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  • posted by Tuesday

    I have been on the BSD for only 5 days and already lost 6 lbs . This is the best way of eating for me . Only been hungry once. I am going to keep this up . Can’t wait to see what 8 weeks will bring !

  • posted by Janet1973

    Thats amazing Tuesday, very well done! If you have any tips for keeping hunger at bay, we’d love you to share them. Keep up the good work!

  • posted by Shrinkydinkyman

    I found I had lost just over 10lb in 6 days! I feel fantastic and really motivated to continue.
    I am becoming a bit of a bore to people talking about it. Wife not interested even though she would have more to benefit than me.
    But bumped into a friend yesterday that I hadn’t seen for ages and he was doing the diet too. So now I have my “diet buddy” happy happy happy.

  • posted by Tuesday

    Hi you are doing so well . I’m 9 days today and 9lb down . I go to weight Warchers on Monday eve got so fed up losing just 1/2 lb per week . I’m so happy I have found this way to lose weight . Not sure how I’m going to explain this weeks weight loss.
    I’m also very happy to be your diet buddy .im 63 been dieting for ever had diabeties for 30 years . 10 years ago I was 19 st today I’m 13.7 hoping to get to 11

  • posted by Bill1954

    ROFLMAO !!!
    Tuesday, when you roll up at Weightwatchers tonight and you have lost all that weight, they are going to be thinking that you have come to take them over.
    Well done you !!!

  • posted by snackerlady

    hehehe Tuesday! Huge well done! I’d love to be a fly on the wall at your WW meeting 😀 They’ll be wanting you in the magazine to promote the diet lol!!
    The downside is that your leader might take you aside and tell you your loosing too fast, but as long as you’re expecting it you’ll be fine. Will you come clean?

  • posted by Janet1973

    Snackerlady, thank you for mentioning about ww, I thought the same but didn’t know if I dare say it. Tuesday, I think you might have to consider giving up your ww membership if your weight loss continues like this because your leader won’t be able to explain it to the rest of their members and it could be quite uncomfortable for you all. (Don’t think you can sit in her meeting with you bsd book in your hand, it would cause a riot!) Also, this fast approach does not fit at all with the current ww philosphy and your leader has a duty to tell you that what you are doing isn’t healthy (I was a leader and its part of the training). I re-joined ww just after Christmas with their new programme and lost 3 and a half pounds in 4 weeks. I had resigned myself to thinking it would take me a year to reach my goals – again! I only started this progamme three days ago and have already lost a pound and a half. I won’t be paying ww anymore! Tuesday – clearly, this forum is more than happy to be your support network!

  • posted by snackerlady

    Hi Janet 🙂 It’s good to hear from a former leader of WW (other slimming clubs are also available 😉 ) I have been a member of them all at one time or another and I know they get very concerned when the weight comes off too quickly. It makes sense if that’s how they’re trained then they mean well, but nutrition training is such a mess across the board- right from our gp we’re told ridiculous things that are backed up by old and flawed ‘studies’ that became part of their training. It’s a scandal really. We need a food revolution, one where common sense is employed!
    This ‘mustn’t lose weight too fast’ myth is one of the worst as it leads to everyone getting completely despondent and giving up. Only a rare few can see it through to the end, and then the relief of eating again puts it all back on again, i’ve been there!
    I’m in a slimming club right now – i paid for a 12 week block after xmas.. *d’oh! My class leader is adorable but she is really really overweight and has been for a long time (years!), this tells me that the diet ‘doesn’t work’!! I go tomorrow evening for WI so the result from 2 days BSD shouldn’t be too shocking and I will slip under the radar hopefully 😀 < angelic smile! Next week however will be another story, lol!!

  • posted by Janet1973

    Snackerlady, your last post made me chuckle and agree with all of your points. Probably the hardest thing I had to do as a leader was try to come up with reasons why people hadn’t lost weight when they thought they should have. The training didn’t explain about weight loss, metabolism, insulin resistance, etc. In fact, some of what they taught was based on the same old wives’ tales we, here, are now disproving. I do wonder whether the big name diet groups will ever embrace this approach. I saw a programme last year where one of the top chiefs of ww admitted that they actually wanted people to keep coming back after re-gaining the weight!

  • posted by Tuesday

    H every one . Well I did go to my WW meeting tonight .i asked to speak to the leader privately she was very nice I explained briefly the book which I showed her .i all so said that the diet had been recommended for controlling my diabeties she was fine she promised not to mention it in the meeting .so I will keep going for now .

  • posted by Janet1973

    Tuesday, that’s a great idea and outcome, well done 😊

  • posted by snackerlady

    Brilliant news Tuesday!! She sounds lovely and understanding 🙂

  • posted by Reynards

    Cancelled my ww membership today. Wasn’t happy trying to explain how I’d lost 6 lbs in a week when previously it had been 1 off a week and a half pound gain the next. I’m convinced this forum will be a greater support than a once weekly weigh in.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Agreed Reynards. I’ve been to many slimming clubs over the years (without much success) but find the support on here great. And it’s 24/7. And no cost. It’s win/win 😃

  • posted by Metta

    Hello this is day two for me, wasnt too bad. Though maybe a bit over 800 cals. But was amazed to find in 24 hrs had lost 2lbs or 1 kg. (I speak kilos). But I am finding I do feel hungry after the evening meal. Have to get on line and see what people are saying to distract myself.

    Wanted to ask if anyone can recommend a good app for counting calories and how useful you find them? I am just really selecting the pictures of food that appeals to me and looking up the book recipes. I confess still have not read the book right through but am continuing to do so. Just that now I have found others I am distracted by checking in here. Its such a positive and encouraging space. Thank you all for your words.

  • posted by Janet1973

    Hi Metta
    Welcome to our world! I have only been following this website for a week and already I feel like I have met loads of people with whom I share things in common and I look forward to reading the new comments each day (a bit sad perhaps!). Well done on your weight loss so far, its a great incentive, isn’t it?
    I use the nhs calorie counter on a daily basis, I prefer to check the calorie counts of everything as usually I adapt the recipes to suit myself. Like you, I do suffer with hunger in the evening. I know there are lots of people saying these days to stop eating by 6 or 7pm but thats just not going to happen for me, I find it easier not to start eating before 11am and sometimes I can push my first meal on until 2pm so that then I can have something like fruit and full fat yoghurt before bed. Sad again, but I actually look forward to it! On the days I do have actual breakfast I try to break the 800 cals into four meals instead of three. None of this seems to be doing me any harm, I am on day 5 and have lost 4 pounds and 2 and a half inches off my waist.
    There are loads of great resources around and I would encourage you to keep on with the bsd book as it has pretty much all the answers in there. Wishing you every success as you continue. Keep us up to date!

  • posted by Janet1973

    Oh, forgot to say aswell, I don’t think I’ve managed a single under under 800 cals, its always been around 840ish.

  • posted by snackerlady

    Hi Metta, I use Myfitnesspal app, I have it on all my devices and it scans barcodes too. It’s not perfect though as it seems to mess up with garlic and onions annoyingly! (2 cloves of garlic is NOT 400cals! lol)

    To distract myself i’m watching stuff on youtube about reversing diabetes and came across these SUPERB videos so just had to share:

  • posted by Fredforest

    snackerlady I find some of the calories attributed to foods on myfitnesspal a bit weird, the garlic being the most obvious!

    I do put my own recipes in, sometimes just the name and the nutrition, but otherwise I love to be able to scan the bar codes.

  • posted by snackerlady

    @fredforest, it’s crazy isn’t it. i’ve been doing the same as you and inputting recipes myself to be sure it’s correct

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