Latest forum posts

  • posted by  DemiMondaine on List what's better for you!
    on in Fast 800

    After 2 weeks:

    7kg off
    7cm gone round my middle
    Signs of a waistline returning
    Feeling much better in myself
    Not hungry so often
    Dug a whole pile of tight clothes out of my wardrobe and some nearly fit again
    Been clothes shopping 😉😀
    Saving money

    Only downside is my innards seem bunged up.

  • posted by  Odette C on A group for people living near Guildford…
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hello, I’ve been doing the BSD for 7 weeks – great results and I’m on a bit of a mission to help others understand that reclaiming your health and vitality IS possible. I am starting a local group using my experience of being a coach and trainer so that we can explore the science, the food (mmm.. cooking and tasting), and how to create a plan to make moving more and reducing stress work for YOU whatever your starting point . You can find out more on

  • posted by  Bill1954 on My experience over 9 weeks
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Jim
    Wonderful results for you, if your doc isn’t impressed by that, bin him.
    I really hope your blood sugar results come back as well as your weight loss has. Make sure to let us know, anyone who manages to get a diabetes reversed decision is a cause for celebration in my eyes.

  • posted by  Jandz100 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone

    Weighed in a day early as going out for alcoholic drinks this afternoon 😱

    Anyway, end of week 10 and after my plateau last week it’s another 2.6 lb loss this week.

    Pretty happy with this as I was out for dinner on Wednesday, and while I had steak and veg, I also had some carbs. My plan was to enjoy it, have a few chips etc if I wanted them but leave the majority of the carbs on my plate and it worked!

  • posted by  Julia18togo on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    On a lighter note – in my obsession with the scales (I’m one of those who finds them motivating!) I stepped on again this morning and they say a pound and a half gone… Given I’ve only been back on the 800 BSD proper for a couple of days I am well pleased. Definitely need some calmer days though – I managed to prang the car on Wednesday, got it scraped on hinge of our driveway gate. All stress…
    Hoping for better days ahead in the sunshine (even though it is freezing again it’s lovely to hear the birds singing).

  • posted by  Izzy on My First 10 Days
    on in Fast 800

    You’ve done an amazing job even managing to stick to most of it through your husbands emergency, you should be super proud of yourself! That hospital sandwich would have been a much needed meal for you that day. Glad to hear he is home recovering and I hope he will be well soon.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Lynne you just keep going from strength to strength
    Anyone following your posts can’t fail to be inspired by them, I always have been.
    You’re going to be right where you want to be in the not too distant future.
    Well done 🙂

  • posted by  Julia18togo on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I really hope things are getting slightly less raw for you. I have been out of touch with all the posts so only saw your news just now. Puts my daughter’s exam stress into perspective. Thoughts, hugs and prayers are with you.

  • posted by  Izzy on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Happy! I also have no gallbladder and I’ve been ok.

    The surgeon explained it to me. Usually our liver will create bile, and then our gallbladder stores it. When we eat fat it secretes the bile to help digest the fat. When we don’t have a gall bladder the only bile is whatever the liver can produce on the go, none is stored. Some will be lucky and the liver can keep up, others maybe not so lucky. However it does make sense that eating fat in smaller quantities spread out would perhaps be more manageable for our bodies than one large portion.

    You could try low fat cheese for your cheesy meal, I know it isn’t quite in keeping with BSD ethos, but the protein and (still some fat) may still be enough to keep you full.

    I wouldn’t say my diet is as high in fat as many, maybe that’s why I’m ok. I have my yoghurt and cheese, and I use oil to fry but a lot of my meals are pretty low I guess. That isn’t by design it’s just the meals I’m enjoying. I’ve always cut the fat off meat because I don’t like eating it. I know you’re not eating meat anyway.

  • posted by  Alipalicat on My First 10 Days
    on in Fast 800

    Good morning! I started this diet on 4/5 and have had 2 slip ups along the way – an evening out on day 2 which involved a packet of crisps! And my husband having to have an emergency op and being in hospital on day 7 – this caused a hospital sandwich to be consumed as I had been stuck there all day. I have not managed to stick to the 800 cals every day but have kept my carbs to between 20 and 40g. I have done very little exercise because of hospital visits etc and not drunk as much water as I’d like and too much tea and red wine BUT I’m over the moon to report a loss of nearly 9lb and I feel so much better. No painful bloating stomach, clothes feel better and I love this way of eating. Husband is home from hospital now and will hopefully be on the mend so I will be trying very hard to stick to the 800 calls this week and see what the results are.

