New life choice for determined alcoholic

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  • posted by Inka13

    Nonna Mary – ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€well done on the coat! How lovely and you deserve it! X

  • posted by alliecat

    What fun, Mary, to buy a new coat! What color is it? I was fortunate
    to find a 3/4 length wool blend one in July on sale (40% off!), bright
    red it is. Prior to this purchase, I realized that I hadn’t bought any
    “outer wear” for so many years that my hair was still auburn when
    I got them, and I’ve gone grey for over a decade now. Happily
    they are now completely unwearable, so I get to change my
    color palette. Thus the red…The only part that blows is
    I can now fit into leftover favorites but a lot of them are cinnamon
    or butterscotch or brown, and they look wretched with this hair
    color. Now I’m whining….I’m waiting for the maiden voyage with
    the new coffee maker, so I’m off for now…

    Kazz, I’m looking forward to hearing about your weekend.
    17 pounds, hurrah! You can do the next 90, I have a very good
    feeling about you! Any blips will get sorted.

    Love to all,


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Hi yall,

    Allie, my coat is cream, wool blend. Haven’t had a decent coat for so long! I usually wear what my daughters call “old lady” padded coats. I felt very good wearing this one! I love the idea of a red one, but cream or black was the only option.

    It’s a bugger getting grey hair isn’t it? There may be snow on the roof, but there is a fire in the kitchen!

    Inka, thank you for popping in.

    I am looking forward to hearing from everyone next week. Not much to report unfortunately.

    Take care,
    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by Esnecca

    Okay Allie, let’s see if it worked this time. I sent you an email and Gmail tells me the deed is done.

  • posted by Searchingrockpools

    Hi everyone
    Well Octsober I tried, almost succeeded, longest month to do it in…
    But you know the dedication to an external idea of quitting grog was fantastic. I tried to sign up for a fundraising campaign. In doing so I had to create an online group and identity. but it was me, for me.. so was annoyed at that. I was glad to have an external locus supposedly. Before that, and I do not joke..
    Mary take note… I wrote in biro on the back of my hand, “Liz says no”.
    I ended up short cutting that to “Liz”.
    I have so much to thank you all for, mostly your honesty in dis grace, it has helped me learn to walk along side and be included by my friends. We embrace through our troubles, many thanks for you all. Don’t leave Allie, I’d be devastated, you are a firm compatriot, and mentor, as are you Mary xxxooo
    Love you all, be back soon xxxxooooSRP

  • posted by alliecat

    Eureka, Esnecca! I’ve received your phone number. I have to
    take care of some annoying time sensitive errands this morning,
    but I’ll give you a call very soon. Why do I feel like a Catholic on
    the eve of an audience with the Pope? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by alliecat

    A cream colored coat sounds beautiful, Mary! Wear it with pride.
    I love the idea of “winter white”. I still remember a boiled wool
    coat that was cream with dark green cording that I had in college!
    It had beautiful nordic silver buttons. I hope that someone who
    is in need of it is wearing it today ..Is it fire in the kitchen or fire
    in the furnace? ๐Ÿ™‚

    SRP, thank you for your incredibly kind words. I’ll never leave
    this thread, as long as it exists. In many respects, I think of
    it as a “home page”. When I first joined, some wonderful people
    here reached out to me (you know who you are! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) , and I will
    always be grateful to them for allowing me to participate in
    this new world of blogging. It has truly enriched my life. I love
    each and every one of you!

    This month has flown by. Can you believe we’re almost to the
    end of the month?

    I’m looking forward to hearing how we’ve all done in the upcoming
    week ๐Ÿ™‚


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    SRP you shame me! I was the one suggested not drinking for October and have failed magnificently. When I do something I do it well. Congratulations on nearly making it. I will try that trick too. Good to see you.

    Allie, as long as there is fire down there I am happy. I think you had the right saying though, but then again, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach…just past the sternum, behind the liver I think. lol. We are a proper little family on here aren’t we. It is so good.

    I am having Morrocan Meatballs from the recipe book tonight. (They are chilling in the fridge) with cauliflower rice. Jovis isn’t so keen on the rice part, but is being brave for me. He is such a good person.

    Later peeps.

