Latest forum posts

  • posted by  andypandy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    So far, so good. Three filling meals totalling around 800 calories & 3 litres of water sipped during the day. Lost 4 lbs from 7 am Monday to 7 am Tuesday & feeling great 👍 Hope everyone else enjoying & losing…

  • posted by  Julia_hc on easy breakfast
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi does anyone have any ideas for a quick and easy breakfast ? Doing food prep for every meal will make this way of eating very difficult to maintain .

  • posted by  Floraellen on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    I understood that graefruit and juices increased the effect of the statins either way best not to have them. I have just come back from Medeira where they had the biggest freshest grapefruit and oh did my mouth water. But l was good.

  • posted by  Floraellen on Starting today….
    on in Fast 800

    After reading your entry l also watched The Sugar Film.What have we been doing to ourselves?. What future have my grandchildren got? It should be compulsory watching. Thanks so much for mentioning it. I am very thoughtful now and only hope that all the damage l have caused myself can be partially rectified. I have struggled with low fat diets and diet products for years and slowly the weight crept on and the diabetes started and the blood sugar kept on rising and the medication was increased and the weight kept creeping up and the blood sugar kept on rising and and and at last maybe.

  • posted by  sturnbull74 on 1 week in
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done, keep going! I am Day 11. Lost 10lbs in first week another couple more so far. Weigh myself first thing before eating and drinking as I find it is a motivator to be careful with portion sizes! I take my levels first thing too and they were 5.3 this morning, been in the 5’s since Saturday. This diet is good! My wife is doing it with me and she wants to drop some pounds so that helps that. We have adapted the meals to what works for us, but enjoying tasty filling meals and watching the calories and portions. Feeling good 🙂

  • posted by  Fredforest on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    “The book says the diet is best for those with pre-diabetes or diabetes type 2.”

    Which I have. I have high blood sugar because I my body doesn’t take it up. That’s why I am on the diet so I can loose the visceral fat and hopefully do something about it.

    Sugar is something I avoided long before the diet, now I avoid the sugary fruit I thought was doing me good like melon, pineapple and grapes. As I am loosing weight I am a happy bunny and will stick with it, without the sugar.

    It is the blood sugar diet?

  • posted by  sturnbull74 on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The book says the diet is best for those with pre-diabetes or diabetes type 2. I think it would be safest for you to speak with your Doctor before continuing to decide whether this is the right diet for you considering your Hypoglycemia. Better safe than sorry.
    All the best,

  • posted by  kbskylady on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Aly. Sounds like you are doing really well. I’ll check out RCV, I like Hugh and he has done some fantastic veg cooking on his TV shows. I’d actually like to quit Quorn as a processed food, but later, further down the line. Got to start learning to cook with lentils!

  • posted by  Fredforest on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Don’t consider the oats a problem. As a type 2 diabetic the sugar is not an answer for me, all I would get is a blood sugar spike from sugar.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Berries are low glycemic. On Mediterranean diet.
    Milk, per Dr. Mosley is good, especially whole milk.
    He posted research about whole milk on the
    Sugar will boost the insulin levels and that will stop weight loss.
    This diet is 800 calories – p.113. That’s because quick weight loss is motivating. I’ve found that to be true, happily. 1,000 calories is 200 calories over the limit.
    Double check your oats, Dr. Mosley says to look for the least processed – but in SMALL quantities (p.131)
    Hope this helps, 🙂

  • posted by  Laska on 1 week in
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Is week over and 6.5 lbs down! , maybe half an inch off waist.. Im really happy with that…

    Thank you Dr M

  • posted by  Bordercol on Sugar free jelly?
    on in Fast 800

    Anyone know if there are any acceptable vegetarian jellies out there? I struggle to find the ingredients anywhere on the packs and pots in the supermarkets.

  • posted by  JenC on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve been having egg muffins-I sautéed mushrooms, onion and peppers together and then added it to eggs and a little grated cheese and baked them in a muffin tin. My recipe makes 12 (I have 2 each day) and they work out to 82cals and 1.8g of carbs each.

