Hi everyone – back from holiday and letter of complaint emailed (long story).
So – how did I do?
Managed to stay low-carb. Which is good.
Weight today – 3 pound gain from last Saturday / 2 pound gain from Monday when I travelled. Which is bad.
Checked bloods last night, bedtime 5.2
Fasting blood today 5.4. Which is ok.
What have I learned? It is ok to leave the unwanted carbs that come with a meal. To watch portion sizes more closely, especially when away from home.
It was a stressful few days for the first part of the week, but I did my best not to revert to the comfort eating old me. Rather I wandered round the supermarket trying to find something Low-carb I could eat.
Interestingly, there was a distinct lack of sugar-free drinks. Either Diet Coke or water.
But I did not snack, no ice cream, no desserts. 😃
So – now I’m back on 800 calories for the next month or so.