Latest forum posts

  • Hi
    I’m on week 18 and things are going well weight loss wise. I was interested in your post as what I’ve learnt over the weeks has I think affected my long term way of eating. To begin with I was only interested in losing the pounds and it seemed like it was a success or failure issue no room for grey areas. But over time I tackled some of the issues that have lead me to give up on diets in the past..such as being comfortable refusing cakes puddings etc in front of carb loving friends I found it a pressure to be different. I now check out restaurant menus on line and plan ahead of time. I never drank much but find I’m better not drinking at all no decisions to make on how many glasses to have. How to cope with falling off the wagon I no longer catastrophise the event but take time to try and work out why it happened and plan accordingly for the future and then do it again until I get this right. How to set goals short and long term. How to deal with medics ..I go heavy on the positive early on to avoid the negatives.

    My next issue is going to be how to deal with the past I get so far and people start gushing how great I’m doing/looking and then I give up? Why is this I know it sounds crazy as that should be the good bit? Anyone got any ideas?

  • Tabletalk, you’ll soon be back down. I’m a terror for giving things up at the first sign of failure, but I’m pretty determined this time to keep going. One relatively minor deviation (in the grand scheme of things) shouldn’t send us completely off course. Once you get back into the rhythm, it won’t be long before you see those pounds come back off.

  • posted by  Poppetini on New start for a new life!
    on in Fast 800

    hi ‘theangelwithin’ I started the 800 yesterday … breaking myself in over the first three days, as – despite researching it – I’ve gone for a feet-first impulsive let’s start today (yesterday) and haven’t read the actual book or cleared the (food decks). I managed around 800 kcal’s yesterday, but with a bit of carb; today I’m aiming for around 800-900, again with a teensy bit of carb (daughter made an amazing cake and am going to have a slither). Big supermarket shop due, so having a think about what I shall eat, and whether to aim for breakfast and dinner; or sml breakfast, sml lunch and a reasonable dinner.

    I am 47 this year, I am 3 and a half stone overweight (48lbs to be precise). I have suffered with ME/CFS for the past 3 and a bit years, but in this last year my energy has been returning in fits and starts and is now at a level where I feel a lot more me again. Which is wonderful. I love seeing other shorties like me listing their heights, so at 5 ft 1 and a half you can imagine that I’m a little on the round side 🙂 I don’t actually mind being bigger, but I am concerned about the health issues associated with being officially ‘obese’ and am pretty sure that carrying so much extra weight won’t be helping to shift the fatigue that is still there.

    Generally truly rubbish at ‘dieting’ or changing me eating habits. The only thing that ever worked for me, to shift the baby weight, was Atkins … great though that was, it didn’t feel like something that I could be comfortable with for life. Michael Mosley’s version – which is very similar (it is), seems a far healthier version (lentils, legumes). I don’t want to be purely carnivorous!

    So here I am, Day 2 of the Fast 800. Have decided to start with this – and if I truly struggle I can work my way unto the 5:2. I am very serious about losing weight and feeling healthier. Holiday planned for Easter next year … and I want to feel less self-conscious in a swimsuit on the beach.

    Be lovely to know who else is just at the start of their journey. Possibly share some tips, what’s working and what isn’t. I’ll be checking the boards for those who’ve been on for a while as they have been there, done that … but it’d be lovely to start a thread with anyone else at a similar stage.

    Breakfast: 2 egg omelette;
    Snack: slither plum cake and 4 spoons custard (honestly, don’t ask … worth it though as my 13 year old made it and wanted me to taste it. This won’t be happening very often, Honest!)
    Dinner: Planned – chicken curry, served with veg and chick pea curry.
    Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee and lots and lots of water.

    Just typing this out makes me think I need some more veg in there (adding to shopping list in a mo).

  • posted by  BeeBee on Porridge for breakfast?
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi, I’m just starting the program today and I normally have 40grams of wholegrain rolled oats with no fat milk and berries for breakfast and was wondering if it’s ok to continue with that? I’m a t2 diabetic for the past 20 years and I’m on oral medication.

