Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Natasha_ENFP on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Misssay and Auntylil,

    Thanks for your responses.

    I agree, I think it’s easy to get carried away and splurge money for the sake of the diet. Sticking to 800 calories a day is the important thing, and I really don’t mind repeating the same days several times.

    For example, the only not-from-concentrate apple juice (for the Bircher) I could find was from Waitrose. It cost me £2.85 and is 1 litre. Now, if I only need 50ml and I don’t have the Bircher for another 4-weeks – WHAT A WASTE! Same goes for the other recipes. So I’m happy to repeat a few meals again and again so that I know I’m not wasting wonderful ingredients.

    As auntylil said, we are in a privileged position and I cannot justify taking food for granted, wasting food is a crime.

    Thanks for both of your tips, I’ll definitely be trying those!

    How’s it going so far?

    Well done for getting to week 2 day 2 misssay! Exciting!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    June ? Nah it’s only about ten years away 😉
    Coconut flour flatbreads worked well, I’ll post the recipe later. Had 1 with my lamb and vegetable stew last night and a tuna sandwich today (heaven).
    Because of the high fibre content they make you chew longer than usual and they definitely give you that full feeling.
    Fasting sugar this morning was lowest yet 6.4
    Think I’ll celebrate with a cream cake 😉

  • posted by  Niffer on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi bernie
    It sounds great what you have planned. We plan to walk whilst away and hotel has pool and gym so no difficulty getting my exercise. Not sure of plan re puds. May have one, or just have a taste of hubbys each night! Love your idea of having your return week meal plan sorted before you go. I will use that idea myself, thanjs for sharing.

  • posted by  Shrinkydinkyman on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Really pleased with this lifestyle change so far, its day eight and 11lbs of weight has fallen off. My jeans love me again, but the way this
    is going they will have to be replaced with some smaller ones! unless i can find a seamstress.

  • posted by  Cazzowary on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    I’m glad that’s working for you orchid and I hope your weight loss stays linear 🙂 as you move through the 8 weeks. I’m in the last 12 days and 10% at this stage would be marvellous- at day 44 I’ve lost 7.3 kilos which is 5.8% (10% would be 12.5 kgs, 20% would be 25 kgs) and very non-linear- between weeks 4 and 5 I lost 0.1 kgs which kinda broke my heart. I also started a spreadsheet with predicted weight loss and actual weight loss next to each day which I guess is why I’m also disheartened. The only thing I’m holding on to is the Whoosh theory of weight loss whereby a whole bunch of weight disappears overnight. As back-up and to keep me going to the end of week 8 is also the fact that weight can vary by a couple of kilos due to water/food in the stomach etc.

  • Fat does get transferred to the blood, I’d refer to Dr Mosley’s participation in a test where he ate a fried breakfast and had his blood measured for the amount of fat in it. He found that exercise reduced the amount of fat alot quicker than no exercise, ie, a better metabolism cleans the blood quicker.

  • I am currently reading a book by Rose Elliott about low carb vegetarian recipes, which I think was written before the bsd book. She is saying a lot of the same things as Dr Mosley, including that cholesterol in the body is only 30% from the food we eat and 70% would be there naturally no matter what we eat. Some people generate more cholesterol than others and that cant be changed. She also says that the 30% we can affect by food is caused by high carbs and high fat together but we only have to cut the carbs, not the fat in order to reduce cholesterol. Would recommend the book, I got mine for 2 pence off of Amazon!

  • posted by  Fi on Type 2 and Daily Testing
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I live in Ireland and we get free monitors, test strips and needles and have been told by the hospital clinic to test every day. However, I test about twice a week which I think is fine. We have to take our book to the clinic appointments but sometimes they don’t look at them. I wouldn’t want to rely on the once a year test as you need to know whether your readings are going up (or down!) so that you can do something about it straight away.

  • posted by  misssay on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Sandy
    Well done on your first week loss and good luck with week 2. It looks like I may enjoy cauli rice more than cauli mash!

