Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Buxtonmick on This diet gets results!
    on in Fast 800

    Nic, my hat is well and truly off to you! One of the things that concerns me is that the more people are taking up the 800 or the BSD, it may start to look like an easy thing to do (like driving a car – when I was a driving instructor new pupils would get in the car and think they could just drive. Everyone does it so it must be simple, right?!).
    Well the paths that we on the forums have chosen are a long way from the comfort zone, full of traps and pitfalls and call for determination, motivation and sometimes the support of the rest of the travellers here (which is in abundance!).

    So to anyone considering attempting to embark on the journey back, be prepared for a tough hike some days – it is far from easy for a lot of people but think of the alternative…

    And the view gets better every day. Some people can see their feet now!

    Join us.

  • posted by  BecLouLouWebster on Brown Rice Crackers??
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Cherrianne. Thanks for the feedback. A little disappointing but it’s amazing what you learn just be asking. Appreciate the advice.

  • posted by  hashimoto on I'm losing it…help
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Fofi I think you are right about none is better than 1. If you buy a pack of cans to have one a day there is too much temptation to drink more in a weak moment ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  hashimoto on First salvo fired
    on in Fast 800

    Well done lynne, very proactive of you. We should all take a leaf out of your book ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  hashimoto on This diet gets results!
    on in Fast 800

    Great results Nic, I agree that the fast results are motivating. Wonderful to drop down a category from obese to just overweight. You have achieved a lot in 5 weeks!

    With regards to preparation, I think I was lucky there. I can’t tolerate gluten so hadn’t eaten bread or pasta for years so didn’t have to rethink lunches as I haven’t had a sandwich for years. It is just dawning on me how much easier this made it for me as packed lunches were already in line with this diet – though I did find it hard to ditch low fat yoghurts for the real stuff.

    So a very big well done to all of you who have had to give up bread to do this diet as bread and cereals are the hardest part of the diet to drop and take the most rethinking about . ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  hashimoto on cocnut flour and fat
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi janet and lynne, it must have gone very quickly because I saw your posts saying you had reported a spammer saying it would be dealt with tomorrow (now today) but there was no trace of it last night. So well done you two and well done the tech team ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Cherrianne on Brown Rice Crackers??
    on in Fast 800

    Hi BecLouLou,
    Welcome to the forums.
    Brown rice crackers are about 75% carbs, which is just over 2g carb for each tiny, thin little cracker. Given that you can easily eat 10 of them as a snack, they aren’t suitable for a low carb diet. The carbs in this form are much more easily digested than in whole brown rice so will affect blood sugars and fat burning.
    Even whole brown rice should be taken in limited quantities, and not often, on the BSD.
    Probably not what you wanted to hear, sorry. Just goes to show we have to be mindful of the so called healthy alternatives too.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Weak & feeble!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi sabina, Michael mosley says the first 2 weeks are the hardest so hopefully you should find it easier soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Sabina on Weak & feeble!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    hey friends,
    any idea of about how long the weak and feeble lasts? I am a massage therapist and work is physical, go to the gym 3x week as well. I hope I can cope on this plan. I tried Atkins years ago and found it too hard to work without the carbs! Any one have advise?

  • posted by  BecLouLouWebster on Brown Rice Crackers??
    on in Fast 800

    Inquiring mind here. No bread, crackers etc but what are the thoughts on brown rice crackers? I know we can have brown rice. Are these a no-no as well?

  • posted by  CurlyGirl on Lower sugar foods for kids (UK)
    on in BSD Way of Life

    Hi All,
    We actually eat fairly well already. Butter not Marge. Olive oil for cooking & no pre-packaged salad dressings. I also frequently add pureed veg to thicken soups & casseroles instead of flour. We eat plenty of fruit, salads at least four times a week.
    BUT. My husband is Italian and was brought up with the ”food=love” attitude. He expects bread, rice or pasta with every meal & feels neglected if he doesn’t get it. He is VERY active, being a bricklayer, but still has a “beer gut” despite the fact that we don’t drink alcohol at all.

    All this means that even when I make a delicious healthy bolognaise with pureed lentils & carrot etc. it ends up being poured over an enormous plate of pasta! The kids have grown up with this (my youngest is 11) & now see it as normal, but they will adapt easier than he does. We have eight mouths to feed & have always bulked the meal out with carbs because they’re cheap. That will be my challenge.

    However as I’ve just discovered, once you’re not in the blood sugar spiral you need so much less food overall that I believe it will balance out.

    I’m serving up the cauliflower rice and replacing some of the pasta with spiralized zucchini. Smaller serves of potatoes have been easier, I’ve bulked up the other veg instead & nobody even noticed.

