Over the 8-week line and after

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by captainlynne

    It was suggested that I start this thread for those who finish the 8 weeks to record their success and future plans. Thanks Bill1954 for the idea. So here goes!

    For those who don’t already know (with apologies for those who do) I started this on 19th December 2015 and so finished the 8 weeks on 13th February 2016.

    A quick introduction. I’ma 65 year old Type 2, diagnosed in 2009. Diet controlled but being threatened with Metformin just before I started this

    At the start fasting BG was 10.9, finished at 5.3. Day by day most fasting readings between 5 and 6 with occasional between 6 and 7. Previously struggled to get it under 7.

    Weight started at 16 stone, down to 14sr 1lb, a loss of 27 pounds.

    Down almost two dress sizes.

    Waist – a loss of 10 inches.

    Blood pressure down hoping to come off medication – have already halved it.

    BMI started at 40.9, down to 36.

    This week I have lost another 3 pounds, total of 30 pounds.

    At the moment I am still following this. I checked with the team who said that was ok for another few weeks so I will stay on it until 7th March when I go to Prague for 5 days. I’ll do my best to stay low carb for that week and see what happens. Then I’m thinking of going 2:5 – two days low-carb and 5 days of 800 calories. It will be trial and error for a while, finding out what suits me and keeps the weight coming off. I’m only 5ft 2ins when stretched and have about another 56 pounds to lose!

    I have a 4-day residential conference in April so will probably do 800 calories daily for the week before and after, doing my best while there. Low-carb is possible there, it will be portion control!

  • posted by Speedy

    Just posting to follow, Fab results CaptainLynne.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Speedy. Looking forward to seeing you on here when you reach 8 weeks. 😃

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne, I have just completed the first four weeks and for some reason I am suddenly finding myself feeling hungry quite often, I have lost 22lbs so far and would like to lose at least another 9lbs. Did you find hunger an issue after the first month?
    Well done with your results – an almost 5 points drop on your BMI is amazing

  • posted by Bill1954

    You have set the bar high Lynne.
    Those are an excellent set of results, I hope I can do as well.
    Thanks for starting this thread, as more folk add their stories, it will not only become the most inspiring thread on the forum but a valuable research tool for those starting out.
    Within a few months we should see all of the benefits and problems associated with the BSD here

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi hashimoto. Well done on your progress so far. I haven’t been hungry too much since ditching carbs, if I do get a little hungry I find that a drink, either hot or cold helps. Sometimes we think we’re hungry but we are actually thirsty.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Bill. Together we’ll show the establishment what works. Think of all the money we’ll save the NHS!

  • posted by MaryR

    To Hashimoto:
    I’ve just finished the third week, 14.5 lbs so far, and delighted with the results and the programme so far. I’m finding exactly the same thing. I feel it’s my body/metabolism noticing what’s going on and saying “feed me” so I’ve decided to make today a brunch and supper day, and cook something slightly off piste tonight, with a carb additon (Spelt pasta) and a healthy desert, without wheat or sugar, with a small glass of wine, and see if that shuts it up! Then resume the 800 cal programme tomorrow.
    I’ll let you know how it goes!

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Hashimoto
    Could it be that a few carbs are creeping in, putting you back on carb burning and not fat burning? That will make you hungry.
    Have a look at Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’- (£3 on kindle) it might help

  • posted by captainlynne

    10 weeks on and another pound off. Total now 31 pounds off. Fasting BG usually between 5 and 6 with some in 4s and occasional one in 6s. One more week to go before I go to Prague.

    Ill for a few days this week – something I ate didn’t agree with me. Pleased to report that I successfully avoided the toast I used to eat when I had a dodgy inside!

