Latest forum posts

  • posted by  AnnieW on Risk of renal failure being triggered?
    on in Fast 800

    Again, not really an answer but just been reading a “healthy swaps that are bad for you” piece on a running site. One bit reads “studies have discovered a link between high levels of fructose consumption and kidney, liver problems” but as we don’t, or shouldn’t eat high fructose, it shouldn’t be a problem. They also say there is a suggested link between high fructose consumption and growing obesity problems.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    thanks guys, it’s nice to see faces old and new πŸ™‚ and day 2 has dawned. I’m off work today – we’ve been juggling this week as My son is only on week 2 at school and still only half days. I’ll be working the rest of the week though. This morning the plan is – walk to school with son – take the long way back for steps πŸ™‚ then I’ll have my breakfast which I think today will be a few strawberries and some fage yoghurt. After that it will be out in my den for a couple hours as I’m attempting a few new bag designs so it’s cool to have the time without my son around and I can have a look at some of the other posts here too because I haven’t had the time yet πŸ™‚

  • posted by  Inka13 on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Nonna Mary,
    I’m still here too, just plodding away… had a really stressful week last week plus all the family down with the flu so easing back into things this week. Have hardly had a drink in the last two weeks, so that’s a plus!

  • posted by  Switzerland on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Izzy,
    Welcome back. You’re making some of us feel ‘the passing of time’. Your son’s at school now and some of us remember you setting up your den.
    Your craft work (as always) will be helpful in keeping your hands busy and it’s such an outlet for your creativity. The other positive is that the den is away from the kitchen.
    Looking forward to reading your thread and contributing to the conversation.
    Best wishes.

  • posted by  Hello 66 on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Fantastic news re your weight onetowatch , sounds like you’re in for good news from your Doc.on Wednesday , will be thinking of you and wishing you all the very best , look forward to hearing about this important visit . πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜˜ H66 .

    Glad to hear you have returned to your old self Allie , you are obviously feeling more relaxed , & less stressed , that in turn will good for your Husband too , as I’m sure he doesn’t want you to be worrying yourself sick , it’s not always easy to keep it under control when we worry about those we love dearly , so good that Nonna Mary has been able to help play a part in getting you into a better head space πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜˜Go Nonna Mary .

    Nonna Mary , how very cute time spent with that sweet wee Grandbaby , they really melt your heart don’t they ?
    Our 1 st was picked up every time she squeaked , must say it made it hard those first few months to get any meals prepared , & household chores attended to , whilst at home alone , before hubby came to take over the Baby carrying , but I don’t believe you can spoil babies with love , cuddles and attention , she is the sweetest , most loving , caring ‘person ‘ any parent could wish for .
    Must say we worried a little when baby number 2 was about to arrive , but there was never any sign of jealousy over having to share the attention .
    You know why you’ve gained that bit of weight this week , understandable in your present circumstances , youre half way to dealing with it if you know the reason , hopefully this next week won’t be tooooo disruptive , and you will be able to stay on track !

    I’m also wondering when Liz will feel strong enough to join us , hope it’s soon , but most of all hope she is learning to cope with her significant loss , she knows she is thought about often 😘😘
    Hope everyone else is doing well , I am 😊
    😊 H 66 xx

  • Hello everyone. Apologies for my absence, have had a bit over a week of a lot of pleasure, some stress, but it seemed like every waking moment was programmed and it didn’t include being on-line.

    Weigh-in this morning was at 64.1kg which is the same as last Tuesday’s non-reported weigh-in and the same as the previous week. Considering a lot of the pleasure and some of the stress involved staying in a ritzy hotel for a conference/reunion and catered breakfasts, lunches, dinners, then add the after-parties, I’m not so displeased with the weigh-in result. Blood pressure up a bit, however, so back to basics right now.

    Haven’t had time yet to read all the recent stories, will do that tonight, but best wishes for all today’s weighing in xx

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Lol it wasn’t deliberate to have next to no fat just how it worked out today. It will balance out, I usually have cheese most days and I’ve got some full fat yoghurt in the fridge. Tomorrow’s dinner is going to be roast chicken and I will roast some veg in olive oil, I also like nuts so I’ll munch those sometimes as well. For lunch tomorrow I remember last time I did bsd making little wraps with lettuce filled with ham, cheese and tomato. I’d forgotten actually how many bsd friendly things I liked to eat!

