Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Rico61 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    I was 23 stone in the middle of last year. Started some exercise and some cutting down but kept lapsing into weekend binges. Brakes came off over xmas and I overate.

    Was going to start diet in January but got a chest infection so did some on/off eating while ill but dropped to a starting weight of 22 Stone. BMI of 39.5 Started BSD in earnest on 1/2/16

    Today I weigh 20 Stone 11 pounds = 17 pounds loss in 3 weeks. Trousers are looser, and am doing some walking, swimming and a wee bit of gym stuff. I also use a steam room once a week for 20 – 30 minutes which seems to help. I don’t have the energy to exercise that much more at his stage. I exercise lightly 4/7 days and know I need to up this. Touch of the fat man shame and lazy couch potato too.

    I get “head hunger” more than real hunger occasionally. My fat guy brain tells me a trip to a curry house or fast food joint will make everything better.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on sugar free gum as this seems to ward off the pangs when they come – which isn’t all that often. Keeping water intake up helps. That too is a discipline as I;’m used to lattes as my liquid intake. I’m determined and feel good and inspired to carry on.

  • posted by  lola on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I’m am just about to start 8 week diet as a recently type 2 and put on metformin 2 months ago. I am not overweight (5’2″ and 8 stone, and do loads of exercise) so am not a “typical” type 2. I have been following a very low carb diet which is recommended by the forum and although my blood sugar is now in the non diabetic zone I am finding it very restricting, which is why I am going to give this a go. My only problem is that as soon as I have any supposedly good Carbs my blood sugar goes sky high, eg porridge with water and 2 hours later its gone from 5.4mmls to 13,7mmls! does anyone else have the same problem with carbs??? would be great to hear from someone in the same predicament as a little wary to try other good carbs.

  • posted by  snackerlady on Wow
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    hehehe Tuesday! Huge well done! I’d love to be a fly on the wall at your WW meeting 😀 They’ll be wanting you in the magazine to promote the diet lol!!
    The downside is that your leader might take you aside and tell you your loosing too fast, but as long as you’re expecting it you’ll be fine. Will you come clean?

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Mrs S, that’s great- I haven’t posted anything there yet i’ve been so busy today I need to grab 10 mins to think what to put but i will do at some point 🙂

    Soup sounds good- I need to go and prep my veggies for the fish, but like you i’m wondering if I should have a bigger meal later and maybe the lighter meal now….. hmmm decisions!! 🙂

  • posted by  Charliee on Almond butter calories?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, today is day 1 for me. I diligently made the almond butter yesterday as per recipe and split into 4. I added some cinnamon . It was really really nice..mine did go like peanut butter.anyway.. I am querying the calories as it say 110 per portion in the book (assuming including the Apple and seeds) but when I put the ingredients in my fitness pal it came up at 427 calories per portion!!! Am I missing something? That’s a huge difference if I had that every day.. :/

  • posted by  snackerlady on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Natasha and Loftbabe (I love michael Mcintyre 🙂 )! 9 lbs is great and you sound so positive!! I started today and i’m just feeling my way around this BSD so it is great to read how everyone is doing. Your pain under right ribs rang a bell with me- I’ve been having the same combined with blood sugars going crazy (i’m pre diabetic) I have been experiencing blurry vision and one day my fasting blood was 8.7 (I monitor myself because of family history of diabetes) my blood was going up and down like nobodys business so I take this as my body telling me to DO something before it goes too far

  • posted by  Charliee on Almond butter calories?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all, today is day 1 for me. I diligently made the almond butter yesterday as per recipe and split into 4. I added some cinnamon . It was really really nice..mine did go like peanut butter.anyway.. I am querying the calories as it say 110 per portion in the book (assuming including the Apple and seeds) but when I out the ingredients in my fitness pall it came up at 427 calories per portion!!! Am I missing something? That’s a huge difference if I had that every day.. :/

