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  • posted by  chinta on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Just finished reading it this morning and am motivated to get going too! I have around 5 stones to lose, am 56 years old and recently diagnosed type 2. I would LOVE to lose weight but more important to me is to get my blood sugar down. At diagnosis it was 21.9mmol/l, as of this last week it has been around the 10mmol mark, due, I believe to having ignored my doctor’s advice of cutting out sugar (which to him was the obvious chocolate, pastries, jam, sugar in coffee) and ignoring my diabetes nurse’s advice of having at least one starchy carb with every meal so that my blood sugar didn’t dip to hypo level (some hope at this point!) and instead following the low carb/high fat diet. I live in France and my sister-in-law (who’s also diabetic and didn’t agree with my diet) sent me the Daily Mail article about the Michael Mosley diet so I bought the book because he seems to advocate what I was trying to do.

    My main problem I can foresee with his recipes is that I HATE spinach and in rural France I can’t get hold of spring onions and one or the other seems to be in just about every recipe. Anyone got any substitute suggestions?

  • posted by  judyjc on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone… too….read the book last week too …used the weekend to prepare and am ready to start. Think I may need your encouragement to keep focused and on track! I too have yoyo dieted for most of my life and I want to find an eating lifestyle that works. Keep you posted. Good luck all

  • posted by  GrumptoGlam on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Water water water. I can’t stress it highly enough. They say If you get to the point where you’re thirsty then your body is already dehydrated. I’ve come to realise (2weeks in) that pre diet I would eat when I was actually thirsty. I had a headache the first couple of days but once I was up to proper hydration I honestly feel on top of the world. Last night I went to bed with a headache and realised I’d only had a couple of peppermint teas all day. I really have to stay on top of it. After writing this I’m actually going to set alarms on my phone …or find an app for it! Sounds anal but I know exactly how you feel, it’s like your addiction is saying “nah, go and have a huge plate of carbs and everything will feel better” I think it’s the cold turkey effect. Good luck and stay strong xx

  • posted by  woobear45 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Wow what a lot of us starting 1st Feb! I read the book last week and planned to start Feb 1st too but decided what the hell and started Sunday. My weight is 13st 3lb and I am 5′ 6″ waist 46″ and blood sugars usually 6.6 fasting . Also wake up for loo twice a night and thirsty so I probably have pre diabetes.
    Good luck every one 😀

  • posted by  gateofheaven on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Dear Natalie,
    i think you’ve diagnosed yourself. That time of the month. Hang in there. You say that you have never done so well before and that sounds heartening. I look like i’m losing weight easily, but it has been very difficult as i am juggling medications and foods for several illnesses all at once and have to be extremely careful. thank goodness i’m a health educator and have a hand’s on doc. I’m exceedingly heavy, so my weigh losses will naturally be higher than others. Try not to compare yourself with others; especially not with us big girls, lol! I only wrote how well i am doing after a plateau in the hopes that it would encourage others.
    Stay with it, i think you’ll be very pleased.

  • posted by  Natalie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Nessie I’m up 600 grams over the past two days. I’m reminding myself that it’s that time of the month when I retain water, but it’s still disheartening. And it took me 5 weeks to lose 4 kg. Some people seem to lose weight so much faster. But I’m still plodding on. I’ve certainly never done so well before, despite the bumps along the way this is the easiest diet I’ve ever done and I’ve stuck to it the longest!

  • posted by  Nessie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    I have gained 200g, which I am severely upset about 🙁 Not going to give up, I did accidentally go over by about 200cals yesterday (mainly in fats, due to excess avocado at dinner), but sheesh, how cruel of my body to gain from a measly 200 cals! I am feeling rather jealous of those who lose weight so easily!