  • posted by  Esnecca on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Izzy, your food today looked quite low in fat. Were there healthy oils, nuts or cheese in there somewhere? Veggies and legumes, depending on which ones and how much of them, may have an okay amount of fiber, but probably not enough to give you a feeling a fullness. Turkey is so lean it’s really just protein. A half ounce of cheddar has 54 calories, 4 grams of fat, 3 of protein and makes a lovely last course. A half ounce of Brazil nuts is higher in calories (87) and has 9 grams of fat. It’s my preferred close to the day. A woman cannot live on soup alone. πŸ˜‰

  • I’m glad I could help, Cassie. πŸ™‚ I’m not a big chocolate person so someone else can be of more aid to you in that arena, but I believe I’ve read other people on this forum worked up to 85% chocolate, starting with 75% and gradually increasing the cocoa percentage when they got used to the strong flavor. Just be sure you measure, weigh and calculate according to the serving size on the nutrition panel, that way you’ll keep the sugar grams low while still enjoying an after-dinner treat.

    On the fruit and nut side of things, these at-a-glance charts might be of use to you in deciding which to buy and how much of them you can afford to eat.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    My Den is my favourite place Ancient weaver! it still needs a second coat of paint and then I plan to use the den as a big canvas and paint fantasy scenes around it πŸ™‚ As for wishing you could – well every thing I’ve learned about painting has been from youtube tutorials, I’ll bet you could surprise yourself if you wanted to give it a go!

    Foodwise I’ve managed to avoid stuffing anything else in my mouth today and it’s bedtime so I *should* be safe now… Night all πŸ™‚

  • Thank you Esnecca!! That’s so so helpful – I thought as much but wanted to double check…. there’s so much conflicting information about good sugar/bad sugar etc I am so confused! No ive not got any blood sugar issues (that I know of anyway) but have put on a lot of weight after having my two babies so want to start a new healthier way of eating as well as lose a few pounds. I guess I’ll ride it out until these damn sugar cravings disappear – I’ll try the chocolate though. I have the recipe book so think I’ll just stick to recipes in there for the next 7 weeks to be safe – thanks again for your help xx

  • I just looked them up on their website and the nutritional stats are terrible, I’m afraid. There is no way you should eat those on the BSD. The sugar figures are shocking. You’d be far better off having some Greek yogurt with blueberries for a sweet snack. A square of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (85% or higher) might also do the trick, but it will probably seem very bitter to you in the beginning.

    Do you have any blood sugar issues (insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes)? If not and you’re just doing the BSD for weight loss, you can be a little looser on daily carb limits, but even so most people aim for about 50 grams of carbs a day total. If you’re doing this diet for real, you can’t afford to ingest 40-50+ grams of sugar a day, not to mention all the cereal carbs. Your sweet tooth is fed by sugar and white carbs. It’s a vicious cycle. One of the goals of doing something as drastic as the BSD is to break that cycle.

    The good news is that if you are committed to cutting out sugars and bad carbs, the cravings will lessen or disappear and eventually your taste buds will change until sweetness no longer holds the appeal it once did. I found that change a wonderful, enlightening experience. It’s like my palate finally grew up. Good luck!

  • posted by  alliecat on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Never fear, Nona Mary, I’m still here! Not much activity around here today. What a lovely day you must have had
    with your daughter and granddaughter! I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with my 3 nephews when they were
    little, all grown up now, and making their independent way in the world. Time passes so quickly, unfortunately. Do
    you live in close proximity to your children?
    Sorry that this hasn’t been a good week, weight-wise, but you can only turn the page and be prepared for the
    week ahead. You can do it! Did Onslo/Al intrude? I’m doing well on that front. I think meeting everyone here
    as lowered my stress hormones, not been obsessing so much about my husband’s health, etc. He says he
    has seen me returning to “my old self”, which is an entirely good thing. You have been a part of that, so
    I’m very grateful to you, indeed. I don’t envy you “tarting up” and having unknown people showing up at incon-
    venient times for viewings. I wish I could forget those days, but they are still alive and well in my memory a
    decade later. Sleep well, my friend.

  • posted by  Esnecca on 2017 MINI-GOALS. WHAT ARE YOURS?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Jackie, thank you (and your PT) so much for the detailed list of ab exercises. I have printed them out and will do every one tomorrow. I’m so excited to give them a try. There is enough overlap with Pilates that I feel confident I can hack them. Thanks again!