    I think Bento Box lunches have solved the problem of sandwiches everyday for lunch. They actually prefer having a selection of fruit, veg, cheese, sliced meats (I’m doing an extra roast on Sundays & slicing it up for the week).
    I have found one dessert alternative that so far everyone loves (we only have dessert about 3 times a week anyway).
    I peel a couple of bananas and freeze them in a zip-lock bag where I also have frozen berries & any apples or pears that had started to look questionable in the fruit bowl. At dessert time I blend the bananas & whatever fruit I decide to use in a high speed blender with Greek style yogurt & just a drizzle of milk. You have to pulse it for a few minutes to get it smooth, but you end up with an almost ice-cream like substance. It has to be eaten straight away or the fruit starts to brown. BUT it’s delicious and there’s no added sugar. A little banana (two bananas between eight people) now & then can’t hurt & it really provides the creamy bulk the kids are looking for.

    I haven’t discussed the changes with the kids although they know I am dieting, I’m just replacing things & so far there’ve been no objections (at least from the kids) . Hopefully it will just become a new kind of normal!

  • posted by  MaryR on Lower sugar foods for kids (UK)
    on in BSD Way of Life

    The good news is that Xylitol and stevia aren’t artificial- Xlyltol from birch trees (and other sources) and stevia from a plant.
    This link explains xylitol

    Stevia seems to be more difficult to get in the UK, (the liquid one anyway) and the granulated version can often be bulked out with erythritol or even an artificial sweetener. Some people notice a bitter after taste with Stevia, but I’ve not noticed that, perhaps that’s just in drinks. Erythritol should also be fine, though I haven’t investigated that much, since I get on well with xylitol. It can cause some bowel “looseness” if you have a lot of it- perhaps a good thing on this diet!

    Personally I don’t believe that salt levels are a problem as long as they are not eating a lot of processed food, which it doesn’t sounds will be the case with your children- so go for the marmite and nut butters!

    WRT bread- I think wholemeal and wholegrain breads will be fine, the bread Michael refers to is likely to be the “brown” supermarket bread which is really white bread with colouring!

    One post, not sure if it was on this thread or another, mentioned an 11 yr old who although eating healthy food wasn’t very active and wanted more food- from my own experience with one child doing exactly this, and my failure through ignorance to take action at the time so that he is now an overweight 29 yr old, I would really recommend doing what you can to get him moving more. I wish I had done that, and that I had been more proactive in limiting the unhealthy food. Copy of the book is on it’s way to him as we speak!

  • posted by  hashimoto on Weak & feeble!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi quickfix, I don’t know if there is an aldi near you but if there is, by the tills you will find skinny packets of nuts and seeds (just 32p!!) for 153 calories and not many carbs. Could you always keep a packet in your pocket for a quick fix? Janet is right, give yourself a protein and fat hit. The little packets of nuts and seeds do the trick!

    Day 3 is still very early, give it a couple of weeks and you should be feeling more energetic ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  nikkioaks on I'm losing it…help
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi FiFiP

    know what you’re saying about the formal dinners, as the wine is often very good, and I find does make it easier to chat, and the food is lovely. managed to get through one last night leaving the potato and half the carrots, and not worrying about whatever was in the
    ‘jus.’ Had the 3 little raspberries from the desert which felt like a real treat. one of the hardest things for me is leaving food – was one of those brought up to eat everything on the plate.
    great to have a plan to deal with the slipping off. it will happen to all of us, and having a way to get back is a big help.

  • posted by  hashimoto on Shift Workers
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Noswaith dda Denise, you did well with your choices during meals out. Sounds like your body didn’t like the carby flatbread though!
    I would step on the scales because it will give you valuable info – but everyone has their personal preferences on this matter.
    It’s good that you know you can eat out with confidence.

    Re wine: you and I are very cheap to take out lol I can only manage a small shot glass of wine now and even then it makes me tipsy. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Nos da and happy shopping ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  hashimoto on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi omega, it’s not unusual to get withdrawal headaches in the first few days, I just took some paracetamol until it stopped. You should be almost through it now and then you can enjoy the benefits. I have just realised i haven’t had a migraine for weeks, fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  CurlyGirl on I'm losing it…help
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi FoFi,
    Thanks for the tip at the buffet table.
    I’m completely new to forums of any kind. Can you tell me how to find your other thread?
    I’m in Australia (so probably sleeping while the rest of you chat).
    Had to order the book online as I couldn’t find it in any local bookstores. Plan to order more copies and have them sent to my sisters ASAP.
    Most of my kids are healthy weight & extremely active, but my youngest (at 11) is already putting on weight around his middle and doesn’t like to move too much. He eats the same as the others, but is always asking ‘may I have another …’. It feels so mean always saying NO. Hoping I can change his habits quickly.

  • posted by  Denise47 Jones on Shift Workers
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks Hashimoto.

    I had steak and salad and refused a dessert whilst my husband devoured a sticky toffee pudding. We did have wine and I felt really drunk after half a glass! I also had a hangover this morning and didn’t like it one bit.

    Today, we went for breakfast in a pub but I offloaded the toast, hash browns and sausage onto my husband. For tea I had Cajun chicken with a flatbread and salad…was the only thing on the menu that didn’t involve chips, pastry or potatoes!

    I am now in bed with a stomach ache after the flatbread!

    Should I get on the scales tomorrow to see what damage has been done, or wait a few days until it’s all out of my system?