  • Hi everyone! Back from the beach and I’m rushing off to a long school day with the kids early this morning, but if I don’t post I’ll regret it. So did well for first 6 days of vacation. But the last 4 days of coming home I’ve nibbled a lot and exercised none in the last 2 days. I’ve been over calories and definitely over in carbs and indulging in sweets this weekend. So I’m not going to inspire anyone..but just need to get back on track. I was at 162 in Tues and am now 168 lbs. A little frustrated that in 4 days I can pack on 6 lbs, and I ate well for breakfast and lunch, just went overboard on snacking and dessert at night. So! Logging today, not giving up. It’s just the old me struggling to get my head right and say no to temptations. Thinking a lot about my frame of mind and setting expectations about food, etc. Good to hear you all are doing well. Keep up the good work!!

  • posted by  Igorasusual on 5 days in
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done, Cody. Keep focusing on the bits you are seeing improve – like wellbeing, and the bits of measurements altering.

    You will get there! 🙂 🙂

  • posted by  Igorasusual on Fat intake
    on in Fast 800

    Hi there

    We have been educated to understand that fat is BAD, but certainly on a generally low calorie and low carb diet, you need to balance intake out. Fat is not necessarily a problem, which is why the BSD explains we should all eat full fat dairy, for example, and have olive oil.

    May I suggest you have a look at the following website –
    This helps you see what the best balance of nutrients is for you.
    During the BSD and continuing now (I am on maintenance after a really successful BSD which ended at the beginning of August), my nutrient targets are 40-50g carbs, 80g protein, and 80g fat, which is about 15/25/60 in percentage terms. So around the 60% you are talking about5

    You might also like to read Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat and What to Do about it, which helps you see that Fat is not the demon it’s been painted.

    You will see in the BSD Dr MM encourages full fat in order to keep you feeling full.

  • posted by  JulesMaigret on Daniel's 8 Week Dieting Diary
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for one of the most entertaining threads on these forums. Like you I am of larger stature – I started at 330lbs seven and a bit weeks ago and am currently at 295 despite a couple of lapses (the burgers at Wayne Gretzky’s in Toronto were really good!). I certainly feel your pain on the dairy front – having lived for several long periods in France I a a cheese addict. I have tried to reduce the quantity but switched to stronger flavoured to get my hit!

    I have taken a slightly higher calorie level at around 900-1000 calories and around 50g of carbs. Like you my lifestyle involves lots of sporting and social events and I have become the master of picking the meatiest looking canape and walking around with it for up to 20 minutes to prevent having to eat it or take another!

    My 2 cents worth (if it’s even worth that!) might be to drop the four egg omelette to three and replace the volume with leafy vegetables – I’m really into kale, spinach and watercress. Dressed with a simple cider vinegar and mustard dressing, it’s great.

    Although I’m not Jewish, I’m fortunate to live very close to a great Jewish Deli and one of my new favourites is my version of gefilte fish (using flax instead of matzo), served in romaine lettuce parcels, topped with roasted peppers. I also use quite a lot of pickled vegetables like Sauerkraut, homemade kimchee or tsukemono for their probiotic qualities which I believe have helped my stomach adjust from a very carb rich diet.

    I also adopted a pattern of three twenty minute walks a day at a fairly brisk pace – not sure if it helps but I feel a lot better.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Is BSD for me.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    gillytee, as Dr Mosley suggests, this diet is not suitable for everyone. I think the main problem could be caused by the very low calories BUT you don’t have to go the whole BSD800, you can start easing yourself in with the Med version which just means you cut out ALL process, simple, white carbs – bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals (breakfast type) pastry, cakes and sugar. Then you follow the Med way of eating, lots of fresh veg, olive oil, avocados, eggs, milk, cheese. If you have the book, he explains all the things you can have or you can find versions of it just by typing into Google.

    Cutting out carbs can only be a good thing and you shouldn’t be hungry because you will be eating good fats and whole foods that fill you up. Carbs just make you think you are full then make you hungry again very quickly.

    As for the exercise, it is not necessary to be so active, are there any you can do. You know your own limitations. Just try it for a couple of weeks to see how you get on, then maybe you could progress to the 5:2 where you eat Med style 5 days and do the 800 calories for 2. Just take it easy and do what feels best for you.

  • posted by  EG on Fat intake
    on in Fast 800

    Hi guys diet going well but I am using an app to watch how much calories, fat, protein etc. I am horrified that I am consuming around 60% plus of fat more days than not. How are you all finding it. Is this just too high, what is the recommended amount, does anyone know?

