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  • posted by  Louise on Greetings
    on in Welcome to the BSD


    Good luck with this, it seems like such a good plan.

    I’m the same as Mandypad, not diabetic (as far as know) but large waist size and inability to lose weight on low fat diets after 20 years of faffing around on them.

  • posted by  Louise on Starting Today!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I read the book over a week ago and have been gearing up to start today.

    Not a great start this morning unfortunately. I went to bed early so I’d be well rested (I eat more when I’m tired), but ended up being awake from 3am stressing about work…then I broke my blood sugar kit! So I don’t know what my starting point is.

    But I’m starting today regardless. So have just had breakfast of a plain greek yoghurt. I have another one for lunch – inspiring I know! Planning on eggs, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms for dinner, and a few cups of tea.

    More adventurous recipes to come! Good luck to anyone else starting this week ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Hedds on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Hello Arran,
    I am using my fitness pal for food tracking and I have ordered a jawbone sleep and activity tracker. I can’t do much exercise at the moment as have an existing condition which is making it difficult. But hope to slowly introduce the workout Michael suggested in the book.

  • posted by  Hedds on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Call it coincidence or fate, I had read the book cover to cover on Saturday morning already thinking if I am not already diabetic I am pre diabetic. I then recieved the post and among the usual junk mail was a letter from my GP asking me to go for a fasting blood test. I had had blood taken for other things but they had tested my blood sugar and it was a little high.
    Straight down to boots I went and bought a blood sugar monitor to check my self. This morning I had a fasting blood result of 7.2 not good. Luckily I had spent a great deal of yesterday ordering my shopping and also going to my local Holland and Barrett to buy what I needed to start the eight week challenge today.
    I am currently sitting writing with a bowl of natural yoghurt and strawberries with a tea spoon of flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seed mix sprinkled on top. Can’t say I love the yoghurt but I will learn to like it as my mother would say.
    I am a large lady with probably 90lbs to loose, so not only hoping for a reduction in my levels but also in weight.
    I have a doctors appointment on Friday, but I wanted to get started straight away.
    Good luck everyone

  • posted by  Donnadoobie on Rising fasting levels
    on in Fast 800

    I have been following this programme for a week now. I am prediabetic . The first three days saw my fasting levels drop from 6.8. 5.8 and 5.7 but from day 4 they have been rising again with two days at 6.0 then two days at 6.2 and today on day 8 it is 6.6. Is this normal? And if so when will they stat to drop again.

  • posted by  Lucretia on Measurements
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi. I bought the book yesterday and noticed it says I am able to log my measurements (waist, weight etc) on this site. I can’t find where I do this. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

  • posted by  Citykittie78 on Fast 800 Vegan
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Arran,

    I have plenty of recipes but using the recipes in the8* week Blood Sugar Diet book they don’t specify weights of protein in the recipes, so I’m not sure what I’m substituting for… ie: 1 chicken breast – this can be from 100g – 300g depending on supplier

  • We eat Lite and Easy meals a few times a week. The calorie value of these is around 350 to 500 per meal. If I have a shake (200ml milk, blueberries, whey protein scoop and a banana etc blended) about 350 – 400 calories in the morning and then only a L&E meal later that day/night how do you think that will work. It will total around 800 calories for the day. Is it better to go onto the Mediterranean foods or will L&E suffice. They are quick and easy.

  • posted by  Arran Granny on Overweight cyclist.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Cheese? We met a 70 year old man who was a very keen cyclist and his advice was just carry cheese and apples as they give you enough nutrition for cycling and take up little space. He would cycle all day and have a meal in the evening. Cheese gives the calorific value without the carbs.

  • posted by  Arran Granny on Fast 800 Vegan
    on in Fast 800

    There are some really good Vegan cookbooks an Amazon – some free for Kindle. I suppose all you can do is work out the calorific value of your protein which will be on any packaging.

  • posted by  NewDieter on Recipe error in book
    on in Fast 800

    Just wanted to flag up an issue I think I’ve spotted with one of the recipes in the book – the apple wedges with homemade almond butter. The recipe uses 300g of almonds and says it makes 4 portions, but says that the calories (with apple and seeds) is 110.

    300g of almonds contains 1776 calories according to the packs I bought today, which tallies with calorie counts on my fitness pal. Just wanted to flag it up as if you used this recipe you’d end up eating >500 calories in one go.

  • posted by  Cazzowary on is milk ok?
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you! I’m sure you’ll make excellent progress too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck with the plan- I found a cup of hot milky tea helped keep the hunger pangs at bay in the first few days (ps the hunger pangs mostly go away after the first couple of days- I guess that must be when the burning fat kicks in!)

