Latest forum posts

  • posted by  KazzUK on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Liz!! Saints preserve us, THERE YOU ARE! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me! What a wonderful surprise to see your name!
    So, another bloody mountain to climb? I am so sorry to read this. My mum had a mastectomy 10 years ago at age 70 and is now fully recovered. It is a very personal experience,, however, and I am sending you the most sincere best wishes and positive vibes. How is Kev doing? Well done on avoiding the satan’s piss! See how strong you are? Please let us know how you are doing, pop on and rant or whatever, we are all here for you. Will be thinking of you always…..

    Kazzee xx

  • Hi All,

    Day three and I am feeling pretty good. I felt a bit light headed yesterday but slept reasonably well. Yesterday was quite hard but today seems somewhat easier. Not sure why but pleased and would welcome any insights from those who have been there before.

    Keep it up LucyJane, I know its hard but my fingers are crossed for you!


  • posted by  Canadaliz on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hey Friends, Just a note….. I’m battling breast cancer and am feeling weak, terror and heartbreak but am rapidly approaching acceptance in my capacity as the eternal optimist. The fun has gone from life for me, for now–but I have not taken a drink. Last year kicked me in my lady balls and I thought life couldn’t get worse between Mum and Kev but I was wrong. I am looking at a radical bilateral mastectomy then chemo, hormone therapy and radiation. I am ER+, PR+ and HER2- which is the best kind but it ain’t good. I apologize for not being here but between Kev’s heart issues and losing Mum I’m out of steam. Fucking life eh? I feel like I’ve been cast upon the sea on a raft. I know I will get back to my grounding of optimism but I’m not there yet. I’ve more biopsies on the 8th and 12th and will have a better picture. I’m sorry this has nothing to do with drinking but maybe if I can encourage you that, even in the face of terror, I have not allowed alcohol to pass my lips; well, maybe that can inspire just one person.
    Much love sisters, Liz, limping to the finish line. xo

  • posted by  AngS on Stalling……
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks, Esnecca. I really thought I would miss the couple of evening drinks I used to enjoy, but I didn’t at all! I needed to lose 10% of my own body weight, which I did after 8 weeks. If I felt hungry I used to have 3 or 4 almonds or walnut halves with a black coffee, which I now enjoy (used to hate it). I expect I’ll always have to be careful now but it is worth it to be free of Diabetes.

  • Well not an extraordinary day yesterday. Food ok. With a low carb spinach/ricotta quiche for lunch, dinner white fish with steamed broccoli, tablespoon sweet potato but ended on cruskits with butter and cheese! Oh and a chobani so calories were more like 1200. Still better than my usual 2000 +

    Oh well at least the chocolate was left out.

    Today so far a skim flat white, vegetable stir fry with two poached eggs and dinner bolognese with zucchini noodles.

    Hi Sam, Yes wine is my downfall.
    My commitment for 2018 is to permanently change the way I drink. This is going to be difficult as my partner loves wine and athough happy to give it up for a month or so will not permanently. It is a way too big a part of our life.

    I really want to get to the point where I only drink socially, or at least only on weekends, and then no more than 3 glasses at one time.
    This is my biggest struggle.

  • Milalin so happy to hear that you’ve come through your surgery and are on the road to recovery 🙂
    Your meals sound lovely. I’ve been in hospital quite a few times in the last 4 years and I must admit I was quite happy with the meals I was served. I’ve had relatives complain about hospital food but I enjoyed it.
    It’s great that you have a dietician supporting you too.
    Hope you are out of pain and up and about soon x

  • posted by  Big Ron on Diet shakes
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Sadamski74
    I went for
    I got a New Year deal on 120 shakes for £80 pounds ie 67pence a shake. I checked the contents and I believe for a short period they are fine. I’m not sticking to it religiously eg if we have got people booked to come and eat with us then I’ll eat what they eat but cut out anything I can from the meal that is bad for me. On the other days I’m doing 3 shakes and vegetables and maybe a small portion of protein. I’m only going to do it like this for another 3 weeks and then go onto real food and see how I go.
    Thanks for the interest and well done yourself.

