Latest forum posts

  • posted by  wobbly on Cinnamon
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I just made the almond butter and apple recipe – sooo easy! Apparently, cinnamon can help with weight loss and BSL so I added a good shake of ground cinnamon to the nut butter portion I had with the apple and it was delish.

  • posted by  Laska on Cloud Bread
    on in Fast 800

    Does cloud bread work without sweeteners ? I really dont like them (nor sweet tasting bread )

  • I can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t do the Blood Sugar Diet if you are also taking Thyroxine. Diabetes and Hypothroidism are often associated, but if your levels are Ok and you are not getting thyroid related symptoms, you should be fine. As Hopeful says – ‘no bad effects, only good ones, like losing 10lbs!!!’ for which congratulations !

  • posted by  HelenD on Keen to start
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m starting on Monday too. I’ll definitely be planning ahead and aim to start with some of the easy recipes. I think lunches for work are the most challenging but will aim to either prepare salad with meat/fish or take a homemade veg soup and heat it at work. Breakfasts will mostly be yogurt based or egg with avocado I think. Shouldn’t be too hard to stick to the meat/fish and veg for dinner but the main problem I think I’ll have is portion size to ensure I don’t go over the 800 cals. Will be using Myfitnesspal to log everything so hope that will work. Good luck to everyone starting tomorrow!

  • posted by  CrescentMoon on My Fitness Pal
    on in Fast 800

    Looking forward to finding you all there!
    I know it’s early days for us all but do any of you have any idea what kind of macro ratio we should be aiming for? The default 50% carbs is probably too much isn’t it?
    Today so far mine are 74% fat, 22% protein and 4% carbohydrate (based on a cheese and onion omelette for brunch).
    Haven’t started the diet proper yet but beginning to follow the principles. Waiting to start it with my mum over half term and I will be curious to see what the macros look like!
    Would anyone care to share their recent macro stats?

  • posted by  Julie28 on Keen to start
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I have also read the book and keen to get started it is breakfast I am struggling with as I don’t like eggs! Also nevber have a lot of time before work in the am.

  • posted by  bruce on any other long term diabetics using this programme?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, I’m about to start the programme this week and feel extremely positive about it. Have just finished the book and it seems that when someone has had diabetes longer term, the ‘reversal’ will probably be less dramatic. Having had diabetes for 21 years now, and longterm insulin for 6 or 7, I don’t want to have any unrealistic expectations but would love to look forward to reducing my medications – metformin and levemir – along with losing more weight. Has anyone else any experiences to share? Cheers!

  • posted by  Laska on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Fantasic weight loss, Bernie, Yes I am looking forward to another week also ..( I think I may be another pound down now also 🙂

  • posted by  Laska on Courgetti
    on in Fast 800

    I thought about a sprialiser, but then its just another kitchen gadget to store so I got a juleinne peeler instead .. it does the same thing , but is much cheaper ( mine was £3.99 ) and you can store it in the cutlery drawer!

  • posted by  Hopeful on weightloss,disability and exercise
    on in Welcome to the BSD


    Does anyone know where I can find the carb,calorie,fat etc, content of a meal I want to make for myself???
    I know My Fitness Pal does it but you have to list every ingredient separately and it takes ages.
    Many thanks

  • posted by  Hopeful on weightloss,disability and exercise
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    You will need to record your BS readings before and after eating for at least a week,note how much lower your readings are, then ask your Diabetic nurse how many units you need to take with your 24 hour now that your readings are lower.
    Hope that helps.
    Keep at it, you can lose weight on this diet.

  • Hi! Mine has stalled too (day 12). In fact scales say have put 0.5kg back on (no!!!!) I have no suggestions but I think for me it’s being on holiday & far more sedentary. I am also not going to let it derail me but remember the total weight loss so far and push on. Good to have those other tips though if things don’t start moving again! Good luck!

  • posted by  Niffer on Keen to start
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Read the book and now planning menu for next few days. Finding it quite hard trying to choose things that both myself & husband will eat.

