Keep going and monitor yourself Floraellen. Its your life and your body. I bought myself a blood sugar monitor and already had a bp one. I love the comment in the book where it is said that as soon as you are diagnosed with T2 you will be thrown medication quicker than you can say CocaCola. I was- without even seeing a doctor. I disputed needing to be on Metformin so it was agreed that I could have a 3 month trial on diet and exercise.No advice given though. I took the Metformin when I found my bs was 15. I lasted a week and was so ill I came off it again. Started on the blood sugar diet and have lost weight and my bs is reducing. This even although, so far, I have not been very strict due to my husband and I both having significant birthdays in January. So we have had family meals out, a holiday in Rome and a final birthday bash this weekend. Then I will be strict. So be heartened and keep going – treating your body the way you want it to be treated not how someone else dictates. You will be able to tell your doctor that you don’t need medication once you are stabilised – and you will make that happen.

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Hi Bexicle
People usually just add carbs for the children. Good luck!
Penny -
Hi GettingSerious
I have just started the diet today. I am using a Nutriblend to make my own shakes, and a book called The 5:2 Diet Low Carb Nutribullet Recipe Book by Susan Fotherington.
It’s available on Amazon. I’ve got it on kindle. It was about £3 I think.
Really recommend both!
Penny -
Bad start! Got unexpectedly invited for aperatifs this evening, so had a few drinks. However, stuck to the dinner I had planned of baked cod, green beans and lentils. Only had a greek yoghurt for breakfast and no lunch. I’m hoping this diet will work for me. My main problem has always been that I don’t eat enough (so why am I so overweight!?!?) I was always told off at WW for not eating enough. So I think having breakfast and then a higher cal dinner should work for me. I’m now in the mind set that if I have a bad day it’s just one day and I can start again tomorrow, rather than just give up, so back on it again tomorrow, with no alcohol!!
I was about to post a similar question re shakes. I was wondering whether I could incorporate the PhD shakes into the diet as I often don’t get time to eat during the day. I also find them handy after I’ve been for a run, I usually have them with unsweetened almond milk which is a total of 120 cals per shake.
Unfortunatly my GP left so l am in limbo finding one that l can communicate with.. The one l saw treated me like a dim wit. I thought l would monitor myself as much as possible and after a couple of weeks go back and say ‘now can we dicuss my treatment’. Like get me off all this medication cus l dont need it any longer. Gosh how l would love to say that
That’s a lot of steps Penny!
Day two I felt a bit weird and hungry but that could be because I’m not used to ever allowing myself to feel any hunger!
Good luck and hope it all settles down -
Hi everyone
I also started today. I didn’t find it hard and wasn’t tempted but I was hungry all day. I am also hypoglycaemic which made me nervous about starting and now I do feel fairly brainless but then I did do 9,500 steps on 800 calories. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day things will even out.
Good luck everyone I hope your day went well.
Penny -
Glad your first day when we’ll Bexicle….I found that peppermint tea helps when hungry…comforting and no calories!
First day today…had a handful of almonds cos I was struggling but in general a real good day! Was stuffed after breakfast lunch and dinner, first time in a long time, and it was all tasty!
Good luck to all of you who started today!This is the first time I have ever posted on a blog but I really believe this is a revelation for those of us who struggle to lose weight. it has always been tough for me and being type 2 for the last 4 years hasn’t changed that. But 4 days on this diet and I’ve lost 5lbs….ok some may be water but who cares …’s working.
Day one was a bit tough (I love food!) but since then, no problems. Have made sure I take food to work (boiled egg) and truly have not been tempted. In fact walked past a full tin of chocs today without wanting one.
Stick it out folks, we have nothing to lose but our weight! -
The courgetti is great isn’t it? I had been wanting a spiralizer for ages and this has been the perfect excuse to get one and actually use it lol.