  • posted by  Esnecca on 2017 MINI-GOALS. WHAT ARE YOURS?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Wow, Allie, our journeys have been parallel going back almost two decades! We’re like weight struggle twins. πŸ™‚

    I Googled the skin/fat question and found a wide range of answers. This thread compiles a bunch of statistics from people who have had skin removal surgery and the weight removed ranged from a single pound to 25: . My conclusion is that there is no standard way to assess the difference and we have to play it by ear. Like you, I would never in a million years agree to be on a show like Skin Tight where the price of surgery is your nationwide humiliation (slow motion video of people running in shorts, thigh skin flapping in the wind? that’s just mean) and exposure of your deepest insecurities. I might consider the surgery itself, but that would be far in the future. The recovery period doesn’t daunt me. My biggest concerns would be the abilities and finesse of the surgeon and the exorbitant cost.

    I’ll trade you your hilarious golfball breast story for my brutal feline rejection story. My cat stalked over to have a sit on my lap, put on foot on my slidey thigh and quickly retracted it. She tried again and even though this time I flexed my quadricep (which is actually decently developed because I’ve done light weight training for a year and a half) thinking that would firm up the surface to her satisfaction, she decided it was still way too seismically active and sat on my shins instead. Is there any living creature more ruthlessly insensitive than a cat? πŸ˜€

    Right, mini-goal. I had a woosh of epic proportions this weekend so as of this morning I weigh 129 lbs. Waist measurement remains unchanged, of course.

  • Hi all,

    I’m one week into the 8 week BSD and just getting my head around it all as it’s completely changing my way of eating which I am loving so far!! I can’t believe how tasty all the food is in the recipe book. My question is though, I am one of these people that craves something sweet after my evening meal…. I have tried various options but I just wondered what people went for to satisfy this craving? I’ve looked at the nakd bars which are made of dates and nuts, of which I’ve seen a similar recipe in the BSD recipe book but they seem quite high in carbs/sugar which I’m trying to get away from – would these be ok as an occasional fix or not really advised?? Sorry if this is an obvious question but any other suggestions are greatly welcomed πŸ™‚

  • posted by  Joes Nonna on New life choice for determined alcoholic
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    One to watch…I am in awe of your fasting and dedication. Well done.

    To those of you who like Chicken Soup….I am pleased for you, but I don’t like it at all. My mother gave me soft boiled eggs with butter when I was ill….but then she wasn’t a very maternal person. Still loved her though!

    A little news I want to share…I had a lovely couple of hours with my 3 months old granddaughter today, who chuckles..yes chuckles…such a lovely baby, but so spoiled…doesn’t like to be sitting or lying on her own…I did warn her mom lol…

    On the weight front…I seem to be 3 pounds up since last week….think I know why….haven’t had chance to measure because getting house ready for appraisal…so made poor choices. Have to start again tomorrow. Where are you people? Miss reading your posts.

    Liz…missing your presence here….come back soon. I know I am being selfish, but it may help you too!

    Lots of love,
    Nonna Mary

  • Well done Lois for sticking it out- it wasn’t easy to keep the faith! Go you!

    I think it’s fine to take a day or so off – we are all human beings. The key is to identify what works for you on the indulgences and no one can really know what that is but you!

    I’ve just spent a month in Italy and in that time I had. Three small scoops of gelato – around one a week. And still managed to lose weight ( but I did do some 24 and 36 hour fasts ). Different strokes etc …

  • posted by  Onetowatch on 1st August Start – Anyone with me?!
    on in Starting the BSD

    Mona what fantastic results – you must be stoked! That is phenomenal- that’s what I lost in the last five weeks!!!

    Go you!

    Jackie- remember the good ship vegetable! We were in cham at the start of our Italy tour- I am now back on the sofa at home- nice to be back.

    Weighed on scales at my local gym- my regular scale- this Arvo after fasting I was 73.4 so need to get .9 off for weds weigh in. Please keep everything crossed for me- it means such a lot to us. Xx

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    I’m on 734 calories, so if I am starving later I might have another cup of soup and see if that staves off the cravings – better that than biscuits!

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone πŸ™‚ well there is always lots of talk on here about carb limits but ultimately these are down to the individual. When I read Mr Mosely’s book it didn’t say anything about that – just eliminating the processed stuff and generally having less carbs in particular the simple ones. Any actual limit is individual choice but it can be useful to track and see what works for you.

