Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Californiagirl on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks for the links LindaA! I’m like you — I know I cannot ever go back to how I ate and I like information that helps me keep perspective. I’ll check those out!

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks BigEater (I did wonder if my mention of the banana might cause a stir)!! I am having to balance this diet with enough carbs to train but I am also looking into which fats to eat – after 30 years of “dieting” it’s hard to believe that you can eat fat! This is certainly an education!

    Sarah x

  • posted by  VandJ on Fruit fetish
    on in Fast 800

    Hello all. I’m new to the website and haven’t explored it fully yet. I would value some advice regarding what I think of as a Mediterranean fruit, i.e. peaches/nectarines – we always have them while on holiday in Greece. Are these a definite no no? How about cherries and the old English favorite strawberries?

  • posted by  bigeater on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi SarahB

    Just reading your post and hope you dont mind me putting my big nose in. Noodles prob not a good idea on this way of eating, same with banana. Skim milk is also high in carbs. Obviously, the choices are yours though sugary and carby food dont really help you lose fat on a low carb way of eating. A little bit of fat here and there helps you lose weight and also fills you up. Some butter, olive oil, full fat milk amd yoghurt etc

    Anyway wish you all the best on your journey and look forward to your updates. Now if only my excess weight would disappear. lol

  • Hi Verano

    I have been diabetic type 2 for about 5 years, I was on 2000 mg metformin per day for the last 18months and my hbaic sat around 6.1. I gradually cut down on metformin during the 8 weeks of fast 800 with support from my doctor. My most recent hba1c was 5.6 but the next hba1c in a couple of months will be most telling re effect of no metformin.

    My doctor says there is no issue with stopping metformin with a good hba1c result and anyway if the blood glucose does go up its an easy matter of taking the metformin again as according to her it only takes two weeks on metformin to get a lower blood glucose reading.

    You might be interested to know that I read somewhere that metformin only reduces blood sugar by about 20 percent and that ity has no effect on stopping later diabetic complications. Wish I could say where I read this but it was a reputable source.

  • posted by  Malink on Carb Count
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi all! I’m on day 3. I have 6 stone to lose. Feeling so much better already. I’d usually fall asleep in front of the TV by 8.30 or need an afternoon nap. It’s incredible how much better I feel in such a short space of time. I use my fitness pal to record my meals and it makes me feel more accountable for what I eat. I got the shakes before my lunch today but feel better having finished a vegetable curry with cauliflower rice. My carb goal for the day is 50g but I have gone to 60 on the 1st 2 days. Easing myself into it! I’m looking forward to hearing how others are doing -the advice is a great help. I might be able to impart some knowledge as I go further into this but it’s all very new at the moment.

  • Blimey Mk….what a medical history. I admire you 100% for taking control of your diet. You have inspired me. Its reading reports like yours that have kept me motivated on this way of eating as my one big fear in life was becoming a diabetic. Thanks to you and others for inspiration I have lost just over three stone since 1st October but am now struggling with further weight loss because of my thyroid going awol.

    KrysiaD….well done for not having sugar for a whole year.
    Pod….the lilac hair sounds fantastic and its great your doctor is on your side.

    I feel a bit guilty not contributing to this thread. I do read it every day but feel a bit overwhelmed to try and reply to everyone.

