Over the 8-week line and after

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi everyone – back from holiday and letter of complaint emailed (long story).

    So – how did I do?

    Managed to stay low-carb. Which is good.

    Weight today – 3 pound gain from last Saturday / 2 pound gain from Monday when I travelled. Which is bad.

    Checked bloods last night, bedtime 5.2
    Fasting blood today 5.4. Which is ok.

    What have I learned? It is ok to leave the unwanted carbs that come with a meal. To watch portion sizes more closely, especially when away from home.

    It was a stressful few days for the first part of the week, but I did my best not to revert to the comfort eating old me. Rather I wandered round the supermarket trying to find something Low-carb I could eat.

    Interestingly, there was a distinct lack of sugar-free drinks. Either Diet Coke or water.

    But I did not snack, no ice cream, no desserts. 😃

    So – now I’m back on 800 calories for the next month or so.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Well done on keeping control of your diet whilst away. I’m sure now you are home and back to the 800, you will be back on track in no time. You have seen great results so far and I’m sure you will be seeing more soon.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks SunnyB. I’ll be interested to see how long it takes to lose the excess baggage! Then back to getting the rest of the excess moving. Seems a long way to go – about 56 pounds – but I’ll get there.

  • posted by captainlynne

    SunnyB – the extra 3 pounds has disappeared 😃 . Never gone so quickly before! So now I weigh same as last Saturday. Total loss 30 pounds since starting on BSD. Only about another 50 – 56 to go 😱

  • posted by flump

    going into week 7 and 1 and a 1/2 stone down. As both my parents have type 2 diabetes I was concerned as I am heavy by 4 if not 5 stone. This diet has been the best I have tried and it has made me much more experimental in my cooking and I really enjoy the food that I am eating. I feel healthier,sleep better and have heaps more energy feeling very positive. It is so great to hear so many people doing so well you are all inspirational. When I get to my target wait I am going to learn ballet something I have wanted to do 🙂

  • posted by silver

    Flump you have done so well. On Wednesday I will de into it 2 weeks and I share that excitement of making the food and enjoying the food – I feel I am truly appreciating food again. Its great. I have noticed a bit of a slower rate of weight loss in the 2nd week – has anyone else noticed this. In total since I started I have lost albs, which I am happy about but it has slowed a wee bit. Normal you think? I want to keep my motivation up and losing really helps 🙂

  • posted by silver

    Think you have done really well – I have a trip coming up over Easter and so will take your lead.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Great results flump. Well done.

    Thanks Silver. Hope your trip goes well.

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi flump
    What a wonderful ambition!
    Good luck with the diet

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Silver
    It does seem that normally weight loss slows in week 2 compared to week 1.
    Best of luck

  • posted by Julia18togo

    Hi all
    I have just finished the 8 weeks🙌
    Started out in mid December at 93 kilos. Less some days, more others… weight tends to fluctuate but that was the worst number I reached. Had a nasty 3 weeks with flu from 31st December so restarted the 8 weeks once over that. Now at 82.5 kilos and hoping to stay around here and lose another 10-12 if I can… something I’d lost hope was even possible for me last year. No diabetes yet (had blood test last year) but it is hugely prevalent in my family. I am now back to running and working on upping exercise levels to keep things moving in the right direction. Not to mention staying with this way of life permanently.
    These forums have been inspirational as so many have said. We all sound like scratched records but I cannot express how much they have helped me when I have fallen off the wagon, as I have many times.
    Best wishes for continued progress to everyone on here!
    Julia 😊

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi. Julia, welcome to the over the 8 week line and over, what fantastic results you have had so far! Don’t forget to keep posting your progress!
    Hi captainlynne, wow you did so fantastically on your trip, especially as the right food was a bit harder to source than here in Britain! You are a role model for us all 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Juliia, welcome to the 8-week line and after. Keep letting us know how you are doing.

    Hi Hashimoto. *waves*. Thanks 😃 When I was away it seemed like everything was served with dumplings or bread or both (at least where I could afford!). . I normally eat local food on holiday, so it was unusual for me to go to TGI Fridays – but the steak was good (and did two meals 😊).

    Good to see you back. You ok?

