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  • posted by  Bill1954 on new member, about to start BSD Fast 800
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Beverley and welcome to the forums.
    If you and the husband can stick to 50grams or less of carbohydrate per day and round about 800 calories, within a week you will see the weight falling off and you will feel extra benefits, ie sleeping and just generally feeling better.
    Remember to keep up the fluid intake to 2 – 3 ltrs / day and do not be afraid of full fat dairy products, in fact throw all the low fat stuff in the bin!
    The sugar cravings should be gone by the time you hit week 2 and you’ll find that you don’t even think about sweet stuff any more.
    If you run into any problems just shout out, there is nearly always someone here to help.
    Above all, enjoy your journey and let us know how you are getting on.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Keetz
    I’m thirsty all the time too, although as T2D I’m used to that. It’s the body’s way of screaming for fluids to wash away the sugar deposits.
    Now THAT can’t be a bad thing.

  • posted by  Keetz on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    I LOVE this Penny- it makes things seem much more manageable. I know it’s for Rob but it all helps! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  • posted by  Keetz on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    That’s great- thanks Penny. I’ll check Calorie King out. I have been scanning barcodes and creating recipes in the way on MFP for a while now on other diets/nutrition plans but I didn’t understand the carb thing so everything’s becoming clearer! Thanks guys:
    B: scrambled egg with basil on portobello mushroom..
    In spite of lots of water I’m thirsty all the time- is that normal?

  • posted by  RozyDozy on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Good for your other half, Bill. I’ve come across doctors who I wouldn’t care to take dietary advice from. Physician heal thyself, indeed. I remember donkeys years ago my dad was in hospital following a heart attack – he was told by the doc to give up smoking. The very next day he saw the same doc having a fag. There is such as thing as leading by example.
    Wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of your other half once she’s had her knee op!
    Take care,

  • posted by  pmshrink on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Inka
    Love your imagery!
    But the poor things are only making sure you don’t starve in a famine…๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by  RozyDozy on Just began…
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Skinnykins, I’ve never been fond of plain yogurts so when I started this diet I had to try a few to find one I could stick with. Yes, they can be too tart but eventually I settled on Tesco’s Finest Greek Yogurt. I also have the occasional pot of Arla’s Skyr (available in Tesco), it’s not really a yogurt, more of a cream cheese – it’s not the pukka Icelandic stuff but it’s the closest you can get in the UK (I’ve had a couple of holidays in Iceland and have developed a taste for the stuff). I find it quite filling.
    As you suggest, sprinkling some stevia or berries over yogurt helps get over the tartness and eventually your taste buds adapt. I’ve also tried a sprinkling of cinnamon.

  • posted by  pmshrink on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Keetz
    I use Calorieking online to check cals and carbs.
    I use MyFitnessPal to track what I’m eating. You can’t rely on their info the cals etc as its put in by the public so I’ve made my own list on ‘my foods’ and ‘recipes’ so I know they’re accurate.
    They ll give you a chart of the proportions of what you’re eating.
    Good luck

  • posted by  jpscloud on What music gets you to move it?
    on in Fast 800

    It is fun – I managed to do about an hour (a few minutes at a time) on my treadmill and I even managed a kind of jog yesterday listening to my embarrassing music! It’s a good thing no one sees me doing this ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was just really surprised at how certain types of music… like malkay says, not ones I would deliberately put on to listen to, but ones that just make me jiggle about when I hear them – can affect how long and how vigorously I can exercise. I used to watch TV while on the treadmill but found that I lost motivation and interest very quickly. The power of music eh?

