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  • posted by ann077

    I am into the second week of this diet and have managed only 1.5kg loss ( starting weight 65.8kg) and nothing around the waist ( 100cm).
    Feeling very irritable and down. Have faithfully followed this near starvation diet and exercising 40mins hard each day ( on treadmill which I have at home, on steepest incline).
    Am I being unrealistic? In reading the book, I should be seeing a consistent weight loss, instead, 1.5kg in the first week, then 0 on the second week. Why is this happening?

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi Ann077

    Don’t be disheartened, you have made a positive start and a 1.5kg loss is 1.5kg you don’t need to worry about any more. People often find that things don’t move much in week 2 – indeed people report plateaus at various stages on this diet, as their bodies adjust. Stick with it and the weight loss will happen. It is frustrating when you don’t see any results when you are putting in the effort, but don’t allow this to derail you.

    If you are finding the diet feels like starvation, I’d advise doing a quick check on how you are using the 800 cals. Foods higher in fat make you feel fuller for longer, even when eaten in relatively small portions. It’s also worth checking you are not eating something with much higher carb content than you had expected, as the secret to this diet is keeping fats and proteins high and the carbs low. Some people find that by lowering their carb intake even by a little bit, helps to get things moving again.

    Have a good night’s sleep Ann077 and make tomorrow a new start. You can do this and you are not alone in your struggle.

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Ann,
    Sorry you feel disappointed with the results for you at this stage. ๐Ÿ™
    As Sunnyb has said, it’s worth a quick review of what you’re eating and drinking. Sometimes low cal foods can be surprisingly high in carbs and prevent your body going into the fat burning phase. Try to get the biggest volume of food for your allowance, and again as Sunnyb said, include fats. Also remember to include any milk you have in tea/ coffee in your count.
    It seems that week 2 or 3 is when weight loss stalls for lots of people but you will notice other changes in your body. The weight doesn’t come off predictably and you would seem to have less to lose than many people on here. At 65.8 kg your 1.5 kg loss is very much on track for a 10% loss of body weight over the 8 weeks. Those people posting big losses will also have a much higher starting weight than you.
    Don’t lose hope, you’ve done the hardest couple of weeks. It all gets better from here ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by nikkioaks

    Hi ann077

    can i add my encouragement to the others. you do sound disheartened. 1.5kg is not to be sniffed at. it is 22% of 10% of your staring weight. looking at it that way may help. reading around in the forums it seems that many people find that the weight loss is consistent at all. great idea to come on the forums when you’re feeling despondent about it. then you’ll know you’re not alone going through that. i’m only on day 6 and put on weight in the first few days.
    would echo Cherrianne’s and SunnyB’s suggestion to see if you can tweak what you are eating – maybe dropping the amount of carbs will make a difference, and the fat really does make you feel fuller for longer.
    a trick i’m trying is to say to myself if it gets really bad i can have a cup of coffee with some cream (measured and counted) in it. I’ve only done it once so far, and it did help, but knowing I’ve got it up my sleeve also seems to help. I usually drink it black, and it has to be decaff after midday, but I do like it with cream, so it feels like a little treat. may well not appeal to you – just hoping it helps to know others are struggling too.
    hope it gets easier for you soon

  • posted by Funkydoofamily

    I agree with sticking with it – I suddenly lost 6lb overnight having seemingly lost nothing in the previous days. If you’re eating 800cals and exercising, it will come off eventually. Keep on keeping on!

  • posted by M.

    Just to add my voice of support and encouragement too. Week 2 was tough – little weight loss and felt very tired and down. My energy and mood getting better all the time.
    Even though I have a lot of weight to lose (5st), I have stalled and lost nothing in the last two weeks (weeks 3 and 4) – so do completely empathise with you!
    I do have huge motivation to get healthy and fit, and it is the support from the great people in this forum that has kept me going…….
    (Just a thought – you might also want to read Michael Mosely’s “Fast Exercise” book which explains HIT in detail – 15 minutes might be more effective than 40 minutes of slog!)
    As others have said, 1.5kg (1/4 of your expected weight loss) is a great start. Do let us know how you are getting on and I too encourage you to stay with it!

  • posted by Col

    Another voice for hanging in…..I had a stall at the end of week one until yesterday, end of week two and suddenly a drop of 4 lbs !!! This does work, you just need to keep the fats up and carbs low….you can do this ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by hashimoto

    funky – a sudden 6lbs drop! I think you should take the prize for the biggest overnight drop!! So encouraging after nothing seemed to be happening!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Mandy Hays

    Oh no week 3 and lost nothing. Lost 7lb 1st week and 3.5lb the 2nd but nothing week 3. Did have a blip one day ( but only one day!!) Ate 2 large lamb chops!! Not lost any inches round the waist measurement either. I’ve been slowly increasing my morning run distance this week so really thought there would be a difference. Oh hum will keep plugging at it hopefully next week will be better

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi mandy, put last week behind you. That was the past and this new week is your future. The weight will drop off, probably suddenly like so many others have experienced. Next week is going to put a smile on your face ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Rubbu

