Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Tracy Fish on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    OMG, I am so happy lost 10lbs in week one and my blood sugar reading is down from the 9’s to the 5’s. I have found the diet quite easy and am looking forward to another week. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by  Jo51 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Just joined the forum but completed my first week of the diet yesterday……..weight loss in the week was 9lb. I’m beyond thrilled. I’m realistic enough to know that it’s unlikely this kind of loss will continue every week but it’s a very pleasing start. I’m definitely encouraged and looking forward to week 2.

  • posted by  liveinhope on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    A tip when felling hungry – Drink water – fill a bottle up and have it handy or measure out 2 litres or more of water in drinks bottles, store in fridge if required but always have water at hand. In that way you get your 2ltrs+ a day. Should stave of those headaches and constipation as well as hunger pangs. Regards Mark

  • posted by  Mrs S on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Vals, like you I was very keen to get start but I think it’s worth taking two or three days to read the book, get in your supplies and plan your first few days menus.
    Being prepared is sure to help avoid little slip ups! Better to grab a carrot stick and homemade dip than a biscuit!
    What I decided to do was clear the decks of all commitments for the first week and organise to catch up on some crafting hobbies to keep me occupied without being totally food obsessed.
    I haven’t left too many physical tasks for this week, just in case in feel a bit weak whilst I’m getting used to the reduced calorie intake but I will be doing more cardio workouts at home as well as the strength building exercises recommend in the book.
    I’m coming up to the final meal of today and I already realise that this is going to be a ‘one day at a time’ exercise with an eye on the end goal, to be rid of my T2.
    I feel more tired than usual and have a bit of a headache, probably haven’t drunk enough but at least I don’t have to organise menus and go shopping for a few days I can be totally selfish thanks to the support of my family who are behind me all the way.
    In short I am hoping that preparation is going to be the key to my success!
    Off now to make my aubergine and minced lamb ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by  Paulvee on 1st day , hunger pangs?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi it’s my 1st day, not done bad up to now, but really starving now and getting a bit edgy Any tops appreciated thanks in advance

  • posted by  Jo51 on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Missay,

    I really enjoyed the cauliflower rice, it takes a fair bit of seasoning but worked really well with the veggie curry. Trying the chicken with basil and pine nuts tonight with steamed courgette and asparagus. Also making another batch of soup……makes it easier if you know you have things ” in the bag” so to speak! The kedgeree sounds good.
    All of the breakfasts I’ve tried have kept me going until lunchtime, far better than my normal breakfast of porridge!

  • posted by  Dariusz19 on 800 Calories Gross or Net?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All,
    Just started on the diet. Day 6 and around 2.0-2.5kg down, although I appreciate that is mostly water as waist size has not reduced.

    I have a question whether he 800 eaten calories per day is supposed to be Gross or Net?
    If you do around 500 or 1000 calories exercise on the day, then should you increase your daily intake to 1300(800+500) or 1800(800+1000) calories?
    It would seem a more sensible approach to do so but it is not clear in the guidelines for the BSD diet.

    What are your views?

  • posted by  misssay on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Jo,
    Well done on a 9lb loss – that’s great! Did you like the cauliflower rice part of the curry meal? I have tried cauli mash in the past, but am not too keen. We are planning on trying the cauli rice in the book’s Kedgeree recipe this week. Hopefully with plenty of spices and the strong taste of the mackerel it will be OK. I’m pretty boring with my breakfasts – greek yogurt with blueberries for most of last week, but I am on holiday this week, so I’ll probably try a few different choices.

    Hi Liveinhope/Mark
    Thanks for the welcome. Hope your first day is going well.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Wow
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Snackerlady, thank you for mentioning about ww, I thought the same but didn’t know if I dare say it. Tuesday, I think you might have to consider giving up your ww membership if your weight loss continues like this because your leader won’t be able to explain it to the rest of their members and it could be quite uncomfortable for you all. (Don’t think you can sit in her meeting with you bsd book in your hand, it would cause a riot!) Also, this fast approach does not fit at all with the current ww philosphy and your leader has a duty to tell you that what you are doing isn’t healthy (I was a leader and its part of the training). I re-joined ww just after Christmas with their new programme and lost 3 and a half pounds in 4 weeks. I had resigned myself to thinking it would take me a year to reach my goals – again! I only started this progamme three days ago and have already lost a pound and a half. I won’t be paying ww anymore! Tuesday – clearly, this forum is more than happy to be your support network!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    You know, I think what a lot of folk are forgetting is that the foods recommended in this diet are the foods that used to be a part of everyday living at one time.
    Then up stepped all the companies with their processed foods and E additives and now we have a diabetes pandemic on our hands.
    For me the diet works and for the first time evr on a diet, I haven’t felt hungry. There is no peer pressure (I have known WW advisors who turned into fascists when I didn’t lose weight this week).
    In reality, this diet is pure common sense, it’s just that in this modern day and age, we needed someone to stick it under our noses, just the way the food companies have been doing for years

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Alternatives to fizzy pop
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Auntylil, that’s brilliant news! Really well done on 6lbs and an inch lost. That answers my question of whether we can do this with an underactive thyroid!

