Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Izzy on Hi
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi there you are off to a flying start and amazing that you could do it on holiday too!

    Lots of nice people here to help you along if you need any help along the way πŸ™‚

    Welcome to the forum!

  • posted by  pinksunshine on Grumpy as hell
    on in Fast 800

    Day 7 and I’m grumpy as hell, and missing my Friday night pizza and red wine
    Have spent the week thinking (obsessing) about carbs and missing the crunch of bread
    First weigh in tomorrow.

  • posted by  Ren65 on Hi
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’ve been lurking for a few weeks after reading the book and decided to finally introduce myself! I decided to try the BSD to try and stabilise my binge eating habits which were out of control and try to prevent diabetes which I’m sure I was destined for with my sugar/carb consumption. I started on Wednesday 22.06.16 and on the Friday I went on holiday to Turkey for 10 days. This was planned for me as I knew it take me away from the sweets and chocolate that I would crave in the early days. I am pleased to say it worked as I managed to stick to the plan while away albeit guessing calories and having 1 day 1200 calls with alcohol but no sweets/choc/crisps/icecream passed my lips. I weighed in after my 14 days and am very pleased to have lost 11 3/4lbs and 1.5″ both from my hips and waist. I am so pleased that I have no cravings and feel I can stick with this plan for life! I would guess I have about another 50lbs to lose so I will be on the 800cals for a while anyway and look forward to having some chats on the forum with you all.

  • posted by  tokyo14 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    i believe if technology has served me will i have followed you too janey !!!! i thought last night when i couldnt get on to reply OMG what will thelma and louise do without brenda !!! so hopefully i have cracked the twitter thing but after yesterdays fiasco with the pics who knows !! let me know if it works !!!
    all this IT fiasco has taken my mind of food i can tell you to the point were i thought i best go and have a cuppa !!!

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    2 – 3 boxes of chocs a day??!! 3 months ago I would’ve forwarded my CV to you!!!!!

    Dehydration is a major factor in controlling the hunger pangs (which are usually thirst!). I get through a lot of sparkling water, both in the office and at home. Occasional glass of red in the evening but a lot of the time I don’t even finish it.. OH keeps getting my leftovers!

    I am so impressed that you are (to quote a major sportswear brand) ‘Just Doing It’ for the Malawi trip.. so cool! Are you fundraising for charity or is this a personal goal? I had to smile at the dayglo lady cyclist comment.. we do paint ourselves in such terrible lights at times! As per a quote I saw online.. ‘she might be going slowly but she’s going faster than you sitting on the sofa reading this’!!

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Zero noodles
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Seadog,
    They are called Bare Naked noodles. They are a root veg called konjac, pronounced konyac. No carbs, virtually no cals but high in protein and fibre. They make a very good replacement for pasta and chinese noodles, there is also a rice version. I buy mine from Morrisons, they are Β£2 a bag, serves 2. They come in a bag of water which you rinse off. Strangely, the water smells fishy but once you’ve rinsed them that goes away. They only take a few minutes to boil, stir fry or microwave. I believe ishitake noodles are the same thing. Definitely worth experimenting with.

  • posted by  Collie on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Janey
    Love the fact you told your boss off , made me chuckle. We are givien 2-3 boxes of chocs a day!!! I know them all could recite the menu’s inside!! Please don’t read this and think I am pure I have serious hunger pangs at times , usually dehydrated related, but every so often am really hungry then I just have a bigger portion. In the past would have stopped at every little helps supermarket (other supermarkets are available) and bought Norty snacks mainly crisps and chocolate , on top of what had been scoffed at work.
    Yay get back on that bike I am no racing snake just a large lady in dayglo riding around Surrey!! I just pedal try not to set targets as they stress me , when I see a hill low er the gears and just think keep pedals going. I am going alone to Malawi and do not know anyone on the group so quite anxious they will all be skinny young things ‘saying lets sprint up this hill ha’ yes I always catastophize things. But I am going to do it , will try to get as ready as I can, definitely out of my comfort zone.
    Have a great day πŸΎπŸΎπŸ™‹πŸ»

  • posted by  Haylsey on July starter
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello all, I am so happy to have found you all. I started on Monday so I am now on day 5. It was so reassuring to read that others have had jittery feeling too as I was a bit worried About it.i am 5’1 and on Monday I weighed 13 stone 5. I now weigh 12 stone 13! So it’s working so far! I had diabetes in pregnancy and my mum has just had a stroke so I have scared myself into this diet. I have tried and failed so many times to loose weight but hopefully the fear factor will keep my going! Also my step daughter gets married at the beginning of September and I would like to feel better in my clothes than I usually do. I am not setting a goal but hopefully would like to loose 3 stone. Thanks for having me xx

  • posted by  Janeycoughdrop on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Add me, add me! I want a Twitter friend in case we get excommunicated from BSD for being subversive or mentioning meat knots!!

