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  • My diabetes nurse is fully supportive of me being on this. It helped that her friend was following The Fast Diet, so she was familiar with Dr Mosley, and Prof Taylor. She’s seeing me monthly to check my progress, and in case my blood pressure meds need reducing or stopping. I’m not on diabetes meds and didn’t want to be put on them. Tomorrow I will have been on this plan for 7 weeks. I have lost 24 pounds, and a good dress size. Fasting Bg at start was 10.9, now it is normally in the 5s with the occasional 6 – working to get it lower, but happy with the improvement because I always struggled to get it under 7 previously.

  • posted by  Zobo74 on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
    on in Fast 800

    The Ellebelle shakes I am using are low carb and got them from amazon, 135 kcal per portion, not particularly tasty bit okay. Not having them every day but they are an easy quick breakfast. So far so good for me, 6 days in and 6 lbs gone โ˜บ though not too keen on the headaches I am experiencing the last 2 days, plus been very hungry today for the first time but hoping this will get better ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by  Jan6959 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All

    Thought I would share a recipie for minestrone soup but minus the pasta, really tasty and filling…
    2 sticks celery
    2 small or 1 large leek
    1 large red pepper
    1 large yellow pepper
    1 courgette
    1 clove Garlic or more if you like
    2 tins of chopped tomatoes
    1 teaspoon each of thyme and basil
    1 dessert spoon tomato puree
    1 tablespoon of olive oil & black pepper & salt to taste
    Method – chop the vegetables – gently fry the celery, leek and garlic in the oil until softened. Add peppers, courgette and herbs & cook for about 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes & tomato puree bring to the boil and simmer for approx 20 minutes and season to taste. This freezes very well and is very filling.

  • posted by  nettyrim on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I mentioned the diet to a diabetes consultant who hadn’t heard of it. I thought that was a bit poor especially as diabetes UK are carrying out research into it. He did say he would get the book and told me to go ahead and try it.

  • posted by  Aliba on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Laska, I love the phrase ‘tummy wodge’……really made me laugh….I’ve got one too….but it’s a shrinking wodge now!

  • posted by  Laska on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    and you Aliba, I’ve not tried any different clothes yet, but my ‘tummy wodge’ (you know, that bit that you notice when you sit down ) is definately smaller!

  • posted by  Floraellen on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    As l wrote before my GP wouldn’t give me the time of day when l mentioned what l would like to try. I am having bloods done next week and then a week later seeing my diabetic nurse. I haven’t started the diet properly yet just testing the ground and getting my menus sorted out as l want to give it a real go. These last 10 days l have lost 8 lbs and fasting bg between 7and 8.
    l will have to see what she has to say hopefully she will be able to support me as l really would like to get off some if not all of this medication

  • Yes, DESMOND was one of the most depressing days of my life, so far. Our host finished with – ” Diabetes is like pregnancy, you can’t be a little bit diabetic. It’s incurable, you can only get worse, but if you follow our diet, and take your medication, you can slow the decline. First you will cope with diet, then you will require medication, and finally insulin. This is the only way to avoid complications.”
    I resolved then to take other action if that proved to be the case.

  • posted by  Reversed t2d on High cholesterol?
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    I use something called Red yeast rice capsules & my cholesterol has reduced
    I have lost weight also & become generally fitter – rather than going for the ‘reduced fat ‘
    option reduce your portion size and increase salads & vegetables .
    There are lots of food that lower cholesterol , walnuts are very good as is hibiscus tea .
    Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I attended the DESMOND course & found it totally useless regarding self help
    and diet & in a room of 15 people I was the only person
    not on medication !
    My GP was very insistent that medication was a must in my case but I declined -I attended the DESMOND course thinking it would be more encouraging about changing eating habits & lifestyle
    Little or no advice on healthy diet & reversing diabetes was mentioned & attitude to it dismissive ” medication was the only way forward ” seemed to be the opinion!
    I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes in June & had reversed it by August by changing my diet and losing 22 lbs.
    I have lost further weight & continue to eat & fast and feel much healthier .
    Incidentally I just heard of Michael Mosely after I reversed t2d but I can assure you ,exercise change of lifestyle& fasting combined DOES REVERSE TYPE 2DIABETES .

  • posted by  Aliba on Eating out
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve forgotten to take lunch a couple of times but managed to get boiled eggs and spinach from Pret and hummus and carrot sticks are always available in M and S or any supermarket

  • posted by  Aliba on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Brilliant Laska….well done!
    I’m a week in and lost 7lbs…..just tried on two dresses that wouldn’t fit and they look great!

  • posted by  Aliba on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well nothing recommended worked for me until I started this. The NHS is using our money to pay for our care and I’ve cost them ( and therefore everyone else) a fortune in drugs and appointments since diagnosis so could save them a fortune now and in the future if I finally take care of my own health.
    Unfortunately it takes a while for the powers that be to catch up….not their fault but they need tons of research etc.
    Luckily we don’t.
    I’ve felt really ropey, particularly this past year and truly have never felt so well since starting this eating plan. Given the vile complications of diabetes I’m happy to risk it for a biscuit๐Ÿ˜‡.I don’t even crave them anymore,
    So it’s a win for me and a win for the NHS.

