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  • posted by  Superred on High morning blood sugar
    on in Fast 800

    I’m struggling , I’m a T2 on insuline twice a day . 12 units in the morning and 7 units in the evening . Been on the BS diet for two days and my reading are high . Morning was 11.0 and evening before bed is 12.8 . I have stopped taking my insuline whilst on this diet . Will it take a few days for my BS to drop to a normal range . Any help would be appreciated ?

  • posted by  Superred on Amazing drop in blood sugar
    on in Fast 800

    I’m struggling , I’m a T2 on insuline twice a day . 12 units in the morning and 7 units in the evening . Been on the BS diet for two days and my reading are high . Morning was 11.0 and evening before bed is 12.8 . I have stopped taking my insuline whilst on this diet . Will it take a few days for my BS to drop to a normal range . Any help would be appreciated ?

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The one thing that i’ve noticed is that i really Taste everything and that’s delightful. The other thing is that i no longer feel guilty enjoying full milk in my coffee. Full fat yogurt. Hummus. These are wonderful comfort foods for me! NO guilt, eating with pleasure, fulfillment and happiness. And losing weight! It doesn’t get any better than this!

  • posted by  Cherrianne on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I use an app called Australian diet diary, it has an icon that looks like a spiral bound notebook with a pear on it. It is very easy to use. You can scan bar codes to enter new foods using your smartphone or iPad. Also you can enter your recipes and it will work out cals, carbs, fats etc. It keeps track of your weight, exercise, intake etc. and you can copy from previous meals if you have the same foods often, to save re-entering them each time.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Yea Eureka!
    I found the first couple of weeks rough until i figured what was best for me to eat. Every one’s body is different.
    Now in the middle of week 4, i’m doing well and it’s EASY. Never thought it would be easy!
    It’s my understanding that if we continue the diet the way Dr. Mosley has set it out, the liver and pancreas will rid themselves of unnecessary fat in due process.

    My doc has me eating high healthy fat, moderate protein (50 grams – just like Dr. M!) and low glycemic carbs (just like Dr. M). I just switched out a few carbs for fat and hunger went away. The results were/are amazing. Of course, on 800 calories, we are not talking about a lot of fat, lol. breakfast 1 tsp olive oil, lunch 1 cup full fat kefir, dinner chicken with skin.

  • posted by  Kazzasother1 on Vegetarian – Is Quorn ok?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for the suggestions. I am now a week into the diet. I have got my protein from cheese, eggs, nuts and pulses. I used quorn mince on a couple of occasions and it did curb my appetite. I have lost 7lb and not felt hurry so it is working.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on My next 8 weeks
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Sounds like you’ve got a plan Elvis. What are your goals for these 8 weeks? I read on another list you are already quite sporty.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Why don't I feel hungry?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Sugar – otherwise known as simple carbs – screws with our bodies and makes us think we are hungry when actually we are not. Cutting the sugar/carbs means our bodies can return to their proper state and protein is more satisfying while fat helps us to absorb nutrients better.

  • posted by  Eureka on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi gateofheaven

    Sounds like you are on the ball. You take more meds than me ( only metformin ) but I don’t have a supportive GP so will have to wing it & the surgery closing so got to find new dr anyway!

    I started properly Monday & am keeping a diary of how I feel, what I eat & my intentions. Finding it helpful & it will be a good reference to take to SHOW my dr how it’s working for me. It will remind me of the ups & downs I encounter & may be helpful to others on hearing I’ve done it, I hope.

    I’m going very low carbs – I know they affect me, & will reintroduce them cautiously , testing bloods as I go.
    I have a BP monitor so good idea of yours to monitor me. No BP problems at present but a good call

    Yes we do need good fats even though we are trying to rid our liver & pancreas of it. We don’t want to be chewing on our muscle protein for energy!

    Thanks for reminders


  • posted by  pmshrink on 800 diet and reduced mobility
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Paula
    Would swimming or estero ices work for you? I know there are sitting excercises on the Nhs website.
    Good luck with the diet.

  • posted by  pmshrink on MyFitnessPal macros
    on in Fast 800

    Hi again Helen
    I’d like to friend you on MFP – great you’re interested in those sort of details!

