully examine everything I was eating. 2 of my medications had artificial and sugar sweeteners in them, so i changed to other forms. So did my creamer. I also cut out dairy, although i loathed to do it, because it was not completely agreeing with me (there is some research out there that indicates that foods we are allergic to may cause havoc on the digestive track). I measured out a “drizzle” of oil and found that i was under-reporting it. At first I used the calories on packages to guide me, but once i actually started weighing the items, I found that the packages under reported calories (hmmm). I do weigh the veggies because i like a lot of them – in omelets and salads; they were adding up, although Dr. Mosley’s concern that we get more veggies in and not weigh them is good advice for most. Once I made those changes, the weight loss started again. Drinking water through out the day seems key to me. I cannot exercise yet due to a back injury, but can now do some simple resistance movements when sitting on the couch. I’m sure that once exercise is started again, there will be even greater weight loss. Day 13 is showing 17 pounds lost (9.2 the first week) and 2 1/2 inches of the waist (I started out at 240.4 lbs – so i’m a big girl, lol). Sticking with the program despite the plateau truly was beneficial. My blood sugars are finally coming down slightly.
That diet sounds OK to me. The fruit should be without sugar or syrup of course – berries are best – strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or cherries. The yoghurt should be full fat greek natural yoghurt. The devil is in the detail! Eggs and salmon sound fine, steak is ok and dont stint on the green leaf salad, but make sure the dressing is sugar free. Another handy ‘hotel’ type dish would be omelette. I dont count calories – just try to stick the spirit of the recipes in the book, its working for me.
Very interested in Michael’s comment regarding gut bacteria, having watched the recent Trust Me and then done some further reading on the subject.
Any chance of a prebiotic soup recipe that would give the maximum benefit to gut bacteria within a 200 calorie portion?
Also, could you clarify whether the bacteria toward the end of the system still benefit if prebiotic vegetables such as Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, asparagus stems , onions have been both cooked and then puréed in soup? Maybe it’s better just to chomp down a bit of raw chicory every day? If so, how much? -
posted by Julia18togo on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 30 Jan 2016 at 15:14 in Fast 800Maybe talk to GP about level of meds as might need to be reduced? Also try strength exercises lying on floor if foot not permitting walking/running? I have found weight loss plateaus and then goes down again!
In the end , after such a good first week , last night I found I didnt even want a glass of wine, so im not planning on one this eveing. either. Went for Dr Ms recommendation for fizzy water, ice and lemon .. looked like gin and tonic, !
I was 5 lbs down this morning after only 4 days , that’s motivation enought to carry me through the rest of the weekend I think…
Thanks Paulclare.
I don’t really want to be tied to a website. I would like something that monitors all NEAT and perhaps changes colour so that I can check toward the end of the day to see if I have done enough, and then add in some activity if needed. Simple really, nothing complicated.
The Garmin might be a possibility, I hadn’t thought of monitoring via heart rate, but would that depend upon hitting certain levels of exertion? I mainly want to keep a progress check on all the activity all day , most of which will not be raising heart rate significantly or for any length of time. -
Just wondering, is there anyone out there who could give advice on the meals I eat whilst I am in hotels. I used to have a small bowl of fruit with two table spoon sized scoops of natural yogurt, and for dinner I always had a chicken creaser salad, since reading the book I started to have a small plate of scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast and in the evening I had sirloin steak(200g) and a small salad with a yogurt dressing, if I feel peckish at lunch time I may have a small bowl of soup normally watery soup and a small bowl of salad, when I say small about the size of a salad side order drizzled with olive oil.
can anyone out there say whether this is a good diet to have or not and what kind of calories would I be having, as there is no way of telling in the hotel and I am only just a beginner when it come to these sort of things.
Any help would be very helpful thanks. -
Thanks for the tips, i will start on the slim fast shakes, only till i can get into some sort of routine but live in hotels monday to friday will be tricky.
Thanks for the help -
In the book there is a comment from Michael that basically says ‘if you must’.
Just completed my first week, and I am astounded with the results.