  • posted by  pmshrink on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Rob
    I found it confusing at first.
    You don’t have to follow the recipes in the book. Just stick to 50 g of carbs and 800 cals. However you want! Whatever you normally eat minus the bread pasta cakes and rice. So if you like bacon and eggs eat that but no fried bread with it. If you d normally have a ham and cheese sandwich have the ham and cheese with some green veg or salad but no bread. If you love curry have it without the naan bread and rice. As Janet said, you could just concentrate on keeping your carbs below 50 g, it will still work. If you avoid all those carby things it will be easy to stay below 50 g. Look on Calorieking, see what carbs are in veg and fruit, write it down somewhere. Really it’s that simple.
    Good luck and keep asking for help.
    PS other threads are listed at the top of the page.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Christi
    I didn’t start counting carbs til week 5. Just hadn’t realised I should, and I wasn’t losing much. So you’re not the only one! I m now on my very last day of 8 weeks. Have lost 12 lb. which is a lot less than many people but still- nearly a stone.
    Dr Mosely says be ambitious, it helps, so aiming for 2 more stone is good. I’m aiming for 16 more lb.
    good luck

  • posted by  Kate66 on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    I note the absence of posts over the Easter period…! Yesterday we ate:
    No carb Bircher
    Spinach and chorizo soup
    Griddles salmon steak with salad of spinach, tomato, avocado and pine nuts
    Snack (after a gym session) 1 stick of celery and hummus
    Going well – bring on week 5!!

  • posted by  Cherrianne on Rising Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Lachlan,
    I count all carbs from whatever source. Total carbs not just sugars. There is quite a bit of leeway in 50g. I aim for 15g per meal plus 5 for ‘spare’ eg extra milk/ nuts/cheese etc. I don’t count calories at all cos I don’t need to lose weight.
    I put my planned food into a diary app in the morning, including snacks and my milk allowance. Then I substitute items or ingredients to make sure I’m happy with the final count.
    Apart from one day last week when I had a tummy upset and was using rehydration drinks, my highest fasting reading has been 5.2, it’s usually under 5 and post meal under 6.4.
    Now I’ve got the results I want, nearly at the end of week 8, I am fully committed to this way of eating for the rest of my life.
    It can’t hurt for you to give it a try Lachlan. I think you’ll find your weight will stabilise and your blood sugars will come done. All the best, stay in touch ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  pmshrink on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Lolo
    That alcohol stuff is really interesting. I don’t drink but know plenty who do.
    I saw something on TV – might have been Dr Mosely- setting light to one teaspoon of alcohol- enormous flame that lasted quite a while- they said ‘that’s how much energy it contains.’ Alarming!
    Great you researched that.

  • posted by  Sabrina77 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks guys, the slow weight loss in the last couple of weeks was a little discouraging but the blood results have put a spring back into my step!!!

  • posted by  Beverley on new member, about to start BSD Fast 800
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I’m Beverley, an overweight Aussie with several health problems but no type 2 diabetes (yet). I’m sure I’m heading that way though. Mum had type 2 and I’m sure her heart problems stemmed from that. I’d like to eventually lose 40kg and get back to 70kg. It’s gradually piled on over the last 30 years and although we’ve changed our diet to a substantially healthy one we still have sweet tooths and eat way too much sugar every day. I think the Fast 800 is going to work wonders and I need the incentive losing weight rapidly will bring. My husband is joining me on the diet – his health problems are as worrying as mine, although again, type 2 diabetes isn’t an issue (yet). We’re looking forward to dropping years as well as weight – both of us feel decades older than we should.

  • posted by  SunnyB on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Quick question – weighed myself this morning, to find myself lighter than I was before the blip over the w/e and 1.2lb down on my weight yesterday. My question is, would my apparent weight gain from the w/e be due to poor hydration? Thinking about it, I probably wasn’t even up to 2L per day over Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I was back on track Sunday and Monday, which makes me wonder if the lack of proper hydration had caused retention and a change in the scale’s reading.

    Sabrina77 – great blood results! You must be really chuffed to have made such headway.

  • posted by  Janet1973 on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Rob, I’ll also send you some ideas over next couple of days but I’ll warn you they might be a bit dull. Judith, you are using the wrong eggs my dear, my box says 0g!

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Starting the journey 21/02/2016
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Sue
    try a couple of days checking your sugar levels pre dinner instead of fasting. That does tend to give a better picture of progress as FSB will alway be the highest reading of the day (unless of course you are munching your way through the chocolate aisle)
    Your slow weight loss and sugar level reduction is puzzling though, have you tried increasing the fat a little and reducing the carbs a bit ?