  • posted by  gillytee47 on Is BSD for me.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Having read the blood sugar diet I am feeling more than a little frustrated and wonder if there is anyone out there who has similar problems to me but still benefited from the diet. I am 68. I was diagnosed in May 2014 and put one one metformin per day. By March 2015 I had increased to 4 tablets per day plus 4 gliclozide, and then January this year I was admitted to hospital and put on insulin on 12 units per day now on 40. My two big problems are firstly that I am a wheelchair user as a result of childhood polio and so can do very little exercise – post polio syndrome means I suffer from severe fatigue and I also have very poor balance so I can do almost none of the exercises Michael Mosley suggests. Amongst my myriad long term health conditions I also have uveities (eye condition) as a result of which I am permanently on steroids and according to my diabetes specialist is the main reason I have developed diabetes and why I have had to go on insulin so quickly. The initial page of this website suggests I should not go on the blood sugar diet for medical reasons but does anyone know know if I can go on a low carb diet but not so severe as the 8 week diet without it causing me harm.

  • posted by  annie2 on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800


    I am an older woman too !! 58 yrsold. Still work 3 days a week.Its the days at home which are hard.
    i started yesterday, perhaps not the best idea as I hadnt planned my meals or been shopping !!
    dont think I did too bad on the whole.
    Braved the scale !! 17st 5lbs !! Which at 5’5″ is not good. I have put on over a stone since having a hysterectomy last year.
    I spent yesterday planning my meals & writing a shopping list.
    I love cooking & cook from scratch every evening dor my husband & son. They will eat the same meals as me with the carbs added for them !!
    I am so looking forward to feeling good & looking good, perhaps by Christmas.
    Love this forum & thanks for all the advice

  • posted by  Natalie on 1st day of the rest of my life!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    So how was everyone’s weekend? On Sunday we babysat my niece who is three. It was so funny watching her play hide and seek. Announcing “I’m going to hide under Jasmine’s bed!” beforehand is not how you play the game!

  • posted by  theangelwithin on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you Yowser, this is so encouraging. This forum is one of the things that attracted me to BSD. A great mix of women like me, just starting out, and the wisdom and success stories of those of you who are further along the road.

  • Splendid – Eternallyoptimistic! I’m away tomorrow so I shall be in the same boat soon!
    Good job Snoop – that’s a good result in just 4 weeks.
    Bloke41 – brilliant!
    Arthur – you are doing great also.
    Welcome Strawbs (are you a fan of the band or the fruit?) and AmyA. This time next week you will be thrilled!
    Later loosers! 🙂

  • posted by  Cody on 5 days in
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thx I know I am impatient lost 1/2 inch from waist this morning but no weight so will follow your advice and keep on the diet because I am feeling the benefits in myself. It could be I can’t exercise at the moment which will be slowing me down. Most I can manage is a mile walk twice a day as I put my back out two weeks ago today and just beginning to straighten up now

  • posted by  Antigone on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning All
    Avila – we used to bake fancy loaves (plaits and wheat sheafs etc) and then varnish them as a decoration – lasts ages (if you don’t have mice!)
    Lucky – I also overindulged on Saturday and was poorly all day yesterday. Interestingly, since starting BSD, my alcohol tolerance is much lower. Unfortunately I didn’t take that into consideration until it was too late on Saturday night 🙁 On the plus side – everything I consumed on Saturday left me pretty quickly! Big challenge for me this week as I am away for a week tomorrow and there will be food……..
    Stay motivated! 🙂

  • posted by  Cody on 5 days in
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thank you sunshine girl your reply puts things in perspective I am not diabetic but my bmi was 30.6 and it unsettled me as both my dad was type 1 and both my brother and sister are type 2. I didn’t think of myself as obese as I wear a size 14 but the first reading says otherwise. Thx for taking the time the time and hope you continue to lose
    Lost 1/2 inch this morning but no weight as yet. Will keep plodding on

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning all and best of luck as Monday rolls round again. Have a groovy week everyone!
    Onwards and downwards we go xx!
    Out to lunch today to treat a friend for her birthday..i’ m planning on steak with mushrooms and chips,but will ask them to hold the mushrooms and chips and give me green veg or green salad.
    Looking forward to sparks flying off our knives and forks xx!😛😛