    I’m determined to continue so that when I have my next blood tests the nurse will be happy with my results and tell me I am no longer pre-diabetic.

    Thank you BSD 😃

  • posted by  captainlynne on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone

    Just finished week 21, and the result this week is …….

    another 3 pounds gone!😃

    That’s a total of 49 pounds so far😱

    Only two pounds to go until I drop into next stone, and five pounds to go before I become overweight instead of obese!

    Fasting bs this morning was 4.0.

    Safe journey Judith. Speak soon 😃

  • posted by  Julia18togo on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Lucia – I might be borrowing that white catsuit of yours. A pound down this morning after just a few days back on the 800 BSD. I need to cut my grass though this morning so can you lend it to me later on. I wouldn’t want to shock Jo Public wearing it while out jogging either 😁

  • posted by  HappyLife on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Poppyflower!
    Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts about what might help. I actually decided to try that starting tomorrow as I have been eating cheese for one meals protein since I am a pescatarian (only eat fish and no meat or chicken) and realized I should switch that meal out for fish or shrimp or something lower in fat than cheese
    Fingers crossed it helps. I have a long trip starting next Wednesday so don’t want tummy issues.
    Hugs for a happy day!

  • posted by  Cicipops on what exercises are people doing?
    on in Fast Exercise

    I am loving this thread, and reading what everyone is doing! Have to say, I’ve never been a very active person. Done a few hillwalks in the past (which nearly finished me, I was so out of breath!), but apart from that my only exercise was housework. Anyway, 2nd week on my diet, I decided I’d join the gym. (That was last week). I booked an inductiion and 2 classes. Never having exercised before, I was kinda scared of going along, but I pushed myself. The guy doing my induction was really nice – not at all judgemental about my ‘unfitness’, and showed me some gym equipment I could try which would not be too testing as a beginner. I’ve been 4 days out of 7 this week so far and quickly discovered my favourite exercise machine is the rower. Cos I’m not that fit, I can’t manage much timewise 10- 15 mins only, and even that with breaks to get my breath back! ( I cancelled an abs class cos I thought perhaps I was gettig ahead of myself, and went to a stretching class with my daughter who said it was easy? (Was she
    Joking, or what???). But……..and this is quite astonishing really……I’ve lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just this week!!! The weight loss aint been so good this week, but so what. I’m sticking with the plan! Absolutely buzzing!!!! Keep at it guys, just doing what your doing, and in no time we’ll aĺl be where we want to be and will have changed our bad habits for LIFE x

  • posted by  Stacey on Breakfast Guidance Please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I have a meal replacement/protein shake in the morning, takes 2 mins and you can drink it on the way to work etc and it curbs my hunger until lunch. Make sure you get one that is low carbs – ideally a VLCD one.

  • posted by  Stacey on Day one, hunger/craving.
    on in Starting the BSD

    I find the first 3 days are the hardest while your body is withdrawing from sugar/carbs. Keep telling yourself its only 3 days and I am sure you will feel better by then. Once you see the number on the scales dropping you’ll get lots of drive to push through any hunger pangs but if all else fails – Cheat with meat hahaha Not sure where I heard that but a small amount of protein can help. I usually have half a tin of tuna if I am really hungry. Keep going!!

  • posted by  LindaA on My experience over 9 weeks
    on in Fast 800

    Hey Jim
    Well done, that’s brilliant 😀
    I bet your doctor will be thrilled! The more that get to know what is going on with this diet and how well it is working and helping with the type 2, the better. Let us know what the doctor says. Do you have much more weight to lose?