  • posted by  Swan on is milk ok?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Cazzowary,
    Thanks for the response.
    Fabulous weight loss, congratulations!
    and great to hear you are managing without giving up milk in tea.
    I am on day one today and have counted milk but glad to hear it won’t affect losses if counted.

  • posted by  Cazzowary on is milk ok?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Swan

    In the FAQs on this site it says:

    “You can drink anything that has no calories/low calories. This includes coffee and tea. Adding milk is fine as it is rich in protein and relatively low in carbohydrates. But it also contains calories.”

    The book says to use just a splash of milk so maybe there’s been a bit of a mind-change. In any case I’m drinking milk in my tea (about 150 ml a day) and counting the calories as part of the 800. So far I’ve lost 4.2 kilos in 14 days so will keep doing so unless the weight-loss stalls.

  • posted by  Mandypad on Greetings
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am not diabetic but have a waist measurement of 45inches. Other diets just aren’t workink mainly because soon after eating a large low fat meal I am hungry.

  • posted by  Mandypad on Replacing potatoes
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It occurred to me that some of my every day recipes such as fish stew will fit into the m diet by substituting barley and butter beans for potatoes. Worked well tonight

  • posted by  Kasnowy on Meal replacement shakes
    on in Fast 800

    In the book, it was recommended as an option to start on meal replacement shakes and then to move onto real food. What shakes are recommended that have the required nutrients?

  • posted by  dawnmc on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    If you can’t get out I can recommend Leslie Sansome or Jessica smith walks. Jess smith is on you tube for free.

  • posted by  Scottie_72 on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    I’m going to make an effort tomorrow and go for a brisk walk 20 mins possibly 30mins – surely its got to be better than nothing! x

  • posted by  Scottie_72 on Swapping Ingredients?
    on in Fast 800

    That makes sense… I think that i’m going to start of with the meal replacement shakes for a couple of weeks (hopefully!) and then take it from there… Wish me luck day one tomorrow x

  • posted by  Swan on is milk ok?
    on in Fast 800

    Is it okay to use milk in tea if I count the calories?

  • posted by  Eureka on Stay healthy
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Good question Steve and Ei. Also want to know if & when to stop medication if your GP not on board with you?
    Should HbA1c tests be done to keep an eye on things. And very importantly too is will you still be considered type 2 diabetic ( diet controlled) by the insurance companies?

    Be grateful for your help & advice please Michael

  • posted by  Eureka on Holiday advice please
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Hi captainlynne you are holidaying with FRIENDS in their homes. Tell them what you are doing & why. They can look at the web site too. Offer to cook them some meals , as your repertoire expands it will be fine. Go food shopping with them or for them. Bulk up on lots of veg.
    I went to Hawaii & it was poi & spam! Rice & potatoes was their idea of 2 veg on a plate. A whole cob lettuce sprinkled with cheese was considered a salad. I was very surprised & disappointed.
    The USA has a huge problem with diabetes & portions. They may be very grateful & impressed with your efforts to change your life. It could rub off – go girl & enjoy

  • posted by  Natalie on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    I would love to get a cross trainer, but after the treadmill I wanted gathered dust for ten years before we finally got rid of it, I don’t think my husband would allow it!

  • posted by  Steve and Ei on Stay healthy
    on in BSD Way of Life

    My only problem with the diet, and ongoing maintenance, is knowing when I have finished the 8 week cure part. How do I know if I am “fixed”, i.e reversed out of T2 diabetes, or just getting low BG readings because I am avoiding carbs. I suppose a home-made glucose intolerance test at some point?

  • posted by  lisspill on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I am really excited – 7 days in to this challenge and I have already lost 5 kilos- drinking more water has been a challenge. I am trying to make the 8 weeks easier by counting down days instead eg. Day 56 – day 55 etc.. This has helped with my head knowing that there will be an end – by this time I am hoping I have formed a habit and will continue to clean eat and revert to 5:2. At this time I am happy to keep lunch simple and the same for a couple of weeks as I have already got results. I am also trying to remind myself that food is a source of energy and I should not depend on it as a source if happiness. I am so grateful for this challenge and the support of science – thanks Michael. P.S. I have had one indulgent day so far but I have been kind to myself – all is forgiven and I have moved on ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Loobylou on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I vaguely remember watching the piece on smoothies. I think the problem with lots of commercially available smoothies is that they contains fruits that are really high in sugar but they are promoted as being healthy. Have you noticed that innocent have started putting veg in their smoothies?

  • posted by  Loobylou on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I don’t think the recepies or the menu in the book are that exotic for a Mediterranean style low carb diet. The lamb in the aubergine dish is minced you could maybe change it into a lasagne style dish using the aubergine like lasagne sheets?

    I still have milk I think the broblem with skimmed or semi skimmed milk when you are on a low sugar diet is that lactose the sugar found in milk is actually higher in low fat versions.