Diagnosed as a T2 diabetic in September 2015, I have been following a low carb diet and had already reduced my weight, and my blood sugar readings. (I test regularly with a meter). My blood sugars had reduced considerably from the initial reading of 29, but were not low as I wanted, and there were still plenty of peaks.
Since swapping to the 8-week diet plan my blood sugars have dropped further and really steadied. They are now consistently in the 6’s, and my early morning fasting readings have come down (having remained stubbornly high).
The food is delicious – have enjoyed the Sardine Dip, Chicken on white bean mash, Spicy Bean Burgers, Pea and Spinach Omelette, Portobello ‘Toast’, No Carb Ploughmans. Cant wait to try the Skinny Kedgeree and the Courgetti Prawns. Veg curry for my husband tonight while I enjoy a steak and salad. What’s not to enjoy!
Weight loss has continued. I take two Metformin a day, but am now wondering if the day will come when I can stop and manage with diet only. That would be wonderful!
posted by Fredforest on Calorie counts in the book recipes
on 30 Jan 2016 at 10:00 in Welcome to the BSDNo need to answer I read the small print in the book. It is per serving.
posted by Vetgirl on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 30 Jan 2016 at 09:55 in Fast 800So day 13 ( my lucky number!) Fasting BSG now 5.2 this morning ( started at 9.9 on day 1) RESULT ! Over the moon! this diet works.
Sticking to 800 cals religiously, changing my foods about so my body doesn’t get used to them, weighing everything, but haven’t lost anything for 6 days now, disappointing but not the main reason for the diet ( at least the dr won’t be able to say you are obese, have high cholesterol and are diabetic though lol two out of 3 ain’t bad in 2 weeks lol
If anyone could help with reasons why the weight is stalling I’d be super greatful as would welcome a bit of encouragement at this point. Here’s hoping -
Thanks everyone. I decided it wasn’t worth it and found some soda water (for the bubbles) and added some lemon to it.
I have just read the book and am getting organized to start. I have been checking out the recipes, but I am a vegetarian so was wondering about things I can substitute for the meat in some of the recipes. I don’t really “do” fake meat and am not sure how I will affect the calorie count if I start messing about too much. Any advice please
I got the book for my Kindle but have found I cannot read the table of menus. Does anyone know how I can make the menu tables look right so I can follow them?
posted by Fredforest on Calorie counts in the book recipes
on 29 Jan 2016 at 22:58 in Welcome to the BSDI am a tadge confused, do the calorie level numbers refer to the whole dish or per serving?
According to my Fitbit you burn over 800 calories by living. This is a rapid weight loss diet so you need to do something to shed the visceral fat.
So far with moderate exercise, I have arthritis in my knees and hip which makes me reliant on pain killers some days, I have managed to lose a fair bit of weight.
Some days I feel full on 600 cals too and I have not yet collapsed 🙂
My understanding is that diet drinks trigger the body to think it has sugar. It was featured on one of the trust me I’m a doctor programmes.
You are better off having a small glass of red.
posted by KayGee on Recipe Query – Pepper with Jewelled feta
on 29 Jan 2016 at 22:20 in Welcome to the BSDNHS
website calorie counter states 104 calories.. I made this this week and used left over pomegranate from the aubergine and lamb meal. There were a lot of seeds but I’d never eaten pomegranate before so not sure what “normal” amount would be. -
I am on my first day and I have used slim fast shakes. To get started I know I will find it easier if I don’t have to weight and count everything. I have had 2 shakes and a lunch of chicken and veg
I keep a tub of Slimfast shake in the cupboard for times when I have to leave the house at lunch time and dont have time to prepare and eat anything. I can quickly mix that up and drink it. I have also had the odd shake for breakfast as well.
