Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Frog on Unintended consequences
    on in Fast 800

    night yowzer

    I had that with sports trousers that I wore yesterday – and they were so big and flappy!
    (and they spent several years at the back of the wardrobe because they were too tight!)

  • posted by  Frog on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    well done Lucia – you will get there!

    My secret is going to fitness classes for over 50’s – they’re brilliant, after years of failing to keep up with class-loads of size ten twenty somethings in lycra, exercise classes I enjoy, can do, and get some benefit from.
    I first went a few years ago when I was recovering from an operation, and it was mostly people lots older than me. but the classes are predominantly people in their 50s and early 60s now. The only pain is that they are in the day time, so I can’t go if I’m working.

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Lesley91 you are an inspiration and I am sure that you will be able to buy a stunning new outfit for the party
    SunnyB – I meant eat the pumpkin/squash as well as the skin of course. Roast lots with a tidge of olive oil and a wave of salt. It is a great snack and also good in salads.

    As izzy said I think fruit teas are great. Ginger tea, bought or homemade is fantastic. If you chop some fresh it will last for several cups, hot or cold

  • posted by  PrincetonianStud on Daniel's 8 Week Dieting Diary
    on in Starting the BSD

    Saturday July 30 2016

    Breakfast: None

    Lunch: 4 Egg Omlette

    2 Peach
    1 Apple
    1 Cup Greek yogurt and Blackberries

    Minute Steak Stiry fry

    Lot of swimming. Did the 20 minutes walking as usual.

  • posted by  Frog on Unintended consequences
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve just realised today that pre BSD, more and more frequently I always did stairs one at a time (ie putting both feet together on each step, rather than alternate steps.
    I guess I felt uncomfortable about shifting my weight from one side to the other if that makes sense!
    Not doing it anymore – and I’m going upstairs on buses more often.

    An unintended consequence of the unintended consequence will be fewer steps on my pedometer!

  • posted by  ruthdownunder on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    SunnyB, prunes are great – have not checked their carbs. I cannot bear to be constipated- historic reasons -so have a little psyllium each day, except weekends, probably a heaped teaspoon. I looked it up and a tablespoon has about 5 gms of carb BUT you do not really digest any of it. You can have it in water, do not take too much at first, and never add it to batter unless you are cooking it straight away, as it will set like cement. I have a pancake batter and I sprinkle it on it in the pan. I think I have accidentally discovered how to make it taste good,. It sort of toasts and is quite nice. You could sprinkle a little on your yoghurt if you have that. You need to keep your fluids up, but we are doing that anyway.

    i only lost .4 kg this week, but total is now 5 kg, 11 pounds, so I am very pleased. I did not eat anything bad last week, but I think my portion control was up the spout!

    Figs are good, but too much carb for us at the moment. I love them, but have had only 1 in the last few weeks. Don’t forget pumpkin skin, (butternut squash? ), leeks and good old celery which is supposed to be the only food which takes more calories to digest than are in it- now is that true?

    if you are taking diabetes meds you might need to check with your doc before you take psylliium but it is pretty magic. I do not normally take it but always have it in the cupboard ( I used to have brown pasta, lots of olive oil and figs – even dates (sigh). I eat a lot of veg still, so have had only a small amount. I do not know about inulin but it sounds good too. Chia is good, also linseeds which I put in my pancakes (ground)

    Best of luck to all

  • posted by  Frog on Stepometer– Which one & where from?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Arjaytee
    I have got an Omron Walking Style II Pedometer, and its brilliant – I’ve had it for six years now.
    Bit of a drama last week, I thought I’d broken it because it had been through the washing machine on a hot cycle – but it was fine after it had dried out, it’s went thru on a 30 degree cycle a few years back too, but not recommended!

    Things I love about it:
    – sets itself back to zero at midnight
    – holds seven days worth of data
    – measures aerobic steps (basically the number of steps where you’ve walked for more than ten minutes at a reasonably fast pace) – so as well as trying to aim for a high number of steps, I try to get a high number of aerobic steps too.
    – it doesn’t measure the first few steps, so if anything undercounts, but doesn’t clock up false steps when you shift in your chair, or driving on a bumpy road.