  • Hi Verano

    Some answers

    I was diagnosed in May last year from a very high fasting blood test and with absolutely no other symptoms – I was in hospital being treated for a really serious PE – which now turns out to be a known side effect of a prescribed drug I’d been taking for a year.
    First HbA1c showed uncontrolled T2 with one of the highest readings GP had ever seen – he wanted me to go straight onto insulin, but agreed to let me try with low carb diet, Metformin and Glicizide.
    I’d been on a low carb diet for almost 5 years with a BMI of 26.5, happy, fit. The PE experience had stopped me exercising for 12 weeks and I’d put on about 12lbs from my everyday weight.
    When diagnosed I was terrified as my mum was diagnosed identically at exactly the same age and has gone on to develop horrendous peripheral neuropathy which made her an invalid in 3 years, sight loss, she just aged 10 years,p. However, she was a drinker, ignored all diet advice and didn’t take her meds as she was very slim and had put on weight on Metformin, so stopped taking it.
    Took meds and tested religiously for 6 months during which time I stopped sleeping, got regular hypos due to unpredictability of glicozide and put on almost 4 stones by following the dietitians ‘starchy carbs’ advice, partly, I think, because I was finding it hard to leave fat and protein behind, and this combined with spuds and bread was a bit of a disaster.
    Exercise was a distant memory as I was getting no meaningful night time sleep yet was so exhausted I fell asleep on the sofa every night at 7.30.
    Next HbA1c came back with ‘excellent diabetes control’ and a below normal reading, so GP said ‘keep doing what you’re doing but take 1 less Glicozide a day’. When I told him I’d never felt less healthy in my life, he tutted & sent me back to the dietician who suggested a diet full of starchy carbs and frankenfoods – Ww yoghurt, half fat cheese, low cal margarine, fill up on diet drinks – everything I’d avoided for the previous 5 years on low carb, when I’d felt so healthy and well. I knew this could not be my life forever, I had to get back to where I’d been.
    Researched, heard about Prof Taylor via work, but didn’t want to do meal replacements as per his 800 cal induction, so dithered about for a month.
    Found MM book and started bsd 4 October. In December, another ‘excellent’ HbA test, and GP took me off Glicozide and said if sugars stayed stable, to reduce Metformin by two tablets (of 4 per day). He didn’t believe the change was due to diet because ‘it couldn’t change that quickly’. Sugars stayed at 5.3 till Feb appointment, so Metformin reduced again by one tablet. and sugars are still stable. Doc knows, but says if I stop Metformin it will be against his advice as he doesn’t think I can control my diet indefinitely, despite 5 years of previous low carb eating. So now 4 stones down, although I have pushed for reduction in meds, the GP still holds the whip hand.

    Sorry, not currently near records so can’t give precise test result numbers, but mine have been normal or below every time since the scary first one – I’ve had 2 normal or below. My FBS has never been more than 7.8 since December, is usually between 4.9 and 6.1. I would love to be off meds completely, but can’t see it happening soon. In my area (Scotland) I think doctors get a bonus for diagnosing and treating T2 and I’m sure that’s why he won’t let me come off completely and note that my T2 is reversed. And just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I’m wrong…! Lol. Hope this helps. Mkx

  • posted by  Merry90 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    This is my first go bigeater – my dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (diet controlled) around a year ago and therefore my parents started this diet, with good results. I then got interested :).

    Like you Joancarver I have slowly allowed myself to gain weight by rationalising with myself all the time. I have previously lost half a stone every now and then, using slimming world but I haven’t been able to maintain. Mainly because I love cheese! So the fact I can eat fats is making this much easier.

    Sarah the aubergine lasange looked nice at first (cooked for half an hour under some tinfoil) but after putting some cheese on and cooking for a further 10 minutes, the sauce became a bit watery – it still tasted nice but wasn’t as good as some of the other recipes I have tried and I’m not entirely sure what went wrong to correct next time. Never mind..I’ve still got left overs for lunch today!

    I never tell anyone what I weigh but I thought I would follow suit with Joan and post it on here to make myself stick to this a bit better.
    81.2kg when last weighed on 02/05/17. I don’t think BMIs tell you awful lot if I am honest but mine is 30 something.

  • posted by  Fairyface on Still keeping calm and carrying on – year 2
    on in Fast 800

    Not a coffe drinker but I tried the bullet coffee this morning. Made it with one tablespoon butter, one table spoon of clotted cream and one cup of decent instant coffee…….is this right? Must say it was nice but I am just starting to get a little bit peckish!

    Should I make myself another one or is one a day enough?
    Really struggling to lose weight at the moment. Husband is eating more than me and his weight is going down!

  • posted by  Jules58 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Yes I am measuring myself and the first month was good but not so much since ! It’s sad how depend the on the scales I am , I’ve had to hide them or I would be on them all the time but I’m going to be a grown up this time and weigh and measure once a week ! I have to change the way I regard food I know that but also recognise I need?want rapid results ,I have no patience at all !!

  • A few questions for MK , and anybody else with T2 who has come off medication ….

    How long ago were you diagnosed with T2?
    What medication were you taking?
    What was your average HbA1c while taking medication?
    How long after starting BSD were you able to stop medication?
    Did you GP/medical practitioner take you off medication or was it your own idea?