  • Thanks so much Flick ! so much is the issue now haha. I just did my food order for tomorrow and it’s poached salmon with salads and steamed veges and fresh fruit salad. At snack time they have an order for a ‘matchbox’ sized cheese which I enjoy with slices of fresh pear . Got to say good ol salt Katz are a bit of a temptation ! No excuses though I’m being given the best of everything. Finally able to lift my head and enjoy a meal last night . Hoping I’ve really turned a corner. Won’t go on how I’m burning on all sides with pain. To be expected, hopefully will ease and be able to walk soon xx

  • Hi Everyone! I just want to wish everyone well for this challenge. I also want to thank everyone so much for all of your good wishes. I’m sending big hugs to Busybee. I haven’t read a single post here yet but I can see you’ve been busy. I’m only back to the world today after a week of post surgery dramas. Still very much battered, bruised and dependent… anyway now I’m up to catching up with you all over the next few days. An extra big hug to Allie as I missed getting back to you before I came in and I have read your lovely message. You are so warm and wonderful with words, though not alone in that here. X Adding to the struggle I have to be transported by stretcher in an ambulance between hospitals to dialysis every couple of days.
    I’m still waiting on the weight of my evil twin. My Dr said that’ll come with the biopsy results. So still waiting on them. Meanwhile my Physio weighed me lightly dressed ( sounds like a salad) in a weighing chair as I can’t stand yet. You won’t believe I’ve forgotten the number but 103. Something. Of course I’m expecting it will drop as I lose fluid/ swelling from the one s! So not too bad given that I sort of lost the plot the week before surgery. I’ve met with the dietician here 2 x already and she’s been great re meals snacks etc last night I had grilled salmon with dill and lemon and side salad. 1st real meal in a week. This morning I had a big breakfast w scrambled eggs parsley and bacon, grilled tomato and mushroom. Delicious! I won’t promise to be the best this month as I lay around and get looked after but I can say, in this hospital people are doing their utmost to support my diet. So it’s down to me now.
    So as days are already getting away I’ll take the average of 103.5 as my starting weight and hope there’s some loss. My biggest challenge now that the kidney is gone I am on 1 litre fluid restriction so fluid levels should drop a bit soon. Can’t wait to read what you’ve all been up to and how you’re going. Good luck everyonexx

  • posted by  Esnecca on Stalling……
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Doing your own recipes and calculations is for whoever wants to look at the system from the inside out, really. I wasn’t interested in the recipes in the book because they used ingredients doctors had told me for years were great for me as I piled on the pounds relentlessly. I preferred to take the principles of the book itself and take a more strict approach, working out recipes with accurate counts (the book’s are often hundreds of calories off and rely on an amorphous notion of everything averaging out by the end of the week) so that I could make changes as I went along and keep losing until I reached my very, very distant and difficult goal. Dr. Mosley only had, what?, 10-15 pounds to lose? I had 200. Beetroot falafel was not going to help me get there.

    Everyone responds to sugars and carbs differently and in the end we have to find a path that works for us. Thankfully the BSD is flexible and the principles are rock solid. It’s awesome that you were able to accomplish such a great feat following the 4 week plan. You have reclaimed your health and dodged a monstrous bullet. Many felicitations and best wishes for a healthy, vibrant, diabetes-free future!

  • posted by  Lisa W on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Marie. That is encouraging. I am a huge believer in how diet can change blood results within 6-8 weeks. One of the nurses, that used to work with my primary care doctor, told me (confidentially) not to get blood/lab work done until 6-8 weeks after a vacation or a “cruise.” I have had so many friends, who are NOT obese, come back with bad blood numbers after a vacation, cruise or Honeymoon. So, I do believe that blood markers can change after about 6-8 weeks of a corrective diet.

    I have read Michael’s book but it just seems like too many meals for me as I am only used to eating once a day (4-5pm; dinner). But then I have also thought that maybe having smaller meals might also balance the blood sugar. I am also very worried about so much saturated fat (eggs, cheese). The only way I can choke down eggs (I do not like eggs) is to have cheese mixed in. Scary to me. I am OK having olive oil, avocado oil and avocado. I absolutely hate Coconut Oil as it has such a strong, sweet flavor.

    I welcome and appreciate any advice :-).

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really need to drop the weight, reduce the blood pressure, reduce the A1C and get the rest of the bloodwork in order.

