How do these compare to potatoes? Are they good as an alternative?
I have always used a jazzed up cabbage soup diet in the past with good results as far as weight loss goes but I am concerned about diabetes as my score on the questionare in the book is poor. I hope to use the 5:2 and blood sugar diet together starting with cabbage soup twice a day on fast days until I can find recipes I like in the blood sugar book at 800 Cals. My wife is the cook and she does not need to loose weight and needs convincing.
I am 71 5ft 6 inches 38 waist retired so it’s not looking good at nearly 13 stone and a liking for real ale. Sweets and fizzy drinks are just distant memories, bread no problem but pasta, pizzas and potatoes will be a problem. What about home made bread any ideas on that?