I recommended this diet to a friend who is concerned that rapid weight loss will cause skin sagging , wouldnt his be the case ?Thanks
posted by kampernaut on Anyone tried this whilst taking allopurinol for gout?
on 1 Feb 2016 at 19:55 in Welcome to the BSDAbout a year ago I tried the 5:2 diet. I found it easy to do but it triggered gout. I’m now taking allopurinol and haven’t had an attack for a long time. I really like the idea of this 8-week plan, but I’m worried about the prospect of it triggering gout again.
I plan to discuss this with my GP, but has anyone here tried this whilst being on allopurinol?
I had just logged on to ask the same question. I have the Hartley’s ten cal pots and they are 1.8g of carbs each with all the carbs from sugar so not sure if they are permitted.
Crushed raspberries and a few raisins are containing my sweet urges. Although the raspberries aren’t really sweet. They are in fact a little sour, but they do help.
You have done so well with 7lb in one week. That’s amazing.
I have no idea about sugar free jelly. I’m not a jelly eater so have never even heard of it, but wouldn’t it contain some other type of sweetener instead of sugar?
Bought the book last week and most of it makes sense. Bought a spiraliser and tried the courgetti bolognaise , excellent if I say so myself and so did the rest of the family. Looking forward to trying new things, losing weight and hopefully get the blood sugar levels down.
Hi Kel, I just know that I am feeling more awake, less lethargic and lighter since not eating all those processed carbs.
Call me daft, but also think about how we got certain foods. We didn’t even know about the potato in the UK until the 1500s. Pasta I hadn’t even heard of until the 1960s. Rice I’m not sure about but it certainly wasn’t native to this country – Maybe the 10th century when the Romans invaded. I honestly fail to see how anything that we would never have had if we hadn’t been introduced to it from another part of the world can be bad for us if we don’t eat it.
Here in the UK we are hereditary farmers and before the world was opened up to us we lived off only what we could grow in this country and the animals that were native to us. That didn’t include potatoes or rice, and we certainly never invented pasta.
The only reason we don’t eat bread on this diet is because it’s been messed about with in the processing of it. If those breads that are called whole wheat really were the whole wheat grain ground and used directly then we could eat it.
I am eating one or two ryvita a day if I feel so inclined because I’m hoping I am right and that they are made from the whole grain only with no mucking about or additions. (please correct me someone if you think I shouldn’t even be eating those either.)
Well, I’m thinking it hasn’t been healthy eating lots of carbs, so far, as it’s got me diabetes. When first told (5′ 8″ and 12st) I was “pre-diabetic” I was given the usual diet sheet with a third of the plate carbs etc. I asked how this was going to help as that’s what I’ve been doing for my entire adult life. Since then I’ve gone to “diabetic, and lately to “need meds” via the “healthy” NHS diet advice, as predicted. I was told it can only get worse, all I can do is slow the decline. There has to be another way!
There are lots of other low carb theorists out there. Lots to read. Like Dr. Bernstein who has decades of experience of diabetes as a T1 diabetic himself, and as a doctor. He has written several books on the subject. Plenty of people on forums are living the low carb life. Check them all out. This book, after the “needs meds” diagnosis, finally spurred me to make the change.
So far I’m loving the diet. Chucking in some chick peas, kidney beans, etc., as bit of a carb, just leaving out the concentrated stuff like bread, rice, potatoes, cereal, etc. Can eating tons of veg be wrong? More energy, hunger disappeared (I was always hungry every 2 hours on carbs, now go from a late breakfast to an early evening dinner, and then through the night, no problem), fasting blood sugar normal, massively better spirits too. -
posted by Zandranna on Wow – two weeks in and what a difference!!
on 1 Feb 2016 at 19:00 in Fast 800Wonderful Kankan. I am so pleased for you. I love myfitnesspal. For me it’s been a great help also.
Wahoo! Floraellen. Tickled for your success. Please do keep monitoring your blood pressure as well as your sugars. My blood pressure went down first! Wouldn’t want you to faint!