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi lynne, I’m still a bit weak and wobbly but I haven’t had this infection as badly as my son. I brought him home early on friday suffering from a severe stomach bug. The dr referred him to hospital for tests early sunday morning. His full blood count came back showing a lot of changes and probs with his kidneys. I have never seen anyone vomit such large amounts every few minutes (it had started thurs night), they sent him for chest and abdominal xrays when i suddenly knew I was going to be sick (very fortunate timing) the dr dealing with my son got a prescription of two types of anti emetics for me to take immediately as he was worried howi would fare at my age with health probs given how ill he was.I’m over the sickness, just nausea left. My son has to have full blood count repeated next monday. He was already thin but he is now a stone lighter. He is beginning to look better, thank God :). The dr was going to keep him in hospital but when I was sick they decided he had a nasty viral infection.
    I’m glad you’re back ‘on line’, I love your posts x

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Hashimoto,
    So glad to hear you’re on the mend. I’d noticed you MIA and had a feeling you might have caught the tummy bug too. It’s a bit hard not to when you’re cleaning up copious amounts of vomit. 🙁
    Hopefully your son’s kidney probs are just temporary, probably down to dehydration from the vomiting. Are you both getting some electrolyte replacement drinks? Not the so called sports ones, but one for upset tummies sometimes helps with nausea. If he can keep up his fluid intake and manage some protein, I’m sure your son’s results will be much better on Monday.
    Good job you went with him to hospital so you managed to get prompt treatment.
    Have plenty of rest, plenty of fluids and hopefully you’ll feel 100% again soon.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi cherrieanne, we have both had plenty of electrolyte drinks in the form of small pinch salt and a bigger pinch of sugar in water flavoured with fresh mint – we both prefer it to dioralyte. I think all the probs with his bloods are down to dehydration, and just hope his bloods are ok on monday.
    I decided to take a taxi to the hospital as I knew he wouldnt be able to walk from the car park into the hospital (and him a half marathon runner ). I went in fine and dandy and left in a wheelchair! The car would still be at the hospital racking up enormous parking fines if I had driven there myself! Serendipity!
    As for protein i have had to steer him away from his favourite wensleydale cheese to something a little kinder to his stomach! He started eating yesterday -boiled eggs and chicken soup (after starting on dry toast). I’m hoping to eat a bit more than a few spoons of chicken broth tomorrow.
    Rest and liquids are firmly on the agenda for a couple of days! Thanks for your advice and good wishes
    Judith x

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Hashimoto

    Glad to hear you’re both improving.

    I had food poisoning a while ago, with my young granddaughters staying with me. They had to look after grandma 😱 I still remember how if felt! Hope you are both fully recovered very soon. (((Hugs)))

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Judith
    That sounds awful. Poor you and poor son.
    Glad you’re on the mend.
    I didn’t have it so badly a few years ago, but fainted every time I was sick!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Glad to hear you’re feelng better Judith.
    Illness is the last thing you need at the moment, hope you and your son are back to normal soon.

  • posted by Ami

    Hi everyone.
    I’m fast approaching week 8 and was wondering whether to stay on the BSD. This thread has helped alot but I wonder if anyone knows why the book only recommends 8 weeks. I chose the BSD because there is a family history of diabetise and my body shape placed me in the high risk category though my blood sugar levels did not place me in the pre-diabetic range. I’ve lost 18lbs so far and would like to lose another 25lbs. My BM is 4.7mmols. If I stay on the BSD say for another 8 weeks I feel I’d almost be at my goal. I suppose like many on this thread I’m concerned about changing from something that has worked so well.


  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks Bill,. It was quite scary when my son started vomiting blood on Saturday evening, it’s been a hell of a virus! But we are on the mend, I. Was nowhere near as ill but taking longer to get over the weak and wobbly phase – but age will tell lol x

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi ami, captainlynne asked the team about this and was told it was ok to continue for a few weeks longer. I’m going to continue and then slowly increase my calories while sticking to the principles i.e very low carb 🙂

  • posted by Julia18togo

    Judith – sounds like a very rough few days for you. Had noticed your silence, and glad to see you back. Do take good care of yourself (and son!) and don’t be tempted to do too much – it does take a lot of time to get back to normal after these nasty bouts.

  • posted by Julia18togo

    Ami – I am doing as Hashimoto is for another few weeks, and then continue as she suggests.

  • posted by Julia18togo

    Ami – i should add I have similar situation to you too. As I think many have pointed out, those who have gastric band surgery have to stick to VLCD so I don’t see it can be dangerous to stick with it, albeit with a slight increase in calories, so long as we are getting a good balanced diet and including plenty of veg. Not to mention all that liquid!

