No gallbladder?? Issues??

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  • posted by HappyLife

    I just read people without a gallbladder have to have a low fat diet and that’s why I am having tummy issues due to the higher fat percentage of the diet.
    Advice? Thoughts?

  • posted by nonnie

    Hi HappyLife, I haven’t had a gallbladder for 30 years or so, and have never had tummy issues. In between diets, I consumed the highest fat, junk-filled diet possible. I’m sure it depends on the individual; I’ve always thought I had a “cast iron” stomach.

  • posted by HappyLife

    Nonnie, you are so lucky. Another friend told me tonight she has lots of trouble with too many fats also.
    I am patient so hoping my tummy figures it all out. ๐Ÿ˜„

  • posted by Poppyflower

    Hi happyLife, I also have no gallbladder and have no problem with the extra fat. However prior to having mine removed I did lots of reading and discovered that many people have problems with fats. I was prepared to have problems but I have been lucky.
    Maybe try fats in smaller amounts across the day and see does that help. Good luck

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hi Poppyflower!
    Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts about what might help. I actually decided to try that starting tomorrow as I have been eating cheese for one meals protein since I am a pescatarian (only eat fish and no meat or chicken) and realized I should switch that meal out for fish or shrimp or something lower in fat than cheese
    Fingers crossed it helps. I have a long trip starting next Wednesday so don’t want tummy issues.
    Hugs for a happy day!

  • posted by Izzy

    Hi Happy! I also have no gallbladder and I’ve been ok.

    The surgeon explained it to me. Usually our liver will create bile, and then our gallbladder stores it. When we eat fat it secretes the bile to help digest the fat. When we don’t have a gall bladder the only bile is whatever the liver can produce on the go, none is stored. Some will be lucky and the liver can keep up, others maybe not so lucky. However it does make sense that eating fat in smaller quantities spread out would perhaps be more manageable for our bodies than one large portion.

    You could try low fat cheese for your cheesy meal, I know it isn’t quite in keeping with BSD ethos, but the protein and (still some fat) may still be enough to keep you full.

    I wouldn’t say my diet is as high in fat as many, maybe that’s why I’m ok. I have my yoghurt and cheese, and I use oil to fry but a lot of my meals are pretty low I guess. That isn’t by design it’s just the meals I’m enjoying. I’ve always cut the fat off meat because I don’t like eating it. I know you’re not eating meat anyway.

  • posted by keeptrying

    something that might help – if the issue is ‘upset’ stomach as in needing loo quick etc!!!!!!!!
    lots of people find taking calcium tablets helps (after gall bladder removal)
    but take just calcium – NOT the ones with magnesium added as that can make it all ‘loose’ again

    I used to take some from Holland and barrett – and I still had a gall bladder, but had lots of other issues and they even helped me too

    only thing was the tablets were big and not the easiest to swallow

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hi Izzy!!
    Thanks for the info…. Had no idea you were also on the no gallbladder boat!
    I used to only have an issue if I ate something liked fried fish so am surprised this has been an issue.
    I am gonna try the lower fat in my day version and see how that works. In the book it does say most people don’t have cheese since its high in calories.
    Hugs!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  • posted by HappyLife

    Thanks keep trying!
    I had never heard of the calcium trick before so will try it!’

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