Latest forum posts

  • posted by  KittyHoney on D Day
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Emma67,
    Congratulations on your first big step towards a happier, healthier life! Planning your meals is key to keeping on track. I found that the first week is by far the hardest especially days 3 & 4, but stick with it and every day gets easier as your body adjusts. With this diet the focus is on what you can have rather than what you can’t have. I find that sticking with the recipes in the book means that I am getting the right amount of Fat/Carbs & Cals and therefore don’t crave anything or feel too hungry. So the best advice I would give is to try to stick with the book recipes if you can.
    I am now on week 3 and apart from the odd day dream about Salt & Vinegar Crips I do not miss any of the other foods I used to eat.
    Best of luck xx

  • Well done, good to hear the needle keeps moving when you are so close to goal.

    I’m the same re exercise, if I don’t do it before breakfast then I find there’s always something getting in the way.

    Last month I paid for a video exercise stream, each section is 20 mins long and I want to use it during the BSD at least 3 times a week. Getting up to do it at 7am is my only barrier…

  • posted by  science monkey on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Izzy,

    Well done you on the progress ๐Ÿ™‚ I tried various cauliflower pizza recipes and lolow carb pasta or noodles, low carb pastry etc and I have to say I was disappointed by the results and annoyed by how much they cost (either bought or the ingredients to make them). I think that deciding not to make those and to go for new meals with plenty of veg was one reason I managed to stick to the BSD plan (give or take a couple of indulgences with nuts). I’m on the last week and I finish on Thursday and I’ll let you know what the final score is. But I have already discussed it with my better half and we’ll have a small celebration; a glass or two of wine and a nice curry to celebrate. After that we will shift onto a 5:2 based on the BSD; much the same food, but more calories per day and, once or twice a week, some carbs (brown bread, or noodles or couscous etc).

    Hope you’re all having a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sciencemonkey (ook ook)

    PS Izzy, did drying the granola work out ok?

  • posted by  emma67 on D Day
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    So tomorrow my husband and I are starting the BSD. My husband is type 2 diabetic and is taking metformin and Im overweight and along for the ride ! Shopping is done. Meals are planned. Gonna do the weighing and measuring tonight. So we are set. If anyone has any last minute words of advice, I would be grateful.

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Stevew,
    You are doing great!
    I too think that exercise is so important.
    I have had comments when I first started, that just walking wouldn’t cut the mustard.

    Well, to those two people to tried to cloud be with negative comments….. Eat my shorts!
    I have lost a lot, and I am fitter. By mainly walking, and jumping in puddles.

    So you doing a ten Miles cycle daily is fantastic. My hat is off to you.
    I am proud if you!

    Keep peddling, keep losing, keep wearing Lycra. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  stevew on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It’s now day 14 and I’ve lost 8lbs and shaved an inch off my waist. I haven’t been sticking too closely to the diet regime either (had a big plate of fish and chips one day!), but I think that a 10 mile cycle ride every day is what’s really helping. Am getting carb craving in the late afternoon but drinking lots of water to cope. So far, so good ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Wendymay54 on Spring rolls
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’ve just watched spring rolls made with the very thin rice paper which are about 1 carb each , can they be used as part of the 800 diet or no because it is made from rice ? I don’t want to spoil things now as they are going so well . But they did look good lunch box fillers

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi gang,

    So , to make Sure I know how much I am eating, I am carrying around a pencil and paper.
    You can easily forget what you eat and then Blaim the scales. ( you wouldn’t t catch me throwing them out the bathroom window on an walker blog)

    Love luica

  • posted by  Wendymay54 on High readings
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Many thanks , today is the completion of week 3 , so far 9 kg down , and 10 inches off overall ,6 from waist . The BS readings are still a bit high 9 but dropped to 7 yesterday . Tomorrow Andy has said he’s going to exercise every day , I’m hoping this will help . We are active in general being builders/ painters so your not always in the mood for more exercise at the end of the day , I am however very hopeful . He has given up so much on this diet , although I always cooked a reasonably healthy meal every day I had no control over his crisp and beer habits . I do keep a 90 – 100 calorie snack handy for emergencies , which does have to be included in the 800