    Yeah, that’s quit an expensive couple of courses, isn’t it? But I’m sure you will really enjoy the social side of it. I hope you have a lovely evening. I, too, am already feeling a bit egged-out but I’ve discovered chick peas and they are nice and filling and I tried your cauliflower rice last night which was also great so there’s hope of not starving yet. Oh, and also, yoghurt and strawberries for supper has been lovely and has stopped me going to bed hungry.

    So what sort of exercise do you fancy? Walking? The gym? A class? A home dvd? Or just a couple of rounds of squats in the kitchen while you cook your tea? (stuff like that makes your dogs come to ask what you’re doing, hilarious!)

    Thank you for the blessing, I have already lost a pound and a half since Friday and we still had a night out on Saturday! Well chuffed with that!

  • posted by  liveinhope on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, Day 1 of week 1. Thanks for posting recipes and what tastes and works for you. Fortunately I like most foods (maybe my problem in 1st place) I agree Forum is very positive and supportive. Determination, positivity, planning ahead and support from family and friends is crucial. Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit. Al the Best Mark

  • posted by  Bill1954 on How Will My GP React?
    on in 5:2 BSD

    I’ts like I said to the wife before I started. (She was saying I would never stick with it)
    My eyes are in a complete mess because of retinopathy with all the associated treatment and ops.
    My feet, while not numb have a certain loss of feeling.
    Next will be my kidneys.
    The NHS answer to all this (tablets and Exanitide injections) is not helping enough.
    I told her, “If I don’t try to do something about this now, diabetes will kill me within 5 years”
    I WILL stick with it I WON’T give up, and any know it all healthcare “professional” who tries to tell me I’m wrong is going to have an argument on their hands.
    Luckily I have a medical practise which is very diabetes orientated so the support is there should I need it.

  • posted by  Natasha_ENFP on Feeling depressed one week into the BSD
    on in Fast 800


    I am one week into the bsd and I’ve been feeling really down and depressed over the last couple of days. .

    Does anyone know if this is a normal feeling in the bsd, and has anyone experienced the same feeling?

    Just wondering if this may be a symptom of ketosis?

    I’ve noticed that I also barely have an appetite.

    Any thoughts about this would be great.

  • posted by  paddy57 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I’ve just started week 4 today.

    Week 1 lost 10lbs, Week 2 lost 7lbs Week 3 6lbs – so rate is dropping but 23lbs in 3 weeks isn’t to bad.

    On a useful note – I was having headaches last week but I’ve upped my water intake and today is better.

  • posted by  liveinhope on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all, Great to see so many people positive and starting today. I am 56 yo Male T2. Diagnosed last Sept. Just got book today but have been reducing Carbs since Diagnosed but still need to lose more weight. I have lost 21lbs so far but GP wants to put me on more drugs. NO WAY. I am on SR Metformin. Sill need to lose another 25lbs according to my BMI Index. Shocked to be told i was Diabetic after a UTI infection and am so determined to reverse my diagnosis. I do feel I could use help just like you guys and girls. GP not open to this approach but hey, I can`t weight for trials to finish. Seems to me there is enogh evidence to support this diet. I just want to wish all you new starters all my best wishes on your new life. Heads up we can do it together. Mark

  • posted by  Jo51 on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Missay,
    I’m also starting week 2……9lbs loss which I’m incredibly pleased with!
    I’m not diabetic but do have high blood pressure and high cholesterol so it was quite possibly the next step, but not if I manage to stick to this!
    I found it very easy to stick to and even though I’m the only one in the household that needs to lose weight my family have eaten the same food but with more carbs.
    I’d like to lose at least 2 stone, but the reality is that it’s probably 4 that I should lose……I’m 5’5″ and now weigh 13stone 8lb.
    Some of my meals have been the veg curry with cauliflower rice, yummy! Also the foil wrapped fish, turkey burgers. Lunches have been the tuna and avocado, chorizo and chickpea soup, really delicious and no carb plough mans. Breakfast I found a bit trickier but have enjoyed the mushroom dishes with both cheese and eggs, also the various fruit/yoghurt options. Lots still to try.
    Keep me updated with your progress.
    Lots of luck.

