Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by 1960smp

    Good evening everyone. I know I’ve not been posting but I felt I can add to this thread…
    I, too, love the daffs! Spring is on its way and a reminder that new beginnings start and there is hope…

    ** thankful my husband hit 70 on Saturday
    ** youngest daughter hit 30 today!
    **my eye appointment was good as no injections in eyes required ( hippy dance)

  • posted by SunnyB

    SMP … thanks for sharing your positives, good news about the eye appointment, bet that was a huge relief. Also, thank you for flipping this thread on to a new page!

    I should have posted positives over the weekend, but better late than never, so here goes ….
    🌸🌸 saw two huge and beautiful magnolia trees smothered in blooms today, looking magnificent in the spring sunshine
    📱📱 chats and messaging today, with friends in Turkiye, India and Sri Lankan …. we’re so lucky to have the tech for instant communication
    🎂🎁 have made a solid start on sorting out cards and gifts for birthdays and anniversaries happening while we’ll be away on our next trip

    If you have a moment, please share one or your positives with us

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hope your day has been a good one, with plenty of positives … here are a few of mine ….
    📦🙂 boxed up a few more things ready to go out to Turkiye with us next month
    ☀️🧺 a break in the weather meant I managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done
    🌹🌹 think a rose cutting I took may have rooted 🤞🏻 it has been successful, it’s looking good so far

    Do you have a positive to share?

  • posted by SunnyB

    In my little corner of the world, it was a lovely mild and sunny day today, which is a huge aid to finding positives. Here are mine for today ….
    👩‍🌾🌿 pleasant gardening session, started to tidy up and tweak a few planting aspects and plan other changes
    🙂🎁 final part of Mum’s gift for Mother’s Day bought, just need to wrap things now
    ☕🫖 cuppa and a chat with a neighbour
    So, those are my pluses for today …. what are yours?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, we too are having lovely weather although still a bit of a chill but sunny.
    Blood works excellent
    Diet still going well and losing
    Builder turned up to find our roof leak and he found it straight away. Will be fixed next week.
    Another positive. Daughter fosters cats and kittens and went to pick up 3 cats – mother and 2 of her kittens although 6 months old. Wasn’t told the mother had 4 more kittens (aged 4 weeks) and one of the others is ready to drop about 6 or 8 (judging from her stomach). So my daughter is going to be stuck with 14 cat/kittens for at least 12 weeks and she is in her element. I am so proud of her and her caring nature.

    You can always find something positive even in hard times.

  • posted by Verano

    Hello girls!

    Sorry I’ve not posted for a while.

    I do have positives now…….

    🌷🌷🌷My daffodils (I know these are tulips!) are at their absolute best. Blowing in the wind but looking just like a ‘spring day’.

    🌺🌺🌺 My next door neighbour has a red camellia which falls over my front wall. The wall is black, the leaves are vibrant green and the flowers are bright red. Wonderful scene to behold.

    👩🏻👦🏻 Daughter and grandson called today with a wonderful plant and a card for ‘Mothers Day’.
    Just thankful for the family we have.

    Hope all mums have a lovely day tomorrow. For everyone else enjoy Sunday!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Apologies for not posting positives for a few days … not for the lack of positives I have to say, just somehow didn’t get around to it. Anyway ….
    SG, good news about your blood results and getting your roofing problem resolved.
    V, glad you had a lovely mother’s day and that nature is blessing your garden with beautiful spring blooms.

    My positives are ….
    🌱🌿 early morning gardening session on Friday, it was very mild and sunny and I was able to fill the green waste wheelie, in time for it to be collected mid morning.
    💖💕 very pleasant mother’s day visiting with my parents. So happy that they are doing well and are both once again active.
    📿📿 on Thursday last week, I saw a necklace in a charity shop but decided not to purchase it. However, had been thinking about it over the weekend, so decided to go back today to see if it was still there. Fatefully it was, so I now have a nice shiny new necklace 🤭🙂

    Hope your weekend was a good one and the new week has brought you some positives too. We’d love to hear about them 😍

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Positives for today

    Appt with doctor went very well, he is pleased with my results and said to reduce my insulin to 12 units (so I have come down from 20 since Xmas).
    Weather is getting warm at 17 today and 21 tomorrow so will be out in the garden. Lots of daffodils I didn’t know we had.
    Tried on several dresses and jeans for holiday and everything just glides on and fit perfectly.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Glad your Doctor is on the same page as you, SG. Very envious of the warm weather there … we’re told we can expect some warmer days later this week, but we’ll wait and see. You must be really happy with the clothes fitting so well, definitely a great motivator and lovely to have extra things you can take on your trip.

