Lost 30 pounds up to today. I was 16 stone, 5ft 2ins when I started, 13 stone 12 pounds today. Only another 56 pounds to go!

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No sugar mentioned on the bottle but I live in France where not all things are obvious! Will use it sparingly!
I bought some coconut flour when in the UK last week so will have a look at the recipe. -
Amazing. How much have you lost in total?
I was 13 stone & 5ft 4 when I started. Week 2 today! -
Hi. I lost 10 in week 1 and 3 in week 2. Now on week 9.
posted by Natasha_ENFP on Question about the No Carbs Ploughmans
on 17 Feb 2016 at 14:49 in Welcome to the BSDHi Cherianne,
Thank you, that’s really helpful.
The ‘matchbox’ sized piece of cheddar has been really confusing so what you said is good to know.
I will check out the diet sections in the local supermarkets here. Or I’ll go to the local Wholefoods store, as I think they should have a diabetic section.
Thank you again π
Ps, please can you send some sunshine from Oz, it is freezing here! βοΈββοΈβοΈ
Hi, I’m having the same issues with working out my macros. I’m not sure how low the carbs should be! It’s nice to find other geeks who are bothered by this!
This is my first day of BSD but I have experimented with MFP in the past.
Today I’ve had an apple with pure peanut butter (WAY too much because I didn’t realise my scales were on the ounces setting, not grams, until too late: facepalm and no lunch) and I’m about to make the aubergine, lamb and pomegranate dinner from the book. This all works out at just under 800 cals, 67% fat, 22% protein and 11% carbs. Do you reckon this is way off what it should be? I did a sort of trial day last week and the macros were pretty similar- feels like too much fat.How are you guys achieving such an even balance? Where are you getting your carbs?
Thanks for the quick replies,
I am also cutting down my calorie intake to 600 for the next two days to help with any over indulgence.
Bill I spoke to my husband but due to the fact the family have chosen the taster menu, I will have to do what Celsa suggested and leave the high carb parts, or pass them on to someone else.
I am already looking forward to getting back home on Sunday evening and proper food as I now call my diet, no processed rubbish.Thanks again Hedds
Just wondering what kind of weight losses people are getting on week 2?
Thanks Lou
How unfair and unprofessional, very sorry to hear. I’m not (yet) diabetic but arranged a nurse appointment. I took the book and the pdf for medics recommended in the book. The nurse took this onboard and has been very supportive.
Good luck in getting better support.
my wife was going to get some balsamic vinegar for me the other day, but she said, when she checked the label, it has loads of sugar in it.
As to the bread, check out the recipe I posted today for cocnut flour flatbreads, very tasty and filling but with none of the bad stuff. -
Finally got my head around this and today is day 1. It is a challenge being vegetarian but am waiting for a low carb veg book to arrive which I hope will help. I am keeping my porridge for breakfast but using jumbo oats which I have read are better. Today I had two boiled eggs and two mandarins for lunch and dinner will be a quorn product with assorted veg roasted in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I am not actively counting calories as know how obsessed I can become. It sets me up for failure which I do not need. It is very hard for me to give up bread so the plan is to do without for 7 days then possibly have my favorite toast but am hoping I will be able to do without. Lots of psychology in this. It will be one day at a time for me.
hi can any one help. Im on day 3 and doing ok, however ive been having 1/4 pint of skimmed milk for my nespresso coffee in the morning which i cant do without. i am counting 50 cals for this . According to the bottle there is 4.9 grams of suger per 100ml which is about what i am consuming. Also i have been drinking
Asdas sparkling lemon & lime water which says zero added sugar but on the label says a “trace” of sugar, but also on label says containing naturally occuring sugars. I,m a bit confused about all this and do not want to sabatage the diet.
Maybe i need to ask Michael Mosley. -
I’m sleeping well, but then I always do.
Hmmm I take metformin and Exanatide injections (marketed as Byetta) I dont know if it’s the same as yours, it’s supposed to slow down the rate at which food passes from the stomach to the intestine and also reduces your appetite, fixed dose 10mg twice a day.
I’m losing weight and seeing a reduction in my blood sugar as well so, if the injection sounds similar to yours, I’d say go ahead. -
posted by Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 17 Feb 2016 at 12:46 in Welcome to the BSDAfternoon all, day three update …all going well yippee…not finding this difficult at all. Headaches have been a bit of an issues although I’m drinking loads of water and spending a lot of time (day and night on the loo) I’ve cut out coffee and tea so maybe it’s a detox reaction?