  • Hi Judith
    like I said in another post, I was talked into trying a little trifle and cake on Sunday and was surprised to find out that they had this taste but I couldn’t identify it as a sweet, sugary taste (others said the icing was very sweet) it was just a sort of foreign taste.
    I’m hoping this means the sweet tooth is gone for good if I can’t even identify sugar now.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Rising Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
    on in Fast 800

    Hi lachlanh, glad to see you’re still here.
    keep the total carbs down to 50g per day or less my friend.
    All carbs break down into sugars at some point but the complex carbs found in veg etc take longer to digest so help the fat to keep you full but tend not to spike your sugar levels.
    Keep going, you will get where you want to be.
    My sugars seem to have stabilised again, you shouldn’t be far behind as long as those carbs are under control.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Please sign our petition
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    98 signatures folks, can we get a few more today? I’m meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow who will be hearing all about this diet – whether she wants to or not !!!

  • Bill, I feel sick just looking at or catching a smell of sweet foods. I still am amazed at how my tastes have changed. I thought giving up chocolate would be the hardest thing and consoled myself with ‘you can have a bit at the end of 8 weeks’. Have I wanted it. No not at all. I would pay you to take it away from me now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Rob
    Judith will soon sort you out !
    I know what you mean about cookhouse food (ex RAF many moons ago)
    It’s is all high carb to provide energy but useless for diets.
    As to veg, a little disagreement, Michael says in the book that above the ground veg is better as it is lower in carbs, but, since day 1 I have used small amounts of swede, carrot, parsnip etc in main meals and especially in soups and stews without any bad side effects. It’s all about counting them in your daily carb intake.
    Another fat doctor story, My OH ( who doesn’t suffer fools gladly) was at the hospital with a view to a knee replacement op.
    The doc who was seeing her was at least as big as her and he made the big mistake of calling her obese.
    I won’t detail the conversation that followed but safe to say he called in a nurse for safety.
    People who live in glass houses etc……..

  • posted by  pmshrink on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Kags
    I thought if you’re not weighing them you can’t really count the cals. I swing between weighing and not weighing.
    Re feeling hungry- I d say increase your fats and decrease your carbs- I had a horrible plateau and started tracking carbs on MFP which made a huge difference. It’s fats that stave off the hunger. I know many of us struggle to feel ok about fats after all the anti fat propaganda, but they’re definitely our friend! Now I’m on the last day of week 8 and I’m totally ok with eating fats which is great because I’m never hungry.
    Hope things improve for you.
    Did you come across Jenny Ruhls book ‘low carb problems solved’v (ยฃ3 on kindle) I found it very helpful

  • posted by  hashimoto on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Inka, If your doctor has given you antibiotics I would take them, you don’t want that sinus infection to get even worse and derail you for a couple of weeks – and end up on a much longer course of stronger antibiotics! Doctors don’t give antibiotics out like candy so she obviously thought you needed them – even if she appeared distracted.

    Once you have finished the course you can eat the foods which will promote healthy gut bacteria. Health food shops sell capsules of live probiotics which you keep in the fridge, they’re expensive but if you feel the need it is an option.

    Hope you feel better soon, sinus infections are miserable ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Bill1954 on 2P or not 2P
    on in Fast 800

    Oh yes but a proportion of that will be fat.
    5Kg is not to be sniffed at, imagine how much lard or butter that represents.
    You are well on the way, exciting times ahead ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Bill1954 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    OK people
    The Easter hurdle is gone and in the past now, there were quite a few of us who had little slip ups.
    That is in the past now, feeling guilty about it won’t undo it, so, like Lesley91 says, lets all jump back on the horse, we have a clear straight run in now to Xmas in the choccy stakes, by which time, I guarantee that most of you reading this today will not even like the taste of the stuff.