  • posted by MaryR

    Following on from last week’s post, I’ve just finished week four, 16lbs so far, 3 inches off the waist, feeling like a new woman with much more energy and brain fog lifted- due to no sugar or no wheat or both, I don’t know. Anyway , last week when I when I felt really hungry and with cravings returning, I decided on a cheat meal- but with rules. Main course and dessert had to be home cooked, healthy, no wheat, no sugar, new recipes, no second helpings, not calorie counted before I ate it! Small glass of wine allowed! The result was that I didn’t want the small square of chocolate I usually have afterwards; calorie count (afterwards) ended up at about 1500 for the day, no weight increase, and back on 800ish a day for the rest of the week, with no great hunger or cravings since. So my plan is that if the same thing happens again, I’ll repeat it, not more often than once a week, and in any case every two weeks just to keep the subconscious brain quiet.
    I do hope you’re still on track, Hashimoto!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne, whatever caused the couple of days of feeling hungrier has passed. I had kept my fluids right up so I am mystified as to how it happened. Perhaps due to the fact that I am much more physically active as I feel so much better than I have for several years. Thanks for your reply, can’t wait to join you at the 8 week stage!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi pmshrink Thanks, but don’t think it is extra carbs as I am sticking rigidly to the diet – as I haven’t eaten bread or pasta for years (I’m gluten intolerant) I haven’t found it difficult to ditch the other carbs too. I’m beginning to think it could have been more physical activity as I seem to be dashing when I could walk as I feel so well. I have also done some very strenuous hill walks – I don’t know why the penny didn’t drop sooner! My body seems to have adjusted to it now. Thank you for your support, it really helps – it focuses the mind when people offer solutions to problems and helps me stay positive.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks MaryR – I am definitely still on track! 24lbs lost so far! I really want to see all this belly fat go! I am promising myself I will buy a new dress when that happens. I’ve stuck to jeans for a few years as they flatten and hide the belly better than a dress. My waist is making a welcome reappearance. Can’t wait to see what I will be like at the end of 8 weeks! I’m so glad it is going well for you too.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne – amazing results!!! Hope the trip to Prague doesn’t cause you too many foodie temptations! Also I hope you have a really lovely time – you deserve it

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Penny, I meant to say that I have bought the book you recommended! Thanks

  • posted by Kim-

    Congratulations CaptainLynne! Brilliant effort and great results from your 10 weeks, looking forward to joining you in the ‘8 week’ club some day!!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Hashimoto and Kim. Good to see you. Looking forward to you joining me on here – getting a bit lonely.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne, I am now 6 and a half weeks in so it won’t be too long before I join you in eight week line and after. It will be good to hear how you get on in Prague. I’m hoping to go to Australia in a few months but won’t make definite plans as I have only been free of repeated chest infections since I was put on antibiotics three times a week in late December. I want to be sure I am consistently well before having to cancel another holiday last minute! The freedom from infections has given me the energy to go with this diet and I feel like I am going from strength to strength on it. All this weight loss may just give me the confidence to don a swimsuit and get in the water! So far if I have had lunch out I have asked for a ham sandwich without the ham, left the chips and eaten the salad. The request of a sandwich without bread does cause some bewilderment lol

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Hashimoto. I’m writing down everything I eat anyway, so will take my notebook with me and do my best to record everything I eat. I don’t drink so alcohol isn’t a problem.

    Sorry to hear about your infections, hope you stay well and get to Australia.

    Know what you mean about the sandwich without bread! Years ago I asked for a burger without the bun. Now that seems quite common, but then it was almost unheard of LOL. And my friend is allergic to cheese, so asks for pizza without cheese. That’s fun anywhere, but we went to Italy! She really struggled at lunchtime.

    I’ll let you know how I get on in Prague when I get back. Won’t have much internet access while I’m away though.

  • posted by Bre123

    Wow, that’s great work Captainlynne, well done. I’m almost at the end of week 6 (on Friday) and so far I have lost 19 lb and 12 oz. I’m pleased to hear from someone who has passed the 8 week stage as I think I will find it more challenging to maintain the weight loss (as I’ve never succeeded in doing it in the past), so it’s good to hear the different things you are trying. I’m also diet controlled type 2 and I can’t wait to see my full results on 18 March as well as my blood sugar readings and HbA1c. I fell so much healthier and energised so I’m determined to keep that going.
    Continue the good work.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Bre123. Since finishing the 8 weeks on 13th February I’ve stayed on 800 calories. Up to today I’ve lost another 7 pounds, a total of 34 pounds. Means I’ve lost 15% of my starting weight. Fasting bloods down – 4.8 this morning.

    The more people try this, the more stories we share, the more proof we have that this works. 😃

    I’m seeing my diabetes nurse on Friday, hoping to come off blood pressure meds (I’ve already halved the doses). Due HbA1c in March – that should keep me on track while I’m away next week LOL.

