Well done everyone! Such a great set of weight loss by all! I weighed in 7lbs down this morning & feel great!
Time4Change – I have been eating a lot of broccoli & cauliflower. Which I think has helped on the fibre front. I’ve also put some
Prunes & olive oil in my morning smoothie. The prunes take the carb content up a little – but not masses. I think this has helped keep things moving ๐
Mrs S – are you eating really low fat as well as low carb too? not sure if it would help – but maybe adding a teaspoon. Of olive oil or eating some avocado might help with energy levels?
Keep going everyone! Well done xx
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Day 1 was a mess – literally. Made up chocolate milkshake with hot water along with milk, had a tight grip of the lid as I walked and shook -however- heard a pop and chocolate shake ended up all over the living room ! The shaker is only for cold liquids – who knew.
Decided to dust the house as a form of gentle exercise and managed to break the ear off an ornament.
On the good side , my weight this morning is 11st 1lb (-1) & my blood sugar is 7.5 (-1.3)
I enjoyed my shakes yesterday and felt more positive. I had chicken & mixed vegetables and peppers cooked with mixed herbs as my main meal. Had to go to the loo more, because I drank more fluid.Thank you to the people who are supporting me, this is the first forum thing I have done so I’m still learning.
ps I loved it by the way
First day and for breakfast made the blueberry and green tea shake. It states in the book 100 calories. However, when i weighed out the ingredients mine came out at 170. The tablespoon of almonds was 90 calories alone. I have modified it and managed to get it down to 128. Think my spoons are definitely bigger lol
posted by Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 22 Feb 2016 at 09:19 in Welcome to the BSDWell done everyone, I’ve also just done my first week weigh in and I’ve lost 4 1/2lbs. Stuck rigidly to the diet so would have liked to see more but all in all pleased. I am having trouble with blurry vision though and sore eyes, anyone else having this? Also blood sugars been excellent this week 6.3 after eating and 5.3 fasting yippee!
Very pleased to report that I have lost 7lbs in Week 1 (and I went out on Saturday morning for a cooked breakfast – they gave me an extra rasher of bacon when I said I didn’t want the toast)! BS down from 9.2 to 5.7 (although I admit I didn’t have much for tea yesterday after my big lunch – pork loan chop with mushrooms and a dollop of sour cream with loads of veg – I was stuffed!). All geared up for Week 2 now and enjoying it so far – not hungry and no cravings! Do 20 mins on my exercise bike every day so that helps.
posted by Cassie on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 22 Feb 2016 at 09:03 in Welcome to the BSDWell done catlady, my first week weigh in today and have lost 9lbs, my diet buddy lost 8lbs, so happy.
Hi Mill, I must say I wasn’t overly impressed by the brownies, they had an odd sort of texture. May lay off the sweeties completely lol, will still eat this lot however, I’m not wasting the ingredients!
posted by Time4Change on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 22 Feb 2016 at 08:22 in Welcome to the BSDThat’s brilliant Catlady, what a start! I’m on day 6 of week 1, 5.2lb down. Excited to see if anything shifts by tomorrow. Despite drinking lots of water I’m still very sluggish of bowel. That’s my only gripe ๐
posted by catlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
on 22 Feb 2016 at 07:55 in Welcome to the BSDWell done guys, all going well. Just done my seven day weigh in, and I am delighted to have lost 8 lbs!!!So pleased!
ADMIN get rid of that post, it’s only backlink dropping.
My God
Didn’t take the spammers long to find the forums.
Go back where you came from and take your quack remedy with you -
posted by Speedy on About how many grams of carbs is Fast 800 a day?
on 22 Feb 2016 at 07:48 in Fast 800Thanks pmsrink, I didn’t know that.
I’m hoping I can devise a way through that is low fat and low refined carb enough, if that makes sense. x -
posted by Bill1954 on is there a list of acceptable foods
on 22 Feb 2016 at 07:48 in Welcome to the BSDHi Jay
In the book Michael does say you can have coffee with a splash of milk as long as you count the milk in your daily calories
Don’t know about soya milk but I can’t see anything seriously bad with it. -
spam reported ^^
Hi Paul,
Do you have an app/device to track your nutritional intake? If you think of what your usual days intake would be ( pre BSD) and you’ve gained weight on that level of carbs, then try reducing to the point where you are happy with your rate of weight/ inches lost.
Not being diabetic you won’t have to worry about your sugar levels, so wouldn’t necessarily need to have such a low carb diet as those of us that are.
Good sources of protein for vegetarians are tofu 1/2 cup = 22g, eggs=6g ea, chick peas 1/2 cup= 5g, cheese=11g per 40g weight, cottage cheese=18g per 1/2 cup, full fat milk=7g in 200ml. So it soon adds up. Most recommendations have 0.8g protein per kg of body weight per day for moderately active people. I also add protein powder to my morning breakfast smoothie to boost my protein intake. Choose a legume based one rather than milk based and it will be lower in carbs.
