My fasting blood sugar is reducing in the morning. A couple of times I’ve taken it again before eating breakfast and it is higher. Why is this and is there any way to prevent this?Should it be prevented? I’ve wondered about eating a few nuts on waking in case its my body pushing out glucose due to fasting/ low energy although my blood glucose is in the low 6 range.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
I’ve noticed this as well, no Idea why though sorry
Hi ArranGranny – It seems to be quite common for the liver to continue pumping out excess sugar overnight, even though you are having fewer sugar spikes the rest of the time due to the lower carb/low calorie diet.
This probably because it can take time for the insulin resistance to settle and to get rid of the fat stored in the liver. Once these get back to their normal function, the fasting blood sugars should improve. So sometimes people find their HbA1C has improved (a measure of your average blood glucose over a period of time) but their morning fasting blood sugar is still a bit raised. Don’t worry, stick with it as it sounds as if all is heading in the right direction and you are doing well!
Hi, I started the diet 2 weeks ago, bs was 8.3 on starting, after week one 7.9, week two 5.9. However this morning it was back to 7.3. Is this normal. I have lost 10 lbs in the two weeks and notice my midriff is going down. I have nodules in my thyroid which my GP (who is fully behind me) says it may cause a problem with weight loss. Not on any medication. Metformin makes me ill.
Any advice would be appreciated and yes I am sticking to the diet. -
Be had exactly the same happen to me this morning. Yesterday’s fasting BSG was 5.2 ( where it’s been since Friday) went down to 4.4 two hours after lunch and then 5.8 before bed. This morning it’s 6.3. I have no idea why except I had some dairy for dinner last night ? very disappointed this morning but going to keep going for now. 😊
I’m not so concerned about bs being up in the mornimg as thats part of the body’s waking up and overnight process – so don’t be disheartened Vetgirl you are doing good. Mine went up between waking and breakfast. I just wondered if anyone had tried a wee snack ( a few nuts?) when they wake up so the body knows its not starved – or is it best not to and get the glucose released
It makes sense, and I think I’ve read(??) that BG goes up slightly in the morning when we get up. Someone who didn’t have a problem would still be in the normal range but would have a bit of energy to get going.
Penny -
I’m struggling , I’m a T2 on insuline twice a day . 12 units in the morning and 7 units in the evening . Been on the BS diet for two days and my reading are high . Morning was 11.0 and evening before bed is 12.8 . I have stopped taking my insuline whilst on this diet . Will it take a few days for my BS to drop to a normal range . Any help would be appreciated ?
Hi Superred
There’s a really encouraging TED talk by Dr Sarah Hallberg.
She is a specialist in obesity and diabetes and she talks about the diet she gives her patients. She calls it ‘no GPS’ which is grains, potatoes, sugar. This is from diet Maybe you need to come off the insulin more slowly??‘Avoiding the carbohydrates that raise your blood sugar decreases your need for medication to lower it. Taking the same dose of insulin as you did prior to adopting a low-carb diet might result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). You need to test your blood sugar frequently when starting this diet and adapt (lower) your medication. This should ideally be done with the assistance of a knowledgeable physician.’
Hope it helps
Penny -
Hi first thing morning I am 9.5 but my wife who isn’t diabetic was 8.0
I believe normal range is from 4 to 6 ?
Maybe everyone’s is high in morning,but what do I knowWhat’s a perfect score for morning and later in day folks
Alan (newbie )thanks to all here
Hi Superred,
I’m with Penny on this one, I think rather than stopping your insulin altogether you should try cutting down as you see your blood sugar levels start to drop. That’s assuming you are on a short acting insulin. If you are on mixed or long acting you really need to talk to your GP or diabetes nurse. Take in some info on what you’re doing and your recent results. Ask for a sliding scale insulin regime. This will give you a dose based on your blood sugar levels.
Keep posting and let us know how you’re getting on. All the best 🙂 -
Hi Alanhypno,
You say your wife isn’t diabetic but if your wife had a fasting reading of 8, I think she should go and see the GP for follow up tests.
Blood sugar results for non diabetics should be:
Fasting 4 – 5.9
2 hours after meals under 7.8Results for type 2 diabetics should be
Fasting 4 – 7
2 hours after meals under 8.5Write these ranges inside the cover of the book where you log your blood sugar results and it will be handy for you to refer to.