I think with careful monitoring, this old foggey will show ’em. And, it looks like you will too! How wonderful!
My blood sugars finally came down to a nice normal (below 100) the beginning of the 4th week. 83 this morning (US measurements).
Is there a way to change to another physician? I really believe monitoring is key on both sides for many of us. -
Too late now if l am too old. Have been on a nearly bsd for a week now. Haven’t got all the ingredients yet. Even so l have lost 8 lbs which l am absolutely thrilled with. My fasting blood sugar remains at 9 mmol and it will be good to see that down. Never have been good at taking lots of fluid so find this a bit hard but it is getting better. This forum has helped no end and if l feel a bit low or hungry l just read all the goals you have all achieved at l can carry on. Thanks again everyone.
Well done, it is great to get something that works. Hard sticking to it but I think the strictness helps.
posted by kankan888 on Wow – two weeks in and what a difference!!
on 1 Feb 2016 at 17:59 in Fast 800Two weeks ago I started on the blood sugar diet, given I know that if I didn’t make some changes, I was walking into diabetes for sure. My dad has diabetes, has had a heart attack and just been diagnosed with cancer, and I had gestational diabetes with my daughter (who is now 8). Being 22kg overweight (according to a BMI calculator – not 100% accurate but a good start), and having tried every diet going over the last 8 years to try and lose my baby weight, I knew I needed to take some drastic action.
I decided that a quick fix wasn’t the answer, and wanted something based on logic as well as scientific evidence so that I could really believe in it. I came across information about the blood sugar diet in the Daily Mail and just knew it was what I was looking for. Having got the book immediately, I ordered a blood sugar monitor and started the next day.
Since starting two weeks ago, I have lost 3.4kg and an inch from my waist, but that pales into insignificance compared to how I feel. I have loads more energy, I am trying new (very simple but tasty) recipes which I can give to my husband and children (with a few more calories), people have noticed that I look happier, my shape is starting to change (thanks to at least 5 exercise classes a week), and I am so motivated because it feels almost effortless, and the obvious thing to do.
I’m logging everything on MyFitnessPal which has re-educated me with portion sizes, and this has become a nightly habit to put in my meals for the next day, so I am planning ahead rather than just eating what I can find.
I can’t thank Michael enough for the simple concept, sound scientific evidence and family friendly meals that have revolutionised my life and health (although I’ve still got a way to go.
Hi all,
Interesting stuff, I lost weight since my diagnosis of type 2, approx 30 lbs, My hba1c has gone from 106 to 48 in 10 weeks, I have been allocated a dietician, you can guess what she thinks of low carb, she advises either bread, pasta, rice or potatoes with each meal, portion size equal to the size of my own closed fist. she has told me to ignore the advice in this book or I will be ill in the long term, btw doctor tell me I doing great and is happy with my progress. My question is, is it safe to exclude, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes?? would love to hear other forum member opinion.
Thanks, Kel. -
Hope everyone’s first day going well. I’ve only had 500 calories so far but lots of water in between & feeling quite full! Heading home for a healthy 200 – 300 calorie dinner. Let’s do this, folks. Good luck.
Hi guys
Well just finished week 1 and lost 7lbs! Very pleased! However although I am getting on well I still miss a pudding (tut, tut). How do we stand with sugar free jelly? I have avoided anything sweet so far, except a few crushed raspberries in yogurt but really feel like adding something in that will not ruin all my hard work?
Ideas please!!
You will be fine! I thought the same but actually I just leave out the pots, rice etc from mine. I have also introduced them to the ideas as well, that way not only are they all backing me but we are ALL eating better! Just starting week 2 and lost 7lbs in the first week. My kids are also sleeping better which I’m sure is down to the change of eating.
Good luck – ban cadburys from the house, that’s what I did!