Decided not to weigh today after yesterday’s result trying to hold off to give myself a nice surprise at the end of the week, well done to you Cassie that is an amazing loss in two days wow!!!
I had a big breakfast this morning, two slices of ham, a boiled egg, a grilled tomato and grilled mushroom, not the sort of thing I’d normally have so I feel like I’m spoiling myself π Total calories where 260 so I’m looking at a miso veg soup for lunch, if I feel the need, or an orange. Is it ok to have an orange?
Veg curry for dinner, interested to try the cauliflower rice.
Anyway well done all keep up the good work x -
Keep in mind that there is no reason you have to finish a plate of food. Feel secure in stopping eating when you’re full, and/or not eating the carb laden parts of the meal. It’s not a waste of money as you can’t pick and choose the amount of food you order.
First I’d be having a word with the husband, something along the lines of “what’s more important, one birthday or the rest of my life”
Then when that fails (it will) just do the best you can with the food on offer and get straight back on the diet afterwards. -
In a few weeks I’ll be moving from Fast 800 to 5:2 and wonder how others have made the transition, how it has affected weight loss and fasting bloods levels.
I’ll have been on 800 for about 12 weeks (after checking with the team), but on their advice have to make the change.
So far I’ve lost 30 pounds (only another 56 to go!) bloods and BP both down.
Any advice?
Hi Salky, make a gesture that doesn’t involve all of your fingers to her !
Health professionals just shouldn’t be acting like this, I’d be telling her “it’s your treatment that has me in this state and now I am going to do something about it my self as you don’t seem to have a clue. -
Hi all,
I hope to be starting the BSD shortly, after I have spoken to the dietician at the Diabetes Research Unit at Southmead Hospital (who is very keen and currently running trials on the BSD).
My question is, I am currently on 1000mg of Metformin twice daily and on 20mcg of Lixisenatide once a day, and no other diabetic medication. Does anyone have any experience of the diet whilst on these drugs. The Metformin is easily adjustable, but, the Lixisenatide is a fixed dose injection. -
Are you eating enough fat to sustain your body ?
I had sugar problems and after taking advice on here I upped my fat levels and the sugar levels went down.
I think it has something to do with the liver releasing stored sugar. -
Hi Salky. So sorry that happened to you. I’ve often felt we see improvement in our health despite the professionals, not because of them! At the moment I’m getting a lot of support from one diabetes nurse, but not the other nurse. Guess which one I talk too! Hope you have another nurse you can see who will be more helpful.
Having become a little jaded over the last few days, I logged on to this forum this morning to find some fab ideas and support waiting for me so thank you all. Its has spurred me on! The scales havent gone down since the 1st week drop of 6lbs but measurements have. To Penny (Pmshrink) I have lost 1.5 inches so cant complain! A friend (retired Diabetes Nurse) tells me that this is usually a sign the fat could be coming off my internal organs which is great. Im also going to cut a piece of string to fit my waist as ‘Squidgy’ mentioned, so I have something visual for when the scales dont motivate me.
Thanks ‘Orchid’ for the chart plotting idea… again a visual aid for when I feel de motivated. I guess we are only organic matter, we cant expect there to be no wobble to our weightloss line :0)
and yes ‘Merseychic’ you are right, Michael does debunk the starvation mode myth, but when you’re eating less than half the cals you usually eat and there’s no loss, you start to worry your body isn’t on your side… getting as impatient as I have been, I just felt my body must be in a state of war with itself. I will also now remember good old Bear Gryls on his island …its impossible not to loose weight on 800cals a day so I know at some point in the near future that scale needle WILL move and I shouldn’t focus so much on it. I think for me, a weekly weigh in would be best.
Onwards and upwards… strike that… DOWNwards! :0) -
No worries Natasha. Oils are a hot topic (haha, it’s the way I tell ’em!)
posted by Cherrianne on Question about the No Carbs Ploughmans
on 17 Feb 2016 at 11:53 in Welcome to the BSDHi Natasha,
I think a matchbox size piece of cheese is very small, about 25-30g usually. I would consider a dessert spoon full to be a dollop. Can’t help with where to buy it as I live in Australia. Does your supermarket have a diet or health food section you could look in?
I can fit 12 walnut halves(250cals/1.1g carbs) in my palm.
Not a clue about the ham as I’m vegetarian but someone else on the forum will know.