    When I thought I’d have to replace it last week, I spent a while looking for a new one – they don’t seem to do this model anymore, at least not on Amazon. I did look at other brands, but kept veering back to Omron after reading through the reviews.
    the one that I would have got instead was Omron Walking Style One 2.1 Pedometer – about ยฃ14

    Amazon do have loads of them, from about ยฃ1 up – some are rubbish, but just look for one that has decent reviews, and by a good volume of purchasers.

    I thought about getting a jawbone or fitbit (you can get unbranded ones too, pretty cheaply, some have good reviews) – but essentially I don’t like having things on my wrist, so I’d probably get irritated, take it off and lose it.
    The other thing you could try is loading an app that tracks steps if you have an iPhone or smart phone.

    I do wear mine all the time – I loop it onto the strap of my bra, quite unobtrusive & discreet (unless I start hauling it out in the street!)

    Good luck with BSD, hope it goes well

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am working at something but I am not ready to tell you about it yet.
    It’s because, it’s just didn’t work out right.
    It’s a little embarrassing.
    I can’t tell anyone until I can manage the full 30 mins and I am not there yet.

    It started, that I saw one of those exercise videos.
    Now that am like an Olympic gymnast, I thought I would have a go.
    The video does a 10 min warm up, 20 mins exercise and 10 mins cool down.
    No worries, bring it on, I can do this.

    So I played it, I could only do 1.2 minutes of the warm up.
    I was so exhausted, couldn’t make my body do the moves.
    The warm up, there’s an understatement, I was sweating, bright red, puffing and panting and saying some quite unladylike words when I couldn’t become a contortionist.
    I didn’t think my trousers would take the pressure of the compressed blubber.
    I was expecting something to give, and make a tidal wave of me…..

    So, I rested and said to myself that I would try again the next day.
    When I woke up, everything hurt, I think only my eyebrows didn’t hurt.

    Day 3 I went back to it, I watched 20 seconds worth and GENTLY copied it, rested and did it again.
    Then I did the next 20 seconds.

    Day 4 I did 20 seconds, stopped, 20 seconds, stopped etc.

    Day 5 joined 2 X 20 seconds.

    I have now managed to get through the ten mins warm up.

    This coming week I am going onto the actual exercise.
    It will probably take to Christmas to actually get through the 30 mins once all the way through ( spread over the whole day).

    I have grown to hate those skinny Minnie’s all fit, not sweating, just perfect, including makeup and nails.
    I have also grown to hate the chappie who puts you through the exercise.
    I have noticed, that he stood up, not doing the exercise himself, then goes and touches a dolly bird to get her to do the exercise a little further. He doesn’t do all the exercise. He shouts come on you can do I can’t, my eyebrows now hurt!!!

    Anyway, I probably won’t mention it onto this website until at least the Autumn or fall.
    So don’t ask..
    Okay, move along now, nothing to see here. Move along…..

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  Frog on The Frog Diet
    on in Fast 800

    what lovely stories Yowzer – fortunately I’ve never had a cat go missing – well not for very long anyway!
    scrolling down again I saw the photos of majestic Ziggy – he is soooo handsome.

    I washed all of Froglets blankets yesterday – I’ve just got in and she must have been fed up with not having all her mats and blankets in the right place – she jumped up to sit on one while it’s laid across the airer – I rescued her and tried not to laugh at her, but it was funny – she hasn’t hurt herself, thankfully! At least she dint do it and hurt herself while I wasn’t here.

  • posted by  Frog on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Did you have a good day on London Janey?
    I’ve only walked 8467 today – oh well! – Jan with 12 hours of gardening AND a run is a bit daunting – well done Jan

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Can you stop walking about please or I’ll never get to bed!! I’m shattered! Yes, Tokyo has tracked me down. Game on!!

