Yesterday I suffered a major hypo – never had one before. I had taken a BP tablet immediately prior to starting my session with PT and not eaten as I read it would be OK. Its definitely not! Had to break the BSD and eat carbs. BP was low and pulse just 45! Nervous now about continuing this diet although I have lost10 over 3 weeks. Do you think it would be better to include a little carb like porridge or is this likely to have been a one off? I am not diabetic nor as far as I know pre diabetic but do have fatty liver, my main reason for this diet.

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posted by elgordo on Problems with book recipie calorie counts – anyone else?
on 25 Feb 2016 at 08:50 in Welcome to the BSDAdam
Agreed. It comes over as careless and unprofessional.
Onwards and upwards – just have to count it all out individually and treat the recipes with caution.
Maybe the recipe author was tired at the time??
I agree – only on week 1 but last night I found the courgette prawn was grossly inaccurate and ambiguous. Lots of confusion around served 2 but the calories did not nearly add up and I double checked with my wife, who is infinitely better with numbers than me. We also used a few different calory tables as source info.
It’s disappointing as this for me, is the most time consuming and confusing area for the whole diet. I will now count it all myself.
Maybe the recipe writer was suffering from low blood sugar?? -
posted by Adam on Problems with book recipie calorie counts – anyone else?
on 25 Feb 2016 at 08:38 in Welcome to the BSDThis has also been my experience with the recipes and calorie count elgordo. I have counted the calorific value of several of the meals which has left me confused and I am now counting every calorie when making up the recipes. This is very time consuming and frustrating as the book should give exact weights and grams of each ingredient..after all, we are dealing with nutrition and an overall balanced diet for people with a medical condition.
I have lost weight but I found out in week one, that I would use the book as motivational sauce and guide rather than an accurate measurement of my food intake.
I wish you well on your diet. I have lost 13lb in 3.5 weeks, so it can be done. I just wish the recipes were weight and calorie counted for me and not so vague.
posted by luckyloser on Calorie miscalculations on some recipes 🤔
on 25 Feb 2016 at 08:26 in Fast 800I stopped loosing weight in week 3 so I started logging all my food on mfp although still following the recipes in the book. The recipes with nuts are the main culprit – a handful of nuts etc so I have really cut most of the nuts out of them and just snack on a few nuts (weighed and logged) if I feel hungry. The portobello mushrooms with pine nuts did log the same cals on mfp so that one is OK. Now I have put the meals into mfp, it is quick to log the meal again as I eat it and check what adaptations I have made to keep the calories where they should be. I’ve had a couple of tricky weeks with family meals out etc where I have just stayed the same weight wise but happy to report the weight is coming off again.
Thanks for the tip. It is weak, but when it’s the only ‘coffee’ taste you can digest, you settle for it! However I haven’t touched it since starting so I’ll stick to my fruity infusions for now.
Glad to hear that – things are very unpredictable at the moment so I’m looking forward it settling down a bit. I’ve been on the plan for a little over a week and despite eating so much less I feel a bit bloated and peckish at the same time!
Wow Sue 4 and a half tablespoons of coconut flour ???
I followed the recipe exactly using one and a half tablespoons and my mixture was a thick paste rather than a batter. -
posted by elgordo on Problems with book recipie calorie counts – anyone else?
on 25 Feb 2016 at 06:57 in Welcome to the BSDThanks for taking the time to reply.
Exactly my point
So, half of 558 = 279. The recipe states that an individual portion is 390 so even with your calculation that makes the recipe more than 100 calories out as they state the recipe serves two.
100+ calorie inaccuracy is not rounding up or down to the nearest 10
Link to 12 sleep tips.
The Headspace app is great.There is an argument that dips in blood sugar levels during the night wakes you up, so eating your evening meal later may help.
Writing down concerns and things to do before you go to bed is a great help. So is keeping a note pad next to your bed so if you wake up with ideas going round and round in your brain you can jot them down.
