Thankyou Gateofheaven. It looks to me as if you have it all covered.
At the weekend I will put that lot into MyFitness Pal and then I wll be able to cover anything missing with an extra small meal.

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posted by Bordercol on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 27 Jan 2016 at 10:05 in Fast 800 -
I am concerned about this too. I am just going to be sensible and use moderately. The book is very specific and only uses very small amounts. It is so good being able to use dairy products and olive oil instead of them being banned never to use again. Will see how it goes.
Can you continue on the BSD past 8 weeks if you have a lots of weight to lose?
posted by Caroline2308 on High Cholesterol and the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet..
on 27 Jan 2016 at 07:46 in Fast 800That is comforting to know, thank you. If this change in lifestyle leads also to a drop in bad cholesterol readings also, I will be thrilled.
Hi to all,
Im in Melbourne Aus and am starting on 01/02/16…. gotta empty the bad stuff out of the house 🙂
Great to hear how you are all going!
Keep up the good work…. -
posted by Citykittie78 on The 8-week blood sugar diet book
on 27 Jan 2016 at 07:30 in Welcome to the BSDAnyone in Australia looking for the book – I got my copy at Kmart for around $20.
My mum is doing it with me and she’s 76- day 24 and counting. She’s generally healthy except for recently diagnosed pre-diabetic fasting glucose readings and isn’t having any problems (we live in the same house and I’m doing the cooking). I think there are a few people around your age who have posted here so they’ll probably be able to help. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I am 68 years old and 14st 9lbs. Have been type 2 diabetic for 5years. I was resigned to the fact that this was my all until l read the book. My GP was less than enthusiastic and said l was too old for the low cal diet and suggested a slimming club and a low fat diet. I am worried that without being monitored l could have a few problems. I do have high blood pressure and take statins. I really would like to hear from anyone around my age who has tried this diet.
posted by gateofheaven on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 27 Jan 2016 at 04:22 in Fast 800I also combine the kale with the blueberries for heck of it sometimes. 🙂
I am on day 3 as well. I still feel hunger pangs.Waiting for it to get better. I suppose it takes a bit of time for the stomach to shrink…
I’m having more fat and less carbs than mentioned above generally 30-45 grams fat and 50ish carbs. But it varies day to day and I don’t think we need to get bogged down by numbers as long as we stick to the rules. I don’t eat beans or lentils so that could be keeping my carb count so low, I only have vegetables and around one serve of fruit per day as carb sources. It’s working, so I’m not worrying!
posted by gateofheaven on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 27 Jan 2016 at 02:28 in Fast 8002 tbs flax seed meal (14 gr) – 80 cal (4.5 gr fat, 3g protein, 5 gram carb)
12 oz almond milk (360 ml) 45 cal
1/2 cup blueberries (71 gr) 41 cal
1/4 C. Plain egg white protein powder i get from Amazon. 20 gr. – 80 calories (16 grams of protein) I sometimes add more if my protein count is low.
3.5 walnuts 47 cal. 4.6 fat, 1.1 protein, 1 carb.
Now that i know that specific fats are “good” occasionally I’ll add a few walnuts. They are about 13 calories each. This helps with satiation.
I sometimes add cinnamon, which i understand is an appetite suppressant. Also, i like cardamon.
Total calories of recipe above: 293 calories.I sometimes substitute kale and nutmeg for the blueberries for a savory taste and fewer calories. I add the amount that tastes good to me – about 1/2 cup which is 17 calories. Sometimes I skip the berries altogether.
1/4 cup cooked Steel cut oats (59 gr) 42 calories – i rarely put these in. Only if I feel the need of carbs. But i try to avoid carbs to some extent in the morning because then I’m less hungry the rest of the day.
I don’t tolerate milk well, but since it sounds like you do – that would increase your calcium, protein, and fat. it’s a good fat too if you use whole milk and the fat satiates. Perhaps see if a cup is enough, if not, add more. You can always add a little water or ice! if you don’t want to add more milk. The ice gives it a milkshake experience, which is fun and i enjoy. Or, frozen berries would do the same.
I’m in the States and goat’s milk kefir as well as cow’s milk kefir are in many grocery stores, health food stores and co-ops. Since kefir has more probiotics, my doc prefers that i use it.
I only use this for one meal in the day. Oftentimes alternating it with eggs, peppers, onions, olive oil and Daiya cheese (vegan)in the morning. The rest of the time i eat regularly.
I would ask Dr. Mosley what he thinks of how well the nutritional needs are met with this.
Good luck!!!
posted by Cazzowary on Oh my goodness – day 2 headaches!
on 27 Jan 2016 at 01:20 in Welcome to the BSDI don’t know what anyone else is doing but I’m having a square of 90% dark chocolate- it sure keeps the cravings away and is a little bit of sweetness (extra lovely with a cup of tea with milk)- I’m pretty sure I’ve seen chocolate in the south of France and that’s pretty close to the Mediterranean 🙂
Good luck and hope you all feel better soon
Yikes! 5.2 lbs. the second week! I need new glasses.
gateofheaven, I appreciate your feedback so, so much. My goodness, you are truly a success, and congrats on the first 9.2 pounds lost. I too have heard about plateaus. I’ve also read that weight loss is not linear – it goes up, it goes down – but it’s the downward trend, the big picture that matters.