    The reason I ask these questions is because my HbA1c has been ‘normal’ at 5.5 since last October. I had a second test 3 months later and am due for my next in mid May. If I’m still ‘normal’ I want to ask my GP to reduce or stop my metformin.

    Thanks in advance for your experiences.

  • posted by  Yogamum on An alternative to risotto
    on in Starting the BSD

    I have a selection of lovely mushrooms and really fancy making a risotto with them . Are there any alternative grains that I could use instead ie buckwheat ?

  • Pod – what a good response from your Doctor. It will be really interesting to hear the results of your blood works.

    Sueblue and Cara – well done with your weight loss this week.

    Read a very interesting article in yesterday’s ‘I’ Newspaper.
    ‘Sweet Tooth’ linked to liver hormones.
    Scientists have identified a ‘sweet tooth hormone’ which is secreted by the liver after eating sweets. People whose bodies make FGF21 in large quantities are a 5th more likely to be high consumers of sweets.

    As a T2D who is in ‘the last chance saloon’ I have not eaten any sugar for a whole year as one mouthful of sugary carbs would trigger a carb fest. So maybe it isn’t lack of self contol on my part – but maybe it is driven by this liver hormone – because it is very interesting that I have absolutely no cravings for the sweet stuff at all if I never eat it, but one mouthfull is all that is needed to set off a frantic carb fest.

    I also wonder if the white carbs that turn into glucose very quickly will trigger the same response from the liver as I have found that the white carbs also seemed to set this off in the past – although of course they were often mixed with sugar e.g. Tesco Finest biscuits and all varieties of cake (especially coffee and walnut cake).

  • posted by  SunnyB on Starting the last push to ultimate goal today ….
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All, have been entertaining my folks on a visit to us here in Turkey, so haven’t managed to check in over the last couple of weeks, good to see folks hanging in the there though. I am trying to get back in the right head space and make a bigger effort to keep things on the straight and narrow.

    While our visitors were here, I hadn’t been as cautions as I should have been, so am aware that I have gained a couple of pounds. That said, I can still wear my designated indicator garment – some size10 cropped trousers. So as long as I can comfortably wear those, I’m not going to panic too much – do want to get proper control again though. To that end, I am avoiding the alcohol for the next few days at least and not eating any of the evil stuff either, as I have allowed myself the odd little cake here and there up until today.

    Anyway, good luck everyone, hope you all manage to achieve your goals and make good progress. Will pop in again in a week or so – wish me luck with getting back full control in the meantime.

  • posted by  Angelsand on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Well I’m on day two and still feeling positive and much better mentally now I have properly started.

    I think my issue is that I know it works so well that I delay starting it as I think I can just catch up in the end!

    If anyone is successfully maintaining it would be really useful to see a snapshot of what you eat in a day? I want to get this right WHEN I get to my goal weight xx

  • posted by  SunnyB on need some tips for toning up
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    In general, Pilates is brilliant for toning and especially the tummy area, as it is all about core strength, which is achieved by exercising the abdominal muscles.

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Joancarver – I think we we were writing at the same time! I think writing in this thread adds some accountability which I know really helps me. You seem to have the plan – and we’re all here to support each other. It may be worth trying some mindfulness to help distract you, so if you do have a blip you can stop it in its tracks. Or just have a really good rant on here! – Best of luck

  • posted by  Maharani kitten on need some tips for toning up
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Sit ups are brill for tummy area if you do them properly and regularly – plenty of tutorials online. 10 mins morning and evening and you soon see a difference. Also, cheap. I’m a Scot, don’t like paying when it’s something you can try yourself at home with no equipment to buy. Key is to build it into everyday routine. I do mine as soon as I get up, in my jammies, and while I watch the 6 o clock news. Mkx

