Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Eureka on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Hi Clare

    Thanks for your post, we know there are GP’s & practice nurses that get it & are on our side; but not enough yet! We can’t wait 5 years ( at least I can’t ) for the Newcastle uni trial & results to appear. I know my body is better on this diet & it’s my way to go now. I choose to do this being aware of all the pitfalls & with no guarantee at the end

    We are the brave pioneers, who have MINDFULLY chosen to help ourselves via this BSD diet with or without medical help. We hope it works. We know we have to work at it., probably for the rest of our (much healthier) lives
    Thank goodness for Michael Mosley & Prof Roy Taylor!

    I was a cadet nurse in 1967. I’ve known the nhs a long time. Right now it is the sickest patient we have. We’re going to make the DIABETIC part a lot BETTER!!

    Everyone , you have made an exceptionally brave & astute decision to join us all on this journey, well done. Keep going

  • posted by  malkay on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Mine too seems very slow. I had lost about 6lbs in nearly 3 weeks, and was really pleased. However, Last night we had an Indian takeaway. I thought I had chosen wisely, had a small portion, and had no carbs with it. This morning, I seem to have put 4lb back on. Also, I have lost nothing, not 1 millimetre from my waist, which is the whole point isn’t it? I only have about 1.5 stones to lose, but it is all around my waist. However, I do feel better, not as many sugar crashes, so will get back on the wagon today, and persevere. Good luck, and stay positive.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Agree with Shrinkydinkyman about the pound for pound thing, its why inch loss is as important as weight loss. Muscle weighs more than fat is another one of those urban myths that makes no sense when you take it apart.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Now that sounds really nice! I should have heeded your warning on quinoa but I had already bought it by then! I did three blood tests over Thursday and friday morning and they were all normal so I think its safe to conclude I am not prediabetic. My lowest reading was 4.7, that was two hours after eating toast and butter (pre-diet obvs!) so I’m happy that its one less thing to worry about.

    Day three today and feeling pretty good. I did think a vlcd would be more torturous but actually I haven’t gone to bed hungry yet, which funnily enough, I did do frequently on much higher cal diets.

    Anutylil, tomorrow is the end of your first week I think? Do you have any plans for weighing/measuring?

  • This is such a relief to me. I have struggled with my weight for over 20 years and have had very little helpful advice from my GP.I have read and read, as I am sure many people have, about to lose weight effectively. I have for the last 6 years or so felt that my difficultes were insulin resistance related.I haven’t been able to get my GP interested except when I developed gestational diabetes with my second child. I had 5 miscarriages between my children and am fairly sure that this relates to polycistic ovary syndrome. My GP wouldn’t really engage with that either but after I insisted more assertively, she referred me to a nutritionist – except she didn’t really know enough about eating to balance blood sugar. So finally some guidance that really makes total sense to me – I’m not mad after all , phew! I am not currently diabetic but am about 4 stone overweight, 46, menopausal, undertall and if my quiz results are accurate moderately addicted to carbs. I really want to prevent onset of diabetes and now I really believe I can successfully get to a healthy weight. I am now passing the book to my husband, he needs to face up to his health too!

    I am beginning the preparations today am excited and positive!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I,m really happy so far. I’ve had to tighten my belt 2 notches since starting.
    I’m loving the way this support community is developing. There is so much friendly advice here now. I suppose as sort of pioneers on the forum, we are building a library of tips and success stories.
    My little theory about the sugar readings is that it’s similar to the dawn effect.
    You don’t give your bodues enough fat to burn so the liver releases stored sugars to boost the calories.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thats a brilliant result and a real inspiration to others just embarking on this journey.
    Well done, let us know how you get on with the maintenance plan.

  • posted by  Sparkletutu on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Am I missing something? Have I mis-read the book? I thought bread, rice and cereal (and pasta) were big no-no’s for the 8 week plan? If you’re still eating that, surely weight-loss will be slower?