It does seem as if some people also find it easier to have shakes for breakfast and lunch and have one main meal in the evening.
posted by captainlynne on Am l too old to use the BSD?
on 29 Jan 2016 at 21:02 in Welcome to the BSDHi. I’m 65, Type 2 for 6 years, diet controlled. I’ve been following the BSD for six weeks tomorrow, losing 22 pounds, my fasting blood sugars have gone from 10.9 to normally in the 5s with the odd one in the 6s. Previously I could rarely get it below 7. I’ve lost a good dress size, with 6 inches off my waist. Saw the diabetes nurse today and my previously high BP (on 2 medications) is now low! Looking to come off the meds 😊. I’m keeping careful records of what I eat, calories, fasting blood sugar and blood sugar at bedtime. Also noting weight, BMI (down from 40.9 to 36.9), and measurements. That’s the control freak side of me – but it helps show reason for any odd result, and keeps me going. We’re not too old. I feel so much better, joints aches less, persistent cough has gone, thinking more clearly 😃
I had the boys around for beers last night. Normally a few beers, bourbons or wines & the food is anything but healthy. It’s my regular weekly downfall in diet plans. Last night I set my food apart & calculated I could have 2 shots of bourbon & I told the guys why I was doing this. Next Friday I’ll take my own food to one of the other guys places. I find if I have more than a couple of drinks my willpower goes out the door.
I probably should have mentioned I work away from home Monday to Friday and stop in hotels during the week. If I was to start on the shakes I would able to take these with me and have them in my room. Weekends does not present a problem as I can sort the menus out but during the week is more difficult
I am starting the plan on Monday, question I have is, can my two year old son eat the food I am making for myself?
posted by happysheryl on I Received My Book Yesterday!
on 29 Jan 2016 at 18:21 in Welcome to the BSDI received my book yesterday, straight from amazon u.k. to California. I paid the extra for 2 day shipping, and let me tell you, it is worth every penny.
I can’t put this book down. You know how some medical information/diet books are so dry and boring you can pull your hair out of your head? Not this one. This is written in such a user-friendly manner with such great inspiring stories, I can’t say enough about it. For anyone interested, the “diet” guidelines are what I was hoping for. No math (aside from the 800 calories), no counting carbs, just guidelines about what to eat for the best low glycemic value. I am personally doing 5:2 to start with, with low carb on the remaining days. If need be, I’ll stick in a third fasting day as time goes on. I salute everyone who went straight to the 8 week thing, but 8 weeks of 800 calories just scares me right now. I am pre-diabetic. Perhaps if I was thrown into full-blown type 2, I’d feel differently.
Anyway, just a heads up for anyone on the fence about this book. It is definitely worth it. Have a great day everyone!
Hi , its my first weekend doing the BSD, 800 a day. so far I’m pleased with my 4lb loss in the first 4 days, so dont want to blow it,
However everyone will be around, wine will be drunk, and ill be cooking … I have made skinny chilli for tonight , (which the others will have with bread ).
I do want to do this , and although I can do it easily when i’m on my own ( as i am most of the week )but also have a bit of a life when family are around at weekend , Wine is my downfall, everytime, followed by cheese.
Ii was thinking of perhaps doing a sort of 5:2 fast , but making it 1:6.., i.e 6 days at 800 then I have Saturdays when i can have a glass of wine and maybe some cheese.. Im ok not eating bread or other starchy carbs..
Im not diabetic, or probably not even pre diabetic, but am about 2 stone heavier than i’d like to be and I do want to get this tummy wodge off..
Is this just wimping out after only 3 days?
I’d love to know your strategy for keeping on track at the weekend..
I agree with you. I spent over £100 on bits and bobs for the diet on Monday and I’ve had to eat similar meals on consecutive days in order to use them up. I haven’t stuck rigidly to the meal plans in the book but I think they give us a general idea of what changes we need to make to our diets. I intend to use the recipe ideas as a guide and adapt them according to my lifestyle and budget. I was brought up on very traditional fare and whilst I do enjoy salads and vegetables I am beginning to feel like I’m morphing into a rabbit!
I don’t have diabetes nor am I pre-diabetic but I am very keen to make changes to my diet. I haven’t found this week particularly easy, despite the fact I was already sticking to around 1000 cals/day before I embarked on it. I feel quite tired and grumpy and I have been craving chocolate (I’ve allowed myself some small pieces occasionally) but I am determined not to cheat and to stick it out.
Good luck. I had the Harissa Chicken as well this week and whilst I didn’t love it, it was ok. My daughter really liked it so it was what I call a success! -
Are fresh new potatoes acceptable as they have much lower GI?