  • posted by  Smileymiley1 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Well day 2 nearly over. I have been hungry this afternoon and struggle drinking lots of water. I must stress how important fluids are especially if using the milk shake. Well done today everybody.
    One day at a time!

  • posted by  viennasue on Starting Today!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    need to lose about 5-6 stone dont want to end up with Type2 diabetes .have two children aged 8 and 11 and want to have the energie to do more with them.
    Started yesterday 1st day and 2nd day have gone well not hungry but have to remind myself to drink enough water. I find hot water and lemon juice helps me too as I dont like black tea or coffee so save that for treats.

  • posted by  Ingenue on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    Never heard of that, but I know you can’t have grapefruit juice if you are taking statins, as they nullify the effect

  • posted by  Busybee on Medication and the BSD
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello. I am a 69 years old, female, and on steroids for PMR. Has anyone lost weight on the BSD whilst on steroids, as I have gained two stone on top of the four stones I need to lose?!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    I would check out the grapefruit juice. We were told at the diabetes clinic that for some reason, grapefruit is an absolute no no for diabetics

  • posted by  Che_Knight on Week 2 help please!
    on in Fast 800

    I’m eating lots of veg, yes. I think I need to up my water tho. I’ll try the peppermint tea, thanks. Someone else mentioned that I might need to add a bit of salt to my veg? I’ll give that a go too!!

  • posted by  Gabby on Starting Today!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m two weeks into the diet, I started the day after being diagnosed Type 2 with a fasting Blood sugar level of 14.5! I lost about 13lbs in the first week but despite sticking to it rigidly, not another single pound in six days. I’m walking 30mins every day, taking the stairs at work, haven’t cheated at all. My glucose levels have come down, I’m now hovering around 8, with a few nice 7’s on some days. Getting a bit disheartened though with the plateau on weight loss. I’m trying to increase my water intake, to see if that will help. Really enjoying the meals though, had Cauliflower rice last night for the first time, delicious and filling! Not getting too many cravings.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Vegetables
    on in Fast 800

    I made a big pan of chicken broth using a handful of pearl barley garlic mushrooms, onions, leeks, celariac, carrots, celery, and believe it or not, cabbage (whizzed in the processor).
    Hot, tasty, very filling, and enough for 8 – 10 meals

  • posted by  Aly on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I live in rural France where there are no quorn products. When I go back to the UK I stock up but have learned to cook veg meals without. I have chickens, ducks and geese with loads of fresh free range eggs daily. One of my favorites is to roast lots of veg in olive oil and balsamic vinegar and serve with two eggs. Frittata features a lot too.
    I will have to work out calorie count though. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall has a great book ‘River Cottage Veg’ that has helped. He uses no quorn! I have been on a mission for some time to eat only clean food and try not to buy anything made in a factory! This is the next stage for me to tackle my weight.

  • posted by  Ela on Starting today….
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks… Day one has come and gone and it was ok… Watched ‘That Sugar Film’ last night on you tube… Wow, everyone should watch it!

  • posted by  Sean on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Afternoon ive just started on my second day im type 2 diabetic (18 months) hoping i can get it to reverse it this, is why ive started read the book and thought why not so my stats are
    height 6 ft
    weight 132 KG
    my aim 100 KG

    Wish me luck

  • posted by  pmshrink on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Aliba and everyone
    Such an encouraging thread.
    Today I haven’t felt hungry. Which is a great relief. Couldn’t sleep from hunger last night though. So spent time looking through recipes! I lost 1 lb since yesterday!
    Have found some lovely slow cooker recipes which I’ll share.
    Tomorrow I have a committee annual dinner- big test! Luckily I’m not interested in alcohol.
    Good luck everyone.

