Latest forum posts

  • posted by  paula121s on Help no weight loss after 5 days
    on in Fast 800

    I lost .1kg over 5 days and was gutted but in perspective my blood sugar had dropped to 5.4, which was great. I am now just starting the 2nd week and this morning I have lost 1.2kg and 2inches off my waist. Just remember as I was told that everyone loses weight differently. I keep a food diary and weigh and count all the calories. If I go over by a small amount I don’t stress as the next day could be slightly less than 800.
    Don’t despair you will lose weight just need to give it time. Good luck.

  • posted by  paula121s on Easy lunches advise
    on in Fast 800

    The beetroot falafel’s are delicious. I made a batch of them and took them for lunch. They are also very filling and found the serving of was way too much for me. Hummus is also good with celery and carrots. Good luck

  • posted by  Curly on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Very well done to all of you, for completing and still going, I plan to start on Monday, and after reading different posts must say that I am very much inspired and spurred on

  • posted by  paula121s on Courgetti Prawns – are the calories correct?
    on in Fast 800

    Definitely safer to use a separate calorie counter, I find it quick and easy to check online. Some of the meals do seem quite high. Checking the calories and weighing everything also gives me a better idea of what I’m eating, making me think about it more.

  • posted by  paula121s on Completed 8 weeks …..
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thats great news. You should be thrilled with yourself. Just started 2nd week and think it’s going well, will hopefully make it as far as you have. Well done.

  • posted by  AnnaJennings on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    I also weigh each day before breakfast, it gives me an indicator of whether the current plan is working or if I need to adjust things slightly. Maybe more excercise, or stick to the lower calories meals for a day ? I think I would go off track if I weighed once a week as we were always advised to !

  • posted by  AnnaJennings on Atkins chocolate bars ?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Tuesday. I haven’t heard of them but have managed to control my chocolate craving with two tiny squares of 70 per cent chocolate with a cup of tea in the evening. This hasn’t seemed to have damaged the weight loss so far, but I don’t know how it would affect blood sugar if you are watching that?

  • posted by  AnnaJennings on Hello and Cloud Bread anyone?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi. I made the cloud bread mentioned in one of the forums , (can’t recall where) but used Soya yoghurt instead of cream cheese as I am dairy intolerant. I ran out of space on my baking sheet so put the remaining mixture in small Yorkshire pudding tins as suggested. The ones cooked on the baking tray turned out nice and brown and I thought ideal as a ‘vehicle ‘ for toppings or sandwiching a filling together. The small ones didn’t brown as well but were useful to dip into soup. Nothing like bread of course, but a good substitute if going low carb. I will continue to make them.

  • Yeh, bread and biscuits, cakes, pasta… they all made me fat too. I was thinking that as I wasn’t eating fat from meat etc I would be healthy, but no way and the cholesterol was getting higher and higher. Marinating some tofu again for tonight’s meal. Now I’ve got more familiar with this diet I’m managing – there are lots of veggie advice elsewhere I’ve now discovered in the forums. Think if you search for vegetarian you’ll find them. Still think the book could usefully include meat free options but the meals are very good for all the other sources of protein anyway. Tried some lactose free cheese in an omelette earlier and realise for years I have not been focusing on feeding myself properly. The book is helping me in many different ways.

  • Yeah! Rock it. You’re in the right place now. I started last Monday and haven’t felt hungry once and I have lost weight and had to search this morning for a belt to hold my jeans up – I thought I wouldn’t even be able to get in them. A but headachy and weak for the 1st 2 – 3 days but that’s passed now. The book totally made sense to me. That was refreshing and also I thought Dr Michael isn’t on a massive ego trip like some other diet gurus.

  • posted by  captainlynne on Completed 8 weeks …
    on in Fast 800

    and the results?
    Lost 27 pounds. BMI from 40.9 to 36. Fasting BG from 10.9 to 5.3.

    Waist down 10 inches.

    Down 2 dress sizes, from 22/24 to 18/20.

    I’m going on holiday for a few days in March (4 nights in Prague) so am continuing with this until then. Will be careful when away, then back on this when I get back as I’ve still a lot of weight to lose.