    Hi Julia,
    I’m not an expert by any means, as I’m only on week 2 myself, but I would say my top tips are to try and include some protein and healthy fats at every meal (I have veggies with lunch and evening meal, but not often with breakfast, as they don’t go too well with greek yogurt!) I haven’t been hungry between meals, but if I had been I probably would have a protein-y snack, like a slice of meat, a small piece of cheese, or some hummus with carrot or pepper strips to dip. Top, top, top tip: drink plenty of water.

    I also dip into the book every evening to re-read something or look at recipes, as it is so easy to forget bits and pieces of info from it. Mind you, that may be my age!

    Best of luck.

  • posted by  orchid on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I am just at the end of week 2 and need to loose 25kg. I saw this forum at the weekend and it reflected how I felt at the time – it seemed to be the same rate of loss for the first 10 days as when I tried the 5:2.
    I did some reading on the website and noted that Michael actually said that the expected weight loss would be between 10-20% over the 8 weeks, depending on where you start.
    To help reset my expectations, I calculated what 10% loss would be in kg (or lbs) would be over the 8 weeks, then divided it into expected weekly weight loss chunks. To help visualise it, I plotted a graph (you can do it on manually on paper or electronically) of weeks (y axis) and weight (x axis). The plot has one line for the planned rate and another for the actual measurements. I discovered that I was about on target for week 1 and ahead of target for week 2. I now feel better about progress! I also added the 20% weight loss to the chart expected rate just to see how that looked. I am currently in the middle of the two.
    I thought I would pass it on as It may help others with motivation! I also have noticed that the weight appears to drop in a step fashion, not a constant daily amount which is party why I only record on the chart weekly as you loose the days where it is a flat line.

  • posted by  AnnaJennings on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hello everyone, great to hear all of the weight loss stories! It’s exactly 3 weeks today for me, and exactly one stone lost. The last few days have been slow, only a pound a day, but from reading the forums a slowing of weight loss is not unusual. I haven’t found the diet particularly difficult due to the tasty recipes and complex carbs we can eat. I must admit my favourite breakfast is egg and avocado, which I seem to have stuck with, it’s easy to make as my husband has two eggs on toast at the same time ! I haven’t taken measurements but am now able to get into clothes that wouldn’t fasten before I started, so I’m really pleased. Keep it up, everyone, good luck!

  • posted by  Reynards on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Well done! I’m on day 8 and lost 1 and a half pound yesterday even though I went over 800 cals – it was one of those days when nothing seemed to satisfy me although I stuck to no carbs. Feel better today. Total lost 7 1/2 – I’m so chuffed!

  • posted by  Barbarar on Zero cal noodles
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Mik
    It’s on p240. The arrabbiata on same page is very good although I think the 150cals isn’t correct for one portion.. Maybe for three. It’s good with spiralised courgette, zero noodles and King prawns… A small spoonful of creme fraiche makes it even better.

  • posted by  peculiajewel on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello everyone… I am 6ft tall and weigh in at 15.5 stone. Very unhappy with my weight. Suffering depression. I have polycystic ovaries and I suspect Sydrome X (Insulin Resistance) and struggle with tiredness all the time. I really like the concept of eating whole healthy foods rather than faddish. Bit concerned about coping with urge to eat and restricted calories but keep reading stuff that makes it sound very doable with a little bit of planning and healthy shopping.

    Anyone have any tips?

    Good luck everyone


  • posted by  bruce on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Metta, how are you enjoying the summer? I see that its been pretty full on. Yes, I know that when I was a kid everything was in stones and that there are 14 pounds in a stone, but never sure how it relates to KG. How has the second day on the programme gone? I am thinking about easing back to the 5:2 as I’m not coping with the lethargy and just have too much to do at the moment. As long as some weight comes off I’ll be happy, even if its slower. Hope you’re having better success, all the reports seem to show that the dramatic turn arounds come for those who are not yet diabetic, so its a brilliant chance for you to take total control of your health. Its really not fun dealing with diabetes, don’t take any chances now that you’ve got some options!!