I must say I haven’t found this diet expensive, shopping at Aldis for cheap veg , fruit, salad, low fat plain yoghurt, tuna, sardines, cottage cheese,eggs, and nuts, hummus etc it’s cost me less than my normal diet , now not buying bread, snacks , cereals etc not eating a lot of meat as tinned fish, feta, hummus, eggs , chickpeas are a good source of cheap protein. Good luck folks x
Hi, I started the diet 2 weeks ago, bs was 8.3 on starting, after week one 7.9, week two 5.9. However this morning it was back to 7.3. Is this normal. I have lost 10 lbs in the two weeks and notice my midriff is going down. I have nodules in my thyroid which my GP (who is fully behind me) says it may cause a problem with weight loss. Not on any medication. Metformin makes me ill.
Any advice would be appreciated and yes I am sticking to the diet. -
Hello Cat, thanks for your reply. Yes, just eating the jumbo cheapo oats, nothing processed. 40g with 100ml milk and some water. Like it with mixed berries and a tsp of sugar but all calories counted : )
Wondering if it is a cortisol or insulin issue here as I should really be losing weight I think, even on 1,000 calories. Will get tested on Wednesday.
You have lost 5lbs in a week – well done, so encouraging!
posted by GettingSerious on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
on 1 Feb 2016 at 15:41 in Fast 800Thanks to all for the help. So, I’ve started today as planned, after doing some last minute shopping and analysis yesterday.
This is what I’ve found (I don’t like buying health stuff online, I’d rather go in main street shops for these things):
Optifast is simply not available without enrolling in a clinic, but from their site and others I figured out they contain approximately 20g of sugar (short for: carbs of which sugar, so there can be more carbs of the good kinds) for 100g.
Optislim doesn’t seem to be available in UK pharmacies or health and fitness stores.
Elle Belle, couldn’t find it anywhere, but I’d probably not use them due to too much carbs (of which the sugar is unknown), and also 500 kcal per serve is too much — I’d rather have 3* 200, or 2* 300 kcal portions to reach the 600 in 2 or 3 “meals”.
Herbalife, couldn’t find it anywhere either, seems interesting: so little calories (so, more portions), but 9g of carbs per 130 kcal means 41g of carbs for 600 kcal — it’ll depend on how much of that is “bad” (quick) sugar rather slow-intake sugars.
Exante shakes, also couldn’t find them anywhere.In a pharmacy I found this (in all cases, grams of sugar (“carbs of which sugar”) per 100g):
AYMES: 38/100; Slimfast (who conveniently are the only ones to describe portions in ml rather than g, but with some simple maths I worked it out anyway): an incredible 50/100; Boots Slender: 33, 34, 35 depending on flavour; Conplan: 34, 33, 27 depending on flavour; Sculptress: 20, 21 depending on flavour; Celebrity: 30, 45 depending on flavour; Almaseed: 30. Many of these also had very low amounts of protein (which I understand I should be taking to preserve lean muscle mass).Eventually I settled for 2 products:
from Boots: Sanatogen High Protein, with impressive 5.8g of carbs (0.4 sugar) and 81g of protein for 100g of product, and
from H&B: USN Diet Fuel Ultralean Nutrition shake, similar composition, 55g portions to 200-300ml of water for 200kcal (so I can have 3 a day) and which specifically is described for weight loss and lean muscle preservation, not performance or sport, etc.I hope I’m doing it right, I’ll keep researching and of course I’ll make sure to also drink lots of water and have my daily 200 kcal of vegetables as per the recipes in the book, for the fibre and the general gut mobility, etc.
I’m pretty sure in three weeks maximum I’ll be trying to do it all with real food though, for more taste and satisfaction.I was triggered into action initially by “That Sugar Film” (whatch it, it’s an eye-opener in many ways), then by articles by and about Dr. Mosley on newspapers.
Chinta, you might find watercress and small amounts of parsley work instead of spinach. Kale might be good too, though it’s much tougher. I hate spinach too, but find that a tiny sprinkling of grated cheese helps as long as it’s all mixed with other things like herbs and eggs. Actually, in spiced food you don’t notice spinach much either.