  • posted by  JoJoBonetto on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Day 5 results were interesting for me. My official weigh in is Wednesday morning. I am only about 5 lb overweight in BMI stakes but weigh 15 lb more than I am happy with. When I sneaked a look this morning I weighed 3 lb less and when I looked at my belly measurement it looks like (my measure isn’t very good) I might have lost 3 inches. My belly is disproportionate to the rest of me so I need to lose around 9 inches. I am a big fluctuator though. It might not stay that way.

  • posted by  Melanie on Courgetti
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I have the Hemsley & Hemsley one. Only downside if you are a gadget queen like me is storing it. I spotted some smaller gadgets in Steamer Trading.

  • posted by  JoJoBonetto on My Fitness Pal
    on in Fast 800

    I will add you too later. I am Josephina Bonetto on there. If anyone wants to add me they can. I haven’t joined the group yet.

  • posted by  SwallowedanAmazon on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all!

    I started last Wednesday. Currently doing 2 shakes & a 400 calorie meal. Lost 8lbs already.

    I’m very very overweight & am prediabetic so it’s my aim to sort that. Morning glucose has dipped into the 5’s a couple of days but up to 7 one day. It remained in the high 6’s on just a very low carb diet I tried last year.

    This has been the easiest diet to stick to I’ve ever been on. And the fast loss is very motivating.

  • posted by  Santan on Courgetti
    on in Fast 800

    Can anyone tell me which spiralizer they have? I have looked online & it’s a bit of a minefield – so many to chose from & they all look so similar! Help please!!!

  • posted by  Hopeful on weightloss,disability and exercise
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am on Insulin twice daily, and Byetta twice daily.
    Since I have been on the BSD my blood sugar has gone down so I have been able to lower my insulin intake and this has also helped me to lose weight, nearly a stone, and all I have done in the way of excersize is walk a bit more.
    Give it a go, the diet will help you loseweight even if you’re not running a marathon!!!
    Good luck

  • posted by  Aliba on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Wobbly…I’ve been on it for just over a week and lost 7lbs…..using my fitness pal app to record what I’m eating and there have been a couple of days when I’ve give over 800 cals but overall it’s been great. No cravings and feel well…it’s all good!

  • posted by  wobbly on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks Aliba, day 2 and I’m still motivated so that’s a good sign! Got the book on my kindle yesterday and have spent this morning meal planning for the week ahead so hopefully I won’t go adrift. How long have you been doing the diet for?

  • posted by  bernie on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    End of week 1 for me and have just weighed myself and lost 8lbs which I am overjoyed at. Just done the menu plan for week 2. I have found planning is the key for me so I know what we are all going to eat each day. Looking forward to week 2 which I have never said about any diet I have ever been on.

  • I made them on Thursday and froze them – haven’t tried them yet but need something to take for lunch at a day conference on Thursday. I found the mixture dry and had to add a bit more orange juice. They look a bit dry now cooked but they smelt lovely. Will report on cooked texture after Thursday.

  • posted by  Cazzowary on Cloud Bread
    on in Fast 800

    Yes- cloud bread is a blessing when you want something a bit bready and its lovely with cheese . I first heard of it as oopsie bread (it came about because of a mistake reading a recipe). I add psyllium husks to mine to get more fibre for obvious reasons. Enjoy making it! 🙂

  • posted by  chinta on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    I’m six days in now. My BS has gone from 10.5 to 8.3, so although I still have a way to go I’m very happy (it started at 21.9 in November!) I’ve only lost 4lbs but I haven’t been as strict as I could have, fluctuating between 700 and 1000 cals a day. It’s certainly given me the incentive to carry on which no other diet in the last 30 years has done.

    Well done woobear! Are you being really strict? Are you doing exercise as well?

  • posted by  pmshrink on I think I'm stuck
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Pinay
    That’s very discouraging for you. I saw a good TED talk on you tube. A doctor called Sarah Hallberg who deals with diabetes. Worth a look, very encouraging – she tells her patients ‘No GPS’ which is no grains, potatoes, sugar. At least easy to grasp!
    Hope things start improving for you.