Thank you very much for that we shall follow it up.
Re T2 I test over 3 hours after lunch and now down today to 6.4 not sure if that’s good bad or wrong way to test
Many thanks -
In the US, at least, a repeated fasting test of 7, or higher – or – a single test confirmed by a doctor – will get you a diabetes diagnosis. My diagnosis was based on two fasting tests (a year apart) of higher than 7. ( I believe 7.2 and 7.8.)
Cheers this is very interesting
You may think that a couple of freak readings are possible in mornings
It seems these are the hardest to get down,at least if I manage to reduce morning readings I will know i am on right track.
Alan -
Hi Alan, the best readings to take are first thing in the morning before you eat or drink. This is the fasting reading.
Two hours after a meal should be when your blood sugar peaks after what you’ve eaten. This is called the post prandial reading.
Then just before bed.
Do a fasting reading daily, then a couple of times a week pick one of the other times and test again.
Record all your results with date and time to show your doctor or diabetes nurse. If you also record what you’ve eaten you will start to see which foods affect your blood sugar readings.
Maybe you could persuade your wife to do the BSD too, certainly sounds as if she needs assistance with her blood sugars. Unless she is very unwell at the moment, I wouldn’t consider such a high fasting reading to be a freak result. I’d say it was indicative of diabetes. Best to get it followed up and start on the BSD before complications arise. -
Just to throw a little ray of sunshine into the mix, I finally stopped the Metformin over the weekend.
Latest readings, pre dinner last night, 4.6, 2 hours after eating, 7.1, and fasting this morning 6.6
That is from a previous long term T2D sufferer and if I can get those sort of results (following in the magnificent cherriannes footsteps) then everone can get the sugar levels down.
It may take a bit longer for some more than others but sugar and weight loss goals are achievable if you are prepared to stick to the plan. I am on week 11 by the way. -
That is an amazing result you must be so proud of yourself
I just wander what the doctors say about these results
Alan -
Alan I had blood tests taken just 4 weeks in which put me at pre dabetic levels and normal cholesterol.
My GP was really pleased and copied down the name of the book and the website address
I will be having another test in September by which time I’m hoping to be classified as non diabetic. -
This morning test level seems to be the hardest to get down ,did your morning levels take while to come down ?
Alan -
This morning my BSG was 6 and last night post prandial it was 5.8. In the morning it has been regularly in the low 6s now. Having made the original comment all I can say to everyone is be patient this does work. My average BSG is now 6, 5.9 being top of non diabetic and 6 being right on the verge. I am due another blood test at the end of the month so hopefully it will be below 6.
I started this diet in January which in a way was not the best time given that both my husband and I had significant birthdays, various family celbrations and a holiday. I have just come back from a week away again and yes I did have ice cream in the heat. What is more, having left 28C to arrive back to 7C rain and wind with several hours to wait on the ferry home, cold and hungry – I had fish and chips comfort food , fantastic treat ! I now know that I can do this occasionally and burn carbs off, or compensate with very low carbs after. However, 4 hours later when I got home my BSG was 5.8. Delighted ! Not that fish and chips will be or ever was my normal diet but treats are allowed and you can live a “normal” life on this diet once your BSG comes down and begins to stabilise – just compensate. Persevere this does work. We are all on our own journey with varied paths to the same destination and we will all get there in our own time -
That’s fantastic news ArranGranny I bet you feel like shouting it from the rooftops !
All doctors surgeries should get copies of these success stories,but then no free lunch from the pill company’s !
Sceptical Alan ! -
Yeah …my weird thing and may have been why I am registering as impaired is that I can take a reading 5 minutes out of bed and I read 4.5 mmol and 30 mins to 60 mins later after a shower and before breakfast it’s up around 6.5-6.6.
I suspect having that shower, toweling off and getting dressed is enough to stimulate the release of glucose. Thing is if I don’t have breakfast, I can still be over 5 mmol a few hrs later.
I wonder if I cheat and head to the pathologist straight from bed would I read around 5…I’d like to test that theory out LOL
If I have breakfast and takes a reading 2hrs later , it’s sub 5.
Very confusing I have to say.