  • posted by  pmshrink on MyFitnessPal macros
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Helen
    I’ve set mine st 30% carbs and 35% for each of fat and protein.
    Can’t remember now how I came to this conclusion!

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Oh well done on resisting the g and t, that shows real determination!

    My kit didn’t come today, I’m disappointed. I had hoped to start tomorrow so that by the time my husband and I go out for a rare night out with friends in Saturday, their jaws would have dropped when they saw how much weight I had lost in just three days. Complete fantasy on many levels, I know but it gets me through the days!

    I wouldn’t say I’m organised, just a bit addicted to spending modest amounts of money! What kind of dogs do you have? We have a mini long haired daxy called milo whom I adore but is completely useless from a power walking point of view.

    I really wouldn’t recommend the raw mushrooms. I think you are right that planning is a big part of this, otherwise it will be too easy to fall off due to not having the right things in the house so I am going to start tomorrow to plan a few days menus which I can shop for. Food shopping isnt nearly as interesting as gadget shopping! I’m starting to get threads mixed up in my head – are you in quite a rural location?

  • posted by  pmshrink on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Joycey
    Hope you’re feeling a bit better.
    I’m sure it’s a detox type headache from coming off sugar and carbs. It seems common.
    I record my drinks by drawing 5 glasses of water and 5 cups of tea ( some with H for herb) in my notebook then crossing them off one by one.
    Good luck.

  • posted by  Sparkletutu on Simple supper recipes
    on in Fast 800

    Those recipes are just for the sauce you are adding to the chicken, lamb, salmon etc. The calories would be much higher if they included the meat/fish as well.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Just starting out and confused AF
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Jessia
    I think the answer is yes you can!
    Michael is keen for us to eat lots of green veg, in fact he said on here don’t weigh it. And actually the cals in green salad are minimal. I think just count the cheese, aco and any dressing. The only really really important thing is carb control. A few green veggies will just be good for you.
    Good luck!

  • posted by  pmshrink on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Nuthatch
    I think having something to record your steps really helps. My phone does it. Other people use Fitbit and similar things. I’ve just been walking everywhere I need to go locally. One day I recorded 13,000 steps!
    Staying motivated for the diet doesn’t seem to be a problem for people. It makes you feel so much better!

  • posted by  auntylil on Just starting out and confused AF
    on in Fast 800

    Hi again Jessica, how has today been?

    I was thinking about why so many people get hooked on drinking fizzy pop, I was a bit like that, and I think for me it was that those kind of drinks satisfied my thirst because I’ve never liked drinking water, and the fizziness seemed to aid my bloated tummy, and… the sugar was a quick fix. Carbonated water has been a substitute for me like Dr Mosley writes and for others here too. Want to add that the headaches pass in a few days according to other people on the forums because I have had some too, its usual apparently.

  • posted by  nettyrim on Am I loosing weight to fast
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Im sure Dr Moseley would say it’s better to have good blood sugar figures that you both are getting and not to worry about the speed of weight loss or being told you are getting skinny.

    Well done

  • posted by  orchid on Vegetarian
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The simplest replacement for meat in a vegetarian diet are beans/lentils, then you do not have to resort to quorn etc. Also a book I have used in the past is Rose Elliots Low-GI Vegetarian Cookery. You can modify the amount of olive oil and dairy depending on where you are in the diet. Good for using with the 5+2 … for the 5 day part!

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    One thing that I noticed after a longish plateau was that some of my medications had either artificial sweeteners or sugars in them. Not much. But when I found substitutes for those, the weight starting coming off again. Also, i cut out my beloved steel cut oats, just for this 8 week period. Less carbs – 50 grams total per day made a huge difference. The added fat instead of carbs boosted everything; not something i expected.

    I also cook in batches and freeze. Take hummus to doctor’s and physical therapy appointments if I’m going to be running into a meal time. Because of meds, I must stay on schedule.

    I noticed that I was more fatigued yesterday and today. Suddenly I realized my blood pressure was too low. I don’t retain salt, so I boosted salt and took extra meds to raise my blood pressure and now feel perky again. So, if someone is fatigued or light headed, do check your blood pressure. Dr. Mosley does suggest that we not only drink more water, but also get in some salt.