I’ve adapted to my sleep patterns. I wake up at 4am, so that’s when my day starts. It’s a running joke at work.
Hi Penelope
Half a cup of oat bran is 23g carb and 167cals. Wheat bran is 6g carb and 84cals. The counts are for unprocessed bran. Even though the oat bran is higher I seem to recall that it has a lower GI than wheat bran. You will have to decide whether to use it or not. If you need it to add fibre to help with digestion then why not try psyllium instead? -
posted by Cherrianne on Problems with book recipie calorie counts – anyone else?
on 25 Feb 2016 at 03:47 in Welcome to the BSDOh dear, what a frustrating start for you elgordo. I checked it out for you on my app and it came to 558 cals but it is quite possibly more depending on what size leek or courgette you use.
The tablespoon of oil is 161cals, the beans are 160 cals and the prawns are 177 cals, that’s without the juice, veg etc.
The only thing I can think of is you may have missed an ingredient or typed in the wrong amount of something when doing your calculations.
The book does say the calories are rounded up or down to the nearest 10, and yes it does say the count is per portion.
You are right, there is so much to learn on this diet and everyone has their ups and downs in the first few weeks. Much of it goes against previous thinking on how to lose weight and manage diabetes but it is backed up by sound research from a variety of sources.
The forum is here to help and you’ll always find someone to give you advice or support. Stick with it, and when you find yourself confused or needing a boost just post on here. Good luck with it all, no doubt we’ll be hearing about your successes soon -
Thanks, great idea, I will download it now. Cut the carbs and dropped another 2.5lbs so now lost 1 stone! Just hitting a combo of flax seed, chia seeds and hemp seeds in my morning yogurt so hope that will start sorting out the issue!
I was hitting loads of greens but have not done so for a week or so, best get back on the case.
Appreciate the advice and hope it is going well for you too? -
Hi , I wonder if anyone out there can tell me if oat bran and wheat bran are allowable, or whether they’re too high in carbs? I find the website recommended really hard to navigate, and they don’t seem to list raw ingredients. Many thanks!
In the book and also recipes from Fast Beach Diet (Mimi Spencer), favoured cheeses seem to be mozzarella, feta and goats cheese.
Thanks for this – I’ll take a look.
Hello, can anyone tell me what the best cheese to have is? Im so brainwashed by low fat foods i really dont know what to choose. I know full fat is ok but what one……
Thanks! -
Shadow – I was diagnosed with diabetes nearly 7 years ago, after checking my blood sugar on a friend’s meter and had reading of between 18 and 20. My symptoms were that I felt like I was slightly drunk and my concentration was terrible and I had no energy. My friend was shocked at the readings and made me phone the doctor’s straight away. I have done a fair amount of research since. The average amount of time someone has diabetes before they are diagnosed is 10 years! The longer you have it untreated the more damage it does to your body. By the time mine was diagnosed 1/3 of my kidney function had been lost. I also found out recently that I have scarring on my liver due to the buildup of stored fat. Eventually you can go into a coma with too much sugar but it is a very very very slow process.
A long time ago (mid 1990’s)I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and went on a low fat (high sugar) diet. With hindsight this is what possibly led to later problems.
On a positive note weight today is 10st 13lbs ( 3 lbs lost)
Possiby because of stress my blood reading is 11.Made coconut flour flat bread but used 4 1/2 tablespoons of coconut flour because mixture seemed too runny with the 1 1/2 it said in the recipe.
Also made some coconut flour biscuit/cake things with a recipe I made up. Will try one tomorrow and if they seem edible will post the recipe.
I’m finding The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by S Phinney and J Volek very clear and helpful. It is very much in line with the advice being given from this site but as in book form, it has much further depth and detail. It’s available in hard copy but I’m finding it easy to use in the Kindle format.
Amazing and inspiring bill .I fell off the wagon tonight and had fish without the batter on but then had about five fatty chips! We got our beloved campervan back after a month off the road with a fuel pump gone which had to be sent away so went on family outing to mudeford and had fish and chips! Hope won’t be that bad an effect on my first week weigh in tomorrow morning!