I was going to start right in with 5:2 on Monday. I have such issues with hunger, the thought of doing 800 cals for 8 weeks sounded awful. But I experimented and ate 800 calories of protein and veg, and I can’t believe how sated I was. Well, the book will arrive on Thursday. You are fortunate you received yours so quickly! I’m a fast reader, and will get what I need from it before Monday my first fasting day!
Thank you for the tips about fat. When my husband saw his doc the last time (he needs to lose weight), the doc told him “eat more fat!”..we both thought he was crazy.
Thanks again for your feedback and good wishes.
posted by Zandranna on High Cholesterol and the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet..
on 26 Jan 2016 at 23:15 in Fast 800I agree. I am on statins since having a heart attack 3 years ago, and I am certain there is no problem being on this Blood Sugar Diet with those.
Yeah, I’m beginning to think that about raisins myself. I think you are right GoH. I’m going to go for berries as a snack myself now.
Hi Malkay
I also have reactive hypo. I have not started the 800 yet and am nervous because of the possibilities of hypo which makes you feel so awful. However, my understanding is it’s the carbs and sugars that make the hypos happen so I think ‘no bread ‘ is the answer , just quinoa and brown rice in very small amounts. According to the theory, a few days after coming off the carbs completely we should stop having the problem. Fingers crossed and good luck.
Penny -
posted by Bordercol on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 26 Jan 2016 at 22:55 in Fast 800Gateofheaven, that sounds a good mix. Any idea of the calories or whether it covers nutritional needs? I can’t stand the chemical taste and sweetness of the usual commercial meal replacement shakes but don’t quite feel confident to design my own in case I miss some vital nutrient; 8 weeks is quite a long time to be relying on them.
I am vegetarian but do eat eggs so yours sounds tempting.
Where do you get your kefir? Never tried it but have read about its health benefits. -
posted by Clare (BSD Admin) on High Cholesterol and the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet..
on 26 Jan 2016 at 22:15 in Fast 800Hi Caroline – A low carb diet is likely to improve your lipid profile. Assuming your medication is a statin you should be fine to to the diet. Good luck with it – hope you manage to improve your sugars
I m assuming it’s no carb in the way we think of carbs as grains etc.
Penny -
I make a homemade replacement shake that is filling and it can be adjusted or modified as one pleases. 12 oz Unsweetened almond milk (since I don’t tolerate cow’s milk easily). 1/4 – 1/3 C Plain eggwhite powder. Berries. Cooked steel cut oats 1/4 cup (I cook up a batch and freeze it in an ice cube tray, then pop them out and bag them). 2 tablespoons flax seed meal (helps with constipation and is a good fat). I found it necessary to start slowly with the flax because it caused discomfort. Moved up bit by bit to 2 TBL. A few weighed out walnuts. Sometimes I add favorite spices like cinnamon, cardamon. Sometimes some xylitol that i saw mentioned in the book. I’m playing around with whole milk goat kefir as a shake base too. Sometime I might try whole goat’s milk and delete the walnuts. Then I write down the ‘recipe’ with calories, fat, protein, and carbs for later reference.
Looking at what michael wrote it seems you release sugars from your muscles when you except use so you should be ok on the 800
Penny -
posted by gateofheaven on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 26 Jan 2016 at 22:05 in Fast 800I make a homemade replacement shake very close to Mullaway man. 12 oz Unsweetened almond milk. 1/4 – 1/3 C Plain eggwhite powder. Berries. Cooked steel cut oats 1/4 cup. 2 tablespoons flax seed meal (helps with constipation and is a good fat). A few weighed out walnuts. Sometimes I add favorite spices like cinnamon, cardamon. Sometimes some xylitol that i saw mentioned in the book. I’m playing around with whole milk kefir as a shake base too.
I ordered it from speedyhen on Jan 2 and it came Jan 9.
I do understand the urgency. i felt it myself. Removed all tempting foods while waiting for the book. Looked up Mediterranean diet to know what to have in the house. Prepared my mind! Started the diet Jan 10. I have a complex, tricky medical history, so i’ve had to be very careful. Have included my doc in all aspects.
Because it is so important for me to lose weight, I’ve been very strict. Weighed everything on a kitchen scale. veggies included. i measured a ‘drizzle’ of oil – surprisingly high in calories. I use a teaspoon at a time and that’s 40 calories.
The quick weight loss has been it’s own reward. I was gung-ho the first 5 days and then I thought, ‘this is HARD’. Didn’t feel so hot the first 6 days. Realized that I needed to acknowledge that and not expect it to be easy. But starting day 10 it WAS easy. I’d figured out what i could eat and feel well.