    Collie – way to go girl! I’m like you, mainly following med diet now rather than counting, but with a restrictive day here and there. The weight is still coming off slowly but surely! Good luck with that bike ride in Malawi. I have a bike that I bought secondhand, with the intention of exercising more. Rode it once, now its got a flat tyre.. so obviously it’s now relegated to the shed πŸ™ Maybe I should try and sort that for the summer?

    Life without cravings and control by biscuits and cakes is so nice, I agree! We used to cane the biscuit barrel in the office but I have not had a single one since I started this journey 9 weeks ago. The guys I work with are inadvertently being healthier because they don’t eat so many biccies and cakes now I’m not ‘enabling’ them! My boss tried to persuade me that a Rich Tea wouldn’t really harm the other day, but I did inform him (in quite uncertain terms) that it was a BISCUIT not a VEGETABLE!!

    Lucky – I think the coconut sugar can overpower recipes, especially as almond/coconut flour is already slightly sweet. For my next batch of cookies I’m going to halve the quantity and see what happens. And I don’t add salt to sweet stuff.. what nonsense!

    Pub with the guys at lunchtime today. Used to be a regular thing but again I’ve shied away from it for the last 9 weeks. I shall head for the salads and soda water probably though!

  • posted by  MikeC on Getting back on track after a blowout
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Skinny people,
    I had to fly down to Adelaide & drive a car back for a family member this week. I wasn’t well prepared for staying on the diet while traveling. Consequently i blew out , ate carbs , had a few beers , a couple of glasses of red wine, ate a mixed grill , a bacon & egg roll or 2 & played the pokies & lost $50. So when I got home on Wed night i decided not to weigh myself as this would probably lead to guilt that might make me give up. So i stuck to the diet Thursday only had a coffee ,1 cup a soup & a small piece of quiche . I noticed i started to pee quite a lot even waking through the night which is unusual. I stuck with it strictly again today only 1 coffee & opti slim shake for dinner. My curiosity got the better of me so I jumped on the scales ………….well iIl be darned I’m actually a kilo lighter than before I left. So all the weight i could feel that i gained was fluid and returning to the the BSD drained the fluid away. I don’t intend to blow out again but if I or you do its not the end , its easy to get back on track . Im trying extra hard this weekend & next week with walking thrown in hope to drop another 5 to 10 kilos.
    By the way my crook knees have gone away & I’m no longer short of breath in aircraft & the tray table fits without leaning my seat back. lol

  • posted by  Bissell on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    As I say, I’m happy to help. Now that I know what works for me I’m able to put it into practice. So far anyway! Even if I’m tempted, I just have to remember how rubbish I feel when my BS dips too low and I can resist. I’m sure the odd temptation will come along, but I don’t want to lose this improved feeling.
    As to what to do until that low BS feeling subsides, here is what I understand happens with reactive hypoglycaemia. If I eat high carbs, my BS goes up like everyone else’s. But I either over produce insulin or am extra sensitive to it (so the opposite to a diabetic) and my BS dips too low. And then I get the symptoms. Palpitations, confusion etc etc, you know the score! There is no medication that would help, the body will gradually raise the BS by itself in about 45 mins, but in the meantime you feel rubbish. So my options were to eat something very sweet, lie down and wait for it to pass. But then, of course, my BS went up, then dipped again too low. So a vicious circle. So my thinking is, if it doesn’t go up, it can’t crash down. So I would definitely avoid the carbs as much as possible and see how it goes.

  • posted by  Christi1948 on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Lucia,
    It’s a good job I’m feeling better! I have three grandchildren (from teatime last night)! until Saturday afternoon when dad comes to pick them up, mum is on a hen weekend to Barcelona, so we are proxy, yes I said proxy! parents for now, it’s 8.50 and I’m already feeling like I’m on a merry go round, here’s to 1.30 on Saturday!
    Otherwise nothing planned, apart from getting ready to visit brother in bezier France, so we can watch a couple of days of the tour-de-France live! Ah bliss.