  • posted by  msfoodie on Greetings from belly be gone!!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I have just finished reading the 8 week blood sugar diet. I confess my waistline has gotten out of control. My GP described me as abdominally obese…BIG OUCH but true. Reasonably tall but deceiving as much as I may think of myself as a luscious mango I really am an apple on two legs! LOL. Seriously I know it’s not funny. I have a father going blind with type 1 diabetes although he was formerly 2. Not overweight or obese it goes to prove that diabetes does not discriminate although it seems to favour those of us with an ample waistline. I have so far managed to reduce my waist and drop 8kg’s by following a low GI diet but still have a belly that needs to go big time. Not being a huge breakfast fan I feel I could attempt the 800 calorie in 8 weeks plan to help speed up my progress and use myself as a guinea pig to record the results. It appeals to me because it makes sense and because I am motivated and supported by my GP who is allowing me to take responsibility for my health instead of putting me on medication. I am looking forward to support and giving support too as well as BELLY BE GONE!!! Cheers and to all of you on the same journey may your belly disappear and your blood sugar levels drop.

  • posted by  tokyo14 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Re percy pigs yes there are that god but its just a haribo sweet really but strawberry flavour !!! a real sugar hit !!!
    previous to doing the diet i baked brownies most weeks amongst other ” goodies” so i am setting myself a mission to make a decent tasting bsd version of a brownie !!!! will report with findings when i achieve it !!
    meanwhile i have just watched sunday brunch on channel 4 and a chef was on who had released a book called ” chef on a diet”!!! low carb she said so i shall be investigating that too she cooked steak with hollandaise sauce pickled cucumber !! lets see how low carb her book is !!! just call me Detective low carb !!!!

  • posted by  nonnie on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    << Iโ€™ve decided to write a Blood Sugar Diet cook book called; โ€˜Well, That Didnโ€™t Work!โ€™.>>
    Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh!

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m ready to go to the shop and I just had to check in because I’m super excited…

    So I have 3 size 12 skirts, long A-line casual ones. One is denim, one is beige and the other green (think dull camouflage green) they each have their own details and I like them all but haven’t been able to wear them for years. I’m wearing one now and it fits really well. These are ‘big’ 12’s I’m under no illusions but still. It’s definite progress and a few new additions to my wearable things without having to go and buy any lol.

    I like how I look today. That’s a great feeling. I have a waist and everything!

  • posted by  captainlynne on Over the week 23 line
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks HappyLife

    In the old days, the amount of weight I needed to lose was daunting because it would have taken so long. Now, on the BSD, I can see my target drawing closer – the finishing line is in sight. And in less than a year๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    For all those with lots of weight to lose (I started out needing to lose 91 pounds or thereabouts), for other recycled teenagers (I’ve just turned 66), and for the vertically challenged (I’m 5ft 2ins when stretched) this is both possible and sustainable, despite what so many ‘experts’ would (and have) said.

    Those who’ve been following my posts know that I was diabetic but now my blood tests come in the normal range and I feel better than in many years.

    As I approach the end of this stage of my BSD journey I’ll decide whether to keep going to 9st 7lbs (where the medics say) or settle for a slightly higher weight. It will depend on how I’m looking and feeling. Top of my ‘normal’ BMI is 9st 11lbs. The stubborn part of me wants to be under 10st, but we’ll see.

    I’ll be seeing the diabetes nurse on 21st July for annual review. She was seeing me monthly to monitor my progress but stopped that so she’ll not have seen me since 5th May! Despite her earlier support she seems to have changed her opinion despite my results!!! Then an appointment to be made to see GP to get diagnosis of diabetes taken off records. There seems no point in me having all the checks now – save the NHS money.