    Processed porridge – the instant stuff is definitely not BSD friendly but he does say in the book that a bowl of proper oat porridge is probably ok for some – again down to the individual.

    Eggs – 2 or 3 eggs is fine, totally agree that too many eggs is a myth! they are a very good nutritious food and also a boiled egg could be a good snack JAX! I pickled some last time I did BSD and loved those.

    I used to make mini quiche type things in silicon cupcake moulds – those were nice πŸ™‚

    Craft stuff – I paint, sew and make stuff with beads. It’s been a bit of a journey really! I had an art teacher tell me I wasn’t artistic when I was 11 and I never tried to paint anything again until I was 40 and looking for something to help with anxiety. So I anticipated painting on paper for medicinal purposes and binning it – but actually I’m not bad at painting and now several people I know have artwork of mine of their walls so that’s awesome. I also had an old sewing machine of my Mum’s and I started sewing too – making keyrings, purses, handbags, cushions – ooh and a robot bean bag lol. I upgraded my sewing machine and I’m addicted to all of the above. Ultimately I’d love to make a living at it but it won’t be soon due to other commitments but I’ll build it up slowly in the meantime. I don’t think we are allowed to post links like that on here are we? But if you look on Facebook for Dragonfly Dreamseeker – that’s me.

    Ok so lets have a run down of my day so far food wise.

    I got up and had my morning cuppa and 3 boiled eggs ( love them mashed up with salt and pepper)
    AVOIDED biscuits offered by a customer – woohoo for me.
    Drank 1.5 litres water as well as some tea and the day isn’t over yet.
    Home about 1500 and had a cup of soup. (veg and lentil)
    dinner was turkey and bean casserole with broccoli.

    Earlier my son wanted an ice lolly and as is our habit I asked him to get me one without thinking. I ate a tiny bit off the top then thought NOOOOO and then my inner saboteur kicked in saying… oh it’s just a bit of frozen juice what harm can it do? and then I thought no. I don’t want it, I don’t need it, so I binned it, which I’m kind of proud of. It shows how much of my eating is habitual.

    Unfortunately even sitting here with a full of turkey casserole tummy – I’m now thinking I’d like to eat more – I won’t list the cravings and give anyone ideas but needless to say I want to eat lots of the things I shouldn’t!

    So… Once my son is in bed I will hide in my den and make stuff or paint stuff and hope I can avoid it tonight and sup lots of herbal teas. If someone wouldn’t mind popping along and tying me up so I can avoid raiding the cupboards that would be grand, thanks in advance πŸ™‚

  • Just thought I’d post an update to this. It turns out you were all correct πŸ™‚ I’ve started losing weight again on the scales – I’m now exactly 1 stone down, and another inch off my waist too. So pleased with this.

    Also, you’re right in that the fantasies I’d been having about a packet of crisps is starting to lose its appeal. I’m finding I’m just not craving or that bothered about these “treats” anymore. I do still really miss alcohol though!

    Two-and-a-half weeks to go.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Risk of renal failure being triggered?
    on in Fast 800

    There were certainly reports of this with the original Atkins Diet, but the BSD, whilst similar, is not the same and is as much about good nutrition as it is weight loss. Like AnnieW, I have not heard of any reports of renal failure on the BSD. Given the back up scientific research carried out by Professor Taylor in Newcastle, I’m sure had there been such issues, it would have been commented on before.

    At 18mths in, I’m certainly not going to be worrying that there is such a potential, as I feel healthier and fitter than I have in years and will be continuing with the way of eating long into the future.

  • posted by  Ancient Weaver on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Eggs being bad for you is another myth. Free range are actually especially good for cholesterol! For normal non diet eating, I consider 3 standard eggs as a portion but they are quite calorific, so that’s 250calories, so when I’m trying to keep to 800, I frequently have just one. Eggs are excellent food, so I try to have some every day, and If I haven’t eaten much in the day, I do still have 3 as part of my evening meal.

    Definitely a good idea to weigh cheese! Sometimes 1/2 oz is enough . . . sometimes not. πŸ˜€ Definitely needs to be savoured for maximum satisfaction.

    I used to love porridge. I made it with 50/50 oats and ground almonds, but it’s taboo until I get to a healthy weight. (For me, all cereals in whatever form are now taboo and root veg are only allowed as a taste, not a proper portion.)

