hyper – not in diabetic sense of word

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  • posted by keeptrying

    anyone get really hyper – as in hypervigilant and not able to be still and crazy head = when they began this diet?

    wondering if its the food – which I doubt – or mh

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi keeptrying,
    How are you doing? I can’t say that I noticed being overly hyper when I started this diet. I felt that my head was clearer and I just generally felt better. Maybe what you are experiencing is a more exaggerated version of that, perhaps?
    If I remember correctly from some of your previous posts, you’ve been having a tough time recently, so maybe it’s all part & parcel of that and things will settle down in a bit.
    Take care,

  • posted by keeptrying

    thank you for your reply rose
    yes things are pretty tricky mh wise
    just trying to work what the cause of this current spell is

    I actually like the low carbs but have found myself a little shaky before breakfast which is also worrying me
    added to that – no sooner do I have cereal for breakfast and I put on any weight I lost, even though I am certainly not over eating
    my mh team think it is probably all related to the happenings of the last few weeks but who knows

    I made a lemon polenta cake today – not on our list I know but it is a special cake for someone
    not tasted it yet so hoping it is ok

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi again,
    I’m no expert on anything medical-related, be it physical or mental issues, so I’m not sure how to help. If you are feeling a bit shaky before breakfast, might it be the effect of the overnight fast and your body wants food/drink? Are you on any medications which might contribute to it? On the BSD, cereals are generally a no-no which might explain weight going back on – but my weight loss has been up & down like a fiddler’s elbow, it’s just that overall it’s been more downwards.

    I know you want to lose weight but maybe you are possibly pressuring yourself over weight loss and it’s too much when you’ve got other issues going on. Emotions can play havoc with a diet. You did well with the 5:2 approach – maybe that suits you. Whichever diet you decide to follow I think you need to prepare for it and then go for it. Maybe give yourself a break – do something that interests you, try and take your mind off things, and then come back, hopefully refreshed, to give this diet lark another crack.

    Lemon polenta cake sounds scrummy! Lemon has to be one of my favourite flavours. I hope it turns out well! And enjoy it!
    Have a good weekend,

  • posted by keeptrying

    I did like the 5:2 but it caused all my reflux issues to get worse so not sure it is the best for me
    this way doesn’t seem to be so bad – so far

    thank you for your reply and yes I agree that the emotional and weight etc etc gets very tangled and tricky

    things have calmed a little in my head today so that is good

    oh the lemon polenta cake was gorgeous and everyone loved it – really lemony and yum – and not a hint of wheat or gluten anywhere

    I had a better nights sleep last night – I have a lot to catch up on from the past few days – so hopefully things will settle back down now

    thank you so much for your support
    I hope things are going ok for you

  • posted by Collie

    Hi I don’t feel shaky but certainly more alert and can think clearer. I have taken to camomile tea at bed time and no electronics as quite wired at night , feel so hungry as well and the two seemed to go together for me. I look on sugar as a drug so for me I am de toxing or de fixing as I don’t like that word . I am hoping that these will settle but as I am in for the long haul I am willing to give it at least 6 weeks before this settles I ate sugar for a whole lot longer . Wish you well

  • posted by keeptrying

    thanks collie
    and you are so right about sugar

    I haven’t given it up completely, well indeed since I had two pieces of the lemon cake yesterday, that is for sure

    back in jan when I started the 5:2 fast diet I had two weeks of horribleness when I stopped bingeing and stopped all sweets biscuits and cake (didn’t stop fruit)
    had headaches and felt sick and hated the world
    but after a couple of weeks that calms down

    I feel clearer too at the moment – think the MASSIVE reduction on gluten to almost nothing is a great thing for me
    the tricky bit comes with the mh side as its hard to know what is what sometimes

    but on thurs my heart was racing the entire day and I have no idea why (but apparently the mh stuff could have caused that too – ahhhhhhh)

    annoyingly I was calm earlier but its all kicked off a bit so I am going to go now before I start saying too much and sounding weird or weirder or whatever

    thanks for replying to my post and I hope this eating is working for you
    sometimes wish sugar had not been discovered!!!! – never thought I would say that – but hey
    have a good day x

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi again,
    Glad the lemon polenta cake was a success! Glad you are feeling calmer (but I see from your later message that things were kicking off – hope things are under control again).
    A racing heart must have been a bit worrying – if it keeps happening do go back to your doctor. I know someone who had some mh issues and she also suffered from irregular heartbeat occasionally.
    I’m glad you had a decent night’s sleep – a good kip is so important. And Collie is so right about electronics – using a laptop late at night does not help. When I had trouble sleeping during a stressful time in my life, my GP said not to use my laptop after about 6pm.
    Things seem to be OK with me, thank you – my ailing car seems to be fixed now. After a major pigout over the Bank Holiday weekend, I’ve been back on track and sticking to the BSD. So you just keep on keeping on.
    Best wishes.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi all, so I am worried a bit about your heart racing, Keeptrying, maybe check in with your doctor — you are doing so much right, you don’t want to be undone by a medical issue — get it checked out and keep us posted. We want you HEALTHY’ ER!!!!😄

  • posted by keeptrying

    thanks californiagirl but please don’t worry on my behalf
    I had several ecg’s a few weeks ago (long story)
    and they seemed ok
    gp knows and if it keeps happening I will go back
    I have meds that can slow it

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