Hi Natasha. I feel for you. I am feeling low too. Keep going and read the posts on slow weight loss they have helped me abit x

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My friend and I have been on the diet for 7 days and we have both put on weight! I have put on 3lb and he has put on 8lb!! We were not having a good experience with the diet – we were both hungry, irritable, unsatisfied and exhausted and now we are both fatter than we were when we started, so we’re pretty pissed off! We are seriously considering ditching the diet altogether and just eating healthily. I haven’t read any posts of other people having these problems, so I suppose we must be doing something wrong. Tuesday evening we had to go out and get some chocolate because we were so fed up with it all and we needed to feel better emotionally. Not good for our bodies but a great feeling in many ways. And it tasted so good! Could ditch the diet or change to the 5:2, but really want to get rid of my diabetes! Arse! It’s just too hard and it’s not working for us 😕.
It just depends on the natural elasticity of your skin – and age. Personally, I can’t wait to have a big of saggy skin back!!
Morning Bill,
I thought I was, but maybe not. I don’t think I have anything like 3 litres.
The 2 most important things you can do to prevent saggy skin are:
Ensure you exercise – follow the exercise protocols in the book.
Drink at least 3 litres of water every day – all the creams in the world wont help with prevention of sagging skin unless your body is hydrated to begin with – water “plumps out” the skin and feeds every cell of the body.Dry skin brushing can also help to boost circulation, slough off dead skin cells and and encourage release of stored toxins.
Hi Stalagtites
I spoke to my other half about this – we are both gym goers and I like to try and burn about 400 calories a time (I’m only 5,4 and weigh 10,5 with a stone to loose, so it’s a fair workout) he does about 800/900 and eats around 1,200 (he’s on on the diet but watching his weight) – I personally don’t think the 800 diet is right for you as I really don’t think you should give up the good work you’ve done with exercising, if you loose tone and shape it might de-motivate you?
Have you thought about doing the 5;2 diet and then exercising on the non fasting days?
sorry, i hope that doesn’t sound patronising at all but the calorie burn / consumption is of interest to me too!
Hi Spirit, are you drinking lots of water ?Michael recommends at least 3 litres per day to help stop constipation.
Morning campers!
It’s good to read everyone’s experiences. I’m on week 2 now. in week 1 I lost 8lbs (I’m not diabetic by the way). this week, well, sorry fif TMI, but I’m sure I’d lose half a stone if only I could got to the loo!
I’ve had to cut out eggs for now as they normally bind me up. the last 2 nights I’ve taken some colon cleanse tabs. they normally work overnight, but at the time of writing they haven’t! Last night I had some left over roast beef with a plateful of Brussels sprouts. Still nothing. so this morning I’ve drained a tin of prunes – of the juice they come in and rinsed them with plain water to remove any residue of juice. I’ve had about half a tin.
Sits waiting patiently…….
posted by HayClay on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 17 Feb 2016 at 07:33 in Fast 800Thanks Penny and Joycey. Tried diets before but nothing this extreme and good to know I’m not alone, and tips to deal with it!
Hi charliee
I just put it in MFP and I agree with you. Crazy amount of calories! Did the 4 portions turn out bigger than 2 tablespoons each? Is it making more than 4 portions in fact? That could be the error.
There’s definitely something wrong with the recipe. If you change it to 30 instead of 300 it comes out at 63 cals per portion so that’s not the answer.
Penny -
Hi Vic
I think it’s roughly 30% each. The ‘roughly’ taking up the other 10
Penny -
Hi Natasha
Michael mention it in the book. Like all the side effects, it should be just a few days.