  • posted by  jmjski on Welcome to The Blood Sugar Diet Forums!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Week 1 done and I am thrilled. I have had a 3.8 kg loss, my blood sugar is back in the normal range (my sugar levels were pre-diabetic) and I have lost 3cm off my waist.
    I have always tired to diet “correctly” and not lose more than a kg a week because of it affecting my metabolism etc and this has meant I have always fallen off the wagon because the final weight goal has seemed too out of reach.
    It is wonderful to be able to achieve significant weight loss quickly and not be damaging my body but actually helping it.
    There have not been any hunger pangs and it is nice not having the roller coaster of quick energy followed by extreme tiredness throughout the day. I am going to continue this for the full eight weeks.
    Thanks Michael – I believe you have saved me from becoming a diabetic!

  • posted by  gateofheaven on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Weight loss started again; just as we were advised it would. I cut out dairy, which doesn’t always agree with me and anything with any type of sweetener, includes meds which i substituted. The number of calories on the egg carton verses what they they weighed and their calories was significant…. sneaky devils (2 different brands and sizes). Only weighing those guys for a while now until i know the averages!
    Wahooo! 2.8 pounds this week (17.2 for the 3 weeks – i’m a big girl). 2″ off waist. BS down 10 points. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • posted by  Nessie on High Cholesterol and the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet..
    on in Fast 800

    Hi 🙂
    I also have high cholesterol, which I only found out about recently, having always had great cholesterol (I am vegetarian, so never been something I have concerned myself with). The GP explained to me that high cholesterol can be an indication of metabolic issues (such as diabetes) and although my BSL was fine, it was a really kick in the backside and a wake up call. I am going to get my bloods done again at the end of this 8 weeks (I just started on week 4), and then again when I have lost all my weight.
    Best of luck

  • posted by  Nessie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi smileymiley1 (love your user name, has such a happy sound to it 🙂 )
    Best of luck as you start. It is great you have some knowledge about how things will go, I hope this is a great journey for you 🙂

  • posted by  andypandy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Jan

    Well done! That’s brilliant news & very encouraging. Please keep us informed as to how you get on this week as it will encourage us all to go for it & we’d love to follow your progress.


  • posted by  Jan6959 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi All

    I bought the book last week and started last Monday – I too have been a yo-yo dieter all my life have type 2 diet controlled for 2 years.
    Have had an amazing result lost 9.5lbs!! Don’t feel hungry and really motivated to continue… Best of luck to you all – take the challenge and make this happen we can all do it!!!


  • posted by  andypandy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Yes, we are very alike! Same age, similar amount to lose, lots of diet books & my mum had diabetes too. Sadly she died a couple of years ago & the diabetes was a contributing factor so there is no way I want it either…

    Let’s definitely keep in touch & hopefully Mermaid2 will join us as we begin our new way of eating & living 😊


  • posted by  Smileymiley1 on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    I am starting tomorrow after just finishing the book. I am going to have 2 shakes a day and an evening meal totalling 800 cals. Here goes and good luck to everyone.
    I did the Newcastle Uni diet on my own and lost 22 lbs. felt great levels were good but sadly I put the weight back on. I had no support from my doctors. I’m hoping this time to keep the weight off and I have started jogging x

  • posted by  andypandy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Vaughnie, Great to read your post. We sound very similar as in having similar amounts of weight to lose & having all the diet books!!! Yes, let’s compare & encourage & be successful together. We can do it!

  • posted by  Vaughnie on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi there mermaid2 and andypandy I am starting tomorrow too. I have about three stone to lose. I’m doing my measurements and weight for real in the morning. I have every diet book possible but this one seems to make so much sense and give fast results – I’m too impatient so am hoping I can see some changes IF I stick to. Can I join you both in the comparisons and encouragement please?

  • posted by  Vaughnie on After 6 weeks, thinking ahead
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done that’s amazing you must be so happy with that. If it’s working for you and you’re enjoying it why not do another 8 weeks, especially knowing you can switch to 5:2 whenever. S
    I’m starting tomorrow and feeling excited.

  • posted by  andypandy on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Mermaid2, I have read the book today & start tomorrow, too. I am a 53 year old who has yo yo dieted all his life & has diabetes in the family so really worried as I am currently around 3 stone overweight & 48 waist 😢 I am determined to follow the diet & make this the last diet I ever do & stay for & healthy & avoid the diabetes.