    Yes Mandy stick with it. I have 24 lbs to loose in total. Week 1 lost 7lbs, then 1, followed by 2 lbs, than nothing! gained 2lbs and now at week 6 lost 3 lbs… I have done ww before and bsd is faster not to mention easier as I find most days I am not hungry,. I have slipped a few times but this way of eating for life seems manageable long term not to mention the health benefits… Let us know how you get on this week…don’t give up! Xx

  • posted by Matrika

    ann077 I have lost no weight either (I’m gaining) but my blood sugars are looking better yesterday and that is progress for me…I am not in my second week yet…if you are prediabetic you may have very high levels of insulin (as I still do, however I am well and truly diabetic). If that is so, things like dried fruit or fresh fruit or rolled oats will interfere with weight loss because they trigger insulin in some of us…and insulin instantly puts the kaibosh on fat burning for anyone with insulin resistance, so it is a harder battle.

    You can get insulin levels taken at the same time as you do the 3 hour blood glucose tests…but you usually have to insist that the doctor request them…most GPs unfortuantely don’t recognize the importance of insulin measures…I have been told it is useless and the information wont tell me anything. Not true at all and reason to change doctors and find a better informed one.

    Best of luck and keep on collecting your responses to different foods and tracking your blood sugar levels cause they will indicate what triggers what.

    I am going to try the ketostix that I’ve seen mentioned on other threads, they sound like a good idea to show exactly how few carbs we need to hit in order to create fat burning.

  • posted by Matrika

    Tried the ketostix, show mild ketosis, so I don’t know…gaining weight but fat burning.
    Interesting and motivating.

  • posted by Mandy Hays

    Everybody’s posts are so encouraging – it is these that make the diet I’ve never known anything like it. Thanks guys I will stick at it as it doesn’t feel much like dieting. xx

  • posted by hell4heather

    Hello Mandy, I am a slow loser too. I only dropped one pound in week one. But do you have a scale that measures body fat percentage? Because I do, & I know these things aren’t entirely accurate but while I saw and felt no weightloss, my body fat percentage has gone from 45 (where it’s been showing on my scale for as long as I can remember) to 36%. 30% is considered the ‘healthy’ zone, so I’m thrilled to be a bit nearer. Whatever you see, feel or measure in weightloss, remember you are doing wonderful things you can’t always see within for your body. Stick with it x

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi hellforheather, very wise words! I look at my falling fat % as well. I like to visualise visceral fat just melting away. That and falling blood sugars for diabetics are two very important results!
    Now that you have highlighted falling fat % it is something we should all be bearing in mind.
    Well done on your melting fat ! That’s a great drop! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi matrika – burning fat but weight increase? I suspect you are retaining some water which when it goes should show a sudden weight loss. Well done for staying so positive! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Matrika

    Thanks hashimoto.
    I think I got an answer! Using the ketostix was doing fine til rhubarb compote for brunch (with full fat yoghurt) stopped the ketosis …have been measuring to try to figure out what it is and that is all I have eaten today so, seems conclusive. I cooked the rhubarb with strawberries, obviously they are a no go for me. I can’t eat the rhubarb as is without blueberries or some sort of sweetener and am sorry about this cause I love rhubarb and haven’t eaten it since I gave up stevia.

    Will eat the compote I cooked and then see how I go. Sticking rigidly within the 800cals a day and exercising my way up to 10,000 steps. Am at 8,000 just for now. My phone app is happy.

    I have gained a kilo this week so far but will keep on with the experiment. I am totally contented with the 800 cals it is fine for me and the food suggestions are easy to work with.

    We had the autumn equinox yesterday, much cooler and easier to exercise so maybe that will do it.

  • posted by tinforest

    hi ann077 i am in the exact same boat as you. how are you going? Everyone says keep going so I’m cheering for you!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hey guys, don’t give up
    If you stick to 800 cals and keep the carbs below 50g / day, and keep up the fluid intake then you have to lose weight, it would be almost impossible not to.
    Try checking your carb intake and if you can cut it a little more and get those calories from extra fat, that may help.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi all!
    I have posted a few times on different subjects, and on no weight loss too, in the first four weeks I lost 14lb ( not the 16 that I said) got my pounds and ounces mixed up! Then in the next 2 weeks lost a pound, I am happy to announce that I have now lost 19lb, so you do get a period where there is none or very little weight loss, then it just starts to roll off again, I am at the docs next week so am hoping the weight loss continues as it has these last few day, I was getting really down with it all, however you soon bounce back when it starts to fall off again, good luck with your diets everyone, I am on the last leg, start week 8 on Monday Eeek! Then on the 10 th April go on holiday, so I will be back to the diet after the hols, cheers everyone.

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi Christi1948
    great to see the weight shifting again
    Heres hoping you have an incredible week 8
    See you on the across the 8 week line thread soon.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi bill1954,
    I was getting a bit worried as I was doing all the right things, then wham it just started to fall off again, thanks for the support, I know I am a wimp, I have done every diet going and after always put more weight back on so this has to work for me too, you wouldn’t believe that I got married in a size 8 and with every child put a stone and never lost it (I have five children) so at size 20 and pre diebetic something had to give, can’t wait to see the kids, they live all over the place, to see their reaction. Anyway ramble over and thanks again!

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