  • posted by  Anne on High cholesterol?
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Hi, I have high cholesterol so I’m trying hard to get it down with this diet as I need to loose weight and it looks as if I have the start of angina which I’m gutted about as only 58. I’m not sure whether I should be having low fat or no fat products to lower it. Some advice would be helpful please.
    Many thanks

  • posted by  Laska on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Thought I’d start a WI thread , so we can see how we are doing.
    (My ‘official’ WI is Fridays ) ,

    I have been doing the BSD a week and a half and have lost 8.5 lbs .. so thrilled!

  • posted by  Laska on Eating out
    on in Fast 800

    I had Pizza Express leggera superfood salad with chicken , when I went out last week,
    It was yummy and myfitness pal puts it as 385 calories

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Steve and Ei
    I went to see the nurse last week and told her I was starting this. She said she hoped it would work and told me to watch the blood sugar and, if my levels were getting constantly low, to reduce my medication.
    It just goes to show how opinions can differ. I suppose I’m lucky as my surgery has a doctor and a nurse who are experienced in diabetic care. I was offfered DESMOND but declined.

  • posted by  pmshrink on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Casey
    Welcome to the forum. You sound a bit like a lot of us! Hope it’s going ok.
    See my post to Bordercol re shakes you can make yourself which are fantastically nutritious.

  • posted by  pmshrink on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Bordercol
    There’s a book I’m using called The 5:2 Diet Low carb Nurtibullet recipe book by Susan Fotherington. Lots of info about nutirients. You wouldn’t believe the amazing nutrients in a leaf of kale or a strawberry! Really encouraging- and UK based I think. Gives cals and basic nutrients for each shake. They’re each about 250. They often use protein powder of various sorts which are a bit prices but last for ages. I get mine from Indigo Nitrition through Amazon. I haven’t lost much in the 4 days I’ve done, but enough to just move me from’obese’ to ‘overweight’ and feeling very perky with all these nutrients.

  • posted by  Melanie on Eating out
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all,
    I’m starting this topic to hopefully support us when we have to eat out, I’m thinking more for quick lunches rather than fine dining…thought it might be useful if we share suggestions when we grab something from M&S, Pret, Boots….etc. It’s not been a challenge yet (on holiday) but it may hit next week. I try & always do packed lunches but sometimes that unravels by Friday.

  • posted by  Melanie on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I started this diet on 27th Jan & I’ve lost 7lb so far. It’s slowing this week but I think that’s because I’m on holiday so not running around as much. Still last year it took me a year to lose a stone so to do half that in 10 days is very encouraging! I’m struggling if I’m not organised. But I skipped breakfast today to have a lovely lunch of figs, mozzarella, tomatoes & prosciutto – 200 cal. Small plate but felt indulgent & so nice to have proper buffalo mozzarella. Fingers crossed work doesn’t derail me next week!

  • You are a lucky man, then. Most health professionals I have met are working from a (out of date?) script. I asked about Newcastle, and diet, and did they want volunteers to try something different, a year ago, and was told “that is only for fat people”.
    At DESMOND I queried the “must eat carbs”, and asked for a view on low carbing as an alternative way out, and was told that “it would put your cholesterol up, wouldn’t it. Better to raise your glucose levels and then take drugs”.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hey Penny
    weight loss does tend to fluctuate, I was told years ago not to weigh myself too often as you can lose confidence when the rsults aren’t what you expect.
    Best to pick a certain day each week and make that your weigh day.

  • posted by  Get_On-With_It on Some helpful resouces
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Everyone, I purchased the BSD book this week and am still reading – I’m a slow reader! My BS is typically about 12 and I have 100lbs to lose. I was diagnosed with diabetes one year ago at my surgery after signing up for a free health check – unfortunately I already had full on diabetes and some liver malfunction. I am on Metformin SR which I tolerate perfectly well – unlike the regular Metformin that made me feel nauseous. I suspect I have a genetic tendency to diabetes as even at 7.5 stone my waist was thickish. Anyhow, I am very unfit but gonna try some HIIT walks – that is walk as fast as I can up hill for 1 minute then slow down to a relaxed pace for 1 min – and try and keep going. Also gonna try and complete at least 10k steps daily. I usually do about 200-400 steps a day so quite a change. For food I am planning on eating soups from The Soup Cleanse by Angela Blatteis and Vivienne Vellaa. I’m thinking I won’t bother with breakfast and try and keep my eating window to 6 hours (midday to 6pm) – that’s fasting for 18 out of 24 hours. Fingers crossed.

