Hi all, end I’d second day and have to say it’s been ok so far. I don’t feel hungry but like you Cassie I’m really having to force water down. I have been suffering with headaches so probs not enough water ! Glad to hear that you’re all doing well ….go us 👍🏻 ..lets keep it up 😊
Keep your eye on that holiday Cassie ✈️
I did weigh in this morning Snackerlady, and I’d put on a pound, very surprising because I was super measured on the first day but I’m not at all disappointed just looking forward to a big loss at the end of the week 😃

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posted by Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 16 Feb 2016 at 21:03 in Welcome to the BSD -
Hi Cazzowary,
Thanks for the information. I am expecting it to plateau at some point which is why I am glad I am a little bit ahead just now. I was planning on ramping up the walking at that point – looks like I may need that weeks 4 and 5 if your experience is anything to go by.
What I did do after week one was to look very carefully at the carb:protein:fat ratio of the calories from each day and I noticed that in week one, the meal replacement I was using for two of the meals (the other two were ‘normal’) was high in carbs, meaning my carb intake was 60% of the total calories. The following week I changed that and the carbs are down to about the same as the protein. I am vegetarian so getting extra protein without the carbs can be a challenge, so I have gone for an oat-based replacement drink which has worked ok. Next week I am aiming for ‘normal’ food every day…. lots of soup!
Good luck with the final weeks. -
It’s difficult not to become a BSD Bore when you feel so good on it and so positive about it isn’t it? I did smile at the idea of you going to Asia to pick up your ingredients though. That is real dedication! (Presume Asda, and auto correct!)
I am in my second week. First weigh in was on Monday and I was thrilled to lose 7lb. So far I love this way of eating.
posted by Cassie on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 16 Feb 2016 at 20:24 in Welcome to the BSDHi snackerlady I also started the 8 week diet yesterday, Thought I would be staving by now but actual finding it very filling, although I am struggling to drink enough. I have lots to lose as currently a size 30/32. But have the extra incentive of a holiday in Canada if I can get to a size 18. Sure your weigh in will be brilliant.
Hi dariusz19,
I am a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic and having just read this book, I intend to start the 8 week diet.
I burn 1,000 to 1,400 calories during 90 minute training sessions and thought that this would mean I should increase the calories I consumed by the same amount as this still meant I was back to the 800. I didn’t think my body would cope otherwise.
I contacted the blood sugar team and their response was to stop exercising whilst on the diet, at least for the first few weeks anyway. They told me to listen to my body after that.
I don’t want to stop exercising as it is important to me so I am now a little torn as to whether this will work for me.
I would appreciate any advice anyone had to offer. -
Great, Thanks.
I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing anything. I have com in around 70-80 today and yesterday so that seems about right and I am not eating any of the simple carbs.
I might look for the thread with more thoughts on the amounts of carbs ( just because I quite like a rule to try to stick to) but glad to know I’m on the right track. -
I know what you mean, I have both my sisters on it and in tesco the other dates I saw a woman picking up the book and I wanted to tel her to go for it, she wouldn’the regret it.
Hi Louise,
I am on day two and have lost one pound so far! Well done for losing a stone, I have decided to treat myself to a new item of
clothing or makeup/perfume every time I lose half a stone to keep motivated. I need to lose 2 to 2 1/2 stone I will decide when
I get there as I don’t want to look too gaunt. Maybe you can mix it up with the 5:2 until you are feeling better. -
posted by catlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 16 Feb 2016 at 19:22 in Welcome to the BSDHi Snackerlady, glad you are finding it ok so far, I have to agree, so am I! I think my portions are bigger than recommended, but I can adjust that as I get used to all this. Keep at it!
My husband and my daughter are becoming a bit fed up with me going on about this programme although they are both supportive. The final realisation that I’m going over the top came a couple of hours ago when I was in Asia picking up a few items for the delicious chicken and asparagus salad. Although I didn’t act on it I felt an urge to go up to all the people buying cakes and pastries and tell them all about this wonderful programme!! I’m only on day 9. I hate to think what I’ll be like after 8 weeks!
I’m not tracking carbs at all as there is nothing in the book that says we should. I’m just not eating any of the simple ones. I’ve lost 4 pounds in four days and two and half inches off my waist. There are some other threads on here where people have done the maths for carbs.