  • posted by alliecat

    YES, Mary, we are a proper little family. You were on the eve of
    your holiday when you told us about your estranged sister of 37
    years, so I was waiting to comment until you returned, and the
    thread got very busy with new members then, so it slipped my mind.
    On this side of the pond, religious groups that advocate for separation
    from family members are usually considered “cults”. You don’t
    hear much about them anymore, but I’m sure they are still out
    there. I would be honored for you to consider me a stand-in
    sister, flawed as I am! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Enjoy the Morrocan meatballs. They sound very tasty!

    Talk to you tomorrow…


  • posted by Californiagirl

    I could use a new sister too. My older sister is literally crazy and my younger sister is just passively blank. I love them but they are so involved in their own family drama stories that “being MY sister” is always the last thing on their bucket list.
    I would honestly love to have some new “sisters” — Can I join too?

  • posted by alliecat

    Californiagirl, Yes, oh yes, I would love a new sister! One of mine
    has a narcissistic personality disorder, and I’ve had to make the
    decision recently to distance myself from her due to years of bullying and verbal/psychological abuse, not to mention full on textbook
    narcissistic rages acceptable only in a psychiatric hospital.
    Maybe this is why the spirit of sisterhood/support on these
    forums means so much to me. Join us, PLEASE. You would be SO
    WELCOME!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ . How are you and your community doing with
    respect to the recovery efforts in northern Cali? You live in the
    natural beauty of god’s country. I can’t bear to think of the
    devastation out there. My years of living in the bay area were
    some of our happiest years ever, and I’m so grateful that our
    friends are south of it. Let me know how you’re doing?!

    Lots of love,


  • posted by KazzUK

    Good morning my friends!

    Nonna Mary, congratulations on the new smart coat! That’s fabulous news!

    I had a lovely weekend visiting my bestie. However, it didn’t go quite as planned as she decided to take a shortcut across her front grass and in the twilight and covered by leaves, she forgot the edging stones to her path and went flying, badly spraining her ankle! So her evening was spent with her ankle packed with ice. The immediate swelling was the size of a lemon which was really alarming and I thought we should go to the hospital in case it was dislocated or worse but she said it didn’t hurt and could move everything ok. Needless to say, it hurt the next morning alright! The swelling had gone down a bit though. So, she’ll see how it is today. On the foot and booze front – I made a load of egg muffins and took those with me for Sunday breakfast. Saturday evening her partner made a cottage pie with fresh veg so I had a small portion of that minus the mash. I had soda and lime and every other drink added an eggcup of vodka and slipped off to bed, leaving them all to it around midnight. My friend and her brother in law were up until 4.30am so some of us can still pull alnighters! I was SO glad I was sensible! The scales tell me this morning that no damage has been done! My bestie’s sister is a very talented amateur artist and has recently got herself a corner of a studio that she rents with 3 others. It’s an old woodworking workshop that they’ve cleared out and set themselves up in a corner area each where they can do their individual stuff. There are some other workshops on the site where others do pottery, ceramics, jewellery making, graffiti art, drawing etc and they are having a charity exhibition at the end of November so I said I would go to that at the end of the month. I dabble in watercolours myself although I’ve not picked up a brush in a couple years, so I felt quite inspired to dust off my things and retrieve my easel from under the stairs!

    Oh, look at the time, must dash and get ready for work. Have a lovely day/night my friends and see you tomorrow.

    Kazzee xxx

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yay! Thank you Allie Cat! I’m so glad to join your sisterhood! Our fires are out here in Northern California and people are sort of sifting through the mess and evaluating what to do. They’ve got 6,000 homes/buildings to rebuild — it will take a long time I think but there are still many untouched areas that did escape the flames and luckily we got a bit of rain that allowed them to gain control. It is still beautiful and it will recover.
    On the BSD front, I’m still just working every day on maintaining and I think it was Theodora who said it is just something we have to do EVERY day, which I agree with — so after a granddaughters birthday party yesterday (way down in Los Angeles) I’m back on a fast to make up for too much champagne and a (huge) burger. No rest for the weary! Ha ha — it’s ok — I just go back on the straight and narrow!

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Sisters, Sisters, never were there such devoted sisters! I love having new members of family. Allie, I know what you mean about a ‘cult’, but unfortunately, my sister is a member of an established church. They claim not to split families, but it happens anyway. She felt that she was onto a good thing and wanted us all to join her, which we didn’t want to do. So…she left home and refused to have anything to do with us. Telling people that she was an orphan and all her relatives are dead. She even told her Pastor that! He was very surprised when my mother phoned him and accused her of being sick. We don’t know what happened after that. Sad isn’t it?