I feel a lot better after the seven days, sleeping better and seem to have more energy which you wouldn’t have thought on 800 calories! I love doing spinach with homemade dressings from the book and salmon, anchovies which I love and sometimes feta cheese! Also managed my 1000 steps easily this week with extra energy for dog walking!
Will post my first weigh in tomorrow! -
Having read in the book that tropical fruits are best avoided due to high sugar levels, why are passion fruit, melon orange and mango included in the recipes?
I am now on day 4 , instead of chomping at the bit for lunch at 12.00 today i didn’t eat until 3pm -I was shopping until then but not ravenous. My blood sugars have dropped from 6.4 on sunday to 5.6 today-lowest they have been for ages.
I am enjoying the recipes especially the portobello toast with goats cheese, and the blueberry and green tea shake was nice. If I feel peckish out come the roobush and ginger and lemon teas. -
posted by elgordo on Question about the No Carbs Ploughmans
on 24 Feb 2016 at 19:58 in Welcome to the BSDI’m on day three and i have to say the recipes in the book are very inaccurate and confusing – grrrrr
posted by elgordo on Problems with book recipie calorie counts – anyone else?
on 24 Feb 2016 at 19:55 in Welcome to the BSDThis is confusing enough as it is. Can someone please have a look and confirm if i’ve got this right or wrong:
Page 215 – Courgetti Prawns. It states ‘serves 2’ and gives a calorie count of 390 (at the start of the recipes on page 183 it states all calorie counts are for one person). I have added up the calorie count for the entire ingredints from a variety of different calorie food tables and keep getting 380-390. How can this serve 2????
Please let me know what you think.
Not helpful
Hi I have been interested in this diet for a while now, I am currently on a hearble shake twice daily and a low carb meal once a day with protein snacks between meals, I am really struggling to loose the weight but feel very well and fairly fit. I am 55 next birthday and ideally would like to loose around 3 stone, I am 5’7″ & 13 stone 13 lbs 🙁
Is anyone else similar to me who could encourage me to embark on the BSD diet, the shakes suit my lifestyle, but maybe they are not helping?
Look forward to hearing from anyone
posted by hashimoto on Is anyone on the diet who has hypothyroidism?
on 24 Feb 2016 at 19:38 in Welcome to the BSDHi Mooster, it’s amazing what hashimoto’s can do to you. I also have dry eyes, dry skin the hay fever all year round, chronic asthma, bronchiectasis, multiple triggers for my asthma and severe gluten intolerance. All these things happened after I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s. It was like being hit with a sledge hammer. Fortunately this diet is helping me to feel so much more energised. A friend who hadn’t seen me for a month was amazed today when she saw me, she commented that I looked really healthy and energetic. She was so impressed she took some recipes home with her and is trying the diet herself.
I’m looking forward to the 8 week mark – not because I want to stop the diet – but to see how much more impact the diet has had.
All the best -
posted by hashimoto on Is anyone on the diet who has hypothyroidism?
on 24 Feb 2016 at 19:26 in Welcome to the BSDHi Reynards, I’m just a bit wary because when I did the 5:2 diet and lost over a stone my blood test showed I was on too much levothyroxine. Then it had to go back up when my weight did. However, my GP is puzzled by the fact that my levels fluctuate a lot – he said usually you find that once you have titrated to correct levels of thyroxine it generally stays stable for life. It may well be that I am just odd. I have made an appointment for mid March so will see what happens then. It would be good to know what happens to everyone else’s levels as they lose weight. I have got to say that I find this diet so much easier than the 5:2 and intend to stick close to it once I have reached my target weight. Wishing you the best!!