Sometimes hormonal changes caused by weight loss can have an effect on our mood. It could be that its not really you talking, just your hormones. Try to stick with it for another few days and do plenty of things – possibly new and exciting things- to distract/reward yourself and these feelings will probably pass. Best wishes.
Thanks. Have you been on the plan long? Have you lost much weight? Lou
Yes, its 5 and a half cm’s which is just cracking! Thanks for the reassurance, feeling a bit better now. I had a few nuts and now l’m having thick vegetable soup for tea.
Ha ha, maybe you’d feel better about it if you did pelvic floors as well as squats?
I’m just looking for a part time job in care work, which I can do in between my dog grooming. I’m thinking I might one day train as a nurse. I made some really bad decisions last year around work and I want to have a better year this time round.
Hope your lie down did you some good?
I was very queasy and headachy the first few days but it did pass. It is just the adjustment. Keep up the fluids though as this really does help.
I think your hen weekend will cause you a set back and may well put you back to the beginning but if it does please know that the bad feelings really do not last when you get back on to the diet.
Best of luck. -
Wow – you’re whizzing along nicely, congratulations. I think light headedness etc passes after a few days for most people. I was okay again by days 4 and 5 but this afternoon had to have a little lie down. Hope you find a job you want soon. Thanks for squats advice – shall follow it although have to say I am slightly wary of anything that is the opposite of pelvic floor exercises… About measurements, how about cm’s? That could be just over one of them, perhaps.
Thanks for the lovely comments everyone. I felt a bit better today, I went shopping and tried on some clothes which was a much nicer experience than normal 🙂
I’ve re-read p145 of the book and decided there’s no way I’m giving up because apart from one bad day this is the easiest diet I’ve ever been on!
I don’t think there is a rule about how many grams to eat – more to avoid processed carbs – bread, pasta, rice, crackers, crisps etc. I’ve been tracking 70-80 over the past 2 days. x
Well done – alb is amazing! Just on my second day & am surprised that I don’t feel hungry. Looking forward to seeing the benefits next week when I weigh myself 🙂 x
I enjoyed the 1st 5?days but struggled on day 6 (Sunday)
I have eaten some amazing food this week just need to plan. I used my fitness pal as a calorie & sugar guide it’s ace. Keep in touch. Lou x -
Hi Auntylil
I’m glad you had a good night out, I do believe we can still have a good social life while we are on bsd.Check out youtube for squats ‘how to do squats correctly’ will do it. They are also in the bsd book, not the hit stuff but the other ten minute workout Dr M does a few times a week. He says first thing in the morning but there’s no reason why you couldn’t do the same routine in ten minutes while cooking lunch or dinner and in between stirs or adding ingredients. Its done then, without having to set any separate time aside. The exercises are all you need to build muscle by lifting your own bodyweight. The squats are particularly good because they use our biggest muscles (the don’t call it gluteus maximus for nothing!) One exercise he doesn’t do are lunges but they are also good for legs.
Another pound and a half off today so a total of 4 pounds and 2.4 inches off my waist in 4 days. Dr M deserves a knighthood or to be sainted or something! I’ve never lost weight so quickly. Mind you, today I have had some very weird pains in my thighs and hips (not from exercise, I haven’t done any yet). I have been applying for jobs for most of the afternoon but I have had to stop because I’m feeling light-headed and nauseous. I guess my body has finally realised something is going on! But I love this new feeling of control I have so I will push through. What do you call .4 of an inch? I’m a decimal girl so what is smaller than an inch? (Yes, I’m getting delirious too). Omg!
That’s a good point Auntylil, about enjoying food again knowing that it is doing us good. I think those of us who have dieted before (in my case on and off since I was 15) have become so used to thinking of certain foods as “bad”, and seeing food as an enemy. I remember when I tried Atkins a few years ago, after years of low fat dieting. I was literally standing over the frying pan with the olive oil poised to pour in, but so many years of low fat indoctrination had left me almost scared to use it! Now I only use olive oil and coconut oil for frying, and sometimes butter at the end for flavour.
It is quite amazing to think that as an adult I could be fearful of using olive oil, but it just goes to show how we can believe something, if we grow up with that belief, and enough experts continue to tell us it is true.