    Kazz…sounds like you had a bostin weekend. Well done on good choices. I am so proud of you! That ankle injury sounds nasty though. I sprained my ankle twice in 6 months and the pain was unbearable. That ankle is very weak now. I was told by medics that a sprain is worse than a break, because a break heals quicker, but soft tissue takes a long time. Another artist! I am always impressed with arty people.

    CaliforniaGirl, I am so pleased things are getting better. Mother Nature has a way of healing the earth after a disaster, lets hope she is quick about it.

    Later sisters,

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Happy halloween! Are we all steering clear of the candy tonight???
    And that includes the liquid variety ๐Ÿ™‚ The only advantage of apartment
    living that I can acknowledge is that I no longer have to shell out
    $50.00 US dollars to contribute to the dental bills of my neighbors
    (security building).

    Kazzi, you navigated your weekend away very well! What recipe
    do you use for the egg muffins? (I don’t have any of the mosley
    cookbooks.) Glad you had so much fun. I’m envious of your
    friends studio space. I really miss mine. I can still work here,
    but all the tools/supplies I need regardless of whether I’m painting,
    making museum quality Ukranian Easter eggs, sugarpaste flowers
    or dimensional greeting cards, tend to overtake the house because it
    takes simply too much time to clear up each day when I finish
    up. Sometimes I don’t see the bottom of the diningroom table
    for months and we end up eating meals on trays!

    This has been a very productive day. I felt so energized after
    talking with Esnecca on the phone for 1 1/2 hrs that I began
    a serious free weight session with 5 lb. wts. I’ll be feeling
    it tomorrow/today, I expect! Had to take a month off because of
    the concussion, so it’s rather like starting again.

    I’m really hoping there will be a lot of encouraging end of month
    posts today! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • posted by KazzUK

    Well helloooo, my pretties! (cackling witch voice!) ๐Ÿ™‚
    Am listening to Michael Jackson’s Thriller on the radio as I sit here with my morning cuppa!

    Nonna Mary – thank you for being proud of me, I was really touched when I read that. Awww. xx
    My bestie rang NHS direct rather than going to A&E and they said it was likely just a very bad sprain. But as you say, that can take longer to heal than a break. She has plenty of family around her and her one daughter is a nurse! She’s ok.

    Hey – you’ll be pleased to know I wore my fav winter coat yesterday – the one I couldn’t get into when I started this. Yey! it was a cold start yesterday morning, frosty so I tried it on and I could zip it right up just fine. Still a little snug when sitting in it but ano’ther month and I’ll have wriggle room!

    Allie – I’d love a studio also! I could turn the 3rd small bedroom into one at some point, there is plenty of daylight in that room with it being south facing. With all the money I’m saving not buying loads of food and booze, may be that could be a project for next year? Hmmmm, you’ve got me thinking!

    The egg muffins are very simple. Heat oven to 180, grease muffin tray, beat 6 eggs. Finely chop red bell pepper, punnet of mushrooms, bunch of spring onions (scallions?) and gently saute until soft, add salt and pepper, pinch of chilli flakes (optional) then stir through a couple of handfuls of spinach until wilted. Spoon the mixture evenly into the muffin tray, top up with egg mixture, add a bit of grated cheese and bake for about 25 minutes. You could add whatever veg you have and herbs, spices. Crispy bacon would be nice. These were veggie ones.

    Shoot, look at the time, I’ll pop in later…

    Good luck with Tues weigh ins….

    Kazzzzeeee xxx

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Mawaha ha ha….I was working in the lab, late last night….The Monster Mash. Now…in my very best vampire voice…

    Ello my dahlings! I vont yu too nooo…..Oi av lorst 3 powns vis veeek! 2 eenches ov moi vaist, and 2 eenches ov moi eeps!

    Back to me (I know…way scarier!) I am very pleased with myself. 3 pounds and 4 inches in total, since last week. Very very happy!
    I am a very slow loser, so this is amazing.

    Allie, when you meet up with Esnecca, give her the biggest hug from me? She (as you are) is so inspirational to me. I keep telling myself I can do it…you both did!

    Kazz, I am pleased for you and I know you will be pleased for me! We are such a supportive family. I love it.

    Have a great day!

    Love Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Mary, I’m doing back flips for you this morning ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ! I know how
    hard you’ve fought for every pound. Spectacular way to finish
    the month! May Nov. be just as successful for you. I just love
    to see persistence rewarded. Very proud of you!

