Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Bongo on Start of day three….
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks for your posts and good luck with your diets.

    Now at the start of day 5 have just done the morning weigh in and have lost so far a total of 5 3/4 lbs. I was actually prepared to have inched back up this morning as when I weighed last night I was nearly 3 lbs heavier. Lesson learned, weigh at the same time every day and no other!!!

    I really, really can’t believe how much I’ve lost and am prepared to plateau at some point as some of this is obviously water.

    I’ve discovered two book recipes that are delicious, the lamb and pine nut meatballs and the harissa chicken and today am branching out into my own recipes so am prepared for a lot of weighing and calorie counting.

    I really hope I can stick to this for the full eight weeks.


  • posted by  Athorn223 on My First Week is Over
    on in Fast 800

    Great job! I concur with all your sentiments. I be lost 6 lbs in 5 days. I remember lurking on this website for a couple days before I actually took the plunge and finally I came across a post that seemed to be talking straight to me. The poster said, ” I know you’re reading this contemplating jumping in. Just do it!” I started that very next day and I’m so glad I did. Let’s keep going!

  • posted by  hashimoto on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Oh, I worded that badly kerri, I know you weren’t looking, just making an observation. I can’t imagine a man joining ‘chit chat’ but they do exist on the forums. I’d like to bet more follow than post as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Athorn223 on Cheat day?
    on in Fast 800

    Just wondering if anyone has successfully had a cheat day on this diet that didn’t derail all their progress. My hubby’s birthday is tomorrow and Mother’s Day brunch is Sunday. Yes this is basically a post about cake lol.

    Disclaimer: I’m a newbie. I am on the program solely to lose more weight. I’m not prediabetic or diabetic. I’ve lost 6 lbs in 5 days on this program. I walk uphill for a half hour a day 5 times a week. I have had 2 babies is two years. I’ve lost 30 lbs through diet, walking and weight training. Before I sin I’d just like to hear about who has honestly had a cheat day and lived to tell the tell. I don’t want one tiny piece of cake to ruin my progress.


  • posted by  MrsG27715 on My First Week is Over
    on in Fast 800

    One week down and 7lbs gone forever! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Haven’t even felt like I’m on a ‘diet’ as I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything I’ve eaten, and have not felt hungry once.
    To be on a diet and not feel hungry is a huge plus for me as it’s the dreaded hunger pangs that have caused me to fail time and time again on other diet plans.
    I’ve weighed and written everything down …kept to 800 cals/day, and 50g or less of carbs. Not followed the diet plan at all, just developed my own menu. Given up my beloved diet coke, and developed a new liking for sparkling water with a slice of lime. I only drink 1 cup of tea per day, and whilst I still have to have a couple of sweeteners to make it palatable, I am slowly reducing the amount I have.
    Funny to think of how daunting this diet seemed just 1 week ago, and now it’s almost second nature already.

  • posted by  KerriB on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Oh I am not looking for them!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ – just find it curious that the forums are often predominantly women. Now that I think about it, the title of this one – chit chat – probably scared all the men away.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    That sounds great happylife! My husband uses some shakes but his are high calories. He has an oat shake every day that is 800 calories by itself lol. He needs the carbs and calories though. He trains a lot and is very lean, he has never been able to gain fat his body just works too fast. Jealous? Me? Yup lol.

    I’m yet to decide on the days menu… hmmm

  • posted by  hashimoto on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi kerri, welcome to the forums and the BSD way of life!
    This is easier than 5:2 and your body quickly adjusts.
    There are some men on the forums!!! But you may have to look at other threads to find them.

    Good luck with your BSD journey. : )

  • Hi Tallyho, fantastic weight loss!