  • posted by  Natalie on 8 week Fast 800 'reboot' starting 2 January 2018
    on in Fast 800

    Laska I am sick too and only lost 0.1 kg though I didn’t connect the two. Interesting theory JGwen, I can always hope! I had blamed it on increasing carbs (on purpose). We’ll see what happens this week.

    Caronl that is awesome. Congrats on being in your healthy BMI range.

    Sunshine girl and SunnyB, I guess we all have fingers crossed for a whoosh this week!

  • posted by  AngS on Stalling……
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi again everyone. I feel confused about all the carb, protein and sugar counting. Is that just for insulin-resistant people? I never did any of that.
    Are you guys using Michael Mosley’s 8 week BSD book with the 4 weeks of morning, noon and night recipes x 2? That’s all I did and have reversed my type 2 by just being strict with myself for 8 weeks. No measuring of carbs or anything. I trusted that book as it’s been tested for reversing diabetes. The other ones are lovely recipes, for losing weight, but not sure they’ll reverse it.
    Weight loss can be frustratingly slow after week 1, and will plateau at times, but don’t give up. Inches do disappear even if pounds don’t seem to for a week or more. Strange I know.
    I did and still do weigh myself every morning to make sure my weight is stable. I’m following MM’s 5:2 diet now, with 800 calories instead of the 500 needed to lose more weight though. It seems to be working with eating normally for 5 days. Mondays & Thursdays I have 800 calories and no alcohol. Keep at it everyone. If you slip off for any reason, just get back on track and you’ll be fine.

  • Izzy feeling cold sounds lovely to me right now! Australian summer + perimenopause mean I’m hot and sweaty most of the time. You can remind yourself with every shiver that you are cold because you’ve shed a coat of fat. And shivering burns even more calories!

    Well done everyone who has lost his week. I lost only 0.1 kg, and that has already found me again after having cake to celebrate my daughter’s birthday yesterday. All celebrations are over and both my children are finally back at school so I have a clear run until Valentines Day now.

    At the movies yesterday a couple of larger women were sitting next to me, each with a large movie popcorn and an enormous cup of soft drink (fizzy/soda/what do you call it where you live?). How big are those cups! Do they take a whole bottle to fill? My diet is very far from perfect (see cake above), but I shudder at how much sugar must be in those bath-tub size cups.

  • posted by  marie123 on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Hi Lisa W

    I’d like to offer a bit about my experience which I hope will be of help. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes on 2nd August 2017. I’d gone to my GP as I suspected I might be diabetic so when it was confirmed I already knew one line of thinking was to cut out carbs. I started that day by cutting out rice, pasta, potatoes, etc as well as sugar. I got Michael Mosley’s book a few days later and started the BSD the next week, 9th August 2017.

    My HbA1c result on diagnosis was 106 (pretty close to 12% on the top right-hand side of this diagram on the website I got a home blood glucose monitor and started testing on 23rd August. My blood glucose results at that point had already dropped and were equivalent to an HbA1c of between 7% and 8% (in fact, mostly nearer 7%). I’ve just checked and by the beginning of November (so after two months) my blood glucose readings were consistently equivalent to an HbA1c of 5% – 6%. (Again, mostly nearer 5%).

    I’m not sure if the HbA1c numbers in the USA are the same (I know the blood glucose ones are different) but my point is you can see how quickly the blood sugar levels dropped and mine were from a high starting point. The BSD does work.

    I don’t know as much about the nutrient side of things but what I would add is I followed the ‘rules’ strictly so only had lowest carb, above ground veg. I’d also caution against going too low on calories – I certainly wouldn’t go below 800. While it’s good to do exercise, as Allie says, it isn’t strictly necessary to achieve either weight loss or a drop in your blood sugars.

    Hope this helps – good luck. Marie

    n.b. Hope the link works – if it does you need to scroll down to the HbA1c/blood glucose diagram.