  • posted by  Hels on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Lucia,
    You inspire me! I know the benefits of comfy shoes! I spend the winter in my Celtics (UK Uggs!) and the summer in my new Sketcher memory foam trainers! Bliss! It always takes me a few minutes each morning to sort my soles out to stop aching! But…hopefully with some more weight loss that will improve.
    This weekend I’ll be camping! Every year my entire family (husband, 2 daughters, 3 siblings plus their 3 spouses, 7 nephews, 1 niece and my 83 year old Mum) spend 2 nights under the stars in a very special place in the middle of nowhere. Not another sole, not a sound other than wildlife, no traffic, just peace and quiet. We cook on an open fire with wood collected by the children, wash in a bucket and pee behind a tree! Now, before you think that we are all savages, my Mum lives across the valley so we do go in occasionally for hot showers, fresh clothes and supplies! We’ve been doing in for 15 years now so a firm family tradition. I just hope that he weather holds up.
    As for the diet, well that should be ok as it’s mainly steak, chicken, and salad. (no bread for me) and eggs, bacon and beans!
    I’ll post on Sunday to let you know if I survived!
    Love Hels xxx

  • posted by  Christi1948 on New to the 8 week fast diet can any body Help?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi george103,
    Keep to 50 g carbs, (fat secret app will tell you the carb content of all foods) 800 calories, although if you keep to 50carbs or under you will still lose weight.
    Do not use Any low fat products, you need fat to lose weight, yes it’s counter intuitive! trust me though, I had the same problem when I started, lots of people on this forum to give you help and advice, don’t hesitate to ask the question, someone will respond, they are great people.
    I’m not sure about the flora, I wouldn’t touch it! that’s just a matter of taste though, again someone will give you a better answer to that one?
    Recipes for salsa, look in the recipes, at the top of the page, there might be one for salsa.
    Try and get fage total yogurt, not the 0% one though, it’s lower in carbs, it’s in a big squat tub, not a tall one, and it is lovely and creamy!
    I hope I’ve covered everything? Good luck and keep posting!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on New to the 8 week fast diet can any body Help?
    on in Fast 800

    Hello George
    If you are dairy intolerent I don’t see a problem as long as you read the label on the Flora and understand the sugar and carb content, this should be counted in your daily allowance.
    Yoghurt should be full fat, Greek is best, as low fat yogs do tend to have added sugars.
    Salsa I’m not sure about but someone will be along who does know, it’s how the forum works, we all do our best to support each other and there is now a wealth of knowledge to be found here.
    Alternative meals are no problem at all, most folk have learned to adapt their usual recipes to low carb and sugar versions.
    Two very important points, you MUST increase your fat intake and you MUST drink a minimum of 2 – 3 litres of non sugary liquids per day, if you don’t the weight loss can stall.
    Start off by reducing the carbs, most folk try to stick to 50g or less per day, then, when you get over the withdrawal symptoms ( yes they are real) after about a week, start looking at the calories.
    Best of luck to the two of you on this exciting journey, and, if you have any questions or problems, just shout out. The BSD global family are always here to help.

  • posted by  tokyo14 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    yes think so !! will check how dumb am i honestly i am blaming the loss of weight i am losing strength to perform tasks !!!!

  • posted by  George103 on New to the 8 week fast diet can any body Help?
    on in Fast 800

    My wife and I will starting the 8 week fast 800 calories diet, we just need to know if we can use Flora proactive (olive oil) butter instead of butter as I am lactose intolerant, when yogurt is mentioned is this low fat? The salsa recipe is there one? And can we use alternative meal plans in the 4 week plan as long as they 800 calories or do we need to strictly follow It? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Philip & Sheila.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh dear oh lore, wild and wacky you say?
    I have grandkids birthday parties on Saturday and Sunday to negotiate. Wild and wacky enough?
    Talk about weekends being rest days…..NOT