  • posted by  Jo51 on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Vals, it’s just a case of going through the recipes. I chose the first couple days meals and just shopped for those initially……it seemed a bit daunting attempting a weeks worth! Second week in and I found it much easier to plan the whole weeks meals. I like to know what I have to look forward to, stops me slipping into bad habits!
    Good luck!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Family roast dinner!
    on in Fast 800

    I had Sunday lunch yesterday, roast lamb with all the veg and gravy, but no potatoes or yorkies ๐Ÿ™
    I did include 6oz of boiled swede mashed with butter and pepper. (I know I know)
    Reason being I had sugar issues last week because I didn’t have enough fat in my diet.
    Reading this morning was 6.8 so no real harm done.

  • posted by  vals on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi to you all, is there a easy list of shopping needed for the first week or do you need to go through all the recipes in the book (only got my copy today, so I haven’t looked through it yet, but keen to get started

  • posted by  misssay on Saying "Hello"
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi. Today is day 1 of week 2. I’m not diabetic, but I do have over 8 stone to lose. My husband is T2, and we know that lower carb eating helps with his BS levels, although he doesn’t need to lose more than about 10lbs. I’m looking for the quick losses, and he is looking for the BS control, so hopefully we will both be happy! We’re enjoying the food so far. The only times I have been hungry is a couple of evenings, when it is time to eat anyway, and on Saturday night, when (by prior agreement!) we had some ‘ordinary’ pancakes. I was starving within about an hour. Should’ve known better really, as I have a sensitivity to wheat, so I paid double the price!

    Evening meals have been: Stuffed Mushrooms, Ginger Pork Stir Fry, Mince Stuffed Aubergines, Garlic Chicken and Lime Stir Fry, Salmon with Spiced Orange Sauce, all with a variety of veg, the Pancakes (oops) and a Valentine’s Dinner of Steak with Peppercorn Sauce, Garlic Mushrooms, Peas and Tomatoes, followed by Spicy Poached Pear with Crรจme Fraiche. I made a home-made Ginger and Lime ‘Syrup’ with a little xylitol, to add to fizzy water for a treat drink to go with it. OK, it wasn’t quite wine, but it was a bit more special than water!

    I haven’t done many of the book recipes as I have been using what we have in the cupboard/freezer and making what I know we will like, but I have just had the Poached Egg and Salmon Stack from the book for lunch, minus the pine-nuts. Very tasty!

    This seems a very friendly forum, so I am looking forward to getting to know some of you.

    (Should say at weigh in this morning I have lost 7lbs, so very happy with that. It may be mainly water weight, but it’s my (ex) water weight!)

  • posted by  Jo51 on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Ladies, this is day one of week two for me and amazingly I lost 9lbs in my first week! That has certainly made sticking to the diet so much easier. I’m 5’5″ and started at 14 stone 2lb…….at 51 years old I really am determined to become fitter and healthier and I’m hoping that the principals of BSD can help me achieve this…….that and the encouragement of the forum!
    I don’t have diabetes but I do have high blood pressure and high cholesterol so I am aware that my future health is in my hands!
    The diet has been very easy to follow and some of the recipes really tasty, not too many hunger pangs either! I have been weighing each day and to see the scales drop each day quite significantly has been so encouraging.
    Good luck to you all, keeping each other motivated will hopefully keep us all focused. ๐Ÿ˜„

  • lawnmower29 I am too impatient to be preparing so I dived into this Blood sugar diet this morning having read half the book and the recipes. Feeling a strange sensation that I know normally I would have filled with carbs in my stomach (hunger?) is now getting a lot of water poured over it. So I really think you are being intelligent preparing. I know I am so motivated I will read the rest of the book and will plan a few days meals in advance as soon as I get a chance. Feel really happy to find others on the journey to healthier lives.