    I do my own version of fast 800 since I hit the weight I want to be – i just eat the BSD way with more calories and no starchy carbs at all. I haven’t had to rethink what I eat – just slowly added more until I was happy I wouldn’t put weight on. My GP was happy with the weight lost and how I lost it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sounds like we had the same weight to lose! I lost 3 stones too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  KerriB on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone
    I am from Brisbane, Australia and I haven’t started yet- start Monday. I am trying to get psyched by reading all your posts and this thread seems like a lovely thread full of supportive people.
    I have read through all your previous posts and can relate to little bits of most of your stories. I work full-time and have a Mum who I help care for outside of that – she had a catastrophic stroke a few years ago and my sister is her full-time carer. ( she has very high care needs) Her illness triggered a major depressive period for me – I stopped working and functioning. A lot better now but just very keen to get strong and lose weight. I was on a diet earlier this year which was along the same principles as this but much higher fat – made me very sick because I don’t have a gall bladder – so I will be going easy on too much fat on this diet.
    I am married, have two teenage stepchildren and many animals ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿถ. Also keen on art and painting but not much through the hard times – when you just feel like doing nothing.
    I did the 5:2 just before my mum got sick and it was successful but just can’t seem to get back into it again so going for the full immersion diet this time. Have also bought the fast exercise book and have started the HIIT training.
    I am worried I will give up if it gets too hard so I am going to keep checking in here for inspiration.

    P.s where are all the men?

  • posted by  ay caramba on what exercises are people doing?
    on in Fast Exercise

    Hi Eureka/ Marcia and everyone else who is trying to do a bit more exercise than they normally do!!!!
    Well done Eureka on your step count for the Marathon.
    Understand a bit about having a dodgy knee as dislocated my knee and completely ruptured the posterior cruciate ligament. After an MRI scan was told that, simply put, all the ligaments had been damaged. End of my sporting career then……joke!!
    Definitely want to try to avoid the replacement route…..said no to further surgery myself. Did masses of strengthening exercises to make the knee stable and that has worked for me. I am 63 and able to exercise and play tennis…..badly!
    Take care then and listen to your body a bit. You certainly don’t want to risk a fall on uneven ground. But controlled exercise must help.
    My physio friend, helpful,friendly and fearsome as she is; told me not to worry about noises coming from my knee when she was dishing out free and evil advice to get me moving again after my accident and op.
    Despite a couple of long days in the car have according to my Fitbit nearly walked a Marathon distance. Should do that today so that will be just over 6 days walking=Marathon distance.
    Happy days. Fantastic sunny walk through beautiful bluebell woods by riverbank last night. Have to appreciate being able to do that.
    Keep moving everyone.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Support
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Actionmum, welcome to the forums and the BSD way of life!
    You are not alone on these forums full of friendly, helpful people on the same path as you. There is always someone to support you and laugh or cry along the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations on what you have achieved so far! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Bissell on What motivates you?
    on in Fast 800

    Like most people, my motivation is two fold. As in the past, it’s vanity, I want to look better and be more confident. But this time I also want to improve my health. I’ve got reactive hypoglycaemia which means I overreact to insulin, dropping my blood glucose too low after eating carbs. And I’m finding not eating carbs means the BS doesn’t rise In the first place, so no overproduction of insulin and no hypos. Brilliant! I’ve got arthritis too, had both knees replaced which are now fine, but all the rest is crumbling a bit! So carrying around less weight has got to help. All positives!

  • posted by  hashimoto on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi georgianna, bissel and HappyLife, you are doing so well! Congratulations to all three of you. It won’t be long before your clothes feel loose! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry to hear about your scare, georgianna, hopefully it will turn out to be ‘ just one of those things ‘

  • posted by  barby on Fine tuning to try and speed up weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Chongololo Very good idea – Actually that was one of the things I was investigating, I’ve been doing a lot of reading over past 2 weeks.

    I haven’t ever taken vitamins on a regular basis before, but now am taking a good multi. and some spirulina I already had. I’ve ordered vit D and also iron and B supplement yesterday! So I’ll be rattling soon. Let’s hope they make a difference. No weight change again for third day.

    How are you doing now, have you managed to avoid the carbs so far? I hear you live in Perth WA? My son lived there till very recently, we went out for his wedding taking place in the Botanic Gardens one February, and boy was it hot! Amazing but so hot. Hope you shrink soon , and thanks.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Wow, lynne that is fantastic! That 5 lbs won’t last long at this rate so you will soon be in the 11s.

