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  • posted by Ren65

    I’ve been lurking for a few weeks after reading the book and decided to finally introduce myself! I decided to try the BSD to try and stabilise my binge eating habits which were out of control and try to prevent diabetes which I’m sure I was destined for with my sugar/carb consumption. I started on Wednesday 22.06.16 and on the Friday I went on holiday to Turkey for 10 days. This was planned for me as I knew it take me away from the sweets and chocolate that I would crave in the early days. I am pleased to say it worked as I managed to stick to the plan while away albeit guessing calories and having 1 day 1200 calls with alcohol but no sweets/choc/crisps/icecream passed my lips. I weighed in after my 14 days and am very pleased to have lost 11 3/4lbs and 1.5″ both from my hips and waist. I am so pleased that I have no cravings and feel I can stick with this plan for life! I would guess I have about another 50lbs to lose so I will be on the 800cals for a while anyway and look forward to having some chats on the forum with you all.

  • posted by Izzy

    Hi there you are off to a flying start and amazing that you could do it on holiday too!

    Lots of nice people here to help you along if you need any help along the way 🙂

    Welcome to the forum!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Well done Ren65, sounds like you have it cracked and are making excellent progress. Keep us posted and shout if you need support, someone will response for sure.

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