    Yours in the sisterhood,


  • posted by Californiagirl

    Spooky losses Mary but YAYAY! Good work good work! Four inches is sweet reward! (Better than icky Halloween candy)

  • posted by KazzUK

    Just popping in to say, BLOODY FANTASTIC, MARY! That is a superb result, I’m so chuffed for you! Bloody well done… “don’t stop ’till you get enough…”

    See you all tomorrow xxxx

  • posted by KazzUK

    Oh, meant to say, I weighed in today also as it’s the end of October challenge. Lost another 1 lb, taking me to 17.2 and a total of 18 lbs so far. Just 90 lb left to go!

    See you tomorrow my lovelies. Kxxxx

  • posted by alliecat

    Kazzi, thanks for sharing the extra lb. loss for October! You really
    are on fire at the moment. Never had any doubts that you’d be
    able to get into that coat, only the first of many, I’m sure. Really
    appreciate the recipe for egg muffins, too. Now that it’s getting
    colder over here, hard boiled eggs for lunch aren’t as appealing, so
    I’m going to give them a try. Can you imagine what additives
    esnecca may come up with? I’m dancing on air at the prospect
    of meeting her. I’ll definitely have a notepad with me!
    Mary, have no doubt that I will pass on your greeting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Later, my lovelies


  • posted by alliecat

    Hey Kazz, I forgot to mention how much I enjoy the musical selections
    you throw into your posts..”Don’t Stop til You Get Enough”, indeed!
    Please don’t forget about “One Moment In Time”, which is reverberating
    from the rafters here at the moment.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by KazzUK

    Happy hump day everyone!

    Not a single trick or treater knocked on my door last night! Humph! Fortunately, I was planning on hiding anyway as didn’t buy any treats! Even so…. slightly miffed!

    Allie, I am very excited for you and Esnecca at meeting up. It will be marvellous for you both and I look forward to hearing all about it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    My books have arrived and I’m reading The Obesity Code by Jason Fung. Interesting stuff.

    Nothing else to report today, so I will bid you all a fond farewell for now.

    Lots of love
    Kazzeee xx

  • posted by alliecat

    Kazz, I really look forward to our chats each day. I’m happy that
    you also believe, as I do, that posting a lot is the magic ingredient
    to success in weight loss or maintenance. I learn so much “out
    and about” on other threads. The Nov. challenge is getting off to
    a great start, don’t you think?

    Later, my sweet,


  • posted by KazzUK

    Allie – I do indeed think it is really helpful to not disappear from these forums for too long, it definitely helps keep me going, plus I look forward to chatting most days at least. Yes, the Nov challenge has got off to a great start with lots of people taking part. The maintenance thread is a good read also! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve just come back from a lunchtime meeting where a buffet lunch was provided – finger food – two bites. My heart sank.
    I thought – illness on a platter! EVERYTHING was high refined carbs! Mini beefburgers, mini hot dogs, mini veggie burgers, chicken breaded goujons, mini sausage rolls, fries, small baked potatoes and banana cheese cake with crumbled chocolate brownie topping! None of it appealed to me and yet, that was just the sort of thing I used to drool over. I was starving, not having eaten for 24 hours, so I had 3 mini chickpea veggie burgers – minus the mini buns, to take my hunger away. In the meeting, we were all give individual bags of fudge and mini toiletries. I gave the fudge to a colleague (yak, pure sugar) and kept the toiletries from The White Company – very nice thank you! Just wanted to share.

    Ok, back to the grindstone! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • posted by alliecat

    Good grief, Kazzi, what was on offer for lunch sounds like a mine
    field. Yuk!!! Fascinating how taste changes, isn’t it??? The idea
    of fudge makes my teeth hurt!! In the U.S. far too much processed
    food is part of the average American diet. I don’t know if I have
    this right, but it seems that in the UK there is a heavy reliance on
    starchy potato, mash, etc. Over here portion sizes are also obscene!
    That’s why we seldom eat out nowadays ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Hello all. Not much to say today. Had my dodgy bowel from Monday evening until Tuesday 9:30pm, when I took an immodium. Fully expected to have lost more weight, but no…not with my digestion. LOL.