Interestingly, I clearly remember that whenever my mum wanted to lose a few pounds, she gave up potatoes, bread and dumplings. She did buy into the polyunsaturated fats belief though – but again, that is what we were told by the experts.
Hi all, I’m on day 2 here and finding it all ok so far.
One question I am trying to find the answer to is how many grams of carbs should we be staying under. Standard LC dieting keeps you under 20g/ day but with beans, nuts and lots of veg that is definitely not going to be a possibility! I am just trying to make sure I get this right so it would be good to get a bit of an idea. -
Hello Julia – I’m on 2nd day of 2nd week so learning from the book as I go along and from the supportive people on this forum. Aside from all the info about food, drink and exercise I would say that rewarding myself on completing the first week gave me a buzz – only a few very cheap cds and a book off the internet but I needed to do something. Perhaps a manicure or a bunch of flowers would do it for you. Today I said hello to a tramp sitting on a bench (he was very drunk) and when I passed him again on the way home a lady from a charity shop had just popped out to give him a sleeping bag. I think perhaps normally I may not have even noticed, so that told me I’m beginning to be a bit less miserable about myself.
Hiya – like the forum name – was it after the Stones version or Melanie’s decades ago? RE: soup, I’ve often made homemade in a slow cooker over the years so that might be one option, and since I’ve been on the BSD I’ve tried Miso for the first time and added a few microwaved bits of veg from the freezer and a slithered up mushroom which is a very low calorie option. If you visit a wholefood shop you might find some packets that don’t have sugar added and a lot of carbs – I’ve yet to do this but it might be another solution.
About the apple juice – I froze some in ice cube trays & get the cloudy stuff from a wholefood place and it’s cheaper than Waitrose, but you know what – I think part of this thing we’re doing is to enjoy food again knowing it’s doing us good and not worry too much; I say that as I’m a terrible worrier and have to remind myself not to get too strung up about things. It’s a wonder I wasn’t skinny from worrying but I suppose it went the other way and I ate for comfort. That’s where I will be working mindfully! Shall look on ebay for an apple press ; – )
posted by snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 16 Feb 2016 at 15:12 in Welcome to the BSDThanks everyone 😀
Day 2 and i feel ‘ok’ (dare i say it) I’m not starving hungry, i am having little pangs for something sweet but it’s just the carb monster saying ‘hey, where’s my carb overdose gone?!’
I have had a relaxing day and have been watching youtube talks about diabetes etc, it’s been really inspiring and i feel spurred on 🙂I was going to weigh this morning but didn’t want to when it came to it, i’ll maybe do a midweek weigh in. I’m definitely weighing weekly anyway whatever happens
Hi Natasha, you seem to have it sussed 😀 I too am refusing to by ingredients that will go to waste so I am using stuff up before i’ll move to another recipe. The apple juice thing is crazy, there’s only 2 of us in the house so it would be wasted. It’s different if you have kids at home who would drink it. I’m totally ok with repeating recipes too, in fact it makes you look forward to the next new one even more 🙂
Auntylil, thanks for the freezing tip- I’m definitely going to do that where possible.
Day 2 and I feel surprisingly human! A dull headache but i wasn’t hungry until 10.30 am so i just went with it and had the cheesy beans, i’m still satisfied and its 3pm. I have a little hankering after sweet stuff but i know that its just the carb gremlins having a whinge 😉 I’m not giving in ya hear me! lol!
Well done everyone xx
Wow, 8lb, thats awesome!! Well done. How have you found it? I’m on day 2 and surprisingly I feel ok! 😀
Brilliant video about insulin resistance and reversing diabetes:
https://youtu.be/mAwgdX5VxGc -
Hi Metta, I use Myfitnesspal app, I have it on all my devices and it scans barcodes too. It’s not perfect though as it seems to mess up with garlic and onions annoyingly! (2 cloves of garlic is NOT 400cals! lol)
To distract myself i’m watching stuff on youtube about reversing diabetes and came across these SUPERB videos so just had to share:
Hi, This is my first post. I have lost 4.9 kilos in three weeks. I am pescatarian so really have to think carefully about what to eat as the recipes are primarily meat based.
Nevertheless, I have found the weight loss motivational and the concept of the diet easy to live with. I am not diabetic, just need to lose 3 stone in total.