Penny -
posted by pmshrink on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 17 Feb 2016 at 01:01 in Fast 800hi Hay lay
Have a look at the thread I started called ‘useful links’
Penny -
hi folks , went in to get a heart screening test to day and the doc said i should lose some weight was 18 stone , now 16 5 since i bought this wonderful book , i mentioned that i was on the 800 cal s a day , immediately she gave me a lecture and said see your GP at once , you need to lose weight but not this way, you may get keystones get tested for that as well , can anybody enlighten me on keystones ?
and is there a risk going on this diet , 4 week s in now . -
I think you’re supposed to have 800 even if you exercise. This is so you start using the stored fat for energy instead of food.
I think you’re body will cope, from what I’ve read. After all, it’s got the fat to use so it will use it!
Good luck
Penny -
Hi olisue
Good thinking! I’m 8lb down & two & half stones to go. See you at the finish
Eureka x -
I’m trying rubbing with cocoa butter and other ‘friction’ oils. It seems to help the skin pull together. Anything that might be used for stretch marks would do. I saw it on Dr.OZ and hopes it’s true. saggy saggy, but the better health is what i’m focusing on!
I experienced certain ‘symptoms’ that indicated that I was in ketosis – or fat burning. Sweet taste in mouth, sudden thirst, deeper sleep, more clear mind, inches off the waist and 20 pound loss after 4 weeks. My doc said that indeed I was in ketosis. He said that in the beginning the strips would show that one was in ketosis. But once the brain/body figured out that it was in ketosis it said, “oh boy! I like these ketones, I’m not going to let them go!” So, after a short while, the keto strips will be normal, because the body is using the ketones for brain function and for fat burning. Your choice, but i wouldn’t waste money on them as long as you are staying high fat, moderate protein, and low carb – the blood sugar diet!
Hi Charlie
Thanks for that tip about tinned stuff. I suppose they have to write it on the contents? I ll look out for it.
After the 8 weeks I’m going to do the ‘Mediterranean diet’ as outlined in the book. I suppose either that or the 5:2 will keep us on track.
Good luck
Penny -
Hi Moose2. Welcome
Me too. I’ve chopped some up & put them in salads. They are good to go & are listed in the original Reversing Type 2 menu (Prof Roy Taylor Newcastle Uni)
Original list of veg:
Cabbage,Celery, Carrots, Peppers, BRUSSEL SPROUTS, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Lettuce, Artichoke, Mung bean sprouts, Cauliflower, Onions, Leeks, Radish, Broccoli, Bean Sprouts, Mushrooms, Water chestnuts
And everything else mentioned in the BSD bookDon’t worry about maintenance , by the time you are there you will be great at making the food & have tried posted recipes from the site. Also go look at meal suggestions for low carb diets on the web. Vegetarian & vegan meals are tasty I’ve found, & I’m neither You can always add protein to them
Good luck. Enjoy
Eureka -
posted by gateofheaven on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 17 Feb 2016 at 00:07 in Fast 800http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/
A marvelous resource, thank you Penny! -
Hi Orchid
What a great idea!
Penny -
posted by pmshrink on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
on 16 Feb 2016 at 23:59 in Fast 800Hi Hayclay
Have a look on this website
http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/They go through the various side effects and what to do about them.
Hope you feel better
Penny -
It’s explained in the book. After the 8 weeks move on to The Fast (5:2) Diet – 2 days 500-800 calories, as in BSD, the other 5 days eating normally, but low-carb Mediterranean style. Just had it clarified that I can stay on BSD for a few weeks past the 8, but should then move across to 5:2. Hope this helps.
posted by Squidgy on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 16 Feb 2016 at 23:36 in Welcome to the BSDHi Catlady – I have loads of veg or salad with meals to fill me up – as long as it’s non starchy I think it’s fine.
If I’m having a stirfry I have the whole pack of veg and feel pretty full afterwards. I’ve also been looking for new veg to try so that I have lots of variety.