    I recently saw another medical professional who hadn’t seen me since the beginning of the year and she was amazed. Should be seeing her again on Tuesday so there might be an interesting conversation๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • posted by  faolan on Inulin
    on in Fast 800

    I bought inulin from my health food shop a week ago, firstly, it has not given me the squits, and secondly, I have already lost 2lbs, I sprinkle mine on low fat yogurts. I haven’t had flatulence either, I wonder if that effect is the result of chickpeas?. My mobility is limited due to fibromyalgia, so I cannot attribute the weight loss to exercise, I plan to continue with inulin, it will be interesting to see if there is further weight loss.

  • posted by  Izzy on Happy Life – 8 wk diary
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Happy, glad you are happy with you new haircut and the new recipe was good! Hope you find some nice new ideas in your magazines and enjoy your day off.

    There is a lot of unrest over here now but for the most part I stay out of it, I can understand why people voted on each side which means I can talk easily to both groups. The media will tell you that there is much division and upset and families are split and friendships crumpled. However in my experience the majority of us accept our differences and won’t allow it to divide our families or destroy our friendships. We now need to find our way forwards wherever it ay take us.

    The media will also tell you that Scotland wanted to stay in the EU, and it did. However around 40% of people in Scotland still voted to leave so it’s very split here too. It’s all a bit of a mix up at the moment! However I still believe that a good future exists for us. A little perspective is needed I think.

  • posted by  Igorasusual on First week
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done Triumphsprint and wife! Fabulous results, how encouraging is that!

    Keep on with the BSD, whilst you will continue losing weight, it may slow down a bit, but your move to a better way of eating will bring all sorts of benefits, including – as you’ve said – additional enjoyment of your food!

    I can honestly say that I now sit down to my dinner and enjoy every flavourful mouthful.

    Keep posting on here there is lots of advice if you come across any snags or want encouragement – or want to encourage others! Use the search box at the top to find useful posts for anything you need.

    PS not too much to lose for me, and not Type 2, but wanting control. In 7 weeks I am now 18lbs down which is more than 12% of my starting body weight. And feeling great. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m happy for it to be slow, because I really do believe that BSD works for me and that I can not only live with it but enjoy it, so if it takes a few months to get to my target that’s fine because I have the (hopefully) years ahead to enjoy it. I’m enjoying the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

    I made toast with cheese for my son this morning and the smell of toast is still an awesome thing haha, but ya know the smell of toast is better than the taste of toast – or at least that’s what I’ve managed to train myself to remember. However I’m going to get all sorted out soon and go to the shop and see if I can pick up a cauliflower, I saw an article where the person had made cauliflower cheesy toast , using a cauli pizza recipe. Might try it for lunch, with tomato yum yum.

    In the afternoon there is a classic car rally in a nearby town so might head along there with the kids as it is a lovely day here today ๐Ÿ™‚ Although I will probably complain about it being too hot! Us Scottish people are no use in the heat.

    sat here watching my kids play together. There is 7 years between them and they do have their negative moments but on the whole they get on well and adore each other. They are being super cute just now anyway. Well I best go and find some clothes to wear as I’m still in my PJ’s!

    my breakfast was a strawberry almond milk shake, dinner is going to be roast chicken.

  • Hi all

    Just to say another pound off this morning so 9st 4 or 130lbs – I keep myself motivated by not looking at the fractions of a pound. If it says 9st ‘something’, then I count it as that. And if the next morning it goes up a smidgen, I still count the lower weight. Works for me.

    Very stubborn ‘belly wedge’ though! Have some challenging and core-strength-building exercises which I need to get doing…..somehow I can never schedule in the right time to do them. Have either ‘just had something to eat’, ‘just had something to drink’, ‘just have to go and do something else’. How odd is that. Bit like working at home, which is the best way I know to get housework done…..