Jazza, I know just what you mean about denial! -
Wow, you are doing well gateofheaven and happysheryl! What a great start. I’ve just finished one week but have been using a mix of diets while doing huge amounts of reading into the background research, both for Michael’s diets and also a couple of the higher fat low carb ones in the US: Dr Michael Eades (protein and Dr David Ludwig (“Always Hungry?”). I really recommend both these authors for clarifying issues surrounding fat and cholesterol myths, something Micael M also does in his books too. I started on David Ludwig’s diet, but as I have a blood sugar issue and slightly high cholesterol I thought I’d switch to Michael’s diet as giving quicker returns, especially after reading that speed is not dangerous as previously thought. I followed some of MM’s research references to some very technical stuff. Though I am no biochemist and struggled a bit, I returned to Michael’s explanations with a new understanding of the research background. So now on my fuller eating days I won’t be worried about fats and oils and know they’ll help me stay off the carbs. I have lost 3.5 lbs on the other diet but am now on my first fast day, which regime I hope will help my liver and pancreas etc.
5ft 1. 11st 2… Nearing fourty. Fuzzy headed, no energy, grumpy and totally addicted to carbs. Family history of diabetes. Not very good at sticking to a diet but 56 days sounds like a reachable goal. Craving cadburys and potatoes already. The hardest thing for me will be feeding my husband and sons.
Hi ArranGranny – It seems to be quite common for the liver to continue pumping out excess sugar overnight, even though you are having fewer sugar spikes the rest of the time due to the lower carb/low calorie diet.
This probably because it can take time for the insulin resistance to settle and to get rid of the fat stored in the liver. Once these get back to their normal function, the fasting blood sugars should improve. So sometimes people find their HbA1C has improved (a measure of your average blood glucose over a period of time) but their morning fasting blood sugar is still a bit raised. Don’t worry, stick with it as it sounds as if all is heading in the right direction and you are doing well!
Hi – same postion as you, Laska – not diabetic and not obese. In my case I definitley need to lose couple of stone though. I did the test in Michael’s book and came out as a raging carb addict .
I found last week easier than I thought apart from one day at work when I had to stand by a buffet for an hour and my resolve crumbled. I did go slightly over 800 both days at the weekend and had one glass of prosecco (so you did better than me) but still down 5 lbs at the end of the first week. Determined to be strict this week because i know i can usually start a diet with gusto but then start to get bored and make excuses for breaking the rules. The first week has really made me think about eating healthily and i am very inspired by the recipes in the book so i am really going to try and make this one work.
I’ve noticed this as well, no Idea why though sorry
posted by Vetgirl on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 1 Feb 2016 at 11:54 in Fast 800I’m sleeping better than ever luckily, over sleeping if I’m honest but as I’m recovering from an op and usually work 15-18 days I’m making the most of the down time. I had no idea sleep affected weightloss though so it’s something I’ll remind myself of when I’m back at work and working silly hours on call with little sleep. Certainly makes sense to me. Thanks for taking the time to lt me know about this 😀 Weightloss has stared again now although slowly but least it’s going in the right direction.
posted by paddy57 on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 1 Feb 2016 at 11:53 in Fast 800Hi do you think the reduction in weight loss could be due to extra muscle mass from exercise? I know I’ve increased the amount of exercise I do. Anyone have a way to measure % muscle v fat?
posted by Vetgirl on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 1 Feb 2016 at 11:51 in Fast 800Hi, nice to meet you and thanks for your advice. I cut out diary ( which is my only guilty pleasure for a couple of days) and hey presto weightloss is back on the move ( yay). Without th weightloss my BSG has come down to under 5.5 though so maybe my body was busy doing that and couldn’t multi task lol
Keep up the amazing work and look forward to seeing you alongside at the finishing line!
posted by Vetgirl on Feedback Day 13 BSG Result but weight loss stalled any ideas?
on 1 Feb 2016 at 11:46 in Fast 800Will do many thanks for the tips 😀
Big well done on your results!