    Anyway, let’s see what positives I can rustle up for today …
    🥙😍 menu planned for Friday’s date night and food bought this morning
    🌹🌸 third attempt at ikebana (Japanese style) flower arranging … very happy with the result. Really like that something striking can be made with just a few blooms
    Those will do for today. Hope others will join in and offer up a positive or two though.

  • posted by K4r3n59

    “I am better than that” is my go to mantra when I feel myself wanting high carb food. It works every time. I know it won’t work for everyone but give it a try. Love and success to you all on this wonderful journey. xXx

  • posted by 1960smp

    Positives today!
    *Made the right decision to return a kitchen gadget I did not need and there was no hassle about it!Saved me £££
    *Lunch out with hubby – so nice when just us 2
    *Lovely light mornings and daylight is later in the early evenings, means I get bit more done…

  • posted by SunnyB

    Good to see others joining in with their positives. Like the mantra K4r3n. SMP, I agree, it’s always good to get some proper time with one’s partner … that’s in short supply here at the moment.

    Okay, here are my positives for today ….
    🌸🌸 took delivery of some new plants arrived today … a baby Tree Fern and three dahlia tubers (which are a good size). Hoping all will do well.
    🛏🛏 today I finally got around to ordering a new duvet for one of the spare beds, should arrive before our friends visit next weekend 🤞🏻
    👍🏻🚘 eldest GS has at last booked his theory test and asked me to take him to it on 6th April … hopefully it goes well🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Looking forward to reading your positives soon 😀

  • posted by Verano


    Just wanted to pop-in and say ‘hello’.

    I’m plodding along losing slowly so all positive here

    My daffodils are at their peak and looking wonderful when I open the blinds each morning.

    Sorting out trips we have booked this year and thinking of ‘scaling down’ a bit given the world situation. I know that doesn’t really sound positive but I feel it is because at least we are making decisions!

    My meditation is still going really well and am definitely feeling better for it , even if it’s only for 20 minutes a day!

    Stay positive and try to always look on the bright side,

  • posted by SunnyB

    I adore daffs, V. Mine have done well and seem to be lasting for a good while too. Staying positive is great advice, it can be all too easy to disappear down the ‘negativity rabbit hole’.

    My positives for today are …..
    🌯🍲 got a good amount of food prep done ready for tomorrow’s date night.
    🩸❤ blood pressure machine arrived, so we’ve started to take readings. So far so good, with both of us well within normal parameters. Will be interesting to see if that remains the case over subsequent checks.
    📱🙂 Nice phone catch up with Mum … happily both she and Dad are doing well.

    I’m sure there was at least one positive in your day so do take a moment to tell us about it.

  • posted by Verano

    My plan was to just pop in a couple of times a week …. BUT … today I was overwhelmed by really ‘heavily laden ‘ early flowering cherry trees. The blossom is so ‘heavy’ it’s wonderful. Just hoping that the blossom to come will be so abundant!

    Magnolias here need maybe two sunny days until they ‘explode’. We are very fortunate that we have some very mature magnolias very close to us.

    Spring really does feel as though it’s almost, maybe 90%, here.

    New ‘Spring’, winter almost gone, summer not too far away.

    We have to look at the ‘positive’ side of the coin!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Having been AWOL for a few days, thought it was high time to offer up a some positives ….
    🌿🌱 another good gardening session, mainly weeding and pruning, things are looking tidier and the green waste bin is ready for collection on Friday🙂
    🪴🪴 have bought some new plants which need to be planted in … need another fine period to get that job done though
    🍲🍽 lovely family meal out last evening, to celebrate DD’s birthday. Very pleasant evening and we’ve found a really nice restaurant to visit again.

    If you have noticed some recent positives, please be sure to share one or two with us.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought I’d drop by with a positive or two.
    🌱🌿 the kit for my automatic garden watering system has arrived … just need to work out how to put it all together before we go away 🤣
    💻📃 have drafted the village news letter … almost ready for printing, just needs a couple of tweaks and proofing
    Just two for today I think, but that’s enough 🙂👍🏻

  • posted by Verano


    Just wanted to ‘pop in’ and add positives that make me feel better , and hopefully you too….

    🌝🌛🌜 The lighter, brighter days are altering my mood. Just 10 days before the clocks ‘jump’ forward. Always a positive for me.