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    Wishing the best of luck to all you new starters! Welcome to the forum and to an amazing journey for you all!
    Happy Birthday to SOON TO BE RETIRED ! 🌸🎈🌸🎈🌸🎈
    I am 66 and have an underactive thyroid and long term health probs that limits how much exercise i can manage.
    Despite all that, i ve lost 40 lbs since July 13… Now on week 11 of BSD and i think you will find it much easier to follow than you might expect. the less simple carbs you eat,the less you want. Your body will feel nourished by earing protein,full fat,veg and a little fruit,so you wont be as hungry. Ok it wont be plain sailing at times..In the first week people often report a few days of feeling very tired as the body adjusts to a new regime. You may hit a plateau a few weeks into this way of eating where weight loss seems to stall. But overall you’ll be so amazed and happy as you see yr weight drop and inches fall off and in no time you feel so much better. You go for blood tests and have your blood pressure taken and the results are really good ( how yr gp and practice nurse react will vary..many are still going down the low fat diet route,but they cant deny yr health is improving following a low carb/high fat diet!)
    Keep posting to let us know how youre getting on / to ask for tips,help. Some very experienced BSD ers here and everyone is friendly! X

  • Got back from holiday late last night and was very nervous getting out of bed this morning – the scales awaited! I wasn’t too bad during the week. Managed to stay off starchy carbs and not go mad with portions. However, the nuts, olives and red wine every evening proved too hard to resist. Delighted (and dumbfounded) to report I lost a pound😆. 8lbs lost so far. Now feeling so motivated to get back to (the new) normal and see if I can loose 2 more this week. Then I’ll be half way there.

    I know my loss is very low and slow compared to a lot of you but I figure as long as we are all on the same path and heading in the same direction we can cheer each other on along the way.

    On a practical note, does anyone know if there’s a way to sort these updates in reverse order – so the most recent posts appear first?

  • posted by  cmawp on 1st week amazement
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    At the end of week 2 I’m 101.8Kg, that’s a 2.7Kg loss this week and 10.9Kg since starting.

    This week I had the challenge of a house renovation over 140 miles from my home with limited food prep areas and a hotel stay.

    I upped my intake of carbs on the first day of the renovation, starting with 50g of jumbo rolled oats soaked overnight in 200ml almond milk with some blueberries added. For lunch I had already prepped some dipping veg (broccoli, carrot, celery, cucumber) and a minted pea hummus.

    Over the 2 days I did a mix of heavy lifting with painting, sanding and other bits in between. Total was easily 16 hours of work and I must’ve burned an extra 2500 calories over the 2 days.

    I ate 6 mini flapjacks on day 1 to up my calorie intake and ensure I could keep going. I didn’t eat any flapjack on day 2 and stuck rigidly to the BSD – yoghurt with 3 tablespoons of oats and an apple whilst all around me were tucking into typical hotel self serve breakfasts. A no carb ploughmans for lunch and an improvised dinner on the journey home – cooked beef, 2 celery sticks and 10 smoked almonds.

    In summary, a disciplined week with plenty of weekend temptation but nicely avoided the worst of it.

  • posted by  Athorn223 on Female Accountability Buddy Wanted
    on in Fast 800

    Hey NowYouSeeMe44. I could be your buddy. 😊. I’m in Michigan. I’m not new to the program I completed it in July with much success losing 25 lbs in 3 months. Then I went on a month long vacation traveling and eating myself all across America lol. Now having gained most of the weight back, here I am again. I’ll be 30 in February and I have 2 toddlers. I manage to do so well during the day and unravel at night. Major carb addict confession. I had the willpower to do this diet once before and I need to do it again. I don’t want to carry this weight into my 30’s.

    Let me know if we’re a match. I didn’t exercise much the first time around and I missed running terribly. I may modify the program slightly to fit my exercise goals but generally speaking I’m sticking to the program.

  • posted by  theangelwithin on New start for a new life!
    on in Fast 800

    I’m fat, fifties and fed up with permanent fatigue!

    Have been researching this for a few weeks, since I stumbled across it on another forum. Decided to start when I got back from holiday – so after a fortnight of pizza, pasta and icecream – all in mega USA portions – today’s the day!

