Has anyone tried or made “cloud bread”? Saw a news article on it so thought I’d give it a go. There are recipe variations out there but the basic one is eggs, cream cheese, cream of tartar and a bit of sweetener (if wanted).
I used 50% less fat cream cheese to keep the calories down and by my reckoning, it’s very low carb.
I hope I’ve worked everything out right coz I was pleasantly surprised by the results!

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Hi all, heard Michael Mosley on Radio 2 and bought his book on Kindle. Reading it at the moment, plan to start Monday. Going for a very sweet afternoon tea tomorrow with my family as part of my Christmas present from my son! He gets married in August, just one of many insentives.
Hi viennasue – you’ve made a fantastic start. Are you doing the BSD fast 800?
I am 5 days into the Blood Sugar Diet and an so pleased 2 inches gone from my waist!!! already not sure about the wieght I am waiting for new scales, the old ones are donkeys years old and not accurate so I havent bothered weighing yet.
I must say by the end of day two I suddenly felt different ,as though I’d dropped 20 years and still feel good….long may it last.
Good luck with it everybody. -
Hi – I have been on the BSD for a couple of weeks, and have done pretty well – lost 8 kgs so far. But……I am increasingly not wanting to eat meat of any kind – and am wondering what sort of adaptions I can make to ensure that I am getting enough protein. I dont like to eat much cheese…….and I do get bored of legumes/pulses. Can anyone suggest how I continue without meat? Is there a vegetarian page ?
posted by Joe on Hello and a question about porridge oats
on 6 Feb 2016 at 11:58 in Welcome to the BSDYes you can eat porridge
From the FAQ
Which foods should I avoid?
You should avoid refined carbs ie anything white or rich in sugar. It also means avoiding starchy foods such as pasta, white rice, breakfast cereals (other than plain unprocessed porridge) bread and potatoes, as well as the more obvious things like donuts!Joe
Thank you for that, I’ll will have a look at Red yeast rice capsules, I am taking quite a few supplements. I’m not diabetic but think it’s good for all to cut out sugar, at least for a while.
Many thanks -
Hi Wobbly
I too have tried every diet in the past but this does work if you do it properly. It’s all down to planning really. There are lots of people on here who are in the same position as you and lots who were worried about how they’d would manage ….but they have.
Best of luck to you I’m sure you will do well! -
Hi Nettyrim
I suppose the headaches are from clearing stuff out. Apparently the answer is to drink even more!
Good luck.
Penny -
Hi Meggy
Michael recommends weighing often. Even every day. At least you d get less nervous after a while! But apparently people do better weighing often- not what we ve been told on the past.
Good luck.
Penny -
posted by Loubar on Hello and a question about porridge oats
on 6 Feb 2016 at 11:12 in Welcome to the BSDHi I am going to start this diet in March when I know I will have some clear space without much on.
Does anyone know whether once I am on 800 cals a day I could have porridge for breakfast? They are proper oats not the instant type and it is a low calorie breakfast as I make it with water. I find this one of the breakfasts that keeps me fuller for longer. But I have noticed in the book that it is not one of the options and I haven’t found anyone mentioning it online? -
I have been using PhD diet whey. 1 serving provides – 91cals, 1.2g sugar, 1.25g fat. 17g protein. This is for 25g scoop with 175mls water. You get different flavours and they are nice and thick. I also add a teaspoon of ground flax seeds . I find they are quiet tasty and good for protein. Keeps the calories low as well as a lot of the other MR as high in calories ..
Totally inspired by your recent talk at Food Fight. Bought the book and starting today. Had fasting blood sugars done last week at GPs request and been to scared to ring for results. Now feel equipped to deal with the results as know I can do something about it. High blood pressure, high cholesterol , and now probably high sugars was not looking good!