  • posted by  Minxie48 on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Claire, I’ve just finished reading the book and really motivated to start this week. The only trouble is I have done the food shopping for the week and need to get rid of the naughties before I start. Hoping to start in a few days though. I’m interested to see how you get on. Good luck x

  • posted by  Claire0310 on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Magpie. Sounds like we have a fair bit in common and it’d be great to buddy up. I’m planning my lunch for tomorrow. The tracking is quite time consuming but I daresay I’ll get the hang of it. I don’t eat meat (but do eat fish) and cheese is my biggest downfall! Would love to hear how your first day goes.

  • posted by  Magpie on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hello Claire0310, I am starting today as well. I borrowed the book from a friend and thought I’d have a look. The more I read the more concerned I became about my health. I turned 50 in June, have a history of Type 2 diabetes in my family and have been slowly putting on weight over the years. Several times in the last few years my blood sugar has been a bit higher than my doctor has liked but I have managed to get it down again. I would be devastated to hear that I had full blown Type 2 diabetes but I would only have myself to blame. This is my attempt to loose some weight and get my general health back in order. I would love to be a diet buddy! I feel I may need some encouragement during the next few weeks!!

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Good luck Claire, I’ve just started week 8 yesterday, and lost 32lbs already, after years of WW. You can do this! Avila, that’s the right idea with the meal planning, it’s half the battle, do it as far ahead as you can, you can always switch days if you feel like it! The support on the forum threads is brilliant too, non judgemental, friendly and very helpful, you can usually find the answer to any question you have. Good luck to you too!

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Wow you’ve really been at it today Jan! GreenfingeredJanet! Putting us all to shame! The exercise will come in baby steps ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re doing fab!! My Sunday was better before Janey ran me ragged all over London. I wasn’t even with her. I’m doing my garden tomorrow, there’s some ivy that has gone crackers in this weird weather, it’s sprawled all over my (usually tidy) patio and wooden furniture. That’s getting tackled. My flowers are looking lovely though, especially my antirrhinum, my absolute favourites, remind me of my Gran, she had a garden full of them. Palm tree needs a few leaves taking off the bottom too. I’m not a gardening fan, I love gardens, I love reaping the benefits, but actually tending to them, not so good. Oh and the hedges need doing too… I’ll stop before I end up thoroughly depressed!

    Janey, the soles of my feet are burning. Burning! Saying that, I managed 11,786 today, and that is your fault! Thank you! I think this is what I needed to get me moving. A little bit of obsessively non-healthy competition. I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow. But I’ll find a way. This is going to go to the bloody wire, isn’t it? Hope you had a fab day in the big city!

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    17,000 steps Lucky. I’m going to sleep well tonight. And probably have sciatica tomorrow! Just have to think smart about how I keep the numbers up during work days as I spend most of the time sat on my A***!

  • posted by  greenjanet on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all
    Well slap my back and call me Shirley , izz just finished twelve I repeat twelve hours of gardening had to stop as its almost dark, I could never have done that before the 29.6.16 can’t believe in such a short time my bod has changed so much. The garden is looking beautiful it’s been sunny, so I am now full to popping with vit d, I also did my first 10 min run with hit sections of 10 sec and my strength exercises, but cannot do the plank, I’ve to big a bag of meat to lift at the mo, and the dog came on my lap for a cuddle and I’ve got more lap for her to sit properly on, instead of precariously balancing.
    Steps today are7,400 wee hee may have been more as phone lost its charge at some point.
    So of for a lovely shower, back to work tomorrow for a rest LOL

    Hope you’ve all had a fab Sunday, and are looking forward to another exciting week, of lush food, and some weight loss.