    Good luck with yours & perhaps we can compare & encourage each other as the days go by?

  • posted by  Laska on Week 2 help please!
    on in Fast 800

    Are you eating plenty of vegetables and drinking lots of water?
    I was just thinking , because when I went on the dreaded Atkins diet (which was high protein and fat but restricted onthe types of vegetables you could eat) the same happened to me.

    I havent found the same so far on this regime (apart from a little wind admittedly – but that I think is reintroducing beans back into my diet). However i’ve been doing it only a week (but have lost 5 lbs.) but I have been glugging the water..

    Keeping up with the water is very important though I think..

    Perhaps there will be someone along in a bit who has been on this longer than I ,and who can reassure you more

  • I don’t drive far, Katy, as I get lost easily but I’m glad I can drive because it gives me much needed control. I’m also hoping the diet will help – I am so big right now and was always a tiny thing until life just got too difficult to handle a few years ago. I’m sorry about your loss; I hope your boy is now doing OK and without those drugs.

    Hello Jessie, I’ll check out what you advise, though not likely to be anything much especially for Aspies round here – they have only just got an Autism Lead for the county! I’m realising that despite the relief of having a diagnosis at last I’m still very isolated. I know one or two Aspies via Facebook but they lives a long way off. I can empathise with the PTSD; I was diagnosed as having Complex PTSD 2 years ago and did some work with a wonderful trauma specialist. She helped me with 2 very big issues from the past and these are now safely processed. I understand mindfulness can be good, though I need a quiet safe place to practice it – which at present is definitely not in the home as disturbance from next door is constant, but working on getting a move. Last year was the ‘finding out stuff’ year this needs to be the ‘getting well’ year. I know I will never free of Aspergers but am sure that the lift to my self esteem once I’ve lost weight will help me feel better about myself. I’m glad the mindfulness is working for you. x

  • I’ve just weighed myself after 18 days and my weight seems to be down by 12lbs. I’m really encouraged. I know a few lbs must be water, but still got to be quite a bit of fat in there! Stupidly didn’t take the advice about other measurements but am sure the big chunk of fat around my middle is a bit smaller.

    I’m also really enjoying finding tasty foods I can eat and surprised by how much choice there is.

    Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling good.

  • Hi
    Google meditation and/or mindfulness for aspergers. You’ll find a range of websites. Try to find a class that’s specifically for those with ASD. Surely there must be something available by now through one of the societies?
    Mindfulness, practised regularly, changes brain structure, and is fantastic for stress reduction. I suffer from PTSD and find it wonderful. I know yours is a developmental disorder, but there is evidence out there to demonstrate its effectiveness with Autism.

  • posted by  Fit_My_Jeans_Again on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
    on in Fast 800

    I have been using Exante shakes and also bars on and off since I started 18 days ago. Even though they have around 18g of carbohydrates per sachet, I have been testing my urine for ketones, which indicate if your body is burning fat. And so far no problem for me, it is burning fat every day. I think that is slightly lower than the carb count for Slim Fast, but Slim Fast aren’t designed to be used on a very low calories diet, as far as I know? They seem to cover the bases re protein, vitamin and mineral content, although I usually add a bit of extra salt to avoid getting muscle pains.

  • posted by  captainlynne on After 6 weeks, thinking ahead
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    6 weeks in to the BSD I’m thinking ahead to what I’ll do at the end of the 8 weeks. Do I stay on this or move to 5:2? In th6 weeks I’ve lost 23 pounds (10% of my starting weight) and dropped at least a dress size. More importantly my FBS is down in to the 5s, with the occasional 6. A considerable improvement.

    My diabetes nurse is delighted. My BP is now low and she’s checking if I can come off those meds. She asked if I would stay on this or move to 5:2 and I wasn’t sure. I’ve had no problems on BSD so would be happy to stay on it unless evidence it would be better to move to 5:2.

    Which is the best direction to take? Opinions please.