  • posted by  auntylil on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    What a bummer for you – hope it arrives in time for you to start tomorrow. You sound like you’re being far more organised about it than I am, but I have a useful app on my mobile about steps, calories burned etc and that’s enough for me – I have two dogs that require a lot of exercise and like monitoring how far I’ve walked. Otherwise very little else achieved today other than cooking. I’m finding the meal planning, making shopping lists and the actual cooking more intensive than I’m used to. Very nearly had a vodka and tonic tonight but talked myself out of it. I am going to a Tesco tomorrow, a large one – unlike you I don’t like shopping much, but tahini, different flours, cummin seeds beckon and they’re hard to find locally. Eating raw mushroom sounds like an endurance test!

  • posted by  Nuthatch22 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Evening all, wow what an inspiring bunch of people! I have just finished the book and have started the med low carb diet. I’m not diabetic but have a strong family history of it and I’m about a stone overweight . I had my blood sugar checked recently and it was slightly above normal so I’m anxious to get it down and loose some weight and be healthier and more active. I’m not doing the 800 diet but am trying just to cut out all sugar and sweet things and reduce my carbs. I have a terrible sweet tooth and really want to get rid of this addiction. I started on Monday and have lost a pound in three days so I am pleased with that,.
    I am basically lazy so I need to try and get motivated to take more exercise, I walk my dogs twice a day for half an hour but I think my body’s used to this so I need to up my exercise. Any tips on staying motivated would be welcome. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by  Jacattack on Why don't I feel hungry?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I suffer from similar snacking danger times to you but also don’t feel the need on this diet. I think for me its down to eating more fat? Previously everything was high carb and low fat.
    If you’d told me a week ok i’d be happy on 800 (sometimes less) cals per day, I’d have laughed!

  • posted by  Joycey on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you for your replies.
    Great, will definitely want to carry on if these feelings are okay. For just a few days of discomfort and I guess learning a whole new approach and new understanding of diabetes and diet – is really really a small thing. It’s good to know that there is lovely support for all our journeys. Thanks all.

  • posted by  Nuthatch22 on Skinny Chilli recipe from the book
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Try this……Google Bruno Loubet’s bean and vegetable chilli. I saw Raymond Blanc make this on the telly then found the recipe. It’s THE best vegetable chilli recipe EVER! you wouldn’t guess there’s no meat in it, to reduce the sugar content maybe omit the brown and Worcester sauce. But the little bit of chocolate is essential. I don’t do the rice with it . it’s packed with veg, it seems like a lot of ingredients but it’s not really but so easy. I do the veg in a small food chopper to make them really finely chopped so the texture is similar to mince. Trust me, give it a try!

  • posted by  Robert on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    I have had this a number of times at the start of a Low Carb Diet. Fixed by upping the carbs for a few days. And then gradually get back into less carbs. Rather than a big bang approach

  • posted by  Floraellen on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    I had exactly the same for 10 days and then one morning l woke up with a clear head and have been ok eversince. I think it is the cold turkey syndrome no sugar no carbs and the body just has to get used to it.
    In the past if l had felt light headed l had something to eat or a glass of juice. I nearly gave in so many times but thank goodness l stuck it out . Keep at it it will get better.

  • posted by  Joycey on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    I too have been suffering bad headaches and feel terrible too. It’s my third day, so still early days am really hoping to feel better soon. I thought I had been drinking enough. I am type 2 diabetic and on metformin,, I was taking glycazide and victoza injections, but because of now no sweets (my weakness and support) stopped all but the metformin. My pre diet menu did not contain carbs, pasta, pots,rice etc only the sugary sweets, so not missing carbs at all. Does anyone have any idea if the cause for feeling so rough is cold turkey off meds and sugar.

  • posted by  Fredforest on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Malkay

    Portion control, I weigh out everything ๐Ÿ™‚ and run it through google for the calorie count. Also if I am having a cold lunch I always have a hot drink with it and I drink from a big mug. I took the tip from Michael’s book and drink hot water with lemon.

    Sunday is my cook up day and I make up a few lunches and freeze them. That was a tip from my daughter’s partner who was a personal trainer and works out all their protein and calorie in take for the week.

    That Coq au Leekie soup comes out really low in calorie which means you can have a good helping on those days when you are a bit peckish.

    As I say I seem to have got used to the diet too which does help.