    Love jan๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒฒโ˜˜๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

  • posted by  Hoiya on KJ's journey to weightloss
    on in Starting the BSD

    The end of week 1. And happy to report 3.45kg down. Weight for start of week 2 is 133.95. A very happy KJ ๐Ÿ™‚
    A couple little bumps along the way, but to be expected as I learn how much I can have etc. I think the big thing is not so much the calories, although that is the major part of this, but portion control is something I need to learn. The two go hand in hand.
    Is there a graph on here to track the weight loss?
    cheers all

  • posted by  Ziggy on Glucose Test
    on in Fast 800

    Sure thing sunshine-giirl it is ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is a site ran by people with diabetes – all sorts of diabetes, type 1, 2, LADA, Gestational and others.. Smallish number of members but some have been diabetic for 40+ years, a wealth of wisdom, help, humour and the main bias of the site is very much towards LCHF.

  • posted by  arjaytee on Stepometer– Which one & where from?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am going to start the BSD tomorrow . I am no spring chicken (except in my head!) & quite sedentary and my hobbies are painting, sewing etc so don’t involve much moving about. I will start exercise by walking more.
    I’d be interested to find out which pedometer people use and come to that, how do I use one? do I wear it all the time?

  • posted by  Igorasusual on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD


    Re lunch recipes – way back when, in May I think, when I started all this malarkey, someone really helpfully posted a list of potential lunches which weren’t sandwiches. I can’t remember who it was, but I copied it (can’t find that on my computer either ๐Ÿ™ ) but here is the post which I wrote to someone else when I DID have it to hand.

    Some great suggestions! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Frittata โ€“ it can be made the evening before and kept in the fridge. There is a recipe in the book but you can ring your own changes, add bacon instead of chickpeas or some cheese sprinkled on top before placing the pan under the grill.
    2. Dips and crudite โ€“ there are five dip recipes in the book and make a lovely packed lunch. Or ring the changes and add some chopped spring onion and a teaspoon of curry powder to a mix of cream cheese and yoghurt.
    3. Salad โ€“ a few leaves and salad veg of your choice with any of the following: tinned tuna or salmon, smoked salmon or other smoked fish, chicken, egg, ham, bean, cheese or any combination!
    4. Homemade coleslaw โ€“ prepare your carrot, onion and cabbage. Keep it in a sealed bag or container then each day mix some plain full fat yoghurt ( I add mustard too) into the amount of slaw you are having for lunch, then mix in the ingredients of your choice โ€“ walnuts, cheese, apple, celery, chicken etc.
    5. Soups โ€“ make up home made soups during your weekend and heat and place in flask to take to work โ€“ or in a container if you have access to a microwave.
    6. No carb ploughmans the recipe is in the book.
    7. Full fat yoghurt with a twist of seeds and berries to add at work.
    8. Half an avocado and a boiled egg just sprinkle some lemon juice or vinegar on the avocado to prevent it turning brown.
    9. Medi platter โ€“ the recipe is in the book
    10. Lettuce cups โ€“ there are three recipes in the book, they can easily be put into a container for work.
    11. Cottage cheese โ€“ add your own favourites from the typical BSD foods โ€“ a bit of diced smoked salmon and cucumber is tasty. There are more ideas in the book.
    12. Ham rolls โ€“ not that kind of roll! Spread some cream cheese on some ham and roll it up in a large lettuce leaf!
    13. Nuts and apple โ€“ if you are in a hurry grab a handful of nuts ( watch the calories) and an apple. Or a small piece of cheese and an apple.
    14. Courgette bhaji โ€“ just as nice cold. The recipe is on the website.
    15. Chickpea flour flat breads โ€“ the recipe is on the website, eat with your choice of food โ€“ treat it as a wrap.
    16. Red pepper rolls โ€“ Posted by Alibaba โ€“ (1 red pepper halved and filled with hummus, fresh coriander, cucumber, feta, a sprinkle of mixed seeds, black pepper & a squeeze of lemon juice)
    17. Coconut flatbreads โ€“ nice with some yoghurt and berries ( see website for recipe)

  • posted by  Igorasusual on New Starter (again)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello to both of you, deetia and Avila and welcome to the forums! You will find lots of helpful and encouraging people here, and lots of advice.

    I have been very successful on the BSD, and am just carrying on after my 8 weeks to drop a couple more pounds.