    Our very own BSD poster girl forging the way for others : ) ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Bissell on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Well done Georgianna and Happylife! Excellent loses! I’ve lost 7lbs in my first week and although I know it won’t continue like that I am really pleased. I’ve never lost that much in one week and believe me I’ve been on soooo many diets! On the whole I’m feels much clearer, if that makes any sense. And am keeping busy in a slightly manic way by digging on my allotment and painting furniture. The sunshine helps things along too, I find. I felt quite grumpy (!) yesterday and hungry too. But hey, that was yesterday. Now, what can I paint next?!
    Good luck with the day!

  • posted by  captainlynne on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Switzerland. Are you actually in that country?

    Ok folks – happy to report that another 3 pounds has gone. That’s a total loss of 52 pounds ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Another 5 pounds to go until I leave the 12s behind and my weight starts with an 11! It must be over 10 years since I weighed that!

  • posted by  Patsy on similar diets
    on in Starting the BSD

    For those wondering about cutting carbs, but not counting calories – it works. That’s what I’ve been doing.

    No snacks (Well, almost none) just three carb free meals a day (except my birthday and a couple of other actual ocassions eg it’s a friend’s weding today and I will eat a piece of wedding cake). I was very strict with myself the first few days and felt like I did have to try quite hard then and sometimes felt hungry. Since then, I haven’t been hungry and have so far lost a stone (7 weeks).

    I do have to pay attention when shopping and not just grab what I fancy without thinking ‘are there carbs in that?’ and to make good choices and sometimes leave food on my plate when eating out, but that’s a small price for improved health. I’m still eating plenty of things I enjoy and don’t feel deprived.

  • posted by  NewLife on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks hash, I can’t wait to be an 8-weeker (Monday!) – nothing will change because I’m continuing for another few weeks on 800 but it feels like a big psychological ‘thing’.

  • posted by  Switzerland on Support
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Actionmum,

    An amazing loss for 3 weeks. Your happiness is justified.
    These forums offer so much support. As it’s global, there is usually someone reading the threads to answer any queries and offer kind words.
    When people have never had to struggle with losing weight, they really don’t understand – remember Week 1 Day 1 and before that when you always felt hungry? And then as the carb cravings settle you don’t feel hungry all the time – I’m pretty sure the ‘not feeling hungry all the time’ is how people that don’t have weight/carb problems feel all of the time. It’s hard to understand when you haven’t experienced it and coupled with weight loss myths (eg she/he can’t lose weight because they have no willpower) people like us end up with the ‘perfect storm of no/little support’.
    I don’t have anything to offer you in terms of how to get your friends/family on board. Hopefully as they notice you losing weight and you educate them about the BSD they’ll come around.
    Meanwhile, use these forums, as often as you want to – there’s a world of support here.

  • posted by  TrishaDawn on calorie content
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Lisa, yes, it’s true, some of the recipes are way off with regards to their calorie count. I personally check each ingredient and if the total differs, I write it in the book next to the recipe.

    Like you I began by following the suggested menu in the book, but after the first week I found that some of the recipes weren’t to my taste at all, without even taking into account the differing calorie count. I now only use some of the recipes that I really liked, and the rest of the time I cook low carb dishes that I know will fit into the carb and calorie count.

    I didn’t know about the Facebook page, so will check it out. I need all the inspiration and support I can get, people keep inviting me out to meals all of a sudden. And not because they’re trying to sabotage my diet, they don’t even know I’m dieting.

    You’ve lose weight, so the calorie differences can’t be too bad, but checking them for yourself might help speed things along. Good on you for losing the 12 lbs.

  • posted by  Actionmum on Support
    on in Fast 800

    As I have started this new path of life style change, I find myself mostly solo. I’m not complaining but at times it would be nice to have support from people around me. All my family/friends have never had to struggle with their weight. Does anyone else feel like this at times?
    I’m now into my third week, I have lost 6 kilos (13.2) pounds. I am extremely happy with this!!! I hope everyone has a lovely day!!

  • nah, there’s not much sugar in there, it definitely hasn’t woken the carb monster at all – and oh Hashimoto – we get Aldi on the 9th of June! WOOHOO I am excited, we have been waiting donkeys ages for it, I will go through it with a fine toothed comb!! I hear they have good greek yoghurt too.