  • posted by  Sandy44 on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Everyone
    I am day one of week 2 and still feeling positive. Lost 5.5 lbs the first week, so feel really pleased. The forums are inspiring !
    I made cauli rice last week and was really surprised at how much I enjoyed it ! Tomorrow I am going to marinade a chicken breast in yogurt and tikka spice, then make kebabs.
    I also made egg and ham muffins on Saturday as I worked a 10 hour day and knew that I would need to have protein snacks. They were delicious and really filling.
    Good luck everyone and I look forward to hearing how you all get on.

  • posted by  Nutty on 1st week completed
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Good morning
    Wow what a week. I’ve eaten some amazing food this week. I’ve lostv8lb as well & am just planning my meals for the next week to come.

  • posted by  misssay on Cheesy scones!
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    I haven’t tried them yet, but I know coconut flour soaks up a lot of moisture. I can’t remember if the recipe says to leave the mix to stand for a while? If it doesn’t, it might be worth a try?

  • posted by  auntylil on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thank you Janet1973. Enjoyed my meal out and had a glass of red wine too. Not feeling hungry again yet and it’s coming up for 10am.

    Re: exercise, I walk a lot already but it’s more of a stroll whilst the dogs run around chasing rabbits. If I had dogs like your adorable dach I could use them for weight lifting as I can’t lift mine up! Squats eh? What are they… I loath swimming and don’t fancy a gym. dvd a poss I suppose, oh I am a lazy daisy. I might take up yoga again or try pilates. I get so sweaty and flushed even attempting a jog and to think I used to be athletic in my teens, representing the county and all that. I think a tap dancing class might suit me. Remember the rolly pollies?

    I love chick peas and tend to bulk buy the dried ones: I like a spinach and chick pea curry with lots of cumin, tumeric, coriander, garlic and green lentils. I have a bedtime snack sometimes of a few strips of red pepper dipped in lactose free Arla cream cheese – there’s so much to chose on this diet that’s guilt free.

    Hope it’s continuing to go well for you.

  • posted by  Sandy44 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Everyone – you are all so inspirational. I love reading your messages – they keep me going. I finished my first week yesterday and have lost 5.5 lbs so am really pleased. It was so hard to cook a roast meal for the family on Sunday and then only eat meat and veg. Still on track and am feeling great. Keep up the good work everyone, we can do it !

  • posted by  misssay on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I love making soup, but then often find once it is made, I don’t fancy eating it when meal time comes along. I suppose I am just weird! I am considering have smoked basa fillet with the cauliflower kedgeree tonight, instead of the smoked mackerel, as then it will seem a bit more like a real kedgeree to me. I’ve just finished half an hour of low impact cardio. I walk quite a bit, including to and from work, but as I am on holiday this week, I thought it would be a good time to start something more structured. 15 minutes in I though she (in the video) would quite possibly kill me, but by keeping going found another burst of energy, so it wasn’t too bad by the end! Off for a shower and to clean the bathroom now. Judging by the state of my bathroom at the moment, that will be a workout in itself!

    Hope you have a good day

  • posted by  Cherrianne on RYE BREAD
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Anyone in Australia who is missing bread should rush out and buy some of the Herman Brot low carb bread! Tried some today, it’s not cheap at over $6 a loaf but I figure I’m worth it. It is dark, dense, moist, full of seeds, and delicious. I only needed one slice with cheese and tomato.
    Really on a par with my fave breads. So low in carbs and available in nearly every Foodland/ IGA.
    Thanks again Cazzowary for putting up the link.

  • posted by  misssay on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Natasha,

    I think it is definitely a case of doing what works for you. For most of my first week (I am day 2 of week 2 today) I cooked our own choice of meals using the guidelines/rules from the book, but not the actual recipes, so I could use food I had in the freezer and pantry. You’re right – it would be crazy to waste the food you have if it fits in with the plan, even more so on a tight budget. Maybe, when you do your next food shop, you could shop for a different set of ingredients, to try a different set of recipes until those supplies are used up. That way you are less likely to get bored with your choices.