    ✈️🛳️🏖️ Just three weeks until our next trip which really will get rid of the winter. Email arrived with last details today!

    🍓🥑🍅 Looks healthy but in reality ‘looks are deceptive’. Doing my best and today is maybe not the most ‘positive’ BUT tomorrow will be!

    Stay positive and if you can’t feel it at the moment just try to imagine one happy event. … past, present, or future!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, some positives for today

    1. gardening instead of exercise, digging an outline around my tomato bed so real gardeners can see exactly where I want it. They dug it too small last time so I had no room around tomatoes for over veg.
    2. 25 degrees, so a lovely day.
    3. Parcel arrived with hubbys birthday present. Managed to get it wrapped while he was trying to get the printer to work.
    4. New Livebox now up a running.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Forgot to add, made hummus so used the aquafava to make chocolate mousse – no sugar just vanilla and cocoa powder, so very low cal even if it has carbs.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g how was the mousse? Can I have your hummus recipe please? I have been threatening to make my own for ages but just never had a tried and tested recipe.

    So now I’m here … positives … just three weeks today to our next trip. Really excited, cruise from Las Palmas to Barcelona, then flight down to Faro to see our son and family. So difficult when children don’t live in the same city, even more so when they aren’t in the same country!

    Anyway, that it my overriding ‘positive’ at the moment. Stay positive.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi V, it is quite simply a large can of chickpeas (save the aquafaba for the mousse), a couple of tablespoons of tahini paste, lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of cumin. Whizz it up until smooth adding olive oil to thin it out or a bit of water. It made quite a lot so I have divided it up into 3 tubs – one to eat and 2 for the freezer. Not sure what but it needs a little something, maybe more garlic for taste. To make the mousse you whizz up the aquafaba as you would egg whites until it forms stiff peaks, gently add cocoa powder and a drop of vanilla essence and fold together gently so as not to knock out the air. You can add sugar or even low cal sugar as it is bitter like dark chocolate but that is how I prefer it.

    Would have the positive of having our roof cleaned but they are making a bloody mess of the windows and window sills. I would have a positive of sitting out in the garden in the lovely sunshine but it is too bloody noisy. And I would have the positive of getting some more gardening but see last comment – too bloody noisy. So yes, I too must stay positive. Will get on with cleaning and gardening tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful cruise. When do you go. We head off to Norway at the end of April.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Must make up for my negative positives yesterday.
    1. the roof is looking beautifully clean
    2. builder went all around the house with a hosepipe and cleaned most of the dirt off the windows and sills
    3, Sunday brunch of sausages cooked in the airfryer – big success.

    BTW Verno the mousse was a flop, literally, it turned back to liquid in the fridge overnight. It would have been okay if just cooled for a hour or so. I have had the same problem with egg white mousse cake which had to be rewhipped before baking so I will make mousse again but eat it fairly quickly.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g thanks for the recipes although I’ll give the mousse a miss! I do have a lovely mousse recipe with chilli. I use the Lindt chilli chocolate but it’s very rich so even an expresso cup full is a bit of a struggle! However, it does last for several days … no flopping!

    We are going to the Canaries mid April and hoping by the time we get into the Med the weather will be pleasant. We were in Norway last June and it was really magical and we had the bonus of amazing weather.

    While I’m here I do have some positives…..

    Lovely pedicure yesterday.
    Had an invite for 90 days free trial of the new HAVA app. It’s associated with Dietdoctor but it’s a different concept ‘Satiety’ So far seems like quite a comprehensive app.

    BTW s-g I know you enjoy pulses. I was watching Dragons Den this week and one of the companies looking for investment was the Bold Bean Co. I took a look at their website and there are some really exciting recipes using ‘beans’. Might be worth taking a look.

  • posted by 1960smp

    A pedicure sounds lovely, V! I also watched dragons den and saw the same one, pretty awesome! Very interesting recipes!
    Canaries sounds lovely too.

    **have a had a lazy but restful weekend
    **we booked a lovely 2 night break in Bath for May.
    **My daughter absolutely loves her new job and am so blessed to hear that in her as she talks about her week

  • posted by SunnyB

    Glad you roof got sorted, SG, including the windows being hosed down too.
    V, sounds like your Canaries trip kicks off about the same time as our trip to Turkiye. Have you started a packing list yet?
    SMP, glad you had a restful weekend it’s good to be able to zone out occasionally and just relax. Pleased your daughter is enjoying her new job.