    Saturday near lunch and all I have had is coffee do far, i guess I should go break some eggs or something, ho hum. Stayed on plan yesterday, in fact was under so bad I had a babybel and a boiled egg before bed. must remeber to keep the water up, I have been a bit slacker in this regard the last couple of days, nad its water which is used up in the fat processing – so not enough water, not enough fat burning!

  • posted by  HappyLife on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Georgianna,
    I am so sorry you have had such a scare and I hope things resolve themselves quickly for you with happy results!!
    On the other hand amazing news on the weight loss from your first week – AMAZING!!! I lost 9 pounds and thought I was doing well – I have a lot to lose!!
    Re negative feelings and physical ailments I had several this week with the first two days also being the absolute worse…. I am still having tummy problems again too much.
    Hang in there and I am wishing you the best always!!

  • posted by  GEORGIANNA on Chit Chat Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone, I have had one heck of a week Both good and bad. I will start off with the good. I have been on the diet exactly on week today and have lost 13 pounds. It hasn’t been easy. Two days into the diet I started having chest pains and have gone through a series of tests. Still don’t know the answers. It has been a very stressful week. Can’t tell you how many times I wanted to give up on the diet, but so happy I stuck with it. The only thing that got me through was by reading everyone’s posts.

  • posted by  Chongololo on Fine tuning to try and speed up weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    hello – Eureka has got you covered, but I just want to add – do you take an iron and B vitamin supplement? being vegetarian makes that a bit more crucial. If you don’t, then I recommend liquid iron (tastes disgusting, though) called Fabfol. My iron dives quickly so I have to watch my intake of these too :).

    you would be amazed how a deficiency can make you feel, when the deficiency is gone! A good multi a few times a week when on the diet is my rule too – 800 cals doesn’t give you a lot of wriggle room.

  • posted by  Switzerland on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Hi captainlynne, (….hoping I’ve worked out the time difference correctly)
    All together now. SURPRISE! Happy 20 week BSD to you.
    Thank you for your posts, they’ve given me an insight into the BSD way of life and its possibilities. Congratulations on all of your achievements on the BSD.

  • posted by  Switzerland on A BIG THANKYOU
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done BSD. Isn’t it empowering?……. Choosing to take control of your health and conquering your high blood sugar levels. But its more than that – the feeling of wellbeing, the extra energy, calmer mind, the satisfaction of beating carb addiction…..Life is good.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Exercising with a disability
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Norman, I echo what janet has said! Personally speaking I have lost 3 stones while doing very little in the way of exercise, I did 8 weeks of thefast 800 and for thelast 8 weeks i have increased calories but eat no starchy carbs, well, except for a GF brownie last week which caused me problems!

    Keep doing what you are doing, it must be right if you have lost 2 stones ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Eureka on Exercising with a disability
    on in Fast 800

    Hi NormanDunn
    Congratulations on your weight loss.
    Re exercise: Prof Taylor said to concentrate on losing weight then as you feel more able bring in exercise. The important thing on his trial diet to reverse diabetes was to lose the weight

    I used to do Tai Chi & found it very calming & beneficial. It was also good for balance. I must find a class again.
    Type in to Google Tai Chi sitting down & go into You Tube. Lots of it there & it helps with so many other things as well as diabetes. Give it a go

  • Hi neohdiver,
    What a lot you are coping with and organizing. I’m pleased your insurance company have approved your choice of facility and hope all is plain sailing from here on. Like Eureka I was upset for you over all that administrative mayhem which you really don’t need at such a time.

    Congratulations on achieving your goal of being in the healthy weight range, you are a marvel to manage to reach that goal in your situation. Wishing you all the best for Tuesday and a speedy recovery x

  • posted by  Switzerland on First day on the diet ,here I gooooo
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Alanhypno,
    How are you going today? The great thing about your post is that you got back on track. It’s a great example to any BSDers that are in that situation.One and a half stone loss in three weeks is impressive – let’s focus on that. Best wishes.