  • posted by  AnnieW on Risk of renal failure being triggered?
    on in Fast 800

    Not definitive and I’m not medically trained but I’ve not heard or seen anything in the news and Dr Google hasn’t come up with anything on a quick search. Not sure how eating healthily as per plan could cause renal failure – recoverable or not. Quite possibly someone, maybe more than one, on this way of eating already had underlying problems (known or unknown) which were exacerbated in some way by the plan, maybe said persons were doing it in an unhealthy way.

    I would say it’s a scare story, I’m surprised there haven’t been more before now (or maybe I’ve missed them).

  • posted by  Kerry9 on Risk of renal failure being triggered?
    on in Fast 800

    This last weekend I was in conversation with an NHS practicioner who said they had heard of cases of mostly recoverable renal failure being triggered by this diet – is there any grain of truth behind this what seems to be a scare-story?

  • As you’ve found, you don’t have to use raw fish at all. I’ve use the same dressing with cooked shrimp and canned tuna, and I’ve used smoked trout undressed because it is perfect on its own.

    I’ve been on forums since the late 90s and everybody needs a break sometimes. You’ve just achieved a goal you’ve worked for for a long time and it’s only natural that you need to compress. Just don’t let the principles slip out of your grasp while you’re offline. Tell every digestive biscuit you come across to pound sand! We’ll be here when you’re ready. πŸ™‚

  • posted by  JackieM on 2017 MINI-GOALS. WHAT ARE YOURS?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hey Esnecca

    As promised some of the abs exercises I do.

    Lie on floor, knees up so when you lie down your back is fully on the floor. Sit up, then slowly back down until you reach the ‘biting point’. Shoulders should be well off the floor at this point. Slowly bring one knee into tummy, then slowly back out and onto floor. Then the next leg, continue alternate legs for 20 (10 per leg). Sounds easy, hurts if you are doing it right.

    Russian ball. Back to the old biting point. Take feet off ground. Twist whole of upper body to right and touch floor by your bum (or further back if you can) and then over to the left. 20 reps (10 each side). Easier if you are holding a weight in the sense of actually touching the floor, harder in terms of doing it (obvs).

    Back to biting point, with feet on the floor, knees up again. With shoulders just off floor, make a circular motion with your upper body, so out to left, up to sit up, back down, out to right, back to start position. Shoulders do not touch floor until the end. 20 reps.

    Sit ups – but really slowly, going through every vertebrae as per Pilates. Knees up for this too. 20 reps

    Reverse sit-ups. Lie on floor, legs in air, raise backside. Arms can be on floor for support, I find in air helpful, or holding something behind. 20 reps. When you get good at this you get to twist i.e. Do it to one side then the other.

    That’s all I can think of now. I only do three exercises as session. Pete is keen to overdo abs, as it can be a bit counter productive if you do.

    Hope at least some of these are new to you! X

  • posted by  SunnyB on Started on 18th Aug for 8 weeks
    on in Fast 800

    Papaya would be too hefty on carbs for me, but if you can work it into you regime and still lose weight, that’s great. You seem really enthused about getting rid of those 3kg and I’m sure you will get there with that mind set and focus.

  • Hi S-G …. yes, I’m here lurking around the forum at the moment. Weight the last couple of days has been okay, but not reporting until tomorrow, as I am worried there might be a bounce back in the morning, which is what happened last week. Confess I have let the weighing/measuring of foods slip over the last couple of days, so if I can weigh-in the same tomorrow as today, I’ll be happy.

    Look forward to finding out everyone’s results tomorrow – hope lots of us will be reporting something positive, including the two of us.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    I found the veggie/egg things done in muffin tins stayed too soggy – much prefer the patties. couple of eggs a day should be okay I think, providing you are getting plenty of veggies too. Steady with the smoothies, keep an eye on the carbs, especially if you are adding quite a bit of fruit. I found when I was using smoothies as part of the BSD, it was difficult keeping the carbs down, as even a little fruit seemed to have quite a big impact on the resulting carb content.

    Oats are a no-no for me because of the carbs, but I know some people still use them. I guess it depends what carb allowance you have set per day and the size of the portion you are eating. Personally, I steer clear of all grains and cereals, just to be on the safe side. Even doing that, there are days that it’s a struggle to keep my carbs as low as I prefer.