    Edited: Forgot to add – when I got my 3/4 month HbA1c tested at the GP’s at the end of November they were back in the normal range – 35 i.e. approx. 5.5%. xx

  • posted by  Natalie on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    1. It was my daughter Jasmine’s 14th birthday yesterday. My son was back at school, so it was just the two of us. We went out to lunch and a movie Pitch Perfect 3. We had a nice day together. I’m glad her ‘I only wear black and parents are embarrassing’ phase of about a year ago was very brief!
    2. Her main present, handstand bars to practice gymnastics (they are little things like two footstools, the name makes it sound like Olympic Games equipment!), were supposed to be delivered the day before but I sat home all day for nothing. They arrived while we were out and left on the doorstep, a lovely present for Jasmine to come home to after birthday lunch out.
    3. Both children finally back at school today after six weeks of holidays! I’m still getting over the flu and feeling very tired, I have a day all alone with nothing to do. Heaven.

  • posted by  Lisa W on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Open to thoughts about a typical dinner for me, when I am in my version of low carb (but not Keto) diet mode. In cold weather, I crave a creamy soup, a wrap type thing to eat with it, salad greens and a fruit “dessert.” I could eat this as one meal in the evening aand be satisfied until the next evening.

    1.5 cups
    Pureed Celeriac Soup (similar to recipe found here)
    w/ added Kale or Swiss Chard

    Low carb wrap: (Note: It is a processed, grain product)
    Saturated Fat:

    –with 4 ounces tuna, 1/3 cup raw bell pepper and 2 TBL avocado

    2 cups Spinach and Arugula, 1/3 cup cucumber with Champagne Vinegar and 1/2 TBL olive oil

    1/2 cup berries or 1/2 grapefruit with a pinch of stevia

    *If I am craving something creamy, I might also have 6 ounces of plain, 2% Greek Yogurt

  • posted by  Theodora on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Oops! Sorry, Jackie – that’ll teach me to read posts properly instead of scanning /speed-reading.

    Exciting for your son, but not too late for you 😉 I gave my o/h a beautiful acoustic guitar for his 70th birthday, after listening to him threatening to learn to play for more years than I care to remember. Result is that, just over 2 years later, he has become a very proficient musician😀 He says it was the best present he’s ever been given and he, and we, get an immense amount of pleasure from it – he now regularly plays duets with our granddaughter. 😀

  • posted by  Joes Nonna on Had enough so restarting again lol
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Izzy,

    My first and third were Brother machines. My favourite sewing machine, which my mother bought for me 34 years ago, is a Pfaff. It is just brilliant. I have a singer which is supposed to do all sorts of fancy stuff but doesn’t and a cheap Brother which is only basic but is fine for basic stitches. As a teenager I designed and made my own clothes using an old Treadle (Singer) machine. Mom bought my the Pfaff when I had my daughters. I made clothes for her, them, my husband, myself. I even made my daughters Wedding Dresses. Now I make clothes for my grandchildren. It is a skill and a pleasure. I embroider and in the winter I knit…but only small stuff. I couldn’t do things my mom used to knit. Oh I could go on forever talking about crafts. Somebody stop me lol.

    I am visited by the black dog occasionally and I find Sewing my saviour. Anything creative is good. I try to play the Ukelele, and Banjo, but have trouble with the chords as my fingers and hands don’t bend the way they need to when playing a string instrument. Not that there is anything wrong with them. I just can’t get the technique! If you find you are slipping away, come on here and have a moan…it really does help as everyone is so supportive.

    Enjoy your sewing.

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by  Izzy on Had enough so restarting again lol
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m already addicted but I’m also addicted to beading, and painting so I’m always creating something! I’ve bought the overlocker, it’s a brother one and is 4 thread, our budget wouldn’t stretch to a 5, but for my purposes I think it will be enough. If my little sideline takes off perhaps I will be able to justify investing in more expensive equipment, but from experience sometimes the basics are more than enough and more complex things are trouble! It’s a singer talent machine I have and I love it, so far it’s ran through anything I’ve thrown at it. Any issues I’ve had have turned out to be my own fault (cheap thread and needles) It wasn’t particularly expensive but it’s serving me well. I have so many creative ideas and so many things I want to try to make/paint/do/learn about, it’s been an absolute saviour for my mental health.

    I’ll practise on scraps with the overlocker and hopefully get a feel for it before I make my cardi 🙂

  • posted by  Joes Nonna on Had enough so restarting again lol
    on in Starting the BSD

    Izzy I have 3 overlockers and 3 sewing machines…be careful sewing can be addictive. I also have a coverstitcher which is a godsend for stretchy fabrics and to hem trousers like joggers. Research carefully before buying. My first overlocker was a 3 thread…My next 2 were 4 threads. I so wish I had bought a 5 thread lol. One is never enough.