    Okay, so here are some positives from my little corner….
    👫💟 had friends visit for the weekend, was a lovely catch up and we got plans in place for our next get together
    🧳📃 created the packing list for our upcoming trip and have started to get things together ready to pack. As it’s a road trip with several overnight stays, packing needs careful organisation
    😔👩‍🍳 my Aga is poorly and refusing to work properly. On the upside, this has forced me to get creative with an electric griddle and steamer, to make our meals
    🌸🌱 it didn’t rain today, so got some gardening time in again … love it!

    What little positives have you noticed recently?

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just one big positive today …. car passed its MOT. This is especially good news as it failed just over a week ago and OH had to do a heap of work on it.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Only a couple of positives from me today …..
    🌧🌂 managed to get grocery shopping done between the torrential rain showers.
    🧳📦 more road trip packing sorted out, including some food stuffs

    Hope your day has brought some positives your way too.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Popping in to wish everyone a very happy Easter!XXX

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser, hope you had a good Easter too and that life is being kind to you.

    Thought I report in with a few positives, so here goes …..
    🎂🥳 was OH’s birthday yesterday, so few glasses of champers and a nice meal 🥂🍾
    🌧☀️ managed to dodge the weekend showers and get some gardening done.
    🍲🍽 pleasant lunch with eldest GS today … fasting now until dinner tomorrow evening.

    Hope you Easter weekend was coke full of positives and that you’ll share one or two with us.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Some positives for today …
    💕🙂 visit from ex-DiL and youngest GD this afternoon. Wonderful to get to spend sometime with them.
    📦🛍 took some things to a charity shop this morning, of course I had a browse too and bagged a 2 tops, a pair of cut off trousers and a beautiful Phase Eight dress, all for the princely sum of £18!!!

    Those will do for today …. they are plenty to make me feel good.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Was reviewing doe old docs on my computer and stumbled on this …. it was copied on Nov 2003, so the figures may have altered slightly, but I fear not by much and not necessarily for the better. It is definitely food for thought and a call to count one’s blessings …

    If the World was a village …………..
    Among the 100 inhabitants …
    57 would be Asians, 21 Europeans
    14 from the Americas and 8 Africans
    52 would be female and 48 male
    70 would be white and 30 non-white
    89 would be heterosexual and 11 homosexual
    30 would be Christian and 70 non-Christian
    6 people would have 59% of the wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States
    80 would live in sub-standard housing
    70 would be unable to read
    50 would suffer from malnutrition
    1 would be near death and 1 newly born
    1 would have higher education
    1 would own a computer

    The following is also something to ponder…

    It’s a small, and for many, a troubled world. Figures show that by reducing the 6 billion population of the earth to 100, exposes the worrying extent of poverty and a wide gap between rich and poor – the haves and the have nots.
    When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education become glaringly apparent.

    Consider this ……………

    If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on you back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep then you are richer than 75% of the world.
    If you woke up this morning with more health than illness…you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
    If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
    If you can attend a religious meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death…you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
    If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish someplace…you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.
    If your parents are still alive and still married…you are very rare.
    If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world, that cannot read at all.
    The United Nations confirm that these figures are broadly correct.

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny this really makes for ‘sober’ reading. Yes our ‘1st world’ problems are really just ‘hiccups’.

    So I’m here now but not very happy. OH is unwell so our trip this Friday has had to be cancelled… another ‘1st world problem’ which is nonetheless making me feel sad.

    I do have some positives though…..
    🌸🌸🌸 Now we are here through April we’ll get to see our apple blossom!
    🧳🧳🧳 Don’t need to pack.
    🍓🍉🥑 Have an extra few weeks of ‘healthy eating’. ( all things being equal we will get away in May)
    Keep positive …. it’s far better than the alternative!

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, I’m so sorry you are having to cancel another trip 😔 – can completely understand it making you sad, I’d be the same. Hope your OH will soon be well again and that you’ll get your May trip. Glad you found some positives to report, despite your disappointing news.

    Couple of positives from me while I’m here ….
    👗💕 wore the Phase Eight dress I bought in the charity shop a few days ago, it fits beautifully and got OH’S seal of approval
    🌿🪴 a plant I’ve been waiting to arrive has been delivered. Nice healthy specimen and I dodged the rain to get it planted into a bigger pot.