    Well done for getting as far as this – great achievement!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks for saying that Julia18togo.

    I said that on the Facebook group and was attacked. Told anyone doing that would become anorexic and die. The writer apparently knew someone who had gastric band surgery, maintained loss for a while then started on the calorific foods and gained again.

  • posted by Bizibee

    I think it’s only 8 weeks partly because of the psychology, where it’s easier to stick with it if you’ve an endpoint, and partly because 800 is a bit low and you could lack nutrients after a while. But there are plenty of very active people who live permanently on low carb diets, for example, Dr Michael Eades and his wife (whose blogs are worth reading under proteinpower.com) and a retired vet whose blog goes under the name Hyperlipid, also worth reading. Dr E is American, Hyperlipid lives in East Anglia. I’ve found their commentaries on the science really interesting. Hyperlipid says he is constantly on the border between ketosis and out of it, which doesn’t worry him but is not the usual style. He eats what he likes but no wheats, fewer other grains and loads of veg, fatty meat and fish, plus dairy and eggs. Pretty much what we’re on here but more of it.

  • posted by Julia18togo

    HI Lynne – no doubt I will get some hassle, everyone is entitled to different views. Like you, I feel that this is a change for life. I am having no issues doing 5 k runs on this diet a few times a week, and make sure to load myself with a wide variety of veg as well as protein/fibre and a small amount of sensible carbs. People like you have inspired me to continue when I have been at low points, so I will stick around like you and the evidence of our success will be there for those that want to take note!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks julia, much appreciated! I’m definitely taking life VERY easy and so is he! X

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi captainlynne, julia, ami, bizeebee ,
    I know Bill isn’t over 8 weeks quite yet but the results re his eyes speak volumes. I showed his post to my son ( a pharmacist ,also has degree in biomedicine) and he was truly amazed and extremely interested. Like us he thinks there is enough evidence now for this to be promoted.
    He did his biomed thesis in eye problems so has some interest in the subject.
    He passes his congratulations and best wishes to you, Bill

  • posted by Bill1954

    Thanks Judith
    I don’t tend to go on about it but there was a period just over a year ago as I was just recovering from a right eye bleed when I woke up one morning to find my left eye had overnight, had it’s worst bleed ever, which didn’t ever clear and led directly to my fourth vitrectomy op.
    At the time my right eye was very unstable and I had to live with the knowledge that, if it bled, I would be, at least temporarily, blind.
    I can’t even put into words the unspeakable horrors that assailed me during those dark days.
    This is why I’m so grateful to the team at the hospital and why I will do my damnest to help anyone with my advice and experience of it.
    If I can help stop just one person from developing this terrible condition, then I will have done something worthwhile in my life.

  • posted by Bre123

    My 8 weeks are up today and I am very happy to announce that I have lost 25 pounds in that time and 5 inches from my waist measurement as well as 4 inches off my chest and 3 inches off my hips. I’ve gone down 2-3 dress sizes as well. I had my blood taken this morning and will get the results of my fasting glucose levels and HbA1c on Monday – I’m really hoping that they have fallen into the normal range.
    I plan to carry on eating the same way but not calorie counting for the next two weeks as I’m on holiday but then I will return to the 8 week plan as I still have 2 stone to loose – ironically, I lost 25lb in 8 weeks and prior to that it took me 18 months to loose the first 28.5lbs that I lost. This is definitely the best diet ever! It is so motivating to loose the weight so quickly and other than the odd day of hunger, a little light-headedness and headache very early on, I’ve felt fab – energised, better concentration and no bloating (no bad period symptoms either which I always had previously).
    I would encourage anyone to do this diet, stick with it, even on those hard days or when your weight loss stalls – it will come off, just keep going, the results are great! 🙂
    I will keep posting my progress. Thanks, Bre123.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Bre, well done. Please do keep us posted about after your 8 weeks! 🙂

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hey Bre
    congratulations on progressing from Pioneer to Veteran (I like that expression 🙂 )
    Your results are brilliant and add to this thread being the most inspirational on the forum.
    I will be joining you guys next week, although probably with a lower weight loss (20lb ATM )
    I can just picture us lot sitting in our rocking chairs saying things like “back in our day” and “remember when we were diabetic”
    Looking forward to seeing your continued progress


  • posted by captainlynne

    Love that phrase, Bill – Pioneer to Veteran 😊

    Looking forward to you joining us veterans on here – must put in a special order for rocking chairs now. 😃

  • posted by Bre123

    Thanks hashimoto, I will keep you all posted; this forum has been so good at helping me on those tough days. Well done to everyone.