  • posted by  BootsEd on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Do you measure your blood sugars daily.. just starting do i need to get a machine..any advice on which one is gratefully accepted x x

  • posted by  bernie on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Merseychic – not sure about the carbs in the shakes but try to remember that we are all different and also in general the more overweight you are the quicker you lose, initially anyway. Hope your next week goes a little better 🙂

  • posted by  malkay on RYE BREAD
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Thank you very much for this. It looks really interesting – and full of goodness. Just put my mixture to soak. Will let you know tomorrow how it’s gone! Really looking forward to a ‘carby’ substitute. If you use coconut oil, do you melt it first, and if so, doesn’t it set again when left to soak?

  • After struggling to loose a hefty 5st i ready the blood sugar diet book this weekend. Devoured the book as it made so much sense to me after loosing 3st on atkins 13 yrs ago i am back up to 15st7 with all the negative comments of a low carb diet i gave up people were stuck to low fat and agrued with me endlessly when i said bananas were not good nor were carbs or sugar…. finally i hearing the world change to what i had always thought. Quick loss low carb low sugar approach i could cry….. i wish all those people who were so nasty to me could now see this reasearch and i hope some of them think ‘oh thats what debby said 18 years ago’ and i hope they rethink being so brainwashed by the low fat diet companies. I feel freed already and can no wait to start in 1 week. I am preparing for the next 7 days to ensure kitchen cleared fiary for food ready and menu plan. I can not wait to join all of you here already on my weight loss/ getting healthy journey.. bloods being taken at doctors thursday.. who knows what they will be. Hi all x x and thank you to dr moseley x

  • posted by  Hercules on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    1st week done for me, also lost 8lbs and my blood sugar has been in normal range over the last 3 days on rising! I feel much healthier already!

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Courgetti Prawns – are the calories correct?
    on in Fast 800

    I don’t know the answer to your question as such, but I do my own maths for all my recipes by using one of the calorie counter websites such as the nhs one. You could check out the whole recipe that way.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hey guys I took your comments on board and had a higher fat dinner last night, gammon, sausage, egg and tomato.
    Blood sugar at bedtime was 5 and morning was 7.1 so heading in the right direction again.
    Today was weigh day and TBH I wasn’t looking forward to it after the sugar issues. I was delighted too see I’ve lost another 4 lbs so that’s 11 lb in a fortnight and me under 16 stone for the first time in 20 years.
    Onwards and upywards

  • posted by  bruce on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Helen, maybe you could say the cranberries were a treat rather than a relapse? 🙂
    Yes, I’ve been nearer to the 900 cal mark too, and although its clearly a lot fewer cals than before, on day three I am half a kg heavier, my metabolism is really a wonder! It all goes up and down inexplicably though, so not worried. Its also why I get weighed every day because if my weekly weigh in day was one where I was 2 kg higher than I expected, which happens now and then, it would be really depressing. My sugar readings are really getting amazing though, which you’d expect with such limited carbs. That is really exciting, although I am fantasising about bread LOL
    Hope the weekend goes well for you, I’m going to try the beetroot falafel recipe this evening, its exactly the type of thing I’d like anyway so it should be a nice dinner.

  • You are welcome, we are all learning as we go. There are a couple of threads on here about carb intake. I couldn’t get the dietician, diabetes nurse or GP to give a definite answer on this. I did a bit of research myself and found that some websites recommend around 15g of carbs per meal, max of 50/day for a low carb diet.
    I use an app called Australian diet diary which I have on my phone and iPad to keep track of my intake, it’s easy to use and you can type in your own recipes and it will calculate the nutritional values for you.
    I have found that if I go over 60g carbs a day I have a much higher blood glucose reading. If I stay around 50 or slightly above I can keep them in the non diabetic range.
    For me that’s enough incentive to be strict with myself. I was at the point of needing to start medication before this.