I lost 9.2 pounds the first week. 5.2 pounds the second. Nothing so far days 14, 15, 16. Not too worried since I have seen others post about plateaus. I know to just keep it up. I try to keep notes about the meals that make me feel best; which ones leave me satiated the longest. I compare the easier days with the bad to see what the differences are.
Things really started taking off when my doc showed me research about the benefits of more fat in my diet. Fat???!!! But he was right. As soon as I added walnuts or more olives or olive oil and the like, the hunger stopped and my mind became clearer.
Good luck to you! It works! -
The peanut butter and cream cheese dip is a great lunch. I take that in a pot with carrot, celery and pepper. Very satisfying. I have had it everyday and am not fed up yet.
That’s a great attitude.
Penny -
Hi Cvrus
That was really bad luck. Hope things go well now you’re back on track.
Penny -
Hi Jules
Good luck with it. I’m about to start.
I also have the kindle version of the book. I ve discovered that if you highlight something it then shows up in Notes which makes it very easy to find. Hope this helps.
Penny -
Sounds good!
Penny -
posted by pmshrink on Porridge Oats, to eat or not to eat..
on 26 Jan 2016 at 19:59 in BSD Med Style Low CarbHi Caroline
In the book it says they’re OK. Not too much I suppose!
Penny -
gateofheaven (what a lovely name by the way!)..
Yeah, I saw several booksellers selling it on U.S. amazon, but none of them were prime (2 day) shipping, and I wanted the book this week the latest, so I could read it, educate myself about low carb and then officially start 2 day fasting/low carbing on Monday. I’m really worried about my health and have put off taking care of myself for far too long.
gate, did you get the book right away? Just curious, because when I order from amazon vendors it can take several weeks to be delivered.
posted by Bordercol on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 26 Jan 2016 at 19:54 in Fast 800Anyone tried Purition as an alternative to the usual meal replacement shakes? Not cheap but look healthier.
That’s a relief!
Penny -
Hi Both
Really helpful info, thanks
Penny -
Hi Eureka
Thanks for the info really helpful.
Penny -
posted by pmshrink on Started the Meal replacement shakes yesterday, but have a question?
on 26 Jan 2016 at 19:34 in Fast 800I think in the book it says 30% carbs
Penny -
I overdose the Cauli rice with spice of the main dish and it becomes okay.
posted by Caroline2308 on Porridge Oats, to eat or not to eat..
on 26 Jan 2016 at 19:12 in BSD Med Style Low CarbThanks for that! I’m a newbie, and don’t think I could live without my Flahavans Oats!
Hi Natalie
Having read the book I think that your glucose intolerance should improve.
Penny -
When I want something sweet, I go for berries, kiwi, and mandarin oranges. I think that dried fruit like raisins are a concentrated sugar. I always have the fruit at the end of the meal so that it doesn’t spike the blood sugars.
I was able to get a Freestyle lite monitor for free going to their website. The strips are what cost. In the States we can get strips with a prescription for free. But, if that is not possible, Amazon had some of the cheapest prices for strips that I was able to locate. Even on Amazon, though, some companies were selling the strips for twice what others were. Cheapest I found was about $30 US for 50 strips (shipping included).
I think if you soak quinoa the bitter coating comes off. Obviously then change the water before cooking!
Penny -
Malkay once I have eaten my evening meal I only have drinks. That is the hard bit as I used to snack all evening which explains why I didn’t do well before. I am just accepting the evening is a no food zone. ( not easy with hubby still snacking 😯)
I also was spaced out for about the first 4 days. Had a headache the first day. Extra water didn’t help it. But no headache the second day. When it re-appeared the second week, i increased both salt and water and it disappeared. My mind became much more clear towards the end of the first week – even better than before the diet. It has remained clear ever since.
My doc suggested that I use full-fat kefir instead of yogurt. It has more probiotics than yogurt. The tastes range quite a bit depending upon the brand. He said that the probiotics will make my gut bacteria healthier. Healthier gut, less desire to eat incorrectly. Am finding that to be true.
If nothing else, it’s a nice change from yogurt.
In the BSD book the calories next to the recipes are they per recipe or per portion?? Thank you
Thanks again, gateofheaven. I have just bought some miso today, but haven’t had any yet. I thought it would be a good snack when I am hungry. I do drink quite a bit of decaf tea, and I do use xylitol to sweeten my cocoa at night, made with water and a little milk. I will try the decaf green tea. Thanks.
I know I have many galls stones which are mostly quiet and cause me no problems – and I’d like to keep it that way if I can! I think weight loss is linked to gallstone problems and I wonder if there is any advice about following the BSD without disturbing gall stones? I’m assuming the good amounts of fat in the diet will keep my gall bladder functioning around the stones?
But I’m confused about the association with weightloss and the usual advice to stay away from too much fat to avoid gall bladder attacks. Thanks. -
Well done to you both 6 lbs is fab, I guess once we have achieved our personal goal then we can look at incorporating more carbs for maintenance. I’m day 2 and it is the withdrawal with me, it’s funny I don’t think I realised how much hidden sugar I ate until now.