    With regard to kippers – may I advise you to get an app, like MyFitnessPal, where you can type in a food and see what nutritional values it has.

    I typed in Waitrose Kipper fillet and it tells me that 100g of kipper fillet is 226 calories 17g of fat, 2g of carbs and 15g of protein.

    So as long as that fits within your 800 calories, go ahead – very tasty and low carb too.

    Also, whilst it’s not mentioned in the BSD book, a lot of people here have kick-started weight loss by making sure they count their carbs, and try to keep under 50g per day. Using the MFP app to log your food means you can keep track.

    Very good luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on did you choose yours!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh gosh LUCKY its soul destroying when that happens!
    On the 5:2 diet alone,ive lost and regained a stone and a half THREE times ..(and have done similar on endless diets over the last thirty years or so.)
    Why does it happen,we sabotage ourselves! On ADF, i guess its almost a disaster waiting to happen when you think about it.
    Starve one day,what could be more hoomin than to overeat the next,knowing that the NEXT, you’ll be starving again. I must say, i felt like i was losing my mind on my short stint of ADF but our Bean soldiered on,she was such a trouper!
    I think in general i just lose focus and then its so easy to drift off and back into bad habits.
    Please hit me round the chops with a wet lettuce if you see any signs of me doing that on BSD! This one has GOTto work otherwise its Homers mumu and his reaching stick for the rest of my days!
    Ps time now for more GD! Woooohooo! X

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Awwwwwwww thank you Yowzer! The poor sod, it’s nothing life or death or anything just been left with chronic pain. Started off needing a lump removed from, you know, down below. Then he was having chest pains, so was in having investigations on that, angio clear, but still in pain. Then he fell, did his ankle, had a ligament repair, which didn’t work, then a ligament reconstruction, that was months of recovery and physio. Then he needed a bone shaving in his shoulder, then carpal tunnel done. But the most recent spate of the last 8 years, over the last 2 years, he was in excruciating pain, and it turned out after many A&E visits to be gallbladder, so that was whipped out. Still in pain, took him in again, adhesions had grown from his bowel to his liver. A couple of months later he was taken in with pancreaitis (spelling?), then in again as because they’d gone in twice in almost the same place in his stomach, a massive hernia had developed. Repaired it. Didn’t work, hernia back, bigger and better, so they took him back in for a second repair and it turns out the mesh had moved, the hernia had pushed back through, taking part of his bowel with it! Add to this he’s very prone to infection, so every one of those operations (except the two ankle ones at a hospital in our local healthcare board but 70 miles away), he had an infection after. Our local hospital is RIFE. The worst one was, after he had an angiogram, he got an infection in the incision in his wrist. They took him in, put him on IV antibiotics. Left the cannula in too long, he kept asking nurses if it should be changed… ended up with an infection in his hand where that had been! Cannula in other hand to treat that infection, that got infected too! He was in such a mess at the end of it, that they had to get special dispensation to put him on this antibiotic, that was, and I quote them ‘The antibiotic equivalent of bleach’ and was so expensive apparently, that it was rarely used! The best part of it was the Doctor came in and said to him ‘When did you have MRSA, Mr G?’ Hubby was like ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ‘I haven’t?’ Apparently he had contracted it at some point and nobody had said anything! Minute they realised he didn’t know about it they clammed up and were vague every time he mentioned it after! It’s been a proper comedy of errors.

    We thought this might have been it, but no, he’s still in pain with the phantom gallbladder pain and stomach pain. No pain relief works on it from paracetamol to morphine so he doesn’t bother taking anything. They’ve even tried him on pethidine, and I used to rib him that I pushed three children out on entonox alone and he was being a tart LOL. Oh, and now he needs the same shoulder op again on the other shoulder, and the ankle reconstruction has only half worked, the metal anchor working his ankle up and down is, but side to side isn’t, so a do-over of that may be on the cards. I know myself how exhausting chronic pain is so I really feel for him. It is hard work for me at times, but I’d rather be in my shoes than in his. I am absolutely smitten with him still after 17 years, and he me (thankfully!) We are one of those sickening couples that everyone loves to hate. I said for better or for worse, and lord knows, I can be bloody hard work myself at times! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Give and take, isn’t it? He’s been my rock more than once, it’s only right I return the favour in whatever way I’m needed to. And this is how I’m needed to at the moment. Could be a lot worse.