  • posted by  olliej on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Hi i am new to the forum (type 2 diabetic) i went to see my doctor before i started, she wasn’t too keen but said as long as i had thought about it , it was up to me. On the other side of the coin i saw the practice nurse as i had just had a blood test my cholestrol was down to 3.1 lowest i have ever had, so she reduced my medication from 40mg to 20mg hoorah also my hba1c had dropped from 110 really high to 76 that was over a three month period (i had started cutting back before i started the diet) so overall we were both really pleased. On the weight loss side I have lost about 7lb or so, don’t have too much more to lose so quite happy with that. I am 2 and a half weeks into plan. good luck to everyone we will get there

  • posted by  Magiek on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Good luck at your Review Garden78. You are wise to go ahead with the regime without medical approval. I think that the evidence is clear and obviously you have had personal confirmation of that. Having naively thought that my GP would be helpful I am now of the same opinion as you. We should just ‘inform’ them of our intentions and let them monitor as they usually do.

  • posted by  Magiek on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Hi Floraellen, You got it in one. I wonder if anyone will be interested enough to read it. It seems that GPs hand over responsibility to the Practice Nurses, but they are loathe to encourage people to come off medications or just don’t have the authority without the medical back-up. Unfortunately the Nurses will then have to convince the Doctors of the efficacy of the regime before anything can be officially altered.
    I think it is a shame that this information is not more widely disseminated. I am sure that the Pharmaceutical companies will not want to see the public using less of their drugs, but if Government want to save money on the Health Service bill they ought to bring the issue to the Doctors attention. Good luck with your appointment on Tuesday. I hope your nurse is supportive,

  • posted by  FatCat on Hello and Cloud Bread anyone?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I didn’t see this, but they sound good – may give it a go.
    Hello, I’m new here – your post caught my eye because I’m not diabetic either, but I’m overweight with too much abdominal fat which needs to go! I only started eating the Med diet on 10th – having been a great cereal and bread eater, not to mention chocaholic – and I’m delighted that I’ve lost 2 or 3lbs already, without feeling too hungry and without the carb cravings I thought I’d have to deal with.

  • posted by  Joycey on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Good idea shall mark the drinks down too. Headaches started to go which is great. On day six and am loving most of the meals on the plan. Really tasty. Organisation is the key to the shopping and cooking. Am missing my plateful of veg though. Would love to pile it high but that would increase the cal count. Am a bit worried about blood glucose readings though. They seem to be high on wake up measurement. I guess because have reduced meds. Time will tell

  • posted by  thintony on Sugar free jelly?
    on in Fast 800

    There is a lot of unscientific stuff on sweeteners. I don’t see any valid scientific data showing they are bad for you, particularly Stevia. In fact they are one of the most researched products, but to date, despite the concern there is no evidence. For me personally to take a spoon of jello that has no sugar and no calories and stay within 800 a day is an acceptable risk.

  • posted by  Zandranna on I'm Really Suffering
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Spuddy. Thanks for your reply.

    I have never heard of kefir, but I have now looked it up. I sounds really interesting.

    Can you email me on so that I can reply back as I can’t see where on this site we can send private messages.

  • posted by  Twiggy on Sugar free jelly?
    on in Fast 800

    Check to see what’s producing the sweet taste though… with all this lovely, fresh, healthy food it seems a great shame to add aspartame or similar dodgy artificial sweeteners.

  • posted by  Paulvee on Easy lunches advise
    on in Fast 800

    Hi I’m starting Monday, I work in the building trade so need easy things to take and suggestions appreciated thanks

  • posted by  Shrinkydinkyman on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    I weigh myself every morning before breakfast and find that seeing positive results spurs me on knowing I am on track and doing the right things. If I do have a plateau where I don’t lose I can make adjustments that day to get back to loosing weight, but i don’t beat myself up about it.
    The meals I am having are delicious and don’t leave me feeling hungry in between.
    The only thing that does bother me is the increased urinating. I find it worse after lunch as I generally have veg soup as well as lots of water. Luckily I work close to the loo. But sometimes I do have to rush to go. I know the book say’s your urine output will increase, but this does bother me. I know about dehydration, so as soon as I see my urine changing from straw coloured to darker yellow i increase my fluids.
    Interested in others experience.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Jennie

    I live in South Yorkshire. I can really identify with what you are saying about your pattern of dieting and getting bored after a few weeks in. I’m loving this idea of losing weight fast. I have usually had to content myself with losing half a pound a week, a pound if I’m very lucky. Its really hard to keep going with such small results. Weight watchers has always been my best plan but it took me six months to lose 17 pounds and it eventually all came back and I’m now heavier than I have ever been.

