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  • posted by SheB

    This is my 3rd week on the diet, following the diet sheet without any exception and its quite incredible. I have 9 lbs weight loss and my waist has reduced by 3 inches. So pleased. My tip would be to actually read the whole book first and as the book says do the preparation. Also bought a garmin pedometer which is great and shocked me as to how little activity I was actually doing, even though I am busy all day….learnt there is a difference.
    My challenge this week, is that the dog I have had for the last two weeks is going home and I have to motivate myself in still doing the walking. Managed 36 miles the first week and 42 miles the 2nd, got to be a help in the weight loss and of course keep the muscles good.
    My favourite recipe has to be the grilled portabello mushroom with melted mozzarella in bake beans and a dash of Worcester sauce…mmmmm

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Well done SheB ๐Ÿ™‚ I raced through the book and started the next day, quite unprepared but I winged it and am now on week 10 and in the swing of it. Likewise, I was surprised as to how few steps I took daily, even though I am active in the house. Also how long you have to walk to get 10,000 steps! Keep up the good work ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hmmmm… could you offer your services as a dog walker to friends/family/people who hate walking their dogs?

  • posted by SheB

    Hi Lucky. Thanks for replying. Week 10, I am so impressed. What has been your weight loss (Please don’t answer that if you do not want to, I understand). I live in a small village, so will have a look round to see who has a dog. Tomorrow is the first day without the dog and I have decided to see exactly how many steps I used to do before I started this Blood sugar diet. I think it will be an eye opener for me. If no dog appears for me to walk, I have decided that I will continue the routine, minus the dog, Discovering the different foods have been a real joy. The only one I have not enjoyed is the Chicken and green lentils. Not for me

  • posted by Frog

    Hi SheB
    the other thing might be to look for walking groups in your area – either the ramblers, or there maybe independent groups as well. Even if you only hook up with them monthly, you’ll get the stretch from a longer walk, and meet like minded people that enjoy walking.

    I did a 12 mile walk earlier this week, with a walking group that was new to me which I really enjoyed, and I’m about to start a Nordic Walking course too.
    The biggest increase to my daily steps is walking when I’d normally get the tube or bus – but that;s probably easier in town than in a rural setting.
    Maybe you ought to set up a dog walking business!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    You’re welcome SheB ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry I didn’t reply last night, I flaked out super early. No, of course I don’t mind, I think that’s what is making this work for so many people, complete honesty. I started at 17 stone 9 on the 11th June. I’ve lost 31.5 lbs, put a little back on whilst camping, but I’m 2.5 lbs off the 31.5 lbs again after four days back on BSD, so my week of being lax will probably be completely undone by the end of this week. That’s one of the great things about this plan. My husband started the same time weighing in at 18 stone 4 and yesterday he was 16 stone 2.5.

    Great advice there from Frog too on all counts. I think when you’ve been walking you actually miss it when you don’t go, and they say something about taking 3 weeks to make or break a habit. I assume you have some sort of fitness band or pedometer as you’re keeping track of your steps and miles, I find it’s been invaluable in making me move. I’ve also been duelling some of the ladies on the thread who have the same band as I do. I find the element of competition makes me really shift ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t like losing… only pounds and inches hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep going! Beg, steal, borrow dogs if you can, or as Frog said – make some extra cash doing it!

    Frog, my hubby said the other day that there was a group about 5 miles from me and they were doing a walking marathon and half marathon for charity, a local children’s hospice. I’m tempted. That would be an achievement. And a good way to raise cash for a really worthy cause which helped my friend’s daughter a few years ago.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I have to say SheB, with the exception of the chickpea wraps, I haven’t yet tried any of the recipes in the book nor on the forum. A lot of the things we liked to eat anyway can be adapted, or are suitable anyway once you omit the pasta/rice/potato element. It’s being away from the home that’s my downfall. Picnics, days out etc. And, obviously, camping…

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