Thanks Cherrianne. Good tip – I will do that 🙂
Hi Yumelda,
I don’t see why not. They are about 3 cals more and have less carbs than blueberries for the same weight. I’ve been using them in the green tea shake because they are abundant where I live. I find all the seeds a bit annoying so I leave the shake to settle for a few minutes so they go to the bottom. -
Hi Landrews22. I make my own, but I think Yeo Valley and Rachels Dairy both do one.
posted by Cherrianne on Question about the No Carbs Ploughmans
on 24 Feb 2016 at 18:32 in Welcome to the BSDHi Natasha,
This weekend is the start of my fourth week on the diet and my blood sugars have become fairly consistent now.
The first week or so I forgot a few times and grabbed fruit from the bowl or absentmindedly nibbled a few grapes while packing children’s lunches for school. I had a revelation one day when I ate a nectarine and looked up the carbs to discover it had over 12g. So I am much more mindful now.
My Mum is also doing the diet as she found her blood sugars were getting harder to control and her cholesterol was going up. Neither of us wanted to start medication. She lost the couple of kg she needed to lose and is also back in the non diabetic blood sugar range.
It’s been harder for her to get her head around being able to have full fat products because of forty years of being told that low fat is the way to go.
I think we will both be able to avoid medication now, and we have a great GP who is willing to listen and very open minded. One of my cousins wasn’t so lucky and had to sign a medical waiver when he wanted to try the fast 800 instead of medication!
I agree with you that the food is great on the BSD and is more likely to become a way of life because it is varied and not special diet food. You get inspired to find ways of adapting what you would normally eat. Hence the zucchini slices instead of pasta when I’m making lasagne. Plus the fact that friends and family have started to groan if I offer them zucchini, my plants have gone berserk producing them. So I have to be inventive or I’ll have no friends left, even my chickens roll their eyes when I bring them the scraps lol. -
Thank you for the replies which are most helpful. Still struggling with finding a full fat sugar free yogurt as even Greek style states a sugar content on the label, Any suggestions of the most suitable brands?
Thank you so much for your reply, it is very reassuring. I have ordered a blood glucose meter so that i can keep a check on it. Good lyck on your journey. -
Hey Kev
Coming up to 4 weeks in, last weigh day I had lost 15lb, fasting blood sugar down from 9.9 to the high 5’s.
Never felt hungry but, like others, I have been feeling the cold.
Just got some chickpea flour so baking flatbreads is on the menu 🙂 -
Hi, can anyone help me please.
When a recipe says “1 Chicken Beast” how much should this weigh raw?
Thanks -
Great to hear Viv, keep it up as it sounds that you’re going through the withdrawal that I will be, but it will be oh so worth it on the other side !. If this helps, I have a friend who is/was Diabetic (Type 2), and has lost a large amount of weight on this diet. He swears by it, and although he still has to monitor his B/S, his quality of life has improved exponentially. He honestly believes (as does his doctor) that if he continues with this lifestyle change, his diabetes will be reversed !. I’m pre-diabetic myself, just inside the danger level, and this has really shaken me up into action. Deep down I know I can do this, but I will have to treat this as a prescriptive diet, that is sticking strictly to the 800 cals, and eating very similar foods every day. It’s just the way I work, if I don’t have to think about food too much, such as its breakfast eat this, lunch eat that etc, then I will succeed. My daily plan will be eating the foods that I actually really enjoy, and nourish me.
Breakfast will be a green juice with avocado, Kale, spinach and fruit, as this contains protein and hand on heart, I actually really enjoy it, as I’m not a big eater early morning.
Lunch is going to be a salad every day, because you get more bang for your buck, lots of food for very few cals. It will include an egg for protein, and either chicken, Tuna or sardines for the essential Omega oils.
Dinner will be either steamed fish or a piece of chicken with a mountain of steamed veg, I have to be careful that I fit in with the family to a degree (I have two teenage daughters), and I don’t want them to develop any weird eating habits, so as long as they see me with what they believe to be a decent dinner then all will be fine.
Anyway, enough about me… -
Cheers Bill, how are you getting on ?.,
I started Monday and am thrilled with my BS readings already. Headache is a problem but once drink plenty of water it goes away. I did 12,000 steps today. Planning is a key factor, I bought the ingredients for all my meals at the beginning of the week and will do so next week. I would so love to come off Insulin !