My favourite lunch is the cottage cheese with pear and walnut, really tasty. I have made my own soup, incorporate lentils and tofu in my meals. I log everything on my fit bit app, which is invaluable for calorie counting.This is my year of finally losing weight or bust!!! I aim to get off the blood pressure tablets, which I have been on for one year and in getting back to a size 10 by September.
It’s very encouraging to read everyone’s experiences – WELL DONE TO YOU ALL!!! -
Oh, forgot to say aswell, I don’t think I’ve managed a single under under 800 cals, its always been around 840ish.
Helloooooo!!! I’ve got pcos too . we’ve been trying for baby number 2 for a while now and I feel that loosing weight is the key . ( number 1 came along when I was about 9kg lighter). I’ve also got diabetes and blood pressure so this diet ( hopefully way of life ) came along at the right time for me and makes absolute sense . I’m a few weeks in and only lost 2 kg but I know it’s because I’ve not been so strict as the weight loss happened in week 1 when I was following the plan to the letter . I just need to get back on the horse and be better . Would love to hear how all the other ladies with pcos are doing and would be great to support each other .
Hi Metta
Welcome to our world! I have only been following this website for a week and already I feel like I have met loads of people with whom I share things in common and I look forward to reading the new comments each day (a bit sad perhaps!). Well done on your weight loss so far, its a great incentive, isn’t it?
I use the nhs calorie counter on a daily basis, I prefer to check the calorie counts of everything as usually I adapt the recipes to suit myself. Like you, I do suffer with hunger in the evening. I know there are lots of people saying these days to stop eating by 6 or 7pm but thats just not going to happen for me, I find it easier not to start eating before 11am and sometimes I can push my first meal on until 2pm so that then I can have something like fruit and full fat yoghurt before bed. Sad again, but I actually look forward to it! On the days I do have actual breakfast I try to break the 800 cals into four meals instead of three. None of this seems to be doing me any harm, I am on day 5 and have lost 4 pounds and 2 and a half inches off my waist.
There are loads of great resources around and I would encourage you to keep on with the bsd book as it has pretty much all the answers in there. Wishing you every success as you continue. Keep us up to date! -
Hi everyone,
I am in week two and have lost 4 kilo in total. I’ve not lost anything for a few days, but this morning my blood sugar was 5.8 – the first time it’s been under 6! I have found it hugely motivating to know that just because numbers aren’t moving on a scale, good things are still happening internally. Plus I have to keep reminded myself that 4 kilos is over half a stone, so not bad even if I am stuck for a bit.
I like to imagine maybe the scales haven’t moved because there was some initial weight loss from water which is now being replaced with “real” weight loss from fat? Who knows! But I definitely feel better – more satisfied and in control of myself, less governed by crazy sugar cravings. Down we go!
Hi Nutty,
Well done on that first week loss – brilliant.
I’ve just had the Med Platter from the book, (minus the anchovies – quite possibly the only food I never eat!) and it was delicious. It couldn’t be much quicker to prepare either – slice up a pepper and a piece of cucumber, put everything on the plate, eat and enjoy!
Natasha – just an idea, could you freeze the apple juice in muesli sized portions?
posted by Metta on saying hello to the forums from Germany
on 16 Feb 2016 at 13:53 in Welcome to the BSDThanks for the encouragement Bruce, yes I am getting a little light headed and have what I would call pangs of something – looking at it I am not sure if its a physical feeling of hunger or a psychological reponse to ‘ not doing what I usually do around food’ – ie eating too much of it. Need to drink more – got that and have already read the recommendations from a few of the forum people how important that is.
Coming back to the forum is going to be great. Still learning how best to do this and finding the planning really does take some time. I was wondering if some of the 5:2 recipes would fit the bill for this. They seem to follow the same principles. I can see I will need to have a few weeks to settle down and get into the swing of the BSD. -
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences…think I need to speak to my gp again and see if I can be a bit more persuasive. I’m guessing its probably up to individual practises how they allocate their money and test strip are obviously not on my gps agenda! And thanks nettyrim I’ll have a look on diabetes uk to see what they advise x
Hi don’t be despondent any weight loss is positive. I am very similar to yourself. I’m 51, not prediabetic and have 16lbs to lose. I’ve lost 7 in the last 4 weeks but my waist measurement is coming down and my stomach is flatter. I am now 10st 13lbs so have reached a target of being under 11st, have lost my first half stone and my remaining weightloss is now in single figures – only 9lbs to go. I’ve just started week 5 so my progress is also slow, but it is still progress. My next target is to lose another 1lb so that will be 8lbs ie 5% of my total body weight lost and I’m also half way to my total weight loss.