  • posted by  Loftbabe on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi to all you lovely people on this site.
    This is the first time I have joined a forum, but I have been so encouraged by all the friendliness, support and encouragement that I thought I would like to be a part of your group.
    What led me to this diet was a combination of feeling bloated, sluggish and over weight. Like many of you on this forum I to have been a yoyo dieter most of my adult life, seeing good results at times but never been able to stick to anything long term resulting in an unhealthy way of eating.
    Towards the end of January I was getting a constant pain under my right ribs, which I SELF diagnosed after a bit of googling as fatty liver disease (OK I know I shouldn’t do that !) anyhow this led me to what might cause this, a possibility of diabetes. Ok so now feeling scared. Then after more googling came across the wonderful Michael Mosleys diet. I have always been a fan of any medical science which proves a theory.
    I have just completed my second week and I am really enjoying cooking all the tasty recipes.
    A little about myself, I am 53 a shorty at only 5 ft and ideally I would like to achieve a 3 stone weight loss.
    So far I have lost 9 pounds … Yippee and 2 inches from my waist. I feel great and full of energy. I am so surprised that I haven’t felt hungry at all and I haven’t even craved chocolate, that is a miracle where I am concerned !
    The second day I did have the withdrawal headache but I expected this (thanks Zandranna : ) for the link to ketrogenic diet which explains why we might experience some of the side effects). Also constipation seems to be a bit of an issue but I am starting to introduce small amounts of ground linseeds daily to help with this.

    My forum name loft babe I have chosen after an amusing observation the comedian Michael McIntyre joked about when he was asking his wife about all the clothes in the loft, she said they were the clothes she will be wearing again once she has lost weight, so he joked about all these slim lovely babes prancing up and down on the cat walk in the loft wearing the clothes !! Well I have loads of clothes waiting for me to steal back from those loft babes ; )
    Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all over the coming months and reading all your positive results.
    Keep smiling.

  • posted by  lawnmower29 on PCOS / insulin resistance
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello i have just started today and I am also doing this as a way of managing PCOS. I have had little GP help, just a PCOS leaflet as now that I am not having any more children the Gp said it’s just about managing risk factors.I had Gestational diabetes when pregannat with second daughter. so hello and yes, me too!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Wow
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    ROFLMAO !!!
    Tuesday, when you roll up at Weightwatchers tonight and you have lost all that weight, they are going to be thinking that you have come to take them over.
    Well done you !!!

  • posted by  Fi on Hello and Cloud Bread anyone?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I made the cloud bread on the weekend and they were really nice – I put some fresh mixed herbs into the mixture. My husband really liked them. They are not very filling though but I am going to try having them for lunch tomorrow with a nice filling (I froze what I had left over so I hope they freeze well)! Will make them again and try putting different flavours in them!

  • posted by  Queenvix on Hello and Cloud Bread anyone?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello- I made to on Saturday. It was great as a sandwich substitute one the day and still good the next day too although it was very delicate. I will defo make it again. Worth a try. X

  • posted by  Queenvix on PCOS / insulin resistance
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello- I have poly cyststic overy syndrome with insulin resistance so I am not diabetic but conventional diets don’t work for me as I have to eat less as a starting point than most people. I am hoping this would work and help to prevent me developing pre diabetes. I already eat low carb higher fat/protien and exersise 4 times a week doing resistance and hitts but want to shift that last stubborn stone/stone and a half.
    Can anyone advise if this diet is suitable for me or is anyone else who has PCOS doing this?
    Many thanks

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Keep at it people ! Weight watcher always say that 2 ils a week is a good weight loss and everyone is an individual.
    Cazzoeary 7kg over 6 weeks works out at 2.333 Kg per fortnight. Do that again over the next 2 weeks and your loss, if it stays the same will be 9.3 Kg. Thats not that bad from a target of 10Kg surely ?

  • posted by  auntieambel on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    End of second week for me, and I’ve lost nothing this week, a stone last week. This week I’ve probably eaten even less than I should be, due to horrid flu virus and sinus infection. A bit disheartened, but I shall go on.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Guys I came on to drop the link to the cocnut flour recipe site the other day and forgot to register the weight loss.
    Another 4 lbs gone this week so that’s 11 lb in total.
    Got to be happy with that.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    No Cherriane, clothes don’t lie.
    I’ve decided to stop worrying about these 7 – 8 fasting blood sugar readings for now.
    I know I’m not eating anything wrong, so as long as I’m losing weight, hopefully the fat is starting to drain from my liver and I should see the results of that by the end of 8 weeks.
    I’m going to try the cocnut flour flat breads tonight because, if they work, I’m in sandwich city !!!
    Now THAT can’t be a bad thing.