  • posted by  Whoopsie Daisy on Cholesterol
    on in Fast 800

    Tesco Cholesterol Reducing Strawberry Yoghurt Drinks is better, at 3.5g sugar per bottle, cheaper too! I think I will swap. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Whoopsie Daisy on Cholesterol
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you. I’ve just had a look and Benecol light (the one I usually have) has 4.7g of sugar per bottle – nearly 1tsp. Is that OK or too much sugar? I’ll see if I can compare with some other makes, such as own brands.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Guys thanks so much for the comments and the support. Sugar reading was 7.8 again this morning, I have to say that I’m not really having any of the side effects that others have had, never felt hungy, and I feel that I’ll be able to stay on the plan for as long as it takes.
    I’ve been following a Utube channel for quite a while that specialises in absolutely brilliant Indian food. I’m sure the recipes could be easily adapted to this diet so I’m going to go through them all this weekend to check them out.
    If anyones interested, the channel is Als kitchen, and if you decide to indulge, remember to make the base gravy first and bear in mind, it’s not a dish, it’s an ingredient.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Getting some NHS support for your diet?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My nurse fully supports the diet. TBH the guys who came up with this are far more experienced than your nurse and have been involved in the actual research from the start.
    This diet isn’t faddy, it’s common sense really, and it works.
    Tell her to ring professor Taylor at Newcastle university if she has reservations.

  • I have had reports from two people, now, that their NHS diabetic nurse has warned them off this diet. They were given the usual script about low fat, 1/3 plate carbs etc.- “this diet will harm you in the long run”.
    Personally I’m pretty thrilled with the diet so far. Continual (carb addiction?) hunger gone, energy up, mood better, BG down.

    Now, I’ve got an HbA1c coming up next month. I’m already a stone lighter than last time, and my fasting BG has been around the low 4s, as opposed to 6-7. I’m assuming the BG results will be good. Not sure what I’m expecting the cholesterol to do, but the hope is for down, as I’m pretty convinced the fat-cholesterol connection is a mistake.
    But do you tell her what you’ve been doing? Is it easier to keep schtum, and let them take the credit, and avoid arguments? It would be nice to have some NHS back up on this. Get them on board. You’d think they’d be interested to have some guinea pigs.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Starting on Sun 7th
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It’s not as difficult as it sounds! I felt hungry the first 3 or 4 days making it easy to drink lots of fluids but now I don’t even feel any hunger. I started the diet on the 20th January. A tip I would give you for the first few days is make sure your next meal is prepared as I found the hunger could hit suddenly the first few days.
    As you see the weight drop of and your clothes become looser it is much easier to be motivated.
    I also need to lose 2 stones or so. I have lost almost one stone already. I find I lose more weight on the days I have done more exercise – mostly walking and resistance work.
    So hold on to your hat and let the good times roll!!!

  • posted by  hashimoto on Starting today….
    on in Fast 800

    Although I live on my own which makes dieting easier I still manage to have friends and family round for meals. I calculate the overall calories in a dish – so if I am cooking for three people I may divide the total calories by 4 and give myself one quarter and divide the remainder between the two guests. Just by leaving out the carbs I can eat the same food. I also use the Fast diet recipe book which helps when catering for others, I may make two low calorie meals from the book and have a half portion of each for myself. Guests are happy with their two course delicious meal.
    Investing in a spiraliser to make courgetti has been really helpful. A ‘starter’ of courgetti with a simple dressing of garlic and chilli with a small sprinkle of parmesan or a tablespoon of low fat cream cheese stirred in is only around 100 calories or so.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on new to this way of eating
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Stick with it, people on this forum are having amazing results.
    I started on Monday and already I’m seeing a blood sugar reduction, down from 9.8 to 7.8 and if i can do it, anyone can.

  • posted by  Ela on Is this for me?
    on in Fast 800

    I am on day 5 and am shocked I’ve not had a headache as it’s something I would normally get on a fast too but think it’s because I have drunk so much water and most of it warm… Never drunk so much in my life…. Water, water, water…. Wee, wee, wee…. But it works!

  • posted by  Sardow on Is this for me?
    on in Fast 800

    Have just read the BSD book and wondering if it’s for me. My blood sugar is fine (so far!) but have PCOS, my Dad had type II diabetes and I’m about 20kg overweight (carrying lots of this weight around my waist). I have tried the 5/2 diet but would always get a migraine on the fast days. Thoughts? Suggestions?

  • posted by  Julia_hc on easy breakfast
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks Squidgy. I tried the yoghurt and berries etc and prepd it then took into work . It tasted a lot better than I thought it would . Will definitely have it again

  • posted by  Tuppence on NO CARB BIRCHER RECIPE FROM BOOK
    on in Mindfulness

    Hi Hippo

    Holland & Barrett sell flaxseeds.

    It does sound nice but I have found that carbs push up my blood sugars too much – even healthy oats – I think I must be really carb sensitive.

    I’m hoping with time and clearing out my liver that it gets better!


  • posted by  NiKe70 on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    Hi I am Day 5 tomorrow. This is the only diet I think I’ve ever enjoyed. Being type 2 D for 6 years I have finally made a stark reality check with myself.
    I am a little concerned that I have gone over my 800 cals the last couple of days by about 30 to 50 cals…
    But I am also thrilled that I have gone from having good no exercise to almost 10000 steps every day which is equating to just over an hour of brisk walking.
    The calories I’m burning walking – will that impact on me going over slightly ???