    Kazz well done on not eating too much from that buffet! I was looking for a ready meal of fish in Marks and Spencers tonight and was appalled at how many meals were breaded or battered. Opted for Venison and made a rainbow salad to go with it. Unfortunately, after fasting all day, my calories have come in at less that 300….I will have to eat something later to try and make it up more. Poor me!

    Allie..I read all the posts on all threads here, as I learn so much and it gives me more confidence in this way of living. Of course, you are an inspiration.

    Well that’s all for now. I hope everyone is well. I think I may watch Star Trek Discovery now.

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Mary, I hate that IBS has such an impact on your life. It must be
    miserable! I don’t know if I could handle it with the same degree
    of grace that you do. You’ve probably tried everything under the
    sun (and moon!) to manage it, so this may be a very stupid
    question, but what opinion do you have about fermented foods?

    Settle in for a good evening with your Sci-Fi!

    Much love,


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Allie. Thank you for the sympathy. I have Kefir and Kimchi every day. Doesn’t seem to help at the moment. In fact, I never know what sets it off anyway. It does make life a little difficult, but, it could be far worse.

    I have a date with Jason Isaacs. Mmmmm.

    Love Nonna Mary

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello lovelies

    You have my sympathies Mary – after those veggie burgers yesterday which were quite spicy, I was totally with you on the bowel front! I’ve noticed that hot and spicy sets me off these days! I’m going going to ring the doc today to see if the receptionist will tell me my coeliac result and liver function test results. If not, then I have a phone call booked with the doc for a week on Saturday so will find out then.

    Allie – not sure about potato specifically, but i do know we are 2nd to the US for fast processed food. Our portion sizes aren’t as big (yet) but we are getting there with 24/7 supermarkets.

    I like a bit of sci fi myself, so I hope you enjoyed Star Trek, Mary.

    I’ll pop in later xxxx

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Morning. This is early for me. I have my youngest granddaughter today whilst her mother attends a course. I am going to be sooo tired tonight! Plus I didn’t sleep well and Jovis woke me at 6:15.

    Kazz, good luck with the results. I am sure they will be good. I love sci fi, and so does Jovis (just as well really). We also enjoy, Christmas films (I married Mr Christmas and we are Joseph and Mary, have watched a few already), a good whodunnit type thriller, comedies and action adventure as long as it is tongue in cheek a la Indiana Jones. We are not into horror films (unless they are funny), slasher movies, or war/realism films. Life is too precious to waste time watching stuff you don’t like!

    I have to say about the food here in the UK, it depends where you go. My local pub serves ‘food’ and everything is covered in cheese! Another one is a little better but I find their salads to be limp. If you pay a little more and go to independent restaurants (not food chains) you can actually get decent food, cooked by real people instead of pre prepared stuff that is reheated. Portion sizes have long been an argument with me. I could easily only eat a child’s portion. I have trained myself to leave food on my plate rather than eat because it is there. (Bloody hells bells I am a saintly one!)

    I told you about my new coat…it is a wool blend. The last one I had (bought about 16 years ago), was attacked by moth larva and it was such a shame. I don’t want this one to go that way, so decided to keep it in a ‘suit’ bag. I read that you can disrupt moths attraction by using Tumble Drier sheets, so put one on the hanger under the coat. Sitting in the car the other day I asked Jovis where the smell of flowers was coming from. He had no idea. Then last night same thing. Now, just before he died my father constantly complained to my mother of smelling flowers and when Jovis said he couldn’t smell anything….my mind went there.
    Then last night as I was about to fall asleep I realised it was the smell from the Tumble Drier sheet! Jovis has just told me the same as he smelled it when he opened the cloak room door! So pleased it wasn’t the same thing my dad could smell. lol. What a twit I am.

    I will let you all know how I have coped at the age of 60 with a babe of 5 months. God help me…this one likes to have attention! Fingers crossed I can work some magic on her. Later peoples!

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by KazzUK

    Nonna Mary – Goodness, the hair stood up on the back of my neck as I read about the flower scent… but then I did have to laugh when I found out it was the tumble drier sheets. I’ve experienced the smell of cloying flowers coming from nowhere just in my house. Thought may be a loved one who’d passed over was dropping in for a visit… I don’t use tumble drier sheets though, but probably could be the plug in from the hall drifting although entirely the wrong scent! Who knows?

    I hope your exhausting but lovely day is passing well with your grandie.