  • posted by Bre123

    Thanks Bill and well done to you as well – it’s a great feeling when you reach that 8 week point.

  • posted by Bre123

    Thanks Lynne, everyone’s help and encouragement has kept me going and it’s so helpful to hear everyone’s stories. I’ll let you all know where I’m at on the 4 April on my return.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Great Bre123. Enjoy your holiday. Hope it’s somewhere with good weather!

  • posted by captainlynne

    At the end of my 13th week, weight loss this week 5 pounds, (so that takes good care of the slight gain on holiday), total loss 36 pounds. Fasting BG this morning was 4.2! Never seen that number before! Down from 10.9. BMI now 34.3 (from 40.9)

  • posted by Bill1954

    Wow Lynne, you just keep getting better.
    Great encouragement for those of us who have a lot of weight to lose and intend to stay on the fast 800
    I’m a stone and a half to go to my first target weight and if I can perform like you, I’m going to smash it before June.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Wow lynne, fantastic results! More than 2 and a half stones AND such low blood sugars! You’re an inspiration! 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Bill and Judith.

    Still 56 pounds to go to where medics always say I should be 😱, so I’ll be around a while yet 😃

    Thanks for your support 😃

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lynne those 56 lbs will go. The drop in your BMI is amazing – another drop of almost 7 will get you close to your goal – that’s another 36 lbs to get to a BMI of 27. Doesn’t seem so daunting put like that. You will need new summer clothes, hope you like shopping! 🙂

  • posted by jpscloud

    Lynne what an amazing success story, best bit for me is your 10 inches off the waist after 8 weeks! I’m on day 1 of 8 weeks (you kindly welcomed me on my first thread) and I can’t in my wildest dreams imagine 10 inches off my waist. If I have anything like this success I’ll be over the moon.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Judith, I’ve already had to go shopping for new tops and underwear. It’s so long since I could shop in a ‘normal’ shop that I admit to feeling a little daunted. And this season’s colours are not for me 😳 Durham has limited choice so I went to Newcastle and couldn’t find anything there. Strange to say I had to go to Bishop Aukland for something completely different and found some lovely tops in a sale. But quite a bit has come from mail order. Next thing will be trousers and possibly a coat. Needed something nice for the residential conference coming up and fix wear new tops when I was away last week.

    Thanks jpscloud. It was a bit of a shock, but there was (and still is) quite a bit of waist to lose😱

  • posted by jpscloud

    *there was (and still is) quite a bit of waist to lose😱*

    I hear you sister!! I’m ashamed to admit I could lose 20 and not be considered remotely waspish in the waist region 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lynne, This seasons colours are not for me either but perfect for my friend. Well, let’s hope the colours change a bit by june/july cos we will both need MORE new clothes.
    You’ll be having to dust off long forgotten clothes (like me) or treat yourself to something new as well gradyoldlady!

    Lynn I am a bit surprised about Bishop Aukland!

    One of my friends gets some lovely good label clothes from charity shops in the posher areas. They always look brand new. If we’re lucky, when we offload our unwanted. clothes at charity shops we might just spot that little something. There could be quite a bit of downsizing going on for a while for the three of us! 🙂

  • posted by Sharon

    Wow well done
    Lynne that’s a great result.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Judith. Unfortunately I’ve no old, outgrown clothes, they went to charity shops years ago 😢 . And when I visit charity shops to buy they have every size but mine, whatever it happens to be 😳

    Fortunately I kept my old uniform as I expanded, so am now working my way down through those. The other day I put on a skirt and it slipped right down, when I checked the size it was the skirt that used to cut me in two at the start of BSD 😱 . It is on its way to a new home!

    Bishop Aukland – mmm, didn’t even think of clothes shopping there, but popped into Beales for a coffee and saw them.

    Jpscloud LOL. I could usefully lose another 10 inches or thereabouts. At least I’m not straight up and down now! At 5ft 2ins it wasn’t a good look 😱

    Thanks Sharon. 😊

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