    I also have had a small weight loss in comparison to others but bernie is correct in that the more weight we have to lose, the bigger the weight loss will be. I only have 1.5 stone to lose so I’m not expecting big losses, I’ll be pleased with anything really.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    First two I looked at, the grain free flat bread and the coconut flour biscuits have no sugar penny

  • posted by  Zandranna on I'm Really Suffering
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Penny. That’s not ridiculous at all as I did wonder myself at one point if that’s what it was. However, it’s lasted 7 days now, although I have to say that it also seems to be getting less agressive and not every time I eat but only in the mornings. Now it’s just uncomfortable. I haven’t felt sick with it which made me think it wasn’t/isn’t a bug. I did starve myself for about 30 hours at one point over Thursday and Friday which helped.

    I’ve been sitting here this morning thinking what I ate last Sunday to wake up with this on the Monday. Because my Granddaughter wanted to treat everyone to a kebab on Sunday I had their chicken and salad. Now I’m wondering if there was something wrong with the chicken and this has been a mild form of food poisoning. I’ve had food poisoning once before and I was very ill then for nearly a fortnight before it was totally out of my system.

    But I do feel as if I am now coming out the other side as I’m feeling a lot better.

  • posted by  Clare (BSD Admin) on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Very frustrating and disappointing that some of you are not getting the support from your GP. We are trying to educate clinicians about the principles and the science behind it, but it is early days and takes time to filter through. We hope they will listen.

    Wonderful to see how well people are doing and also how well informed you are. Lots of brilliant advice being shared.
    Hope you get to where you want to be
    Clare (Michael’s wife & a GP)

  • posted by  hashimoto on One week in (almost)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Ddraig, I have switched to Michael’s suggestion of ice cold sparkling water with a slice of lemon when I feel like something other than plain water. I actually slice my lemons up and freeze them then just add a frozen slice to my water. I’m going to try those Moroccan meatballs after reading your comment! Good work losing 6lbs in a week!! Well done!

  • posted by  hashimoto on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Rosy, I too have back problems – mostly discs. My GP and physio told me to try a pilates for bad backs class which is run locally by a well trained person. I was petrified at the first class because I could not move without pain but came out with much less pain and more movement. It is worth trying. I do those exercises and the resistance exercises from ‘The trust me I’m a doctor’ series and just try to walk as many steps a day as possible ( I put my pedometer in my pocket as soon as I get up and only take it out when I go to bed) if I feel I am not going to get enough steps in I just walk up and down the stairs a few times and up and down the garden.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I have lost 19lbs since starting this diet on 20th January and am feeling great. I have actually found this much easier than the 5:2 diet because I stopped feeling hungry after 3 or 4 days. It always felt like going back to hunger pangs each day I had a 5:2 fast day. Will it be possible to maintain health/weight by doing two consecutive days of 800 calories rather than 2 days in a week of 500 calories?? Now that the weight is falling off I am thinking about how to maintain this when I lose another 12lbs.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Starting on Sun 7th
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hope it is still going well for you! I am now happy to say I have lost 19lbs since starting on 20th January and have a BMI of 24.5. Can’t believe it myself except my jeans keep slipping down. When I lose another 12lbs I will treat myself to some new clothes. I have chronic asthma and bronchiectasis as well as hashimoto’s hypothyroidism (which puts me at some risk of developing diabetes) and I have got to say I feel 10 years younger and much healthier since starting this diet. Can’t thank Michael Mosely enough.

  • posted by  Ddraig on One week in (almost)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well I can say that this has been a great week, I’ve dropped 6 lbs as of this morning.

    I have a tray of guilt free brownies in the oven, had to modify the recipe a little as I mistakenly put 6tbs of coconut oil in instead of 4! Cocoa nibs are expensive! Of course I then didn’t have any more almond flour so added coconut flour instead lol, I’ll let you know how they taste.

    Made the morrocan meat balls last night, they taste awesome, loved the potatoless moussaka 🙂 our name for the Aubergine, lamb and pomegranate dish.

    I find breakfast the most difficult, I also know if I don’t have it I’ll end up “picking” so I’ve bought two tubs of avidlight protein shakes to have just for first meal.

    The skinny bol was lovely, and the flat mushrooms with cheesy beans went down a treat.

    Partner bought me a card, flowers and a box of extra dark Lindor lol, I’ve already worked out the calorie content of each piece and added it to my list.

    I was forcing myself to down the local tap water, run through a filter, realised it was going to be difficult so bought sugar free squash and am making up a very weak 1st bottle, just enough to take the edge off.