  • posted by  bruce on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    hi all, waves back!
    Helen, thats great, congratulations on the success! I at a slice of bread yesterday and again today I must admit, after 4 days I was still light headed from the diet and this morning I had a 4.5 hour grammar class to attend, so it just wasn’t going to work without a level of concentration. Not totally sure about pounds any more, we stopped using them in Australia a few years back, but I think I’ve lost about 3 too so far, even hovering around the 900 cal mark. I guess this is where the catastrophic thinking comes in, as we are both getting great results even with a bit of tweeking and treats, albeit not as dramatic as the most reported case studies.

    snackerlade, glad your first 30 mins have been great!! Hope you continue to feel well on the diet and get the results you need, I’m thinking I will stick more strictly to it on days when I’m not trying to learn German, otherwise I find myself rocking in the corner muttering why is it so convoluted? WHY??? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Metta on saying hello to the forums from Germany
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Bruce,
    Nice to find another Aussie into this, been using my kgs to stones calculator to get what stones are. I have done the living in Germany with not so many supports number so really relate to where you are coming from. Im not diabetic, but family history and falling into bad habits with food. I think the pyschological prep is important, and somehow catching the wave of ones own inner motivation seems crucial. I feel really excited to have found this forum while I try and work out how best to organise myself on this journey. Today is day one and my stomach is growling, great to hear how many appear to find that settles down. Good luck on your journey.

  • posted by  JDB on underactive thyroid and BSD
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I read the book ten days ago and started the diet last Wednesday. I have had an under active Thyroid for more than twenty years. I have always struggled to shed weight. I have lost a pound a day despite having a dinner party on Saturday night. I know they said wait until you have a clear two months to throw yourself into but for me that was never going to happen. Can’t believe the difference and I am not hungry.

  • posted by  Natasha_ENFP on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello again, just getting used to how this forum works so I hope my previous message didn’t come across as impersonal :-/

    Hello Loftbabe and snackerlady (I love the names!),

    Both of your stories are really encouraging, and you sound so motivated and positive! It’s great that you are taking action.

    I am 43 and although I don’t have type 2 diabetes, I have been locked into a very dysfunctional ’emotional’ eating pattern for the past 2 and a half years.

    My diet has consisted of good nutrition and appalling nutrition (more appalling than good). For example my daily diet has been a couple of family sized chocolate bars per day, a family sized bag of crisps, a croissant or pastry (and often) toast for breakfast, a large shop-bought sandwich, lots of grazing, a big dinner (pretty healthy and balanced) accompanied by delicious bread and butter, more chocolate to follow, then at bed time (around midnight) I’d often have a packet of crisps and more chocolate or sweets.

    I am definitely a secret eater.

    I used to be a size 8 weighing around 9.5 stone, and after 2.5 years my weight has now reached 12.5 stone and I’m a large size 16. I also look 7 months pregnant, I am that bloated.

    After hearing so many reports about the recent epidemic of T2D I became extremely scared. I also saw a photo of myself taken at Christmas and was shocked. I hadn’t realised I had got so big, and that was the wake-up call I needed. My skin is also terrible because my body cannot cope with the sugar I have been consuming. And I feel tired, sluggish, unmotivated, depressed and irritable nearly all the time.

    I had to face up to the fact that I was a ‘food addict’ and extremely addicted to sugar and carbs, and I knew that if I didn’t take immediate action I would end up with T2D – all self-inflicted.

    Like you both, I knew I had to do something NOW before it got too late. And I am so glad this diet exists and I am really looking forward to being part of this supportive and encouraging community.

    By the way, I used to be a weight-management and nutrition consultant who was super-fit, but after a difficult life-event I reverted back to my old eating patterns – I was obese prior to 2007 and lost 4.5 stone on rosemary conley’s GI Jeans diet. The fact that I have regained almost all the weight felt very upsetting and embarrassing. I want to put an end to the yo-yo dieting pattern.

  • posted by  Metta on Hello and Cloud Bread anyone?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Spirit and Fatcat! Its my first day today and like you looking to loose some weight, especia,ly from arou d my middle. I am 59 yrs old and in recent years started to feel more and more unfit and gained weight that I lost a couple of years ago doing the 5:2 diet Dr Mosley wrote about. This information just got me inspired. Especially after seeing a great documentary from New Zealand called “Is sugar the new fat?”
    So wonderful to see all of you sharing your experiences and wisdoms. Good on you all!

  • posted by  JackieMac on I think I'm stuck
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m having a weight plateau – 2 weeks with very small weight loss. It’s tough to keep motivated but I just keep thinking the weight is going down so stuck with it. Now the weather’s better I can get some walking done which should help. I’m on week 6 and had hoped to lose w stones by week 8 but it’s not looking that way. Still I’ll keep plodding on.

    Bill you are an inspiration thanks for all your input which is helping lots of folks including me ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by  Vicfish37 on Levels
    on in Fast 800

    Is there a recommended /suggested daily level of carbs,fat,and protein that we aim for within the 800 calorie diet.