  • posted by  auntylil on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I know what you mean about the initial outlay on new foods and like you I have altered things so I don’t waste anything. As I’m veggie I don’t have to buy meat but used up quite a lot of petrol searching for coconut flour, and then when I found it it was 1000% more expensive than normal flour. I’m getting a little tired of courgettes, red peppers, eggs and mushrooms I must say as they are the cheapest ingredients but I pulled myself up sharp earlier when I read about a Nigerian 3yr old who had been abandoned 8 months ago and had been wandering alone scavenging to stay alive. Dear me, us in the West eh, how we’ve got used to expensive food that kills us. Found that the veg curry and cauliflower rice and the beetroot falafels freeze well. Have you tried the home made humus yet? Tins of chickpeas are really good value and the dried ones even more so.

  • posted by  EIM on RYE BREAD
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Hi Newt2! That is the bread in question with slight alterations – thank you! I made it again yesterday as I promised malkay the calorie break down. So here it is – values as per the amounts used in my recipe above:
    Sesame seeds:422cal; oats:373cal; pumpkin seeds:390cal; almonds:448cal; sunflower seeds:208cal; chickpea flower:235cal; poppy seeds:362cal; chia seeds:199cal; linseed:310cal; olive oil:270cal.
    The loaf weighed 930g after baking – 3,235cal which works out 347cal per100g or 128cal per 37g slice. It doesn’t seem too bad as one store-bought gluten free bread lists a 36g slice as having 97 cal ( far more carbs and far less nutritional value). Hope this helps.

  • This is at the heart of this diet conundrum – is cholesterol raised by eating fat, as they’ve told us for a long time, and apparently based on experiments on rabbits in the 1950s OR is it raised by eating too much carbs that lay down fat in your internal organs, as quite a few, are now telling us. Is a, quite normal, level of 5.7 actually a problem, compared to high sugar levels? Pick your expert to believe!
    I’ve never quite got the idea that the fat you put in your stomach causes the fat in your blood. I am going with this diet. It has got my weight back to age 21 (I’m 62) and my morning bloods to low normal.
    Personally, many years ago, I was told to get my cholesterol down, and went on a very low fat diet. No cheese, very little meat, skimmed milk, more wholemeal carbs. It had no effect. A more recent go at statins gave me double vision.
    I, like a lot of others, am feeling the guilt when I tuck into full fat yoghurt, eggs, etc., although enjoying them. Only a cholesterol test will tell. Try a chemist to see. I am hoping for the best – anyway, diabetes is the bigger enemy.

  • posted by  HayClay on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all,

    Only started yesterday and was quite surprised by how much food I was able to eat! And only slight hunger pangs before my evening meal.

    But my gosh, the nausea last night was awful. I was actually sick a couple of times (sorry to be gross, but only a tiny amount!). I couldn’t sleep and have got up today still nauseous and with a headache. Drinking lots and I know people talk of that hungover feeling, but has anyone actually been sick?! I know it’s withdrawal symptoms (I am a sweetie and carb monster) but I’m taking solace in the comments here that it will pass!

    I also have a hen weekend this weekend (not ideal). I will do the best I can but there will be lots of wine and drunken eating (meaning crisps and carbs). I will do my best over the weekend, but when I get back on the wagon on Sunday, will these withdrawal effects come back? I really hope not!

    Other than that, Husband will be eating the same as me in the evenings, but I’ll just add a jacket potato or some other carbs to his meal so the diet seems quite simple as a couple – just need to get past this stage and keep it up!

  • posted by  bernie on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Niffer – you’ve hit the nail on the head with ‘enjoying life’.
    I am confident that when on holiday I can control my carbs and not even have any on most meals but I am going to have a dessert on one of the days as we are booked into a very fancy restaurant on one of the days, which we have been waiting for 2 years to go to.
    I have also already written my meal plan for when we get back which has helped me to see the holiday as a ‘treat’ and a temporary break from calorie counted meals and back to business when I get back.
    Also planning on increasing my exercise on holiday as we will be doing loads of coast walking.
    Enjoy you’re holiday and don’t beat yourself up if you have some nice meals – you are on holiday. 🙂

  • posted by  catlady on Type 2 and Daily Testing
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My doctor is quite happy to supply the monitor and the strips, I’ve just been lazy about testing because everything was a status quo. Now however….? Mrs.S, as to hypos, I did get them when just on metformin, if for example I missed a meal, or moved furniture etc. I’m wondering if this low calorie intake will mimic the effect of overexertion, ie burn up all the sugars too quickly. I’ll keep you posted!