    It’s so encouraging to start with so many other newbies. And, having read Lynne’s thread from start to finish while I was away, it’s so nice to see her in the flesh, as it were, in the Daily Mail.

    I’ve bought the books, stocked the cupboards and confessed to my partner that I need help with this. That was hard. But he’s up for the challenge. He’s kindly going to make a Thai red curry tonight, from the new recipe book.

    The next hard thing has been to face the truth: my waist is almost 50 inches. Bigger than my bust or hips. How can I not have noticed?

    So time for a change!

  • posted by  KrysiaD on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Susymoo,
    You are very wise to start the BSD now before the doctors put you on insulin. My consultant told me that you gain weight very easily on insulin especially lantus the 24 hour insulin.
    She was so right. She did advise me to cut out bread and potatoes but I didn’t follow her advice – I was a real carb addict but but didn’t realise or accept that I was.

    I was on insulin for four and a half years – injecting for every meal and before bedtime. I won’t go into how much I hated it – as I struggled to get control of roller coaster blood sugars – or this post will end up pages long.

    Now off insulin for 2 weeks and 4 days – am still in shock because my goal was to control blood sugar better to hopefully reverse the diabetic retinopathy. I never even dreamed that I would have absolutely normal blood sugars ever again.

    The BSD is fantastic but it this forum that makes all the difference. I actually would have failed on the BSD without this forum. There is so much knowledge, support and kindness here. You never feel a failure when you ‘fall off the wagon’ – you just get back on the wagon.

    I read all the latest posts every day. I noticed that some people have to cut their carbs to lower than 50g to lose weight – and I reluctantly realised that I was one of those people and when I did the weight started rolling off and blood sugars plummeted. The bonus is that I never feel hungry.

    Also using an app to log your food each day is vital if you are using your own recipes and are not following the book’s recipes (and so is weighing your food). Several good apps are recommended in these forums – I use fat secret which I find is easy to use.

    I am 68 so do qualify as an older woman – but actually feel like a 50 year-old now.

  • posted by  Stewart on 100 Club!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi PrincessLittle

    Yes, since the 26th July 2016

    It has not taken long, which is the beauty of this diet.

    The motivation in seeing your weight melt away is everything.


  • Great result there, bloke41. Your end target might still look a long way off, but look how far you’ve already come in just four weeks! And 1.9 kg per week is something many dieters would never be able to achieve, even in a month, let along a week. Hang on in there. You really are doing well. I commiserate on the bread though. Not something I fancy, but yesterday OH and friend had spaghetti with assorted deliciousnesses, and I wouldn’t have minded joining them at all.

    And littlepete, you’re going great guns too. I don’t have to check my blood glucose levels, but I can imagine how much it must mean to you to see those going down. Really pleased for you.

    Now, as for me, well I’m a disaster. My four weeks are up tomorrow. Have spent the past five days with my parents. As I’m getting married very soon and they can’t come (dad has dementia and both are very elderly, so can’t travel), I had to celebrate with them. They wouldn’t have understood if I’d said no to everything my mum put in front of me. Managed to avoid cream cake every day though… just. Anyway, I’ve got my books and OXO spiraliser but the pedometer still hadn’t arrived by the time I left. OH will be joining me on the diet after the wedding, but I’m going to continue in the meantime despite the break for my parents and for the wedding.

    So yesterday’s figures are:
    84.9 kg
    + 0.6 kg
    Overall change -3.6 kg
    Yesterday’s food and exercise
    816 calories
    43 net carbs
    Brisk walk with dogs for 1 hour 15 minutes. OH amazed when I got back home so quickly. Need to do something like that more often.

    The figures could have been worse, though. If I’d come on here yesterday, I’d have had to post a weight of 85.6. So up 0.6 kg overall this morning, but down 0.7 kg on yesterday. How does the song go? Accentuate the positive?

    Edited to add: hello AmyA. Welcome to the gang!