  • posted by  Arran Granny on High morning blood sugar
    on in Fast 800

    I’m not so concerned about bs being up in the mornimg as thats part of the body’s waking up and overnight process – so don’t be disheartened Vetgirl you are doing good. Mine went up between waking and breakfast. I just wondered if anyone had tried a wee snack ( a few nuts?) when they wake up so the body knows its not starved – or is it best not to and get the glucose released

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all
    Started yesterday but unfortunately my blood sugar ws actually higher this morning than yesterday. I don’t understand why I can have my last meal at 6:30, go to bed with a sugar reading of 5.9 and wake up to a reading of 9.8
    I’m 62 diagnosed 4 to 5 years ago but I don’t know how long I had the disease before that. I have retinopathy which has led to loads of laser treatment, 4 vitrectomy operations (the first 2 didn’t work, bleeding just continued) and 2 cataract replacements. I still have to go to the eye hospital monthly for pressure checks. I just want to thank all the staff at Newcastle eye centre, without them I would have gone blind by now.
    I take metformin and Exanatide injections which I’m hoping to be able to stop come April after the diet. I don’t eat a lot as the Exanatide does kill the appetite, so maybe I’ve been eating the wrong things. Lunch yesterday was a bowl of home made chicken soup made with chicken, celariac, and assorted veg, dinner was 4oz of lean lamb stir fried with assorted veg in 2tsp of olive oil. I don’t eat breakfast. Today for lunch I’m experiencing the pleasures 🙁 of home made humus with carrot and celery dipping strips.
    I’mm determined to complete the 8 week course so I’ll update this on a weekly basis, as much for myself as anyone else.
    Starting Sugar reading yesterday was 9.6, starting weight 16 st 5 lb (sorry I’m an old fashioned type of guy.)
    So, lets all do this together and hopefully, within 8 weeks we’ll all be congratulating each other.

  • posted by  kbskylady on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks, Woobear45; I will check out eBay and Amazon. Impressed about the 3 egg omelette, bennyboy, that’s low and for quite a lot of food!

  • posted by  fitnessmarje on Medication and the BSD
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Reading the 8 week BSD but wondered about going on this when on other medication. I am a fit 69 year old diagnosed with type 2 4 years ago. I’m not overweight. I take Metformin 4 a day. However I’m in remission of autoimmune hepatitus from 20 years ago and take Azathioprine. Also on thyroxin and hypertension meds. Will there be any problems going on this diet with my current medication?

  • posted by  Vetgirl on High morning blood sugar
    on in Fast 800

    Be had exactly the same happen to me this morning. Yesterday’s fasting BSG was 5.2 ( where it’s been since Friday) went down to 4.4 two hours after lunch and then 5.8 before bed. This morning it’s 6.3. I have no idea why except I had some dairy for dinner last night ? very disappointed this morning but going to keep going for now. 😊

  • posted by  bennyboy on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    No need to over complicate things peeps. 800 calories max per day, try to be low carb, so no sugar, bread pasta rice etc. Three egg omelette, less than 200 cals, boiled swede at 11 cals per 100grms, lots of every day foods within reach!

  • posted by  Louise on Starting Today!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    How’s everyone getting on?

    I’ve been on it for two weeks now. I’ve had a few blips as found it really hard initially. Now I seem to have turned a corner and finding it relatively easy.

    I haven’t weighed myself as the scales always horrify me. I do know my starting weight though obviously, so I’ll probably just weigh myself at the end of the eight weeks. My partner has lost 12 lbs in two weeks though!

    I’m really enjoying not feeling constantly hungry, and my cravings are greatly diminished. I actually feel hopeful for the first time in ages that I might lose weight this time, and learn how to keep it off. I haven’t felt that hope for a long time!

  • posted by  bunlover on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    I started the diet 13 days ago and have not lost a gram. I have been having just under 1000 cals a day. I know this is not 800 but wondering why I am not losing weight when eating such low calories? Blood sugar tested today for diabetes and I have good blood sugar they say at 5.2 so I am not diabetic.

    I am eating the foods that Michael says are good to eat on this particular diet and just cheated once with a home made scone which was still within my 1000 cals.

    Building exercise into it too.

    Are there any other reasons why on a calorie restricted diet someone would not lose weight? I do weigh everything and log it onto Fitness Pal.

  • posted by  woobear45 on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi kbskylady, I have a one touch select plus which is simple to use. Ask your gp surgery the practice nurse might give you one. If not they are all pretty cheap to buy but its the test strips that are expensive, Have a look on ebay and amazon and go for one that the test strips don’t cost the earth for. Good luck!