    Just be careful when using the overlocker, it can stretch the material so make sure your tension (in your hands and the machine) is correct.

    Have fun.

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by  JackieM on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Theodora just to clarify it was son not me who had trombone lessons not me! Apparently you can’t get a silencer for them😱 but it will be a while before a sound comes out!

    New positive, dog has learnt not to bark at cat – through food bribery. Lucky he’s not on the fast800!

  • posted by  Izzy on Had enough so restarting again lol
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thank you Nonna 🙂

    My lovely Mum has given me money to buy an overlocker (serger depending on where you are from) so I’m looking forward to setting that up and trying it out.

    My next sewing project this week will be some cushions I’ve agreed to make, and then I’ve got some stretchy fabric to make a long cardi with, so the overlocker will be great for that fabric.

    I was going to send a private message but I forgot this site doesn’t have that available, but if you would like to look for ‘dragonfly dreamseeker’ on facebook you’ll be able to see some of my bits and pieces.

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    I’m still in the same house I was as a child, so a fair few of the clothes I found in the attic and stored under beds were from my teens and early twenties. I now feel liberated in a strange way, although I also discovered a couple of items I bought in California on my honeymoon that fit again now, so they were retained. Now to see if I ever get round to wearing them.

  • posted by  Theodora on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Ooh, Jackie – what fun! Trombone lessons!! Wow, good for you, very definitely a positive, for you, if maybe not for the family (in the initial stages at least!)😜

    Sorry you’re a bit down, Sunny, but well done finding positives.

    V I love jigsaw puzzles too, just broke up my latest this morning (I always leave them “whole” for a couple of days) so will be thinking about starting another soon.

    My positives:-

    1) A girlfriend whom I hadn’t seen since Christmas unexpectedly dropped in for coffee this morning – we laughed so much (she is an absolute hoot) that we nearly fell off the barstools in my kitchen!

    2) Went on dog-walk with a friend (also neighbour) and her dog, and the 3 of them (my 2 and hers) ran around like lunatics, rolling in every patch of mud they could find, which was a LOT as it hasn’t stopped raining for weeks (obviously mine were led astray by hers😉🤣😝😜😇), and ended up looking like monsters from the deep. We were dreading having to clean them up but when I got home, o/h offered to hose all three down for us – yeah, result!!😀

    3) O/h has finally embarked on installing the motion detector light I bought months ago for my utility (no windows, so black as the hole of Calcutta) so no more groping my way in to find the light switch! Also means that the dogs, who eat and drink in there, will be able to see what they are doing in future😁

  • posted by  Californiagirl on Newbie-dangerously addicted to food
    on in Starting the BSD

    Yes JackieM!! That is so true. I have really enjoyed getting older and rediscovering my “big fire” and my “inner ten year old” (I was totally clear as to my interests and myself at age 10 — then it got overlaid by puberty and marriage and career and children) — but the lovely thing is that it is still there to be discovered later!!

  • posted by  alliecat on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Thanks, Lisa. By and large, most posters are very successful
    keeping carbs under 50. I’m highly insulin resistant, though,
    so for me it had to be drastic measures! 🙂

    Best of luck,


  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks for the words of kindness, Verano. This time of year is not great for me, so it doesn’t take much to throw me off kilter and frustratingly appalling results on the scales threw me in the ditch. However, been giving myself a bit of a talking to and trying to pull myself back out of the ditch. Making myself identify some positives has to be a good thing, so here goes:

    1) Loving the new memory foam mattress topper – definitely sleeping better.
    2) Enjoying planning the upcoming half term visit of our youngest grand daughter – putting together a box of arts and crafts stuff we can do together.
    3) Looking forward to a social get together tomorrow evening (even if it might further mess with my weight loss).

  • posted by  Lisa W on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    BTW Allie that is awesome about losing 140 pounds in such a short time! I do not think I could do less than 20 grams of carbs myself as my right kidney will sometimes ache if I have too much protein.

  • posted by  JackieM on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    1 – purple Kale, yum and also rare I eat a proper rainbow of veg. Made it into a curry with cauliflower and courgette. Am loving my curry at the moment.