  • posted by  Whalleyrange on 2P or not 2P
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Bill1954, thanks for the reply. My GP told me that I have insulin resistance and a step away from Type 2. I guess that I have a lot of sugar bound water to lose as I started the plan at 120kg ( almost 19 stone in old money) and have lost 5kg in just 10 days. That’s a whole bucket of water.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Morning Rob – wow what a post! I’m glad you have spotted that you have always had your meals provided through home, army and fire service. It had occurred to me. One of my brothers would ring at 6 every night to ask a question about cooking his dinner – this was after he left home – it would be things like ‘I want to make a curry but what do you put in first?’ ‘Right, I’m frying the onions and spices but how do I slice a sweet pepper up?’ This was after he got sick of living on a diet of baked beans and cornflakes for months. There is so much to learn when you start out.

    As to burger chips cream scone and latte, you already know the answer! The food was completely wrong for you so you put on weight even though you were training!! I know, some people seem to get away with it (they think) just like some people smoke 20 a day and don’t get lung problems (yet). We are not all the same. We don’t all react the same to medicines ( food is a medicine of sorts).

    Rob can you list the veg you do like? Then I can work on a plan for you. You would need to ditch things like swede (too starchy) and parsnips (again too starchy) you need to stay at 50 carbs or under. One chocolate muffin has 51.64g of carbs! 1 10″ pepperoni pizza has a whopping 80g of carbs! So you can see the problem!

    1 medium egg has half a g of carbs, medium chicken breast has none. celery, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and peppers are low carb. Courgettes are also low carb,
    Do you eat fish or chicken? Bacon? (0g) Beef (0g). The recipes in the book are designed to portion the protein so you are not eating too much ( it hinders weight loss)
    Do you like soups? If you do then a stick blender is a really useful tool.
    You’re right about onions, they are good for the gut bacteria, as are leeks and garlic. If you like sauerkraut that is good for you too ( I can’t stand it). Note to self – look up the carbs in courgettes, onions and leeks! Chillies are good for reducing inflammation ( I LOVE them!)

    Your comment about overweight doctors made me chuckle. When I smashed my leg a very obese consultant with a massive beer gut told me I needed to lose weight in a very dictatorial way- I’m 5’4″ and weighed 8 and a half stones! You should have seen the faces of the medical students who were with him! One popped backed in to comment on it!!

    Don’t worry about going off thread – a few of us have done that!! What is it about you ex army blokes who love to read academic books? My ex army brother is the same – he can’t get enough of history tomes! But I enjoyed your comments on things, Rob.

    Please let me know which foods you like and I’ll do a three day plan, but it might come much later today so eat what you would have done on plan today.
    Finally do you eat full fat yoghurt? Cheese? Berries? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Sabrina77 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Morning All,

    Its week 5 for me & after a call to the doctors this morning I have a very big smile on my face!
    Had a Hba1c test last Monday & got the results this morning. In Nov 2015 it was 54mmol & the result today was 44 mmol ๐Ÿ˜. Best encourangement ever.
    Weight is down from 151lbs to 140lbs…
    So have decided to reduce my metformin from 1000mg twice a day to 500mg twice a day.
    Had a few slip ups but got back on that horse!!!!

    Just need to increase the walking๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  • posted by  Bill1954 on 2P or not 2P
    on in Fast 800

    it sounds completely normal to me, especially in the first couple of weeks.
    Week 1 you would start to lose fluid anyway as the sugars that are bound to water in your cells are rinsed from your body. After that, it’s really just the results of the high fluid intake.
    You don’t say if you are diabetic, but high urination in diabetics is one of the body’s ways of getting rid of excess sugar.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on The planned day off diet
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Lostgirl
    I was talked into trying a little trifle and cake over the weekend, and the strangest thing happened.
    I though they would taste sickly sweet as I have been off sugar for so long, but, they actually had a taste that I couldn’t identify as being sweet. Fortunately, they didn’t spike my sugar either.
    That hasn’t happened to me before and I’m wondering if it’s happened to others but I think I can say with certainty that my sweet tooth is well and truly gone.
    Just hang in there and take it one step at a time, the benefits will soon pile up.