  • posted by  Triumphsprint on First week
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I was diagnosed with fatty liver and a blood sugar level which classed me as pre diabetic! A freind mention 8 week Blood Sugar Diet and I got the book. Fascinated by its contents, flying in the face of current advice and following both my wife and I reading the book, we decided to give it a go. One week later I have lost 12 and a half pounds and my wife 10 and a half pounds in weight. Currently no feelings of major hunger pangs, food is very tasty and filling.
    Looking forward to week 2!!!!

  • posted by  Ekaterina on Day 21, nothing for 6 days
    on in Starting the BSD

    My husband and I have found digital scales (ours are by Tanita) that calculate BMI, fat percentage, visceral fat, metabolic age, to be useful as they can show body composition changes even if you don’t see much overall weight change on a week – we do a quick weight check daily and once a week the full analysis.
    What really helped me lose 10kg (happily I’ve now met my target of ‘below 9st’ in 10 weeks) was sticking to below 800 calories per day, no alcohol, using the recipes in the book only so no ‘cheats’ trying to find substitutes for bread etc that I’ve seen mentioned occasionally in this site, and keeping carbs such as pulses and beans low. Also beware sweeter fruit, we stuck with blueberries, raspberries and lots of apples (Braeburn and Granny Smith).
    I am confident that if you stick to the rules it will work for you and it is worth it. Best of luck.

  • posted by  Bubblesdevere on Newbies
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Just back from a week away and have dropped weight have now lost 13kg in my first month – that is 2 stone!! I have a huge amount of weight to lose so probably losing a lot initially because of that but am so pleased. I fluctuated between 800 and 1200 calories per day while I was away and on the odd occasion up to 1400 calories but still lost. Hubby disappointed as he didnt lose any weight. I am delighted with the results so far and I only find it tough if I try to stick to 800 calories every day, so I vary it. It is important to weigh and measure what you are going to eat as the eye is a deceitful scale. Don’t try to guess on your carbs and fats.

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh that sounds like huge fun, I hope the rain holds off for it. The last time we were at the rugby, halfway through the second half there was rain like I’ve never seen before, it was even coming in through the stadium roof. Son commented ‘Oh look. How pretty. An indoor waterfall’.

    Never had any luck with our local Dominos. If it’s not late and cold, it’s late and burnt. Everyone prefers the Chicago Town takeaway to Dominos as a result. So does my purse ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m not a morning person. No no. My son is trained to sleep in however the stepdaughter is a bloody lark. I even set the time 30 mins slow on her bedroom
    Clock so we get a few more precious minutes in bed before she bounds in. We are off to the jousting at Kenilworth castle today.. Great fun as long as the rain holds off!!

    I just tried the cold version of the brownies. Better I think. Let’s see if everyone agrees later when I break them out at the picnic. Go on, modify the recipe with Bournville and butter… Feedback please! If you need a cup of coconut flour give me a shout and I’ll post it down!!

    Mmmm pizza. Dominos preferably. Might as well go for the most calories laden going if we’re fantasising…. ๐Ÿค”

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Early???? This is not early!!!! I’ve been up since 5.50 am! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had three children in 4 years (2002 – 2006) so I’m sure you can imagine how many years I craved a lie in past 5 or 6 am. And now that my children are old enough not to wake up at stupid o’clock… I now cannot sleep in past 5 or 6 am. And once I’m awake, I’m awake too… Oh, the irony…

    I think I’m going to try making them with butter and cocoa, yes I think I saw someone say about the Green and Blacks unsweetened too. I have Bournville in at the mo though. Cacao chocolate, also not the future, then? Noted.

