Hi Melanie
Sounds like you’re doing really well. Envy you from here in grey and rainy UK!

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Hi Bordercol
There’s a book I’m using called The 5:2 Diet Low carb Nurtibullet recipe book by Susan Fotherington. Lots of info about nutirients. You wouldn’t believe the amazing nutrients in a leaf of kale or a strawberry! Really encouraging- and UK based I think. Gives cals and basic nutrients for each shake. They’re each about 250. They often use protein powder of various sorts which are a bit prices but last for ages. I get mine from Indigo Nitrition through Amazon. I haven’t lost much in the 4 days I’ve done, but enough to just move me from’obese’ to ‘overweight’ and feeling very perky with all these nutrients.
Penny -
Hi all,
I’m starting this topic to hopefully support us when we have to eat out, I’m thinking more for quick lunches rather than fine dining…thought it might be useful if we share suggestions when we grab something from M&S, Pret, Boots….etc. It’s not been a challenge yet (on holiday) but it may hit next week. I try & always do packed lunches but sometimes that unravels by Friday. -
I started this diet on 27th Jan & I’ve lost 7lb so far. It’s slowing this week but I think that’s because I’m on holiday so not running around as much. Still last year it took me a year to lose a stone so to do half that in 10 days is very encouraging! I’m struggling if I’m not organised. But I skipped breakfast today to have a lovely lunch of figs, mozzarella, tomatoes & prosciutto – 200 cal. Small plate but felt indulgent & so nice to have proper buffalo mozzarella. Fingers crossed work doesn’t derail me next week!
posted by woobear45 on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 13:20 in Welcome to the BSDI am a practice nurse in a GP surgery and was pre diabetic. I have recommended this diet to several of my type 2s ๐
Oh I forgot- http://www.eatthismuch.com and http://www.loseit.com both help track and plan meals.
posted by Steve and Ei on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 12:58 in Welcome to the BSDYou are a lucky man, then. Most health professionals I have met are working from a (out of date?) script. I asked about Newcastle, and diet, and did they want volunteers to try something different, a year ago, and was told “that is only for fat people”.
At DESMOND I queried the “must eat carbs”, and asked for a view on low carbing as an alternative way out, and was told that “it would put your cholesterol up, wouldn’t it. Better to raise your glucose levels and then take drugs”. -
Hey Penny
weight loss does tend to fluctuate, I was told years ago not to weigh myself too often as you can lose confidence when the rsults aren’t what you expect.
Best to pick a certain day each week and make that your weigh day. -
Hi Everyone, I purchased the BSD book this week and am still reading – I’m a slow reader! My BS is typically about 12 and I have 100lbs to lose. I was diagnosed with diabetes one year ago at my surgery after signing up for a free health check – unfortunately I already had full on diabetes and some liver malfunction. I am on Metformin SR which I tolerate perfectly well – unlike the regular Metformin that made me feel nauseous. I suspect I have a genetic tendency to diabetes as even at 7.5 stone my waist was thickish. Anyhow, I am very unfit but gonna try some HIIT walks – that is walk as fast as I can up hill for 1 minute then slow down to a relaxed pace for 1 min – and try and keep going. Also gonna try and complete at least 10k steps daily. I usually do about 200-400 steps a day so quite a change. For food I am planning on eating soups from The Soup Cleanse by Angela Blatteis and Vivienne Vellaa. I’m thinking I won’t bother with breakfast and try and keep my eating window to 6 hours (midday to 6pm) – that’s fasting for 18 out of 24 hours. Fingers crossed.
Tesco Cholesterol Reducing Strawberry Yoghurt Drinks is better, at 3.5g sugar per bottle, cheaper too! I think I will swap. ๐
Thanks for sharing – I’ll take a look ๐
Thank you. I’ve just had a look and Benecol light (the one I usually have) has 4.7g of sugar per bottle – nearly 1tsp. Is that OK or too much sugar? I’ll see if I can compare with some other makes, such as own brands.
Guys thanks so much for the comments and the support. Sugar reading was 7.8 again this morning, I have to say that I’m not really having any of the side effects that others have had, never felt hungy, and I feel that I’ll be able to stay on the plan for as long as it takes.
I’ve been following a Utube channel for quite a while that specialises in absolutely brilliant Indian food. I’m sure the recipes could be easily adapted to this diet so I’m going to go through them all this weekend to check them out.
If anyones interested, the channel is Als kitchen, and if you decide to indulge, remember to make the base gravy first and bear in mind, it’s not a dish, it’s an ingredient. -
posted by Bill1954 on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 11:45 in Welcome to the BSDMy nurse fully supports the diet. TBH the guys who came up with this are far more experienced than your nurse and have been involved in the actual research from the start.