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Confused!
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Hi Tofa
    as Igorasusual says I have given up on the fasting readings as they are so erratic because of the dawn effect.
    I did manage to get them down in the 7’s by having a small fatty snack before bed, this helps reduce the amount of stored sugar released by the liver overnight but a couple of days ago I did a quick morning reading and it showed 7.2
    I don’t eat breakfast so my fasting goes on until lunch and I now know that my sugar is much lower post lunch than pre.
    I concentrate now on taking my readings pre and post dinner where my readings are typically mid 4’s pre and mid 5’s one hour after.
    The great thing is, I had a HbA1c test taken just 4 weeks in to the diet and despite the high fasting readings my results came back as pre diabetic and on the borderline to being normal so the doc told me I could stop my meds (I had already stopped one of them)
    I’m confident that I will be pronounced clear on my next blood test in September.
    Keep doing what you’re doing and stop worrying about those horrible fasting readings would be my advice.

  • posted by  HypoGal on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thank you so much Bissell for the food tips as well. I have been going for three weeks now on the BSD, but I have not gone 5 whole days straight without any carbs. So, maybe that’s the key.

    I will definitely try what you suggested. And thank you, thank you once again. You don’t know how much this means to me.


  • posted by  keeptrying on my journey (from week 2)
    on in Starting the BSD

    many thanks Imogen

    yes I am taking control – sometimes!!!!

    managed not to binge last night, drank lots (water) and early bed

    fingers crossed I can keep going

    I have no end date for this ‘diet’ since even when I began it I never intended it to be just an 8 week interlude
    so I will keep on with it as long as I possibly can

    was dreaming about cake earlier – ha ha – but still frightened of it

  • posted by  rebelle on Any other cooks on the forum?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Sorry I’m not a cook so I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be surrounded by food all the time. I do struggle when I am preparing dinner everyday though. I find that if I grab some celery sticks, capsicum, carrot, beans first whatever fresh crunchy vegetables I have and keep them handy. So I can crunch and munch on something healthy when I feel the urge to put something in my mouth while getting dinner ready and the rest of the family are NOT low carb, so there’s plenty of temptation around.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's 8 week diary :)
    on in Starting the BSD

    Gooood Morning BSD πŸ™‚

    It is Friday, I’m not working, my son and I are chilling, I’ve lost 0.7lbs since Tuesday, all is well in my world.

    I’m 11st 2.8… This is the lightest I have been in years. The smallest my husband has known me to be and we’ve been together 7 years. I think at least 9 years ago since I was this weight. My next target is 11st so hopefully I should hit it within a few weeks. At that point I will no longer be obese and simply overweight so a monumental milestone!

    So I’ve lost 24lbs so far on BSD but I always bear in mind my heaviest weight too from a few years ago, I’m 43lbs lighter than then, quite proud of all that I have achieved as well as not letting myself get back to my heaviest weight before doing something better.

    It is a yucky rainy day… A day for staying at home, although we may pop to the shop. I’ll be sending my husband a big shopping list but he won’t be home until later in the afternoon and I will make some soup today as my frozen supply is running lower. I might not need to go to the shop myself I’ll have to check the fridge first.

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hey Collie, nice to see you again! Hey, if you want to gloat as well as being genuinely happy, that’s fine, you’ve earned it! We have a Mistress of Smug already, so we’re used to it, if you want to join her band of minions. Tokyo… haha.

    Oh my days your bike ride, that’s absolutely amazing, that’s one heck of a distance and I bet it’ll be hot(ter than here) too. Well done, and we’ll be here to support you when you can get online πŸ˜€ There’s more ways to reward yourself than with food too, you can still treat yourself in another less-carby way πŸ™‚

    Right, I got to go for a shower, just realised what time it is, kids aren’t up, and I’ve got to take hubby for x ray at 9! Yikes!


  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done Josie, I hope you reach your stone tomorrow πŸ™‚ but if not, it’s coming. I’m a red wine drinker, but I’ve gone allergic to wine for about a year, I have to take Benadryl before drinking it, and even then it doesn’t stop the symptoms completely. And my other issue is – I could never have ‘a’ glass of wine either. I might miss the wine, but I tell you – I don’t miss the hangovers! I’m finding I have to shop every few days now. Things don’t seem to keep any more like they used to, even in the fridge.