  • posted by  LindaA on Day one, hunger/craving.
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Befoon88,
    This new lifestyle isn’t a torture chamber and if you feel like having the avocado that much then pop to the fridge, have a couple of mouthfuls and jump back into bed. I’ve been surprised how little of this kind of food satisfies my hunger and it’s not like you’re getting up to open a packet of biscuits! You’ve done the right thing on posting your thoughts here, there’s someone, somewhere in the world that can offer some support anytime of the day or night.
    What country are you in? If you’re just going to bed, it must be late, so I’m guessing the UK?
    It a lovely 24 deg C Autumn afternoon here in Australia, I’ve just hit back from an hours walk with the dog and my fit bit tells me I’m up to 15,000 steps for the day. Don’t worry, I’m 3.5 weeks in and I can tell you within the week, the hunger pangs will have diminished and you’ll be loving this new way of life😀
    Please keep in contact and let us know how you’re going.

  • posted by  Poppyflower on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi happyLife, I also have no gallbladder and have no problem with the extra fat. However prior to having mine removed I did lots of reading and discovered that many people have problems with fats. I was prepared to have problems but I have been lucky.
    Maybe try fats in smaller amounts across the day and see does that help. Good luck

  • posted by  HappyLife on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Nonnie, you are so lucky. Another friend told me tonight she has lots of trouble with too many fats also.
    I am patient so hoping my tummy figures it all out. 😄

  • posted by  nonnie on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi HappyLife, I haven’t had a gallbladder for 30 years or so, and have never had tummy issues. In between diets, I consumed the highest fat, junk-filled diet possible. I’m sure it depends on the individual; I’ve always thought I had a “cast iron” stomach.

  • posted by  Befoon88 on Day one, hunger/craving.
    on in Starting the BSD

    I have just done my first day on the BSD. It hasn’t been to bad. Lots of support from my mum, who has already done it. Even after she left I was ok, watched a few programmes on the tv, all ok. Reading in bed; keep being distracted from my book, firstly just by thoughts of the day. Then by thoughts of food, then on needing the loo (x3). Now of thinking about the avacardo in the fridge full cottage cheese and me gorging on it! Feeling hungry. Not massively but normally I don’t think I allowed myself to feel hungry very often. Now all I can think about is that avacardo sitting in the fridge and how good it would tast and I feel like crying.

  • posted by  Izzypeach on started today OMG!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m still here. I’m on day 13 and have seen my nurse, who is delighted that I am on this diet and was really happy to see my 5lb weight loss. (My nurse told me that in the last few months, she has been on training days concerning diabetes and the advice now given to patients, is a low carb diet. I was thrilled to hear this and she has already made my appointment for my hba1c for the week after my 8 weeks, she is backing me 100%) I did have a wobble but it was only for one meal. I had a tortilla wrap from Tesco to be be honest just for convenience. I think if i’d chosen a bread sandwich I may have, been rather bloated and unhappy but as it was, I had no ill effects.

    3 places I’ve found I can eat out and have low carb options; Whetherspoons, do a salmon salad, dressing on the side. delicious. Subway do a really lovely salad, with meat or tuna with grated cheese, its delicious. & also a carvery. I had a roast dinner with no Yorkshire, stuffing or potatoes and it was delicious and I was stuffed on basically turkey and veg.

    I have had a couple of alcoholic beverages, I am trying to decide which red wine I like as I havn’t really drank it in the past, so my fella and I shared a bottle of tempranillo which was lovely. I have also tried those little single glass serving bottles of a shiraz (yuk!) and a Rioja (yum!). Last night I had 1 glass of wine and it lasted me all night and I added it to my calorie count as a snack.

    So as I’m struggling through, I am finding satisfying meal (the first week I was starving all the time). The most satisfying meals to date. Scrambled eggs with bacon, No carb ploughmans and curried baked beans and lentils with chicken and green beans.
    I have bought some pearl barley this week and will be making a vegetable curry, using them with beans.

    sorry to waffle on peeps, but its been a few days. XX

  • posted by  jimnz on My experience over 9 weeks
    on in Fast 800

    I started the 8 week programme on 16 March 2016. It has been an easy way of life for me. Breakfast usually consists of a portobello mushroom grilled, with a little olive oil in the cavity where the stalk was removed, and one egg scrambled. Delicious!
    This is followed by a cup of black tea and a glass of water.
    Lunch is mostly soup and an an apple and another glass of water.
    If I feel the need for an afternoon tea snack with the coffee, I eat a few black olives; two gherkins and a dessert spoon of cottage cheese.
    Dinner is mostly a mix of stir fry vegetables : onion, two garlic cloves, cauliflower, broccoli, red or green capsicum (thinly sliced),carrots, some cabbage (also thinly sliced). This mix is done in olive oil, with a glug or two as the cooking proceeds. Half of a tomato, seasoned with a little salt and black pepper and a glug of olive oil is placed in the benchtop griller.
    This is all served with a small amount of meat (chicken, beef schnitzel, lamb chop etc.) There is usually sufficient left over to fill two small takeaway dishes and placed in the freezer for another night’s quick meals.
    Another glass of water accompanies the meal. Dessert is a few frozen blueberries topped with a little Greek yoghurt.