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hello everyone – welcome to this thread – it’s so nice to have so many people to talk/discuss with. How was the skinny aubergine casserole Charlotte? I am also trying to balance exercise/training with this Jules58 and it’s a steep learning curve! I really struggled last week and learned (the hard way) that I wasn’t drinking enough water. I’m a slave to the scales too but taking some measurements on Sunday and repeating that every week may give you the boost if the scales are stubborn for a while. We sound like we have similar goals SaraP and Bigeater!
    I’m finding that the water is definitely helping this week – I am sleeping better already and managing to stay on track. I got to day 5 last week and it all fell apart but now that I’m back on it (day 3) I feel a mix of confidence (from the lessons learned last week) and anticipation. I have a spinning class this evening so I am having to think about how to fuel – although I usually enjoy breakfast, I am finding that I am not hungry first thing and just drinking plenty. I’ve got a chicken noodle salad for lunch and will have a protein bar about 90 minutes before the class. I will have a recovery shake afterwards to put back carbs/protein & a banana.
    I’m still allowing a few calories for skimmed milk (tea) at the moment but trying to wean myself off – however, I do get cold and this helps, especially in the evening, before bed.
    Have a great day everyone
    Sarah x

  • posted by  joancarver on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi all,
    I’d like to join too. please. Reading on the forum helps with motivation so I hope joining will help with the willpower. I have never really been on a diet before…simply because I can’t make it past 10 am without cheating! Seriously. I’ve read that most people fall off the wagon within a week. I can’t even make it to half a day! I started the BSD yesterday, cheated pretty early in the morning and then decided that since I’d cheated, I may as well get it all in before starting again….so I ate 4 chocolate bars in a row. Pathetic! Part of the reason I haven’t stuck to a diet is that I’m not hugely overweight and the pounds have just crept up slowly after having each of my children, so I kept thinking and rationalising, ‘it’s not that bad, I don’t really need to do anything about it, I must have a high metabolism’. But now the weight is enough that my face looks different, I can’t find any clothes (even simple t-shirts) that look good, I’m reluctant to share holiday snaps and I just don’t feel good about myself. And it’s also the health factor – heart disease runs on both sides of my family so I’m high risk. I feel lucky that it is heart disease (as opposed to, say, cancer) that is my genetic Achilles heel, since there are modifiable risk factors…but I’m so angry at myself for squandering this opportunity for the past few years. I can’t even blame it on my family: my husband never snacks and wears the same size he did in uni and my kids have a very healthy diet – when I asked my 6-year old son if I could have some of his Easter egg, he said ‘sure but you’ll have to wait until after dinner’ (the kids only have sugar on the weekends and only after dinner).
    My 2 major problems:
    1. Snacking. Constantly – a handful of nuts here and there, a biscuit as I’m passing the kitchen and especially after dinner. I’m not hungry at all. It’s just that my tongue is bored…it wants to taste something nice.
    2. If I cheat, even ever so slightly, I decide that the day is a write-off and then I devour EVERYTHING in the cupboard. Even if it’s healthy, the portions are out of control.
    Enough is enough. This time, and I’m hoping with your help, it IS going to be different.
    Starting weight: 150lbs/68.1kg
    BMI: 27.5

  • posted by  apricot on Day 4 and I'm surprised that I'm not hungry
    on in Fast 800

    I have just finished the third week of the 800 calories a day 8-week diet and pleased with the changes experience in the form of weight loss and just plain feeling energised. The recipe book is the key for me hopefully obtaining my goal. The 8 week meal planner and recipes are the key to that success. Now itโ€™s just up to me.

  • posted by  Merry90 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    The more merrier ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m a nurse too maidyju and it is definitely preparing everything that makes it easier. I’m finding between breakfast and lunch then after dinner the hardest time (especially after dinner as there is still lots of food in the house). Jules58 have you thought about measuring yourself instead? I have really upped my exercise in conjunction with starting this and didn’t want to rely on just scales. I’m hoping seeing a decline in the measurements might have more of an impact on me :).
    Sarah P, I’m also a fan of the cauliflower rice – I think I’m going to make the chicken and pea pilaf tonight :). Bigeater I would love to lose around the same before the end of June too as that is when I go on holiday :).

    I hope you all have a good day :).


  • posted by  Jules58 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi there can I join in too? I’m starting BSD on Monday ! I’ve spent the week reading the books and writing a shopping list so I can be prepared ! I’ve recently joined a gym and started a programme for the first time in 10 years so I’m a little worried about coping on 800 calories and the question of will the muscle mass I’m gaining will off set the weight loss if that makes sense ? I’m so conditioned to weighing myself and being rewarded by seeing a weight loss that I have struggled with eating carefully and exercising and only losing 1lb in 6 weeks so here I go ! Any advice welcomed !