Does anyone have any idea about whether I can legitimately substitute blackberries (from local hedgerow, frozen) for blueberries in the blueberry and green tea shake (or other recipes)?
Thanks Nidge I will give it a go from monday.
hi Kev
80 a day !!! enjoy your grape 🙂
Seriously, welcome to the forums.
There are loads of people on here having day to day success with this diet.
I look forward to you becoming one of themBill
Hi all, I’m on week 2 day 2, down 6.8lb! Going well although very few true 800 cal days but I’m managing with what I’m doing – aiming to keep to under 1000 for most of the week. Enjoying it greatly
posted by Reynards on Is anyone on the diet who has hypothyroidism?
on 24 Feb 2016 at 15:17 in Welcome to the BSDHi Hashimoto. When I saw my GP on Monday I asked him whether my levothyroxine might need some adjustment as my weight dropped. He said it shouldn’t make any difference to the amount I need every day which really surprised me.
I don’t really know about this pre diabetes thing, I certainly hadn’t heard of it before joining the forum.
I was always told both at the GP and the hospital that I had to keep my sugar levels between 4 and 7
You haven’t been diagnosed as diabetic and TBH the comment about diabetic coma is totally irresponsible.
If your levels stay between 4 and 7 constantly you are in no danger whatsoever of having a hypo never mind a coma. -
Hi SunnyB
Pleased it’s going well for you. I’ve had the odd hunger bang before bed but apart from that I’ve felt full during the day. I’ve been forcing myself to drink as I know I don’t drink enough. I’ve been planning my meals for the following day the evening before, I work 9.30-12.30 and if I haven’t prepared or planned in my head what I’ll have for lunch I tend to eat anything within reach without thinking!
I had No-carb bircher for breakfast today and it was so nice!
I started the 5.2 med diet last week and have managed quite well, i think, and lost 3ib. I do find it hard keeping carbs down but have cut out bread pasta rice and potatoes but cant get my head around full faf as for last 40 years i have had fat free but am giving it a try.
I was previously diagnosed as pre diabetes with blood sugar level of 6.1. Due to good diet etc i got it down to 5.5 but unfortunatley have gone off the rails for 6 months. I am devastated to find out today when i went to a local pharmacy and had blood glucose test that it is 6.7. I went because I noticed i was having an itchy skin after biscuits and even though I have cut carbs back am feeling same itchiness today. I also dobt sleep very well when my calories are restricted too much. Part of pharmacys policy is to suggest going to GP within 14 days which i dont want to do as i am going to hong kong in 5 weeks and dont want to have to sort out extra travel insurance. She did say that i could have diabetic coma which has scared me but is it really likely? Is this irresponsible? I would be very grateful for any comments/suggestions.
Should I be using low fat or full fat e.g yoghurt and cottage chees
I meant 800 calories, not 80 ! That would be a little extreme..
Hi everyone, I am officially starting tomorrow on the 80 cal plan. i will initially follow it for 8 weeks, but may increase it to 12 weeks as I have about 3 stones in weight to lose. As always, I’ve researched this topic to death !, but Michael has made it easier for us all, as he has applied his usual high level of commitment and enthusiasm to the subject. I am so looking forward to getting over the first week, which I know may bring a few physiological changes, headaches, hunger etc, but I know these will pass. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have finally found a plan that works and is based on sound scientific principles.
I will measure myself tomorrow morning and then get going on a life changing revolution !!.I’m looking forward to chatting with you all about the various successes (and problems) that you have had, have a great day, speak soon.
Stick with it Viv!
When you start to see those pounds melting away the headache just won’t matter, be gone by then anyway. -
I just started the 8 weeks diet and finding difficult to substitute the dairy.
I am not allergic but I am particularly sensitive to milk and most of dairy products; mature cheese like cheddar is fine.
Does anyone know if I can use soy yogurt and and so on?
Many thanks