  • posted by  Whalleyrange on 2P or not 2P
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I’m in the second week of the plan and have have started to lose weigh, sleep better, wake up feeling more refreshed and no real hunger pangs (so far). The only thing that I have noticed is that I’m having to pee much more than before. Before the diet I always made sure I drank plenty of fluids and have not made any significant changes to the amount I drink. However, I am peeing much much more and also need to get up most nights to relieve the bladder. Is this a result of the diet, has anyone else experienced similar problems. Thanks for any feedback.

  • posted by  hashimoto on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Congratulations Newlife, you’re one more person who did not end up in James Cook University Hospital A and E dept suffering from an over indulgence of Easter Eggs!! They even put it on facebook!! Just shows how much we need to get the word out there through our petition!

    I must say if it was not for the fact I am gluten intolerant it is the Yorkshires which I would miss most, so well done you for sticking to the plan! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Rob on Lightweight/heavyweight!
    on in Fast 800

    Good morning all,

    How bad was Easter for every one?? ( in the diet sense not the religious )

    Eggs every where, hot cross buns…. Nightmare..

    Was in Tenby yesterday….and it isn’t until you start your diet or on the diet ( I describe the BSD as the diet to my friends ) that you notice all the bakeries, coffee shops, chip shops, pubs, restaurants , sweet shops, greggs, …etc…they are every where and they were packed with people!! But I was good I bought an apple ( the biggest in the veg shop ) and it tasted lush!

    I think I am over the diet urge, as the cravings have gone but I still get the gold fish bowl over the head feeling ( every thing is monotone and I am feel numb )

    I read some of the posts and people who are losing the weight and getting in to the trousers/skirts that have been locked away ….excellent ))))

    Whilst walking my girls ( dogs in layman terms ) this morning I realised why I don’t understand food,

    I never made a meal until I was 26 ( every job I had from 15 and 9 months was made for me ( before that my late mum ) I mean the army,…if they didn’t make it in the cookhouse, then they issued us ration packs , the fire service…a chef! Only late last year I found out there was cheese in cheese cake!!!! Couldn’t believe it ( watched come dine with me) and carrots in carrot cake!!!!

    All ,y cooking has been based on stock from a cube, bolonasie from a jar, lasagne from tescos / asda….and when I cook meat i cook it as I don’t know when it is done

    Now I know basically how to cook ( from the book the diet ) I kind of love it

    Could any one list 3 days of good food to eat ( broken down to breakfast, dinner and tea please ) as I am still head shot thinking the menus are set to help the bacteria in the body ( am I right I just couldn’t eat cheesy beans , and steak every day as my body will need other nutrients ??? I have to ditch the avacardo, walnuts…!!

    I used to hate peppers but when they are grilled they are quiet nice

    In return for anyone’s help I can offer education on physics…since my operations all I have read is physics and anthropology ….so fascinating ( as an example speed of light is 186,000 mile per second, it is constant it doesn’t get faster it starts at that speed!! And what is a light year!!! It’s 6 trillion miles ) any way if anyone wants to know about the stuff I posted I will happily try and answer ( remember I had my spinal op in April and didn’t know anything about science so I am no expert )

    The reason why I kind of brought that up because food is a science …we eat for energy, our core temp is approx 98 and we eat to maintain that ( also to move and live ) so when I see people in the know ( doctors, consultants…which are over weight I think what the ek!!!! They know how the body works and the effects bad food has on the body so why??? It’s like dr Mosley says in the book …it’s like putting petrol in the boot!!

    And to me the info I received from yourselves , you know far more that anyone I spoken to…some of my friend shrug the diet of as they know best…but then I get a txt / email asking how much weight I have lost….I tell them and they don’t believe me even though hey haven’t seen me for over a week

    Some people thinks it’s ok to eat 1900 cal and you won’t put weight on…is this right ( so if burger and chips…mmmmmm is 1200 and a cheese cake is 500 cal I could eat that and still lose weight??? ) I went through 6 months for a having a latte and a cream scone for dinner!!!! And even though I was training I was slowly gaining weight ….. It just doesn’t make sense !!!