  • posted by  stringbreaker on Why don't I feel hungry?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’ve yo-yo dieted for 30 years and have always suffered from “hunger” before. Mid-afternoon and late night snacking have so often been my downfall.
    To my surprise, I don’t feel hungry on this regime. It almost seems too easy.
    This is my first low-carb diet – could this be something to do with it?

  • posted by  Clogso on saggy skin
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hmm.. Maybe it’s the price you pay either way. Would be interested to know what Michael Mosley has to say, and what happened with his case studies.

  • posted by  stringbreaker on saggy skin
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My last diet was a slower one and it still led to saggy skin – don’t know the answer!
    Does it go on it’s own in the end?

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for that, gateofheaven. I do suspect that some of my meals don’t contain enough fat. I sometimes need reminding of the finer details! I like your idea of starring your meals that suit you best. I’m not very good at working out exact amounts of fat, carb, etc, so am not sure whether I’m sticking to it exactly, but it seems to be working generally. I’ve just had salmon with stirfry veggies , cooked in coconut oil, with sesame oil added at the end. Feel quite satisfied at the moment, fingers crossed it lasts!

  • posted by  Fredforest on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am eating a boiled egg or 2 in the morning for breakfast, if I have one egg I have a Miso broth. I normally have a high protein lunch up to about 175 calories and then a good feast in the evening rounded off with Greek Yoghurt and berries.

    I am past the hungry stage and the weight is dropping off. I find that if I have a good protein/fat balanced evening meal I can end up eating less that 800 calories and still don’t feel too bad.

    More importantly my fasting blood sugar in the morning has dropped very nicely.

    I have 4 weeks to go and the only problem I have at the moment is finding enough low carb low cal recipes, but there is a lot I can do with fish, chicken and prawns ๐Ÿ™‚ My favourite so far is my version of Coq au Leekie soup. In this case just home made chicken stock with lots of leeks and other veg that has been vaguely introduced to some chicken meat. No rice, potato or barley and a great warming lunch.

    Best of luck

  • posted by  Clogso on saggy skin
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I think the bsd is amazing and seems to make sense, but I wonder if losing weight so quickly leads to more saggy skin than a slower paced diet?

  • posted by  MandaK on Catastrophic eating emergency support!
    on in Fast 800

    It’s like giving up smoking – one cigarette at a time, then one day at a time. Did that 40 years ago so figure same principle will work for empty carbs. I know I’ll fall off the wagon – even I’m not perfect ๐Ÿ˜‰ But having an ego the size of a planet I figure I’ll forgive myself and climb back on. Just go for it – you’ll make it. Just look what you’ve managed already – fantastic!

  • posted by  Janet1973 on 8 week BSD – by accident?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Very true! I find its the gadgets that hit my budget the hardest but I buy a lot of stuff off of amazon so its easier to compare prices. I’m quite a fussy eater so the more exotic products tend to pass me by!

  • posted by  Aly on Catastrophic eating emergency support!
    on in Fast 800

    Being sabotaged whilst staying with family! Heading out for Chinese tonight. No chance of avoiding the carbs. Will get started once home on Saturday.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Dear Malkay. I would look at the foods from the day before as well as today.
    My guess is that something was awry in the foods that you ate the day before if you awakened hungry.
    Perhaps add a little oil to the eggs in the morning – like 1 teaspoon. Full fat yogurt. Berries are good.
    You might want to count the carbs for your delightful meal of chicken (i’d like to eat at your house!) – they may be too high for you, but just fine for others.
    The adjustment to fat burning actually for me was that I was no longer hungry!
    I now eat 3 distinct meals. Always starting off with the protein and fats to decrease blood sugar spikes from the carbs, ending with the low carb veggies and/ or fruit. Breakfast is always high fat (eggs!) moderate protein and a little carb to start the fat burning.
    I star the day’s menu when I feel quite good and mark the ones where i’m hungry and try to figure out the difference. For me, it came down to more fat, less carbs until i was consistently eating 50 grams and sometimes less of the healthy carbs. Mostly cooked greens. No sugar, nor sweeteners except for xylitol once (to keep things moving). I know that from the blogs that what works for one person may not work for another.
    I have had my hungry days, but it was worth staying with it.
    Wishing you the best.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Yes, Bizibee, I am very fortunate to have a good doc.
    Even with his encouragement and the encouragement of Dr. Mosley in the book and on the boards, it was VERY HARD to start eating fat after 60 years denying it! Fat causing fat seemed so logical. But wrong! Fat burns fat as long as a low carb diet is part of it.
    I eat 50 grams of protein (yes salmon!- just less of it ), 50 grams of carbs, the rest fat. At 800 calories, it’s not a lot of fat, but I have it with every meal. I am not hungry compared to when i was eating a few more carbs and no fat.
    Once i traded out carbs for a little fat, my weight loss increased significantly. My doctor says that now I am burning fat, not carbs nor proteins. That is the idea. Even for scrawny prime athletes. My energy is more even. I am sleeping better.
    But I will say that the first couple of weeks were rough while my body was realizing that I wasn’t going to give it a bunch of carbs any more!