    The result of all this is that I have managed to lose 10.2 kg in 9 weeks. I go back to see the GP on Thursday and I hope that I will be clear of Type 2 diabetes then.

    This is the way I intend to continue. Thank Michael for your inspiration.


  • posted by  HappyLife on No gallbladder?? Issues??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I just read people without a gallbladder have to have a low fat diet and that’s why I am having tummy issues due to the higher fat percentage of the diet.
    Advice? Thoughts?

  • posted by  Cicipops on Ryvita?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I have Ryvita for lunch with various stuff on top. I slice is around 45 calories. I think it depenfs perhaps on what variety you use. I find them really useful. Certainly much better for you than bread, taste better too, and they are also good for breaking up and adding to soup to help bulk it up. What’s not to like?

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    So I was told the weather is going bad this weekend, so last night I mowed both lawns to get more steps.
    Now I am told its only going a bit cooler.
    Oh well, it’s done and more steps to my totals.
    Love Lucia xxx

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    So other than being a clown,
    Let me tell you some ideas of what to eat.

    You know me and my yoghurt now, I have it with a different fruit, Apple one day, blueberries, even a satsuma.
    On the weekends, I can have my controlled cooked English breakfast.
    Sometimes I go for omelette with a variety of things such as ham, spring onions, prawns, etc.

    I love my salads, cheese, chicken, ham, pork, prawns, boiled eggs, any of these with salad.
    Don’t forget salad isn’t just lettuce and tomatoes.
    Think of pickled onions, red onions, cucumber, spring onions, pineapple, olives, lettuce , cherry tomatoes, beef tomatoes, celery, radish, beetroot, carrots, pine nuts, any type of nuts, apples, peppers, to name but a few, so you can have a variety of salad each day.

    Evening meals,
    I love bean sprouts in my stir fries,
    Meatballs and spiraliser carrots, courgettes,
    Tuna spring onion, grated carrots wrapped up in and iceberg lettuce leaf
    Hunters chicken with cauli rice
    Stir fried, chicken, cashews, Spring onions,carrots broccoli soy, stock

    If I need to put something in my mouth, I go for sugar free gum
    If I feel hungry I go for herbal teas, to see if that answers the question.

    Ther is so much more to eat, but these were my regular meals at the beginning.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  Alanhypno on First day on the diet ,here I gooooo
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Week six started ,already !
    Lost a sone and half in first three weeks,fourth week put few pounds on ,fifth week lost the few pounds ,back to same as week three now !
    Three weeks to end of the eight can’t see me losing lots in that time so will carry on regardless.
    Would love to crack over two stone loss barrier.😱

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Evening everyone 🙂 another day over and I’m getting ready to sleep.

    Dinner was steak pie for the others with potatoes and veg, I made the steak pie filling ages ago as I usually make it in bulk in the slow cooker then freeze portions, cheating by just using the shop bought pastry. So I made that for everyone else, but for me I took my portion of cooked diced steak and put it in a big bowl. Then I added chopped onion, courgette, cherry tomatoes, some garlic, and drizzled on some olive oil and some hot pepper sauce. I mixed it all together then poured it into an oven tray. Baked for around 10 mins, gave it a stir and added tomato puree, mixed it all through and then baked again for 10 mins. It was actually nice. No idea what I would call it lol.

    I’m now sat here drinking one of these…

    and it’s quite nice. about the same calories as my other idea of making hot choc with milk, but a lot less carbs so this is my new treat. I’m actually quite often low on calories so this is something I may end up having semi-regularly.

    I’ve written out a menu plan for the next week so I’m going to be super dooper organised.