    Those will do for today. If you can identify a positive or two, please share them with us.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Just read Veranos post, so sorry you have to cancel yet another trip. I hope hubby gets well soon. I am in a state of limbo waiting for our cruise to come and sticking to the diet and trying to fill my time without actually doing any packing. However –

    Started packing and done 3 evening dresses, 2 short cocktail style dresses, one jumpsuit with a sparkly top and one pair of cream palatzo (sp) pants, so that sees me through every evening on the cruise.
    Spring cleaned our bedroom, the amount of fluff and dust under the bed was disgusting even though I do the full job every year. We have 3 cats so that’s probably where most of the fur comes from – now it is sparkling clean and I feel like I can breathe better in bed.
    Starting on the bathroom cabinet today as the weather has come over rainy. Sorting out all those bottles of shampoo etc I didn’t know I had and keep buying more.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by 1960smp

    Yikes we must all be in the spring clean mode…SG! I have been attacking our spare bedroom and decluttering….It is also my stored ‘canning meals’ room and looks much better now.
    Sorry to read your dh is not well V and hope he is better now. Hopefully you can get to enjoy what you missed later…

    *Giving items to a local charity to raise funds cheers my heart so.
    *Extra treats from Poland sent by relatives were too sweet but found a home for them all… ( wonder if one or two slipped my lips tho)
    *Booking a family trip to Poland later in Summer is on the cards now …..

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny … safe travels and enjoy!

    S-g thank you yes tablets are starting to kick so hoping all will be well. I’m getting excited for you now too! I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.

    SMP thanks for your thoughts too.

    Thinks it’s time for us to start a spring clean too!

    So whilst I’m here ….

    📜🧾📄 Have spent the last two days getting together all the documents for our insurance claim. My goodness they almost need ‘proof’ of what we ate for breakfast
    ☀️☀️☀️ A day without rain, so far, and even temperatures up to 18!

    That’s it for today. I’ll do my best to pop in now and again.
    Just have to stay positive!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Glad you are getting your money back but it is such a shame. I know how much I am looking forward to my holiday and would be devastated if something went wrong.

    Hate to brag V, but
    28 degrees today, sat outside to have lunch.
    clear out of garage and garden rubbish, to the tip
    took a bag of goodies to the local charity shop. I had a quick look around and realised the stuff I donate is super good, I sometimes worry they will turn their noses up but now know it will be welcomed.

  • posted by Verano

    Thank you s-g!!!

    I can’t remember what 28 degrees feels like, not had anything anywhere near that since we were in the Greek Islands last September! I need ‘sun’ !! You sound like your spring clean is going really well. We said we would start with one cupboard a day today. Never happened! Tomorrow we will start!

    Positives today …..difficult to find any apart from an immediate reply from EasyJet who have promised me a cancellation letter within 7 days! Wonder of wonders! Vueling we’re not quite so accommodating!

    Anyway, another positive is a vegetarian meal tonight. Made a butterbean puttanesca as a side last week and tonight, with the addition of spinach and Parmesan, looks like it could be a new veggie main. We will see!

    Have a good weekend with lots of positives.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Smp and SG, passing things on to a charity shop is a win, win, win …. you get rid of things no longer needed, it doesn’t go to landfill and the charity benefits from funds raised. You could even add another win to that, as some lucky person gets something they really like at a bargain price.

    V, glad you are able to claim back on insurance, but don’t envy you having to take on the insurance company. Hopefully it won’t be too arduous. Enjoy your veggie meal this evening, it sounds really tasty.

    As I was unpleasantly surprised by a 24hr stomach bug yesterday, we decided to delay leaving home until tomorrow, but that has a positive or two …..
    🙂👍🏻 have had today to recover, so no longer feeling like I’ve been punched in the stomach
    🌧🪴 gave us time to set up my plant irrigation system this afternoon. It’s a bit Heath Robinson, but should be adequate to keep my containerised plants alive while we’re away

    That will do for me this time. Hope you lovely people will post occasionally to keep this thread alive while I’m away. I will post, though less frequently than usual … it’s always lovely to read positives from others though.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Had a busy day

    Neighbours helped get the winter cover off the pool
    Hubby has connected the pump and, after a few swear words and spanner bashing it seems to be working
    I continued with my clearing out and tackled 2 drawers in the kitchen. One full of instructions for oven, fridge, microwave, washing machine and kitchen generally and on and on – even things we no long own. The other was full of screws and spanners for fixing, setting up said kitchen, cooker etc. Feels good to be nice and tidy.

  • posted by Verano


    S-g sounds like you’re having a really good spring clean. Definitely spurring me on to make a start.