    See you tomorrow
    Kazzee xx

  • posted by alliecat

    Kassi + Mary, just too many posts on the new Nov. threads to make
    it over to my “home page” before now! However tiring your day
    may prove to be Mary, I’m sure you completely and utterly enjoyed
    spending it with your 5 month old Grandie. Look how far your daughter
    has come in trusting anyone beyond herself with her precious
    child! Did you succumb to using the t.v. as a babysitting aide?
    I won’t tell anyone ๐Ÿ™‚ What is her name, by the way?

    For any and all still reading this thread, I’m thinking of you!
    Please come back soon…


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Well I made it through the day! My lovely granddaughter “Noodle” is thoroughly spoiled by her mother and screams if she is not amused. Most of the time I was able to amuse her and at one point decided to take her for a walk, but left her in the hall as she stopped crying and went to sleep. She didn’t like taking the bottle of expressed mommy milk, but we went for a walk this afternoon and again she slept for an hour. Yay Me! I bloody needed it. There is a reason you don’t have babies at 60! Her mother was beside herself at having left her, but said I was the only one she trusted. She is going to have to leave her with me more regularly for her to get used to not having someone play with her constantly. I did try the TV at one point, but she wasn’t interested. “That’s Not My Unicorn” (a book) worked for a while lol.

    Tomorrow I get a long lie in. 11 hours with a baby and I am shattered. I might watch The Mummy tonight (not usually a fan of horror, but loved Brendan Fraser’s because it was funny). I find the thought of Tom Cruise as a leading man hilarious so I should enjoy it. Apologies to any Tom Cruise fans…he just doesn’t do it for me!

    Kazz did you get your results? I hope they were favourable.

    Be careful out there!

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Mary, I know what you mean about Tom Cruise. He is such a pipsqueak!
    When he plays his leading man roles, I think he has to stand on a
    carton or something else to elevate him beyond his 5’7″ height.
    I’m glad you survived the day with beautiful memories in your
    Later, my sweet!


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Allie big Lol..

    The funny thing is….it’s not his height….one of my favourite actors was Alan Ladd who was tiny!

    Love Nonna

  • posted by KazzUK

    Good morning, good morning!

    Thank heavens it’s Friday! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well done Mary – enjoy your lie in! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m having one as well – felt a bit grumpy this week. People annoying me at work – zero patience!

    I’m totally confused with my test results. Spoke to the receptionist. Coeliac result hasn’t come back yet. This is what she read to me…
    Liver function test result – normal stable result, no further action. White cell count – normal, Protein – normal. Full blood count – slightly raised – discuss with doctor. Not urgent, make appt in next 3 weeks. So???? I have a telephone appt next Saturday with doc. I shall mention to her that I was on Oxytetracycline for 7 months last year to clear up the acne rosacea – may be that’s knocked my guts off – my IBS type symptoms didn’t become the issue they are now until June last year when I stopped taking them. Also I’m on a BP med, Losartan and water tablet – bendrofluzamide (don’t know how to spell that!) – about 5 years now. May be it’s a side effect of that causing the gut problems. And I’ve had psoriasis for 40 years! Anyway – there is inflammation somewhere and it’s showing up in my liver test results! Pinpointing the cause is the tricky thing. I’m taking a probiotic tablet and vitamin B complex tablet each morning. Started 2 weeks ago. But since starting BSD800, the wind and bloat is gone although bathroom visits, only once a day and sometimes not at all, still loose-ish. I think I’m doing the best I can to improve things. I read online about a guy who developed IBS symptoms. Came off Losartan and went back to normal. Back on the Losartan and back to IBS symptoms. Anyway – I just can’t think about it any more. I feel tons better in myself. Instead of the escalator, I climbed 41 steps at the train station today! Unheard of and undoable before without being totally exhausted and breathless. I wasn’t even out of breath! My quads ached a bit, but it was a good feeling! ๐Ÿ™‚ I used to have to get the lift if the escalator was out in the past because I just couldn’t climb those stairs (and hold everyone one up behind me) whilst I panted and heaved! I feel like I could jog!

    Tom Cruise – when he did Jack Reacher (Lee Child and having read some of the books) – he was awfully mis cast! I don’t know what they were thinking – Jack Reacher’s character is about 6 foot tall with a slightly brooding, controlled, depth! I thought it was an April fool joke when I heard TC was playing the character! Hilarious!

    Well my lovelies, I’d best crack on! Have a good day/evening.