  • posted by  Joycey on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I have just finished reading Michael’s book and am also starting the diet. Do you have a to reduce your blood glucose levels a lot as well as weight? I certainly have to do both, am very excited about my journey.

  • posted by  Grumpmitchell on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, hope you don’t mind me joining your thread. I started last Wednesday and I’m thrilled to have lost 5lbs already. I’m lucky as I haven’t been hungry so far and the immediate results on the scales have spurred me on. I was diagnosed T2 at the end of October with a grand total of 6.5 stone to lose to even get into the realms of s healthy BMI and still got 4 to go. This book had been a godsend as it has just made beautiful sense to me, plus it’s good I like so I feel very lucky!

  • posted by  nettyrim on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Jojo I’m vegetarian too so having to adapt the recipes ( well my husband is). This morning I have lost 3 lbs down to a weight I havent seen since 1992! Fbg was 6.4 . No spikes in sugar readings during the day. Body fat down 1.5%.

  • posted by  JoJoBonetto on Keen to start
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am doing real food. Vegetarian. I am using week one as my test week so while it counts, if it goes wrong I can always do 9 weeks. I haven’t done any drinks yet but they look manageable. I have a fridge at work so both the bircher and cottage cheese are viable lunches. Avocado looks achievable too and the egg recipes. I made a batch of chilli that will do a few too. The portobello toast with cheese and pine nuts works well at home. I am not feeling particularly motivated to make a huge effort with fiddly stuff so I am starting with the easy stuff and slipping a bigger recipe in at a time.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on weightloss,disability and exercise
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    another person who wants to discuss insulin. perhaps you could connect with her? there may be more. I vaguely remember other people discussing their insulin use.

    Insulin Deficient – should I still give BSD a go?

    posted by Mornhy
    on 28 Jan 2016 at 09:08
    Reply • Report post • permalink

    I am Type 2 Diabetic and been advised that I am insulin deficient rather than resistant. I’m on Metformin and just started insulin (1 dose 10 units daily, I’m on day 4). I’ve talked about this diet and Professor Roy Taylor’s work with my doctor and insulin nurse a couple of times now and they are not keen at all but I really want to give it a go. I’d obviously prefer to do it with medical support but as I am not overweight and my blood pressure is low (my only really good statistic). My body fat is a bit on the high side which must mean there is some fat in liver and pancras surely?. Any advice on how to approach insulin nurse next week in my first check up since going on insulin? I was thinking I could give it till the 2 week review to convince them.


  • posted by  Pinay on I think I'm stuck
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I started following the BSD three weeks ago. In the first week, I religiously kept track of calories and on average thru the week, I managed 800 cal/day (sometimes lower than 800 or 700, sometimes a bit higher than 900. I lost 4 lbs in the first week and my blood sugar reading was down to 6.4 mmol, down from 8.4 usually. So was truly proud and encouraged. My second week was tough as I was travelling for work, which disrupted any new routine I was starting to develop. So my blood sugar was back to 8.1 (though this was also after I forgot to take my evening medication. (I take 4 tabs of Metformin and 2 of Gliclizide a day). Now, my third week, blood sugar is 7.8 (all tests btw were taken in the am, before breakfast). So I think I’m getting stuck, and a bit disheartened. Though I am now also increasing my exercise (10k steps 2x this week plus a 1-HR visit to the gym (mainly cardio), a 1-HR Zumba class, a 20 min bike ride and tomorrow a 1-hr tai chi class. What could I be doing wrong?

  • posted by  gateofheaven on weightloss,disability and exercise
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Take a look at the blogs where others discuss insulin. I’m truly in over my head on that part and don’t want to give you incorrect information. It does take attention, awareness and a willingness to work with it. I have a very complex medical situation and must be very vigilant. But it has been worth checking my blood sugars multiple times a day to watch for any pancreas inflammation (the blood sugar rise dramatically in just a few hours. Then i must boost my prednisone and contact the do.

    yes, it is all trial and error for each of us. The best thing i did was be gentle with myself during the changes.