    2 people really noticing weight loss now, though it’s been stable since dDecember. Probably cos I now wear clothes that fit. Big chat about BSD in gym changing room off back of that

    3 son had First trombone lesson today. At least, I think that’s a positive 😬😬😬😉😜

  • posted by  Theodora on Measuring club
    on in Fast 800

    Maid2measure, I think this is an excellent idea. I won’t be joining myself, as I have been in maintenance for about 9 months and seriously don’t want to get any thinner, but quite often when one hits a “stall” in weight loss, one continues to lose inches, particularly if there is exercise involved as muscle is far denser than fat, so takes up far less space than the equivalent amount of space of fat. So it stands to reason that, if you are actively building muscle and getting fitter, the scales may stall, while the body shrinks – I hope that makes sense?

    When I started BSD800 I didn’t think to measure first (you live and learn) but if I had, I suspect I wouldn’t have become quite so despondent when I hit a plateau – take as many measurements as you can so that you can make accurate comparisons. Go for it, I suspect you’ll have many companions join you.

  • posted by  SunnyB on 8 week Fast 800 'reboot' starting 2 January 2018
    on in Fast 800

    Congrats to all those able to report a loss this week and commiserations to those, who like me, have had to report an increase.

    I had an inexplicable overnight increase of 2.2lb Sunday into Monday and although a little of that has disappeared, I still have to report an increase on last Tuesday’s weight of 1.6lb. To add insult to injury, my kitchen scales completely died on Sunday, so I haven’t been able to weigh and record intake.

    So, have purchase new scales this afternoon and will be back to strictly 800/20 again as of tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a fabulously successful weight loss week.

  • posted by  Californiagirl on Newbie-dangerously addicted to food
    on in Starting the BSD

    At one point being a mom of young children ( they were probably around 8 and 10 years old) I told a friend that the part of “me” that was still in existence was just a tiny little flame deep inside my belly and the whole rest of me was “mom” and “wife” and “caretaker” of the family, our home, our dogs and my job.
    She was horrified and she never talked to me again. But I think it was because she KNEW that feeling and didn’t want to admit it because it isn’t socially acceptable to say your children have taken so much from you.
    Being a mom is hard work. You always put them first and take care of their needs before you take care of your own. It is part of what makes you a good mom.
    But it can go too far, and that’s where we have to claw back some care for ourselves.
    I found some balance through activities that were mine alone, friends that were mine alone and fInally, the children grew up and were more self-sufficient.
    It’s good you are finding the balance now — your children will be healthier and happier for it. Best wishes going forward.

  • posted by  alliecat on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Lisa, I’m not diabetic or prediabetic, but there are many success
    stories here, reversing these maladies. Sunshine-girl, Mare123
    and Verano are our resident experts, along with many others.
    I’m sure that one of them will be along to offer their insights
    into your concerns.



  • posted by  Lisa W on Newbie with macro question
    on in BSD Med Style Low Carb

    Thank you all for your helpful replies.

    About the broken bone: It happened in late December and did not need to be casted. So, I have been wearing a knee brace or using a walker (rolling type) most of the time and walking carefully without any support in controlled environments (i.e. at home, my office etc.). I am up to walking a total of about 3000 steps a day (assisted). Prior to breaking the Fibula, I was up to 8000-10,000 a day.

    I always take a raw food multi vitamin and 2000mg Vitamin D plus additional Magnesium. I have not been dieting at all since I broke the leg and have eaten a lot of calcium rich foods, most days, about 2000 calories a day.

    My foot and ankle are still very swollen and painful but in the past, fasting has actually helped inflamation for me.

    I have been used to eating only one meal a day on weekdays/wrokdays for about 4 years now. I do eat 2 meals a day on weekends and vacations. I like a lot of bulk so I tend to save all my calories for a 5pm dinner. I do not have a sweet tooth but I do love fruit and wine.

    My main concern is that I am having blood testing done at the end of March. I do not want to be labeled Diabetic. The last test I took myself had me at an A1C of a 7. That is the highest it has ever been and I cannot have that happen again. I do not want to go on diabetes drugs. Doctors here in the USA prescribe way too many drugs and if you do not take them, the doctor might choose not to treat you. I thought 2 months of a low-carb diet might allow me to have a chance at being below a 7.