    See you later

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Kazz…first of all…Bloody well done for running up an escalator….what a non scales victory! I laughed through the Jack Reacher film as it was preposterous for him to play such a macho, killing machine…ex commando isn’t he? There were some funny one liners though. I have seen him on a talk show (Graham Norton) and he seems to be a nice guy, but, that could be an act. Lol.

    Your bloods seem normal. I was told that my Psoriasis can show an inflammation in the tests. I am also on Losartan and didn’t know it could affect the gut. Although, I know it can affect the kidneys and liver. If your IBS wasn’t severe before the anti-biotics, it could well be that it has affected your flora. So maybe some of the gut friendly foods would help?

    I so hope you have a good weekend. Take care.

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    ‘Morning, Kazz and Mary! We may be few in number at the moment,
    but we make up for it in persistence. My day would feel “off” if I
    didn’t begin it by reading your posts. The mean a lot to me ๐Ÿ™‚

    Forty one steps, Kazz? I don’t believe I could do that. Before,
    it would have been out of the question! The paramedics would
    have to be called. Are friends and colleagues beginning to notice
    your weight loss? If I remember correctly, I think I was down
    @ 25lbs. before that happened for me. I’m sure I was still hiding
    in my loose tunics, however.

    All this chat about movie idols reminds me of the time we were
    out at our beach house rental and we found a DVD of “Titanic”
    and popped it into the player one evening. At the time this
    was considered a blockbuster film (starring Leonardo DiCaprio)
    and I was curious to see it. I found his acting so poor that I
    kept saying to jim “I didn’t know this was suppose to be a comedy!”
    The special effects were quite something though. I never see
    movies in theatre because I can’t sit that long. It’s been decades
    since we’ve been, the only thing I can remember about the last occasion was the deplorable garlic breath of the guy sitting
    next to me. I was so grossed out that I couldn’t concentrate
    on the movie! (hard to watch, breathing through your mouth)

    Mary may have a point about gut flora, Kazz. I was on and off
    antibiotics for 8 years, and I still can’t get rid of the toenail
    fungus on 1 foot. I’ve tried everything, oregano oil, etc., so
    now I’m using kimchi and hope it makes a difference. If you
    decide to give it a try you may want to test it over a weekend
    until you get used to it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great weekend, dear friends!


  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello sisters!

    Mary – I think you may have mis-read my garbled post – I walked up the stairs to the concourse, rather than riding on the escalator as I normally do – I didn’t jog up the escalator! THAT would see me off! LOL

    Yes, long term use of Losartan can cause cramps, pins an needles, diarr, shortness of breath, foggy brain, back aches, runny nose – I’ve just been reading up on it!

    Allie – it isn’t noticeable to others, it’s only 18 lbs and I have another 90 to go. Although my colleague said she could see it in my face, slimmer and cheek bones starting to emerge – her words! Yay! Yep, still wearing the same stuff but it’s all getting baggy. I need to go through my clothes tomorrow and see what else I can find that will fit. I have an array of varying sizes! Dress down day on a Friday for a monthly ยฃ1 in the charity box. I got dressed without thinking this morning – checked shirt bit on the small side,, not done up – extra long grey T shirt, black leggings – Max Wall eat your heart out! I prefer long tunic tops with leggings – so I’ve not moved away from my desk much today!

    I like the sound of Kimchi – I’ll have to see if I can get hold of it. I can certainly buy sauerkraut. Nearly got some last week but it was a huge jar which put me off in case I didn’t like it. I shall defo get some tonight.

    I saw Titannic at the cinema and it blew me away with the special effects! The screen was so large, I had to move my head from side to side! The sheer size of the mechanical goings on in the engine room – wow. Never forgotten it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ok lovelies – I’ll be back tomorrow morning to report my usual Saturday weigh in results – whatever they may be!


  • posted by alliecat

    Hey, Kazzi, I wish I could provide the name of a kimchi brand
    that would be available to you, but not possible I’m afraid. What you
    need to look for though is RAW, UNPASTEURIZED, and if you’re lucky
    enough to find it, ORGANIC. I got my supply thanks to a link that
    Esnecca posted. Good luck in your quest!

    See you tomorrow,


  • posted by KazzUK

    Thanks Allie – you can’t get the real thing in any of the supermarkets where I live, I’ve just checked. Better to make it via youtube recipe!