Hi MummyBadgers, if the pathologist is going to do a test on the blood of the day then it might make a difference. However, the pathologist will probably be taking venous blood not a finger prick, in which case the results will be based on an average level over the last 12 weeks and you can’t cheat on that. Mine is around 5.0 pre breakfast but I have checked 2 hours after eating and it is around 7.0 so still diabetic. I make my husband do the test too so I can see how a non diabetic does, he is 4.0 before brekkie and 2 hours later still 4.0.
Diagnosed pre diabetic and have first meeting with diabetic nurse tomorrow. Took fasting BS this morning, 7.2 and have decided to try the Fast 800 diet by following the book and the meals. Not sure how my GP will react but I as I am not on meds, it seems a good idea.
I am concerned and a more than a bit frightened. I had a friend years ago who ignored his pre, then full blown type 2 diagnosis and he had amputation, then blindness and sadly died. He did not moderate his lifestyle and was a heavy drinker and paid a heavy price. I don’t drink alcohol at all, and do cook everything from scratch but my portions are far too big and I also binge on cakes at least once a week. Looking at my diet, it is carb heavy. Change is needed so hence the Fast 800 recipe book. I made Beef Rendang last night with broccoli on the side, delish and there is enough for my lunch today.
I have a question though, I drink Red Bush tea with a splash of milk. Does this break the intermittent fast, as I plan to have the two meals a day. I drink two cups red bush with semi skimmed milk on waking but could just have water and have the tea with my lunch if necessary.
50lbs to lose! Your support would be wonderful.
Sheila -
Hi Sheila,
There is good news here — you absolutely will not end up like your poor friend if you adopt this eating plan — going low carb will quickly lower your blood sugar and as you get adjusted to the food choices, you will naturally stay low carb.
Milk is full of lactose, and lactose is a sugar. It also has almost no fibre and when it is semi-skim, it’s also lacking the fat that will slow its metabolism. That one is a very good thing to give up immediately — but here’s the silver lining — within your calorie allowance, you can probably squeeze in some double cream instead — it’s about 50 calories per tablespoon and a little goes along way — it’s also wonderful for quelling hunger and it’s carb free! -
Thank you for this. I will train myself to drink red bush tea black, its how its supposed to be taken anyway, I think. But, it looks as if I could have a coffee with cream or does the cream have to be double? No more milk!
I enrolled in the BSD before but just could not stick to it, this time I have no option but to do so. I’ve just made a lemon drizzle cake for my book group tomorrow and a vegan/meat samosa pie. No cake but I will eat the filling of the samosa pie and no pastry as I’ve worked out the carb and calorie content and its surprisingly low for one portion, around 8 so I’m calling it 10 to be on the safe side. It contains onion, garlic, mustard seeds, black onion seeds, curry powder, cauliflower, frozen peas, red lentils, carrot, 2 tomatoes (between 9 servings though}, vegetable gravy in the vegan half and the addition of minced beef and chicken stock in the meat half. the carbs are the same for either the vegan part or the meat as beef does not have carbs.
Reading the diet book I think its a good job I like cooking and always have cooked from scratch!
Sheila x -
A very warm welcome to the forums, Shiela! You have found the right community for support and friendship 🙂
Californiagirl and I have been around for a long time (years!), and there are many like us who are still here to be
of help to newcomers. Since you have just been diagnosed, you can have every expectation of putting your diabetic
status into complete remission. We have seen so many who have done just that! In no time you will be able to do
your customary cooking from scratch, and can easily adapt your own recipes by eliminating the carbs. Some of us
have never used MM’s recipes at all. Shout out if you have any questions or concerns, and one of us will be by
your side. Let us know how things go with your diabetic nurse. Some of them are very knowledgeable in this way
of eating, and some continue to promote old ideas. Try not to worry too much..This REALLY works! Very best to you,Allie
Hi Sheila, double cream is the best, its the lowest carb level and its keeping a tight control on the carb levels which is the secret to success.
As a vegetarian I couldn’t follow the recipes in the book, but by simply using the fatsecret app to log what I was thinking about eating I have been able to follow this way of eating for 20 months.
Logging when you are thinking about eating rather than when you have eaten prevents the upps, I didn’t realise how many carbs were in that moments. 🙂 -
hank you. I have now downloaded the app and will start tomorrow with it. I’m a decent cook so hoping this will stand me in good stead.