  • posted by  JackieMac on underactive thyroid and BSD
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I’ve got a slightly underactive thyroid – on minimum dose. I have just started week 6 and have lost 16.6 pounds. The last couple of weeks have been very small losses sonic am going to need to do some exercise :).

    Good luck! It’s easier than you think. If you feel hungry drink some water, and you might want to have a hot water with slice of lemon, or mint before breakfast. Jackie

  • posted by  Metta on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Just started today as well. Cant get it all in my head, reading Michael Mosleys book and this website, just not enough hours in the day! But hearing other peoples experiences is very motivating. I have been looking for the tape measure to record the starting figures. Just found a calculator to translate stones and pounds to kilos which I understand better. So getting a better idea where people are starting. My weight has been creeping steadily up over the last year or so to about 70kg (11st) so really hoping I can plan well and manage the diet with a busy job. Preparation is everything. Does anyone have tips o the best way to plan a weeks food and shopping for it? Also we are having a heat wave here – 40 centigrade tomorrow so I expect keeping the water levels up is going to be really important.

  • posted by  Rico61 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    I was 23 stone in the middle of last year. Started some exercise and some cutting down but kept lapsing into weekend binges. Brakes came off over xmas and I overate.

    Was going to start diet in January but got a chest infection so did some on/off eating while ill but dropped to a starting weight of 22 Stone. BMI of 39.5 Started BSD in earnest on 1/2/16

    Today I weigh 20 Stone 11 pounds = 17 pounds loss in 3 weeks. Trousers are looser, and am doing some walking, swimming and a wee bit of gym stuff. I also use a steam room once a week for 20 – 30 minutes which seems to help. I don’t have the energy to exercise that much more at his stage. I exercise lightly 4/7 days and know I need to up this. Touch of the fat man shame and lazy couch potato too.

    I get “head hunger” more than real hunger occasionally. My fat guy brain tells me a trip to a curry house or fast food joint will make everything better.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on sugar free gum as this seems to ward off the pangs when they come – which isn’t all that often. Keeping water intake up helps. That too is a discipline as I;’m used to lattes as my liquid intake. I’m determined and feel good and inspired to carry on.

  • posted by  lola on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I’m am just about to start 8 week diet as a recently type 2 and put on metformin 2 months ago. I am not overweight (5’2″ and 8 stone, and do loads of exercise) so am not a “typical” type 2. I have been following a very low carb diet which is recommended by the forum and although my blood sugar is now in the non diabetic zone I am finding it very restricting, which is why I am going to give this a go. My only problem is that as soon as I have any supposedly good Carbs my blood sugar goes sky high, eg porridge with water and 2 hours later its gone from 5.4mmls to 13,7mmls! does anyone else have the same problem with carbs??? would be great to hear from someone in the same predicament as a little wary to try other good carbs.

  • posted by  snackerlady on Wow
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    hehehe Tuesday! Huge well done! I’d love to be a fly on the wall at your WW meeting ๐Ÿ˜€ They’ll be wanting you in the magazine to promote the diet lol!!
    The downside is that your leader might take you aside and tell you your loosing too fast, but as long as you’re expecting it you’ll be fine. Will you come clean?

  • posted by  snackerlady on The first day of my 8 weeks today!!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Mrs S, that’s great- I haven’t posted anything there yet i’ve been so busy today I need to grab 10 mins to think what to put but i will do at some point ๐Ÿ™‚

    Soup sounds good- I need to go and prep my veggies for the fish, but like you i’m wondering if I should have a bigger meal later and maybe the lighter meal now….. hmmm decisions!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Charliee on Almond butter calories?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, today is day 1 for me. I diligently made the almond butter yesterday as per recipe and split into 4. I added some cinnamon . It was really really nice..mine did go like peanut butter.anyway.. I am querying the calories as it say 110 per portion in the book (assuming including the Apple and seeds) but when I put the ingredients in my fitness pal it came up at 427 calories per portion!!! Am I missing something? Thatโ€™s a huge difference if I had that every day.. :/

  • posted by  snackerlady on Hello
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello Natasha and Loftbabe (I love michael Mcintyre ๐Ÿ™‚ )! 9 lbs is great and you sound so positive!! I started today and i’m just feeling my way around this BSD so it is great to read how everyone is doing. Your pain under right ribs rang a bell with me- I’ve been having the same combined with blood sugars going crazy (i’m pre diabetic) I have been experiencing blurry vision and one day my fasting blood was 8.7 (I monitor myself because of family history of diabetes) my blood was going up and down like nobodys business so I take this as my body telling me to DO something before it goes too far