Hope this helps. -
posted by Cassie on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 17 Feb 2016 at 11:44 in Welcome to the BSDGood morning this is my day 3, got on the scales this morning and I have lost 4lbs (my diet buddy – hubby lost 3). Had the no carb Bircher for breakfast and doing the beetroot meal for lunch today. Promised myself that I would drink more as had a fuzzy head last night. Have never been very good with my fluid intake the practice nurse tells me off at ever visit, hopefully she will be pleased at the next meeting. Good luck everyone π
Oh Salky, I feel for you. That is so unfair when your results speak for themselves!! I think 20lbs and almost 5″ from your waistline is a great achievement.
If your blood pressure is good and your sugars are down you shouldn’t have any concerns about what you are doing. Keep up the good work. Maybe as you continue to show improvement she will change her mind. Is there another nurse at your Surgery you could see next time.
Hopefully your GP will be more positive and encouraging. -
Thanks snackerlady for the post. I’m feeling reassured after reading all the other posts that my weight loss is typical. After the first couple of days on the diet I wasn’t hungry at all but this week I have felt hungry pretty much constantly. I try to drink more water than I already am to fill me up but it isn’t always easy when it is cold outside. I miss my unlimited cups of tea – I’m limiting myself to 4 per day because of the calories from the milk.
I hope that you keep feeling not hungry and you have good weight loss, I’ll look forward to your future posts. -
Hi Bre123, So, you’ve lost a stone in a month that’s great π At this rate you’ll have lost 2 stone by the end of the 8 weeks, that seems to be the average weight loss people are reporting. I can imagine the week you lost 2lb you would have felt a little bit puzzled! From what i’m reading here and on Facebook your losses are following the normal pattern.
I don’t know why you would be feeling hungry, that’s one thing i am not experiencing (to my astonishment) maybe others could shed light. Are you drinking enough?I’m only on day 3 so i’m a BSD baby but i look forward to seeing what the coming days/weeks bring.
I have started the bsd and after two days my blood sugar has increased. Could there be any reason for this?
I visited the diabetes nurse yesterday to discuss my 4-week blood tests. To my horror, she did exactly what the Sugar Diet book has described in detail. She was totally negative across all aspects of the regime I’m following.
She just went on and on – ” You’re on too low a calorie intake”, You shouldn’t lose weight so quickly”, Don’t buy new clothes because they won’t fit you a few weeks after you finish”, “this organ, that bodily system might fail”, etc.
On top of that, she had a real go at me for dropping my blood pressure pill as recommended in the book, even though it is in the short term. She picked fault with my description of the food I’m presently consuming.
All in all, because she has not even heard of this brilliant book, let alone read it, she subjected me to a demand that I stop immediately and revert to the good old-fashioned “1lb. a month weight loss method”.
Since I started on the Sugar Diet some 6 weeks ago, I have lost at least 20lbs and almost 5ins from my waistline. I feel brilliant and, although I’m not yet free of diabetes, my sugar reading has gone down a lot.
I’m determined to get there, but it’s going to be in defiance of the one person who should be encouraging me, not pulling my efforts to pieces.
Please, is there anybody else out there who is experiencing the same opposition? I’d love to know then maybe we could get together to share our frustrations??
This book is saving my life, it’s time some of the medical professionals came into the real world. -
Hello everyone. I’m on week 4 of the diet and have so far lost 14 lb. I’m sticking to the 800 cals through sheer determination and some days are easy and some days are hard as I’m constantly hungry (I try to view this as a good thing!). I lost 7lb in the first week, then 2, then 4 and so far 1 this week. I seem to be a bit stuck as scales haven’t changed for 4 days but I’m hoping this is just my body re-adjusting. I may try to get weighed less as it is a bit disappointing when you are hungry all the time and the scales are staying the same.
I’m eating oats every morning, a big salad with protein for lunch and protein and veg for dinner. The food is more or less what I was eating anyway, just a lot less of it and without the sweet treats π I try to vary my protein and include healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and oily fish. I’m exercising everyday weekday (30 mins brisk up hill walking) and trying to be generally more active.
I’m determined to complete 8 weeks to see what I can achieve but I am dreaming about cake!! -
posted by Natasha_ENFP on Question about the No Carbs Ploughmans
on 17 Feb 2016 at 10:58 in Welcome to the BSDHi everyone,
I’m going to try the No Carbs Ploughmans for lunch today and have a couple of questions that I was wondering if anyone could help with:
I am not sure what size the ham slices should be. I have a choice of smallish thin square-sized ham from a packet, or larger, thicker honey roast ham size.