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Mrs S, I’m not sure about the coffee. I had a coffee this morning with a dash of soya milk- he does say one a day will be ok. I’m going to have the odd black tea/ coffee when I want to though because i’m not sure I can cut it out altogether 😮 Thanks for the tip with the compote lol! 😀 My exercise is also non existent, i’m going to increase my walking and take it from there aiming for 10,000 steps a day minimum.

    Hello Fi! Theres a few of us with spookily similar stats starting today lol!! The shakes idea is a good one for busy people, i will definitely be doing that too if I need to. I haven’t planned too far in advance either, i’m taking it day by day because I want to use up ingredients I already have so i’ll just buy what I need as I need it plus I hate waste.

    It definitely helps having others that are starting at the same stage as you, it’s great to be able to check in and swap/share ideas and results.

    By the way….theres a group on Facebook for people doing the BSD, i have just joined- it’s called ‘The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet’, it’s a private group so might be nice to meet up on there in ‘person’ there – so to speak 🙂 and swap recipes and ideas etc. I’m not leaving this forum but i can be myself on there and share pics etc- when I post my intro post later on i’ll add the username i have on here so you can recognise me if you join 😀

  • posted by  fitjacq on Allergy to nuts and seeds
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Penny will see what I can adapt. I seem to be ok with almonds and cashews so will have to use them instead and skip seeds.

  • posted by  Fi on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, this is also my first day! I am a 59 year old T2 diabetic (8 years now) and am determined to get my readings down (9.2 this morning)! When I was first diagnosed I did everything they said I should do and each clinic appointment they said I was doing well and to carry on what I was doing – but then I got too complacent and things started to get out of control. At my last clinic appointment they put me on an extra tablet and that was a big wake-up call so I need to get those readings down and lose weight (5′, 1″ and weighing in this morning at 13 stone, 4lbs). Feels a bit daunting but am glad I found this website as reading how others are doing on the forum will be a great boost. Had an atkins drink this morning as my mornings are always rushed and having a chicken salad for lunch. Will go out lunchtime to find something for supper this evening – haven’t really planned much in advance yet – will have to do that. Good-luck everybody!

  • posted by  Reynards on Family roast dinner!
    on in Fast 800

    Just completed my first week and have lost 6ln. Highly delighted as I cooked a full roast dinner for my extended family of 9 last night and managed to just eat the chicken and leaf vegetables, leaving the roasties, gravy and Yorkshire pudding to the rest of the family. So pleased to have passed such a test. Thank you Michael Mosley – you have really inspired me.

  • posted by  Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hahaha that is funny!
    The rhubarb is great mixed with the yoghurt (I used full fat Greek because it’s very thick and creamy tasting and has a luxurious feel – the calories work out right) but I would recommend not putting a whole lemons juice in there 😁!
    I agree about the water thing, I find when I eat less I want less to drink so it will be tricky. Do you think black coffee will be ok?
    I’m also using fitness pal it’s a great app I’m trying to up my exercise a little as its non existent at the moment. I’m doing the low impact cardio from as it requires no equipment and will hopefully get me going and it’s free!
    Good luck today 👍🏻

  • posted by  Natasha_ENFP on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello there,

    My name is Natasha and I have just completed week one of the BSD, and I could not be more impressed with the meals!

    I also had no idea this website and forum existed, and stumbled across it completely by accident.

    I’m looking forward to interacting with the many interesting areas and discussions in this forum.

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Mrs S, yes, i’d love to buddy up. I’m also 5ft 2 and am 13 st 3, we’re almost twins 😀 !!