Hi this is day 6 and I am finding it okay. I am not a big eater. My challenge was eat healthy and avoid sugary snacks and I am managing fine. I work shifts so it complicates it for me a bit, but I have used my protein shakes as an emergency if I run out of time. I must admit I feel better eating this way and look forward to first weigh in. Weigh-in always makes me nervous as although I know that I have been good sometimes the scales don’t represent my hard work… I am what is typically a yo yo dieter, having lost 5 and 6 stones only to put it back on very quickly. Hoping this diet helps me re evaluate my eating. Thanks for your inspiration Michael.
Day 3 of diet and got an fbg of 6 which I am pleased about. Lost 2 inches off waist and about a pound. Downsides are the headaches and going to the loo every half hour!
Starting today (gulp!), hopefully will be more relaxed than starting on a Monday, which I find is a stressful enough day as it is! I haven’t got the book yet so apologies if this has already been covered but I wanted to share a tip from Paul McKenna, which can help with weight loss – eat slowly. Try to chew every mouthful really thoroughly and try to make every meal last at least 20 minutes. It does work, trouble is it’s easy to forget to do it!
Another tip from my Weight Watchers days is to have a big glass of water before every meal as it helps fill you up.I agree with Eureka re: experimental stuff. Did anyone watch the episode of Trust Me last week with the Israeli blood sugar experiment? Apparently, BS rates are affected by the combination of bacteria in the gut and everyone is different. So a food which causes a spike in one person won’t necessarily cause one in a different person. Who knew?! You can register to have your poo analyzed, (ewww!) and they will send you your personalized list of “good” and “bad” foods, though this isn’t available to the general public yet. Interesting study, links on the bbc website.
As you may have guessed, I have tried every diet going. I don’t have a huge amount to lose, but my dad is Type 2 and I have other health issues. My motivation is high today, this being day 1, but I know I will really need support over the coming days & weeks.
posted by Steve and Ei on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 6 Feb 2016 at 09:49 in Welcome to the BSDnettyrim – I’m not surprised by that. I find nothing I bring up from my reading, or watching TV programmes, is known about by any health professionals I meet. All met with amazement, then just get steered back to NHS basics. My wife mentioned the diet to a GP who had never heard of it, or Michael Mosley, or “Trust Me I’m a Doctor”. She was impressed by the results, so far, though.
captainlynne – A, randomly allocated, GP wanted to put me on metformin when I’d only been judged “pre-diabetic”, but had to defer to the practice nurse, fortunately.
I see a diabetic nurse once a year! -
We’ve just got one too, and are loving it!
Just finished our first week and I have lost 7lbs…. I know that is a lot, but I was very bloated after Christmas so a lot if that will be fluid.
Onwards….. -
In the book it says you can store your personal data on the site.
Well done any weight loss is excellent and a stone in 6 weeks is great. I’d be happy if I can lose a stone in 6 weeks. I’m about 2.5 weeks in and have lost around 5lbs so far but I’m happy with that and feeling great.
posted by BadDieter on Wow – two weeks in and what a difference!!
on 6 Feb 2016 at 07:33 in Fast 800Putting stuff into myfitnesspal the night before is a great idea. Never thought of that and I’m terrible at doing it after!
I was really against trying courgette but my a boyfriend bought the spiralizer and I love it! Courgetti bolognaise is lovely. I had a tiny bit of cheese on mine as a treat last night after skipping lunch (busy day at work). It felt like I’d really splashed out after sticking to the diet all week.
I’m really happy to have lost a stone in 6 weeks. I realise that is not as much as the rest of you, but for me it’s amazing, I had a hic-cup in week 3 where I was on a business trip and had to eat what was provided, and the last diet I used, (weightwatchers points), I gained weight! AND it’s relatively easy to stick to – yay!
Were you asking about the Nutriblend. ?
It’s wonderful. I’m in love with it. And if you look at that book I mentioned- get the free sample on kindle- you can see the nutrients you can get would be just about impossible to reproduce in a commercial shake – so many micronutrients, some I hadn’t even heard of. I feel buzzing from them, sleeping better and more energetic.
Penny -
posted by littlest21 on Query re Zucchini and Pumpkin Seed Muffin Recipe
on 6 Feb 2016 at 00:38 in Welcome to the BSDThanks for that – glad you had more success than me 😊
I’m a bit confused though – you said you added 1.5tsp butter – do you mean EXTRA butter?
ie in addition to the 3Tbsp it says in the recipe?