    I don’t think Michael intended us to follow the meal plan slavishly its just a suggestion for me it includes some of my favourite foods. Its completely understandable that people would want to adapt it to suit themselves just as long as we stick to the principles it should work.

    I don’t think I will be buying coconut water either but its essentially the liguid in the middle of a coconut its quite nutrient dense.

  • posted by  southern on grain portions
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, what are the recommended portion sizes for the permitted grains (rye,oats,quinoa)?

  • posted by  Natalie on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Eureka you mention skimmed/semi-skimmed milk but I’m pretty sure Michael promotes full fat dairy. And a splash in your tea/coffee isn’t many calories.

    Like many things “low fat” milk is more processed – they try to give the creamy texture that taking the cream out loses, by adding other stuff.

  • posted by  Natalie on Greetings
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m prediabetic but very close to a diagnosis of diabetes (and I’d had gestational diabetes) so I went along to the diabetes information sessions. They were still promoting up to 60 grams (4 serves) of carbohydrate per meal! I would have felt like an idiot saying “but I read on the internet…” I mean the information is so contradictory you can find “evidence” for any advice you prefer, so I didn’t argue with them except to say even 45 grams (3 serves) made my blood sugar spike. We were taught about slow release low GI, which is important, but not to dramatically reduce carbs. I started testing myself regularly to find out what works for me, and low carb/low processed is definitely to way to go for me.

  • posted by  Citykittie78 on Fast 800 Vegan
    on in Fast 800

    Is it possible to undertake the 8 weeks as a vegan?
    I’ve read the book but the recipes are vague about the portion sizes/weight of the protein for me to modify at home.

  • posted by  Eureka on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all. I don’t drink tea or coffee but just read book again ” essential you drink at least 2 – 3 litres calorie-free fluid a day or you get constipated & headaches. I love fizzy water with lots of ice & lemon. Or plenty of fruit tea & occasional coffee ( but only a splash of milk) “. Pages 135 – 136.

    Buy the book, check the book & mark the book where it’s important info for you. This book is a tool, don’t be afraid to highlight, turn pages down or write in the margins! Make notes in the margins to help you, I do.

    250ml glass skimmed milk = 83 calories. Or 115 calories in semi- skimmed. You can see where the splash comes from. So remember to do the maths & count the calories in your daily 800 allowance if you go there. Maybe be a duck for two weeks!

    I’m going to try very hard with the diet this week, but I’m on hols for 11days after. (Husband’s big birthday). No excuse for blowing it all though as it’s buffet half board. So I can control a lot with my choices. And he’s on board with life changes too. Intend to walk lots & swim. Watch this space!

    When I return all systems go. I’ll post recipes. We’ve had big parties with coeliac & dairy intolerances to cater for too.

    I’m already in awe of the drive & commitment this group has shown. Keep it up & shine that light at the end of this tunnel

  • posted by  allthewrongjunk on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Zellieh, I know, right!? Just saw Michael Mosley debunking smoothies on Trust me I’m a Doctor so funny to see them popping up in the book! Some of the recipes look really tasty but not what I’d consider every-day eating. If you come up with any inspiring tasty but simple dishes do share them!

  • posted by  allthewrongjunk on Swapping Ingredients?
    on in Fast 800

    Smoked mackerel is a lot oiler than smoked haddock so more calorific–it’s a type of fat that’s really good for you so would be great if you’re doing the Med diet but probably best avoided on the 8-week plan unless you cut down the amount a lot.

  • posted by  allthewrongjunk on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Eureka, that’s really helpful! My kids are pretty small and I don’t think I’m going to win them round to lamb-stuffed aubergines so I’ll be cooking separately for them for the initial 8 weeks. After that I should be able to adapt the Med-style diet into things we can all eat. Quick question: is milk supposed to be off-limits? I don’t really get that if you can have cheese. I don’t mind black coffee but black tea will be hard!

  • posted by  newmill on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Katie- read the book. The “After the Diet” is covered. Michael suggests maintaining your new found slim line appearance / low BG with a low carb Mediterrean style diet and explodes the myths of putting the weight straight back on as 70s myths.

  • posted by  Zellieh on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve just finished reading the book, and I like the science. I want to try it because several of my close relatives have developed diabetes and I don’t want to. I think the 800 calorie diet will be the best way to get over the sugar cravings and lose weight fast, and once I’ve lost weight and stopped craving sugar, I’m going to drop down to the maintenance diet.

    I’ve started keeping a food diary on MyFitnessPal, and exercising using Darebee’s Foundation 30-day challenge. I’m starting the 800 calorie diet on Monday, once I’ve looked at the recipes (there really aren’t enough in the book or on this website!) and found some plain and simple ones that aren’t so weird and expensive. What the fck is coconut water anyway?