  • posted by  censap on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Well done Paddy!, I’ve just started week 4 today, but my weight loss is only 8lb in three weeks, I haven’t got that much too lose, so it’s not a real problem.

    I’m motivated to continue because I don’t want to have to start from scratch again in the future! Also, I really really really don’t want to be a diabetic, especially if it’s my diet that is the cause……

  • posted by  merseychic on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Well weighed in the day after and had lost 3.4lbs so was satified by my calculations that is what I was expecting. 9 days in loss is 4.8 in total. With regard to the WW comment that is considered a slow loss and Michael’s book is about fast loss. The mention of panic starvation mode again is debunked a a myth by Michael as the studies he quotes show this occurring at a very low level of calorie intake. For those that still believe in the starvation mode thing I watch Bear Grills the Island and they dropped shed loads of weight through not eating not one of them maintained as they were in starvation mode.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on underactive thyroid and BSD
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My doctor is watching my thyroid. i take Nature-Throid. He said that limited calories can negatively affect the thyroid, but so far it hasn’t. That’s one of the reasons that he doesn’t want me to continue the 800 calorie ‘bootcamp’ after the 8 weeks. but wants me on the 5/2. I’m into week 6.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My doctor is watching my thyroid. i take Nature-Throid. He said that limited calories can negatively affect the thyroid, but so far it hasn’t. That’s one of the reasons that he doesn’t want me to continue the 800 calorie ‘bootcamp’ after the 8 weeks. but wants me on the 5/2.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Congrats! I’m entering the 6th week and am planning ahead. My very knowledgeable and supportive doc told me to go to 5/2 after the 8 weeks because he didn’t think I was getting enough good nutrition in the 800 calories that I was eating (he saw my food diaries and i am trying to be thoughtful). How do you think your nutritional needs are going? Any suggestions? I’ll still have a good 90 pounds to go. I’ve lost 22.6 pounds and 4″ off my waist, so hopefully i’ll approach your numbers by the end. Down one dress size (24 to some 22’s) and blood sugars went from 112 to 83. I’ve just been told i can exercise a little bit now – so i think that should make a difference. But i must do it in incremental pieces.

  • posted by  Magiek on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    I am on the 5:2 with a reduction in carbs the other days. It has taken me over 4 weeks to lose 10 lbs but my Blood sugar has been dropping steadily. It was only 4.4 fasting this am and I had omitted my Gliclazide the day before. My daughter bought me a FitBit and I have been using it to keep an eye on my calorie intake and exercise. It is a wonderfully motivating little tool and the food recording certainly makes me think twice before eating anything. It is surprising what the calorie count can be on some innocent looking foods.

  • posted by  Squidgy on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All – I’m pleased too to hear of slow losers as I plateaued for around 7 days between midweek 2 and midweek 3, and lost only 1lb, despite religiously sticking to the calories etc. I too re-read the book. I decided it may be because I’m now within a stone of my target weight, and that stone has been around for at least 20 years!

    I also upped my water intake again, and increased my exercise a bit more (walked more and went to a Zumba class), and finally it started coming down again.

    But even when my weight wasn’t changing much, I definitely feel thinner, especially around my middle but also my thighs and I can see my face changing shape (down to the last double chin!) and I managed to get into some of my size 12 trousers for the first time in years!

    One thing I did at the beginning of week 1 was cut a length of ribbon the exact size of my waist and now I can see easily how much I’ve lost (about 2-3 inches). Roll on week 4!

  • posted by  Eureka on Getting harder
    on in Fast 800

    Hi olisue fab fab fab!