    I’m just making Coronation Chicken for our lunchtime salad box before the rugby. We’re off to Wrexham to watch Toulouse… I wish we were off to Toulouse to watch Wrexham though… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Bet it’s not as gloomy there as it is here. I will NOT buy fries at the ground, I will NOT buy fries at the ground…

    I miss pizza too, and I mean straight up, crappy, out of a box frozen pizza too. Dr Oetker ones in particular. I have a freezer drawer full of them, thank God eldest is home and I can palm them off on him over the next three months or so. That’s the good thing, that I haven’t had to clear out cupboards and throw food away because the human dustbin is back ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning Lucky, congrats on massive sleep. We’ve been awakened early as usual by my stepdaughter who cannot sleep in ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    I made the Paleo cookies of Elana’s which aren’t the ones with the almond butter, but have coconut oil and dates in them. It’s the oil that made the kids yack I think. I’m going to try them colder on our picnic later and hopefully they will taste better. To be fair, old Elana DOES advise you should let them cool for 2 hours before tucking in…Someone reported back that they used butter instead and butter IS allowed so give it a go Lucky ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good call on the Bourneville. I think G&B Cocoa is probably the same. I used Lindt 99% cacao choc yesterday – tried a small piece…..barf! Virtually inedible. Stick to 85% heroin I think!

    Courgette Pizza base sounded positive Josie. Now I’m overrun with coconut/almond flour there might be an opportunity to experiment as I do miss pizza. For some reason I also bought a ton of cashews (hence impending bankruptcy) so need to remember what master plan I had for them ๐Ÿ™„

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Switzerland
    It was more like a shock o gram. I couldn’t believe what he could do with four balloons and a can of whipped cream๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    And I DONT want any photos posted on this website
    What happens in the clubhouse, stays in the club house.
    Now how many carbs in a hand full of whipped cream………

    So now, I am back. The 500 pounds I put on over the holiday and birthday now has to come off.
    I am not standing on the scales for a week, don’t need them to say… One at a time please ๐Ÿ˜

    So anyone thinking of starting the diet, how about starting with me today?

    I am going to have lots of water, I will have a salad at lunchtime, not a boring salad but the following…
    Cheery toms
    Beef toms
    Spring onions
    A Little grated carrot,
    Boiled eggs
    Mustard and cress
    A little Apple
    A little pineapple
    Pine nuts
    Red pepper
    Yellow pepper

    So my salad isn’t boring and tasteless.

    May just have veggies tonight.

    I don’t regret not being as strict with my diet over the week.
    In fact it probably did me good.

    It’s now less than half a year to Christmas Day, do you fancy being healthy and thinner by then?

    Let’s use the summer to cope with salads etc,

    Anybody notice the nights are drawing in now? ๐Ÿ˜

    Love Lucia

  • posted by  josie53 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    the Pizza was ok the base over shadowed by the toppings tomato puree and passatta spread very thinly then avocado (a half) sundried tomato and many mushrooms some feta and some parmesan was good and very filling

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    This morning I am grateful for…

    A wonderful ten hour sleep (which I needed to catch up after staying awake through the night watching the referendum result…)

    A great day out ahead of me watching the rugby league team I support, with my family. And I promise not to buy fries at the stadium.

    Uncovering my long buried knitting box while I did a mass clear and sort yesterday. This will keep my hands busy at night, when I am tempted to snack.

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning all! I have just slept for 10 hours straight after starting my massive reorganisation yesterday. I was so tired come tea time (and my tiny kitchen still in disarray) that I nearly cracked and ordered a takeaway, seriously. I muttered ‘Let’s order chicken kebabs and leave the naan bread…’ But I know I wouldn’t have left the naan bread. Nor the free cheesy garlic bread they send. So I pushed on. The boss had come across bacon chops in the butchers, so that’s what he wanted with mushrooms and egg. And we took your advice for the pudding JCH, we had strawberries and double cream, I chucked a few raspberries in there too. I never thought I would ever enjoy fruit as a dessert so much.

    Janey, sounds like you did great at the Indian. This is going to be my next big test, eating out. I’ve eaten at Mum’s and stuck to the plan. Previously if I was on a ‘diet’ and went out for a meal, it would be a case of ‘sod it’ for one meal, and I’d have what I wanted from the menu (something, anything with chips lol) but I can’t do that now. Well, no, I can do that now, but I don’t want to do that now.