    Also (apologies for tmi) I’m menstruating, so I’m ever hopeful my weight loss will speed up a little (I can hope!) Never know when to expect it with my wonky ovaries, but oddly my body seems to like being 40. I’m been reasonably regular since my birthday in January lol. Now that I’m not interested in having more babies my body decides to work. Silly ovaries.

  • posted by  Funkydoofamily on Moving from Fast 800
    on in 5:2 BSD

    My question is around the reintroduction of carbs when going on to 5:2. I’m on week 9 of Fast BSD and will probably do another week. I’ve lost 4 inches round the waist and stone in weight with a few weeks where I’ve gained or stayed the same. The big bonus for me is how much better I feel when not eating flour, potato, rice and pasta. I’m nervous about being on 5:2 and how to keep the feast/fast principle while steering clear of those nasty starchy carbs.

  • posted by  ay caramba on what exercises are people doing?
    on in Fast Exercise

    Eureka….stay away from the Tequila (and the worm!)………think of all those carbs!!!!!
    Your Marathon counting sounds rather complicated but you seem to have it pretty sorted so best of luck with your Marathon.
    Well done on your 9,500 steps.
    BTW the barbie recipe sounds delicious.
    Orchid, you are doing great to have achieved your Marathon in Garmin miles already. Not sure about all this ‘calibrating’ going on with you two…….it makes my brain hurt just thinking about this!!!!
    Did it rain on Wednesday and did you manage to get your walk in? Pity you weren’t still in Scotland because the weather seems pretty good there atm.

    LD…..9 flights of stairs …..sounds exhausting to me!!!! Like Orchid I used to find Yoga a bit of a trauma with my pregnant-looking tummy but feel much more svelte these days and find some yoga positions uncomfortable, not because of extra blubber, but because there are bits of my body that are bonier than before. Keep going and look forward to feeling much more energetic in the future.

    Best of luck everyone.

  • posted by  Cicipops on Breakfast Guidance Please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    Orchid, I disagree with your comment about porridge oats. I have them most mornings for breakfast, made with milk and flavoured with spice, and find it fills me up for hours. When working, I am up at 5am and I find I am not looking for anything to eat until 12 noon.

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Countdown to slimdown…
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Welcome home P and well done for doing so well in resisting temptation on your holiday. Seeing as you’re already ‘in the zone’ it makes sense to start a bit earlier on the BSD proper. I’m at the end of day 5 now and it doesn’t feel so bad without the carbs! I even sat smugly in Costa with my skinny cappuccino today, knowing I had resisted the lure of the muffins. You do have an awful lot of rhubarb compote to get through… Breakfast is sorted for several weeks!

  • posted by  RozyDozy on hyper – not in diabetic sense of word
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi again,
    I’m no expert on anything medical-related, be it physical or mental issues, so I’m not sure how to help. If you are feeling a bit shaky before breakfast, might it be the effect of the overnight fast and your body wants food/drink? Are you on any medications which might contribute to it? On the BSD, cereals are generally a no-no which might explain weight going back on – but my weight loss has been up & down like a fiddler’s elbow, it’s just that overall it’s been more downwards.

    I know you want to lose weight but maybe you are possibly pressuring yourself over weight loss and it’s too much when you’ve got other issues going on. Emotions can play havoc with a diet. You did well with the 5:2 approach – maybe that suits you. Whichever diet you decide to follow I think you need to prepare for it and then go for it. Maybe give yourself a break – do something that interests you, try and take your mind off things, and then come back, hopefully refreshed, to give this diet lark another crack.

    Lemon polenta cake sounds scrummy! Lemon has to be one of my favourite flavours. I hope it turns out well! And enjoy it!
    Have a good weekend,

  • posted by  Plumptious on Countdown to slimdown…
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Now back from my hols.
    We did lots of extra walking every day and also a short stroll after dinner too. Tried to follow a few basic principles by cutting out puddings, and lots of other traditional holiday eats, refined carbs and also no booze.( Not that we drink very much but every little bit helps i’m sure.) Had a few small treats but to be honest didn’t really enjoy the chocolate cake.
    I am bringing my start date forward to tomorrow as I have decided not to wait until the 23rd as planned.
    Just before we left I picked some rhubarb from our allotment to make the rhubarb compote ( and unfortunately found the printing error 500g instead of 50g too late !! ) and ended up making over 20 small bags which are nestling in the freezer. Not to worry – it tastes good so won’t go to waste lol.
    I have lost a few more pounds and weighed 14 st 3lb the day before we went away. Will start tomorrow morning with a fresh reading.

