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  • posted by  Michael (BSD Admin) on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    We all know that we should exercise, but many of us find it hard to find the time. I think the best way to ensure you do stick with it is to build more activity into your life and also to aim, as I do, to do regular bursts of brief exercise. This means not just aerobic exercise, like cycling, but muscle building by doing resistance exercises.

    However unfit you may be, simply moving more and gradually increasing what you do is a great way to start. Do get advice on starting a program if you are not sure. Flushing out the sugar stored in your muscles helps keep your sugars down, so it’s well worth the effort!

  • posted by  Michael (BSD Admin) on Stay healthy
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Once you have lost weight and reversed your blood sugar problems it is critical that you don’t undo all that good work by going back to your previous habits. That’s why I have also created a programme which incorporates exercise and stress reduction, as that is the best way to ensure you stay on track. Maintain the benefits so you are healthier, feel better and live longer…

  • Simply changing to a Mediterranean style low carb diet and by watching your portion sizes, you will make an impressive difference to your sugars and weight. Essentially this means cutting out the sugar, starchy carbs and the white stuff (white bread, pasta, processed cereals and rice), and boosting consumption of fats like olive oil. See how others are getting on and share what works for you. Good luck!

  • posted by  Michael (BSD Admin) on 5:2 and the Blood Sugar Diet
    on in 5:2 BSD

    We are all different and no one diet is going to suit everyone. That is why I have included a the 5:2 approach to doing the Blood Sugar Diet. It involves cutting your calories down to 800 calories two days a week, while eating sensibly (a low carb med-style) on the other days.

    It will obviously be slower than doing 800 calories a day, every day, but it is also likely to be more flexible and less challenging. You should, none-the-less, see rapid weight loss and significant improvements in your blood sugar levels. All the best with the 5:2 intermittent fasting approach to the Blood Sugar Diet.

  • posted by  Michael (BSD Admin) on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Starting any weight loss regime can be a bit intimidating. It involves change, and change is hard. The advantage of doing this 800 calorie diet is you can be assured that it has a proper scientific backing and that many others have been there before you. The important thing is to make sure you are in a good place, mentally, before you get going, have contacted your doctor (if you need to) and that you are ready for the first week or so to be challenging. The changes will be worth it! Best of luck! Let us know how you get on and do share any tips.

  • Losing weight is tough, and there will always be times when you encounter set backs. That is why it is so important to have the support of others who are either going through the same thing, or who have been there, done it, and have tips to share. So don’t be shy, join in! We look forward to following your progress.