    I only officially started the diet yesterday but already I can tell that I have lost water from my legs which is great. I think most of us eat too much, we have just got used to having the ability to pile our plates high. I don’t think my stomach noticed too much yesterday that the portions had more than halved, but I’m sure it will do soon, so we’ll see what the next couple of days does.

    Good luck with your second week Jennie, let us know how you are getting on.

  • posted by  Shrinkydinkyman on Shocked myself
    on in Fast 800

    I weigh myself every morning before breakfast and find that seeing positive results spurs me on knowing I am on track and doing the right things. If I do have a plateau where I don’t lose I can make adjustments that day to get back to loosing weight, butci don’t beat myself up about it.
    The meals I am having are delicious and don’t leave me feeling hungry in between.
    The only thing that does bother me is the increased urinating. I find it worse after lunch as I generally have veg soup as well as lots of water. Luckily I work close to the loo. But sometimes I do have to rush to go. I know the book say’s your urine output will increase, but this does bother me. I know about dehydration, so as soon as I see my urine changing from straw coloured to darker yellow i increase my fluids.
    Interested in others experience.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Thintony
    Thanks for this. Yes, it would definitely be nice to drink but the problem I have is that I am trying to avoid sweeteners as well as sugar as the experts are now saying that even sweeteners can spike your blood sugar levels. I don’t particularly have a problem with my blood sugar but the general opinion seems to be growing that sweeteners just aren’t good for us either (more’s the pity!)

  • posted by  thintony on Ketosis test strips
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Does anyone know if this is a thing that will help or not? The 800 diet should put your body into ketoses mode (i.e burning body fat) and these strips apparently can help you confirm and monitor how well your doing.

  • I am veggo. I do have some dairy in my diet (mainly cheeses, but do have a splash of milk in my coffee). I have been eating lots of salads, and recently started adding some Tofurky to things, just to change up the flavour. I cannot have Quorn as I have a rather nasty reaction to it (very violent vomiting), so just stick to whole foods.
    I am a fat veggo because of the amount of breads and sugars I ate, so this was the main thing for me and this diet was getting that out of it.

  • posted by  thintony on Sugar free jelly?
    on in Fast 800

    There are sugar free jellies on most supermarket shelves. I get mine at Tesco. I have found a way to get a sweet snack which is to make up some sugar free jelly in very small cups. That way if I feel like I’m missing sweet I just eat one small cup and it works for me. You can also put fruit in the jelly if you wish.

  • posted by  Nessie on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    My weight loss also does not seem to be fast, or as high as others. I am in week 5, and averaging just over 1kg/week, which compared to others, is low. I definitely will not be reaching the 15+kg suggested in the book, but I will persist. I feel I will need to do a second round of this diet, to get closer to goal weight.

  • posted by  Motherofthebride on Slow Weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    I share your disappointment! First week now completed and my total loss is only 3lbs – which I lost after the first two days so I presume this is mostly water loss. I’ve been counting every calorie obsessively and have kept to the 800 limit. I’ve been using real food but during the week have included 3 weet bixes, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and 75g boiled white rice so I think I can’t have reduced my carbs enough. For the second week, it’ll be yoghurt and berries every day for breakfast. I think I expected too much at the beginning but I’m staying motivated – I’m not going to weigh myself again until the end of my second week!

  • posted by  Sward on Can I drink milk and if so what kind of milk
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thank you for the reply.
    Would you know how many carbs a day you are supposed to have given your advice?
    It looks like I need to count carbs as well as the calories?
    Just trying to get my head around the whole thing, then go shopping for the right stuff!