  • posted by  1960smp on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Morning peeps!!

    So far, so good….am already on Day 3 and down 2.1kg!! ( 4.6 pounds gone!! ) so am encouraged indeed. Found it surprisingly ok to do and drinking 2 litres of Pellegrino water helps. I have loosely followed the recipes in original book as needed to use up food in fridge and so need to plan menu for next week or can see me derailing. It doesn’t help that I have several social engagements coming up this month either.

    The other best news is my blood sugars have practically halved going down from the early teens to almost normal levels which reminds me I need to check in with the doctor as he may want to lower my meds….

    Linda I have bookmarked that link as it looks like good reading, thanks

    How is everyone doing? Hope you all have a good day what ever you have planned.

  • posted by  bigeater on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi SaraP,

    Welcome. I’d like to join too. I did the fast 800 ending in late March. Since then have been following BSD and the 5/2. I have been losing steadily but want to speed it up so will be doing the fast 800 again. Bit of company along the way will be great. Sounds like you are off to a good start. I am diabetic with much improved numbers but have a little way to go yet. Hopefully the next 8 weeks will bring the results I need.

  • posted by  LindaA on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Californiagirl,
    I so agree with you that this isn’t just about weight loss, it about our future health and wellbeing. We’re lucky in Australia that our healthcare is pretty good and although my husband and I wouldn’t be without health insurance, should we have to give it up, there is a pretty good back up system in place, not perfect, but not bad considering what you folk in the U.S. have.

    Now that I’m maintaining, I’m terrified after everything that I’ve read of not just putting the weight back on, but that if I go back to eating sugar, grains and legumes (+ vegetable oils), I’ll get sick.

    I found this great website that talks about the other benefits besides weight loss of the WOE and this is what gives me the motivation not to slide back to the way I used to eat.


  • posted by  Tallyhoo on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All…………….

    AHA!!!! Tested out theory – to recap had put on 2.4 lbs overnight by having curry at 8pm on Tuesday night – no carbs and only a dry chicken shashlick etc – anyway not to bore on – I did double my walk yesterday so 4 miles and just had a big lunch of ‘spaghetti’ with bolognese and nothing else for the rest of the day except water and AND……………….drumroll please

    I lost 3 lbs overnight – so I lost my 2.4 lbs and another bit ………….so pleased and my theory works – admittedly I was really hungry all evening but kept picturing the scales in the morning!…………I know that is not sustainable but it does mean I know what to try to do in the same circumstances

  • posted by  SaraP on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Can I join this thread too please? On day 2. Yesterday was ok and I was really pleased to actually like the cauliflower rice I made. I think the trick for me will be being organised so I don’t just reach for toast. I had scrambled eggs for breakfast yesterday and didn’t feel hungry til lunchtime which was fab. I then had a lentil salad which was a bit boring and thai veggie curry for dinner which was pretty good. I only had yoghurt and cherries for breakfast this morning though and I’m already hungry and it’s only mid morning (not in the UK). I’ll have to fill up on water. I’m excited to have started – I want to lose 20kg in total and hopefully 10kg by the end of June as I’ve got a party to go to! Hope today goes well for everyone!

  • posted by  Californiagirl on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Ginnie, here in US we never get health care free because even as a “pensioner” (on Social Security) we have to pay taxes and that’s what pays much of our health care. It is actually good that they are trying to improve ObamaCare because it is putting an unfair burden on our young people, who are paying huge premiums to buy (required) health insurance. The premiums keep going up and the insurance “exchanges” that were created by ObamaCare are failing — so it will be good to fix it and get young people’s costs under control.
    I actually reached goal last year on the BSD and am maintaining since last summer but it’s always good for me to have more reasons to keep on keeping on!
    Best wishes to you too!

  • posted by  suzcaps on TOFI need to do whole 8 weeks?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi TofiEm,
    I found that article extremely interesting, and it was timed perfectly. I have during the last week ‘accidentally ‘ been fasting. By that I mean, I haven’t had time for breakfast and wasn’t particularly hungry, so I have been skipping breakfast and just eating a slightly bigger lunch and my weight is stable and my FBS have been in the high 5’s. Not only that I have increased my root vegetable intake and upped my fruit intake. All good so far. I think I will keep my carbs around the 100g mark, and fast a couple of times a week. Fingers crossed that will work for me. I need to get my blood work done in 2 weeks so those results should be interesting. I have been sneaking in some chocolate, and the occasional low-carb bread. Helga’s has come out with some lovely low GI bread.