  • posted by Bre123

    That’s great. I’m going to have a couple of weeks off the 800 after 18 March as I’m on holiday but still sticking to the med style diet and then I’m going to go back on it as I still have over 2 st to loose.
    Enjoy your holiday.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Brilliant results captainlynne. Your fasting blood tests are fantastic. I will be joining you on 8 weeks and over on 9th of March. I can’t believe the 8 weeks are going so fast. Yes I totally agree – we need as many people as possible sharing their stories to prove to medics the advice for diabetics has to change.. Even looking at it from a financial point of view it could save the NHS millions ! It will save a lot of people from a miserable existence.


  • posted by hashimoto

    That had me laughing. – pizza with no cheese in Italy. He he he 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Bre123. Hope you enjoy your holiday too. I’m planning to stay on low-carb Med style next week. Checked out airport eateries so I’ve a good idea what I’ll be eating on Monday before I fly out. Should get lots of walking done, both sightseeing and finding something I can eat! Apparently my hotel is about 20-30 minutes from tourist sites so that should help. Never been to Prague before so no idea whatI’ll find – just exploring 😃

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Hashimoto. Seen two articles today, one on 800 cal liquid diet reversing diabetes, the other about new drug (or drug combo) to lower HbA1c in type 2s!

    I agree wholeheartedly. It’s not just the financial impact on the NHS, important as that is, but the impact on quality of life for so many. I’ve often read on another forum about diabetics wanting to ‘die with both their feet on and their eyes working’.

    My diabetes nurse was telling me she has some patients who want to control their condition, but others either just don’t understand, or are happy to follow the party line – eating carbs and taking increased amounts of medication.

    For my son, a wake-up call was the threat of insulin. He’s lost weight and cut down on alcohol but still eats carbs. We’ve had some ‘interesting’ conversations!

    Me – I came to realise some years ago that lots of medications don’t agree with me. It’s always been trial and error. One group of meds that do work for me, docs won’t prescribe because they say there are newer drugs that work better. Trouble is, they don’t work for me – horrendous side effects. So I decided that ‘I’m my own lab rat’. I’ll do the research on myself, recording my findings so I can show the ‘experts’ what is happening.

    BTW – Italian hotel breakfast ok for said friend, evening meal ok – she avoided pizza and pasta, but lunch! Almost impossible. Back here, In Asda you can make a DIY pizza – but even they gave her funny looks when she said no cheese! 😳

  • posted by Wide_Widow

    Wow everyone some stunning results there. I am only on day 2. Thanks so much for sharing your results, it is truly inspirational.


  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Tracy. We’re all in this together, at the start of something new, so need to help each other along. Lots of seem to have similar stories, similar journeys to where we are. Together we can move forward to a better future health wise. Look forward to seeing your progress. Lynne

  • posted by captainlynne

    For the record … Another 3 pounds lost.

    One more pound and it will be 2.5 stone or 35 pounds off 😃

    I’ll be weighing again tomorrow and Monday, then away until Friday so not weighing again until next Saturday. It will be interesting to see the results next week!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Wow lynne amazing loss, you must be thrilled! 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Hashimoto. 😃

    Travelling has usually been difficult in the past because I’ve just not prepared properly. Easier to grab a sandwich and crisps.

    This time I’ve tried to prepare as much as possible. Leaving home too early for me to have breakfast, so cooked some Harrogate sausages (128 calories each) and will keep 1 or 2 for Monday. And bought some mini Babybels because they travel well.

    I’ve checked out airport eating places so I know what is available and can get a good meal before I fly. Shortish flight, so no problem there. Then it gets interesting.

    I’ll arrive at the hotel about 6pm local time so I’ll need to find somewhere local to eat. Or a food shop. Breakfast is a buffet and seems to have protein.

    There seems to be various cuisines available in the area so I can experiment.

    Friday I’ll get breakfast in the hotel before leaving for the airport so I might grab something to eat there, possibly from the onsite supermarket. Landing back about 1.45, train home so should be in my house around tea time. And plenty of food in the fridge/freezer so I can get something quickly.