I’m much more careful about measuring high calorie foods like oil, cheese, meat etc
Good luck 🙂
Hi stalagtites
I hope you make the decision to try & reverse your type 2 diabetes now! You stand a better chance, according to Prof Roy Taylor’s findings (Newcastle Uni) if you haven’t been long diagnosed. I am three years in & some trying are many more years diabetics. Wish we’d had the chance you have now. It’s only 8 short weeks & you could stop dire future health problems
This is experimental stuff & we can’t wait any longer (five years before the results of the Newcastle Uni trial). We’ve made that decision now to help ourselves – & each other on this BSD site. Do hope you are ready for the challenge & the fight. We’re fighting to regain our health , Diabetes is a killer. My mum & dad died due to complications of type 2.
It’s laudable you want to continue exercising, & it’s advised in the book to exercise. Your body has a lot of adjusting to do on this diet & it takes a little time, but we do feel better. I’m going to swim again & go back to TaiChi. Could you do something less punishing for a few weeks, then crack on & do your original training sessions?
Hope you’ll consider it. We’d love to welcome you on board
Eureka -
I love Brussels but I can not see them mentioned anywhere in the book. Are they to be avoided
is there anywhere a menu plan for a maintaince diet. I have only just started the diet but already worrying about what to eat on a maintaince diet. I like the diet because it helps me decide what to eat each day.
Hi, I have been doing this diet for one week and have lost 6lb, I have had two tricky moments, on the first day I was very light headed and could barely do anything without feeling awful, I was sure I wouldn’t be able to continue, the next one was the first Friday evening, when we normally have a bar of whole nut between us, I was having a waver, I stuck to it and, am feeling a bit more positive, so just try and do a bit of mindfulness, I’m sure you can stick to it and we’ll done for getting so far, good luck with the rest of the time in the diet.
We often have New Covent Garden Classic Chicken Soup which is 213 calories for a half carton portion.
Hi all,
I’m just on day 2 at the moment but ‘warmed up’ by dropping to 1,000 then 900, for about a week and lost 2lbs. I’m T2 and diagnosed after birth of first child 5 years ago.
I know that most have you have said that your weight loss hasn’t been great, but what have your BS’s read as? (for those with diabetes) Mine are up and down (from 17 down to 5.2), but I’m getting alot more lower readings than before so that’s encouraging me – I’m hoping this diet is going to show me what foods my body reacts badly / well to.
Plus to back up some of the other comments I think you do have to cut out pasta/bread/alcohol etc for the 8 weeks and also watch the tinned stuff (even lentils etc) as they add sugar in as preservatives. Then after the 8 weeks move on the 5:2 diet where you can introduce things back in. Like Wine…. 😀
Good luck and keep going!
Charlie -
I did a PCOS Diva Jumpstart for a week this time last year. it was a good overall health coaching week, good for overall well being – I did lose some weight but found that the meal plans were not so simple to put together. I have been to a nutritionist before asking for help to balance blood sugar- but really she didn’t know enough about it. I definitely know that this is helping me lose weight already at the end of day 2! I’ve been a bit hungry especially right now, as used to be snacking by now but choosing to have hot water and lemon slice to hand helps!
I think the meals have been lovely so far. just off to soak raisins for the morning!
Looking forward to success!! Night folks! -
Hello, bedtime on day one and I’ve eaten so much I am still feeling full. I had no carb Bircher for breakfast,, peanut butter and soft cheese dip with veggies for lunch but could only eat half, and chicken on white bean mash for dinner. Again could only eat half. Whew! I actually rechecked all the quantities in case I’d mistakenly given myself two portions. Also feeling a bit bloated from all the water. Hope I’m not up to the loo all,night. I’m 62,retired female, a bit overweight BMI 29 but I do a little bit of exercise most days and I’ve been meditating daily for about eight years now. I want to do this to help my hubby who is T2 with blind faith in metformin and not keen to do anything else. He loves his carbs, toast, sandwiches, pasta and crisps especially and we will be eating separate meals but he has agreed to eat at least one bite of everything I’m having with a view to eventual change.