    Nos da (goodnight in Welsh) all, tomorrow is planning and shopping day! ๐Ÿ‘

  • posted by  FoFi on Are all calories equal
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Remember that a lot of the numbers on these sites (myfitnesspal certainly) are crowd sourced. Someone just typed it in. And I have seen a few which have the wrong number. In one case I am sure that someone typed the number from half a pack (so 125g) as the 100g number. Another had serves three (no way does it serve 3 that is a fiction, but a rant for another time) and the person had halved the size rather than dividing by 3. In some other cases I think that they might have reduced the number of calories for the same product. The numbers you see look like someone has made the same mistake for Tesco v Sainsbury.

    Or could some be the cooked weight and some be the raw weight?

  • posted by  captainlynne on First salvo fired
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Patsy. I just can’t get my head round what looks like ordinary roast chicken having been cooked in a sugar marinade.

  • posted by  Libby on No other way to say it – diarrhoea
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Bill
    Not a sugar morsel has passed my lips since Monday – although my lips have been smacking together at the thought of a lolly or piece of bread!
    Yes sugar free lollies will do it as they contain a compound which ‘has a laxative effect if taken in large doses’ so a bag or two might just constitute large doses.
    Certainly not overdoing the fruit (quite a scarce commodity) and have been missing the meat part of food.
    I guess I’ll continue and see how it goes, although this morning didn’t start off well either ๐Ÿ™


  • posted by  Patsy on First salvo fired
    on in Fast 800

    Hope it gets results.

    I like sweet foods, but I don’t want everything I eat to taste sweet. I rarely buy ready made (savoury) sauces, partly because so many taste far too sweet.

  • posted by  Patsy on This diet gets results!
    on in Fast 800

    That’s great going.

    It’s reassuring to know that an occasional indulgence needn’t mean we don’t get good results.

  • posted by  captainlynne on I'm losing it…help
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi FoFi.

    I live alone so it’s not an issue for me normally. But my twin 8-year old granddaughters visit for holidays. Fortunately they don’t eat many sweets anyway, but eat cereal, bread, pizza etc. I did notice the adverse effect a Subway kids meal had on them – they were hyper, nearly running round the walls. They’ll be visiting me soon and I’m hoping they’ll eat more low-carb food while they’re here. At least it’s a start!

  • posted by  Dippymint on Wow week 1 = 8lb weight loss
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Bill, I didn’t notice it in the book and I’ve been trolling the website to double check, was just concerned I might not eat enough calories.

  • posted by  FoFi on I'm losing it…help
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi CurlyGirl,

    I know what you mean about events and food. However, last week I think I cracked it (for lunch buffets at least). I took a high protein meal replacement bar and as everyone was queuing for the buffet I went and ‘made a phone call’ and ate my bar. I was able to stay reasonably far from the food for most of lunch time. I did ate a small cube of Brie as I was passing the pudding table later on. But I wasn’t hungry and no one noticed.

    I am interested in your thoughts on carbs for the rest of the family. I am just concentrating on reducing sugar for now. If I can improve their palate so they need food less sweet that will be a success. I have a thread on this elsewhere on this forum. (Started after Bill’s post above.)

  • posted by  RozyDozy on This diet gets results!
    on in Fast 800

    Well done! I am jealous of your 30lb loss! You are so right about preparation – you have the right mindset. Long may it continue.

  • posted by  Aly on Catastrophic eating emergency support!
    on in Fast 800

    I had a week of catastrophic eating and put on 4 lbs. I have been back on track three days now and have lost the 4lbs. Put it behind you and move on. It is a big change to eating habits and it can be hard. This is a lifestyle choice so just keep going. Well done for admitting to it and getting back on board.

  • posted by  hashimoto on My eight weeks….
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Lucia wow sweet 16 size blouse! How could that naughty easter bunny tempt you now? No no no to going back to size 18 blouse!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  RozyDozy on Headaches and hangover feeling. Toxic diet?
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve been a BSDer for several weeks – and every so often I’m still getting a headache/hangover feeling. It’s not always food related, sometimes a stressful day at work triggers things. However, the most recent episode followed what had been my best week on this diet – after achieving my first milestone (of losing a stone) I started to feel lethargic & headachey, felt hungry & thirsty and finally gave in to my vice of choice (a bag of salt & vinegar crisps). Now I’m feeling better and have found new reserves of energy (and my garden & allotment are benefiting as a result). I think it is just my body reacting to the weight loss and it goes into panic mode (I experience a slight rise in my weight and then a plateau) before the weight starts to come off again.
    So for those of you still in the early stages of the BSD, don’t despair, it is something we all have to deal with but you do get through it. It’s not all plain sailing but next time you feel grotty you are better able to cope. And you will feel better/more energetic more times than you feel lousy. Keeping well hydrated is so important, as GrumptoGlam has pointed out.
    Good luck everyone.

  • posted by  Sharon on Hi Everyone
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Sabina
    Welcome to the group looking forward to hearing your results at the end of week one.