    (I think if I gave this chef my budget, my kitchen equipment, and my corner shop, they’d either faint or starve! LOL)

  • posted by  Eureka on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Since being diagnosed type 2 diabetic 2013 I’ve tried to really educate myself on the subject. Yes, a lot too late I agree! Sadly the NHS & my GP practice are, I’ve found, still as ignorant as I was. I’ve read books & looked at many World Wide Web sites to gain info that I think appertains to me. Promoting the taking of copious amounts of carbs to me was wrong & just made me worse. I knew bread & potatoes gave me gastric reflux & I chewed Rennies every night hoping I could lay down & sleep without the pain & choking. When I cut down or eliminated them from my diet, I slept & NO reflux. Simples! But it took a long time to put diabetes, carbs , cause & effect together! So, get to really know your body & listen to it. It knows what’s wrong even if you are ignoring it.
    Find out as much as you can about what you are doing & going to do. READ & understand what your body SHOULD be doing & what it IS doing. Books: Jenny Ruhl Blood Sugar 101 & Diet 101. Dr Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer The Fast Diet & The 8- week blood sugar diet. (Daily Mail today & nxt week). This is just a sample but The Sample as far as I’m concerned. Get informed & think laterally. You like me got yourself into this mess BUT we now stand a chance of getting OUT of it. There was no hope before Prof Roy Taylor & his findings at Newcastle Uni.
    Millions of us are already Diabetics! Get the Knowledge. Do the Knowledge & Pass it on x

  • posted by  captainlynne on Holiday advice please
    on in BSD Way of Life

    I often holiday with friends, staying in their homes in Italy or USA. In both homes they eat lots of carbs. Italy is the slightly easier destination, despite the pasta etc, they still serve protein, salad etc. What is the best way round this please?

  • posted by  Katie Rose on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Can Michael perhaps explain – I can see why this diet can lower blood sugar levels to acceptable ones, whilst you are on the diet. But, does this actually CURE diabetes, or just maintain the levels IF you stay off carbs and sugar? At the end of 8 weeks, what then?

  • posted by  malkay on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I keep embarking on a low/no carb approach, then I will read something that says you shouldn’t do low carb, just slow release carbs, so then I eat slow carbs. I get really confused about what I should be eating, but think I do feel better avoiding carbs. Thanks for the support, I guess there is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, just what works for us as individuals.

  • posted by  newmill on Greetings
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Type 2 diagnosed 26 October 2015. Floundered around trying to make sense of conflicting advice from doc, practice nurse and dietician.

    All advice was on the lines of- you’re diabetic, get used to it. Take your Metfortin and prepare for the inevitable misery.
    Discovered Prof Roy Taylor’s work while trawling about to find the wonders I had to look forward to. It sounded no different to any of the other idiot diets I had heard about since the 70s, until I read deeper.

    I read Dr David Cavan’s “Reverse Your Diabetes” in November 2015 and it then hit me that Roy Taylor’s research made more sense than that which the NHS currently have us believe. I started 800 cals per day on 3 January.

    I was given Micheal’s “8 week blood sugar diet” yesterday 15 January and read it from cover to cover before bedtime!

    Fetched up here 16 January 2016.

  • posted by  captainlynne on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I’m diet controlled diabetic, age 65. I started this on 19th December. Since then I’ve lost 16 pounds and 7 inches from my waist. Fasting Bg was 10.9, now consistently in 5s. Bg at bedtime now in 4s or 5s.Diabetes nurse thrilled and following plan herself. I’ve even sent a copy of this book to friends in USA who want to follow this plan. Many thanks to Dr Michael and Prof Taylor for their work.

  • posted by  captainlynne on Hello ๐Ÿ˜„
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m 65 with diet controlled T2 diabetes. After a visit to the diabetes nurse for an HbA1c which I knew would not be great (for me) I was in the bookshop when this book launched itself at me. I read it, and then read it again. Following a phone call from the nurse with my test result, where Metformin was mentioned, I politely told her, no thanks. Then told her about this book. She was impressed as she know someone who has been doing 5:2 and doing well. I said I would start if on 1/1/16, but then decided to begin immediately. I tested my Bg that night, then fasting the following morning 19/12/15. Fasting Bg that morning was 10.9. Now, after 4 weeks on the plan, my fasting Bg is consistently in the 5s. At bedtime my Bg is in the 4s or 5s. I have lost 16 pounds in weight and 7 inches from my waist. My blood pressure has also dropped. The diabetes nurse is now following the plan herself, although she is not diabetic herself. She is delighted with my results so far, is monitoring my blood pressure and is repeating the HbA1c in March to see how much it has improved. I feel so much better and am delighted I started the plan when I did.

  • posted by  CTO on Hello!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Bought the book off Amazon, couldn’t put it down – read it in a day! It was like a revalaton now to put it into action…