  • posted by  Collie on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Lucky Janey Bill Tokyo Lucia et al
    Great post great read, I see threads but can not always reply (time no wi Fi) ,I must admit to total surprise at my ability to hang on to this way of eating , usually I would have fallen off the wagon. I am no longer craving foods that are processed or full of complex carbs. I do have occasional cravings (hunger) but seem able to stop and decide and have better choices. I am almost shocked as this almost ODD behaviour. I was a bit of a binge eater. At work I am surrounded by boxes of chocs , biscuits and cakes and I have not had one since I started. I don’t feel righteous just relieved I am no longer controlled by them, my job is quite stressful and busy. I am not gloating just genuinely surprised.and happy. Iam off the 800 and just on med diet still losing but slow now , every so often I throw in a low day. This is sustainable .Thanks for making me laugh, ( meat knots , singing, Enid blyton etc) I am now training for a bike ride in Malawi in Sept for a brill charity , (350kms 4 days!!!!)will need support during the training as this will be a test of my eating as I always used to feel I needed to reward myself if I did anything hard . So we will see. Bye for now have a great day all xxxxπŸŒžπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ’œπŸŽπŸ‹πŸ†πŸ—

  • posted by  HypoGal on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Also, any tips on how to get through those really bad hours when symptoms are severe?

    I am on no medications, and want to heal this naturally. I used to be an avid TM meditator, for over 20 years, but for the last 5 or 6 years I just cant get deep enough, so unfortunately have given it up, other than the occasional feeble attempt.

    A couple of things that seem to help me, although it is still a drop in the ocean, are: a cup of White Tea (I guess its the natural theanine) and/or a glass of celery juice with a little apple to help sweeten it. Apparently, celery juice is a wonderful muscle relaxant and lowers blood pressure.

    Anything else that I can try for those horrible, horrible hours when the body is trying desperately to raise insulin levels?

    I used to have low BP as well, but in the past 5 or 6 years, it has gone sky high. Last reading 162/77. Pulse was ok – 79.

  • posted by  Bissell on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Oh and I began to feel better after about 5 days. Keep your fluids up too, as I found my blood pressure had dropped a bit, which can make you feel dizzy. And I’ve upped my salt intake, which works for me, although not a good idea if you have high BP. My BP was around 100/60 when I went for a check up recently, which is quite low.

  • posted by  Bissell on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Glad to help! I followed the book to the letter for the first 2 weeks, just because I didn’t have to think for myself! But thereafter I’ve just counted calories and carbs and adapted my normal sort of food. Yesterday, for example, was a ‘normal’ day, ie just a low carb, but not calorie counted one. I had two boiled eggs for breakfast, some cooked chicken from the supermarket, with some bagged salad, cucumber, toms etc and olive oil and balsamic, and for dinner I made a Sri Lankan pork curry with coconut milk and had with Sri Lankan cabbage and a dollop of yog. It was delicious, although I say it myself! But I immediately portioned it out and stuck extras in the freezer, because I know what I am like!
    Today will be an 800 cal one. The plan is yog and cucumber and mint for breakfast, chicken lettuce wraps from the book for lunch and some kind of fish and veggies for tea. And a warm iinner glow from sticking to the plan!
    Keep at it, I’m sure it will work for you too! Keep me posted.

  • posted by  josie53 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    my 28th day tomorrow and nearly 1 stone off, weigh tomorrow so am hoping that i make it a stone. i miss a glass of red wine started the plan at the same time as metformin not a very good mix i don’t think still feel quite weird (some would say that is normal for me) with a fuzzy head and tiredness, but its getting easier as is the diet. Must remember not to buy so much food and then go off it in the middle the week.

  • posted by  Lucia on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi held,
    That’s a cute yeti of courseπŸ˜€

    I had a few ops on my feet a while ago so I need a good sole and adjustable straps.
    With having weak feet, and now poor balance, that why I am so proud of me when I do my steps.

    Weather poor here again, but it’s nearly the weekend,
    Anyone doing anything wild and wacky
    Love Lucia

  • posted by  HypoGal on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Oh, Bissell, this is wonderful news !! No, no, not boastful at all. Its what I have been waiting to hear. I just needed to know that it was possible. And you have given me hope, and that’s why I posted here.

    Thank you, thank you.

    Yes, I will stick to it. Any tips on what to eat during the day, and how long before I should start to see some improvement.’

    Like, I said, all I need to know is that it is possible.

  • posted by  Bissell on Any other cooks on the forum?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I know it sounds weird (!) but if I’m cooking something I shouldn’t be eating, or dishing up the family’s food, or tempted to take another spoonful before I put leftovers in the fridge, I literally bite my lower lip! Not too hard, obviously, but it acts as a brake on my greed!