    You have lost 1 STONE. 7 Bags of SUGAR. And not yet three weeks! This is really good Louise.
    Did you do the two week review p140 in the BSD book? There is one at four weeks p145. Re read the book & mark the stuff that is really hitting home for you
    Check the quality of calories you eat. You can feel low in energy on 800, that’s why you need to review how you feel & if you need to do 5:2 diet instead.
    Make sure your general health is ok, see the dr if necessary. Hope you have them on side with this diet anyway

    Think about why you wanted to do this diet & have you really lost that motivation? If you wanted to lose four stones, then you are a quarter of the way there. All of us want the same thing, weight loss & better health. It’s a great club to join & we don’t want to lose any members

    You can do this, we can help. Charliem & I don’t want to lose you

  • posted by  claire_cruick on PCOS / insulin resistance
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    No problem, queenvix, I guess quite a bit of it was fluid loss, but none the less, an encouraging start! I’m using myfitnesspal to track what I am eating, and if you use it, it will flash up lots of warning about eating too few calories, but having that app on my phone is a big help for me. Best of luck!

  • posted by  pmshrink on Useful links
    on in Fast 800

    I got these two links from Sandy on the forums. Thought it might be good to have a thread.

    This gives you lots of help with side effects like headaches, constipation etc. Very comprehensive.

    And another site detailing a similar type of diet is
    It has a lot of good info, short films etc.
    If you ‘join’ you get even more.

  • posted by  Newt2 on RYE BREAD
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Found a link for a rather wonderful looking YumUniverse bread recipe which seems very similar to EIMs post above, and gives the following nutritional info for carb and calorie counting…….Nutritional info (per slice, based on 14 slices per loaf): 157 cals, 10.5 g fat, 130 mg sodium, 10.9 g carbs, 4.6 g fibre, 1.5 g sugar, 6.1 g protein

    Read more:

  • posted by  Squidgy on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All

    Great to see everyone doing so well. I’ve just finished week 3 and total lost to date is 10.7lb which is my lightest in years!

    BMI has dropped from 29.6 to 27.6 and I’ve lost 2 inches off my waist.

    Unexpected benefits – my blood pressure dropped from 127/79 in week 1 to 113/ 75, and resting heart rate dropped from 88 to 77.

    Only slight disappointment is my fasting blood sugars are creeping up after stopping the gliclazide – I’ve had a 2 or 3 readings above 8, but through the day they are usually between 5-6. I’ve been diabetic for 8 years so I don’t expect an immediate improvement.

    Roll on week 4!

  • posted by  Cazzowary on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Bill1954- it wouldn’t be so bad if my target was 10kg but my target was the 15-20kg that are so often referenced in the book as the amounts lost (and I’m 125 kg/275 lbs to start with)- I’m happy to have lost weight but think the numbers in the book raise unrealistic expectations for some people- and because I’m so much fatter to start with, the slow-going is painful to me. Thank you though for your positive outlook – something lost if better than something gained in this situation 🙂

  • posted by  pmshrink on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Rico
    Sounds like progress!
    I think Michael says sugar free gum is fine to use. I think he might even use it.
    Re drinks- I always have a marmite drink at bedtime.

  • posted by  Natasha_ENFP on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi everyone,

    I have just logged in and I’ve been reading the posts. I really like the feel of this group!

    I also like how keen everyone seems, even if it’s all feels a bit overwhelming. I agree, with support and encouragement we can cheer each other on.

    Thanks Snackerlady, my day has gone well re the bsd. Today is my 8th day and I had Cheesy Beans for breakfast and Sirloin Steak with Peppercorn Sauce for dinner.

    I find that the meal plans have been so expertly devised that I’m not at all hungry in between meals – in fact I don’t even think about food. This is a total miracle!!

    I am not working at the moment and money is a bit tight, so affording all the food in the plans was a bit of a worry at the start. However, I’m comfortable with repeating the same meal plans until all the ingredients are used, or else I’ll be buying ingredients, only using a small amount and then not using them again, and spending loads of money on new stuff that will go to waste if I don’t use them.

    Just wondering if anyone else does this?