    Breakfast with eggs and oil.
    Full fat milk. Nuts (I don’t bring home many cashews because i love them TOO much!, lol), olive oil, cold pressed coconut oil, grass fed butter. Fatty fish, chicken with the skin on! Full fat kefir and yogurt (plain). Hummus has been a good standby. But only the ones with fat.
    And for me, ground flax seed to keep things moving. I used xylitol once for that purpose, but prefer to let my palate change to liking natural sweets like berries.

    I watch my cravings. They are now for cooked greens, chicken with skin on, and berries! So i indulge those, lol.
    My doctor has suggested that I read the Bulletproof diet (about fats, autoimmune, heart disease, energy, etc.) and add some of the suggestions from the book when I stop the 800/8 week portion. He says it is an easy read. He is concerned that I not continue beyond the 8 weeks because he doesn’t think that I’ll get enough nutrition for the long haul that I have to go. So, in a couple of weeks, I’ll transition to 5/2. I have about 95 pounds to go! But, I’ve lost 21 (a total of 42.8 from my highest) pounds since 1/10 and 3.25 inches from my waist. I have been very strict with the calories. I figure this is my one chance to shift things dramatically and for the good.
    I’ve also been dealing with a bug, secondary infection and a flare up of the autoimmune illnesses. This necessitated antibiotics and higher doses of prednisone and I felt like a beaver wanting to eat the furniture! VERY hard days there. But the motivation of the weight loss kept me going.
    After 4 1/2 weeks my blood sugars seem to be steadily in the 80’s down from 112.
    AND, i can barely exercise because of an accident injury. So there’s hope for us very sedentary folks. I am hoping that the weight loss will take pressure off of the back and make it easier to heal.
    My blood pressure went down after the FIRST week!
    I watch both my blood pressure and blood sugar carefully.
    Basically, now that i’m well on my way, Dr. Mosley’s book makes more and more sense. In the beginning it was hard to wrap my mind around eating nuts! I’m starting to re-read it for the nuggets. Before, i just wanted the facts and what to do!
    I’ll happily live on the Mediterranean diet for life since i find the foods comforting.
    Wishing all the very best. The diet works! Even for very complex medical issues. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  MandaK on 8 week BSD – by accident?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks Janet ๐Ÿ™‚ The dratted waistline is still several inches too big, so looking forward to doing it properly and with “malice aforethought!” Mind you, doesn’t it cost a fortune! I know it needn’t – but then there’s all those tempting recipes involving crabmeat and coconut flour muffins – how can I resist? When I start working out my own I’ll post them. Cheers, and thanks again for your encouragement – much appreciated.

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Further to my upbeat, positive post, what’s going on today???? After 2 weeks of sticking to the diet (mostly) fairly easily, today I have been starving all day. Didn’t sleep well, woke up at 5 really hungry. Had a 2 egg omelette for brekkie, with a small amount of yogurt and blueberries. That should keep me going till lunch, but by 10 o’clock felt really hungry. Thankfully, still not crashing, but gnawing hunger. Had a small snack of humous and celery, then chicken with onion and fennel in a tomato sauce for lunch. By 3 o’clock I could eat a scabby dog. Just had some cream cheese and almond butter with more celery, but already looking forward to evening mealtime. This seems strange after 2 weeks. Any ideas? Could it be the long awaited adjustment to fat burning????