    Tokyo – well done with your M&S visit, that place is lethal, especially the bakery bit ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve never tried Percy Pigs but I have heard people raving about them, are they that good?

    Janey – ‘Otherwise I think this recipe can be inserted back into Elanaโ€™s Pantry’ – by that you mean she can shove it up her…? I’m gutted that they didn’t work out. A few (possibly) silly questions now. We’re allowed to eat butter, aren’t we? So can’t we make these brownies with butter, instead of coconut oil etc, or is it specifically a lower/lowest carb thing? And secondly, I’m not 100% on this, but after trawling around and jumping from site to site the other week, I’m almost certain I saw that Bournville Cocoa powder was low carb on a paleo forum.

    Josie – well done on your 10lb loss! I’ve never heard of the courgette pizza base, only the cauliflower one! How did it go? I’ve decided to write a Blood Sugar Diet cook book called; ‘Well, That Didn’t Work!’. So far we have my Smoked Mackerel Kedgeree made with Cauliflower rice, and Janey is contributing her Brownies (I’m sure…). Is the pizza IN the book? Or out… Spill the beans!!

  • posted by  HappyLife on Happy Life – 8 wk diary
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well and feel free to share here if you like!
    Today is day two of week 9. It’s so exciting to start a new 8 week section!

    Today I went for a new hair style and got my shoulder length hair cut short. I like it a lot and my husband loves it. So easy and makes me look fresher I think. My stylist is a best friend so we trade services with each other.

    Also went to a book store and splurged on some cool magazines with recipes for this kind of plan. I don’t even eat gluten free as I stay off carbs like that totally or at least 99.9%.

    Tonight I found a new recipe online for healthy salmon and my husband made it and it was amazing!! Here it is:

    ๐Ÿ’œHealthy Salmon
    Heat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit
    1 1/2 lbs of salmon
    1 TB olive oil
    1/2 cup fresh parsley
    2 cloves chopped garlic
    1 tsp turmeric

    Mix the last four ingredients together. Press this on to the top side of the salmon. Place the salmon skin side down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (we used foil).
    Bake for 12 minutes (check thickest part to be sure it’s done).
    This makes about 3-4 meals for both of us. So delicious!!

    Tomorrow is a day off for me! Yeah! It’s supposed to be sunny for the next 8 days and 75 degrees so it will be gorgeous here. We are at the water and across it are snow capped mountains.

    I hope to start exercising a little more on the bike and walking. I haven’t really done much of anything and checked today that my average weekly weight loss has been 3.75. Of course I lost a lot the first couple weeks and it was less after that but there were a lot of 4 lb weekly losses.

    I know many of you are in England and Scotland and I wish you all the best as the recent vote makes changed for your countries and lives. ๐Ÿ’œ

    Hugs to all of you as we are a team of friends getting healthy together!!

  • posted by  HappyLife on Over the week 23 line
    on in Fast 800

    Lynne you are a rockstar for sure!’ Huge congrats on losing 30% of your weight! Wow!
    I finally joined the over 8 weeks group as I just started my 9th week! It’s exciting to move forward into another 8 week period!

  • posted by  HappyLife on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Izzy,
    You are so cute with your crafts! Wish we lived closer to do some together!
    Great idea re your slow losing and getting to another stone. It works so well for you!

  • posted by  Switzerland on An incredible journey-moving on
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Mike6,
    You’ve already proven to yourself that this way of life suits you – stick with low carb med style with some intermittent fasting and you’ll keep feeling fabulous.
    You’ll know how to control what you eat and drink and how often to add fasting.
    All power to you.

  • posted by  Switzerland on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Lucia,
    What a great party in the clubhouse – still going – great to see you and all of the BSDers….we’re all looking good.
    Pleased you liked your surpriseogram.