How big is a matchbox-sized piece of cheddar? I can only find small boxes of matches, which I’m sure are too small.
What constitutes a ‘dollop’?
Does anyone know where you can buy low-sugar chutney, as recommend in the book.
Finally, how much is a ‘handful of walnuts’?
Just want to make sure I’m doing everything right!
Hi Kitty. Are you still having problems? Or has yours cleared up now?
posted by Natasha_ENFP on Feeling depressed one week into the BSD
on 17 Feb 2016 at 10:41 in Fast 800Hi everyone and thank you for your advice, really helpful.
I’m finding my low mood is lingering a bit but I’m feeling a bit more ‘back in my body’ which is a huge relief.
Charliee – The multivitamin is a great idea.
Pat.Unlimited – I’m definitely drinking over 2 litres of water a day, but I’m sometimes skipping a meal – purely because I have not got an appetite. I won’t do this again.
Thank you pmshrink, I hope it will subside soon.
Pat263 – sorry to hear you are also feeling low. Do you think it’s a carb withdrawal side effect?
I was completely addicted for years before I did the bsd. Even when I did the Rosemary Conley GI Jeans diet and lost 4 stone, the diet allowed a limitation of crisps, sweets and carbs. So I was still getting my ‘fix.’ -
Mine doesn’t resemble peanut butter so don’t know what I have done wrong. It’s disgusting π it is more a fine crumb and yuck
posted by captainlynne on Feeling very full on day one
on 17 Feb 2016 at 10:38 in Welcome to the BSDHi. Well done both of you. Interesting to read your comments about family members. My son (age 43) was diagnosed Type 2 after me, with a higher reading than mine had ever been. He’s on Metformin and another tablet and has had at least two treatments for retinopathy. He goes to a a Diabetes Centre, following their advice, and eats – no prizes for guessing – carbs! Because I’m still diet controlled he tells me I’m not diabetic, I’m just playing at it!!! Be interesting to see the family’s reaction when they see me in April as they won’t have seen me since last autumn – there’ll be a lot less of me LOL
Hello all, I’m currently on week 5 and have lost 16lbs and 2 inches off my waist. My blood sugar levels each morning are now between 4.6 and 5.4 down form 7.5 – 8.2 . My worry is that we have a big family weekend ahead, we are staying with family and they have booked three restaurant meals out. We are celebrating a wedding anniversary and two family birthdays one of which is mine. I have checked the menus for each restaurant and even the lowest options for carbs and calories are around 750 cals. What do I do? Do I just eat over my calories for three days as I can’t go a whole day without food for three days and then a meal in the evening? Or do I just eat soup at each meal? I thought the soup option was a good one but my hubby wants me to enjoy my birthday meal as it is at a Michelin stared restaurant which has been booked for over 6 months. The whole weekend has been a year in the planning. Please help!
Hedds -
Hi Scotgran, sounds good that you’re so full π I am finding that i’m definitely not as hungry as usual eating this way- it’s a revelation.
Re- your hubby, get him to watch this: https://youtu.be/mAwgdX5VxGc
There are other videos on youtube too that explain why the medications are not the answer and in fact are making the problem worse. Sadly the medical profession – who we trust with our lives- are not always right! We have a family member exactly the same who thinks her doctor is right about everything including telling her to eat more pasta, rice and potatoes (she’s morbidly obese, uncontrolled diabetic in a wheelchair) it makes me want to cry π She won’t listen to anyone else though. I’m hoping she is inspired by my progress on this.
Best wishes to you both xx
@fredforest, it’s crazy isn’t it. i’ve been doing the same as you and inputting recipes myself to be sure it’s correct
posted by snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 17 Feb 2016 at 10:03 in Welcome to the BSDMorning everyone! It’s day 3 of BSD in Casa Snacklady π I am sure I was able to feel my ribs this morning in the shower (admittedly i had to poke around) I don’t think it was a mirage π I feel trimmer – haven’t weighed as I don’t feel the need yet, but i did my fasting blood sugar and i’m now 4.4, down from 5.7 in 2 days! I am not diabetic but i’m pre diabetic and was suffering blurry vision, lethargy, insulin resistance etc etc so this is SO encouraging for me as my goal is to prevent full blown diabetes which runs in my family.