    How are your FBS going? Has your experimenting paid off? I feel maintenance is so much harder than the losing and it is probably the least talked about phase of the diet.

    Let me know how your fasting works out for your FBS levels. Yes, I believe fasting from after dinner to lunch time very doable. I find really fragrant and light herbal teas can really help and you might be able to fast longer if you want.

    Happy Fasting

  • I’m so glad to hear from you all and to have company on the longer journey. Reading your posts really helps me stick to the BSD. I am about 900 grams from my main goal, so hopefully by the end of next week, or the week after, I might achieve it. I am a slow loser although I am ramping up the walking to 12 km per day, which should help.

    Heapster, well done on your progress and on inspiring others.
    NancyB, we all have those dips where it is hard to follow the rules. Just keep on thinking about your holiday in Portugal. I hope your weigh in helps.
    Shanshu, have a fun holiday and hopefully we will hear from you when you return.

  • posted by  Mariet on 20th Feb Starters
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m glad to hear things are s bit better Luckylinda. My mother discovered a similar intolerance in her 50s and independently acted on it with huge relief. When she mentioned how much better she felt after eliminating wheat to her doctor he told he he had thought that might be the case but hadn’t suggested cutting out wheat products because people found it too hard to do! She was a bit cheesed off, felt it could have saved her months of pain and discomfort.

    Speaking of my mother, she is 83 and started this woe week after I did so 9 weeks now. She has lost 5 kg and 3 in from her waist and is a very happy lady indeed. When she saw dr again expecting back pats and general congratulations all she got was a grunt. Demoralising

    Chelle you ate right about BMI being just a number. I’ve had a think about it and as I’ve still got unwelcome rolls around my waist and a biggish belly I’ve decided to disregard the doctor (again! ) and keep going until I feel happy with my weight loss.

    I hope everyone’s having a good week. Onwards and downwards!

  • posted by  maidyju on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hope no one minds me saying hi and joining in! I’m on day 1. It wasn’t too bad at all. I just ate a LOAD of veg. My calorie count was 864, but managed just 43g of carbs, 37g of fat and 82g of protein (I’m a pescatarian – veggie who eats fish) in 3 meals. I think my days at work will be the hard ones (I’m a nurse), but I’m bringing in a packed lunch (and some extra veg/nuts to snack on if I need to). Hope everyone is doing ok ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Ginnie on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    athorn223. Hope you had a great holiday. I know going away is a disaster for the diet so I am hoping to be more careful as that was my undoing last time. You’ll soon get back on tract. How are you doing Greenjanet? Hope the renovations are going well? I tend to eat when I’m bored so that won’t be a problem for you. good luck

  • posted by  Ginnie on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi California girl, Thank heavens I don’t pay for health care, I am a pensioner and live in France at the moment, but moving back to the UK soon, I won’t pay for health care there either. However losing weight will help me stay healthier and more motivated. I will feel I am doing my best to keep healthy. I was so sorry to read about the scraping of Obama care and the repealing of the gun laws! What next!
    I am sure you’ll get motivated to stick with the diet for 8 weeks and reap the benefits of great weight loss.

  • posted by  Athorn223 on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hey all! So glad this post is still going! I’ve been on holiday with my husband and extended family since Easter. This was not good at all for my diet. I just could not manage a mediterranean diet outside of my controlled environment. Definitely a lesson learned. I’m back up to 235. I’m holding on to a lot of water weight from the travel and fast food. arg!!!! I feel like I’m starting over but I can’t give up. Send me good vibes! I can’t quit this time.