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Yes, reactivate your Twitter!! I don’t know if we’re allowed to post personal data on here, but if you go to the search box and put #BSD in, scroll down a little past the other #BSD’s which are nothing to do with our BSD and you’ll find me and my (flat) scones lol. I always like to have a back up way of keeping in touch with online friends, technology isn’t infallible is it?

    I find myself leaving food too, which I didn’t think I’d see when playing with so few calories. I genuinely thought I would be famished for every mouthful. I’m not. My tolerance for sweet things is waaaaaaaaaay down. I’m actually enjoying fruit for probably the first time in my life, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and I find they do the job, where it would have been chocolate before.

  • posted by  tokyo14 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    morning lucky
    i think the cookies were just a mixture of both to sweet and too much chocolate maybe my taste buds have changed even find myself leaving food now which prior to this was unheard of!!!
    not sure what was happening last night but i did panic what if i couldnt get back on !! how would i ever speak to you all again !! so i am going to reactivate my twitter account and have that as a back up just in case i vanish again !!
    i kept thinking you would be wondering wheres brendas gone !!!

  • posted by  Bissell on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi hypo gal. I too have reactive hypoglycaemia, so went on this plan to see if I could stabilise my blood sugars and avoid plummeting down, which gave me the symptoms of dizziness, confusion ( I got lost outside my own house once!) brain fog, sticky eyes etc etc. And I have found it nothing short of miraculous really. My BMi has gone from 30 to 25, I’ve lost 2 stone and I feel better than I have done for a long time. My IBS has gone too.
    If I had a sugary drink, my BM would drop too low too, after a couple of hours. I have stabilised my BS by not having any sugar/rice/bread/pasta etc, sticking to 800cals and eating 3 times a day only. My guess is that if I don’t raise my BS, I wont over produce insulin and therefore my BS won’t go down too far. I’ve been monitoring my levels and they stay around 4.5 to 5.7. Before they have dropped to 2.8.
    Reading this back it sounds rather boastful! I don’t mean that I’ve cracked everything, not by any means. I still panic if I gain 1lb, now that I am maintaining on 5:2, but overall it has been hugely beneficial. I think the key for me has been total avoidance of sugars and carbs, apart from veggies, of course. So maybe stick with it? And don’t beat yourself up about it if it turns out not to be for you.

    Good luck!

  • posted by  China2013 on July starter
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all,

    I am also a July starter having started today. I have a long journey ahead needing to lose around 60kg, which is about 91/2 stone. I use an Australian app to track my food called the Australian Calorie Counter. It gives me a running tally of the calories, protein, fat, sat-fat, carbs, sugars, fibre, sodium & calcium I am consuming each day. I’ve had it for ages and I think it was free. It’s a great tool and easy to use.
    I have read the book and watched a few videos of Michael Mosely and although I am not diabetic, my bloods are heading in the wrong direction so I thought I’d give this a try. My hubby is very supportive and always has been of every diet I have tried.
    Good luck to all you other July starters.

  • posted by  Lucky Maneki on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Lol Josie, who knows indeed. You never know, maybe you can make cookies or pastry out of them, you never know unless you Google it πŸ˜‰ Loving all the Welsh connections. I’ve been boring with my spiraliser, I’ve only done apple and courgette. I bought the butternut squash ready done. As Janey said, nails and life too short lol. I may try the carroti though (my personal pasta of bitterness).

    Oh no Tokyo! I didn’t get a chance to try last night so I don’t know if it was a site thing? Oh the cookies πŸ™ Isn’t that absolutely nuts? I have a confession to make too… although my scones were lovely, the lemon zest and blueberry, and even though they weren’t very big… argh one was more than enough for me. I would have easily been able to put away two normal ones with jam and clotted cream and then maybe another later, and definitely another tomorrow πŸ˜‰ But they’re in the freezer and I’m glad because they’re going to have to be for a day when I’ve got a really, really, really sweet tooth. Do you think it’s anything to do with the coconut sugar too, Tokyo (assuming that’s what you used)? It’s very sweet, isn’t it? At least we know for next time, we can adapt things to our tastes, can’t we? I’m always wary with salt in sweet recipes (unless salted caramel type), and likewise I always used to be wary of sugar in savoury recipes, and rarely, if ever, put it in.