    Ah, you know, I am at the point now where I’m (reasonably!) happy to forego goodies in return for better health, vitality and a nicer figure. I’ve had years and years of junk food and this is where it’s got me. No friend of mine! ๐Ÿ™‚ I really hope it does the trick for you both with the ME and goes some way to alleviate the symptoms at the very least. We never know unless we try, do we? xxx

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on did you choose yours!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I did it for about six weeks from March to April, I lost a stone on it! It was (before BSD) simultaneously the best, and worst diet I’ve ever been on. Lost a stone and put it all back on again, I started BSD the exact weight I started ADF! Feast days were like… I’m not even telling you what I would eat, because I’m actually disgusted with myself. Fast days were a nightmare. When I read the BSD book I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to hack 800 cals a day if I couldn’t hack 500 every other day, but it’s amazing how much of a difference 300 calories a day makes! Especially when you take potatoes, bread, pasta, rice etc out of the equation! x

  • Just had my 2nd hypo since starting BSD 3 weeks ago. I’m not worried as still adjusting and my insulin needs have dropped by half!! However, in the past I would use wholemeal bread and jam or M&S mini Flapjacks to deal with a hypo. Since starting this diet I don’t keep anything like that in the cupboard as I don’t want to fall off the wagon! Does anyone have any suggestions about which foods would best treat a hypo? Also, I suffer a feeding frenzy when I hypo. Completely out of control eating until I’m stuffed and fall asleep exhausted when I stop. It’s a horrible feeling and something I can’t seem to control. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • posted by  Avila on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi I posted on another thread –

    I start Aug 1st, am 41, not yet diabetic but in the risk zone, 2 years on blood pressure meds and my depression makes my eating really erratic – not bothered enough to face kitchen and then needed instant calorie input.

    So I am looking to get myself into 3 meal a day regular habit as well as ditching the drinking and the weight loss.

    I have produced a menu plan and shopped for it – so treating it as a project to help me stick to it. If I had to decide what to cook each day I would end up just retreating from the kitchen with the effort of decisions. Also a concentrated project with some quick wins suits my personality better. I couldn’t manage the slow plod of the usually slimming groups – besides I hate the idea of paying to be advised all the stuff I already know (even if don’t apply) and hate face to face with groups of strangers. Weirdly online is so much easier for that.

    I need to lose 20% of body weight! I have started to measure in kg as it is a number without the emotional baggage of stones, so from 99kg at 5ft 10 to 80kg to get healthy BMI. But any significant improvement will be good.

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on did you choose yours!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    LUCKY..yes youre on it like a bonnet! A 500 cal fastday then a normal day then a 500 cal day and so on..and yes youre right about the book!
    Old Beano did it for weeks and weeks.. I did it a few weeks but found it too hard! Was all good training for BSD! X

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Can you go back to eating carbs?
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Steve and Ei
    I can’t help but see the irony in your story. Of course your nurse was right as you had been prescribed the exact diet that we now know causes t2d! Its the equivalent of telling someone the way to heal a broken leg is to walk on it! Low fat almost inevitably leads to high carb so its no wonder t2d is seen as a progressive illness. We do as the doctors say and go lower and lower fat, higher and higher carb and the results are catastrophic. But the answer really is to switch this all around – go high fat in every way possible and low carb in every way possible.

    There is plenty of medical opinion out there now which suggests people have different tolerances to carbs and I personally think, although I haven’t been pre-diabetic, I have a very low tolerance to carbs so they make me gain weight very quickly. I wonder too, that after prolonged abstinence from carbs, I may be even more sensitive to them and my body simply doesn’t know what to do with them. So yes, I agree that its better to stay away from them.