  • posted by  Sumo on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all
    Start 25s 0.5lb
    After 2 weeks 23s 13lb
    Last week was only 3lb, looking back I took my eye of the plan, finding it so easy to let the cals and carbs drift up, last week was almost like a reverse 2:5 diet where the 2 were about 1500cals and 100carbs and the 5 were just about on the 800 BSD.
    But over a stone in 2 weeks and a 25 to 23 stone front number I will take as a bonus.
    Good to see so many happy losers on this site happy, that they are in control of the health

  • posted by  Angiebabe on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Well big surprise this week- week 17 is over and this week I’ve lost 6lbs! Had a plateau a few weeks back and then lost 2 lbs but now this how weird is that? I haven’t been exercising as my knee condition has been so bad I’m hobbling about. The body is a strange old thing for sure. No complaints 52lbs over 17 weeks and 71 to go it seems a way away but possible.

    So keep going everyone seems like there are still a few surprises out there.

    Have a good week

  • posted by  Verano on 2nd 8 weeks starting Tuesday August 30th
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi All

    Well tomorrow we will be half way through the second 8 weeks!

    At one point there were nearly 30 of us and now we seem to be down to 7 or 8 stalwarts!!

    Would love to know what happened to 54fatnomore she was doing so well! The others are too numerous to mention individually but I hope that everyone who started on week 9 is still on the journey.

    Would they be the ‘old big knickers’ or the ‘new lacy ones’ sunshine-girl!!!!! Either way you go for it ….. this is ‘it’ not a practice run so may as well enjoy it, but in a healthy way!!!

    I’ve started a new thread for a 7day reboot if anybody else wants to join us tomorrow. I’ll be here weighing in anyway.
    Look forward to seeing everyone posting tomorrow!

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    So I tried carbs.
    Had a jacket spud.
    Put a pound of weight on.
    And after eating it, it felt like a brick in my tummy.

    What a lesson.
    Keep happy
    Love Lucia

  • posted by  Aria3 on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    63 year old female, read the book and am ready to get started! Only thing is going on holiday on Thursday for 3 weeks. I will definetly cut back on carbs and doing lots of walking and golf. I have made a plan in my diary and plotted the 8 weeks for when I get back. Got to give it a good try as fed up with looking like I am pregnant and aching joints ! Blood sugar 9.6 on waking this am. I hope you don’t mind me reporting in every now and again I promise to try and not let you down, you seem to have done so well and good luck to everyone just starting.

  • posted by  Frog on 101 Ways with cauliflower !!!
    on in Starting the BSD

    3 rice methods compared:

    personally, if I’m eating cauliflower rice with something hot and ‘liquidy’ that will soak into the rice, I just blitz in a food processor and use it raw, but I am keen to try roasting it with spices.

    On aubergine, I tried this the other day and really liked it:
    Moorish Baba Ghanoush-ish Aubergine Dip
    It’s actually a thick, pate like consistency; I ate some as it came like that, and also ‘diluted’ some with Greek yogurt to make an amazing salad dressing, and you could do the same for a ‘dip’ consistency

  • posted by  Billingebabe on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Deb. I think a most of us are tempted by kitchen cupboards and the fridge; and what about the chocolate drawer! Cheese, dark chocolate and wine are my downfall! The cheese and chocolate have gone in the bin but the wine remains for my OH to open at 6pm when I am drinking yet another glass of San P water. I get that in my hand before the wine is poured. Also I know that I am likely to say yes to wine if I am thirsty.

    I bought several packs of berries & some apples yesterday to deal with the munchies when they strike. When I have always failed before it has been due to lack of planning so today I am planning what I am going to eat every day. Since I started last Wednesday breakfast and lunch gave been the same. Total full fat yogurt and berries, weighed, come to 180 cals; lunch is half a pot of Waitrose soup. Check out the lower calorie ones. Just taking care of those 2 meals makes this for me easier to manage. Add in my milk for coffee and I know how many calories I have left for supper. I have only had one instance of feeling hungry – on the second day but a cup of Marigold Boullion sorted that out.
    And I have lost yet another pound. 7 off since last Wednesday!

    Being retired I am home too Deb, but I am hoping my planning keeps me motivated and on track. And just think what a lovely bride you wil be. What a motivating factor!

  • posted by  Verano on 101 Ways with cauliflower !!!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I think if the cauliflower is really fresh and ‘tight’ it would be a real struggle to cook it through ! Probably best if you cut into thick steaks as Igorasusual does.