Re the weightloss I lost 9lb in the first few days then nothing all through week 2 until yesterday when it’s started again ( I hope it’s going to be the same for you). Stick with it as its worth it although I can’t say I haven’t wanted to break it a couple of times. My craving is for wholemeal bread ( hilarious as I don’t even like wholemeal bread really). Staring week 3 today, let me know how you go ( I found week 2 the hardest especially with no weightloss but lowering BSG levels kept me going!
Vet girl -
Hi everyone, I’m amazed just how many people have just read the book. Me too, just randomly picked it up in WH Smiths while in the queue . Did a test this morning and got a bit of a wake up call so I’m well and truly going to do something about it instead of just looking in the mirror in shame and horror and then pigging out the same evening. Used to be very health conscious but life events have been difficult and I have clearly turned into an emotional eater. Not to mention enjoying a glass of red wine or two. Good luck to everyone. This is the first forum I’ ve joined on line so hope to get the hang of it soon
All the best. Jazza
Hi just thought I’d post my experiences of week 1.
Background – Been type 2 for over 15 years & followed the usual route, diet, meds, insulin (Lantus + rapide) with associated weight gain etc.
After xmas found myself at my highest ever bmi 31.9 so on 13/1/16 started a diet before discovering the 800 cals a day one.
So on 25/1/16 I started the 800 calls a day & my bmi was 31.2.
I lost 11.2 lbs BMI 29.8 & on day 2 found I could drop insulin to 0 & stopped metformin – But Day 5 blood sugar started rising again so I’m back on metformin and extremely reduced insulin (rapide after meals not lantus)
What have I found? Apart for the craving for white bread (croissants) and booze I’m ok, with exercise my calorie deficit is around 2.2k/day.
I have had to reduce to 2 meals a day & noticed my calcium was down so I now take calcium additives.Also I’d lost 11.2lbs by day 5 but now have hit a wall and have been the same weight for 3 days
Going to stick with it and see if the weight drop restarts. Good luck with your diets.
I’m another one starting today, along with my husband! I am 5ft 2 and probably 5ft 2 round as well 🙂 I once was underweight (a looooong time ago) and have rather over-successfully sorted that out! I am now 50 and want to live to see my grandchildren grow up. I need to lose around 4 stone to get back into a healthy weight range. I am using this to kick start my weight loss and for health reasons – I had gestational diabetes 14 years ago and as a needlephobic, doing the pin prick tests several times a day was traumatic. I don’t want to go back there.
Awesome so many of us are starting on the first day. Hope to catch up with you all soon.
My fasting blood sugar is reducing in the morning. A couple of times I’ve taken it again before eating breakfast and it is higher. Why is this and is there any way to prevent this?Should it be prevented? I’ve wondered about eating a few nuts on waking in case its my body pushing out glucose due to fasting/ low energy although my blood glucose is in the low 6 range.
posted by JackieMac on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
on 1 Feb 2016 at 10:38 in Welcome to the BSDWell done Rosy for taking the first step! For various reasons I have not done any added exercise – probably walk a mile or two a day max just doing shopping, housework etc, week 3 just finished and I have lost 1 stone so if you stick to it, it will work even without huge amounts of exercise. Do what you can though as exercise is important for other reasons – once you get the weight off it will hopefully make it easier, that’s my wish! Good luck and keep checking the forum as it looks like lots of helpful ad ice, tips and recipes!
I think if you have a lot to lose then you can stay on it, I’m sure this is stated in the book somewhere. As others have suggested 5:2 or 1:6 sound like great ideas! Stick with it great achievement. I am so happy as today after 3 weeks I am 1 stone lighter. This is the easiest eating plan I have tried and I find it easy to stick to it too. Good luck!
jmjski, I’m like you and like to think I’m having a tipple of something a bit more exciting at the weekend. Diet Coke hasn’t affected my blood sugars at all.