    I find myself coming back to my point at the start of this thread that no, we can’t go back to carbs but we were never intended to, humans were never designed to et them in the first place.

  • posted by  Avila on New Starter (again)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    hello, I start tomorrow too. I set up a menu plan I shopped to, put fish in a few times a week – no idea about kippers compared to other fish. Sounds fine to me.

    Why is it starting again? If not too rude to ask – was there a hiccup last time tried or ….? Wondering about the hurdles ahead.

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Where are you bill1954, my old buddy……

    Come on, I am sure you need to tell me off regarding something……

    Do you remember yup the minions ones-y?

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  Claire0310 on Starting Tomorrow
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi. Is anybody starting the BSD tomorrow/this coming week? I downloaded the book a week ago and have simply got to do something about my excess weight. Virtually nothing fits. I had raised blood sugar levels during my first pregnancy so will be at risk of getting diabetes. I carry all of my excess weight around my (huge) middle. This way of eating makes sense to me and I think I’ll be able to stick to it with a bit of support. I tried Weight Watchers but it’s baffling!

    If there’s anybody out there (male or female/any age!) who would like to buddy up on our 8 week journey, I’d love to hear from you.

    PS I’m 50 on 3 October so I have an additional incentive…

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi sandie,

    It is the cycle of my life, my bike gives me back my life.

    I used to sit in the settee all the time.
    Now it’s rare I do it.

    I am now watching f1 highlights but I am watching it, stepping on my step thingy.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  Avila on My 800 Calorie Summer — Day 1
    on in Starting the BSD

    Aug 1st is my start day – I have planned this carefully over a couple of weeks, read the book, looked up the recipes and generated a 4 week menu cycle.

    I am only 41 but on blood pressure meds for past 2 years, I am 5ft 10 so a lot of space to spread the nearly 16 stone over, so can pretend it doesn’t look too bad – but I am in the obese category with my BMI. I am not currently diabetic but high risk.

    The set menu is my way of helping me to stick to it in food prep, I get decision paralysis and end up retreating with instant calorie fixes instead of proper meals. That is partly to do with the depression I live with, and being just the dog and I means no-one to nag me to proper eating. So setting a rule ahead for what I eat in a day should bypass the decision problems.

    This plan will (I hope) discipline me to eat at regular times 3 meals a day as well as being healthy and lose weight. So hoping to kick start good habits but with enough reward to help me stay with it.

    Gone from the exciting project, clear fridge and go healthy shopping (no biscuits fell in the trolley!) enthusiasm to the uh-oh deadline day feeling. I am also kicking the booze in the same process.

    Good to have a friendly forum here to get support and encouragement. I feel as if I am on the edge of the pool looking in and reading posts on here is like hearing people in the pool saying ‘come in, the water’s ok’

  • posted by  deetia52 on New Starter (again)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi I am starting again tomorrow – first of the month always seems a good time to start. I am planning to have berries and greek yogurt and eggs and salad for breakfast and lunch but can anyone tell me if it’s ok to have kippers for tea. I love reading everyone’s posts, they really help me to get in the right frame of mind and not feel on my own.
    Dee xx

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi sandie,
    When I first got on the bike,
    I was cream crackered before I got to the gate. It was an effort getting off the settee, getting the clothes on, getting the bike out, helmet on, hi vis vest, hi vis bike clips for my fat ankles. Gloves. Then unlocking the gate, locking the back gate, pushing the bike to the front gateway. I was already hot and sweaty and would want to turn around and put it all away.
    I was shattered before I lowered the bike as I couldn’t cock my leg over the bike. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    But, I thought, I would cycle to the end of the road and back.

    I kept on building it up , further and further.
    At first I would cycle in a circle around the streets near my home so if I couldn’t cope, I didn’t have far to cycle b k home.
    I now go out and about.

    So, as you can see, I had to build it up bit by bit.
    Why don’t you do something today, have a little go and build it up.

    Love Lucia