    So, week one, minus 6lbs, not a bad start and long may it continue 🙂

    Ddraig xx

  • posted by  Joycey on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Had a really bad day yesterday. Just felt really really hungry. Had breakfast from menu which just didn’t do it for me. Then decided to have lunch which was still good foods. Still didn’t do it so decided about 4 pm to have dinner from menu. Okay so far you say BUT then I really needed something sweet. And had dried dates and a handful of cashew nuts and then again, then just kept eating the nuts. I knew I shouldn’t but I could stop. Then later on made a pancake and had sugar and lemon on. I know Michael says okay start again tomorrow which I am going to do. I know where this came from I built myself up to it by saying on Thursday night and again Friday that I won’t be able to manage over the weekend. So kind of ingrained the thought in my head. Lesson, to me, from this, is to know when it happens again to change the thought process. So today am going to try and think of a method to counteract Thursday’s thoughts. And am going to start Michael’s mindful technique too.
    Oops rather long sorry, but hoping it may help me understand me a bit more by writing it out.

  • Hi

    I’m just startling day 7 & and have lost 6 lbs so far. I want to encourage everyone that this initial weight loss is not water loss, because I have been on a low carbohydrate diet for a couple of weeks before starting this, so my water loss was in January. The downside is that my BMI is over 37, so I have a lot of weight to lose, and I’m a man, so weight loss seems to be quicker in men.


  • posted by  Shrinkydinkyman on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Enzo. What are you talking about? How can muscle weigh more than fat? A pound is a pound be it feathers or lead. Muscle does not weigh more than fat, any more than lead weighs more than feathers.
    A pound is a pound is a pound. Where the misunderstanding often comes in is that muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more. That is, a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat.

  • posted by  Rubytuesday on Completed 8 weeks …
    on in Fast 800

    That’s amazing, well done. And very motivating. I’m on day 3. Have lost 2lb which is encouraging. Great that you have managed 8 weeks – I’ll be pleased if I manage 2!! Enjoy your trip 🙂

  • posted by  auntylil on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The marinated ingredients which included tofu & wedges of different coloured peppers. Very filling and delicious and I could eat it with my eyes open! I cant get my head round a gp saying that about carbonated water. Does the carbonation produce acidity… How many calories in tooth enamel… Blueberry, spinach, goat milk yogurt and flaxseed shake for me for breakfast as I’m feeling really full still from last night’s dinner. How’s it going with the blood tester now Janet?

  • I watched a really good documentary film on Netflix last night called “Hungry for Change” it really backed up the principal’s of the BSD.
    It also exposés the ways that the food industry has been addicting us to the wrong foods for years!
    And poisoning us with chemical’s.
    More than anything else it convinced me that the BSD and following the Mediterranean way of life is the way forward to a hopefully long and happy life.

  • posted by  Shrinkydinkyman on Atkins chocolate bars ?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My occasional desire for chocolate is satisfied by having a couple of squares of very dark chocolate (85% coca) I niibble at it and let it melt on my tongue. I get such an intense “high” which would only be obtained by eating a family bar of Dairy Milk. But the difference is I get the benefit of the dark chocolate without the sugar rush and subsequent “crash” Of milk chocolate.

  • posted by  pmshrink on How long for my BS to drop
    on in Fast 800

    It could take s while. Advice is to stay on insulin with til your levels start to drop then reduce gradually also talk to doc.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Nuts, which ones are best?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Fred
    I think they’re all good- check out the nutrients- and good to vary them. Just take account of their calories. For instance if I have cashews I have 3, but almonds I have 5 etc

  • posted by  pmshrink on Allergy to nuts and seeds
    on in Fast 800

    Hi fitjacq
    You could use the nuts you’re ok with?
    Also other sources of fats eg s bit of olive oil on your veg.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Blood Sugar Advice
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Capo
    Lots have people have written that their sugar is higher on waking. There’s a technical name for it which I’ve forgotten. I imagine it’s to get people some energy in the morning, if they have normal Sugar levels that’s not a problem. I think the advise to get a doc to test you is sound.