Sorry I never seem to be able to give a short answer lol! -
Thanks very much for your helpful reply hashimoto. One week in and I’ve lost 2.5kg so it’s very motivating. And although I am enjoying the recipes as they’re delicious (even if time consuming to prepare for one person), the lack of carbs has led to physical exhaustion and tiredness as if I’ve run a marathon. I’m finding my regular gym workouts (including HIT aka Fast Exercise) hard going. So I’ll see how I go with my energy levels after the second week has passed. Hopefully I will have adjusted to the new regime.
Keep it up!
posted by PescoVeggieDownUnder on Query re smoked salmon eggs recipe
on 22 Feb 2016 at 02:26 in Fast 800Thanks for the helpful reply Janet. Cheers.
I think there’s something about alcohol that affects water retention. I’ve just gone up a bit too, and it wasn’t really the calories, just 2 celebrations in a row. I didn’t have much (honestly yer honour!) but I think it’ll be a couple of days before it rights itself.
Congratulations on your weight loss Janet! Mine’s been going slowly, but at least it’s in the right direction. Just coming to the end of 2 weeks intensive teaching so a lot of standing (and sore feet!) but not so much real exercise. It seems to register as lots of steps on my Fitbit so I must move around a lot.
Love the idea of growing lettuce and soft berries. It’s too hot in my Auckland garden. Lettuce just frizzles and soft fruit grows lots of leaves but no fruit. I like to grow the greens that you can pick leaves off as needed. Can do that with kale but nothing more delicate ๐
posted by pmshrink on About how many grams of carbs is Fast 800 a day?
on 22 Feb 2016 at 00:47 in Fast 800Hi Speedy
That sounds like a difficult one- you can’t really be low carb and low fat at the same time.
If you have a look at the thread ‘useful links’ there may be something there to help you. ( scroll to top, press Fast 800, see a list of threads- just in case you don’t know!) -
Hi Hashimoto
Could it be that a few carbs are creeping in, putting you back on carb burning and not fat burning? That will make you hungry.
Have a look at Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’- (ยฃ3 on kindle) it might help
Penny -
Can you still have coffee and semi skimmed milk?Also is soya milk ok to drink too?
Hi Malkay
I read that book a while ago. I do find Michael more convincing as he s talking about scientific studies. So I’d go with what he says. I’m not having hypo attacks now either. Isn’t if wonderful to not worry about that all the time!
Also Marilyn says a lot about physical stuff then brings in the idea of stress and sort of days ‘ deal with your stress’ which I must say annoyed me as really she doesn’t give more details. Also I’m not convinced now that stress is really the problem. I think if you fed loads of carbs and sugar to calm happy people they would become addicted like we have and have unstable or high sugar readings if they had the right genetics!
The difference I suppose with Michael, apart from the science base, is that he goes into detail about everything.
Penny -
Hi Auntielil
As I said to niffer , I’d recommend Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’.
(ยฃ3 on kindle)
Also I’ve put other links on a thread called ‘useful links’ which may have something useful.
Penny -
Hi Niffer
That sounds annoying!
You could have a look at Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’. (ยฃ3 on kindle). It might be in there. I’ve put other links on the thread ‘useful links’
Penny -
posted by pmshrink on Wow – two weeks in and what a difference!!
on 21 Feb 2016 at 23:53 in Fast 800Hi Tryer
Are you on meds? Could you be having too much now your sugars lower? Because those are possible low sugar symptoms.
Penny -
Hi Rozy Dozy
The difficulties you describe are dealt with in Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’ ( ยฃ3 on kindle) She gives helpful advice as to what to do about it.
As I understand it, we have to switch from carb burning ( carbs we re eating) to fat burning ( stored fat). This process which takes a few days can give rise to symptoms such as hunger and headache. After 2 or 3 days or so those symptoms disappear.
If we eat carbs because we re having such a crap time, the switch doesn’t happen or we switch back and forth between the two states, which means the discomfort continues.
Hope this helps.
Good luck
PS see the thread ‘useful links’ for more such info. ( new threads are found by scrolling to the top and pressing Fast 800. You ll see a list of threads- just in case you don’t know that!) -
Very well done Neil.
posted by Clare (BSD Admin) on PCOS / insulin resistance
on 21 Feb 2016 at 23:10 in Welcome to the BSDHello cysters! Good luck to you all – sounds like you are doing really well and I hope this diet works for you. It should help and even reverse PCOS. You may have read Cassie’s inspirational story in the book, where she did the 800 cal diet having been on insulin for 5 years since developing gestational diabetes – not only did she manage to stop insulin and metformin within a few weeks, but her cycle returned for the first time in 5 years and she is now delighted to be pregnant!!
Thanks for the video by the way snackerlady it seems like this is definitely the way forward in terms of diabetes care . it’s interesting to find out how much of this has been passed onto gps . My husband is a gp and knows nothing of this other than what I’ve told him . He’ll be starting a diploma in diabetes soon and am really interested to find out what he’ll be taught and if these newer ways of treating / curing diabetes will be covered .