    It’s important to weigh/measure everything you consume, even a small piece of cheese for a snack, otherwise there is every chance that you will be eating more cals and carbs than you think.

    Have a look at the ‘Review, Renew and Refocus …..’ thread, as there are lots of foodie ideas on there.

    Best of luck …

  • posted by  JackieM on 1st August Start – Anyone with me?!
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hey Mona,

    A massive πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ from me! That’s awesome! Hope you’re feeling awesome too.

    Still in France. Still easily walking 10,000 steps. Now know not all steps are create equal. Also think should have extra calories burnt for listening to moanin, whining children. Honestly, one little wrong turn …. (added about 40 mins to journey very steep up and v steep down 😬)

    Would not have been able to do that before BSD on an empty stomach without feeling wobbly, but in fact didn’t eat until 2.30pm because last nights omelette was so huge (and that’s even after I left half!) I couldn’t face breakfast.

    Something has definitely changed in terms of energy levels. I never got how changing your diet could make you feel 10 years younger before πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸπŸπŸ (mountain goats) xxx

  • posted by  Jax51 on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Great advice guys, thanks. I eat veggies with eggs for breakfast as do the whole family…it’s strange to think we’ve only been eating this way for a year or so, it would have been alien before, previously cereal! 😧I need to get back into the smoothies & already on my 4th glass of water for the day πŸ‘
    I like the veggie Pattie idea, I’ve seen similar with muffin tins & I in a slow cooker, which you then divide up. I need to be mindful not to overdo the eggs though…are 2 eggs per day ok? Or do people think that’s too many?
    Love yogurt & berries too, although I wouldn’t be able to stop with cheeseπŸ™€ No control..reckon I’ll have to weigh it & perhaps grate it.
    Any thoughts on oats? Think I’ve seen a recipe in the book with coconut milk? I’ll have to check.
    What crafts do you make Izzy? I’ve got a Harry Potter jumper to finish 🏰

  • Hi there is there anyone out there (there 3 times in one sentence must improve my vocab). Didn’t get a swim yesterday, it was really hot while sat out having brunch and said I would wait until it cooled down around tea time – 5pm sky went black, thunder and lightening, so no swim. Hot again today (37) so had a 25 min swim after shopping this morning, at least it is done and I can fit in another later if the weather holds as there is no forecast for storms.

    Anyway my weight stayed the same this morning so I have managed a weekend with no damage and looking forward to tomorrows weigh in. BG slowly going down, 106 this morning (5.8) and booked my appointment for Hb1Ac for 8.30 am on 6th Sept. Hubby will drop me off at the laboratory and he is taking one of our cats for his vaccinations so both of us having needles. Will give him a catty cuddle. Keep on keeping on…

  • It is just as bad in my doctors surgery. I was waiting for the receptionist to finish a phone call and browsing on a leaflet ‘Advice to Diabetics’ when in the 5 steps to good health, there it was in black and white = Eat a starchy carbohydrate 5 times a day – 3 with meals and 2 snack’. That is exactly the advice I followed after seeing a nutritionist and I gained 5kg in 3 months and BG shot up from 120 to 190. Ahgggggggggg

  • posted by  SunnyB on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    You’re right about forgetting what constitutes a breakfast food or a snack food etc. Soup makes an excellent meal any time of day.

    I often make little veggie patties with a few eggs and whatever veggies I have available, sometimes with a little cheese too – you can also add herbs or spices if you like. The mix is fried off by the tablespoonful and the resulting patties keep very well in the fridge, so can be made in advance and either eaten hot or cold. The last lot I made came out at 51cals and 0.7g carbs per pattie, but obviously you would need to make calculations according to what you use in any batch you make.

  • Verano, sounds like you need to take care of yourself and focus n next week, before you get back to the BSD proper. You’re valuable contributions will be missed here, but right now, it’s more important that you put your own needs first.

    Hope your op goes well and you make a speedy recovery. You know of course, that we’ll still be here when you’re ready to return to the forum properly.

    Take care …..we’ll be thinking of you.

  • posted by  Ancient Weaver on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Ooh, what sort of crafts?

    I find cheese is the best afternoon snack, and if I overdo it, I just eat accordingly less for the evening meal. That said though, I am trying to remember to use drinks to keep my appetite in check between meals.