    Well, here I am. Day 28, the last day of my fourth week on the plan. Feeling very accomplished. Ready to weigh tomorrow as I start Week 5. Didn’t for one minute think that when I spoke to my friend four weeks ago and she let me into her secret, that I’d be the best part of two stone lighter a month later. A month without bread, pasta, rice, pizza, alcohol (!), potatoes, flour, sugar, pastry; I’d have put money on it dragging. But it’s flown by πŸ˜€ Even the carb flu feels like a ‘giving birth’ moment now (I’ve forgotten how awful it was and anyway, it was worth it haha). I’m enjoying the food and I’m enjoying the weightloss.

  • posted by  Hels on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh Lucia
    I’m not a fan of Karimore sandals! They’d make my feet look like a yeti’s! But….if they encourage you to move then go with it!
    I know what you mean about the weather yesterday though. I walked into town to meet a friend for a cuppa. That’s 2 miles downhill and yes you guessed it, 2 miles uphill to go home. First it was sunny. Then cloudy. Then blowing a hooly! After all that in the morning I trimmed the garden hedge! And then the hot sun appeared so I topped up my tan.
    Hubby away overnight so I had a yummy prawn curry with cauliflower rice. Just weighed myself. Down another 2lbs. Yeah! So exhilarating!
    It’s almost the weekend! Happy Friday!
    Love Hels x

  • posted by  tokyo14 on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    what a nightmare i am having i couldnt post at all last night on here it just keep blocking me !!!
    i tell you i was really panicking!!! on the cookie front we binned them too much chocolate for both me and hubby!!! something i thought i would never say !!!

  • posted by  HypoGal on Reactive Hypoglycemia, please help !
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hello everyone

    I am having a lot of problems with the BSD and I think it is because I have Reactive Hypoglycaemia. I started the BSD about 3 weeks ago, and it has been a huge struggle. I lost 3 kg but have since put back 1 kg, mainly because trying to stick to 800 low carb creates a huge array of symptoms for me. For example: dizziness, inability to concentrate, headaches, and feelings of absolute starvation, to name just a few. The worse times for me are the times when insulin is typically low in our bodies, which is about 2am in the morning, 3pm in the afternoon and 8pm at night. I assume this is due to the gradual build-up of insulin resistance in my body.

    I do not have diabetes. My fasting blood sugar tests are ok. Last test was 5.1, but 2 hours after having a sugary drink it dropped to 4.1. I scored high on the Metabolic Syndrome and Addicted to Carbs quizzes. And over the past 7 years, I have put on 20 kgs, and my waistline has blown out to (shock, horror!!) 36 inches.

    The BSD works for awhile for me. But the more weight I lose, the stronger the symptoms. Sometimes I feel like my body is going to blow up – from the inside out. There is an incredible rushing feeling inside, my ears start ringing intensely and my blood pressure goes sky high. The only thing that satisfies my ferocious appetite is a high carb meal, but of course, that doesn’t last very long.

    I am normally a very positive, proactive person, but this health issue is really getting me down.

    Please, please help. Is this the right diet for me?

  • posted by  Caro on Starting Over
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Napangardi.
    You are not the only one to start again. Today is my third attempt. My first try was actually very positive but only for 5 days. Could see the effects quickly but i managed to sabotage my good work and run back to carbs in every form when life’s everyday stresses paid a visit. That was 5 weeks ago. 2nd attempt was not worth mentioning. Today i am off to a good start but it is the afternoons and evenings that i struggle with. Have to quit with the excuses and have more resolve. I did struggle badly with fatigue during my first attempt but I guess that was a reflection of my sugar withdrawal. I had to nap when I put my one yr old down for his nap! Anyway i wish you well. I am in Australia. Where are you? Caro

  • posted by  Imogen on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Jill,

    The recipe doesn’t say anything about straining off the juice. I think if you soak the raisins overnight they may absorb most of the juice anyhow…so my guess would be to include it!


  • posted by  Jillf on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Can someone please tell me if you strain the apple juice off the raisins in the Bircher or just include it? Thanks so much

  • posted by  Annadongela on July starter
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks eggbot, yes I know it is by any other diets standards. Gone to bed now to stop me wanting food lol. I’ve held out all night tho 😊