This diet isn’t faddy, it’s common sense really, and it works.
Tell her to ring professor Taylor at Newcastle university if she has reservations. -
posted by Steve and Ei on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 10:36 in Welcome to the BSDI have had reports from two people, now, that their NHS diabetic nurse has warned them off this diet. They were given the usual script about low fat, 1/3 plate carbs etc.- “this diet will harm you in the long run”.
Personally I’m pretty thrilled with the diet so far. Continual (carb addiction?) hunger gone, energy up, mood better, BG down.Now, I’ve got an HbA1c coming up next month. I’m already a stone lighter than last time, and my fasting BG has been around the low 4s, as opposed to 6-7. I’m assuming the BG results will be good. Not sure what I’m expecting the cholesterol to do, but the hope is for down, as I’m pretty convinced the fat-cholesterol connection is a mistake.
But do you tell her what you’ve been doing? Is it easier to keep schtum, and let them take the credit, and avoid arguments? It would be nice to have some NHS back up on this. Get them on board. You’d think they’d be interested to have some guinea pigs. -
It’s not as difficult as it sounds! I felt hungry the first 3 or 4 days making it easy to drink lots of fluids but now I don’t even feel any hunger. I started the diet on the 20th January. A tip I would give you for the first few days is make sure your next meal is prepared as I found the hunger could hit suddenly the first few days.
As you see the weight drop of and your clothes become looser it is much easier to be motivated.
I also need to lose 2 stones or so. I have lost almost one stone already. I find I lose more weight on the days I have done more exercise – mostly walking and resistance work.
So hold on to your hat and let the good times roll!!! -
I started on 18th January at 8.6 and I am now 5.3 so it does work.
OMG I totally agree!!!
Although I live on my own which makes dieting easier I still manage to have friends and family round for meals. I calculate the overall calories in a dish – so if I am cooking for three people I may divide the total calories by 4 and give myself one quarter and divide the remainder between the two guests. Just by leaving out the carbs I can eat the same food. I also use the Fast diet recipe book which helps when catering for others, I may make two low calorie meals from the book and have a half portion of each for myself. Guests are happy with their two course delicious meal.
Investing in a spiraliser to make courgetti has been really helpful. A ‘starter’ of courgetti with a simple dressing of garlic and chilli with a small sprinkle of parmesan or a tablespoon of low fat cream cheese stirred in is only around 100 calories or so. -
Stick with it, people on this forum are having amazing results.
I started on Monday and already I’m seeing a blood sugar reduction, down from 9.8 to 7.8 and if i can do it, anyone can. -
I am on day 5 and am shocked I’ve not had a headache as it’s something I would normally get on a fast too but think it’s because I have drunk so much water and most of it warm… Never drunk so much in my life…. Water, water, water…. Wee, wee, wee…. But it works!
Have started today with blood sugars 9.8 so am hoping they drop over next few days.
Have just read the BSD book and wondering if it’s for me. My blood sugar is fine (so far!) but have PCOS, my Dad had type II diabetes and I’m about 20kg overweight (carrying lots of this weight around my waist). I have tried the 5/2 diet but would always get a migraine on the fast days. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks Squidgy. I tried the yoghurt and berries etc and prepd it then took into work . It tasted a lot better than I thought it would . Will definitely have it again
Hi Hippo
Holland & Barrett sell flaxseeds.
It does sound nice but I have found that carbs push up my blood sugars too much – even healthy oats – I think I must be really carb sensitive.
I’m hoping with time and clearing out my liver that it gets better!
Hi I am Day 5 tomorrow. This is the only diet I think I’ve ever enjoyed. Being type 2 D for 6 years I have finally made a stark reality check with myself.
I am a little concerned that I have gone over my 800 cals the last couple of days by about 30 to 50 cals…
But I am also thrilled that I have gone from having good no exercise to almost 10000 steps every day which is equating to just over an hour of brisk walking.
The calories I’m burning walking – will that impact on me going over slightly ??? -
My hubby really enjoyed the No carb bircher Tuppence. We need to find some flaxseeds though.
Good luck Aliba.
Well we are on day 4 and I am pleased to say, that hubby and I have lost 1/2 stone each already!
Favourite meals so far are the No carb ploughmans, No carb bircher, Portobello toast with goatโs cheese and pine nuts (outstanding) plus had Sardine dip for lunch – very tasty. No issues with eating less calories. I actually feel better – no spikes in blood sugar. So good so far.
It’s weird Bill ……I felt exactly the same. Didn’t know how I’d survive especially as I had absorbed all the advice about eating carbs etc.