  • posted by  Cat on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi bunlover

    I am in my 60s too and have been using gym for 20 years but carrying an extra stone now , you probably shouldn’t be in the gym so soon after flu so not surprised that you were puffing .would have thought you should be losing the weight by just dieting and normal Day to day exercise without going to gym you don’t seem to be doing anything wrong so I think just tweaking a bit here and there would help
    Just reading your post -how big a portion of porridge are you having and are you using half/half milk water ? And most importantly is it rolled / jumbo oats or the instant variety . I was surprised by cal content of the instant variety

  • posted by  happysheryl on Recommended level of carbs?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I have Dr. Mosley’s book, and thankfully, there is not carb gram counting! It’s basically a Mediterranean-based type of eating, with food recommendations. Frankly, after a lifetime of counting either calories, carbs, fats, points and food ratios, about the only thing I can count is 800 cals twice a week (I’m doing the 5:2 version mentioned in the book)!!!

    I already feel so much better with the junk cut out.

  • posted by  bunlover on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for your reply Penny. Yes, I have not been active whilst having flu. Tried once to go to the gym but coughed so much I had to leave in disgrace : ) for fear of making everyone ill.

    But an inactive person my age and gender would burn 1600 without trying it seems! So I have to find out what works for me.

    I have the Fitness Pal app and count everything even the little milk in tea etc. The only carbs have been in the porridge (allowed i think) and the veggies (no potatoes). No cheating except for one scone in all that time.

    Will join the group you mention and battle on anyway. Hope it is all going well for you?

  • posted by  Cat on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi there I have following since Monday this week but I have lost 5 lbs I have similar health issues to you and need to get my large waist down to natch my otherwise small frame I am not feeing cravings -I am eating very little carbs -only 30 g porridge oats made with water ,2 cups of tea with semi skimmed and odd small yoghurt and everything else is either veg meat fish chicken bit fruit and nuts , am drinking glass of water before every meal and in between

  • Ahh Asda at 5am sounds like bliss but I can’t drive. You obviously need some stress and anxiety relief and I understand how hard it is to get help. Son was briefly on risperidol after his father died but whilst it worked he piled on the weight and I’m sure you don’t want to be on medication. I don’t know what to suggest, I’m sure you have spoken to your GP so all I can do is say is keep posting. Maybe the weight loss and BS reduction will have a positive effect. X

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Bunlover- great name!
    It must be so disheartening not to lose.
    I am only making some guesses here.
    Having the flu so presumably having to sit about waiting for it to go will have taken up half at least if the days so far?? That would affect your losing weight. Maybe it’s crucial to not go over 150-180 every day? That’s about 20% extra cals. I suppose they’ve worked out 800 is the right amount. I think you don’t increase your intake on those days but I’m not sure. Maybe follow the excercise regime Michael suggests instead? ie 10,000 steps, and the exercises he uses?
    Are you managing to track the fluid intake, which I find difficult I must say, both tracking it and managing so much. Re carbs. What about fruit?
    One helpful thing would be to join the group for The BloodSugar Diet on My Fitness Pal. You find it in ‘community’ .Very supportive and MFP is great for tracking and tells you what carbs etc you’ve had. ( maybe you’re on it already!)
    Hope this helps.

  • posted by  bunlover on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi all, I’m new here too. Started the 800 cal diet 21st Jan and lost nothing at all yet. Scales atuck at 75kg which gives me a BMI of 30 so I am obese.

    Not eaten ANY bread, potatoes, rice or pasta at all during these 10 days. Counted calories and usually am over by 150 or 180 only but a women my age would need 1600 calories a day so why would I not be using them up I wonder?

    Had flu during this time but went to the gym yesterday first time since being unwell and burned off 300 calories. Regularly spend an hour there walking, cross trainer and bike or Zumba and never butn less than 300. Should I increase my intake on days when I do this?

    Just confused really as to why I didn’t lose weight so far and what to do about future gym work and calories used up there.