    What veg are good for you!??… Onions?? Green peas ( jolly green giant peas) turnips and can I have a bowl of porridge every morning??? The Scottish oats ones and if so how much can I have??

    Will finish on a question… Has any one ever thought why the Egyptians are not the top people of the world today ( rem they introduced us to arithmetic, algebra,algorithms …etc…they named 2/3 of the planets !! They ruled for over 2500 years and build the tallest structures “pyramids” that was the tallest for approx 4 thousand years ) it’s ok if I get a telling off for diverting from the topic but this is how I get through the day not eating))

  • posted by  hashimoto on Please sign our petition
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Bill, you ARE going to be very busy, I know what month ends are like in the pharmacy business. Hope all goes smoothly for you despite staff illnesses ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  NewLife on What have you eaten today?
    on in Fast 800

    Hashimoto, I think I missed the yorkshires rather than the potatoes but it was still pretty darn good!

    Yesterday –
    B: FF yoghurt, mixed seeds
    L: on the road – peanuts c50g
    D: leek+bean soup

    Today –
    B: FF yoghurt, sunflower seeds
    L: smoked salmon salad
    D: leek + bean soup (last of my batch so I need to start thinking about tomorrow’s dinner…)

    A chocolate-free Easter! Whoop!

  • Hi , nice figures
    LizEgan, got it in one, it is the carbs that are the answer.
    What you have thought of as hunger pangs for years were far more likely to be carb cravings.
    Once you get about a week into the diet, those cravings go and if you experience hunger then, it’s real hunger, the kind you get when you’re due a meal, not because the body wants sugar !
    Keeps your carbs around or below 50g / day and the weight will go.
    Skywalker, you made this answer easy by posting just what can be acheived with a little perseverance, well done.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Please sign our petition
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m going to be busy at work over the next few days due to staff illness and I have the end of the month figures to do and payments to make.
    Once I get through that lot, I’m going to trawl through all the football forums and other niches I’m aware of and drop the petition link in them, should get a fair few signatures
    If anyone else on here posts in other forums, please leave the link there, and let’s get this petition moving ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Lesley91 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Inka,
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words, every other diet I have tried I always just think ‘ oh, I will start again tomorrow’, this is the first time I have stopped and told myself TODAY! And you are right, you can find so many excuses to eat rubbish – when the best reasons are the ones to eat healthy and get fit.

    My weigh in day is Friday so I will definitely post it and embrace it!
    (Also, pizza isn’t as good as I remember aha)

    Thank You! xxxx

  • posted by  Inka on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Lesley91,
    Dont disspair…. you will make it. Most people seem to have a setback at some time, but you have the right attitude … Yes, get back on the horse, and dont cry about yesterday! Dont forget, that your weightloss up to now is fantastic and if you hadnt stuck to your guns up to now, you would not have got that great result! You know that you can do it, you have already proven it. I know how you feel, I have been at that point many times before, not on this diet, but just about all my life, before this. I let it beat me so many times, and I made silly excuses to myself, why it is OK, to stuff my face again! …Really being able to say no, takes time, but once you have done it a few times, you will be all the stronger for it! . just contuinue the great work you already have done…. Let me know how your next weigh-in goes. Dont be scared of it, just take whatever the scale says, as a new beginning, you will be up and running in no time. Chin up… We are all behind you!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Lesley91 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    On Week 7 now, was going to have a ‘fat’ weekend after week 8 and go out for a meal to treat myself but we went out over the weekend and I didn’t take a packed lunch. Ended up with a carb heavy breakfast and lunch, finished off with an Easter Egg. Then last night I was unprepared and ended up with a dominos pizza.

    Feeling bloated, have indigestion and feel like I have let myself down. Lacking the motivation to get started again but I have prepared my meals for today so no excuses. Whenever I over eat I seem to get into almost a depression – I just give up on everything, no motivation at work…etc.

    Going to get back on the horse, I am planning on another 8 weeks anyway as we are getting married soon.
    I have lost 2 stone 3 lbs so far but not weighing myself any time soon as it will demotivate me even more ๐Ÿ™