    The rhubarb and yogurt looks lovely, i’ll definitely be doing that at some point, what did you think of it?
    My breakfast was the portobello ‘toast’ and goats cheese- was delish! For lunch i’m having the no carb ploughmans and dinner will be foil steamed fish and veggies. I’ll decide tomorrows menu later and get it all in this evening. I’m tracking everything I eat in myfitnesspal so that I don’t go over the 800 cals a day. Drinking 3 litres of water will be a tough one but i’ll give it my best shot

  • posted by  swabybrown on Help no weight loss after 5 days
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you for youyr support and today I have lost 2lbs – at last! Think food diary in My fitness pal has really helped and set goals to 35% carbs, 30% protein 30% fats as mentioned on another forum. One apple can throw carbs over the top and I check what i can and cant eat every morning. Boy this way of eating is so strict! Ah well at least counting calories is better than eating because I’m bored!

  • posted by  Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Good morning stacker lady, I too am beginning today. I’m so excited and determined to get my life back on track. Perhaps as we are starting together we can encourage and support each other?
    I’m 52, 5ft 2 and weigh 13st 5
    This morning for breakfast I went for the rhubarb compote and yoghurt option 160 calories.
    I would be interested to know what daily menus you choose and how you’re getting on. I also plan to weigh each morning so I’ll let you know how I’m doing too if you would like? I think it’s helpful to have someone to work alongside to bounce things off and encourage each other, although I’m sure there will be lots of encouragement from everyone on the site 😊

  • posted by  ay caramba on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    End of week 2 and have lost half a stone so far. Completely thrilled and I am enjoying the diet. Sticking to plenty of vegetable soups and raw vegetables. I am using my own take on the recipes in the book and following the mantra of making every mouthful tasty. Have enjoyed the recipes in the book for lamb, and the Spanish chickpea soup with chorizo is really good. Haven’t missed the naughty, white processed carbs! But I also managed to eat an ordinary pancake and went out for a meal and ate a starter. Off out to Body Pump. Feeling much better in myself. Good luck everyone!

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Eureka, Thanks for the warm welcome 🙂 Your results are very encouraging, well done!
    How are you finding the recipes? Are you following them to the letter as per the book or are you doing your own within the guidelines? I’ve had the mushrooms for breakfast so as you can see i’m picking and choosing the recipes I know i’ll like and I have picked a couple from other sources because I know what I like to eat and also what my local supermarket will actually stock.

  • posted by  EIM on RYE BREAD
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Hi Malkay! I’m glad the recipe worked and you liked it. To be honest I haven’t counted the calories, I will try next time I make this utterly delicious bread. I assume it will be high in calories but it is very nutrient dense. It is very filling and a couple of slices go a long way. It completely changes the way I look at bread – you simply enjoy every crunchy mouthful and you know you are not feeding your body rubbish. To answer your question – yes, the coconut oil needs to be melted but olive oil works just as well 🙂

  • posted by  Carolg on 6 days completed
    on in Fast 800

    End of week 1 and I have lost 6.75lbs. Well done Kitty and Anticarb, hopefully we will all continue to do well. I need to loose about 10st – sadly won’t lose that in 8 weeks 🙂 , but early days. I do 3-4 hours a week Aqua aerobic classes a week – great fun and keeps my knees in good working order after my knee replacements.

  • posted by  Eureka on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning Snackerlady welcome

    I’m t 2 just finished wk1 & 8lb lighter! All stats going right direction.
    My mum & dad were type 2 , so maybe I’m in the ‘ could b genetic’ group. BUT, I’m in this new way of eating & exercise for the rest of my life! Got to give me the best chance of healthy living I can. That way I can be there for my family longer
    Do show your family what you are doing & lets hope they get on board too.
    Best of luck. Plenty of advice & encouragement here

  • posted by  Ray on 4 weeks completed
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I am a male age 66. Have been concerned about weight, increasing blood pressure and blood glucose readings – not yet diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Now been on the BSD for 4 weeks and delighted with results so far – lost 18 lbs, BMI down from 33.1 to 30.5, lost 2.5″ from waist, fasting blood glucose down from 6.3 to 5.6 and blood pressure reduced from something like 130 over 88 to 115 over 74. Wife doing this with me and is similarly delighted with her results. Also pleased with the way things are going with the Headspace meditation mentioned in the book. Thank you so much to Dr Michael and Dr Clare.