  • posted by  malkay on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Mermaid2. Welcome, and good luck this week. Your stats are nearly the same as mine. I too am 5ft, waist size the same as yours, and this time last week I was 10st 4lbs (I work in stones and pounds). Although my waist size has not yet changed, I have lost 4 lbs, and my blood sugar seems to be stabilising. I have hypoglycaemia, and am not crashing as much as I was. I am not calorie counting, and am probably going over 800 cals most days, but am sticking to the principles of the diet, and I believe it is working. As my sugar stabilises further, I will further reduce my cals to achieve 800. This site and forums are excellent for advice and encouragement. Good luck again, and let us know how you get on.

  • posted by  Mermaid2 on Just read book and starting tomorrow
    on in Fast 800

    Hope that I can keep positive and also active. Really hope to make a massive change in my life. Don’t have diabetes but not to far off it. Weigh 65kg and only 5ft tall or 10 stone 7lbs so really overweight. Waist measurement 92cm or 36 and1/2 inches.

  • Hello Katy, thank you for your reply. I read somewhere on the web that people with AS did not have a very good outlook if they were unable to control or avoid stressers (easier said than done!). So I assumed there was a link between stress hormones and general health. Seems I’m right from what I read in Dr Mosley’s book. I have had CBT in the past but it had no effect; I get so overwhelmed by the anxiety when a trigger kicks off, or I have too much sensory input,that nothing else figures. I hope that now I have the diagnosis it can be treated more appropriately because before that the people I saw didn’t actually know what they were dealing with (over 30 years in the mental health system, it took my own research to get a diagnosis). Getting help as an adult is difficult to impossible depending on locality and I am doing lots of research myself, contacting various people and trying to get some support. It’s pretty exhausting! I can fully empathise with your son’s distress, and I really hope he can get through his A levels OK.

    I don’t think the actual diet will stress me, but I am concerned about the fact that still being in a continually stressed condition might mean the total effect of the diet will be compromised – does that make sense? – as Dr Mosley emphasises the importance of de-stressing. First thing I do when anxious is eat whatever I can lay hands on that is sweet – bad stuff. Shopping is OK, I go to ASDA at 5am on Saturday mornings to avoid people! There’s one cashier on then who knows me well, so I get through it OK. x

  • I have a 16 year old ASD son who is overweight. Whilst I won’t put him on a diet I am hoping that the lack of sugar and simple carbs in the house will help him. He suffers immensely from anxiety so I do my best to keep it to a minimum plus he goes to a special school who are brilliant at managing it and suggesting techniques to reduce it. I had no idea about the cortisol I will check it out. Have you had any counselling? Son has it 3 times a week plus I also want him to have CBT as he is doing A levels and is simply unable to get round to doing independent study – he knows he has to do it, the thought of it stresses him and then he has a meltdown so I don’t push it and we are back to square one. I would say just do your best. Anything is better than nothing and is still going to help. Ask about counselling and have a look on the Autism Society website. I am sorry I can’t be of more help and I must ask why you think doing the diet will stress you? Do you think it will be the idea of menu planning, shopping or will it be a kind of performance anxiety if you think you aren’t doing as well as other people? I’m sure I don’t need to tell you we are all different but I do understand where you are coming from. Keep in touch.

  • posted by  Lesleyp on Examples of meal-replacement diet shakes
    on in Fast 800

    I have been using the Herbalife shakes ( I am not a rep or have any financial interest in this company btw). I find them quite tasty and work well with almond milk, making a meal replacement shake for 130 calories. They have about 9g of carbs per serving, and are nutritionally balanced.
    I tried some PhD shakes but found them too sickly sweet.
    I make up a double portion to take to work, half is my breakfast alongside a green shake made with green veg and some fruit, then have the other half on the way to the gym ( twice a week) and as a snack the other days.
    With semi skimmed milk they are 200 calories.
    Cost wise £28 for 30 days supply.

  • posted by  Jcee on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi could someone reply to me what would happen if I stayed on 8week blood sugar diet a lot longer then 8 weeks …