Hi Auntylil, years ago I used to feel dizzy when bending down etc and I put this down to my naturally quite low BP. As I’ve put on weight my BP went up to normal 120/80, I haven’t had it checked recently but I think it may be going down again as I’ve been experiencing the same dizzy spells or light headedness. Yes, drinking lots means lots of visits which during day isn’t so bad as at night. Mouth still very dry, water doesn’t stop it. On holiday to a hotel in the Cotswolds for four nights so it will be a test for me. Hope you get your problem sorted out.
Hi, there s a great little app called Weightbot which will keep a diary of your decreasing BMI….
Check it out -
Yes, I think these are quite confusing times malkay with all these new studies chucking our firmly held beliefs out of the window. I think our generation are the guinea pigs for the new paradigms and its probably our children who will have more certainty over what really works as a result of the evidence we provide.
I agree with that, Janet1973, and my instinct is to go as long as possible without eating. I was just confused because the other book is specifically about belly fat, which at the moment, for me, is not shifting.
How is everyone doing ? I’m finding myself less hungry and today for the first time couldn’t actually finish the meals as I felt full ! This is totally unheard for me. Think my body is finally adjusting to this new way of eating tho it’s been tough going , I’m 4 weeks in and have fallen off the wagon a few times !!! I think had I been stricter at the start I would have gotten to this stage earlier . I’m 3kg down in total which is not as much as some but I’m chuffed . Now to add in some exercise planning to walk to all playgroups from now on , especially as the crazy wind and rain has cleared up ! How’s the first week been for u lawnmower29? And how are things going for u queenvix?
The original 5:2 is based on quite long periods of fasting, 18 hours or so. The 800 is based more on at least three (small) meals a day but I don’t think there is anything in the book that prescribes exactly how many meals to have or when to have them. Dr Mosley has presented plenty of evidence to suggest fasting is good at fighting type 2 diabetes but I think it is still early days in drawing cast iron conclusions in the way to go. At the moment I think a lot depends on how you feel personally and how many hours you feel able to go without food.
Thanks Janet
Thanks Janet
posted by tamznlaws on is there a list of acceptable foods
on 21 Feb 2016 at 21:30 in Welcome to the BSDthank you so much Teej and Aliba for your responses and support.
posted by Daria191 on Hello everyone! In denial for a long time now seen the light!
on 21 Feb 2016 at 21:19 in Welcome to the BSDI am trying to see it as not going on a diet as such, but changing habits. Putting good things in the place of bad things which have got me where I am today. I feel better already – and it’s 8 weeks to start, not a long time in the great scheme of things.
Is there room for another? I’m starting tomorrow as well. Not pre-diabetic but definitely over-short for my weight! I’ve been putting it off for a while due to social events/family commitments but looking forward to it. Good luck to you all.
posted by Rainybow on 1st week done – now an "eating out" challenge!
on 21 Feb 2016 at 21:01 in Welcome to the BSDThe superfood salad at pizza express is only 350 calories ( says it in the menu ) and very filling especially if you take the option of adding the chicken . It salad and avocado , beetroot , goats cheese and lentils with dressing .
Hope to hear how it’s gone for you all some time in the next few days, so that we have the opportunity to offer support and encouragement to each other. As we are all starting out at the same time, would be good to know how we are each coping.
Best of luck to getting off to a good start everyone!!!
Yay!! I am starting tommorow too!! Am looking forward to it. So glad that there are others starting tommorow too. I am similar to you Vickitum in that I am not diabetic ( that I know of) however I have many of the ailments linked to pre diabetes and I have 4-5 stone to shed to get into the healthy BMI zone. I am doing this for the health benefits and will be grateful for the support of others so hope to check in here often. ๐
posted by gooismeid on 1st week done – now an "eating out" challenge!
on 21 Feb 2016 at 20:33 in Welcome to the BSDThanks for the replies – always useful to know how others are handling this. In the end we went to Cafe Rouge and I had a small steak with salad, dressing on the side (although it took the waitress three goes to get this right – first I had to send the fries back, and then the salad arrived with dressing on it! ), and a sneaky spoonful of no. 1 son’s ice cream for pudding, with a coffee. It all tasted good and I didn’t feel like I’d missed out on anything.
I am also 2 and a half weeks into the programme and have reduced my 7 day blood suger average from 11 to 7.7 , however I am experiencing dizzy spells in the morning and a light head at times during the day , this has happened over the last 3 days Any relationship or should I look elsewhere ??
posted by captainlynne on Is 8wks the max time one can do the 800 BSG?
on 21 Feb 2016 at 20:13 in Fast 800I checked with the team, as I wanted to continue past the 8 weeks. The answer was that as long as I felt well, and had no problems it was ok to continue on the 800 BSD for an extra few weeks, but then go on to 5:2. Hope this clarifies the point.
Good Luck for Tomorrow!! I too am starting the BSD tomorrow, and I know there is at least one other person on the forum who is doing so as well. With a little focus, I’m confident we can do this, will check your thread periodically to see how you are doing.
Well done, Mrsjaffa, at working through your sweet craving. I keep very dark chocolate in the cupboard and have a single piece after my evening meal. I’m not advocating this, as it means I haven’t completely got over my craving. I’m working up to giving it up completely, but can’t quite seem to get there. So well done you!