I’m a week in, lost 6lbs and feel brilliant. Haven’t felt this good since I was diagnosed. Sleeping well, eating well, wake up feeling alert not worn out, more energy, better mood. Have missed sugar, bread etc and no cravings.
To be honest there hasn’t been a downside for me, I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and I love these forums.
Lots of positive encouragement which we all need -
Bill that’s marvellous news…..congratulations. Hope you’re finding it easy and enjoying the feeling of being virtuous!
Hi Southern
This just what I have…..I’m sure others will have different ideas.
The practice nurse gave me a Mediterranean diet off the internet last year but I had no idea about how to put it together or what to do on a daily basis.
This is much easier and I’ve lost 6lbs in a week.
Hope you’re going to give it a go…..I was a bit scared that it wouldn’t be possible or I would faint through lack of food but nothing could be further from the truth…..it’s been remarkably straight forward!
Good luck -
Is it ok to use liver/kidneys and the like in the 8 week diet? I notice it’s never mentioned in the book.
Yep know the feeling . Skinny husband cupboards full of biscuits sweets etc.
I started 17 days ago. Have lost 11lbs – delighted. I have not been diagnosed type 2 yet. My fasting blood sugars have been high for a few years now regularly over 7 and sometimes over 8. It is now down to 5.7 already. I have a family history of diabetes and I think I was eating my way towards it with my head in the sand.
I live in Normandy. Have just been on 5 diabetes workshops run by the local health authority. They got quite cross with me because I refuse to have a starchy carb with every meal !!! It’s also sometimes difficult to get hold of certain products or produce here, being rural France. For example, Michael Mosley puts spring onions in a huge amount of his recipes and they’re just impossible to get here. In the summer my husband grows them for me but at this time of winter in rural France you have the options of carrots, leaks, onions, green beans, turnips (and in recent years broccoli and parsnips)!!
thanks, its like this it can’t do any more harm
Well done Bill – So glad to hear it ๐
So looking forward to your updates ๐๐ป -
Best of luck Poppyseed. My Niece is type 1 and I know the way she struggles.
I hope this all works out for you. -
Result !!! fasting blood sugar this morning down to 7.8 ๐
I’m really happy about that, here’s hoping it’s the start of great things -
Hi Aliba, best of luck, I started on the 1st and TBH I was dreading it, but surprisingly, I haven’t felt hungry at all, and, touch wood, no side effects either.
Hope it works that way for you. -
Well it was just an idea! Being busy / distracted definitely helps me too.
Where are you? I had assumed uk!
Penny -
Yes I’ve started drinking more coffee again. I used to drink about 6 cups a day when I was at work but these days usually have one at breakfast time and one mid evening. It does help – I think it’s just the habit of having something to do really. I do a lot of cross stitch and when I do that I forget to both eat and drink because I’m too busy with my hands. At the moment I’m waiting for fabric to arrive from the UK so that I can start a mega picture – hopefully that will help!!! Hate both marmite and bovril by the way! ๐
Marmite or bovril!
Hi Chinta
That’s hard.
I d suggest having soup or a hot drink like marmite or no til whe hungry like that. That’s what I’ve been doing and I’m definitely feeling hungry less often and not so intensely.
It seems to be true that weight loss is never straight forward or predictable but goes in fits and starts.
I lost a pound on day 2 but nothing since then. Now on day 4. Had to go to a dinner last night. Didn’t eat any carbs and ( by my standards!) hardly anything else much but the pound has come back on. ๐ ( despite 13,000 steps yesterday)
We just have to keep on trucking!
Penny -
posted by Poppyseed on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 4 Feb 2016 at 13:33 in Fast 800Waterbalance is a good app to remind you to drink water. It fills up your ‘body’ with what you have drank during the day but takes it away again if you drink coffee/tea/alcohol. Its really useful to see how much water you lose every time you drink coffee
Well I have read the book, written out my shopping list and meal plans and am starting tomorrow. I’m actually a type 1 diabetic and have low carbed for what seems like forever but 2 stone in weight and mental blood sugars have made an unwelcome appearance so need something to get it back to where I was. Think I took the high fat part of low carbing a bit too far lol Recipes look great and I’m looking forward to my Blueberry and green tea shake in the morning.
Blood sugar was really high yesterday but back down again today. Can’t work out why. I’ve put on half a kilo today ๐ but I did have just over a 1000 calories yesterday. I was really hungry last night so had a little bowl of hummous with carrots and cucumber which took me over. I’ll try again today. It really helps just writing this stuff down but also hearing that real people really have lost 5,6, 9lbs in just a few days. Gives me the incentive to keep going. Well done everyone!!!
Thanks Penny. I’m wondering about what a days grain intake would look like ?
Thanks for this Aliba, good to get a picture of the diet in practice.