  • posted by  kbskylady on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for your response, Woobear45. I agree that Quorn is going to be a bit of a lifesaver! Eggs are OK by me too, I’m buying organic eggs as now I’m dumping the bread, sweets, etc. I can afford to (I realise how much money I waste on junk!). I hope that eventually I’ll be able to afford some organic veg.Well done on the loss of 3lbs in the first 2 days – that’s excellent. I need to get a test kit (I am pre-diabetic) but not sure which is best one to go for, any suggestions? I’ll look at my recipe chart and share some that may be suitable – I have a lot of vegan dishes that are great but spoilt with the usual accompaniment of brown rice or brown pasta, but I guess those can be replaced with something else.

  • posted by  Steve and Ei on Stay healthy
    on in BSD Way of Life

    As to Ryvita, or any other carb, the best thing to do, I’ve found, is test your Blood Glucose before, and 2 hours after eating. See what they do for your BG. I found some things, I was urged to eat, for years, by the diabetic nurse, sent it really high. Things like porridge and bran flakes. While some granola or muesli, although containing sugars or dried fruit, was much less! Everybody is different on this. Seems down to your own personal gut bacteria. There is no blanket yes or no to these things, despite what your nurse will say. I was told not to test.
    “After all what can you do about it?”
    “Well, stop eating the ones that send it high.”
    An expensive business, in test strips though, but educational.
    Lidl “high protein” rolls I found fairly benign. I might return to them when the weight is really down and the bloods are consistently good.

  • posted by  woobear45 on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I think fake meat might be your only option. I am veggie and must say would find it challenging without Quorn. I am eating a lot of soups and salads and eggs. Have lost 3lb in the first 2 days and blood sugar is down from 6.9 to 5.4 this morning. Good luck and if you have any recipes please share 😀

  • posted by  Laska on I Received My Book Yesterday!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    You just need to change the orientation of your screen to landscape view for those pages and go back to portrait view for the rest of the book (or not as you wish). Its in the ‘change font size’ function on my (older) Kindle.

    Having said that Dr M has done well out of me because I ended up buying a paperback copy of the book as well as the kindle version ! (as I found the recipes easier to use that way .. and it meanst I could also lend it to a friend, who I’m sure will benefit from reading it ).

    its half price in WHSmith right now ,

  • posted by  andypandy on Starting out.
    on in Fast 800

    I started today & have stuck to the 800 calories & drinks 2.5 litres of water & not felt hungry once & felt quite full all day. Enjoyed the healthy food I’ve been eating too. Here’s to the next few days & weeks & healthy weight loss. Well done, Vaughnie. Keep up the good work & good luck everyone else

  • posted by  Smileymiley1 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All , I too have started today. I did post something last night but I can’t find it.
    It will be great to find encouragement here as I think we will need it. I have done the diet already 18 months ago but have put the weight back sadly so I am here trying it again and then maintaining the loss.
    My levels were brilliant when I did it last time so well with doing!!
    Good luck everyone. One day at a time!

  • posted by  Squidgy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Mermaid 2 – I’m 5’1, 51 and starting weight last week was 11’3. Lost a fantastic 6.5lb in the first week, so a great start and i can feel the difference already! Roll on week 2……

    Good luck, stay strong!

  • posted by  Aliba on Starting out.
    on in Fast 800

    Good luck to you too Vaughnie….nice to find a forum where everyone is starting out at about the same time and really inspiring to read about peoples stories of success

  • posted by  Vaughnie on Starting out.
    on in Fast 800

    Yay, day one over and I have loved it. Got weighed and measured this morning followed by a PT session – she wasn’t kind but I told her not to be otherwise I won’t achieve my goal. Weighed in at 90 kg, with a 40 inch waist – not my proudest moment but school of hard knocks. That’s why I’m here. I was going to follow the 800 cal menu plan but loved the lunch, stuffed peppers so much I had it again for dinner. I have not felt hungry at all but I think all the water has helped that.
    Hope all you first dayers have been okay – long may it reign. It feels so great to be a part of something – I’ve always found dieting so lonely but it’s so encouraging reading everyone’s news. Good luck everyone