    Hopefully I’ve covered everything. 😳

  • posted by TrishaDawn

    Hi Captainlynne, congratulations on your amazing success. Reading how people have completed the whole 8 weeks and achieved such amazing results has helped me such a lot.
    I feel a bit of a cheat writing in this thread as I’m only 1 week into the diet, but two kilos down so far! I’m a bit older than you, 71, and my concern about losing weight too quickly as an older person is loose skin. I have around 15 kilos to lose, at least. Have you found this to be an issue, with your own incredible weight loss? Although I have to say, I’m unlikely to want to start wearing bikinis, and only my husband and doctor are likely to see any loose skin.
    I don’t know if it will do anything for my BG levels because I was diagnosed around 15 years ago. However my fasting BG averages out at around 5.9 and I’m still only taking one Metformin tablet a day. But I’m really looking forward to buying a whole new wardrobe some time down the track.
    Thanks for keeping up with your posts, they are so helpful to those of us just starting out.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi trisha, i m 63. My son asked me if i had issues with loose skin (he has an obese friend who wants to know about losing weight fast) my response was : ‘ I. Want to have a healthy life and be able to do more, im doing this for my health not looks. I’d rather have life now than be a slightly prettier corpse in a coffin’. I have a feeling that loose skin could be an issue whether you lose fast or slow. Like you say, not many people will see us uncovered and slimmer we will look better covered than before this diet. Wishing you the best!
    P.s I am nearly at 8 week mark and have lost 2 stones.


  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi TrishaDawn. Thank you. Happy you find the posts helpful.

    Visitors always welcome – you’ll soon finish your 8 weeks. 😃 Great result for your first week.

    Funnily enough I was asked the same question about loose skin on the Facebook page. I can’t say I have noticed any loose skin yet. However, after 2 Caesarean Sections I’ll never have a flat stomach (but only my doctor sees that LOL)

    I’ve just started to sort through my clothes (I have work uniform so not many non-work clothes). The charity shop will do well out of this!!!! Fortunately
    I’d kept my smaller uniform items as I expanded, now I’m going through them in the opposite direction 😃

    I’ve had to buy smaller clothes, especially trousers!!!! And some of my tops need ‘modesty’ items under 😱

    Was packing my case yesterday for trip tomorrow. I’m only taking hand luggage and thought I might take some of my larger clothes, which I could then leave behind to make room for souvenirs. Then I realised that it could become embarrassing, so think I’ll have to abandon at least part of that plan 😳

    You’re doing really well, please keep us informed of your progress.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Morning Hashimoto. Love that about doing this for health, not to be a slightly prettier corpse. Must remember that!

    Great result, 2 stone. Well done 😃

    When do you finish your 8 weeks, and what will,you do then if I may ask?

  • posted by TrishaDawn

    Thanks both of you. I’ll definitely be posting my progress.
    Thinking about it, I’m not really all that bothered about loose skin on my body, more if the double chin starts to look like I’m wearing a bib.
    Congratulations to both of you, you’re weight losses are inspiring to a beginner. Thanks for your information Hashimoto, a think you’re right, I’d most likely have loose skin issues however slowly I lost it. It’s really motivating to see the scales going down, and I’m not at all keen on going back to a more traditional diet again. I lost around 15 kilos a while ago, but it’s been stalled now for a few years.
    It’s good to hear you don’t have any particular problem with loose skin, Captainlynne, I’ve decided I’m willing to put up with it if need be. Still better than hauling around that extra 15 kilos. I’m looking forward to my clothes falling off. I had a skirt do that after my first weight loss, and it was the best feeling.
    I’ll join you both in another 7 weeks.

  • posted by Shadow2

    Well done to you all, you have done fantastic. Enjoy your holiday to Prague, it is a lovely city.

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Hashimoto
    Whatever I try to do with my head, in my imagination you are a Japanese man! ( as I hadn’t heard of the condition before)
    Thanks for the support

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Penny, it really does make me sound like a Japanese man, doesn’t it? You made me chuckle with that one. It was that strange moment when asked for a username and you use the first thing that comes into your head 🙂

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hashimoto 🌊
    For you, to remind you of the old country.
    Penny 😉

  • posted by hashimoto

    Ha ha Penny, that made me chuckle!!! 🙂

  • posted by olisue

    Hi everyone. I’m 6 weeks into the diet and I’ve lost 22lbs so far. I have to confess that I’m not diabetic or even pre diabetic but since turning Vegan 2 years ago I have relied too heavily on carbs and gained a lot of weight. Anyway i’m made up with my weight loss so far and I’m actually really enjoying this diet.