I measured out exactly 3Tbsp – the mixture was so dry I thought of adding more butter but I didn’t want to mess with the integrity of the calorie count so I added the juice of another orange instead (reasoning they were only small)
It did improve a bit but not enough to rescue it unfortunately.
Might give it another go but will wait till I hear back from you re butter -
posted by Fit_My_Jeans_Again on This has to work for me
on 5 Feb 2016 at 23:29 in Welcome to the BSDSo good you’ve seen an improvement, hope it keeps getting better. Agree re: Indian food! If you don’t know about ricing cauliflower, check it out. Surprisingly satisfying from a visual point of view, I find!
posted by Fit_My_Jeans_Again on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
on 5 Feb 2016 at 23:24 in Fast 800This is interesting – not heard of that Sanatogen one, so going to investigate. I’ve bought online only, so opposite of you. Hope it’s going well!
posted by Fit_My_Jeans_Again on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
on 5 Feb 2016 at 23:22 in Fast 800I keep seeing ads for these, are they any good? They sound interesting.
posted by captainlynne on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 22:53 in Welcome to the BSDMy diabetes nurse is fully supportive of me being on this. It helped that her friend was following The Fast Diet, so she was familiar with Dr Mosley, and Prof Taylor. She’s seeing me monthly to check my progress, and in case my blood pressure meds need reducing or stopping. I’m not on diabetes meds and didn’t want to be put on them. Tomorrow I will have been on this plan for 7 weeks. I have lost 24 pounds, and a good dress size. Fasting Bg at start was 10.9, now it is normally in the 5s with the occasional 6 – working to get it lower, but happy with the improvement because I always struggled to get it under 7 previously.
The Ellebelle shakes I am using are low carb and got them from amazon, 135 kcal per portion, not particularly tasty bit okay. Not having them every day but they are an easy quick breakfast. So far so good for me, 6 days in and 6 lbs gone ☺ though not too keen on the headaches I am experiencing the last 2 days, plus been very hungry today for the first time but hoping this will get better 😊
Hi All
Thought I would share a recipie for minestrone soup but minus the pasta, really tasty and filling…
2 sticks celery
2 small or 1 large leek
1 large red pepper
1 large yellow pepper
1 courgette
1 clove Garlic or more if you like
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1 teaspoon each of thyme and basil
1 dessert spoon tomato puree
1 tablespoon of olive oil & black pepper & salt to taste
Method – chop the vegetables – gently fry the celery, leek and garlic in the oil until softened. Add peppers, courgette and herbs & cook for about 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes & tomato puree bring to the boil and simmer for approx 20 minutes and season to taste. This freezes very well and is very filling. -
posted by nettyrim on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 21:28 in Welcome to the BSDI mentioned the diet to a diabetes consultant who hadn’t heard of it. I thought that was a bit poor especially as diabetes UK are carrying out research into it. He did say he would get the book and told me to go ahead and try it.
Laska, I love the phrase ‘tummy wodge’……really made me laugh….I’ve got one too….but it’s a shrinking wodge now!
posted by Steve and Ei on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 20:12 in Welcome to the BSDFloraellen- Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Diagnosed. A course you may get sent on by your diabetic nurse/GP.
and you Aliba, I’ve not tried any different clothes yet, but my ‘tummy wodge’ (you know, that bit that you notice when you sit down ) is definately smaller!
posted by Floraellen on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 19:29 in Welcome to the BSDAs l wrote before my GP wouldn’t give me the time of day when l mentioned what l would like to try. I am having bloods done next week and then a week later seeing my diabetic nurse. I haven’t started the diet properly yet just testing the ground and getting my menus sorted out as l want to give it a real go. These last 10 days l have lost 8 lbs and fasting bg between 7and 8.
l will have to see what she has to say hopefully she will be able to support me as l really would like to get off some if not all of this medication -
posted by Floraellen on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 18:56 in Welcome to the BSDSorry for my ignorance but can someone tell me what rhe DESMOND course is.
posted by Steve and Ei on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 18:45 in Welcome to the BSDYes, DESMOND was one of the most depressing days of my life, so far. Our host finished with – ” Diabetes is like pregnancy, you can’t be a little bit diabetic. It’s incurable, you can only get worse, but if you follow our diet, and take your medication, you can slow the decline. First you will cope with diet, then you will require medication, and finally insulin. This is the only way to avoid complications.”