    I’d like to do a proper fry up breakfast, but it’s too much effort too early in the day, so I usually have either a protein shake or berries and yogurt.

  • posted by  test1 on Started on 18th Aug for 8 weeks
    on in Fast 800

    back on track….also good to see the weight is still on downtrend @ 66.5 kg

    I have always been vegetarian but great to explore so many possibilities of low carb diet being vegetarian. Also realised papaya is an option in terms of fruit @ 11g per 100g – not too bad. Eggs, spinach, nuts, cheese, yoghurt, cauliflower, hummus, little bit of lentils / beans / legumes – and many more – and their combinations ensure that the diet is never dull.

  • posted by  Izzy on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Bissell so nice to be remembered 😊 crafty stuff is great still really enjoying it all!

    jax yay I have a reboot buddy! Afternoon snack hmm… yoghurt with a few berries? Nuts are a friend for me I can imagine it would be harder without them πŸ˜‘ a little bit of cheese with tomato maybe? A slice of ham.

    Other advice I remember from 1st time is to let go of the preconceptions we have about what constitutes as ‘breakfast food’ or ‘dinner food ‘ or ‘snack food’

    A small amount of anything you like that’s BSD friendly would be ok for a snack. I had soup for breakfast last week for example. Not known as breakfast food but I liked it ☺ I’ve a new pot made yesterday and I’ll probably have a cupful after work as a snack.

  • posted by  alliecat on Next Step Recommendations?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, Louise

    I agree, the beauty in this way of eating is that your goals can be accomplished in many different ways. I’ve lost
    142lbs in approximately 10 months. I think we all have different temperaments though. I went straight thru be-
    cause I was sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time, felt great, and I was impatient to reach my goals.
    I really wanted to reinforce new habits so just continued on. Sincere congratulations on a 2 stone loss in 6 weeks!
    That’s tremendous, particularly since you have PCOS. I”m working on maintaining now, and reading this forum
    is even more important now that I’m trying to figure out what that will look like for me. I hope you stay with us!
    Best wishes,

  • Thank you both …. but sorry to say my motivation is still pretty low. I’m not counting, weighing or logging at the moment but I am eating according to BSD principals and trying to be mindful. I just feel that I need a break from contributing to the forums for a while. I’m sure, as avid and long standing contributors, you probably understand better than most, that sometimes you just need a change. I haven’t given up on this WOE, and nor will I. I really enjoy eating this way and I so appreciate your new food ideas. They say variety is the spice of life and that’s just what you are helping me with now!

    Sometimes it is hard to find motivation. I have reached my main goal which was to be completely drug free ( although I only took metformin!) before my next birthday in December and while I do still have quite a lot of weight to lose it seems less pressing just now. In saying that I need new clothes. At the moment I look a bit like a ‘bag lady’ wearing somebody else’s ‘fat clothes’!!! So it will be onwards again in the not too distant future once I get my surgery out of the way next week.

    I have never made sushi before but I am going to give it a try. I’m not a lover of raw fish unless its smoked but thanks for that recipe Esnecca. I found so many interesting recipes on the internet and as soon as I try some, and they work, I’ll post them. I have to admit I don’t really fancy cauliflower rice there seem to be so many other different options using a ‘spread’ and vegetables, avocados and even canned fish. So I am still here but only quietly in the background!

  • posted by  Jax51 on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi there, I’ve just written some goals & plans & thought I’d look here for some help to restart, & delighted to find you allπŸ˜€Especially Izzy rebooting same day as me πŸ‘ & well done sunshine-girl!
    I’m a serial dieter, never really achieving very much, but always trying. I work & have 2 adult sons living at home studying, & husband working long hours. We’ve divided the chores & cooking etc, but it’s still up to me what they cook & we have various allergies ( I carry an epipen) and intolerances ibs etc between us, so food isn’t easy to coordinate. This time I’m considering sorting my meals separately & prepping in advance to limit excuses.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on mid afternoon snack that’s nut & sesame free? This is my weakest time of day, when I’m most likely to fail & I figure if I can have something ready I’ll be prepared.
    Enjoy the Bank holiday if you’re in the UK😎

  • posted by  Bissell on Izzy's reboot!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Izzy, welcome back, I was wondering about you only the other day. How’s the crafty stuff going?
    I’m still here, more or less (!) maintaining, but slowly creeping up, if I’m honest. So, fresh start today for me too!
    Best of luck with everything.