I start week 2 now. Please let me know what your results are on Monday. Hope you have a good week. Lou x
Hi Misssay
Please totally ignore what I said about olive oil – I see you use coconut oil for frying and not olive oil. SORRY 😔
Must learn to read properly.
snackerlady I find some of the calories attributed to foods on myfitnesspal a bit weird, the garlic being the most obvious!
I do put my own recipes in, sometimes just the name and the nutrition, but otherwise I love to be able to scan the bar codes.
Thanks Tracey
Evening All,
Great to read everyone’s messages!
Misssay – the Medi Platter sounds delicious. My idea of grazing heaven is to have a picnic-type spread to pick at, so the Medi and Mexi platters are the perfect solutions to high cal grazing choices. Please send your anchovies my way, I love them 😄
Good idea re freezing 50ml portions of apple juice, thanks for the tip. I have just bought a Nutribullet so I can make apple juice from now on.Snackerlady – I’m totally with you about waste, and repeating meals is a great way to save money. I agree it’s the best way to make the meal varieties last!
It sounds as though we are experiencing similar appetite patterns. I thought I’d be ravenous but I’m not. Cheesy Beans are amazing and satisfy for hours!
Auntylil – thanks for the tip about apple juice, that’s helpful to know 😊
I’m also a terrible worrier. It is annoying that so much worrying doesn’t burn off calories! I’m trying to turn my worry energy into getting active because I’m noticing my energy levels are rising by the day. If I don’t do something physical, the energy turns into anxiety and that’s horrible. Do you find this healthy no-sugar diet is helping with your worrying?Misssay – just a thought about olive oil; I’ve heard it’s better to use other oils to cook (heat) with ( I’m not sure why). I think olive oil is ok when you heat a small amount for a very short time, but I was advised to use an oil like Rice Bran Oil for cooking which is supposed to be safer, and is also very good for you. I need to check it out 🤔
Well done everyone, I’m feeling inspired by everyone’s motivation.
That’s not too bad. Tomorrow is another day so you can get back on track then ☺
It was 2 sausage rolls and Chocolate!!!!
Thanks Fred unfortunately we won’t be cooking we will be ordering from a takeaway hence asking for advice. I’ll have a look at the BBC good food recipe for future use tho
Tandoori Chicken is good. The recipe on the BBCGoodfood site is quite low cal and no sugar.
Avoid Chinese stir fries, my favourite by a country mile, but they use lots of sugar in their recipes something you can avoid if you are cooking yourself.
I think I got a bit discouraged. I lost 11lbs in first two weeks and in last two weeks have hardly lost a thing. We were invited out to friends today and I thought “to hell with it”. However I’m going straight back on it tomorrow 😀
I’ve got a bad night coming up on Saturday its take away at a friends. Not sure whether it’s Indian or Chinese yet so wondering if anyone has any advice? My gut instinct is to go for tandoori chicken if it’s Indian as it’s dry cooked in yoghurt although my favourite is chick pea curry. For Chinese I guess perhaps a veg stir fry? Any thoughts would be most welcome.
LOL. I was in W H Smith recently and saw a woman pick up a copy of the book. Of course I had to go across and tell her about it. And, yes, she did buy it!
Try not to stress about it (I’m assuming from your post that you’ve not had a good day?) We are all human, and most, if not all of us, have days where we are not 100% ‘on it.’ Tomorrow is a new day. If you can get straight back on track, you probably won’t have done much damage in just one day. Drink plenty to ‘flush the carbs out.’ Most importantly – don’t beat yourself up about it.
Haha! I thought I had read it properly before posting! Asda it was!
What happens if you have a complete blow out one day? 😢😡
Thank you EIM and Newt2 for those nutritional values. It’s quite calorific, as I had suspected. However, my slices are just under 120 grams, so slightly less. And they are very satisfying, but I could still eat lots as its so good!
Wow! The cauliflower rice kedgeree was amazing. I will definitely be making the cauli rice again. We were so impressed, and are now looking forward to having it with a curry or in a risotto (cauliotto?)