I resolved then to take other action if that proved to be the case. -
I use something called Red yeast rice capsules & my cholesterol has reduced
I have lost weight also & become generally fitter – rather than going for the ‘reduced fat ‘
option reduce your portion size and increase salads & vegetables .
There are lots of food that lower cholesterol , walnuts are very good as is hibiscus tea .
Good luck 🙂 -
posted by Reversed t2d on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 18:32 in Welcome to the BSDI attended the DESMOND course & found it totally useless regarding self help
and diet & in a room of 15 people I was the only person
not on medication !
My GP was very insistent that medication was a must in my case but I declined -I attended the DESMOND course thinking it would be more encouraging about changing eating habits & lifestyle
Little or no advice on healthy diet & reversing diabetes was mentioned & attitude to it dismissive ” medication was the only way forward ” seemed to be the opinion!
I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes in June & had reversed it by August by changing my diet and losing 22 lbs.
I have lost further weight & continue to eat & fast and feel much healthier .
Incidentally I just heard of Michael Mosely after I reversed t2d but I can assure you ,exercise change of lifestyle& fasting combined DOES REVERSE TYPE 2DIABETES . -
I’ve forgotten to take lunch a couple of times but managed to get boiled eggs and spinach from Pret and hummus and carrot sticks are always available in M and S or any supermarket
Brilliant Laska….well done!
I’m a week in and lost 7lbs…..just tried on two dresses that wouldn’t fit and they look great! -
posted by Aliba on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 17:59 in Welcome to the BSDWell nothing recommended worked for me until I started this. The NHS is using our money to pay for our care and I’ve cost them ( and therefore everyone else) a fortune in drugs and appointments since diagnosis so could save them a fortune now and in the future if I finally take care of my own health.
Unfortunately it takes a while for the powers that be to catch up….not their fault but they need tons of research etc.
Luckily we don’t.
I’ve felt really ropey, particularly this past year and truly have never felt so well since starting this eating plan. Given the vile complications of diabetes I’m happy to risk it for a biscuit😇.I don’t even crave them anymore,
So it’s a win for me and a win for the NHS. -
Hi, I have high cholesterol so I’m trying hard to get it down with this diet as I need to loose weight and it looks as if I have the start of angina which I’m gutted about as only 58. I’m not sure whether I should be having low fat or no fat products to lower it. Some advice would be helpful please.
Many thanks -
Thought I’d start a WI thread , so we can see how we are doing.
(My ‘official’ WI is Fridays ) ,I have been doing the BSD a week and a half and have lost 8.5 lbs .. so thrilled!
I had Pizza Express leggera superfood salad with chicken , when I went out last week,
It was yummy and myfitness pal puts it as 385 calories -
posted by Bill1954 on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
on 5 Feb 2016 at 16:50 in Welcome to the BSDSteve and Ei
I went to see the nurse last week and told her I was starting this. She said she hoped it would work and told me to watch the blood sugar and, if my levels were getting constantly low, to reduce my medication.
It just goes to show how opinions can differ. I suppose I’m lucky as my surgery has a doctor and a nurse who are experienced in diabetic care. I was offfered DESMOND but declined. -
Hi Karen
If you use My Fitness Pal we have a group there called BloodSugarDiet which is very supportive too.
Hope yr doing ok.
Penny -
Hi Casey
Welcome to the forum. You sound a bit like a lot of us! Hope it’s going ok.
See my post to Bordercol re shakes you can make yourself which are fantastically nutritious.
Penny -
Hi Debs
That sounds amazing and not diety! Can’t have dairy but will find substitute.