  • posted by alliecat

    I was afraid of that, Kazz. Supermarkets here are the same. Let
    me know how you do with the homemade variety. I will say a
    silent prayer for you that you don’t have any “live” exploding jars!
    You will become the sorcceress in the kitchen. What fun!

  • posted by KazzUK

    Good morning friends

    Just a quick visit to wish you a lovely weekend.

    Mary – I hope you enjoyed your lie in? I got up thinking it was 8.30, made tea, weighed myself, then saw it was 7.30!

    17.1 this morning. Another 1lb off and 19lbs gone in total. Yey!

    Righteo, am off to make some egg muffins. ! Lunch out tomorrow for my brothers birthday. Going for a carvery so plenty of veg choice l hope.

    Have a good weekend, lovelies.

    Kazzzzeeeeonaroll xxxx

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Kazz…I got up at 8;30 so a little bit of a lie in, but not much. The dog was barking at the binmen so it wasn’t good sleep either. Nevermind. You are so consistent with your loss. Well done. I have made a decision to have a day off today. Not going to have carbs, but I am going to be relaxed on calorie content. Enjoy your muffins and the carvery. I love a carvery.

    Not much going on so that’s all I have to say. Take care everyone.

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Hello, my sweets! It looks like another quiet weekend around here…

    Another 3:30am wake up call for me. I think it was the huge yellow
    moon shining in, which according to NASA is the second largest
    full moon of the year and is otherwise known as a Beaver Moon,
    a Hunter’s Moon or Full Frost Moon! Who is googling at 3:30am
    beside me? I’m not feeling too frisky today, however.

    Had some fun looking up what a carvery is! Seems they exist
    over here as well. My britidictionary continues to grow.

    Great weigh in Kazz. Do either you or Mary think the fasts that
    you have been doing are contributing to accelerated weight loss?

    Have a jolly weekend, on plan or off!


  • posted by alliecat

    Another Saturday night, Mary! Time for “Dancing with the Stars”.
    Do you have favorites that you cheer on?

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Hi Allie….I am so ready for “Dancing with the Stars.” My mother was a bit of a dancer (as were most of her generation) I really miss talking to her about it. I used to phone her and talk as they were still dancing. It was something we shared. Now my eldest daughter does the same. I just cheer anyone I feel is listening to the expert and doing well. Simple things that some people don’t put right eg. hand placements…annoy me as much as the judges. Jovis loves to watch me watching it. (I record it) I stop it to give my opinion and then watch the judges and they usually agree with me. Lol. So much fun.

    I haven’t fasted much this week as I have been all over the place with grandies and other stuffs. Relaxing the calories today, but still in keeping. Had Sausage, Egg, Bacon, Mushrooms and Baked Beans for breakfast and tonight its Courgetti (Zucchini) Bolognese. Has to be a glass of fizz too. May watch another Christmas film later (we have watched about 7 so far).

    My youngest daughter was having a problem with her weight and dieting wasn’t helping. I suggested this way of life and put forward how Jovis has lost weight, just by giving up potatoes, rice and pasta (he still eats bread). She has had a go and is losing weight. She actually thanked me for steering her towards it. RESULT! Another convert.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends. Love to all.

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    Mary, what could be nicer for me than starting my day with coffee
    mug in hand, reading one of your stories? It seems that I’m quite
    the talker, too! In my day to day life I’m more of a listener, as I
    find others far more interesting than I find myself ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad that
    you have such delightful memories of your Mother, and your
    beautiful daughters will have them too! I can SO see you pausing
    your player to critique the program, as well as the amusement
    Jovis feels watching you. Jim says the same about me when
    watching me consume my baby jar of caviar once a year. He
    says it’s entirely worth it to see the childish pleasure on my face!
    It’s almost a “toe curling” experience…..but enough about that.
    That’s entirely good news to hear that your youngest daughter
    is benefiting from this WOE. At the age of 25 or 30 I wasn’t
    too receptive to hearing advice from anyone, particularly
    a parent. Oh, how I would welcome my Mother’s voice now,
    however ๐Ÿ™‚ Christmas is speeding forward on the horizon,
    and I look forward to hearing about your family traditions.
    Last year was the first one after Mother’s death and thus very
    bittersweet. God knows what this year will look like since I
    haven’t spoken to my toxic sister in almost 7 months. But,
    I have such wonderful new sisters here, a sincere blessing
    in my life. Californiagirl, how are you??

    Everyone, enjoy what’s left of the weekend. I miss you!

    Lots of love,


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