Louise, go get 28 half pound packets of lard and pile them up on a table.
Take a good long look at them and tell yourself “I lost all that fat in 3 weeks. I only have to do that twice again
If that doesn’t motivate you, nothing will. -
Can anyone recommend any shop bought soups? I’m not massively keen on carrot and coriander… I’m 4 days in and lost 3lb and not feeling hungry, really enjoying it. I’ve had lots of time to prepare food this week and worried about when I’m in a rush and the potential to grab something bad, so would like some tinned soups in the cupboard as back up! Got 3 small children so am around food a lot 😕
Any other tips also welcome – I’ve mainly been eating courgetti, salads, tuna, smoked salmon, eggs, natural tog, green veg…
Thanks! -
Hello this is day two for me, wasnt too bad. Though maybe a bit over 800 cals. But was amazed to find in 24 hrs had lost 2lbs or 1 kg. (I speak kilos). But I am finding I do feel hungry after the evening meal. Have to get on line and see what people are saying to distract myself.
Wanted to ask if anyone can recommend a good app for counting calories and how useful you find them? I am just really selecting the pictures of food that appeals to me and looking up the book recipes. I confess still have not read the book right through but am continuing to do so. Just that now I have found others I am distracted by checking in here. Its such a positive and encouraging space. Thank you all for your words.
Hi Misssay and Auntylil,
Thanks for your responses.
I agree, I think it’s easy to get carried away and splurge money for the sake of the diet. Sticking to 800 calories a day is the important thing, and I really don’t mind repeating the same days several times.
For example, the only not-from-concentrate apple juice (for the Bircher) I could find was from Waitrose. It cost me £2.85 and is 1 litre. Now, if I only need 50ml and I don’t have the Bircher for another 4-weeks – WHAT A WASTE! Same goes for the other recipes. So I’m happy to repeat a few meals again and again so that I know I’m not wasting wonderful ingredients.
As auntylil said, we are in a privileged position and I cannot justify taking food for granted, wasting food is a crime.
Thanks for both of your tips, I’ll definitely be trying those!
How’s it going so far?
Well done for getting to week 2 day 2 misssay! Exciting!
June ? Nah it’s only about ten years away 😉
Coconut flour flatbreads worked well, I’ll post the recipe later. Had 1 with my lamb and vegetable stew last night and a tuna sandwich today (heaven).
Because of the high fibre content they make you chew longer than usual and they definitely give you that full feeling.
Fasting sugar this morning was lowest yet 6.4
Think I’ll celebrate with a cream cake 😉 -
Hi bernie
It sounds great what you have planned. We plan to walk whilst away and hotel has pool and gym so no difficulty getting my exercise. Not sure of plan re puds. May have one, or just have a taste of hubbys each night! Love your idea of having your return week meal plan sorted before you go. I will use that idea myself, thanjs for sharing. -
Really pleased with this lifestyle change so far, its day eight and 11lbs of weight has fallen off. My jeans love me again, but the way this
is going they will have to be replaced with some smaller ones! unless i can find a seamstress. -
I’m glad that’s working for you orchid and I hope your weight loss stays linear 🙂 as you move through the 8 weeks. I’m in the last 12 days and 10% at this stage would be marvellous- at day 44 I’ve lost 7.3 kilos which is 5.8% (10% would be 12.5 kgs, 20% would be 25 kgs) and very non-linear- between weeks 4 and 5 I lost 0.1 kgs which kinda broke my heart. I also started a spreadsheet with predicted weight loss and actual weight loss next to each day which I guess is why I’m also disheartened. The only thing I’m holding on to is the Whoosh theory of weight loss whereby a whole bunch of weight disappears overnight. As back-up and to keep me going to the end of week 8 is also the fact that weight can vary by a couple of kilos due to water/food in the stomach etc.