  • posted by  vikki444 on Starting or Restart April 2017
    on in Starting the BSD

    No Hun I just fast till around 12/1pm so get a 16hr fast in then try to eat within the 8hr window don’t really do it on weekends but the med diet seems to help me more don’t feel anywhere near as deprived as I do in some others I’ve tried and I prefer wholemeal stuff anyway and it’s certainly helped me eat more veggies xXx

  • posted by  Ginnie on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, especially Melb100, glad your back! I am being taken out for a Chinese meal on my birthday in 3 weeks time so I won’t be sticking to my diet that evening but I hope not to go too mad.
    You’ve got more stamina than me Tallyho, I couldn’t resist an onion Bhajee! I don’t go out for meals its too tempting.
    1960smp I too am still motivated to lose weight so long may it last!!
    Hi Puneet, Madmare and Anglesand, I tried to start a diet many time before I finally got going, like you I would start and by the evening I had blown it! Then a friend did this diet and explained how it worked etc and it motivated me to try again. I finally got my head in the right place to stick to it but it wasn’t easy. The first 2 weeks were the hardest before I got the hang of it with a lot of advice from a friend and having a great weight loss in the first week helps. Good luck to you all.

  • posted by  Californiagirl on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    I read your thread this morning over coffee, then drove a ways to work and ended up listening to a show about health care insurance and costs and pre-existing conditions (you probably know in the US we are currently discussing modifying/changing our national health law under ObamaCare — premiums have exploded for young people and we are trying to figure out how to control costs and still protect people with pre-existing conditions).
    It occurred to me, listening to people’s personal stories on the show, how much energy and effort is spent by persons who are not healthy, just in seeking care, waiting for care, receiving care, lost work, disability etc — not to mention the actual dollar cost of all that and the psychological toll.
    There is a huge personal COST to not staying as healthy as we can (obviously we don’t have perfect control over this and I am not commenting on the things outside of our control — our bodies are not machines and of course, illness happens to everyone at some time).
    I think that I will add that fact to my list of “why” on the days I want to eat the wrong foods — maybe it will help me stay motivated when I am weary of it or it just seems like too much (I’m currently maintaining).
    We are near retirement and I would love to spend my soon-to-be-lowered income on more fun things than medical care.
    It’s funny, this was such an epiphany for me!

  • posted by  Merry90 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’ve got the skinny aubergine lasagne in the oven and cannot wait! Getting very hungry now. I have been drinking lots of water too :).

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    I settled for poached egg on toast for supper post 5km run. I’m not hungry but I feel tired and achy.
    I’m continuing to drink plenty of water which is helping. I’m apprehensive as I know it will get harder before it gets easier.
    Fingers crossed for the next couple of days- good luck everyone x

  • posted by  Bathonian on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Evening meal prepared cottage pie without the potatoes and loads of vegetables. It smells delicious. OHs and sons version in the oven, I don’t feel I’m missing out just adapting our usual food.

  • posted by  Tallyhoo on 2nd time's the charm
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All

    I dunno………..I read your posts and you talk about suddenly going nuts on carbs and then being glum when you put on weight or don’t lose it – fair enough but I seriously haven’t had a carb for the last 4 weeks and slowly, ever so slowly it is grudgingly coming off, lost 1lb when I weighed in on Tuesday morning and I knew I was going to have a bad evening last evening (Tuesday) so had no breakfast and just a bowl of soup for lunch (home made – no flipping carbs) and in the evening I had 1/2 a portion of chicken shashlick (ie tandoori chicken with some peppers and onions) at the curry house, 2 poppadoms – turned away the onion bhajee (which made me weep with longing) and a vegetable starter – this morning I had put on a whopping 2.4 lbs – with no flippin carbs – poppadoms made with chick pea flour so ok! I know why………..because I ate late and it just doesn’t suit me sadly

    Today I’ve had no breakfast, spaghetti bolognese for lunch (of course with courgetti) and that’s it – I’m not having nothing no more till I weigh in tomorrow morning and we’ll see if my theory works!

    Many expletives should be written here!

    This could take me a week to lose………………….and we were given a box of chocs on Sunday which I told my husband he could eat provided he does it somewhere I cannot see, smell or hear it and he better hide that box well……………….!

  • Hey all – I just wanted to say that I was still here and to show support to those still pressing ahead.

    I’m on a bit of a break at the moment. -birthday, work trips, leisure trips making being strict either difficult or undesirable.

    I have tried to stay on the Med diet but today I’ve been off the rails (at a funeral for a friend who died suddenly and must admit I’ve been comfort eating.

    I am out of the U.K. on holiday for a week as of tomorrow. 50% of which will be in the med so I will try to be good although not calorie counting. Then when I get back I’m going to reapply myself.