    Positives for me …. OH is definitely showing improvements . Keeping everything crossed for trip next month. In saying that it’s early days yet.

    Think I may ‘grow’ some herbs from plants not seeds. I don’t really have green fingers but I think I might manage with established plants.

    My apple tree is just about to ‘burst’ into blossom and an acer we had replanted 18 months or so ago has finally started to come into leaf. I really thought we had lost it.

    So lots of ‘positives’ happening. Guess it’s just a case of sitting down for few minutes to review the day to find the ‘good stuff’!

  • posted by caronl

    Happy Anniversary s-g. I hope you have a lovely day. Have the drink if you think you will enjoy it and not beat yourself up!

    I saw this quote on Facebook earlier this week and it has stuck in my head, so I thought I would share it.. From Richard Webster, a New Zealand writer/ mentalist :
    “20 years from now, you’d give anything to be this exact age, exactly this healthy, in this exact moment. Take a second to enjoy it.”

    This thought really resonated for me: even in the middle of really tough times, there are good things to appreciate and savour. Have a good day everyone. xx

  • posted by Verano

    Hello Caron!
    Lovely thought!
    Wish I could be where I was 20 years ago today!!!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought a positive post from sunny Turkiye was long overdue, so …
    🚘🚗 the drive out here was a pleasure, with highlights such as visiting with a friend in Alsace; staying in a charming hotel in Italy; a lovely meal on the ferry to Greece and wine tasting in Eceabat, Gallipoli.
    ☀️☀️ weather has been very good since we arrived, only one grey day so far.
    😍🙂 enjoying catching up with friends and spending relaxing time with OH ….. pleased to say, he’s taking some proper downtime.

    Hope whatever you are doing this weekend, you will have plenty of positives littered throughout. Please do share one or two with us.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning!

    Sunny glad you arrived safely after what sounds like a lovely journey. Enjoy your stay.

    Well it’s May! Can’t believe we are already into the fifth month of the year.

    🤞🏻✈️🛳️ Everything crossed looks like we will get away on the 16th. Starting to organise myself checking in on flights etc. but still holding my breath just in case!!!
    📚✍️🍅 Still recording what I eat in my diary and I think it’s helping. At the very least it’s making me aware of why things go pear shaped!
    🍳🍗🥦 Going to try three meals a day for a few days as I feel that maybe eating breakfast could send ‘new signals’ to my body. Will have to wait and see!

    Stay strong and keep positive!

  • posted by Verano

    Hadn’t realised it was so long since I last posted. Hope everyone (if there is anybody out there!) is well.

    So to my positives ….

    🌲🪵☘️ My garden became so overgrown with weeds over the winter which I’m sure was due to all the rain we’ve had over the last 8 months. BUT… weeds are almost gone, water feature almost up and running, just needs a new pump, moss killed and fences repainted. Feels almost like a new garden

    ✈️🧳🛳️ Starting to pack for trip next week. OH seems ‘normal’ so barring any last minute glitches seems like we might actually make it third time lucky and get away next Thursday!🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    🥦🥑🍓 Eating really well. I’ve found a great source for grass fed meat but as it’s expensive we just eat less. Also found a wonderful brand of beans (red, white), chickpeas & butterbeans. I actually made a bean stew which was wonderful and even OH, a more or less meat and two veg man, enjoyed it! As it happens we do love fish but still trying to eat less meat and more legumes.

    Have a good weekend whatever you plan to do. Stay positive no matter what!

  • posted by SunnyB

    I’m still reading, V. Got everything crossed that you’ll get away on your trip this time. Doubts like your garden is giving a lot of pleasure. I’m missing my garden back home and wondering what lovely blooms are putting in an appearance.

    Still, plenty of positives here, so here are a few ….
    🙂👍🏻 got a surprisingly good deal on some kitchen equipment for our new villa
    😍🙂 have friends visiting us this weekend, so looking forward to catching up on news in person
    🧳💕 next week, we’re going to visit another area in Turkey for a few days … this means OH will have to take time out and relax and we’ll get to spend uninterrupted time together, as he won’t be able to scurry off to work on the villa.

    Hope if you’ve noticed some positives, you’ll take some few minutes to let us know about them.

  • posted by Verano

    Just one quick positive …… bags packed, fingers crossed looks like we WILL be on our way Barcelona tomorrow!!
    Stay positive!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Fabulous news V. Hope you have a lovely time…
    My positive today is am feeling more energetic and motivated to persue this woe.

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