  • posted by  pmshrink on I'm Really Suffering
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Dandy
    You poor thing , that sounds awful.
    Forgive me if this is totally ridiculous, but could you have had a stomach bug? Those symptoms in a non IBS person would indicate that. Just a thought. Hope you feel better soon.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Melanie
    Interesting that people argue with the science- it seems cast iron to me!

  • posted by  pmshrink on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Shrinky
    I had the opposite experience, which is even more alarming, drinking litres of water but not seeming to urinate more! So I got some herb tea that is diuretic- hawthorn tea- now I’m ok.
    Must be very inconvenient for you if you have to rush like that but maybe it’ll settle down?

  • posted by  pmshrink on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Stringbreaker
    I totally agree. I weigh myself every day and waist measure.
    What’s the theory behind the sacredness of only weighing once a week? For me it makes the disappointment much worse. With daily weighing you know what’s going on.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m guessing you were having something with tofu? But I have no idea what the gone off jellied eel is…unless it really is gone off jellied eel?

    Quinoa was pretty bland (never mind looking awful) but I only had 30g of it and the bag is 300g so I guess I will have to shut my eyes. Was yours any better?

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help no weight loss after 5 days
    on in Fast 800

    Hi swabs
    I’m in a similar position. Have lost 4 lb in total and I’ve done 13 days. Walking 1000s of steps a day. It’s strange. My sister has list nothing in 16 days. But she’s been ill and not active. However she has lost 3″ and I’ve lost 2″ off our waists. Which is great.
    I think our diets were quite healthy already, only the carbs are different so that may be relevant. We were eating no junk food and almost no sugar anyway but of course lots of rice and wholemeal bread!
    Anyway we both feel better on the diet and I’m sleeping much better so we re keeping going.
    Eventually something must happen!
    Good luck

  • posted by  pmshrink on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Merseychic
    I’m even slower. On day 13, have lost 4 lb in total, been sticking to calories, no grains, walking 1000s of steps a day.
    But I feel a lot better and sleeping a lot better so I’m keeping going. Anyway it’s not hard to do.
    Good luck

  • posted by  pmshrink on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi joycey
    Great you’re feeling better.
    A lot of people have said about higher readings on waking. I think I’ve read that it’s s natural thing that is to give some energy in the morning which with normal BG isn’t a problem. So I think don’t worry about that if it goes down later.
    Michael says have half a plateful of appropriate veg and don’t weigh it. I think it’s on the forums somewhere. This has caused some confusion but I suppose that’s what we should do. It’s not huge calories anyway so I think go for it. I am!

  • posted by  pmshrink on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Bill
    Thanks for the link.
    I looked at one or two recipes but haven’t found one without sugar yet. Maybe there are some!

  • posted by  snackerlady on The 8-week blood sugar diet book
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Try here:

    I have printed recipes from here. I have the kindle version of the book and found the recipes hard to follow and unable to print them. I think these are the same as the book but I haven’t started yet- i’m getting ready for Monday 15th Feb so just in the process of reading and getting organised 🙂

  • posted by  Eureka on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Hi Magiek

    Know & understand your frustrations. I’m type 2 & due a review. My GP didn’t want to know & they are closing the surgery too!

    The General Medical Council headline Good medical practice :
    Dr’s must treat patients as individuals. Dr’s must listen to you & respond to your questions & concerns

    All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes list KEITH VAZ – Labour Party , as
    Chair & Registered Contact. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. Tel 020 7219. Email

    I believe both he & Theresa May – Conservative party, are diabetics.

    Good to have that info too Think I’m getting militant. All I want is an ear an open mind & a blood test down the road

    Good luck keep at it

  • posted by  captainlynne on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Anna, I’m wondering that myself. I’ve never been to Prague so no idea what meals will be available. It’s only 4 nights so hopefully it’ll be ok. Looks like some protein available at hotel breakfast. Just have to make best choices from what is available. Fortunately I don’t drink alcohol so that won’t be a temptation! Exploring should be good exercise! Might food shop in market/supermarket and sneak back into hotel 😃. Outward flight is 2pm so will try to get good meal at airport beforehand. Flight back is 12.30 so will try to get meal at airport – if not landing back in UK 13.45 so could eat on arrival. Just one more thing to try and plan LOL. Thinking I could have picked somewhere better for this holiday LOL.

    I’m keeping careful records, so will see how it goes 😊