Breakfast is going to be mushrooms with goats cheese and pine nuts (because i have goats cheese to use up) Lunch, if it happens, will be chicken done some way or another (i will see what needs using up so probably stir fry) I say ‘if it happens’ because yesterday i only ate twice due to not being hungry. I listened to my body (which is hard when the voices are screaming ‘biscuits, doughnuts!!’ lol)
I’m drinking gallons which i’m sure helps with the fuzzy head. I have NO headache today and feel good to go! π
I hope everyone else is doing ok too! xx
Hi theblackspot π I’m on day 3 today, so I started the same day as you (not sure how I missed this post, sorry about that!)
Great to hear how well you’re feeling and the scrum food you’re eating. I love the food, I’m more satiated than i’d imagined I would be on 800 cals a day! It’s lovely you’re both doing it together.re- sleep, I slept like an exhausted baby on the 1st night (even after an afternoon nap in the day) but last night I was a bit restless. Not sure why this would be, I hope it improves tonight :-/
I’m away to make my brekkie now- I’m finding i’m not hungry until mid morning on this diet. I’m repeating the mushrooms and goats cheese (to use up the goats cheese i bought) And I have some chicken for later- (stir fry probably)
Enjoy your Weds π
thanks ptman, i’ll try that. I bought a huge pack of spring water from Costco last week, just looked ant they are 500ml each bottle, I guess I currently have 1- 1.5 of those a day plus the occasional cup of ‘tea’ made with half a lemon and lime. Will increase that.
i’ll also try the linseeds and olive oil too
many thanks
WOW Cooktin!! That is fantastic π that’s 3lbs off a stone!!
Being a chef means you get an extra medal for the willpower it must take working around food, that’s impressive!
I love these kind of posts, SO motivating thank you! -
Morning Spirit. The advice about plenty of water is good, though I find it difficult because I don’t like straight water much. Persist though its worth it. You might also try one or both of the following. I had some problems with haemorrhoids recently and was advised to take linseeds. They are quite cheap and I add a dessertspoonful to my breakfast each morning and it helps a lot. Since watching the last series of Trust Me I’m a Doctor, I’m also adding 20ml of olive oil to my breakfast. I have natural yoghurt with fruit, nuts and seeds (usually 100gms of yoghurt, which is a bit less than in the book). The oil and seeds mix in easily (do it first before adding the fruit) and has no taste at all
It is officially one week since I started this diet. In the past I have done all the mainstream diets and had some success but more failures. This was a last ditch attempt, I vowed that if this does not work I would accept I was meant to be large and roll with it (literally).
My first week has been amazing. I have eaten so well. My Plate has been heaving with Vegetables and fish mostly. I even had a curry with brown rice.
I am a chef and have got around tasting the food at work by enlisting the other staff as quality control !
I can’t say I have not been hungry, I have, but…..at the right times, when it was time to eat ! So sitting down to my meals was an immense pleasure.
So I got on the scales this morning and ……insert drum roll………11lbs OFF. I am gobsmacked and so happy !
Roll on week 2. -
Foggy is a good description Pat.unlimited! Have you had and sleep problems? I did fine last night, but the OT is complaining of poor nights sleep after the past 2 days of the plan.
This will lead to grouchy Ness which in the past has led to comfort eating… -
Try not to get discouraged by daily fluctuations. It can be caused by: 1. A lady’s time of the month. 2. Whether you’ve emptied your bowel. 3. How much salt you’ve eaten (causing some water retention). 4. Exercise – fluid around muscles that are in recovery.
None of these are due to an increase in FAT, just in water or waste products. If you can bear it, I recommend weighing no more than once a week, always at the same time and in the same spot. I know – it’s irresistible, particularly early on when the weight is dropping off, but keeping away from the scale might stop you going nuts as the weeks move on and the progress becomes erratic. Remember also – stress can delay weight loss, so try to avoid giving yourself any more of it by worrying about the scale.
I’m only on Day 4 but I’m an old hand at this lark, so will be doing my best to keep a level head when the fluctuations kick in. Oh – and use a tape measure/take selfies too. They are better indicators of progress than the scale.
posted by Pat.Unlimited on Feeling depressed one week into the BSD
on 17 Feb 2016 at 08:19 in Fast 800Drink plenty of water, don’t forget to eat what you’re supposed to, even if you don’t feel hungry, and – yes – keep reading the posts. It will pass, I’m sure π
I’ve completed 4 days now. I like the expression ‘foggy brained’ – I had a little of that – not quite a headache but felt a bit odd. Very sleepy during yesterday morning, but the work I was doing didn’t help that!! Seeing my personal trainer today so, likewise, I hope I’m able to ‘go the distance’. Good luck theblackspot, and all of us!