  • posted by  HappyLife on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Oh that sounds good!! All of you recommended protein shakes for my upcoming trip so I tried a chocolate one by VEGA (vegan and gluten free with low carbs) this morning and it was delicious!! The developer is an avid main stream athlete and it has tons of nutrition in it as well!
    I will use them every day for breakfast on my trip and you just mix them with water?’

  • posted by  Eureka on what exercises are people doing?
    on in Fast Exercise

    Hi ay caramba & Marcia
    Only managed 15,000 โœ… steps dedicated to the marathon as been very busy over last few days. Will try to add more & keep the flow going. My knee’s been cracking ( sounds like a whip) so I’m picking level ground for less stress. I’m climbing the stairs better I noticed. Mum had two knee replacements so I don’t want to go there thank you! How are you doin?

  • posted by  NormanDunn on Exercising with a disability
    on in Fast 800

    I can see that, I do intend to go onto the 5:2 diet when my eight weeks are up. By then our choices of meals will reflect the new style of eating learned throughout the last seven weeks.

    I intend to do that for about a month then hopefully return to the full blown blood sugar diet until I complete the long road to my target weight. I do realise how long it has taken me to gain the weight so I am not expecting miracles in the task of loosing weight but this is the most encouraging diet I have tried for a sustained period of weight loss.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    added a cup of milk and a teaspoon of cocoa powder to my day for a hot choc. I just felt like something soothing ๐Ÿ™‚

    night all

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Exercising with a disability
    on in Fast 800

    I heard an interview recently on radio 2 with Dr Mosley and he said that diet and exercise can be likened to batman and robin. They make a good partnership but we all know that batman does all the real work! I liked that idea.

    Interesting what you say about weight loss diminishing, this is another area in the news this week. It is now being suggested that caloric restriction causes the metabolism to slow down. This isn’t a new concept actually but its not something the big diet companies really wanted to broadcast. Introducing exercise onto a metabolism that is already impeded is not the answer. The new thinking around weight loss will be how to keep the metabolism high while still losing weight. One of the answers now being put forward for this is intermittent fasting, for instance Dr M’s 5:2 or the 16:8.

  • posted by  captainlynne on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Eureka

    Will do๐Ÿ˜ƒ I’m flying into Bologna. Friends will meet me and take me back to their flat in Cremona. Apart from when they were living in Naples I visit less touristy places when I visit them – and few people speak English. I have been to Venuce though and want to see Florence, Rome etc. Need to get passport renewed after this trip.

    Christine, that sounds good. Hope the fair goes well tomorrow and makes lots of money for your church. After today’s adventures (๐Ÿ˜ณ) the friends I’m visiting have asked me to take some items with me (no cookery books yet!) so shopping again tomorrow and preparing for Sunday. Tesco has been out of stock of chickpea flour for ages but have tracked it down in Morrisons so will be adventurous and go there.

  • posted by  Eureka on Fine tuning to try and speed up weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Hi barby
    If you are doing the BSD then eat 800 calories. Ditch the Coke. It cleans toilets! It dehydrates you & rots your teeth! BAD CARBS. Have I said enough yet? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Drink ducks delight – water ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    Do what fasting you want to do , if any. Don’t be swayed by me or others, OK.
    Up your fats & carbs a bit you are eating a Ketogenic diet on that level of carbs. If the body can’t take energy from carbs, you must give it more fat to convert or it will use protein from your muscles! Not good.
    See to understand what I mean. It’s a wholly different diet.
    You learn what is ok & not by reading as much as possible. Knowledge will keep you on the right path & you will understand what you are doing, not just blindly following others.
    Reread & mark the BSD book. Mine is well thumbed & pink all over with my notes in the margins. Don’t be afraid to write in books like this.
    Split your calories to support your working day.
    I was really tired all the time for three weeks before I settled into the diet, & I wasn’t working!
    It’s great when someone notices you’ve lost weight, a real fillip to your self esteem. You are doing well. Keep on keeping on. Get the knowledge.

  • posted by  NormanDunn on Exercising with a disability
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks, it is beneficial to hear this as the assumption is that without exercise the weight loss will diminish. I will continue as before doing what little I can manage and hope the weight loss keeps going, which will allow me to do a bit more.