    I want to lose more weight. 4 stone in total would be ideal. I plan to take a couple of days off the diet at the end of the 8 weeks (I won’t go mad, just not count calories for a couple of days) and then start another round of 8 weeks on 800 cals a day. This is not what is recommended in the book so I would love to know what you all think and has anyone else done a lot more than 8 weeks?

    Thanks in advance xxx

  • posted by olisue

    Hi everyone. I’m 6 weeks into the diet and I’ve lost 22lbs so far. I have to confess that I’m not diabetic or even pre diabetic but since turning Vegan 2 years ago I have relied too heavily on carbs and gained a lot of weight. Anyway i’m made up with my weight loss so far and I’m actually really enjoying this diet.

    I want to lose more weight. 4 stone in total would be ideal. I plan to take a couple of days off the diet at the end of the 8 weeks (I won’t go mad, just not count calories for a couple of days) and then start another round of 8 weeks on 800 cals a day. This is not what is recommended in the book so I would love to know what you all think and has anyone else done a lot more than 8 weeks?

    Thanks in advance xxx

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi olisue
    one of the posters on here , captainlynne contacted the team about this and they said that it’s ok to continue past the 8 weeks if you are feeling ok. I know hashimoto is continuing and so will I when the time comes as I have more weight to lose.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne, today I join you over the 8 week line!!!
    Like you I will continue on the 800 calories for a while as I wish to lose another 9lbs – though more would be very welcome! I may stray towards 900 on some days and once a week perhaps a bit more to get me through a strenuous hill walk.

    So far 2 stones lost
    2 sizes down in my jeans
    clothes are getting really baggy – I will buy new ones when I am about to set off to Oz

    The 8 weeks have passed so quickly!!!

    SOOOO happy 🙂

  • posted by zebbie

    Hi everyone, great thread captainlynn.

    My partner and I are doing this together and are about 6 weeks in. I have honestly lost count! Neither of us were diabetic but middle aged and with ‘overweight ‘ BMI I felt we were probably heading that way, especially as I’m hypothyroid.

    He has lost 7kg and is very nearly at 10% weight loss, I’ve lost 4kg and have a little way to go. The best thing though, is how well we both feel, sleeping better, & food cravings have gone. I have spent my whole life thinking about the next meal and snacking, and that has gone. When I feel hungry it is at meal times and feels like a genuine hunger, rather than a carb craving.

    I’m not sure what we are going to do when we get to our targets. Maybe 5/2 or med style, but I worry carbs will creep in and take us back to where we were.

  • posted by ON PHONE

    Hi Everyone
    Thanks for posting – it’s very inspiring to read about your success! Fantastic. I started 6 days ago. I think I’ve already lost 2kg (have another 18 to go) – I say ‘I think’ because it’s hard to believe 🙂

    I haven’t experienced any extreme hunger and was wondering if others had the same experience?

    Worried that I’m not doing everything correctly as so far I haven’t found it too difficult…which is nice – but some days haven’t reached 800 which makes we wonder if that is a problem if you have less calories some days?

    Any thoughts?

  • posted by captainlynne

    Welcome to the club Hashimoto 😃

    Just back from holiday and catching up. Will post properly tomorrow, when I’ve weighed and checked fasting BG.

    All I can say for now is I’ve avoided carbs (as far as I could tell), eaten protein and veg and walked miles.

    Believe it or not, I bought a 6″ sub from Subway (long story), ate the meat & salad then threw away the bread. Today I left the airport without grabbing something because I just wanted to get the train home. When I changed trains I needed food. Only choice was sandwich, chocolate or crisps. So I bought a BLT, ate the B and some T, and threw away the rest!!!!!

    That’s all for now folks. Need to catch up with myself, and get some rest.

    Will write properly tomorrow..

    Night all 😃

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Onphone
    This sounds fine. I didn’t have extreme hunger either. The less appetite seems to be standard. I think the science is that the carbs put your blood sugar up then down then you were hungry again. Now the carbs aren’t there to do that and you’re burning stored fat.
    Great isn’t it! We re all amazed that here’s a diet that works better, much better, than others we ve tried and is easy to do.
    We all tend to find it weird but wonderful.

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