  • posted by  Sandie on 1st June 2016 Sandie
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Mixnmatch, hi. Mostly when I eat out I choose fish but today the burgers smelt so wonderful I had to go with it. In future I will ask for other dishes “without” what ever I don’t need. Also my OH didn’t complain at me being difficult.

  • posted by  libertina on About to start.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    yes, I have just finished reading the book and am about to start tomorrow! 3 years ago I lost 3 stone at Slimming World and felt great but life crisis got in the way and I put it all back on plus another stone. I feel so unhealthy now. I need to stop shovelling carbs in all day long. I eat masses of chocolate so this is going be a challenge, but reading about amazing weight losses and knowing that it will improve my health is motivating me. I have a lot of very difficult stuff going on in my life now but I know if I wait for the ‘right time’ it will never happen! Scales this morning sat 16 stone 7. I’m 5 ft 5 so this needs to change. I wish everyone else success and I know from my time at Slimming World that chatting to others, especially when the going gets rough, is a massive help.

  • posted by  josie53 on About to start.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Good luck with your start, i was very foggy headed for the first couple of weeks, also started taking Metformin at the same time as the diet, feeling slightly better now. its been said on here that it is to do with the withdrawal from Carbs.

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    A squeezed courgette pizza base??? The mind boggles. Although human enterprise prevails in this way of eating! Let me know how it turned out ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    I aspire to a spiraliser altho TBH it’s as easy to buy them ready spiralled!

  • posted by  josie53 on Over the 16-week line
    on in Fast 800

    if i search the numerous boxes of clothes i have scattered about the house i am sure that i will find clothes in all sorts of sizes, but good to know that its not as difficult as we are led to believe to lose weight when we are in our 60’s.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Sorry yours didn’t work mixnmatch but well done for turning it around and still using it successfully! I’ve started to notice that many low carb recipes are a bit fiddly and need a bit of a knack to make them work.

    I’ve got a new craft project to add to my growing list. We have some new tables and we haven’t been bothered with coasters in recent times so they are all lost but not wanting to spoil our new furniture I’m going to make us some! I’ve ordered a set of plain wooden coasters to paint on and I’m going to paint on things that mean something to us. eg son likes spaceships, daughter likes mermaids, hubby likes dragons, I like dragonflies and so on. I will think up more soon. I’ve bought 10.

  • posted by  josie53 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks so much for saving me the ยฃ8.000 i had thought i would give it a go also thanks for the taste test as well. The things we do on this way of eating.

    who would have thought that i would be squeezing the liquid out of grated courgette to make a pizza base, but there you are its done now. I have more gadgets that i will probably only use a handful of time but I can spiralize with the best of them now,

    Still i am 10lbs down and thats the point of it so am happy with that,

    Well done to everyone who has weighed to day.

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Evening all! Just made the promised Paleo chocolate brownies. Approximate cost: ยฃ8,000 per batch, stress level factor 10, yum factor debatable, kids’ reaction; spat in bin ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I think they may be better when they cool down and the coconut ‘lard’ has solidified a bit more so will try again in the morning. Otherwise I think this recipe can be inserted back into Elana’s Pantry, thanks all the same!

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on 1st June 2016 Sandie
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I found a pub in the Lakes which served what they called the Skinny burger, with no bread bun, just the burger, toppings and a salad. Great idea for burger lovers like me.

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    I tried this one today too. With a little less success. I modified the recipe slightly to use what I had in the house and the result wouldn’t stick together at all. I used a Corn-ish pasty filling (normal filling of a pasty but with no potato and with added fresh parsley which i have had in a proper Cornish pasty before and really liked), which I cooked anyway having chopped it all up and mixed it together by the time I decided the pastry wasn’t going to be recoverable, in a small casserole with the lid on. My OH had some for tea with a baked potato and pronounced it very good, and I baked the pastry flat in a baking tin sprinkled with a little parmesan and salt and pepper and they made quite successful low carb crumbly cheese biscuits, which I had for my lunch with some nice cheese.