  • Hi Orchid, thanks for trying to help. I feel a right idiot now :). sorry , I quickly searched and found burger with griddled veg, and assumed it was a recipe for a burger containing the veg – no of course it is a ready made meat burger! with veg accompaniment.

    The ones I actually tried to make were a lentil burger and a courgette one – have dismissed them both now. recipes from internet

    I like the idea of a crushed pulses and veg mix, but maybe I should consider a veg loaf instead, with some cheese on top. Could then slice and freeze it, and eat hot or cold. From what I’ve read, it is quite an art to make a successful veggie burger.

    I have just found this site – and this gratin looks good. I ave the ingredients so will try it tomorrow.

    The courgette bhajis sound nice thanks, may try them, and good to take to work also. I like the stuffed peppers, have done them before.

    I have been doing this about 6 weeks now, and have lost a stone. (I didn’t weigh for about first week so maybe more) I did get a bit disappointed when I read of the huge losses many have, but I feel better, and am in smaller size., so I’m very happy. The unique thing is, I don’t have the cravings to binge now, it is truly amazing, never felt this way before ever – so far I just feel I can do this long term. Very happy.

  • JSR, this is my 3rd week (started Tuesday) and though I’ve been happy on the diet, a little disappointed not to see really big weight loss.
    Switched to MyFitnessPal this week and am focusing on keeping carbs low, and on how I feel and my clothes fit to give me an idea of how I’m doing.
    All going well!
    Due out to dinner Tuesday and have already researched the menu and found a very suitable dish.
    But a glass of red wine or not? Decisions, decisions!

  • posted by  Plumptious on Breakfast Guidance Please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi JC_D,
    I am also now back from my travels and have done a bit of a trial whilst choosing the best options from the hotel buffet style offerings and like you feel much better and the clothes are looser. I had no alcohol, one magnum almond lolly and one small chocolate cake slice too. Also no pasta, white flour, sugar, spuds or rice. Usually on holiday I would have a pud every day plus alcohol, ice cream and the donuts they sell on the sea front. I originally planned to start on the 23rd but have decided to jump in and start as soon as possible…tomorrow. Can’t wait and feel positive. All the best to you x

  • posted by  Leeanne on Pickles?
    on in Fast 800

    I’m on week 10 and have eaten pickles all along the way. Onions, cucumber, chutney and my latest addiction… Sauerkraut!! (I always account for it in my cals though).

  • Hi! I,ve not been counting calories at all. Just stuck to fish, chicken, pork, beef and eggs with plenty of salad, berries and brightly coloured veg. I’ve been snacking on blueberries and unsalted nuts – mainly cashews and walnuts. Eating a filling breakfast has been key for me. It has prevented me from feeling hungry throughout the day. I usually have a bowl of porridge flavouŕed with nutmeg or cinnamon, with tinned drained peaches or mandarin segments. Lunch usually Ryvita with soft cheese, humous or guacamole, and dinner is either fish, meat or eggs with plenty veg. I’ve lost 9.5lb in two weeks, and shaved 2 inches off my waistline, this despite having the odd ‘naughty’ treat. This is completely unheard of for me!! Try ditching the alcohol and having breakfast, would be my advice, and don’t eat ANY bread, rice, pasta of potatoes. Oh, and DON’T give up!!

  • posted by  Cicipops on 2nd Week Struggling – Hoping for Encouragement
    on in Fast 800

    Reading all your posts is encouraging. I’ve just completed my 2nd week , and today I’m feeling a bit faint. I’ve been great up till now. First week, I lost 8lb, and 1.5lb this week which was a bit disappointing. I know however that I can’t expect the same weight loss as in the first week, and am still encouraged to find that despite the low weight loss this week, I’ve lost 2 inches from my waistline. I’ve also joined the gym in the last week and have been doing 20-30 mins on the rowing machine which is burning calories. For me, the diet is easy to stick to. I don’t feel at all hungry or deprived, have had a few ‘naughty’ eats since starting – and surprisingly already I have found them too sweet, which is a bonus. Hopefully that means I won’t want to eat so much of that stuff in the future.