  • posted by  snackerlady on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Bruce *waves*
    I have just started this today and so far, 1/2 hour in, it’s been easy peasy haha! 😉 😀 Seriously though, it’s good to read how everyone is finding it and what to expect in the coming days/weeks.

    I had a giant crumpet last night as a final farewell (and because it needed using up!) so your crumpet comment made me smile 🙂

    All the best for a great week to everyone!

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning! Today is day 1 of my 8week BSD. I have the kindle edition of the book and got my shopping yesterday in ready to start this!
    I am so determined to get on top of my health. My mum, dad and a sibling are diabetics T2 and I am now prediabetic.

    A little bit about me:

    I am 44, wife and mother to 2 and now a grandmother to 2 babies (who are utterly divine)
    I’m at least 3 stone overweight- probably could lose 4 stone easily.
    I’m pre diabetic, so this is THE chance for me to claw back my health and have a different future than the one we’ve been told we are destined to have with diabetes.

    I’m raring to go! 😀

    I’ll update often with my experiences and my stats, I intend to weigh every morning. I’m keeping track of it all in myfitnesspal.

    Looking forward to my first week (i think, lol!!)

  • posted by  HelenD on MyFitnessPal macros
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Penny. I’m 4lbs down after week one. Hoping I can maintain this going forwards. Motivated for week 2!

  • posted by  HelenD on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Bruce. One week in and 4lbs down! And that was with having some cheeky wine at the weekend as I was away visiting family. I’m hoping I can maintain 3lbs a week minimum loss, preferably 4lbs but don’t want to be over ambitious. How are you getting on?

  • posted by  GrumptoGlam on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Relieved to see other slow losers on this forum… I’m a little worried that my body has gone into a panic/starvation mode of some sort. I lost 6lb in the first week, I’m end of week 3 and not a single ounce more has come off. I am so surprised as at 5ft 10 with 3 stone to loose I was really hoping for a stone off in 4 -5 weeks which doesn’t look do able now. I haven’t touched carbs and I’m varying my meal choices day to day. Fingers crossed I get a sudden drop over the next few weeks once my body knows IM THE ONE in charge and gives in! Lol. On the plus side, I do look thinner in the face, I feel a hell of a lot Brighter and my husband says I look younger. So if nothing else, this alone is fab! Good luck to you all, please do update us if you have some success soon! I’m sure it will happen soon xx

  • posted by  auntylil on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    That’s very good news about your blood levels – and this way you will prevent ever being pre-diabetic! Glad you’ve had a good three days. I’m enjoying feeling more positive about myself just by being on the diet and have weighed myself now – lost 6lbs and 1″ off waist. I need to be more active though. I know I walk a lot with my dogs but need some bursts of something more strenuous.

    I’m in a community choir and it’s our annual dinner tonight and the set menu wasn’t fast 800 friendly, but I’ve opted for melon and berries to start followed by veg curry without rice and poppadoms and no dessert, all that for £15 – I shall feel robbed! But also a bit smug when everyone else is stuffing themselves. It was a bit tricky choosing off the set menu because of being veggie and lactose intolerant. One of the other choristers has asked for an omelette but I’m feeling a little egg bound.

    May you have a very good week with encouraging weight loss and an ever shrinking waist 🙂

  • posted by  Cazzowary on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Penny

    I know! It is so frustrating as all those calories I haven’t eaten have to be doing something – by my calculation I should have been losing 3 pounds a week! (approx 1400 calorie deficit everyday!) especially given I’m sticking to low carbs and walking about 8-9000 steps. I’ll see it out to the end of the 8 weeks and then think about doing a ketogenic diet on higher calories or 5:2 because one way or another this fat has got to go!

    Good luck and hope you’re feeling other benefits


  • posted by  pmshrink on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Cazzoeary
    That must be frustrating!
    I’ve just been rereading the book. On the 4 week review michael says’ you will have lost a lot of weight’ He never mentions slow losers as far as I can see. I don’t understand it at all when you think of all the calories we haven’t eaten! And I’m doing 1000s of steps.
    I hope you’re feeling other benefits
    All we can do is keep on keeping on!