  • posted by  Melinky on Latte Lover Here
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Wow. Thank you for all your replies and support. Some really good suggestions and glad I’m not alone.
    I’ve decided to go cold turkey….for me I’m thinking that it round be a slippery slope….so I’m saying no to the latte at present. I’m going to take a black coffee.

    Thank you

  • posted by  deb2105 on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    hello soon to be retired – im going to start tomorrow as well. Im 50+ and still working (from home) so i need lots of encouragement to stay on track (out of the kitchen cupboard).
    Happy birthday and hope to see you here on the forum from time to time.

  • posted by  deb2105 on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    hi everyone – Its Monday 26th and Ive just read Michael’s book so Im going to start tomorrow. My partner and I are getting married in 5 months – 2nd time round for both of us – and I really want to have some beautiful pics of our wedding day (no white gowns and tuxedos). I dont generally like having my photo taken but I want to make an exception for our wedding day.
    Please help keep me motivated !! I work from home and the kitchen is just outside my office door!

  • posted by  Jenni from the Block on 100 Club!
    on in Fast 800

    Wow Stewart, just saw your amazing loss. That is normally such hard work but as you say no cravings etc., however it would have taken toughness. Well done.

  • posted by  Switzerland on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Soon to be retired,
    You’ve made a great decision to embark on your BSD journey. Stick to the principles and it works. You’ll give yourself the best chance of health in retirement.
    Utilise these forums and the website. There’s a wealth of knowledge at hand.
    Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday 27/09.

  • posted by  Gibbette on Keeping myself accountable
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Mondays will be my official weigh in day.
    Starting weight on 20th Sept – 81kg,
    This morning was 79.2
    Total loss of 1.8kg for the first week. As a yo-yo dieter this is an amazing result for me.

    Lessons I’ve learned so far:
    Carb flu will happen and it sucks! But it will also go and when it does, you feel a million bucks.
    When you’re feeling grotty, rest, take pain killers, get fresh air, drink plenty of water. Don’t stress about exercising.
    Water water water. Every time my stomach rumbles, I drink a glass of water. Helps with all sorts of things, headaches, hunger, joint pain. Keeping hydrated is very important.
    Preparation and planning is key. I cook/plan/shop for my meals for the week on the weekend and take lunches to work.
    It’s ok to be hungry. Food tastes so much better when you’re hungry.
    I can do this, you can do this. If I can have a result in the first week, then anyone can. If you can get through 1 day, you can also get through the next. It is worth it.
    Hope everyone else is going well.

  • posted by  Soon to be retired on It works for older women too!
    on in Fast 800

    I noticed several are starting their 8 week BSD on September 26th. . Well I have decided to begin tomorrow since it will be my birthday of 63 years. I need to lose 50 lbs. Recently I had my blood work done and of course my fasting blood sugar was elevated. I’m planning on retiring in a few months and what better way to do it being healthy.

  • posted by  princesslizzie on 100 Club!
    on in Fast 800

    Congratulations Stewart, that is really impressive. Can I just ask though, is that since April 2016????

  • posted by  PrincetonianStud on Daniel's 8 Week Dieting Diary
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Daniel

    I have one word for you ‘vegetables’ Lots and lots of low starch veggies with pepper, and a little salt and a very little oil or butter or shaving of cheese – not 4 ounces! or whatever flavouring you like. You will pad out your meals and take longer to eat them and feel fuller and happier at the end of them. Do you put lots in your soup? Do you fill up your Spanish omelette with peppers and onions and ….. anything. I have discovered I adore cauliflower plain without cheese sauce and broccoli and aubergine and zucchini are very filling and tasty as well

    Look at the recipes in MM’s book and pad them out with lots more low starch veg.

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the advice of the veggies. I use a lot of pepper, broccoli, and onion in my omlettes. Veggies are low calorie and bulk in filling that tummy. I need more veggies recipe to use with low carb (No Potato, Tapioka, or corn starches). I got this gluten free cook book but it is for all these starches and sogrum wheat for making cakes and breads. I never eat these anymore. but, I do yearn for a chocolate cake once in a while. I am always looking for others to use than almonds. It is damn expensive for almonds, thus I never use it. I use flax a lot. But, they not so great for cakes and bakery stuff.

    It gets bland and boring eating the same stuff every day. I need more variety. What did the Neanderthals do? LOL